gaily cmocvat -v -r 6ITY OFFICIAL PAPER "ublislied every day in Hie week except Kunday. ;n ft:s i Nurnxii, mum ma tuft Fniered at ilm Vnt om-tt at Albany ""(.-! - - - uinn manor. ...IIIIIMIIIK .'O ISSJ D.-C I)."- Cumins Kvnlt. "2 N'cvj Iii, by local talrnt. 'S I" 3 Carnival o! NiHon. t'l I.I.IIK MlftU'ATi:UKVM. Til! Mow ili,p:itrh in todays Oregoniiiu ia cuiis " miifiilunililii i n.l irrinl i. ni union'' tlx; .mlt".vc. ' "m l"1" "1 it it cumo from piisi'iu in;uiiiKi'"-"t. n uouwr Kent i ,1 til ll "I laiH-iiuiiti. i ne liuilliMeiiic'lit S tlie Oregon 1'iu i lie has been cutting oil' ,ieii-e. vwtenlay uii'l today with a .han.- aid-. Ih" river semen will he cli-ieoiitiii- 1 mill mi oi me seeunn crews tnkeii off. ,snitiii!f one limn to every 10 miles, who wiilk the J nick. The stenographers ip nenenil ONKV have hoen dispense 1 with . f. Portland nllice will lie .closed. All l,.tt.-ruient lire slnppeii. i. physical ,ffllltlOll ot llie roiiit IS (jooil mill Will ;t:iinl fur some time. The riverserviee will iTohiihlv In' ilono hy the Klwooil. lloth Meisrs lliiilly iiml Mulc.ihy nay not a dol- jiwM l'fHMil on nellernient while wisl- u so nun. ine oojevt is 10 pay oil tbt'iliiht of the present administration. ilii' ll Ciill lie none iiimer a (Hiucy oi mis iil. 1-Alensive betterments were nia-le. ,3flHisinfr the purchasers of tho proiterty chiIiI L'liullv pay for thon. A sclie-ino Kikeil out ll T? tu.l;iy that Colonel Hogg's friends weredoinir their utmost to iiiiure ihe present management with the view of i'it hilt a Hogg man in for receiver, there- l.v throwinir the control of the prniiertv hack into Hogg's hands, t' L llngiie is the ilark horse. Judge I'uHcrtoii would hardly con quer any such scheme. HOME a.D Salem warranis ,. ol rtr t count. .lie Ncvala at opeia house. Friday ,,h Dec 3... Thebctdirma of lhc .ea.on tor a .good laugh you cannot affoid lo mis. i. iimicuy .ongr, Uanci. ccnti. lid 35 Following are the naw oiTcers Lf St John. Lodge A F and A M: V M .1 K Wyait; S W, H II llellt;J V, A 11 Mat thews; treasurer. I) P Mason: Km V v Cutlck; Tyler. W K liaker. It is reported that Col u i.. a' hany also that William M lliug was to t'orvallU last evening. Corval ii Xewi. Vt'n is about a. true as the sta'emen. thai t'ol liojji has been hi Sail Francisco, Notwithstanding ihe statement made by Siipeiintcndent Mulcahev la Pur I Inn. ihx employees of the (J 1' i; continue to wotk umil alte.-Ilia jf,!!,. In f.ict will not 'piit even if discharged. Pour young mm were (nought to this city, from Mabel precinct on th- Mohawk last evening t0 gCi ve oul a fineot 5 each In the county jail, Their mimes are Krnest liar nrs, Edward liarnes, Edward IJanta and Sherman B.inta. Their olfenie con sislod in carrying concealed firearm, to a religious, meeting and laiting a disturb ance. Kugcnc Guprd. iov l'ennoyer and other state ul;icers went to C'arvallls today to atier.d a meet ing id the rifrents of the Agricultural col lege. The Salem (.range have rsked (jov l'ennoyer to only receive the con stitutional salary, he gels i.bout f3-,oo, mm i'ic s.iiary is 61500. 1 lie governor .u)s woai r-.e ge'.s is constitutional. MISFITS A dance ut Wolverine, Mich., was re cently oppened by prayer by 11 minister. Thk Pot.DiKiis Home. llids for the con-stnti-tien of the Soldiers Home located nt Koseburg, were ojiened at that city ye-ter- ,bv atterniMin, ami wereus totiows: 1111111 er .V Ault. Siiletn. $U,IHi-l; ( ieijrge W .Mar o. Portland. g'.l.-JTl ; 11 FThaver. Albanv. (KlKio: W II stokes & Co., rortland. $7, Hi A J llazeil, Kaleni. $,1CU: Harold tc linger, Salein, $7,777: Ii MeCroskey, I'oKlanil. jw.T-lH; Welch liros. Saloni, 115; A l'eterson, t'orvallis, $i;'J4.: Wick- .trdin V Chenv, Salem. $7,77"; C Van Pat ten. Salem, S14. 105; limy k Stevens, 8a lein 7.7:i-"); W S Trainer, Albany, S11.550; WDtlurrett and Co, Portland. 1 11.200: HC Clements, llosnburg, SI.'.'IS; Herman Scliairer. ift.7o0; L C Shnrns, Portland, i'.VM'i: Perkins k Fields, lloseburg, 87.- 4M: I. -M llonev. Kiigenc. $.S.7H5: J B CoiiL'ill, Albany, SfJM); llutchins and Southwii-'i'Saloiii. 7,777. The contract was let tnWKMtoke. The lowustbiil is that of A F Peterson, of Corvallis, the same gen- teman who bid owest on tho Albany school house and then withdrew his bid. It is less than half the highest bill. Snot.i.n flu I,ookl:i Aftbh. The recent high water In the North Fork of the Santiani has caused considerable anxiety to the iieonie in the vicinity of the htayton Widge across that stream. The llcod of water was of such force as to cut deep into the low land at th I. inn emnty end of the structure, mid it is feareil that it will not lie many seasons ere the c.nirse of the stream will lie changed and the bridge lie made useless. At present the water isalsnittwo feet deep at tliat oint, This trouble can lie averted by the construction of 11 large amount of crib work along tho bank where the water first leaves the main onr.-e. The bridge there is after the stylo of the rirst structiiro over the Willamette at Salem. It was built jointly by Marion and I.inn coun ties ami is a source of great convenient to the n'sidents of the neighliorlioo.1 as well as to the counties in general. The needed repairs to the bank should lie made at the earliest possible time. Statesman. A I'Kcri.iAU Accident. Miss Kmily Vanderliei-k of S Louis, this county, was (hot through ber left hand on Saturday iiiirlit, tho wound lieing just nt the base of the middle fingers. The accident happened in a culiar way. Pome time ago a honie maile "what-not" was added to the furni ture in her home. The piece was of such a feign that one of Hie ornaments consisted f a portion of a spool with a Xo '12 cart ri'Ige shell inserted in tho nurture. This as attached to the what-not quite firmly. Vnnilerlieek concluded that she would remodel the whole tiling nud give it a dif ferent style and. in so doing, attempted to remove the spool. As she did so an explo ion mediately resulted and to her great surprise she found that hand was in jured aa heretofore stated. The cartridge had Is'en placed there with Ihe supposition that it was n blank on3. This was a ease f tho 'what-not" beiii loaded; and "hat next. Statesman. Mr Mulcahy itated ill Portland that af fairs with the . Willaininette valley would be adjusted before her timi for sailing. The I'KMocitAS is informed that a dispatch went over the wires that the steamer would lie released when ever there was a change of management. Several pap.'rs are advertising for the Ohio Chemical Co, running a bitf ad. "To bacco Habit Cured." The company lias failed and is in the hands of a receiver, and lapera will get nothing for it. 1 he Dkjio kat began tho nil but 8tii"lt a uiouss and piit several months aro. An interesting case for the students of the ways of a woman's heart to ponder is that of an Oakland, Cal., woman, who a few months ago, brought suit for a divorce.shot her husband in her lealous raire while the case was pending, nursed him through the illness that ensueil. fell in love with linn all over again, and is now livint' with him, nappy as a uove. PBSSOKAb IV If Kani.ev. of Scio. w:i oimur streets to.lav. Judge lioise came up from Salem this noon. Mr A H M.-llwaiii went to IVrlland this noon on business. .Mr dins finer, the S I' .Ink si-nt last night in the city. R H Wingata, a Salem eewinc machine man, was in the city toduy. Jlulcaliey and (iest of the Oregon Pacific went to Portland this noon. I'he con'.'wt fur plumbing was let to Hiigiin llros. of Salem st f:i,.'03. HCScliell and wife left Ih is noon on n lil'i fomteen miles below Porth'iid on the Columbia. Miss Whitney, daughter of I r Whitney, rame up f 0111 Portland this noon and went to the Day. Joe Miners dm' rocentlv lost, nml adver tised in the ikuii i:vi-. has returned home. llio moral is plain. Mohawk Tribe Xo 11. liednieii-will tomnrnnv ni-'Iit und liokl a w;mi immnil uvti'in. I V Deyoa. of Klk City, is in iho city. .Aliirlial Mcl-Vrou rt'turiu-il lust niirht from 11 trip to i'urtland. Julmson. formorly of tin luit?ieiulm-ft cluU, and liL'illi'y.t'onm'rlv with Albany lire now ilayin; with the .San Tran.-isco club, Sir Vaughn, recently Ori?t,'on Pacific arent nt San Knim Ueo. arrived in Albany tliis morning on the overland. Mr Vaughn is (juitt hostile toward the present lminaye litent of tho O 1'. Kev Pouj; Hamilton of Stic was in the ity lat eveninf;, tryirjr to makt urranyft nientf to coir.o tn Albany. Hamilton's preaching- u said to be considevalo of a t'arre . lr J M KiUhen. of Stavton. was iu the i'.v toilav.havini' iust returned from a visit 111 me east, whore lie took a post graduate onrse in New York. He also called iiiwn his father ut Salisbury, Mo., who is 77 years of aye and in uood health, enjoying i. iirt,.rt- ; well at Slavton. Salem Journal. AtOTIIKK MKiTJNU. HU NLVI v lirF.KiN E.X4.LA3D ADfr Urrakfua To purify, vitalize and enrich the b:ood, and ;ivc nerve, bodily aud dieeitive Con-tncal lo a month or two, Tiiie Things Wt Kat v?ry largely make ut what we are. No thought can past through the mind without leaving tome effect, however Hght. Many slight im pressions, In time, make mighty changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse it with poor food and take the consequences, for purity and certainty In groceries and baked goous, go to 1'arker Bros. oak villi:, The Tangent Literary society and Iho Columbian had a joint debate last Friday evening. The question to be decided was "Kesolveu that a Protective l an II is a ben efit to the United States." ThcColumbinn's h id the atlirniative and eane off victors Wo feel happy now, this question, haw bothered the minds of our great men or many years but is now forever settled there is any other question that needs to be settled kciiu it in. Andy Shearer is able to er'.y the mail aain. although lie can tuse his right nana Mr C C 5IcBride..of Lincoln countv.ailled on It A Aamford the first of the week. JFr A L liobison hits built a commodious re-idence i:i the western part of town. I II TaUison is movinir his house. He bought Ciiifley Smith's house; and will move it toliisow.i farm. Juhn Miller parsed though town today. Why po inany cf Ad.Mu's family were named Smith is a mvsterv that has not been yet solved, aid why he diden't nflme more of them AdnmVf is another wher you o there is more Smiths1 th;;n any lody else!! Come to Oakville there is more Adam's than Smiths'. The 0 V railroad wim gold a-nin nnd OaVville didn't get it. Our citizens were id busy too go to the sale. wo needue road and will try to get a branch if the company eaaspp "e it. Mr Thomas H Cat and family are giving 'ee coneerta of nigiits, some of their iniisie is sole and meloiLous; but they prefer to use the profane which is very aunoying. Amicus. II Hill Wl(lKI.I. lldt'SK. IhntOKAVX. Hawkuciists Kkst, Nov '2$, 18'J3. Editors Democrat : Many thanks for the copy of your "1)km otitAT which 1 received u short time ago. I nnived home isafelv on the Ltth mst. after a tolerable smooth passage, tho' our noble ship tossed somewhat during the last halt ot the passage, contending with rather a stiff east wind. We neared the Knglish I coast durinjr ihe niyht, and the large bril liant light from the "iiishops on the Scilly isles, greeted our eager gaze on the early morning of the 11th mat. We had a splendid view of Land's End. The Lilyard and part ot the south coast ot England on Saturday. A strong head wind impeded our progress and it was early on Sunday morning when the white cliffs of Sussex glimmered in our view. I had hoped to have a good view of tho southeast coast as we passed, and my hope was not in vain; we were abreast of Buachy Head about 0 o'clock a in. On the shore near tho base of this lofty and precipitous Head at Kast bowne, some time ago my brothers and sisters and myself were nearly drowned by 4he incoming tide while standing on some rocks gazing seaward. Many other inter esting recollections recalled to my memory as we passed hy places which 1 had visited before 1 left Kngland, which was over 10 years ags. 1 ou can imagine now interesting ii wiw to me to see the little Kentish towns, vil- latres nnd churches amonirst the green Ileitis and brown woods ot my native coun trv. with the old fashioned windmill rrmvnino- it ml lino- hills. Our vessel passed very close to tne cinrs nf Ifniirl and I had a verv near and delight ful view of Dover, its threatening castle :md fnrtitied rliffs. the niamutieent old town of Hvthe and the beautiful landscai behind. Wo nassed many vessels of all ili'srrinf Inns misstncr tn nnd from tllO me tropolis. lLondon, and finally dropped our am horaat Uraveend about o o ciock p i There the church bells along the show have reminded me of !home. Hut it was not un til the next day that I reached that much loved snot near fcussux. i-arewen nmenea awhile! Welcome old home. With kind re gards to all, Your Friend. liEO ' b"v ut u.rvn-KMii i tv-w tJ unue tne the medicine alter every action in nTerc-nee io ineir riguiti, ana the course to be pursued. KS liarne call ed tho meeting to order. The committee who had Irmmi to Roseburg rented sub stantially as already given bv the Dlmo t'KAT. A coniniunU-atioti from Superin tendent Mulcahy was to the eftVt that even should the rerent punh users of the road put np &i75.000 it would have to be paid prorata to tho entire debt account of $1, 100,0m) and the employes would only re ceive 'ii per cent of their uccounU. His advice waa to have tho purchasers pay up the labor and material claims outside of the court. Ih-marKs we;e made by Wallis Nah, n creditor to the amount of about i20,0L0 and C C Hogue. Tho situation was thoroughly discussed ami resolutions were passed in which the employes agreed not to sell their claims without notifying tho executive com mittee. Heclaring that the sale should not be continued as it an evasion of their rights, asking the receiver to make no changes, as announced by bulletin until afb-rthe-Jtith, That, inasmuch as under Iho present re ceiver, K W Hud ley, the indebtedness of the road has been increased to upwards of $0,000, and tho business of the road has lurirelv diminished and the creditors of the road for material refuse to continue tho Mipplies, and tho management has been Ustininuslied hy extravagant salaries and exitenses to hiirh paid ollicials, und tho so- called accounts tiled by Receiver Hadley and his advisors are vague and unsatisfac tory, and the present management has no longer the rewitcct and conlidence of the emnloves. therefore be it Hesolved. that a petition U mvseir.ed to the court on tha 2(ith inst by the counsel of the employes and on their behalf, asking the court to make un immediate change by removing K W Hadley as receiver and njt iwjint a new r?i iver satisfactoiy to tho employes. i hero are gooj reasons to ueueve juugei Fullerton will not continue the present extravagant management, but will appoint a now reiver, who will consider the in terests of employes as well as others. John Tway and Charles Clark are both satisfac tory to the employes.. The executive comj mittce was continued and giveu authority to act nnd H II Hewitt was employed ft3 attorney to represent their interests. The men have tho solid backing of the public,.and justice i bound to be given them. Call on Will & Stark for bargains In Holiday jewebv; Will & Stark's larjje line cf hijver ware has crtatcd a great deal of talk. Get your holiday goods of Will & Stark. Their stock, because 1t U huge and vail ed, and their prices because they are low w ui matte nan oDjeet. JH-eu'es uiev wt!l give away to their customers 75 worth ot silverware. No Shrinking. bring on your fihe winter underwear. We guarantee not to injure them, as we take great care to wash them In solt water. Gentlemen starched work a specialty. Tho white laundries of Albany are getting tho Clitnese cornered. Give us your work and they wilt soon eave. City Laundry. Mas C Simpson, ptoprletor. Penny Wise and round FoolUn. The man or woman who does not sup port their own home paper can be proper ly c'afed as'pcnny wise and pound fool ish." It brings, fur Instance, to your door opportunities fur securing the bett bar gains In everything. If you want em ployment, then we assist you. That re. minds as that Ue advertisement of B F Johnson & Co, Richmond, Vn, In another eclumn may prove of real Interest und value toyou, ocal and Instrumental Ml sic. Miss Halite Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give lessons In vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa tion and Is an experienced teacher. Her refeiences are; Prof il A Shorey, William A. Trow and Mrs Jennie I.tre. We are Ull selling Dress goods and Ca esand Jackets at greatlv reduced prices for cash. We invite you to examine th Rod, Peacock & Co goods and prices. uodersicaed pro printer of the Pioneer House desires to inform the public that helms reduced the price of boird without lodging to $3 per week, with leaping $4 per week. Single m&als 25 cents. The public is invited to call I ko;p good brds and tet a good table. Have tirwond for sale. Cjruer of Uro.nlalbin and Water streets. J H j)hkaniA. Skwinu Machines neatly repaired aud warranted by tlmrouiily ccmpctcr.t work man, at l-' M Krt'iich'a jewelry eerc, Albany, Oregon." Olives In llulk, sauer kraut, mixed nlcklen, chow chow, cranberries, lemon, flaked l.omlny, and nyw raisins a. C E Brownel!s. Of Silverware Died. T A Weslerfelt, who came from California wvoral montli. njro and ljonplit the Walter KeU'hum fiirm, died yestenlay, at the ap; ot ou. with Bpasm.-, nnd was biiriwl todav in thia city. Km l'riihard conducting the Ijnrial service, lie leaves a wife and one child. The Kindergarten society will ho.d a meeting at the re.iJence of L 11 Montanye this evening r.t S : o':loclt. All friends of the movement are requested lo beprefent. Y M C A Caiinivai, or Nations. Few loplc understand the nature of the enter tainment n the oiiera house lv lie Y M C A for four evening beuinninir rueiday llec 20th. There will lie seven wotlu and tanta repn'sentinir f many nations and jieoples. anil will lie arranged and decorated beautifallv. in keeping with their particular ohject. There will he a Program nn?entod e.irh eveninir lv one of these nations, whpn thecustoms, haliits.and "tunies will lie vividly portrayed. To ap- prc.iate the collossal nrningements being mane you will have to viit for jiersonal inspection. Em Oct! i The war to do It 1st Make jour wash rg 'o the. Chinamen, llyou want tour Jork well done at living prices take It to "".n.ra i Phillip's Steam launary. Thy know how nithout hanging them uuna a pole. Mfall lin. rf MACIXT0I1E and -S jM1;ks. ir.c ndirg m.ny nov.ltia w iidi-., nna-.e. .J cliildren. ii bow 'f. M E Yoong. HrHlj., ,v l,.K.ria i I. the 1 ling ilrn(, Cloao towels to everv cnsvniner at Yicrcck th.viog parlors. Bath, at ttiug p.rlors. Vierecks shaving ani hair New Advertisements. AGENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen liter.. .ll ever Invented. Retails for thirty-flve cents. Two lo six can be sold tn every house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don t miss ihe greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easl'v and qulcklv. Sarr pie sent, postage prepa d tor live cents. McMakin & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Will le presented the customers of WILL & STARK, genuine HOLIDAY gifts, and it won't cost you a cent. They have the finest stock of goods in the valley in their line,as an inspection will convince any one. Call and see for yourselves. T0ST.-Ablrd dog, red and white A i go d canine. Kelurn to Job Meyers. lie wants him. AGENTS make $5 a day. Creates icltohsn utensil oyer Invented. He tails asuts. 8 to 6 sold at every house o, poetags paid, Ave cents. Mo Makin it Co, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED. Connty and city war rants bought and so'd by ii F Mer rill. 1.10R RENT, The opera house store, splendid location. Ca I on tho .ecrelary at the Democrat office for pat ticulars. I. A. Morris &Co. Floor and Feed Good Times. The way to have them is by getting your HOLIDAY GOODS H. EWERT. Ho lias a fine stock of gold and silver men's nnd Indies' wntrhfsr rim... rmld headed canes, an elegant line of silverware and jewelry of all kinds to select from. Call on him for reliable goods at prices to suit the times. See the Mew Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The b!t i. alwry. tne J W Stwdeo. agont. Otlice at f M French'. jewelry .tore noinn cooibbslksj If yoa want a Hoe amokf call lor Joseph a white labor oigarr. The ne.tlroast onn e in the city at Con i ad rfwy.r a. holiday eoods at Hodges & Mirir.rinnd. The best stock to select from. Motor makes Bv Ui daily to Tieieck s addition. Lotr there oa l.t.iimeota oi f i per week. The O K "rubber i.ioiuon iriai. iu try one does not mean vou are compelled tobuy. Mfs'd by Ja. Finney & os, Brooks. In selecting your holidiv goods do not fail to call on Hodges & McFarland. Tney have a fine line of goods, embracing a large stock of plush goods.lncluding an elegant line of perfumeries, etc. Genuine parts for all sewing machines, also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all i machines, bicycles, et:., at b L Will', music store. Sewing machines snd ore.ns repaired reasonable, ard all work " . . ii Ktr in ail! arv warranted. cca;c -j- CENTRAL PoiltrF ail Fisl MU. llrondalhin, between Second and Third Sts., ALBANY, OR. Poultry, Fisli, Oysters, Clams, Game in Sensin. Everj'thing nice and fresh. Give us a call. SCHHEERS CALLAHAN Have removed their ttore to opposite the Run House, and have on hand a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: vmtom chopping done. CORVALL'S FLCU.?. B3AN, SHORTS CERM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the firm of Senders & Co heretofore doing business under the firm name of Sendera & Co has this day been dissolved. Mr Adolph Send ers retiring. The new firm w'll be com- nosed of Mr Ed Schmeer and James Cal lahan who will continue the business, ami will collect all amounts due the old firm and pay all its debts. Adolph Sendzrs Ed Scn.MEER, a doxen. Will U St.ik. If ewel rw-A fn the Whisker, doe rracKiuK""" . .. ,, ;!s work thoronehly, eolnnog a naiform.hrown Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, nt : greatly'.': reduced : prices, -AT- READ, PEACOCK a CO., ALBANY AND Lebanon: Make your selections early while they Lave a large assortment, Is the Best Good Enough? Then call on the uiidoreigned for j'our GROCERIES and produce, for they are the Lest in the market. Also a fine lino of crockery and toys for me noiiuays. Perry Conn BUY HEfflG STOVES Matthews &Washburn. er black, whxh, wnen a-y. i ...... wash off, nor soil Ifnea.