4aUil jQemonmi The Weekly Dbmocisat nnd New York H'orW for g2.40. The Weekly Dkmocrat and the Fnm fdrM.25. Regular price of the Koruui is $:i.0X Tl.e Demoi-iiat, weekly, and the St Lous Jlcfuilic can be bad through this office for 62.50. All subscribers to the Pemocbat who pay all arrears can have both papers for the next year for ?2.50. A strange fact has arisen in connection with long-distance telephony; women have great difficulty in making themselves un derstood. It is said the high notes of women's voices, while all right on short lines, do not carry well for long distances. George Chamberlain for governor or. t!i6 democratic ticket is a possibility and does not necessarily mean the sacrifice of one of the best men in the party. Chamberlain is a clean, able gentleman and immensely popular in the section where he is best known. Give us Chamberlain and we will give bim votes. Klamath Fallj Exfrns. The Portland Kveuing Telegram should change ils name to 'The What Is It Y What it is not is more easily guessed. It is not a paper devoted to a single interest of the democratic pa'ty. l H f,,t:a lighter, It has given its friends and sup porters the "double cross." -Klamath l'a'ls A cant saying among republicans is that the people arc now getung what they voted for last fall. Ono thing is sure, quite a number of republicans in and around Port land ore not getting what they voted for. The elcc'iion of Cleveland led to the ap pointment of T J Ulack as collector of customs. Pan R Murphy, U S district at torney and Mr Grady as U S marshal. This done, and ono of the most stupendous opium smuggling conspiracies ever known on the coast was unearthed. Tha result is tho indictment of Lotan, Dunbar and a score of others. If these men get their just deserts it will not be what they voted for. Down in Columbia county the populists, as is the usual custom of renegades from the old parties, abused all persona except populists, holding up all others as corrupt and dishonest, and hugging themselves 'with the delusion that they had secured a monopoly of truth lying around looso on that particular bank of ths great, rolling Columbia river. They were successful in their blandishments to the voters to the extent of securing tho election of their candidate for sheriff. This immaculate and spotless scion of tho pumpkin vine party of honor was in office less than eigh teen months, when he tinned up with a deficiency of over !000. This incident will probably furnish a serious set back to the over drawn claims of the Koarick sore head crowd for quite a period. UaUer City democrat . Gov Flower, of New YoiU, lias n able ai tide In Ihe North American Jlevlnv on the subject of good roads, and how ho3t to got them. Gov Flower is a man of ac knowledged bus.ness ability, and his re mirks are as applicable to Oregon as to New Vork state, 'l venture to say," he writea, "there Is nota county in New Vork which, if It would bond itself for a million dollars and invest the money in the scien tific construction of highways, would not in live years have Increased the valuation o lis real estate to many times the umount of the investment. But that would b only a small 'part of the gain. The greater part would be In Ihe saving of wagon trans portatlon, a saving in vehicles, a saving in horses, a saving In time, a saving In lahcr, a saving in risks, a saving in matkets.' Southern Oregon needs better roa J wor-c than any section we Kujw of. Jjckfon ville Tlmrt, Prices Reduced. The undersigned pro prietcr of the Pioneer House desires to in'orm the pnbiio that he haa reduced the price of board without longing to f.t per week, wuh leucine $4 per week, Siulo mmlt Jo ctitits. The public is Invited lo call a I keep good beds and set a Rood tnlile. Have urwcnrt lor sale. Corner of Broadalliin and Water atreots. J II AlERAftt'A. AXLE BT ST IS THE WOKI.lt.. :flflV7nrHiTquAlitlsA:e .jr.smvim., "1 ' : I ru'.l.iBttnff IWi b.ifn of ftnv ..'he. I -. l. r-i caccua or b.at. s-;i:t ill r: ;J.: i i sc. rongAt.r.vi'EAt.;j;o'-iB.uJV. ?yy n. ii.iivul. w, ii.mspiM'.tit. p. n.j.vMis ALBANY FDRMTDBE CO, IirCOPOKATIlD Hallimore Hlock. Albany, Ore. FURNITURE lompMt' lino rf - in all i! braiuhes EMBALMING ncial!y. ((UEvrioNs. iflA eoutleman at Bates siguing himself 'APemxrat asks the following ques tions: When was the first treaty made between the l'nited States and China, and under whose administration, nnd who was the first uiiuister to China from the L'nited States? In lS-l;t, under the administration of President Tyler, (the Whig vice president who became president a'- the death of Wil liam Henry Harrison,) Caleb Cushing was sent as Knvoy Extraordinary, etc, to estab lish the future commercial relations between the United States and the Cblnesa Kmpire on terait of national reciprocity. hat are the principle articles of import from China to this country, and the amount of duty derived from said impoiui' The principla articles of import from China are tea, rice, sugar and porcelain. Tea is on the free list. The average duty On silk is about M per cent, rice 75 per cen1, Biigar (nouo of consequence imported,) porcelain CO per cent, l'or the year 1.90 the duty paid on the imports of China, was approximately S",000,000, the total value of importations that year being Sifi.'JuQ.- -171. Ufthis 8U,22:!,SO.-camo in free of duty being n?ar'y altogether tea. I'r.l. The names of tlia ' two associate judges that concurred in the opinion c Chief Jutic: Fuller on the constitution ality of ihe Ge:iry act?. Urewer and Field. Al!iaay Market. 'Viiet,4je: Oris, .5t. four, ?4.0O. 1'ultor, 'JOB. Kfsi. 5e. illil, 12 to 13c. Pork- ,iH 12 to lo .oul;ir; t. to If.- 11 to 1 5c Hay, ba?od, 57 l,o atots, 4tvi. Appifta , 4f' ilopa. 16?. X)ried f.-ult -plums, ar Chickens, $4 00 pur iijffa Bisf, on f.oi, li'. Both, ilie ttietliorl and resttlt3 Tvlien Kyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, tnd acts eenlly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the oniy remedy; ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from tho most, healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities coaimend it to all and have, inadT it tho most popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs is fur sale in 50c nnd $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist Ttlio may not have it on hand will pro cure it, promptly for any one who wishes to try iu l)o not accept anv 6ubstitut2. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN nwicisco. CAL. wuisvin;, nr. , new roex. .. GOO. NEWS (T; I or tl.e r.iiliio:;.? it coauutvers o! t.- tj ;r ,b, l li.;l-,ir,. to nn- 1 p.UMi.n ia ur.l,-s-l.i.l.ta ol" is i .! -.i-de i OOO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTiGF. N'OTICK IS 1IKHKIIY C1VKS THAT THE TX i!or.'t;iu'l lntH tliiadny lt-cii .;N.liitid a.lniin- "tr wiili I lie will annexril ( Hil ritaie nJHt'ih iiin'y eo-jrl of ll lerntTu UCl'lllFtM, ''J' 1 1 iC Urir " Kllll U i'i.ii." m ira : 1 1 st sat'l t-tt are hcrdiy r- imrvu ii.M,nt (lie nme .'ulv rrfltil tv mw U r.:y h..m,- alx.nt nix m Ion e:"l "f lUrtintmrir, Uim iMUiilv, Urt'u hi. vilhin x iu.m1lia from Ihe Uir lati n,i itii.ua:. TK OIUUf. J J Whitiif.v, Adiniiii-trator Ally ( r Ailntin. Those, Pimples Arc UU-tnk vimptoms that your blood is not riyhtiultof impvritits canting a fhtgyish rind unsightly ovnnlcxion. A fuc bottUgof . tf. tf. iciltrfmow all foreign and inwure matter, cleanse the bUxHl thoroughly and giiv a char and rosy complexion. It is most ctf trt tail, ami entirely harmless. Chi. HMton, 73 Laurel Strrrt, Wills., hw 'I hare had lor fars a humor In mi blotxl v tiich made nw dread to shave, as small boils or 'imi'les would be cut, thus eaminfr hatintf to v a (ireat annoyance. A tter taking three K'ttW my tace is an Clear and smooth ait It should be appetite spWndtd. sleep we'd and feel lik riuinine a foot race all for the use of S. S. S, .--Treatise on blood and Vin disease mailed free- VfOlnH COXtflDEBINU Pay Perry Conn, Terms, cash at F L Kenton's grocery tore Please pav Terry Conn what you owe kim. If vm wut a tine tmo! call for Joseph a white labor cigarK, The bet;rnaat coSee in the oity at Cuciad rtluyer a. The best watch In ihe world for the money at French's jewelry wore. Fine Southern Oregon peaches as F L Kenton, Now is ths lime to can them. Motor liakca fira trim dnilv In Vi, aaimtnn. i,o:r there on nittil.'menU of ?1 per week, Genuine oair-i f.ir nil epwtnn mhtn.. also the best oils, needles, etc,, for ali if, , , B mcltnes, Mcyclcs, ct:., at E U W ill s music store. Sewing machines anil orgir.t repaired reasonable, nnd all work warranu j.,- Needles prepaid bv mall 4oc Thousands of lives are saved annually by the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup r. I whooping cough, the Pectoral lias a mcsi marvelous effect. It allays in flammation, frees the obstruct,! air ,..,.. and contio's the desire to couirli Dr. Price's CrWrtf Baking Powder JUost Perfect Made. ZTO QUARTER vnll do yon as much good as tho ono that buys Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. This is what you get with them : An absolute and permanent cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of tho liver, stomach, and bowels. Not just temporary relief, and then a worse condition afterward but help that lasts. Pleasant help, too. These sne-ar- coatcd little Pellets aro the smallest, the easiest to take, and tho easiest in violence, no disturbance to tho sys tem, urtl ui- ucuupiuion. They come in sealed vials, which keeps them always fresh and relia ble ; a convenient and perfect vest- pocket remedy. They're the cheap tst pills you can buy. There's nothing left of Catarrh hen you nso Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy. Tho worst cases yield to its inild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. IiOR flENT- Eooms snitsblo for " dressmaking or light house keeping. Inquire of I, Vieiick. fAKNINO I. the undertigned, T warn everybody lo not give a"y it on my name whoever It la, for I nr.t he responsible. FL DTJMONr. IOST.-Somewbere In the easletn part i nf the city an iron aplrit level, with u.io. levela. Pie, ae return to N 11 Conn T. C.IIAl'KEY, 31. U., PhyicUn and Surgoon, Office L'fUir over Hie UATil fc4tJeflct', comer Klh and Oaltpooli it.' ar Bakerj ory.r:Bi-l(ln him! Flril K(f. uvm Mvrn, ffcffieior, uiinl rrn.lH, O'tth-.tTllTC, Orlrd Froiln, Tobiicco, Nasar, roOrp, -Et I'KIIIIV "If., lrteeaHWttr. VreefKlile, Ciffarn Kplccw, Ten, Lie, fac everytha.itr that Is kept In a trfi.r Tsricty and nocry ftote, llrhcafc market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE At r.4. IJr. l-HllorMcn 1 allnr The Noted Clain-nyaiit ard Lite Rrnler, is mw here, and ran be found at ht-r refttU'nce.rcxt Jt-tr J B roucili'a. She tells alou. all puMrct. I'-" pretvnt and future; Io trouble, Ktwnt uifsdi and DuaineM. You dtn hear from vuur dad tki.Ja. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTIt'E IS IIKKERT (JIVFV THAT TtiE tX dvri);neil haw K'tn aptKiinU-d ailniinistrmtor of tne ,"iftie 01 i, inTiiani. i'e i i.inn county, Dr., deciaMil. All porsona having naima ainst aaid wtale are herthv reiiuired U prvnnt them iluljr vt-rilird a9 ty iw ir.iuired to the ut,(lcrnik'inHl at cirvai:i4, Urti,in( within six months frem the ua-e nerr i. lattd this ;4tli dav of Nomtvr. loa, l.KO CKIitlARP, IIK.Mir tiKKHAKH, Wfatlierfril rhaml-criain, AdminUtratort. Attya for Aitiuitt. TOB HAI.K. nr will iuHa for oo1, t Kry uirtp, sevoi Vf jtr old peifectly u-ntio for noiiiu rikI rhi'dron to drive g 3 Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, -at : jrreaitly'': reduced : prices,- BEAD. PEACOCK A GO., ALBANY AND Mako your selections early while thfty l.avo a large assortmoat, Usidci'Sakcrs -: mh1 - KmbalEsiei's. TTE KtEI' crrM.-r.lh rnlrii! (!! Hi.e oi tv.tniic, fktli rd ccd cablet i Vv collir.a. Ali-o Lni'i.il loUs tr.tlsi.il.', in 1 u rticlolh, siliiM.-tl n 1 1 ,. 'i wliicli will be oUl at ihv Lowest Living I'rotiJr,. EiViBALMINQ onJ ll;e proj'ir cure of the lU-aJ a i-et!ally. AA v.j . UQ EXTRA GKUKCi: FOR AL3AMY, - - MASONIC MEAN ill sell all circkerv ware anil holiday goods al COST- Here are some prices: LampsA'wortli 50c for 25 cents; .lamps, worth $2 00 for) $1.00 cups and saucers i5 to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 10 cents pei set. Everything ulse ia proportion. Gallon nie and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl, Dnm Trcr , L'v'vt; u irom "Tit Crtattil of I he RoFum ' ; The foremoAt men of the world write the literature of contemporaneous activity for THQ FORUM. Every (rest subject It taken up by The Forum when It naturally comet Into public attention and It treated by the best authorities, without regard to parties or creeds. It will keep any thoughtful reader Informed on the tasks and problems ol tho time, as no other periodical does. To many thoushtful people, the price of The Forum has hitherto been pro hibitory; Indeed all the (treat Reviews have been too high In price for the muses of Intelligent readers. But now the number of readers of thoughtful literature men and women who wish really to know what Is going on in the world out side the narrow limits of particular sects and parties Is groat enough In the L'nited States to warrant ao revolutionary a reduction In price. The Forum discusses Important subjects, but it Is not dull. The literature of contempo raneous activity Is, In tact, the most Interesting of all literature. American citizenship Implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men and the latest great achievements In every direction of activity. SJZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. Tho Forum Is now as cheap as the magazines of mere entertainment. THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, THE BEST, OF THE GREAT REVIEWS. The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, Now York, 25c- a Copy. $3 a Year. PLOWS AMD HARROWS Bargains for fam.ers In both riding and walking plows, disc harrows,lron harrows. etc. Prices In proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to call and see us sililVARlv "OX ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .J. JOSISPII, iVonrictos', WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed Portland. Okloos. A. P. UpenailtheyeAr. Studenu may enter '- A BlJSINF-f EDUCATION PAVQ t ,i rrfrsii jS is-J sryfnt .X. i,. r-cuires IWf ?l.rVT..1-S.T.X 4lir. l.t IMXK I'nOTOGKlFDCR', k. ' r- LEBANON. HEARSE OK SERVICE, TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOI BUSINESS. soc. to 25c a Copy, 5, to , a Year. all our FtriidlcaU. A ITS I11RKB $.1 flfiv. GrnftrM lichen n tonsil over In von tad. n urn oiKia. a 10 o oiu at evory house. pe, poe Una;naid, five cents. Mc .ilaki x io, uinoliinati, Uu:o. rA"rEO--fo'''V nd cltr war 1 rant bought and so'd bv H"P Mir rl'.l 0 'tape? JrumnvR i.,.., at any time. Catalogue free, s. I i injo cravonr lor Slo:oo. V r... , .m? f .is . i ... - la,8 Mock Slnticnery, Toilet ArtiJes Musit, Instrument, Etc. ill The Cornel Drug Slurc," A!lan,i0l. WAN TFD At ihe note (ornu-rlj, ovnti . Allen liros., ) BUTTE I?, I2GGS, LARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLBR, or which I will pay the i,(,i Cr,(h nc, possible. ' .Virj!3K.cvi.cr-jrM.i.Klnini Piremens Election Notick is iii:u;:uv givkxtiiat nn. Monday, the nth il.iv ol IJ.'cem bur, 1873, nt the hall of the Airanv Ei k'mic Co, No i.lhe aniuuil i ltclion of the Albany fire Deparlcnt, t.f ihe ci,v 0i Albany, Ilnn couoty, (lui'ii, v.iil b huld for the purpose of e'ccliiiy a Chief Knuineer ami an Anslstant (JliUf I'n 'inct ot the suid Alt)any Fire Hcparlmtir. Tlic following pctfot.s ttave b'n ap. pointed by the Hoard of Dcicuicj sa,j Albany fiie Di'partnu nt ;ts juj.-t'r, cf said election towlt : W Gillett Freil li:ooiu, M I) Phillips. Said election will commence at one o'clock p m and continue without closing the polls until six o'clock p m of said dav. Aljanv. Or. Nov cyih, iSoj CKO A LANDKF.T1I, I're., P10 Tem. J W While, Sec pro Tern, Assignee's Notice. rouci) ic ncrei K'ven i an witf.rn 1. nii concern, that on the 4th dry rfXovtmber ltiU3, Anthony Trcj-St' or.d F C Kotler duly niatio an asit'umcni: iiaiue ci au uicir proper ly ion lie DeueuG oi fiii wuir cieuttora, in ccordaa ce with tho general Wricment awsof the tato c ( Ort'iroo; tlurtforo a.'J persons havincf claims utainst the co-rnrt. nerHhtp iirm of snid rropt snd Hut!er ire hereby notified and required to pmenttiis HKtne to me under oith at the otiicc cf V U Ililyeuin tho Citv ot Albany, Orepon iith in three mootha fio;n the date h erf of. Dated this I7th day of November, 1593. FltANKLIS PltOIT, AiEtt. Notice to Stockholders: Notlefl in hereby ylvvn thftt tho annual nock ho! tiera meanir of tho KHrmArs & Morchan t InsurancH Company of Albany Or gun, w ill Lo held at tho company's oflke in the citff of Albany OrKon, on Wednesday. January :ird. Ifc04, at the Ii9iir of 2 o'clock r in of said dav for the purpose ofelccilnn 9 (nine.) directs b of aaul eoaif any to f-erve onn ear ana lo transact s'isli othor business pji may reuwlrly come bofcrosaid meet ins Dated December 2nd; ISM, J O WKITSMAN; "W F Eead; becreiarjr Freidont. Wk t?ant:you to work FOIt US thim miktt.a 12 .OQ tc $35.00 VKK w E.L K, ?Mrtes m ef em u w Jio can furnish a hors? ad travel thrcncli the coun try ; a team, though, is not pecetear,''. A few vacancies in tewnsand cities. Spr hours may I o used to ((rod advantage. B K J oil nso a &Co. 11th &L-d Main Sts. ititlnnoo Vi, g DOLLARS TO Easily Mstde. We want many men, women, doj-b, and girls W work for us a few hours uaily, hrIU in buu irfDwi tlieir own homes. The business li mst. pleaitnii strictly honorablp, nnd pays better than snyotlirt olTered agents. You have a clear fidd nd no competition. Experience nnd special ability un necessary. Xo capital requirnl. V'e equip yot with everytldng that you need, treat you veil, and help you to earn tin times ordinary wap Women do as well as men, and boys and girl make good pay. Any one, anywhere, csn do the work. All sutceed who follow our plain nd sta ple dirotlons. Earnest work will purely briflff you a grvat deal of money. Everything l "w and In great demand. Write for our psmphW circular, and receive full Information. No lJrB done if you couclude not to go on with the ottslncss. Ceorce Stinson&Co Box 4 SO, PORTLAND, MAINE. FARMERS LISTEN. We have S"e lot of (tetth grass seed, of almos: eci kind, Including cheat, and we want lose" u. Come ana see us. STEWART & SOX irns, l?intw. Oil Olnisis, lite J. A. CnmmiriR Wall Paper, :i ,1 - l caider.ee torm r Trd andCalat ooia ine t i 1'a:I on K V Achit.'n. at Mnrb.e woka