Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 12, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    paUjj Scinocvut
'ublithed every day in t ho week
except nuuuuy.
1-fVM Vt'TIIMi. LMilr anil '?op'f
Intend it the. Pest Ofll-e at Allmnv
ii i-r.ii, us Ht 1011,1 cIhj uiail maltor.
.11(11 iiiu:it 1; 93
D.c 22 an l 3J-Xr.!. by local Ir.Unt.
1)0- -'5 t" 3i Cirnlval c( Nitlom
n-o!t!.' Kami Mkd.via We have locn
j.'.illi.' il good "li-itl !l1ollt till- llllllll.-T (,f
.nM's fii ir medals nreived liv Oregor.iaiis
.e follwintr tukesa good' dcal'ii ' th'
him. 01 mem, 1111,1 num-iles Unit .v
w;iunviKt or 11 Miyp. unle lutiiallv
: premiums: .mini I love I rhn.-'n r 1111-
ana'stli'it imp im-ii.iiM ), (, WorM's
jr awards will he cut from 70.000 to '3
). In til-.' nrst .linv. there is ot money
to pay for ah th,. nirdals.nnd ; tM,
,lno value im iittrt.Vilta II,,. modal
an nearly every exhibitor was awarded
e. Them were M.isJU ovl,il,itrs ut the
ir. ai I"" " r.xjin-iiiioii tli.Tu were
OOOeiiiuuuirsiiim ..-.uui) medals. (-m1r
snwrniiPf fiolrpiib) !;0 per cent nf the
biliitors will receive medals.
Fir.iMKs's Ki.kctiox. 1 voles were
litatfte firemen's election yesterday. The
iaM w O'w-'- The vote tell the
for cmii:k i:xiiimi:i::.
"rank I'iintialrf t
Id Hk'hards ,-,r
lhumals majority t
roil assistant ruir.F.
KMC Wan fu
Ulanies 5:
Clelan's majority. . . .
BniiKit AniiiTiiAuv. Now Hint the
ViitU's fair is over the ilemaiul for postage
.uav0' the Columbian series is falling off
uJ l masters urn sending requests for
lhtdl series. Postmasters' have been nd-
rwl. the department that poo
r must take the Columbian series whether
:W like them or not, until thov are all
ised up, and orders for the ordinary ones
.it exhausted. The printing of the L'ol
mliiiui series lias lieen discontinued and it
eiiwcteil that the reissue of the old series
till be resumed about the beginning of the
aw jear.
A. 0. U. W. Ki.tXfioN. At their semi-
,nnualmeetinr last evening theAOUW
fetal tlie following oihcers:
CW Soars, M W.
C K llrownell. Foreiiitin.
1H Martin. Weeorder.
EA Parker. Financier.
A Savior. Kceeiver.
J A ilyman. (tiiide.
M Cowan, 1 W.
Win Meyer, Off.
A J Ansiyn, Trustee.
A jlAXLFAt'TUitixii Towx.-The I?bunon
l -TOlsior factory, owned by O'Xeil llros &
I livers is now 111 operation, and will eonlmc
iron steadily says a loanon pajier. 1-onr
rtive liiinds are employed, and the capaci
y of the factory is about 4,200 jiounils a
uy. The excelsior is put into bales of
iwut 100 nouiids. and it is wortli between
I :i) and $:w per ton. The company have
o corns ot tour-toot balm wood under
ler for the winter s run . Ibis is ft vid-
A!e addition to Ilianon's industry.
APinxEim Ukad. Jus Caldwell, a p:o-
rof this eountv. died at the residence of
I 'is Cain in this city this morning nnd the
IMiams were buried in Crystal Like ceni--iary.
The deceased was quite well known
alius section and was ninan ot many good
lities and a generous heart, llowas
' 70 vpnrs of ace. The funeral took
" Jee at 2:"si o'cloc k this afternoon, and
lire Riirnett ilplivered a brief, but iin-
sive aildre.-s at the grave.-Corrallis
I lews.
Vioi.kxti.y lxN.vxr.. Mrs Alien Lewi
Toledo. Lincoln eountv. wan taken to
'ifemvestcnbiv l,v hrrhus!i.inlamhhrother.
iihoijt a eonimi'tment. the county judge
'iinirfeniid. K in had lieeomc so vio-
I "otlv insane 113 to demand immediate
Witinn. She was committed by Judge
'"''bard, of Marion coumv, nnd taken to
'asylum. She ;a o vmira of ftnennd has
eohil.i. Her weiLdit has been reduced
itil she weighed orly 85 pounds.
'ir-TTixo I a' itkd. One would think lo
" the Palera lnd-pen.lent thrt thcbnlch
"thi're are getting rich. It li-.rures it all
Thelnih doesn't know what
-U talking nl.n.,t H'I.a l,t,t,.l,ra work
.ln and get einehnl bv 'dead bents more
i r.iost any class of people and few ever
""El" commit thn serious blurai'cr of
I faking any other engagement for tonior-
wning than nttending the hist ot a
of practical talks n the 1 M C A
inner fka 1,..
miss hearing
I.. . ... . iiucr. 1 'oil b
wn ieo P. ri, .....i..t..:
A Good, It Is a good plan lo
dacribe for and read carefullv Tour own
me raper, as It is the aim of' Ibis pa;er
I m""e it an educational facior In the
un"r. Besides that. If vou are out
joo, or wish to Ir.crease vour Income,
"re is the nlace in find' It. In an-
I "t Column Vnn ivlll GnA an nHvrrlise-
fn i i. v. -: " .
. n r johmon & Co, of Richmond,
for Wn.l .1 - . , .
-w,ni, iiiai may in;crcsv ,wu.
t "
11 SEaiora vattpw. fbis nnastion of
I r. J
...' Innndrv work. Think
f L!CT:lin vour clothes to the AI
Wto'i 't"n',rT- Hw "oulil yon
rl f ve ' tstialj running things
-lllle 1 1 hraineia. ft rnnl.ln't aet
i.j'"1''! it, and no wonder. Then
h0"''clotli'. to Richard rhillirs
""othe bett work.
The Telescope appeared this inorninu is
noruiug tlauy.
Buckingham's Ova for the Whiskma An.
its' wot k tlmrouijlil ', ooloriujf a uniform brown
or Mad:, which, vhen d-y, will neither rub,
wah off, Dorioil Uneu.
Tne 'o of tlnOretiOQ rUc.tin i advr-
tU d for next t'riday at 1 o'clock p m. Will
it occur. A gocd many people will ba hap-
piW diiuiipoinUd it it doe.
Last year note securred by
monev, notes and accounts amounted lo
about $2,o9ooou this year to about $r,-
.i 00,000. Where has the money gone.
Tho member. r-f the State hoirdof Fnus'.-
zil tnn aie making a tour of the itate. Kquali
2 it ion is a pood tliin. A ijocd hi a dose ot
common seaso biutd k with it.
Mr Mna'ton has move;l hitdvi o i.into
tho C W Wriyht btiii.tmc cecoi d door to the
I 0. Mr Guy iiujlioo wi I rcsiJe uo itaira ia
UnitM Ptatts r-:;'rt nt,
pjiy of 1'iirtlniui huyB tha rui ort of tho
lilotmoiit of Wtiituoy b Uoise, chfcirxan of
the repuhllciu c nlial c-miniltte, ii ruttuj.
'I'j.o tramt iurvdi l r.ot tiu,l a tiua h:l; i oiin-1
Tlu sale of fancy aiticVs ai the Congre
gational paisor.aije .vll late pljca lo
inonow al-ernonn. Tills will b n irood
chance for ion 10 purchase Christmas
Speaking of f ot brill, a leJeemlnn fea
ture is the V. If you have any lo epare
lush them In. U iue them In on a re-
volvln? circle. Tackie riplit and left.
break the line, an . lliiinr to keen tlij cb -
culutijn up.
ibe aunerlntcnencv of the Tndlan
school at Chcmav.a has not been changed
fo"- several weeks, Njw, it Is eaid a lotlier will be niatle. It would i)e a sod
affair 10 tc one man remain until bd un
de. stood the business.
Asioator Mo Tlierson, this nr,riin ccm-
plct'dtbe work f maLin up tlio ini'.itnry
ii-il in c.unty, as nouirct hy law. lie
tipdj L)4: pt'rtocs ill thu cciioty liable to
tnilttaty duty. Vliia h an innruare of about
too ojr last) ear. Guard.
Alox Dava. one day last weak crond t'lo
0-isrnde mouutains via the McKinzie routo.
He left the other aide of the mountains carlv
in the' morning on snow shoes and traveled
all day and the following night before reaching
tare around on this side of the raueo of mouc-
tains. Tho trip was & hazardous cue sr he was
all ainueaud this was his tirst experience ou
euo-.f shoes. l'.ueene uuaiu.
An ottuer of the Humane society has
repotted to that organization so The
V slcome Is informed, that twenty-five
Horses, dead trom starvation, are Ivlng up
on the premises of one of Portland's cap-
italtsls, and apprehensive that he mlgnt
use his intluence 10 lis detriment the socv
ety has Instructed its agent not to say
anything about the alTdr. And go wa
the worid. Welcome.
Call on Will & Staik for bargains In
Holiday jewchv.
Will & Stark's large line of silver ware
has created a great deal of talk.
Get your holiday eoods of Will & Stark
Their stock, because it Is large and vari
ed, and their prices because they are low
will make it an object. Besides they will
give away to their customers 875 worth of
Thc Cause. Tho Portland Telegram of
la-t evening gives tho following cause of the
indictment of J L Cowan of this city whose
,rHiB was mentioned by the Democrat on
Sinrday. Unionist day of Juno, 1893,
ati.l on the 17th day of June, 189.1, ami 00
fbver.i wLd sundry dates between Juuo 1 and
J,in'j 17, 1 10 said J L Cowan, while president
ot m iinu uouuiy xsaiiooal innn. uia win
fully and unlawfully abstract and misapply
a large anioant of the moneys, funds and cred
its of :.e Llnu County National rank with
intent to injure and defraud IhU bank and
divers and sundry individuals to the ul aDd
jiry unknown.
Skklkton Found. A skeleton, sup
posed to he the bones of an Indian whose
soul has long since been reveling In the
happy hunting grounds, was foand on Joe
Myers place near the Siate University
last Saturday. The changing of the river
channel caused by the last storm had
washed the bank away until the skeleton
was revealed some distance beneath tne
surface. The skull and other portions
were saved in good condition and pre
sented to Prof Thomas Condon Ouard.
Tub Tmsoa We Eat
very largely make us what we are.
No thought can pass through the
tnlnd without leaving some effect,
however slight. Many slight Im
pressions, in time, make mighty
changes. It's the same with the
body. Abuse It with poor food
and take the consequences.
For purity and certainty In groceries
and bjked goods, go to Parker
Miss Hattle Warner a graduate of the
conservatory connected with Gates Col
lege, Neb, Is prepared to give leisons In
vocal and Instrumental music to single
pupils or classes, at reasonable terms.
Miss Warner has had a thorough educa
tion and Is an experienced teacher. Her
refeiences are: Prof H A Shorey, William
& Trow and Mrs Lee.
Siwiso Machises neatly repaired and
warranted by a thnrmnhly cimpetent work
man, at.F M French's jewelry sore, Albany,
ee the Kew Jmprmcd Suger sewing m
ne. The b".t is !) He cheapes t, OtGce; at K M Fren e h
elry store
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Worlds Fair HlthttMe4al and Diploma.
$100 Eeward, $100.
tsTPt!rofthl paper will he IlMed
Itara that there Is at least one dreaded b"ea.-
that science has ben able to cure in a 1 Jul
ataaes and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now kouwo 10
the Bsdical fraternity. Catarrh beine a cod.
atitatlonal disease, reoina a conMitntional
treatment. IIs'.l s Catarrh Car" is taken inter
nally, setine; dirertiv uihjr thbUHid and itm
enns surfaces of tho syst-ni.therely destroying
the foandstion of the d:-sse.nnd riviii inis
patient trnlli hy bolHitnupthecKii'titution
and s"i'tinit nature Ii s work. The
propr'etorr Save so -n,irh 1 .1:8 in It 1 ej.ra iv
tower., that they 0:1. r Cue llr.n.l-L-d . M.jra
I t sT - ti-ut It tlili to care. eu-i U
i;.;of t .-ii-.ria' , .;o..T
KTiM by Br.tai-r.a.
Ir Mastoii went to Portland this noon on
liev lie
the I'.ible agent, is in the
Mr Anderson Cunr.ou
Salem this noon.
took the train for
Mr and Mrs lien Under are visiting XI
bany relatives.
Judgo Whitney went to Shedd this noon,
where he will tiy a civil ease before a jus Lice.
Mayor Friendly, of Fa'gene. mid Mr Sam
May, of Harrisbuig. went to Portland this
(ieo II LetHlier nndlMrs Viraiuin New-
man. of Poftlpnd, were married in rincou-
r tho oilier day. Portland Welcome.
Mia Aihlie Williams, the r,'iv:ill-l
from All'an.v, is exerted to a'sii.t in a
seriinof mcelingsat an ear'v dav at the
liaptist church, tnis city. Ce. vais !Slar.
Jin C A Anderson returned this ninrnlnrr
to Albany. nTter sneiidin'j a few davs with
her mother, Mrs c!s!i, in Yew Park
Huleni Journal.
C W AValts. J l Whitnev. Ilr Ixdnin.rp,-
Knox II,i!''ht and f Iwlu Cohen are on
their way down tho WiUame te 0:1 h due!:
hunt, slurting in at Peoria.
Miss Udu iillnibailirh. of Albane. hi!.
been in tho citv the pa-t few d;!vs visiling
with her sister, Mrs .1 M Porter. The
ijr ladv etarind for I'orlhindtodav where
ho will also visit wiih relatives, iroinir l,v
way of the west side. Conallis News.
I he steamer China. 011 wnich line ti W
Hill and other misionaries made their trin
o China, arrived salc-lv in Yol:ohania ves-
lerday. As the steamer sIoimkmI at Honolulu
ts arrival was watched for and na.:seii'ers.
i-orly interviewed for news.
X C Meyers, a brother of Senator leff
Meyeri, is in the city. Hy the advice of
Miss Pr jVlt'rie.-i. Mr Myers has been at
Medford for tho benelit of health, but has
returned for additional medical treatment.
alem lnfiepcndenl.
AYni S Slock. A H Ph. recenllv urofessor
of pl.arinacy of the Willamette "I niversiiy
at Portland, and graduate of the Oregon
Sltato collego mid California
college of pharmacy, has located in Colfax
as manager 01 tlie drug store toriucrly.owned
by Hrown llros. Mr Slock was a resident
of Albany at one time.
The marriage of II 0 Colton. a nonular
young lifo inruranca agent of Portland, mid
.Miss ttenevieve beorge, of this city, will
taKo place at the residence of lion M U
(ieorge in Portland tomorrow evening. Mrs
(leorgo and daughter Addie.and Miss Flora
.Mason are 111 Portland for the purpose of
intending the nanny event. Cant T
Overman will also bo present and expecti
to meet Mrs Overman on her ret'irn from
her eastern trip at this time
The Albany lire deiiartment will trive ft
ball at the onera house An Christmas nifrht.
I lee 25 for the benelit of Chemical Engine
Co jNo J. 'ihc following committees havo
been appointed: On arrangements. M D
Phillips, Fred Bloom and j W White; on
invitation, 1 li Khoades, J-red Veal, C
Metzger. A L Lamb; reception, W E Gillett,
T L Wallace, U C Schell, and A Harnes:
floor managers, C H Winn, Joe Hedges
Otto Clelan. A M Hall. Oeo Undreth. C
Metzger, Ed Cusick, J It Wyatt and Thos
After lEreakfatt
'10 THtrify, vllalize and enrich the Kood,
and give nerve, hodtly aud digedlve
strength, take llooa's Sarsaparilla. Con
tinue the the medicine after every '.meal
tor a month or two.
We arc fct'.ll seliing Dress goods and
Ca esand Jackets at greatly reduced prices
for cash. We Invite you to examine the
Red, Peacock & Co goods and prices. towels to every customer at Viereck
iluvirg pallors.
Rubber goods
Klein Broi
of all descriptions at
Snag Proof Kubber
Jioots and K lein
Hodarei Si MuKstrirui t,
l AlbaDy, C .
the hiding dro
iUtba, at VieTecksfhavin
and hair
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of
Senders & Go heretofore doing business
under the firm name of Senders A; Co has
this day baen dissolved, Mr Adolph Send
ers retiring. The new firm w'll be com
posed of Mr Ed Schmeer and James Cal
lahan who will continue the business, and
will colli-t all amounts due the old firm
and pay all lis debts.
a holm! sknders
Ed Schmekb.
fn the matter of tho assignment of Henry
Freeman Pound. an insolvent debtor.
Notice is hereby given that Henry
Freeman Pound lini assigned to me all
hie property for the benefit of nil bis
creditors in accordance with the laws of
the state of Oregon relating to general
assignments by insolvent debtors. All
creditors of the said Henry Freeman
Pound are notified to present their claims,
nnder oath, to me at the office of Bleck
burt & Watson, attys , in the city of Al
bany, Oregon, within three months from
the date of this notice.
Dated Mbanv, Or., Dec 8th, 1803.
B. II. Irvisi,
I. A. Morris & Co,
Ficnr and Feed Store.
Have removed their itcre to oppote
the Rims I.cujc, and naye on hand a fu
stock oi
Custom chopping done.
The Kescners of (!,. C.K., I
received S5o a niise m,,l II,. I.w ,vl.'"..
ccived 5 cent, for finding 8100 ami return-
Ing It has U'cn At.n ...I Tl. ....1.:..:.
indicant. "
"During u fran-c in (Juincy, Hi, a few
lays ago u spirit apieared. An electric
ight was turned on I h, ,l 1,1,. .1.1
it was the medium witli her face chalked!
Here'n n f.1.ii?.vil v.,i,a ,.
of foot ball generaily: '
i Halt back went for Hinkev'a end,
lie went n little w,iv
In silence Hiukev ,lin',l.vl hU
And slaiiiinecl him down to stav.
Walla W.ill-i etnnlv f,.r,ne in.l
failed with $0,884 8! liabilities; and jfj,.
Ii0 assets. As usual hard times is Ldven a.;
10 cause: but thp AlPll Town wnnl.l
1 1 1.0 to know how the p:cseut hard tunes
can have anything to do w ith a failure with
the liabiliiic.s t .-.-ice as liiii'. h as tho assets,
'1 his is becoming a chestnut.
It is rumored that the sender of thp inf.-r.
nal machine, which was received liv Sunt.
Mulcahv, of the Orewon t'aciac 1! K Co not
very long 110. has Icon discovered and that
an employe of Iho companv has ubo Wen
nsciiarged as 11 result of Lie investigation.
Lorvuliis sews.
Just 113 we expected the Midwinter fair
iiianagement are having the same iiiuncial
fun exiwrienced bv the World's fair. Thev
will not havo any bike half dollars to be sold
for a dollar, and hence will have to relv on
the resource of the I lohlen (late ritv. Cot
in and iu. tie.
This is the pay up time o the voar in nil
kinds of hnsinoss. Soma men take adyant
a,ze of tlie times to tell their creditors to
whistle, when, ns a matter of fart thev are
as well able as in former years to liquidate.
une ot Die result.) in going- to be an insist
ence on cash payments or a good assurance
of payment.
The following is a give away, ind is sug
gestive after reading of thousands
starving in Chicago: Money continues to
pile up in the Chicago bank's. Probably
never before have the Chicago banks carried
such a large amount of idle money; never
before has the surplus reserve been so great.
"The vast accumulation of money is due to
contraction in business," said a prominent
banker. 'The demand from business men
is not sufficient to utilize the money."
Trv a pair of K'c'.n Urcs Rubber 'spad
ing Boot.
Dec. 12th, 18., at the oltice of nnd by L M
Curl, J P, Mr S P Steele anil Miss Cora L
P.i rsif all both of Syvncuse precinct.
Poultry ail M Met.
Ellsworth, between First and Second Rts.,
PeuUry, Fisli, Oysters, Claras,
Game in Season.
Everything nice and fresh. Give us a call.
NOTICE OF FiNAL settlement.
JSMcKw hrlo, decemi ed, has (tied with tho Cle.k
of the County Court fur Linn county, Oregon, a's
filial account in saUI eut. n& the Cmny
Court haa fixed the &th day of FeHruary,l8fH, at Hie
hour of 1 o'clock n m of nid day.aim the County
Court room at the Court Houbo In until c unty, tor
tne neai -me oi eij?ciion if any to faia account and for
settlement of aaid cstAto, Anv persona ha Inp ohjr
tbna to the tcttlfment of na'd eaUte are hereby
notlflrd to he prcKcntand make the umo,
I'dblishod hy or-!er cf Huu J N Duncan, Jm'jt) of
ram Turt.
lxtcd Dee 6th. 1893.
Wa RUJiturr.ii,
MonUnve Htrklrmin, AifititnU.iator.
Attorney, for Adir.r.
IS94. .
Hamper's Bazar
II aipkk'i Bazr In a journal f r the home. ItftWrt
the fulleat and latest Information about Fashions ; and
Itsnumerouii III iwtrat Ions, Paris deiIiniR,and pattern
sheet tiinfticmeiste are hidlaiensahle alike to the home
dressmaker and the professional Mod lite. No oa
pense Is spared toimk I s artistic attract iveneis of
the hijthsat errder. Ut bright storics,amuslng come
ilea, and thoughtful eu-ya satisfy all UiU and iu
lait patre la fame us as a budget of wit and humor. 1 o
its weekly Win eyes thing 4s Included which is of
interest to w fpt i . The serials for 1SJ wli: be writ
tm By Willi an Rlack and Walter Besant Short
Starlcs wl.l b fs Uten hy Mwy E Wilklns, Varia
Loise root, R (b JcKnery Stuart, Mailr-n irar.and,
aid others. ( tit door Sports and In-dsor Oames,
Social Entertal Btttt, Embroidery, aud ether Inter
estinf topl wll revive eimiUnt attention. A new
setles is prstnlset. bl 'Coffn and Repartee.
rer Tear:
UAIIPERD SWr.A7.iyy. ..$ 00
Pnttaa, free ts ,11 s,iUcr;bers in th. Untied RUUts
Canada ar.d Mesico,
TtieVolaiiHS nfttt, R.7W beain with the flrat
Vuntr for Jmuirr of eaoh fetr, When bo
dm. is mentioned, sulrtrriptlons wih tNsn with th,
nnmlier current stth.tlm, of recetptofonlcr. ,
l,tlnd volamesof lltrper's tl.zu for three vests nentelcth bin'.ioa.wllt be sent by mall, nu
7ep,'d. or hy expres. tr.e of expanse fprovidtd the
friirht dw, not excM.I on, ilt'Air per .otoni,,) fat
fT 00 per vtQme,
Cl'jth eases for eac Tf.him-, sniUM, fol Mninr,
will Se mm t.y nail, vrtl-pal.l, on rrcript of i mch'
Remtttsne should h, nm'le hy rra'.ofTlM Money
ordw or Draft, to avoM c hae, of Jos.,
New.papers ar-j not to copr this a,lvertctnent
without tV txprem orjrr of ll csrea A Us, Tiirs..
AUreis: HAllPEIt t Ilil'jTtlKIH, Xrw Yoae
No Siihixkixu Ering on yjur fine
winter underwear. We miinnu. nn i
ir.jure tbern, as we take great care to wash
them In solt water. Gentlemen! starched
work a specially, Tho white laundries of
Albany are gcttlne tho Chinese
Give us your work and they w ill soon
eve. City Laundry.
Mns C Simtson, piop rletor.
It Pays.-It pays to take and read the
puiiers. esneciallv VOUr own hnniA J-iilv
Oltcn in tlnu way good business opportuni-tiu-s
nro brought to your attenlioa. For i;t-Ntiini-o,
if you wish to secure a (rood pi'ying
situation, then you had better look up tlie
udvertwenient of 11 Johnson He Co., Ilich
inond, Vu., in unother column; perhaps
what they have lo nay may interest you.
Olives In Uutk. saner kraut mv.i, chow chow, cranberrfc. lemon.
tiakeJ l.onilny, and njw ralrlris nr C 12
A Lisiiica! Firai 6;vcs Awy Ca:!).
J. F. Pmilh & Co. of No. 23SGreca.
t. ich Ft., Kcw York, tho manufactur
ers of that favorite cathart'; known as
Smith's Eilo Banns, Lavtj atloplcil a
novel plan. Tliey ask tho Individual
buyers of Bile lliiins to sen J their full
Eiimo and address, with an ouUido
wrapper from n bottb of Kilo Ucant
(cither tizc) to their office, and they
give (3 for tho first wrapper received
in each mornins's mail, aud fl for tho
Sd, 8d, 4th, DtU and flth. Every day
$10 in cash is thus sent to their cor
riBpondcnts. Ask fcr SMALL size.
Of Silverware
Will to jin-tented
genuine HOLIDAY gifts, and it won't cost
you a cent. They have the finest stock of goods
in the valley in their an inspection will
convince any one. Call and see for yourselves.
Good Times.
The way to have them is by getting your
Tie has a fine stock of gold and silver men's and Indies' watches rin trdd an elegant line of silverware nnd jewelry of all kinds to &Tfrm
tall on him for relinble gootls at prices lo suit the times
Is the Best
Good Enough?
Then call on tho undersigned for your
produce, for
You will also find a fine
tho hohda3's.
Matthews &Washburn.
U Worm r Ullverware tilvea Away at
I'. M freaehi's, the Corner Jewelry
Mure. Albany.
During the month of December we pro
pose to sell anything you want fro.a our
stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver
ware, gold and silver spectacles and eye
glasses at prices in keeping with the times,
and as another inducement to buv pond of
us we propose to give away the' following
One large dinner castor
One silver cake stiiiid
One fruit stand
One right day clodk
One silver card stand
Ono calendar clock
One breakfast castor ,
One butter dish
One berry spoon
One cream ladle
.410 00
. 0 00
, 8 00
. 7 00
, t) 00
. .ri co
. 4 00
. :l 00
, 2 0)
. I 0)
This is a freo gift distribution of valu
able presents that will cost you nothing,
lteiueiiilier the place. French's jewelry store.
Special prices will be given on silver .v.ire.
PluutT I'm i: ri:K. l ira fvv; vs
will receive subscriptions for the "'.Whly
Detroit Press" 4 nuntlis for 20 c-enti. (Jail
early before it is too late as this special .!i'er
is only f,,r a limited time.
K. L. Ki:nt,'N.
Subscription Agent.
My fall bee
for la.'i5, mi-.M
f MAt'lSTO.SHKS unci
ir.cludiog many noveitie
t ,.,d cnildren, it ni".v
N K You-ie, .
v.'i.'i & S'ia'l!, th jewefr,.
tho customers of
are the best in the market
line of crockery and tovu i"r
Perry Conn
r i
; I
'4. --H