Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 18, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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ALBAKy Olti'GOli. M01STD.4Y DECEMBER 18, i$,S.
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayor's Cherry Pectoral.
Mrs. I1. 1). Ham, 217 Gi'iicsseo St.,
Lockport, A. i., says :
"Over tiiiily years nijo, I remember
lirarins my father describe tin. wonder
ful curntivo effects of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. During a recent altaekof La
Grippe, which assumed tlio form of a
catarrh, soreness of the liuiKs.a'cconi-
pnnird ly nn apBravatinj; goiikIi, I
used various remedies nml proscriptions.
Wliile some of these medielnes partially
alleviated the coiighiiiu; during the day,
none of them afforded me any relief from
that spasmodic action of the hi n;:s whieh
fould seize me the moment I attempted
tjliedown at night. After ten or twelve
mcll nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and lmil about decided to sit up nil night
my easy chair, iv.m proctiro what
sleep I could in that way. It then oc-
rnrred to mo that l Jiail a hottlo of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
fipnoiifiil of this preparation in a little
waU-r, nml was able to lie down without
coiifthinp. In a few moments, I fell
asleep, and awoke in the morning
jrrent ly refreshed and feeling much
tatter. I took a tenspoonfnl of the Tec
Wtal every night for a week, then grad
u'ly decreased tlio done, nnd in two
reeks my cough was cured.'
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
PKpared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mann.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
0, M. Ifiei.i'laiitl,
-:- DEAI.KR is - :
flarness - and - Saddlery
Display in the Door
?or Bnfants
THIRTT Tr' ODeiTiLHnfarjtejgno
mllHon. of ytTymnTmnJV?
ta. -world hi- .r known. Tt . hivrml.... It
civ,, thorn h.Uh. It -111 .nro Thotr lives. In It Molher.W.
somothlng whlohljuL"1"f",T ' "" F'V VS&3
child' medlelne.
Cstorla rotroyWorm.
CattorU allay. FeTerishnesfc
Ca.toria revont. Tomltlng Snnr Cnrd.
Cl.torla enre. Dlorrhcea. and Wind CoHe.
Ca.fa.ria rUT ToethlngjVonh?''
rarforl- enro. Con.tlpatlon and Flatnloncy.
Ctoriade Botcontalnmorjhlnen
filTlng healthT and natnral .leep.
WaiTon. to .oil jr' 1
that It hTk
S.. 4W ... .t C-A-S-T-Oj.
Children Cry tor
"As oM as
the bills" and
never excell
ed. " Tried
and proven"
is tlio verdict
o f millions.
ii i m m o n s
Liver Regu
lator is tlio
n . . lat
f$PPy"nXy Livor
" a,
and Kiducy
medicino to
can pi n your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on tlio Liver
a n d Kid
neys. Try it
Sold l.y all
JlriiggiHls in Liquid, or in Towder
to Le taken dry ormadointoa tea.
The King of Liver Medicines. 4
" 1 liuvo used yonr.Sliiunoiis I. Ivor Regu
lator ami ran conscientiously say II Is the
HiiiKof all liver medicines, 1 consider It a,
medicine chest In Itself. (liso. W. Jack
son, lacoma, Washington.
the Z Stamp In red on wrapper.
J I FORD, imvM,
Of Vea Moines, low., writf Un lar dale of
;March 23, 1893:
. R. Mku. Mfo Co..
Dufur, Oreyon.
Op arriving Vi',mo Ktf u,eJ, r n
well ami :it minli. -...:;.. . ' ". 1:11.1.
... .. , , n mii,, KJH I JILHU
Kill, e ln aLd one-half years old, who hud
wa ted away to 38 pound, in :w well,
Btrorig ayil viiicrtm- end well Hushed up.
3. B. Cough Turn lined tie iv work wtli. nf thu i;t. it. r c i
.., viihiiiu 1 iitc n, iqur o i.
touyh Cure baa cured and kept '..way a' I
ilOirfi(MK.k fi-nm ...r. Un -.;.. ...
one, with greiiuiB for all. Wishing you
lours, Wr & xJhs j p For.D.
HyOll Wirth fcrt- f,..,l ..... .... .v.-
(ortfieSnriiiif'fiwirrk, .lri!.-.o yuiir sjaU-in ttthth
Hvnilacho and J Avar (.Mru, by tnkni two or three
R crnla rwr botUo by alt drnirgwtaj
v r.v tut. -n-orr.p,
ft.' .1 in:!IM-ra. ononrazsc J tir-.a.'lj.
l.n' ' bi-:: i' of cr.v j'.'r 'or ,- '. Jnjti
1?'.: t:: S vv un.'.Txita r.i:x:-.m-U.y. jfgy
and Children.
j it on mTtrf
Pitcher's Castoria.
The Ferris wheel is on top. It i9 seen
L. '0W, window., there ia Jrl J?
. eel tr,ck neary bad aa pits
coiufrs. Kvery doK 1,Hb ita day? '
Willi 111 it i;
i"..'V.'"!.' "r '" A ww al
t. II Irrueh., fmM je,,lry
Mure, Alliuuy.
lluring the monlli of IWmWr we firo
pose to MI anything you want from our
stock of watches, docks, jewelry, silver
Wiiro, ,i sivor S1, ,( pve
Kla:-ses at pnics in kcepintr with the times,
and lis another inducement to Imv soods of
us we propose to give mvay the' followim;
articles: 0
One large dinner castor. . . .
One silver cake stand
810 00
fl CO
8 00
7 00
(1 00
5 00
4 00
:! 00
2 0
one lruit stand
One ciirlit day clod k '. '. '. . "
One silver card stan.l. . . .
One calendar clock
One breakfast castor. .
One Latter dish
ne Iwrry spoon .' '.'.'.'
One cream ladle
'I'l - r ' .
mis is n iree gilt distnlmtion of valu
iiWe presents that will cost you notluns.
lieineinlwr the place, French's jewelry store.
Special prieeswill be givenonsilverwnro.
The Genuine And Tlio Htinni.
Every good thinij has lis host of In
ilators; every Renuine article its counter
feits. T'.e imitators always choose the
most valuable and popular article to
counterfeit, so that when they claim tSeir
sham to be equal, or as good, or the same
at "So und-So's,'' the public mav depend
upon It that "So-nnd So's" article Is the
best of the kind. The sham proves the
genuine nrerit of the thing It copies and
never has this been -better Illustrated than
by the imltstions of Allcock's l'orous
Allcock's Porous l'lnsler is lh ..n,n,j
of excellence the world over, and its im
itators In their 1:1 y thai theirs is "as cood
es Allcock's'' are only emphasizing this
iiummi.ig -amcocK's" to be the
acme of petfec'.ion. wliich it Is their high
est ambition to imitate. The difference
netwecn the genuine and these Imitations,
which copy only general appearance, is as
wide as that between copper and gold.
The only safe way for purchasers is to
always insist upon havinit Allcock's Tor
pus I'lasters. They are the only perfect
plasters ever produced.
. rJT0iPrv'S0ftb, .Wpor -will b -1eA4 i
leaas Wi, if . Tt1 if at loast, one drcadeU disease
ai. cn..t.-uuB jiw own uitio 10 cure in mil its
Stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, rerjuirtja a constitutional
treatment. Jiall's Catarrh Cure is taken iutcr
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu-
the toundSor they IStt? XZPiSl
patient strength by bulluiuirup the constitution
and assisting nature In doiii,r its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its curative
ewers, that they otter One Hundred Dollars
or any case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of tcstimoui'ils.
Address, l- J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
fti-Sold by DniEisoi.
Will & tslk, t't' ewepi-
When Daby v. as sick, wo gavo Lor Castoria.
MTien she was a Child, Bho cried for Ca.storia,
When she becamft Miss, she t.-Iuns to Costorfa,
VTiien aho had Chi!ilreu, elio r;av tlum Castoria
Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
Whudinq Invitaviuns.
Wocdcn, Tin,
Silver, (iolden
Contmon every day.
V.I., rJ J ti" riiMt liv; o
a?es (or Miii'lns in the state at V R
Oraham'8, where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stylish
suits of him. A new feature wilt be the
nuking of ladies' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, nd
he repairing of cloi. Prices ars bot
tom ones.
At Meal Tisiffs do vou ever conside
the quality of the food you are t Iting? It
may be t'ood. It mluht be better, mirer.
fre.her and more wholesome. Is It not
worth while to mke sore that you tea,
Joffee, lugar, baked goodi and innumera
bleother groceries aie of the best quality?
There is such a trifling difference In the
prices of the best and the worst that It
does not pay to buy the worst.cven on the
false ground of supposed economr. The
best Is always the cheapest, because the
most satisfactory and durable, and the very
best of everything In the grocery line Is
kept at Parker Bros.
Albaar Narkel.
Thou' .45c.
"t ibi.
f 'nnr, 14.011.
ntler. una
Kg 30-.
Ijtr.l, 12 In 15-
PorK ham. l2to I5t .hnnldera Mto lOei
il ---. II to 13c
Hay, ha od S7.
u0 atoe 41'-.
Anple. , 4r
Ho I6-.
firierl f.-uli plum., fln, npp't, Pe,
Chicken., ill 00 nr rlox.n.
Bef on f 01, l?i
Hozs. drf fle.y
A Series of Fires.
Sax FiiAsr isco, Pec 17, The steamer
Ifio de Junero arrived today, bringing
Yokrhoma advices up to December 2. Two
hundred houses and threo jetties wero de
stro.ied by fire nt Shanghi Nov V3: thirty
bouses wera destroyed by lire at Canton the
I4tli, and 60 houses nnd the market were
destroyed by fire at Nacao the 14th ult. A
more seriousconllasration was only prevent
ed uy tne assistance ot tlio marines from a
I'ortupuese gunboat in tlio harbor. Fifty-
wuce uuuse unu a numucr ot other build
nigs were destroyed by fire at liiralsuka
-Noveniuer zi .
, Tlio.e TriiiuiiR..
Akiii.anu, Dec 17. One hundred and
seventy five hobo tourists came in from the
north last evening on a freight train on the
top ot oox cinv. 1 he town has refused to
feed them and there is some fearof violence
on their part, though appearing to be a
peacable set of men. This is the crowd
that left Portland Wednesday, but their
number has been considerably angmenied
along the roid until vesterdsv nt Grant's
Pass the crowd reached over 200, 25 drop
ping off since. All nre hound for the
warmer climate of California.
' Bad Students.
ExTKit, N H, Dee 17. Exter academy
is on the brink of a profound sensat'on.
The trustees will hold 11 meeting tomorrow,
at which it is expected severe steps wi I be
taken to discipline a number of Btudents.
all belonging to prominent families who
posted flaniingiplctures of ballet girls on
the wn'is of thl recitation balls a few hays
ago. A local theatrical manager from
whom the show pictures were obtained has
agreed to give jthe names of the students.
Another Wreck.
Lol-isvim.k, Deo 17. Section 2 of a
freight train on thn flhnsnnonln iihin a-
Southwestern, torthbound was wrecked at
10 o'clock thistnorning, and 14 cars ten
stock cars and 1 loaded coal flats with the
engine, were pircipitateddown a steep 0111-
trankaient between West noint nnd M,,l-
drnuch. Ky, 241 miles south of Louisville.
Three lives were lost and one man probably
fatally injured;" Three others were sliyhllv
nnrt nnd about 100 cattle and ns many hogs
slaughtered. 1
A. 'Great Scheme.
Oakland, Gal, Dec i7. -According to
le Enquirer, which claims to he in n nn.
sition to knowJi Minister Thurston is going
iu iiuiiuiuiu m assist, in another revolt,
lhat is to sav. tin is notnv in i.l in ii,
substitution fonthe present provisional or
temporary government, a permanent gov
ernment with afwritten constitution, which
hall make Ua-Jbiii n republicand a free and
independent o'TUpn of tlio earth.
.- XtJxm T(n -,
St Pi'.TKIiSHXIto. Dec 17 At the annual of the soldiers decorated with the
cross of St Andiow and St Ceorge, forty
guests are said to have partaken of a moat
pie in n pinna slate. 1 lie result is 10 have
;ce died of Cholera and others were very
sick for a few days,
Nevada. The thrilling comedy drama
Nevada. " in three acts, will he pre
presented at the opera house on Friday
evening of next week, with the fol
lowing srlendid cast of characters. This
jironiifes to he one of die best local events of
tiie season :
..Allen Chamberlin
. .Edward Ulorlgett
Hugh Fisher
Tom drew
.In lie
win Kee
HE Swart
W A Mack
Percy Kelley
Fred Fisher
Al D Swart
Dundy Dick
.lerden.the Dectective
Siias Steel
Agne.i Fairlee.
. Marlha If islev
Mosselle Oru iMc.'ailand
Mother ,Mcrten.v Lcura Trabaunt
Admission, reserved seats, 33 cents; gu.1
L'ry, 2,"i cents.
A l.llcl Knjti).
The p easant fl.ivor. gentle action and
soothing effect o S)rup ot Figs, when in
nred of a lamtive, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the n.ost
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
is the best family remedy knmvn anil
every family should have a botile.
'H relljiioiu beliefs perp'ex jou, and I
you tlesire a faith at once reasonable and 1
uplifting, send for free liberal rcll ;iv.ns 1
reading to postoffice mission, 346 Yam
hld street, Purtlar.d, Or.
Thou.anda of Pvesare saved annually hv
ineuseol Aver s Pectoral. In the iren'inenl
p and w llnoninil co-ten. Ihe Pectoral !
. . tiiuat uiurvri u enTC. it.nas. in-
mn.atlon. frees iheobnructfcdatrpafsire
and contr i the de-ire to cough.
When a doc' or considers It necessary
to prescribe sarsaparilia, he stmpJv urders
bottle of AyerX krowint? full well that
he will obtain Ihrreb a surer and purer
preparation than ai.v other which the drug
store can furnish Ayer's Sartapariiia is
the sur-irior medicine.
Awarded Highest Honors W.crld's Fair.
The only l'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alun,. j
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Ye the Stawkvi
Highest of all in Leavening
Our readers do not need to he toltl what
tlio Century Magazine is. It is a great
work in any sense. For 1804 it will be
greater than ever, 2000 pages of choice lit
erature with 1000 illustrations. Thoro will
be a new novel by Mark Twain, important
expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists
adventures, tramping with tramps, unpub
lished essays of James Russell Lowell, etc.
The St Nicholas istho princo of children's
magazines, the bestof all of them. A feat
ure of the 18U4 number will he Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a scries on American authors, Btories
of India by Hudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
somo beautiful serial stories, as well as the
famous llrownies.
The iice of the Century is 35 cents a
number, If4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00
a year. Any si bscriber of the Dkniockat
in good standing mav secure the Contury
for f 3.50 or the St SicliDlns for $2.50, by
irui 1111; witj iiiuney ill, mis omce. .v e will
Ve will
do the rest.
Kelf Praise.
Self praLe Is no recommendalion, but
there are not times w hen one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubl his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Porous Plasters are the only
genuine Hid reliable porous piasters made
is not self praise In the .lightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and in proof of their merits it is only
necessary to call attention to the cuies
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those wha have used them,
Bewait: of imitations, and do not be de-
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation inuucr you to accept a 6uustttutq
Proved to be the Best.
Tested and proved by over thirty years
use in an parts or ine world, Allcock s l'oi
,,.,B .the indorsement of rhi
iMgocni nteoical an.: 1 -...1
and nitllionsof grateful patient wuu
oeen cured ot distressing ailments volun
tari y testify to their merits.
Allcock's Porous PlAsters ore purely
vegetable. They ore mild but effective.
sure and quick In their acdo.i, and abso-
uieiy narm'esi.
Beware of Imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor
Ailci'ck's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accent a substitute.
"When your heart is had, nn.l vmir
head is bad, and you are bad clean
through, what is needed?" asked a .Sun
diy-school teacher of her class; know
Aver's Marsaparllia,'' cpoke up n little
g'rl, wboe inoilur hail recently been '3
scored 10 health bv that medicine.
No better pi eoar.ii ion Ki Hie hair hat
ever lccii td than Arer'a i lair
Vlior. It r-.tores the original co'or In
fa-led and gr.i? hair, and linparle that
natural g cs. and fieshness, everyone so
mu:h admlies. Its repu'a'i n i. wo Id
A llio Fin (, Lost, English setter pnp
wli'tL.witti lemon spot". A liberal reward
will lie paid lor his return or information
wheret)', by v A .Mack,
The Boss Uarber.
Vheat, qo its: oan. 25:1 hav.SS b.ile.1:
I wood, $5 tu f .59, taken In e-lnnge for
' sewlm? machines or organs on Hind at E
U Villi's music store. Also on a'l book
accounts of 6 months standing Sowing
machines from $25 to $35, wi'h my per
sonal guaraiiit-e for 5 y rs.
Whatever may be me cause of blanch.
!ni, the hiir i-i".y be restored to its origi
nal color bv 1 he utf of that potert remedy
Hall's Vetrcin le Sicilian llalr R ?newer.
Hhih.h'. Vit
dyppsifc, tci
nay trouhle.
nti of action,
i z-.r 19 wbst yon need for
' I liver, yellow skin nr kid
ts ir-nsmntil to tgivn yoo
1 ice 75o. 8) Id, by F.wruiy &
Hhitoh's I'll inn unit oougn anrl eroop
care, is for 'ty ui. Hooket siae orlitains
, wenkvHv" il ,only 25a. Children lor it
oshay k Mu n.
Power Latest C. S. Gov't Report
r.ikcr Bros, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy your grocerias of Parker Broa
Fiaagrojsnei at Conn's.
New cream cheese just reoeived at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doe,
first class work.
Smoke the eelebrated Havana filled 5 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph's,
Dr M H Ellii, phyaioian aad surgeon
Albany, Oreia. Cilia mlla li otty'or
oountry .
For plly's sake, don't growland grureb!e
because you are troubled with indigestion.
No good was ever effected by snarling and
f letting. Be a man (unless you happen to
be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsparllla,
which will reilevo you, whether man or
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Qrapo Cream of Tartar Powdar.
The Rugged Child
is largely an
Fresh air
and exercise
usually pro
duce sound
appetite and
sound sleep.
Sickly chil
dren obtain
great benefit from
Scott's Emulsion
01 cod-!iver oil with Hypo-
Piiosnluiejv-a fat-food rapid ;:
as "palatable as milk. -
One cent a dose,
TfTIfl GnsAf rnrrnn t !inir,,rf.lTr,i!lurv!
whoro all others full. Cougho, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarscnesa, vhoopiaff Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival:
has cured thousand., nnd will cunn too If
taken lu time. HoM by 1 niKgis3 on n gunr
anteo l'or n Ijimo Illicit or Chest, uso
Have mill? Thh prnifily ispunrnn
tcod to cure you. 1'iJcc.OJcLs. Ijijector free.
Easil. Quickly.
DEui) (TY.
ami all if irnir r
. IUi rt
Ml 1- I
wiirr,i lc Fulit
fiert'loptiiOTii aint I r ,
Blvrn ioer)f tj.nvui'd
p .iii"n 1 1 I. I-Plinpl'-.
Dntnn ) ?"' h'
lrnrticftliit -Irrii-' v. t
n-rn. F l!nr IrriiH r' I ,t
l.Ult rWrrenrifl. h--,
rxplaniittrm a . I ittft
tniiilt'tl (bualt C, fi v.-.
or any Xnd of a rnr tinnVmrii! or Ve
nlcle, ca'l i.n or :.rldr..
e. f. m;v-
tklic Tost Oftc
'bany, 0
HI4M M n Afcl
mm of m
f I.
l' K
f ' ,-i i
I f