Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 21, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    illij gcmoerot
jTfficial paper
iblished every day in tlie week
except Bunuay.
Its i iVBTTI.VG, Editors, and rrop'r
ilaivd Bt IllA Post Offl"A At AU.anw
ton, as second claig mail mailer.
Coming Event.
,,Neva-!u, by local talent.
!5 t" 30 Carnival of Nations.
p, Notks. jiiugo McAuhur, ol
,nil. was in Corvallis vesterdav and
objections to the continuation of the
Hewitt, representing the labor-
sent to Corvallis this noon. Judge
'.,tnn lias ordered tlie receiver to nra-
t'llio books for inspection, and Mr
tt will 'urn Boineoi uie leaves.
Hone was tied up vestetdav and
1 ere is one opinion In reference to tlio
Lilian teH'rain.niid that it was done
e interest 01 mo management.
enipn must have their pay, that's
I lull me .nui mailers win ne
Ucoollv. On that day CnrvalliB will
I tilled with employes, mere is no
rtion that Jiuige ruiicrion will see
justice IB uone.
tin op (initios. ins nisi vessel
tin lie limiueim nuvy was me
irntllrenon." Joseph (Sale headed
miernnse. anu inuiicneu me nue
'Mav 111. 1841. That was before an
had been swung on the present
nulteof 1'ort and. liale sailed th
ern'it to Kan Francisco, sold it and
pgteu tlie proceeds 111 nve-sioca. ne
kDlited a company 01 corjniHis nuu
overland to Oregon, i'-'ou neau o
ill. ii00 horses and mules, and nearly
n. heel). 1 his slock was Bold to the
.' and did much to make them
tious. josepu oaie was one 01 me
iiiinispirltB in the early anj trying
r .'r; loi.i i. ai
hrilflureuuu. 111 mi-, ne, nun i-
Iwilieers and David Hill, constituted 1
loeeutive committee 01 the brst pro
iiiial government, performing jointly
functions of governor. He settled in
Islington county, beyond Forest
ne, and his name is perpetuated in
.it section bv the well known land-
tiilc, Uale'B l'eak, and the stream Gale's
reek. lie died in Wallowa county a lew
Imago. statesman.
r F. L Irvine and wife, of Cervaip,
came up to Albany on a Beveral days
visit the guests of lion R A Irvine.
Thos Ilohannan, representing the la
borers of Vaiiiiua Bay, returned home
this noon. He reports tlie men at the
Kay greatly excited.
J O liushnell was taken ill lat even
ing while working in the rear of the City
restrurant, and taken home. He is now
considerably improved.
Mr Kd Quinn, who has been working
on me reiorm ecnoot lor several days, re
turned home this noon to spend
unriBtmas. lie win return i.ext week.
The pupils of Miss Hela Gilbert unva a
recital laBt evening at the residence of -Mr
Arch Hammer. The prouiam was one
f merit. Those tukinir Dart warn Mm
tosliay, J-.lva Conn, trma Watts, Elma
raraer, .lessie Clillon. .dvra Abhett
Delbert Unrkhart, Loma llenton, Norma
McClain, Fossie Knecht. Therein Rnnm-
gart, Stella Writsman. Ora Duhruille.
Birdie Hays, Karl Abhett. Grace Livinu-
Lastevenintra nleasant crnkinnle nartv
was held at the residence of Mr Andy
McCoy. Four boards were operated.and
an evening of llvt contests hail. Mrs K
I- Sox carried oil the honors. making the
most points. Those present were: Mr
and Mrs McCoy and children. Mr and
.ii r? r, r rox. .Mr and Mrs 1' red isiumherg
Mr and Mrs K L I'ower. Mr and Mrs
lay Wain, Mrand Mrs C II Stewart. Mr
and Mrs F M French, Mrs Rev Lit' le,. Mrs
Kedeker, Mr Fallot Irvine, and Miss
Emma Sox.
On last evening. Wednesday. Doc 20.
at the home of Mrs Hideout on 6th street
Mr. I A Duinondand Miss May Hideout
were unueu in marriage. Itev J T Abhett,
ofliciatiug. A housefull of relatives and
menus witnessed the very impressive
corcmony perlormed under a beautiful
norai norseshoe. Alter tlie ceremony
genuine congratulations follewed.and a
delicious wedding repast was served.
The happy couple were remembered
with a valuable lot of presents, orna
Recenlioi dav at the Dublin srhnnl
Friday afternoon
Some nice class work has been nre-
pared by the pupils and will be on ex
hibit at the central hnildinv. Pmxnta
and friends of education are SDeciallv
invited. The followiim nroeram will be
rendered, beginning about 2 o'clock,
p 111:
booms so. 7 Asn 8.
Instrumental music, Eva Roscoe;
recitation, Nellie Foahay ; recitation, Ola
Miller; declamation, Claude Lanibson;
instrumental music, Mary Parrish ; reci
intion, Edith Kuinhaugh ; recitation,
llattie Olsen ; declamation, Willie Wal
lace; duett. Maud Hullmrt And Fdith
Chiswell; dialogue. Iitie Sternburg.
uaviu uoiiiei) and Joseph Be'hnne; in
strumental music, Joyce lirownell.
Marcning song, pupils of grades 5 and
C ; essay, Origin of Christinas, May Ter
hune; recitation. God Ulees our School,
Klaio Conn; recitation, Grandma's
Christmas, Frances French ; recitation,
When Santa Claus (koines, Thesa Bauni
gart; recitation, His Guileless Look,
Clarence Turner; duett, Georgia and
Lotha Custer; recitation, Our Christmas
nay, jane rayne; recitation, ma
Strange Child's Christmas, Etta Kisley ;
reading, Annie nnd ilhe s Prayer.
Winnij Mavo: music. ChristmaB Time.
tl'.li pupils; recitation. Somebody's
Mother, Ola Norman; recitation, The
Little MAtch Girl. Clare lirownell: reei
tanon, Kris Kringles Surprise. Edith
Kuukin ; muBic, Erma Watts; recitation,
lioys anted, Roy l'arker; recitation,
Fatherless Joe, llattie Clevenger; reci
tation, Merry Christinas, Lucy Dorris;
music, Tlie Old Home on the Farm. Car
lie liurkhart and Birdie Hayes; recita
tion, A Bov'a Kiirhts. Walter Ellison :
recitation, A Christmas Sleighride, Edna
Jackson; recitation. A Fellcw's Mother,
Charlie Ktewart; recitation, Watch Your
vorus, ijaverna Knapp; music, iiour uy
Hour, Gth pupils; Christmas Gifts, Ona
itugnes, Patella Writsman
Sew Yoiik, December 15th, IS93.
The cloud of discontent which has been
gathering over our gallant citizen,
soldiers, lies at last burst, and resulted
in a sensation. The Eighth and Sixty
ninth regiments, were disbanded the
other day, in obeyance to orders issued
by Brigadier General Louis Fitzerland.
The news of the disbandment of these
two regiments, spred like wilOtire in
militia circles. Some thought the step
taken by General Fitserland, to be wise,
while on the other hand, the move was
denounced by others. Quarrels caused
internal disscntion, which was the cause
of the trouble. In the gallant Sixty
ninth, the action is taken ai an insult to
tlie Irish element, as the regiment was
composed in the most part of decenditntB
iron) the emerald lBie.
Since the announcement of the bold
attempt made by'Salhant ll.e anar
chist, to kill M Dumiy in the Chamber o
Deputies, the ponce nave oeeu ucuv m
New York watching tlie movements of
our own blood thirsty and beer drinking
anarchists. Superintendent Byrnes was
closeted with his various police captains
and a careful watch is being maintained
over tlie resorts on the east aide where
ilio lnno haired, lazv. and contemptible
anarchists gather to indulge in a conueiu
nadon of human society, andascoonerof
beer, rormer experiences nave oeen
demonstrative of the fact that the polici
of New York, are fully able to defeat the
petty schemes ot tlie anegeu aiiiircuinm
A prominent feature in New York this
week.ia the three cornered bill'nrd match,
at. thA pnnrprt hall of the Madison Square
Garden. The honors of victory are l)e-
ing sought by the three leading uiliarU'
Anrr Brrahlaii
To purify, vitalize and enrich the b!ood,
and give nerve, bodily aud digeitive
strength, take Hood's Sarsaparllla, Con
tinue the the medicine after every ineal
for a month or two.
Tiik Tiiinoh Wt Eat
very largely make us what we are.
No thought can pass through the
mind without leaving 6ome effect,
however slight. Many slight Im
pressions, In time, make mighty
changes. It's tlie same with the
body. Abuse It with poor food
and take the consequences.
For purity and certainty In groceries
and bjked goods, go to Parker
No Shrinking. Bring on. your fine
winter underwear. W'e guarantee not trf
injure them, as we take great care to wash
them In solt water. Gentlemeiu starched
work a specialty. The white laundries of
Albany are getting the Chinese cornered.
worn and tncy win soon
City Laundry.
Mrs C Simpson, pioprietor.
lve us your
undersigned pro
prictcr of the Pioreer House desires to inform
the public that he haB reduced the price of
boird without lodging to per week, with
louuiog t4 per week, Smgle maale cents.
The public is invited to call as 1 keep good
beds and set a good table. Have tirwnwl lor
sale. Cjrner of Broadaibin and Water
itreets. J H Mekanda.
mental and useful. The groom is a voune and Edna Froman : recitation. A Church
man of splendid character; the bride is a Spider, Mabel McCoy ; recitation. Little
nieiong resident ot Albany, lor years a
faithful compositor on the Dkmociiat. an
accomplished young lady ot great worth,
whom the Democrat predicts will make
a Btar proof '.wife. Mr and Mrs Dumond
nave the congratulations and best wishes
ol not only the entire ofhee, mit all for
tunate ir. being acquainted with them.
Holiday neck ware at S E Youngs.
A Sew Company. The Waterlto Ditch
1 Power Co of Waterloo. Linn countv.
I id articles of incorporation in theoflice
listcreiary ol State fticuride yesterday.
Fifjanitai stock of tlie corporation is
1.0OO. and the obiect is to do all thingB
loniiecteu with the operation ot a general
Ittmc n ant.such as bill (ling nnd mnin-
Lining electric railaay, telegraph, and
klephone lines, etc, between Waterloo
lid Albany. The incorporators nre It R
Humphrey, t) Jennings, oeo Jiedley, .1 u
fit, A G Mclvee and I M Knifong. The
esoirat hopes to Bee tlie new company
JEouieunng in the line proposed.
lata in the country. Jacob Shaefer, "the
wissard." George F Slosson. "the Btu-
dent," and Frank V Ivee, "the young
Af lliluiu'a nntv theatre, on Broadway,
Mr Henry Irving, the celebrated English
i..n0iian lina hppn nnneariiis for four
Sarah Neely weeks.supported by that most charming
and taiemeu actress, nuoo 1.111" "
Under the nianagementot Messrs Auuey
Unhi-iuffpl nnd Gran, the nrices at Abbey'i
handsome theatre, are so high that ouly
those well to do can attora 10 wnnesB 1
turintminpa of niiR nf Mr Irvine's plays
To be explicit the outrage of asking $1.51)
for the cheapest seat in the house, is al
! harafopp,! rnVilierv. Allowing that
m i Trvintr in n iinpcial attraction and that
Sone. Welcome : recitations. Christmns .; rrr,m v.nrnne. the nrices of seatB
OLuchiugs, v inue iewniuu ; merry 11.- ( gnould be increased, 11 is ucvci i.iji.ica
mas. Harry Rogers; Flora's Wrterfall, fact that the management for Mr Irving,
Inez Shelton: New Multiplication, Nellie ai,e,i a nrine which is simply extor-
Pardom ; A Penny Ho Wanted to Give, tjoni jot many years ago we could wit
Jannita Clark: New Vear'a Eve. lola naaa narlm-mnnnA either of a SbakeB-
Livingston ; How To Make Up, Maggie Derian. or modern tragedy, at a coat
I C 1 i . rm. II i: 1 J A : I r . . . ' .. .I. n.f lliama.
Bennie, Minnie Merrill : recitation. The
Boy About the Place, Charles Sternberg ;
recitation, Merry Christmas, boys of the
5tb ; music. Goodnight, uirls of 5th and
(ill). Teachers. Ida Black nnd Helen
If yon wnt & tine arookf call for Joicph
white labor oigart,
The beitjroaat ootlee in the city at Com fid
tvluyar a.
Call on Will & Stark for bargains In
Holiday jewelry.
Will &c Stark'a large line of bilvr ware
haft crtated ft great deal of talk.
Get your holiday goods at HoJges &
MeFarland. The best stock to select
Motor makes five trip daily toYieieck'a
addition. Lotr tliore oa installments of$l
per week,
The O K Grubber ts sold on trial. To
try one does not mean you are compelled
to'buy, Mfg'd by Jas, Finney & Sons,
In selecting vour holidiv eoods do not
fall to call on Hodges lV MeFarland.
Tney have a fine line of coods, embracing
a large stock of plush goods, including an
ejegaru line 01, etc.
Get your holiday goods of Will & Stark.
Their stock, because it Is large and vari
ed, and their prices because they are low
will make it an object. Besides they will
give away 10 their customers 75 worth of
Genuine pait for all sewing machines
also the best oils, neetllCs, etc,, lor all
sewing machines, bicycles, et:., at E U
Will's music store. Sewing machines and
organs repaired reasonable, and aU work
warranted. Needles prepaid by rr.ail 40c
a dozen
Bath at Yierecke ehaviug and hair
lt'ni( parlors.
Clean toweU to every customer at Viercok
'.having parlors.
....... . . I Ijl V 111 IcaLU II . IlUn 1U DlnND u u, MnK
s FvZrPCr ' 8 WOmCn Stewart; The Holiday's Aerobic, Clyde whichVas within the meani of the ma
" o- ijaugneaa; a j.ittie 10 rerc, emu
Isii'oktant Remolution. On Dec UUh,
t e executive comruitUe of tbe Pacific
parance Union pasped the following
somuon : "Uesolveu: iimi tne rue
iblished by "Circular No. 17i), aecond
rieB," levvinea tax of 10 per cent on
p premiums on buildings located in the
f ateot Oregon is hereby auspenuea un
i March 1st, 18ii.", and members are per-
itted to refund to the insured such tax
Mmaylmve been collected."
Allwhonaid insurance on the iu per
ise should call on agents for the excess.
One hundred people in costume in the
grand march will be an inspiring scsne
Tickets for the firemans' ball will only
be $1 navtng oeen reduced trom $1.50
Several big clapiof thunder tore the at
mosphere around Albany this noon. Rare
occurrences in the Willamette valley
Mako your wife a present of a carpet
sweeper, b L Young carries BIssell's
"Superior" sweepers.
Seethe umbre la drill In Japanese cos
tume Tuesday evening next in the opra
house. It is immense,
Ireland and Germany will vie with
each other next week in the opra house,
in lnughable scenes, and picturesque cos
tumes. At a meeting of the employes of the O
? at Mill City yesterday the creditors of
(he road decided to go to Corvallis on the
2Sth( on free transportation if they can get
it, it not. anyway.
ma ;rtritv nf .ha twonle. and played by a
Burkbart; song Five Little Chickadees; man who waa superior to Mr Irving or
recitations, Annie's aud Willie's Prayer, gay other "European attraction With
Maudie Laughheaa; oranama, aus an jue rfiPpect to Mr Irving, 11 can oe
Mc Feron; At Christmas Time, GuvRog- 4 tj,at Edwin Booth as an actor and
ers; Bessie's Christmas, Flossie Knecht; interpreter of Shakespeare, was decidedly
Daisy's Puzzles, Neva Froinor;TheLt- Buperior to tbe English tragedian. As
tie Klacttsmitli, .onn BurKnars; wur plays produced by Irving ana ma uiruug
OhrintinaB. Nitin Chamberlain; A School nnmnar.v nf nnmnnninn nlavers. nothing
Hoy's Troubles, Martin weiser; My&nip, but tbe highest praise can be given 10 me
-i n..,.i;rt . A Uurru r'lirictniaa I tki:i. --t lUJanimH" hv l.nrd
jiiiiif;iticiio wuimiii , v... 1 roib JOKUSIl i;vuiD i"-l'BV" "J r , -
$75 Worth
Of Silverware
Will be preiented the customers of
genuine HOLIDAY7- gifts, and it won't cost
you a cent. They have the finest stock of goods
in the valley in their line,as an inspection will
convince any one. Call and see for yourselves.
Leltie Johnson; When Sana Claue Comes,
(Jertin MnPliemon : I Wonder Who
Santa Clause : onz. Mountain Maids
r-onv Hone. Nos. land 2: Christmas,
Dora Worrell : Listening, Lena Saylor;
Tha Vmv Ri-flt thinir. Beulali Hulbiirt.
t rances KeaU. ISellie mereron, iuiiii
Tennyson waB the first play produced by
Mr Irving awl 1110 jjoiiuuu
company. Altlio very succoooiui m -
literary Bense, n iai:H mc uim.
which an audience always enjoys, when
seeing Mr Irving. "The Bells' and
"Louis XI" were also produced and in
bctu these plays Mr Irving renewed his
rAmnrkn Mb success of former years. As
Mathias in "The Bells" Irving is in Ins
Those Statu Funus.- Hon J K Wcath-
:rd,oneof the board of regents of the
' HC.and others, returned from a meet-
ojof the linnnl Rt (!orva is vesterday.
"was decided to have Attorney General
vnimberlain push the acconnt ol tne
;e lunds in Job's bank when it failed.
ht will probably be btgun for the en-
isiuucis against tlie ous, ana uie sc
ut will be Hied against uie esiaio 01
'(aiurer Shipley. A long contest is
refore prouuble.
The revival meetincs atl the F.vargelic-
"urch are well attended. Noble J
'n nd ulfe of Philomcth, will be
Pent this evening and conduct the ter-
A baby buggy, containing a shawl,
pillow and package was left in front of
faiker Uros a couple days ago. The cifnton Conn, Ella Clark. Kuth Bryant
uwucr mil I'lcuac uitu jJiuvcirwi'cii,
How did it happen.
Nevada at opera house. Friday night, dear and Sleigh, Belle Craig; New fear's
Dec 22. The best drrma of the season, bells, Miss Sedgwick's room ; Watching
for a good laugh you cannotaffoid to miss for Santa Claus, Lillian Hatnill; Good
It. Comedv sones. dancis. :s and t? Luck to Christmas. Frank Clevenger ; A
cent. ir,l!v Timn. Eurl Kronk. Frances Coates,
Yesterdav Governor Pennoyer appoint- Klmer Kies. Harvey Varker J 1 yonder
j i, .... u. .ii.i. iVlinB. I. Morirnn Barnes: Christmas,
county, vice W M Towntend, deceased. Tawna Awbrey; Twinkle, Twinkle Little
llart-lpmnn ' .tnnnnrv. Bertha Dorris '. I 1A anA rarlinn. in without ft rival
lfMn 1T .l.n llnl.n. Jln.blnt milltnil !.., J l ul..bniiDra'l nnmniW
Iinilg yjy llic wouj o "uv..m w. ma rS'lVUI Ul wiiinvwnpw.w - . J
itpn:iliv Bird f!iirnl. Miss Dver's room I,anf nf Vunii"." was a uaoBt enioy-
Santa Clause and His Works. Viola Bal- Rl)ie SUCcess. both for Mr Irving and Miss
tiinore ; A Disappointment, Uertna taj- ietryt "Shylock" was played by 1 rving,
lor, vurisimas rjiory, icbbio vumoi.., una as rorila miss ierry ugni"
ll Drynnt, i
Volena Smith, Irvin Sliultz, Lial l'ru-
shaw: l'nss. Dean Kessler; With Kem-
Gloves For Holidays. 5 butlon
'iceind suede, tnons nuetaire and
'rllz. Aoent for Foster hook and
'"itemeris. S E Young.
The av tndu II Is tn lake vour wash-
nK 10 the ( l.,nam.n Trvn'wflnt vour
Ork wmII .. u.'.t .L.lf tn
Ricturd & !hHlln' Steam Laundry.
J know hn. u.llhr.,,1 hannina them
"oundapole. '
Star, Miss Carother'a room; A Good
Time is Coming, Velm Davis; Christ
mas. Myrden Clark; Beautnui, niin.ue
Lytle, Olive' Adams, lina Redlleld,- Viola
Newman, Maud Bentiey, Vesta Wallace;
Jolly Ole St Micholas. Charlie Miller; O
Merry Day. Damon Stinson ; Welcome
Beautiful Christmas Day, Miss Dyer's
rnnm : I ' I , r lot in o o PnrtV Years Alio. Wln-
field Royce; A Rabbit's School, Stanley
iNeeiands; Two femes 01 me viutoiuii,
Harold Rumbaugh, Bessie Cameron;
closing I I'm Jolly Santa Claus, Charlio Shupp;
1 dolChnstmas lurnev, Mwin jnira, "u
longer Christmns Morning, M:ss Sedgwick's
to sell room ; A Letter to Santa clans, Isaac
Butler; Santa Claus, r-rankie warns ;
A Christmas Slocking, Klla Lamb, Nel
lie Craig; A Visit from St Nicholas, Jes
sie Mvde; When Santa Clans comes,
Earl Mayo; Christmas Bells, Miss Car
other's room ; A Rhyme, Melvin Kes
sler: Christmas Morning, John Longh-
""OUNIY WAR"ANVS Bought nnd I bottom ; Up on the Housetop, Nos, 1
Judge Mohs Is a brother of ex-Asestor
Mns of this county, and is a man of solid
judgment and worth.
A meeting of the Kindergarten Asso
ciation was held last evening at the resi
dence of Hon L II Montanye. Arrange
ments were considered for having Mrs
Treat and other lecturers here. The next
meeting of the association will be held at
DrMastons'on Jan. 10.
' HoL'.iiAY Crockkry. I am
out my stock of fancy crockery
not intend to carry such good,
and have put a price on my stock
It. S E Young.
Holiday Hantikehciiiefs . Largest
stock of silk and Unci handkerchiefs in
the city al S E Youngs.
sold by H F Merrill.
and 2.
Mvf.11 1;.. . uiriv-rnuuv-l and
'OSSAMEUS, including many noveltie .
una, misses and children, 11 new
S E Young.
sei & McKinand, the lsading drofc
Albany. Pi.
We are still seliimr Dress goods and
11 . 1 .1 . 0 1 I I
juiKets ai greaiiv itiiuui"'"o
"cash. We invite you to examine the
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flour and Feed Slow,
Have removed their store to oppwuc
the Rus House, and have on hand a lull
stock of
Cutom chopping donn.
CEHM MtAL, unsnftm, ouur.
See the New Improved Singer sowing m
fhin. The hit is alwsvs tne chesuest. I
W Siwden, aKent. Uttice at r M r tenon s
jewelry store
strated that she stands alone as a perfect
Shakesnear an inteipreter, 01 mis most
rharminurnle. Mr Irving's characteri
zation of Shylock was forceful and artiB
tic but it lacked that eloquence which
marked the memorable portrayal of
Booth's 'Shylock." The 6nest produc
tion of all was that of the historic play,
f.nm Shitowirc. Kinir Henry VIII.
Mr Irving plaved Cardinal Wolsey, Mr
Terris plaved Henry, and Miss Terry de
lighted the audience as the virtuous
Queen Catherine. The mounting of the
play calls forth the most unanimous and
Hnlterinir Draise. for the artistic and
tasteful staging of this old play. or art
and nature, Mr Irving'B conception of
stage direction is indeed wonderful. The
scenes in Henrv VIII are tlie finest and
most appropriate ever witnessed ill this
ci'y- v
V M. r 11. it.
Good Times.
The way to have them is by getting your
He has a fine stock of cold nnd silver men's nnd ladies' watches, rimrs. cold
headed cunes. an elegant line of silverware and jewelry of ull kinds to select from.
Call on him for reliable goods nt prices to suit the times.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
T 0
1 jko4 canine.
He wants hltn.
lle'.urn to Joa Meyers
AGEN1S tr.aKo ciay. urwiw
icltchen ntenail over Invented. Ke
1.1.. or..... QinM ...1.1 at avnro inimn
Will o-k,bi " " ' - v. j
smi.n'A. Doetase caid, five cvnta. Mc
Makin dt Co, Cinoiunatl, Ohio.
-Th9 opera house store.
location. Call on the
secretary at the Democrat office lor pal
T30R RES r
I1 aplentlld
'ewixo jMAcniNEs neatly repaired and
rrani.j 1 . l . . . ... . . ...1.-
rrsnted h
ed hV A mnflfllt WOrk
F M French's jewelry sore, Albany,
i r
w'll & fttrk, i
fll:.... ' . .
. , "i duik saner araui, n"""
.ICIC. rhnnr ...l,.l. I.mnn.
''"eJ l.omlnv and new raisins at C E
Dress Goods,
Capes and Jackets,
at : greatly1:, reduced : prices
Stationery, Toilet Artii'es, Musioa
Instruments, Etc.
TTAdiroc! f, MpUflPlPllli
nel's. HUUU0 tt 1I1U1UHUUU,
D'. Price'. Cream Baking Powder The Corner Drug Slore,".
Most Perfect Made.
Make your selection? early while thpy have a
large assortment.
Is the Best
Good Enough?
Then call on the undersigned foryour
and produce, for s they are the hest in the market
Also a fine line of crockery and toys for
the holidays.
Perry Conn
Matthews &Washburn.