Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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I fPVvm f I .
lifrjjfl! OVPrv ilp.v in II.,. ....
d-NV,.Ia.v bc
j t" ji-Cainlval of N,.ion,
i son oi Ihc dcceasad. '
V IJOWfn tVs-
- ... u x-iaacisCO,
cncroachlnJn ' "C"V "ver from
HraiSS- fi"Cli " Governor
Hon Tff -f... .. .
"-.-. OI MM i n(- ,.. .
from, , " . " L?n. Irotun,,.,!
"iineruiteiiiiimt. iia....:.... .,
T Murrnv iui.u Ac n.-n
nation, was in tin ..: r I cousin,..,,.,... r ...""" w"i certain v
Siwmw was the Whose h, R "l y that Col , " ba? ,be8n charged ,
Thel ...
dav tint ti.. i ""'" "at jester-
(lisiinl...! i. "ie lain. 1199 hMn
l!!' late.a.:;!?!rrv!'t'!0K1'- .That i.
tisoiiifnt of t ,e r I, i "'. . W' Mi
llie l)n., :"? . 1 0 !. the hoi
Tl.. ",e Kill'. 1 oYlnek ... .1.. 1. -. .
certified ..I,' r ".""rmed that them
. . -- - ...i-ins 111 I ....III. f . w
price and '"e,(lt'I,?.1t ! purchase
nnouimnatnl it i , "' . "-'nanny i,
ciiariwu reoent-
' wnni.i .... . ------
severa niont
i ..- . . ... I....... otiue oojr.1 of i... . ui i
iiim ,,., nci is certainly In tl.eswlin I isf ,:. ,i ,.i . Ip present at th . . L I ran:' lsco and w
- . "c of the juror, e , " ' ,, with Mnf ijl d 1' C1'?u,l,"1.c Mo met abl' ft ""ornoon.prob-
:'.lnKvPIllJ. ' W HU1. .ikcr. , ,? J'? '""1' tS'Scaw. t . J1 , 'h" Walter lion- land. ... "d".y. '"0'"K's over-
'iicncaliftdanJiximrn.; ,V " 01 ",e ,Xn,r V " ' ,w,'re "'om hhakefiware, the deiKwit if . """"'' '"eiks to cover
a Chinaman as S . ,,oul nQt ' f tho play of Julius Caesar WlU! reaA, ex pric-e Snd . u ' lu.,pbabla ,.un-ha
tth.C.Wg.i?V'n ',,ttt,,ePw,'le teori,-ind.r ,"1 '"l 4 I'hero will watched w V f. ,llin, ' will' l
lt.m..on L ?, ":' today, -0 ,i0''' V' , 'ctB1S Vw V,.?ra f'"- lota- onn0f vit.Tl i ' ' ,n'' s " nsult is
Jul.ll Chiall'llt n.ii... .... . - .
IUIII I m.l ....... . 1 II1S1IIO nv. I Ifffi. I
0030 EVB?riI,TC(.
;ET()' )EVT i
. 'i.-Li-viT.-
'irmni Bays: After n ,.
:icliii!f over a period of lm i
Villi:.;.! lownvend (.f l.ake,o V
,!c,ty last ,f. Ai,.it (,-
-11IV. . -I." "..I-M I,.., ., .
-V .if ll.n .ri 11. .. ." 1
..... ... ..... ...... ii- nil:. llv ,.
oiwl rom Miat nilm..,
ii.lil.'veloped into li.-.ii,, .,t....i:
1 r. . . . "'.v-' mi
i-:m .ii.ot years of ...... i ,
wl.l L. ..I .... -'. ""t
,;,, . .. ....... uiai. 11,1 was e.iMMl..
if .:.ko at t ie luiirt ,.ri.:. .3
....... ... ... .... ,. ,,,,! f T
m ... .e ... ....Kev-K-w for several
.;. .Ir-.i;.. i .iT. .. . ,. ,
. ....f .. . "'"ti"n for the
lbvtl.'VSI,-Hride. r.V.i-'TY""
,:..n. niHdeaihwiiii::;;
.snrK A.-'SKSssiCN'r, 'l';lrt . .
a.-iynmei.t roll wa m .ls( (,, .,
7u. .l 11 h.ts stood
,i in: L iiimii: OI ,rOlier v f... f..L r' . ".'.
.ai.lla county steps ,t0 the serond
loo ercw of nrn.ierl,. :.. .
liixsl.vmu nu." ..' v ...
. 1 . .r "w, ,o:o,
i liar decrease in I ' '
...T.,.,, t "" asscss-
T . . , ", 1 1 f:,:,.0,0(IO
taeise the fcix rate. .
pttftT.-Mr Ij W Darling, writ-
iiewn, i.ii.iaiu county, to the
. tUIUCI llillit fir I u. I
"kxrT i.i4im nfiliA tr. f:
. j. v. nut me to my that
'jam ago a L-enuino ea pl
On ofns.f. in 1 . lj.... r.
S.cnA ? "lilcs "0th of Ar-
Z The
.... .. ... llocK J3 aJ()
31119 n(V.lii nit.l n.. Ai .
, ... tlL ul lne
nuuiis, and nljo-.iL :t;):).1 f,..,t .,i
oftho ocean."
I Kntkiitainsiknt.-TIio en-
iriren nt 1 1.1.1 li..n .....
u Vi tullnws null last
to the uuspiees of HeulaU lie
W was a pleasing Fueccss. The
carrieil out in full. Iin- c.
oy Mr nn.l Mrs Sears. nd
. feature w,Ui piano accompani
1 "' b?U.":r,0 lrl':ilis.wl,ieh
noiel and highly etert4iininK.
alut two hundrcl persons
:i .
iSTIX...-J ( vi,;i,.n,- ' w
HiVI,t ,! I)r.inmwr
nu.hi f . it . -
. r 1 1 . i . 1 " u'n,c "ays duck
.. eiiTO from I'coria.
.healthful exierience. The
. I . . ..... .n. inr I'KiI
,T' iS.',"t0r""''1 ' an intimate
win i "i"ener unci
'-fon alsocamo down the river
a Ch. : ' . ' .
:;.! . ..... r M t! iiimno
illBod0lll:h"r',.W Wi-k Ilia
ratHthy wlj.tof .,," "-J"" COK-
M.dAIJe. 1,-1. . .
i:iiu:, , f :;,',. ."; "'3. . nt;iel;..t!onl
K .liij,..',,.. i" . ""'' 'd,liO
iauiant i.f i. ... ! "",aco Hie Cilv roe.
oftl,e6;:,.,V.:i'"nt'1- ""-.d Irwk charge
- ...... iul uiii,
David STrm.,1.... .... .
;-M.cdf0rdivo7ceoUw rf;s,iust
heseparaied about !'.ori K,'om
-vi.' swl.ld.vP?-. e':asbeen
I'-vuliar event. jJ ";',rs- A
A Sil.. k .
nl.iic driv n7a 'co " 01 Mr 1!rci:cr.bu,!
ld oto rC UV . nearly
man wlio fr..',....... c. resc--d bv
ment. "ls predlc-
V(Vien Millar to K'orilla Jliller,
J 1! lio.lK.ini to K X'tam!vV(i"L'n-V,''
;fa?e Linjfiioa to tV Xv'
-!!7.iO ai-es 1.'! K 1 .
I Um tenshaw to Wm Skcit'iinViolVi
,' ",' 1,1 I'.li'ten.-liaw s A,
C II AI FaHand to John' V v,',ii: 'i;
i.'Ti's, 1; w2....
I) !' Ijohinson to VV II iiV'avv.'io't i;
l.lwk Waterloo.... "
t w s :!ni, to.l 11 Dove. !J aires' i i
W J Wri-hl to' V W ilaes ,' hijVoO
ares la K 1
v?yk:::n ,o, w iiJa'cVwn.N;'i7;
1. Ill and 20. AS, Hill's A
oilaviPe '
Lr S to Calvin II Adivmujio litres '
IV J .
1G0 ucre
It im k ... I r t. i-i. .!.. V V '.':
0 1 iZ' '"1"' Prominent , i " r lu l "cr
c,.mn.. . ""'1U" 'e services of il.e ,, ,r, .
ernal ,.77 lu " " li"lier' 'W acres 11
-i.fH i'iiii:iiiN(;s.
p,,i.,i.. '-tn.
F.W. sii'w.:"'? "t. Marshal Mc-
eil-nei f. ;W "V;"""'-1'1 'n-is.C0Mll-
Stewiirt. ' ,iun;":. shail and
In t!m nlim. ,.rn i.
Ihirkhart presided ,,':-vor "-"""cilman
IMVsS:,1- ordered paid:
fCk.. t Ji .rHl-1' J" lice.81 :
j;ros4-.?:sV B:
trim '-l.
M illi nn- ..i -i
ill. n .i. weather wo
, - t "nrr linn i .a e
thermoneter, , 30 V'beTow 1"
-..s. icKujii in fi:itv c i , .
a'ut the mui i::.vmt.t0r
'iictinent in that -ii ft u,1Ut'r "'
i'l'e -ituatio" ,'SiJ 0. I''e.
the olectric'tv thif , c,rei"t'" Albany ,
it HBO tin esU,,, " 0,lr ''f'-t. di.
e':e. minute, bonis differ
to Anna Crouch,' 1 aero
mpaiiyonacc3nori.i 6ervlc' "f c
machine f.0'.'. lh.c rnt Infernal
Popular oflicers of ti,e , , i ne 8f ,hc
emoloy of ne road , l i'5""' noiv in ,!:e
ha.'ome I 1, .0aand,.'.' 8 i"'imated this
6 lw Willi It.
. it fi-i...; i .
City preclnc- . re, c !n Junction
balance o- hus?,V "i? a'erno0"
of So bales, o TM)CTfn?'nh0''8' cnit'nK
Meeker. Tiie price ni i ' a'Cnt 'or K
pound. -GuIrJ P W"8 16 cents Pe
avUv ri . . I Lnef. Sun, I.... u , .
A B .Smith'
1) m
'Geo VV Uawes to wli'lt'er
07 ii ,
John 11 Kol.btoMattie Currie'iot
mid 5, bl lO.LIryanfs A, Albany.
I'raok tuuni)'.
....ui.iow OI Ull'Jll.
; v n:,:..i. ......
i00n,n..f J"."'bard. to.lai--.nM
n,dX ? ' wch is sit,t,.;i ;
bn and Jame K .! .Vi'.TJ' '"ff1"-
?.OW.-&lem Independeid! UUSC',y' fur
Tiie .C'hIa... i:. .j .
ii election f,,;;.i . n'J 'ons-er has
ho Indooen.ii.iit . i " " " "'"'Poiuaii
cle on n, i.i ... ,u" ronnniscjnt nr-
i fulhwsT , "V r."' ,'.i;art,"entb''ffi'''
fjood old , avs of the sVl . V "' , 0nc of "K
when the e e. on of i ' ,,0l,ilrtlcnt.
"roamt from t ';' Passl
Alerts. ,, . io me
'iern and a's nlv .'vs s't J. I p " who111
an. ..ys stood in ayainst.
Brouneiy '' d "-'"' rahins t C E
lure, Albany.
I'urinir the mnnti. n ,
. - ,. "eceiuoer wo rro-
DOsft fn baII ......i.:.. . . 1
stock of ff.-T0u.Wi"?t fro,., our
aa.oind.Snft1 S-i
One larpe dinner castor. . . .
--..v. i.uvu sianu
"ne mitt ftaud ...
One eiirlil .1.... ..I- ii.
One silver canl stand
One calendar clock....'
On. hr...Lr.....
One butter dish.. .
One berry spoon.
One cream hullo ".
n. . ,. r .
able p r h-.f ii T rlon tf '-
epei-ial prices will M ,.iven..";i,,ru-
- B ..... oi.ivr.varo.
9 (0
V 00
7 00
o oo
5 00
4 00
: oo
2 n i
I 0) I'm r ! , , ,
i only for a limited time 1Wul Fl''
!' L. Kkxt.ix.
tMibscnptWn Agi,t.
Sit f.,!i i: , ...
fir i, i; ' ' many noc.Itie
Will ii ttMk,
If Mi.k - T " "vi'S'iun. J
E D Cu.ick.GM of , V F v . i r,T-vler!
" V W F Read, ui of f S"""'"'
thehU!torv'mr,Sy" .'"." .t time In
Mvl I. , , Z-2 '"PPolntmenl of Col
Swm?hopS;r - .d
wealth, and" fth- ri ths """"n-L" of his confrregation. We
oursou.h.'- Pr"I county to ow ".formed that the money ho re
cenedwasin liavment of Id. i ..,
Hote a!. .'1'11,1'11 udJn'y t tne f !!! docs "ot hi'haBty exitfrom
Albanv mo. ... i.. . T '"B'll. An I .
afterwards ti ! nis side Immediate . o "erger, of Portland, arrived hero ve.
ih. a:- . .; em.,tt Col Siiiel left i'rilay from Mitchell. Anil1 rfnnrtil T
hi" ho ne Tnd leaned f J 'la,r-et,C s to i. ,?". la " . shot b" marsl a of
'he iroJ raiHni J Ttt r , T" aSainst " ' Place '" Sundayeveninp and danger
enirance ??. .V'? . lh main ?"ly wonnded. Mr Merger saV8 ag
and ni r' ...i h " lly losl "', balance " coun learn the marshal had arrested air
..?: . ..1 . 7 ' h"d'on.' over the railing to Chamberlain for creatine a ?d aTISL :f
, w aujui 14 I.'Pt I miuyjl illltl Will Til L" i w i
- boose, when heshot him? . The.ball entered
! lliailJilLTK to A r 'n nm
snnlVr,"; . a 1'!",' " ttle raiser of the
........ ... ,1.,, j ule countv.
eei'ivrL,,!.e";,. h0 was in e Halle, re-
- iniiiiiy lareit uetter than
liny other part of K:iSter ' ;...:"
waSlT"- AtTlie Dall the snow
tow.;,! .. j""frFrauui'lyep
,w.rr. ' two feet in
It spent. . ...
in Vrin ri I "S,1" crror ,at week
insainir Klder IVmwi, i,..i t .i ....
, v wi-rowea oj
..II .-m l':n f. o. . .
u.n.. . fiarx lor ba
..ii.iuH)' jeweliy.
:m In IV? S"? calV.s ".'.' it . hadly. AVhen
.. . . mm.Me Tues(.lv mornin
- 1,.,! ...v.... .utiiiy inornincr, Liuau coti
Hill .V Siarn'.larjrellneofbilvor ware J 'Y1'-"'",8 were prcpariiifr to ninputate 'Jviug p,
ha. cnaled . Bre.t ,a o or wire the limb, asl Mr Chamberlain bein? in a
Tnir' !Zl h?"d? d"." Will Stark, otr " is , b'
J - ' J. uraliam and Mr
froaT 1." "ry. UWP returned
Uhr,M.V"uu- ".9 none of
Au '"""'"en they were
,7 Jurymen in the emuenlimr
iT",L bi"K examined . "v "c"cve B Lei.etml
hni.v i.. arBB. "O"'1 ""
'We """araeu also that
'lero-.ii. . ne
uui auci. easoa are
Their Mock rrr."."' " far".
Tiie Tkaup I'uoT.TT 1-,. .
..i... 1., . " oaiem
null eu irnmn ....... . . ..
, , ., J" Boinn of the inter
section lofl.iberty and Ferry ptreetfl A
large shed l,aa aleo been luii' Ham
mors ft rp in n ..! . . n'Dl
to th i. rock f"' ' "c them
of these i wl 5 W.h.i
II, . """""eel anu WHO COI ectl
the ticlicta issued. When ii,. t.
present bia llnL-..t . n.. .n. . . """r
died wlti.ViT.." ' ! '" "8 "P
Ifpnnrf .f . t ..."
the aW ' showed
stantiallyasi-cported ' U,J'elt'on b
elitric Mrtnt tl "", ask'
ra"i fif t -'L1""1 .'. .Greets be
Liirhteon,. , nl"uon. ."o. Electric
tiirfit mt.ii"r T cm no"."ea to mi
PKhts to reou r7, W.T, T " ruls0 a
iiroad-dbm street property. 1 efS ("
couimittee on tire and water, "et'rr'h, to
KesitrnnrirtM Af p a i .
ll :.:. or u u Ha e In
and on motion Mr
till position was read,
tlale was annainfpd
Repnn.1 etw.l . . . . ..
nhv . fZ,ZX 'S 't or setilemier, Mur-
iro'ieri;. .","oous: and Jlroders
anV1'!'0'?'1' .'b- blood,
strencth. tase ll.. Tc"' u.0:8elve
;nuethe,hemedrc1nea, every
for a month or two. y
Of Silverware
Will be printed the customers of
.forif1 J ana it won't cost
in the valley in fhdr nne a, r - Ck fgda
convince any one CaK" lnsPect"n will
one. call and see for yourselves.
We flr Ltltl ...:,
Ca esand laeke'. . , s , ' good8 no
for cash JVVe 'v" l,f ""y rtdU".d Pric"
Red, Pcacoch tciV . to"ami"e the
iacocL a. Co goods and prices.
he survives. lievicw.
Rubber goods of all
avlein Broi
i,.. ii... .
or l.laok h .i'' i: V,'Da:,na,form brown
Good Times.
Snag Procf Kubber
liools and K.leln
H"' S :MoF4nod. tha Ua4in ilrni
Btth. at Vierrcka.harina; and hair
Notice of Dissolution'
... I .
..u..,.c i, ncreny Riven that I lie firm of
Senders i Co l.erelofore doing business
"'e nrm name oi sender, .t f.. I...
.. . . ...uii mi hub na m .nn- 1 tl.ta .1... . ji . ... . .
piie.1 will, B l,amraer an(j obli-j "y ""n ...sso.vea Mr Ado!ph Ser.d-
m h is I.pwI ii ... " . T.u"t'e.u. lo Put e" retirimr. The new firm w'l! l,e
... ..v.a vl, ... , rOCKS. a nran U..l.(tl.ri... .
Hour's lalior (tiie time designated hV .7,1 V u -.r i,cnmeer "nd James Cal
board),he lwlCto&Z Z '"7".
mta id m mm,
Ellsworth, between First and Second St,
roukry,, Oysfcre, Clams,
(la 111 ft 111 tiflsvnn
r .i . wvhsJVH,
TTn l.n. . e. , .
Is the Best
Good Enough?
tllf lillf7oro;-.l .
the trm..n I. 1 V a-1 ,e ,leRet and
uieal. """"-u io eiuier a Oed or a
Alhnnv li,BBnl....ii. i ..
move alon?: " "y m3l""s u"m
When fl. i i
from k,.""" ,JU?,J t
. Tlla.ln i "uu,ey
i In u .. . 1 '"an who
'JdS- MulcahevtrLPed L..R"x,x?. item, arealwav, In
--sj.e iv. 7 . . i leresiinff. Hero . i , .
Mill. ' ineu to ...i, ". ; ., t: asl
, ,--"an not on y dischar- i . , V? ' on Anzeles, Wash..
. :.i. .. . . V """"iniay auernoon
itli no notice of contest the presen' city
council met to canva, tl, vote, when it
resolved to 'go behind the 'return."
Accordintrlv flu, :i .... ..
selves into a returning board, in rhicli
-iiciim mi me sealed ballots and
and pay all lis debts.
Anoi-rn Sknoxrh
Hamper's Bazar.
to i.
l lo
-j i:.rv-nscs, wnicn
'hen .VI. w.rj......
onginiicd the ioke!
tJ " rcllr- I. . " OKe
luNlOHr ir .
!onl,l... ,iC0
I, '"eY C A.
"ittar... A 'Plendid
"n0..i. "m in
i'ete Proceed.
..j " Bood plan to
'y..c.,te:,n,'.""'. pv
Be.:,. ., -'cior in the
"orrVr.. ".voure out
eUcei'C2'V.ur Income,
""""on lr "V ""verlfse
'alCv0',o'R,:bmond, 'my intereit vou.
- i , ri-n c n
ATrr. .i .
"ii i... . "", question of
II. -J
fy work. Think
?Kir cl.?,?. '-th? right
'ry ,, " 0 tiie Al-
r. ': How wnni.i
Assignee's Notice.
In the matter of the assipnc.entof flenrv
. 1K.iu.uu i.iuivent civutor.
NotlPA m llAPoKlt a.!..... 41.. a 1 r
" t" eiru inns uenrv
Freeman Pound has assigned to me nil
htm nrnnal i ... . "v " 1
creditors in accordant with the laws of
-..D w. vicguu reiaimn to eenera
i . ovuiru uitiiuifi ntifi i rui'ipnmonti tw j..t.. .
ng ho intention, of the votlr." after nndei "tli 7l 7. .SlllTnl'LWV''
vote. Mr Jlctiill. how .1'.T' 1. . n l"re9 "O""" Iron.
ProDOses lo bav. tli. nffia . . I 11... a n ... ,
'.i.n 1IU.II,
-- - ,ico, n.i.iuii
there is clearly a disposition to keep him
Out Of It. tb.rn n-ill 1.. I:. I
- ... . ..... ,, w. ..i.aiion.
Tim Things Wb Eat
Or., Dec 8th. 18113.
B. H. Irvine.
-ry largely make us what we arc.
No thought can past through the
mind without leaving .omeeff.-c
however slight. Manr tlight im
pressions, in time, make mightr
charges. It ihe same wish the
body. Abute It with poor food
and take the conseauenrp.
For purity r.d certainty In groceries
iwuii, go io rarser
( SHRINKINU. Hrins on v.llir fin.
winter ondtrwear. We guarantee not to
them in soft water. Gentlemen, starched
mrn'tr .nwi. If .... a...... t ..... .
... . . , .i.iic .aunuries OI
A tiiny are getting the Chinese cornered.
Give in lour work and ther will toon
eave. (. irr Laixiirv.
Mrs C Simpson, pinj-rletor.
L A. Morris &Co,
Fleer aid Feed Store.
Wave removed their itore lo oppiwli.
I mtr-flr f I ' "
i nuv in
Custom choppJnjf done.
utKM ftitfli, UiriflM, BUCK
HAlt'ER'a Ill7.n I. - 1 ..
ilnMniik.r ..111. .., ' r """ "Borne
Iha hlahtM anler. ItiLrlhi J "!",," l
.,, tbouz , i L: .,,.o,,--"'
rarlet .1.1 h. ,7::. ..""' B"- Short
J-u. Pol. Kntl, ' . ""
and other.. ... """"'" ""id."' "enU''- -
" sinfl Knaivu
r lean
IIARPEIl'8 Voixo peT'i'le
Tl.en call on tl,0 underfiiffnnr1 ...
r- juur
You will also fi,ul,"r ,. ",0 UC8S in ' market.
fl.e holidays!1 find a fi"e of crockery and toys for
Perry Conn
Pntar.treelSLM...t i. 00
Ca.d.andll,,io. -w,"",n,ll"tlSUIe,
The VAtaraifl nftiw t . I
.Vuttt-r in, .T".M'"itn th.
i i. ,.,.,, .,., ;77
aamtsrr current n:. i . "am with th. I
Bound Tolnm .,:.T'P,0,"rJl!r-
aw n.1.1. or h .... .. mt hr "" "" I
freirt. txm; Z;,TZ
IT 00 per W ,,r f
Cloth wolirKimi... .
OrJ.P ,r Dr.(t. to ,rM , v , . onej
" MI.9,
Aew.paricni arc not tr.... . .
i-.hout th,.rrr.oM-... u v,rtiK"'t
- 1
: s
Aid-e: harpep. mother,, Srt Tw