Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 15, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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1M i ?i II
Wl pi y to
! ('
ri I
NO 188
jr5vV.,.S. I 18 EE B( J
$. WILL .SpX
si DJ long h
3 w 1 strong!
SMiTifp of Towntul;,, Pa.,
'constitution was completely
! down, is cured by .Iyer's
jtBla. lie writes:
ir eiglit years, I was, most of the
iflnt Riiffetvr from eonsti-ia-
kJduoy trouble, and iml!;e8-
l(j that my constitution seemed
impletely broken down. I was
to try Ayor a Sursapnnlla, ami
:irly seven bottles, with such
ifot results thut my stomach,
ami kidney are. in perfect covi-
.ml, in nil their function?, as
as clock-work. At the t'.mo
:i tukiiif? Ayer's Sarjmnarilto, my
ms only 1-9 pounds ; I now can
; 159 pon ml s, ami was never in ro
mCth. If you could soo mo bc-
L-r using, you woulil want
: i traveling advertisement.
rfrto preparation of Sarsaparilla
.test in the market to-day."
l; Dr. J. C. Aver kCo., Lowell, Ma...
30thet3,wi!l cure you
fll. AIcFarland.
"As oLl aa
the hills" and
never excell
ed "Trie
ami proven"
h tho verdict
o f milliona.
Liver Ticku-
lalor is tho
' 7"P V 0 11 1 y Liver
fr Lsf and Kidney
modicino to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
k purely veg
etable, act
' 7 7 m directly
C on tho Liver
noys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry ormadc intoa tea.
Tho King of Liver Medicines.
1 have uwd yourKimmonsl.lverRcfru
ntur and I'un consi-li'iitlounly Buy It In the
kliiKofnll liver mcdlcl mvh, I comld.r It a
mcdlpinorltost In Itself. Uiso. W. Jaux
bon, Tucoma, Wusulugton.
tho Z Stamp In red on wraripetw
J I.
I in the uoor
Of Dms M-iinei. I-,w, write uuiler tlale of
iMarcb 2.1, IS!):!:
B, Med. Mm Co..
fufur, Orcein.
Co arriviuj! hiimo kst wfsk, I iVa' Hall
woil and auxi.iu.-ly aTaitiui'. O ir little
lirl, e fclil bi-A otte-ti; If yti-.ra n!,;, wliohad
4 to 33 pouKila, in tw well,
iiinng aurl vrjorou', Drl vrell lleshed op.
15. C.iikIi I'uro lusd-'.iie iu wuik weli.
Both of Hie cliililieo like it. Your S li.
t'mih Curo has cured aod Ueut MWsy &U
rionrH'a:i)R from me. So uive it to jven
oi. , with gre-iioi-s for all. Withicg you
.inheri y, we itrt
YotifB,- jr)K Sim J F Tors'
Tilt democrats of the Ways and Me.ns
Committee hve acted wiee y in deciding to
lake un Ihe uiift early. It should have
the first place on the calendar n,1 h
ed to a passage wlthno unnecessar delay.
i ucre is no occasion for a long debate.
The whole subject has b?en discussed. In
geneial and in detail, for Hie past six yean.
Talk in congr nlll change no members
vote. The country has had talk enough
There Is no tense i.i arguing afler the
verdict bus been rented, repealed and
sustained by ihe tribunal of last reion.
T!ie people have demanded a reform of the
tariff. Their mandate should be obejed.
Uialsess has a right to know as soon as
possible what the changes are to be.
The s:nate Finance Commhte has rccog
nlied ihe importance of dispatch and will
proceed will, the consideration of the bi'l
without waiting for lis passage by the
The lime gained by the conization cf
congress i.i August, which resulted In a
carefully prepared bill before the meeting
In regular s.asbn. ought to be utiiled now
!y a vlSo.ous pushing of foe measure to a
final vote.
It yr.u w isli tn (i:.'I it. mi .i.d f!,orf ul. and rt'iirl v
for tlldNl.rilv.' W...L- ..'...... vii ......n nilh thi
lIcaducliL-ami MvjrO.iro. by taliiif two or tlirco
'lUtiVH t'UCIl .UK,
Oil cri.ts pr liot'.id liy all driifilst8.
H 8o: 1 ui.ilei. I'wltlve truaraatce Lr
'If f-..iit!t.'H bvliffs perplex you, ard
V u 'IfMie a t..uh at once reasonable and
u.n; f ' iny, scud tor free liberal rclleicns
r.-ailin lo postotlice mission, 346 Yam-
lihl s:reet, IVrtiai.u, ur.
for Infants and Children.
FitlRTT year.' oUemUon cf CartoTin with the ptrong of
ntUlon, of puraon., peitBAtoj'pejLg!5I-Sg",,'E--Tt
t i vi t,n.t rcme&T for lafont. and Children
Lria ha. ctot hnown. Tt 1, hrmle. ChUdren Hk H.It
H tham health. It will Tn MMhor,harg
'meainvM. ah.ol-t4.1y practically perfect
Castorla dtrny Wormy
Castorla allars FTcrlhne.
Castoria preTontu Tomltlag Strar Tn-rl,
Castorla rnrna Dfarr'""" and Wind Cello.
Castoria relieve! Teething Trenhles.
r.. r .n and TlatnleticT.
I y-..urw cum uuu...f-""
nentraH. th effect, of earl-'" ' " Pol'gggS
Emo. not contain norphlne. op7nmorogggJgeg:
I. . . . mnA howelA.
"ggaimUatetha food, regrilate, we 3,-r
Mgghealthy and natnral aleep.
aaihjmvr.p ln eneb-ttlJt
i- ttm itrnnuwo
!5?w any on. to 11 yon nythlnseIrt?iPlJi-
Nit l,jn.t -Bnd nrl evrrr P""-
5s.-ht yon eel C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
$35 Worth or till vorv, arc uivcn Away at
'. M. t rench ,1, the tiinirr Jewelry
Kture, Albany.
Buring tho month of December wo pro
poso to sell anything you want from our
stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver
ware, gold and silver spectacles and eye
glasses at prices in keeping with the times,
and as another inducement to huv goods of
us wc propose to give away the" following
One large dinner castor glO 00
One silver cake stand g 00
Ono fruit stand g qq
One eight day cloilk 7 00
One silver card stand ' ' ' o 00
One calendar clock , .' 5 CO
One breakfast castor 4 00
One butter dish ;j q0
One berry spoon ', 2 0
Ono cream ladle '. 10)
This is a free crift dlstrlhnHnn of ,..,1..
able presents that will cost you nothing.
Keineinljer tho place. French's jewelry store.
Special prices will be given on silverware.
To fecure a norma and regular tissue
Atmge throughout the body use BranAeth V
f ills, llnstissra metamorphosis consists
id constantly proceeding wiste of tissue and
us regeneration, ilrandretn's Tills are the
Iwst solvent of tho products of disintegra
tion of the tissues and increases their elas
ticity. They are an alterative and climin
ahve remedy, which allay irritation and re
move obstruction by aiding nature and are
of great benefit in cases of temporary and
habitual constipation, torpid liver, bilious
ness, lieadaclw. indigestion, rheumatism
ami diseases arising from an impure state
of the blood.
Urandrelh's Pills nre purely vegetable.ab
solutolv harmless, inul ur, a..fQ rt
any time.
The True Lnxuilre Prlnclpto
Of the plants used In mar.ufactuiing the
pleasant remedy, Svrun of FIl-s. has a
permanently benclicial effee! on the humin,
system, while the cheap vegetable extracts
and mineral solutions, usually sold as med
icines, are retmanently Injurious. Being
well Informed, vou w'll use the
edy only. Manufacture.: by the Cali
ornia Kig Syrup Co.
&TAT3 or 0010, uzrr oy-ivuctoft ra
TitArtx J. CnKKiT make oath thut jo ft tUa
nlor nartuerof ttio firm of P. .l.CnpvnvWTrL
dofaf biMi)M lu tho City of Toledo, Coantv
aod ItftU foTa;j, tvTiil that saM flr;a will pay
h am of oNla IlUNPIUiij UOLLAR3 tor
4kcb HQ fl eTeir cane of Catarrh that caonnth
ud by tb uso oi Hal-h Cavarrh Crtiq.
dworn to nwore mo nnd nbBcrllf A ict v
pittoe. thi MM day oi December, A,D. ?",
i2 j A. W. GLBASOK,
v" 1 Notary public.
Hall'f rn'.r- C'lre Utnlron Interna)!)-sndacffc
djrvctly on the tlood mk! mucous ttirfacoacl
tno system. Rend for tcKtlmonlili, fro.
3lr Sold bj Dro!. TCo.
'When your heart is bad. vour
heaj is bad. and ui.i nru ha;l clean
throueh, what i needed?" p-hed a Sun.
day-school tracher cf her cij&!t I know
Aver's warsaparihn, roke up n little
?'rl, whoe moilier had recently been re
stored to health by that me.iMne.
Turtiecs Stiver lilll
Washington, Dec 14 There was only
one matter of national importance in trA
day's session of the senate, and that was
the introduction by Yoorhees, chairman of
the financo committee, of a bill providing
for the coinngo of the seigniorage, or profit
from the silver coined and purchased under
the Bland and Sherman acts, nt the rate of
62,000,000 a month. The bill also provides
for the provides for the purohaso, niter that
coinage is completed, of $2,C00,O00 wjrth
of silver bullion a month; the withdrawal
of all notes of less denomination than $10;
the withdrawal of the S2.o0 and So go'd
coins, and the appointment of five commis
sioners to an International conferenco for
the establishment of a ratio between ?,o&
and silver.
A Farmer Assaulted.
ITii.Lsnono. Deo 14. August h'empf. a
well to do farmer living in the foothills
about eight miles north of this place, as
brutally assaulted on tho evening of De
cember 12. Mr Kempf is a batchelor, his
companion being a hired boy aged about
18. The boy had left tho house with a
lantern to attend to the chores at tho burn
when Kempf's attention 'was called by a
rap at the door. No sooner was it opened
than two men commenced beating him
oyer the head. Managing to free himself,
Kempf escaped into the adjoining room
and by a back door made his exit frjm the
house, giviDg the alarm. Thus frightened,
the robbers escaped, having secured noth
ing. It Vn IKurdcr.
Ashland', Or, Dec 14. Last September
theso dispatches reported the accidental
shooting of Jan.cs Smith by Thomas Ood -frey,
at Deer Lick, on the Siskiyou moun
tain, south of Ashland, Godfrey claiming
the shooting was accidental and tbo coro
ner's jury not finding otherwise. A little
hi'er, developments led to suspicions that
Godfrey killed Smith to avoid paying the
latter money duo him. Yesterday the
grand jury indicted Godfrey tor murder.
Godfred left the country in ample time and
is hardly liable to be apprehended.
The Farmers of Georgia .
BAVAsNAn, Ga, Dec 14. the farmers
convention today declared in favor of an
economical improvement of waterways and
harbors; commends to congress the connec
tion of the MississiDni river and the Great
Lakes by a ship canal and the improvement
of the Mississippi and the important har
bors of tho Gulf and Atlantic coast. It
also favors a rural free mail delivery.
An Earthquake.
Ai.iiiqjj. Ill, Dpo i4. A slight earth
quake shock was felt here at 10 minutes
after li this morning, followed by a much
more severe shock at four minu'es after 12
Again, at 20 minu'es afler 1 o'clock, thers
was another rumbling. Buildings of every
descriplion trembled violently, crockery
and dishes rattled and books and loose ar
ticles were Bhaken from the tables.
Western Matters..
Washington, Dec i4 Hermann, Kllis,
Wilson, Doolittlo nnd other western repub
licans voted, while their eastern collentiues
were silent, on the Arizona bill tcdiiy. They
said; 'Wo cannot have too many Western
states "
Hermann's donation bill passed today,
also his bill validating the supreme comt
script locations, of wl-i:h there nre mnry
in Oregon, whero the gem ral land office hi a
refused patents.
Highest of eu in Leavening Power. Latest (J. S. Gov't Report.
1 Powder
ABsommay pure ;
THE CCM'i 111 4.-U fcT NiMIOL '.S.
Our readers do not need to be told what
tho Century Magazine is. It is a great
work in any sense. For 189-1 it will be
greater thnn ever, 2000 pnires of choice lit
erature with 1000 illustrations. There will
be a new novel by Murk Twain, important
expeditions hunting of fierce game, artists
adventures, tramping with tramps, unpub
lished essays of James Russell Lowell. etc.
The St Nicholas is the princo of children's
magazines, .the best of all of them. A feat
ure of the 1S04 number will bo Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a series on American authors, stories
of Jndiaby Hudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
some beautiful serial stories, as well as the
famous Krownies.
Tho price of tho Century is 35 cents a
number, $4.00 a year; of. St'Kicholas, 83.00
a year. Any subscriber of the Democrat
in good standing mav secure the Century
for $3.50 or the St Nicholas for $2.60, bv
leaving the money at this office. v a will
do the rest.
UK.V. ui;ke
Pftikor Bros, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Duy your groocrios of lVlter Bros
Fuo grj3-riei at Conn's,
i-iew croam cheese just leodved at Conra-i
P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, does
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana CUed 5 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph's,
Dr M H Rllif, physiowu and surgeon
Albany, Oroin, CilU mala lu oit'or
When a doctor considers It necessary
t preRcilbe sarsaparHla, he simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, krowlntr full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any other which the drug
store can furnish. 'Ayer's Sars.iparllla Is
the superior medicine.
To aid rJiRVBtton tftiiQona SmaHBllcBetfl
5ttJr outlutf. mffveTbotLle.
IrSvtr Praise.
Self praise is no recommendation, but
there are not times when one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Jorous Plasters are the only
genuine md reliable porous plasters made
Is not self praise in the slightest degree.
They have stood the test fur over thirty
year?, and in proof of their merits it Is only
necessary to call attention to tne cuiec
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used them.
Be wan: of imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Ailcock's, aid let no solicitation or expla
nation indue? you to accept a substitute.
Proved ti be the Best.
Tested and proved by over thirty years1
use In all parts of the world, Allcock's For-
our plasters have the indorsement of the
highest medical cmJ chemical authorities
anil millions of grateful patients who have
been cured of distressing ailments volun
tarl.y testify lo their merits,
Allcock's Porous riastera nre purely
vegetable. They ere mild but effective,
sure and quick in their actio), and abso
uteiy harm'es-i.
B-ware of imitation", and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation . AJk lor
Allcock's, and let no sollcitarlun or expla
nation Indues vou to accent a substitute.
Looking Better
feelinct better
better in every
way. There's
more consolation
in that than well
people stop to
ponder. To get
laci: llesli and
spirits is everything.
No belter piepantion for the hair hat
ever Leen Incntid than Ayer's Hair
Vigor. I', restores the original co'.or to
faded and gray hair, and imparts tba'
natural g'es. and ficshness, everyone so
much admires. Its reputation Is woild
A lira Fib. Lost, English Better pup
whit.-. with Ipmnn annta 'A likavnl
will be paid for hi, return or information
wnereoi, uy w a .Hack,
The Boti Barber,
Tie fa
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Al'iany tlarkM-
I our, 4.00
ill ?, 'iOj.
Fuat ST.
!.H( 12 to 15
l'l.rK ham 12to I5"i nhouVn to 10j
. 1? ti
Ray. 17.
vo atop.
rVrp. , 4"
Hops 15.?.
'rifn, fiiil pHifti, iipp v,
rhiokenx. I 0 1 ! ' -T-ti.
Petf on f oc, IK
Hqz Hr 1,
A t MM EliJos
Thep'easanl flavor, pent" action and
southing effect o rup nt J-j..', whrn in
need of a la-tallve, md If t!i f.t ncl or
mother he costive o.- iitliuus, the most i
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
Is tlie best farnilv lemedv known and
every family should have a bot.le. I
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
PatkoMZG tlit Ciitrtl Fih vu 1 Pou try
Mark nt, nn K !iw r h utreet, bftweon Se?c
on. I mid Thini, for ymir orM'ol pnltrv
prini aDii ti-hi f all kind i- i n a, -wttira
olnms snd nrnt)f. Kvfr" fiJi ': h i i .
lin- miv t9 It 1 1 a r i,Mitii uu-4
For piiys sa'.e.don't growland nri-.mb'e
because you are troubled with Indicestinn,
No good was everrfifcled bv snaning and
fietting. Be a man (unless you happen to
be n woman), and take Ayer's Sarivparllla,
which will re'.leve yon, whether man or
At Meal Times do vou crr con side
the qua'ity of the food you are tating? It
may be good. It tntht be bjticr, p -.rnr,
frentier and more who esome. I u nnt :
worthwhile to mnke sure that you tea,
coffee, sugar, baked coodi and innumern- .
bleoiher groceries aie of the best quality? I
There I u;h a trlfline; diffirence in tic !
prices of the bMt and the wor.e thi: it ;
does not pav to buv ihe wort.even on ";-e i
false grounn of snprosed economv Th
best is alwivs 'the cheapest, becnuse the'
most satlhfactrirv and durable, nnd tle Viiry
best of everything In ihe grocery line j
kept at Parker Bros.
Wkiukho Invitavionk.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Y3 I, ' J C v f : tii : !i i ;t li e o
ailui for sulti i- in the stats at W U
t.raham'r'. where has a tail'tr whh few
equals on In ml to nviki thm up on short
noiioe. Civ, i h tr-st and most stylih
suits of !;im, A u.w feature will b ihe
making of ladle ' c oaki to order, or i h
aPering of c om t the latest styles, hml
he repairi'. id .-'oik-t. Price rj bo
tom or.c.i.
Who-it, rp ct; oas, 25; hav,$S luted;
wood, $3 to $3.5 . taken In exchange for
sewlnj tnachhir- or organ un hand at 15
U bill's mulc tore. Als- on n'1 book
accoun'.s of 6 nvnth stnnding S 'wing
machines from JujtotH, w!h my per-
t-rnai guarantee iur 5 rx.
WhitfVfr mav 'e the ciuvr ol b anch
th" hilr m'.v restored to Its nrigi
iri toior by the up of that poter t remrdv
llaipn VegeUole Sicilian I Intr R 'newer.
8fiiloh's Vituiir ta shit yoa n'd f r
dysywpsii,, tcrriH 1r, ynllow skin or Urt
tiev trouble. ( "mrsntrrd to'g'v yna
tit-Urtitm, Pri T5. S ld, by K y &
Mtnluh's ('iirf. -i ktimt r iif.hsud orcoj
car, is fiif sslo 1) Pockf-t sise c nU n
I wpnt-tiv1 dns?ii n'y 2')f. Children lo'o it
nahay ft MasoD.
of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites is prescribed by lead
ing physicians everywhere for ail
ments that arc causing rapid loss
of riesh and vital strength.
Scott's Emulsion will do more than
to stop a Cough -it fortifies
the system' coughs and colds
Prepared !jr Sett. Jt nrnn. V. Alt drarjrfsta.
Awarded Highest Honor3 World's Fair.
(J no ceut o. tirmrt.
in vtruwr v-uuiiu ,uuia proinpiiy cures
whero all othera fuU, Coughs, Croup. 8or
Throat, Hoarseness, Vhoopinff Couh antl
Aalhma. Tor Consumption It Tins uo rival;
has cured thousands, and will cunn tou it
taken in tlmo. Poi- by DniRhVa on n gunr-
JtavoytmCjrt.-fl'.V Tnts rrracflylfiniiinin.
tOdUtocuroyuu. l'llto.&Jcia. lnj-cttirlree.
0- mm
Eat:!. $vtet;'.f,
Per.ntnanKj F.esJj-t'iL
Oc.Zll ITY.
(I'll! '.ij-.r r-
tii.ii.vur.j , ,1
t re. . t ii : , ii
vrr.oik, il. l ,
't.rr,tlij ri.iim.
flvt'lopii Br t b , ii
(turn lut.-iy 1; nt' i-, 4
1. rll.-n it t . t.
Ftfi'ic nctmi li"!t.' . .
! -i it cfl '.u . (!. r .
li -"II. F 1i- .:l',, r '. ,
i.'in r,-fTi-ii(-V v.
rti!f.Tml'n t-. !. rl
tu:uct (-fclrd) i'rOi-.
IF : Vi If V. ANT
B ftPJ CUTTffl.
' rr any Itlnd of a patm Itn-i
1 'cie, iaM f.'p oi ii!rr.
ir Ve
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No A1u:k
Ussd in Millions of Homes 40 Yc ; tlic f?tn.idfiM
H : f I mt Oftr.
. ' : 1
( I :