Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 09, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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On the subject of postal matter
president in bis manage says:
The report ol the postmaster-general
contains a detailed statement of the opera
tions of the postollice department during
the last fiscal j-ear and much interesting
information touching this important branch
of the public service. The business of the
mails indicates with absolute certainity the
condition of the business of the country,
and a depression in financial affairs inevi
tably and quickly reduces the postal reve
nues. Therefore, a larger discrepancy than
usual between the postollice receipts and
and expenditures is the expected and un
avoidable result of the distressing strut
gency which has preva'led throughout the
country during much of the time covered
by the postmaster-general s report,
At a date when botter.tlmes were antici
pated, it was estimated by hia predecessor
that the deficiency on the 39th day of Jiinr,
1893. would be a little over 81,500,000. It
amounted, however, to moro than $5,000,
000; at the same time and under the in
fluence of like anticipations, estimates were
made for the current fiscal year ending
fvno 30, 1894, which exhibited a surplus
of revenue over expenditures of $7'2,2-1j 71
Jut now, in view of the actual receipts and
expenditures during that part of tho current
fiscal year already expired, tho report of
the postmaster -general estimates that at id
close, instead of a surplus, thero n ill be a
deficiency of nearly 8S,O00,COO.
The postollice receipts for tho last fiscal
year amounted to 875,896,833:!. 15, and its
expenditures to S,074,104.!K. Ibis post
oltice'iteficiency would disappear or bo
immensely decreased, if less matter was
carried free through the m.ils,an5i!em of
which is upward of 300 of seeds and grain
from tho agricultural department. The
total number of postoflices in the United
States on the 30th day of June, 1893, was
68,403, an increase of i'284 over the pre
ceding year. Of these, 3300 ero presi
dential, an increase in that class of 204
over tho Dreccedlnir year. Forty two free
delivery offices were added during tho year
to those already existing, making a total of
G10 cities and towns provided with free
deliveries on June 30, 1893. Ninety three
other cities and towns are now entitled to
this service under the law, but it has not
been accorded them on account of insuffi
cient fundi to meet the expense of estab
lishment. I am decidedly of the opinion
that the provisions of the present law
permit as general an introduction of this
feature of mail service as is necessary or
justifiable, and that it ought not to be
extended to smaller communities than now
designated. The expense of free delivery
for the fiscal year ending June 30, IS93,
wil! bo more than $1 1 ,000,000, and under
legislation now existing there must be a
constant increase in this item of cxpemli.
Ttere wero Clol additions to the domes
tic money order officers during the lust
fiscal year, being the largest increase in nny
year since the inauguration of tho system.
The total number of these olllcca at the
close of the year was iS,434. There were
l2.3o9,735 money orders issued from these
offices, being an increase over the proceed
ing year ol l,24o.29o, and the value of
these orders amounted to S127,!70,433.65,
un increase of. $7,5o2,C32,5S. There ere
ulso issued during the year postal no'es
amounting to $12,9o9,oiG..3. During the
vear 195 international money order offices
were added to those already provided,
making a total of 2197 in operation on
:i. 1892. The number of international
money oiders issued during tho year wu
l,o-V,299. an Increase oyer the preceding
year of 72,525, and their value was $10,
:Ul,SI7.80, an incrertc of l,222,5o0.31.
The number of orders paid was 3oo,9!7, an
increase over the proceeding year of l:',5o.'i,
und their value was $5,283,372 7o, an in
crease of $94 091.83. K'om the foregoing
fclaleraent it npnears that tho total issuu of
money orders and postal notes for they are
nmnunted to Ti56,821,:VH.2t.
The number of letters nnd packages
mailed during the year for special delivery
was 3,385,6o3, an increase over the pro
ceeding year of neatly 32 per cent. '1 in
special delivery stamps used upon these
letters and packages amounted to 8337,
C59.3o. and the messenger f' paid for
their delivery amounted to (250,592.71.
leaving a profit to the government of $.,
976.59. lt.U.WAV MAIL SKHVIl K.
IV railway mail service not only adds to
H it. 1IVKK. W. 11. P. II.JAMI1S
faltimorc Murk. Albany, Ore.
,M!i'''te lire f
the promptness of mail delivery tit all
ofKcei, but it is the 6 pedal instrumentality
which puts smaller and way places in
the service on an equality in that regard
with the larger and terminal offices. This
branch of the postal service has therefore
received more attention from the postmas
ter general, and, though it is gratifying to
know that it is in a condition of high eitl
ciency and great usefulness, lain led to
agree with the postmaster general that
there is room for its further improvement,
There are now connected with the post-
office establishment 28,324 employes who
are In the clasa'Med sctvlce. The head of
this great department gives conclusive ev
idence of the value of civil service reform
when, after an experience that renders his
judgment on vhe 'subject absolutely reliable
he expresses the opinion that without the
benefit of this system It would be Impossible
to conduct the vast business intiustcd to
J desire to commend as especially worthy
of prompt attention the suggestions of the
postmaster-general In relation to a more
sensible and business-like organization and
H better distribution of responsibility in tliig
a'e;v one.
'Mr E II Flaps of the Mi.iion county
Democrat published nt S'cm has commenc
ed the publication of a new mcrnlng daily
the Vuncwa. The Democrat, as lis nam
indicate!, is democratic, and. (as has been
done by the Weekly,) will put forth I s
best endeavors to promote the principle
cf the party in that politically ber.l'..ted
region- Salem. H is able, sprightly and en
erg stic and should receive the unsparing
support of the democrats of Salem and Mar-
ion count v. Success to It.
noma coNsirain
Pay Perry Conn,
Terms cash at F L Kenton grocery
store '
Please pay Terry Conn what you owe
If you want a tins smoke call for Joseph s
white labor cigars.
The bo.tWut coffee in the city at Comad
Mover a.
The best watch In the world for the
money at French's jewelry store.
Fine South era Oregon peaches as F L
Kentoo. Now is the lime to cad them.
Motor makes five trip daily to Vieieck's
addition. Lotr thw e 03 installmeuta off I
per week,
Genuine parti for all serlng machines,
also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all
sewing machines, bicycles, et;., at E U
Will' music store. Sewing machines and
orgtn repaired reasonable, and all work
warran ed. Needles prepaid by mall 40c
a dozen.
Buy an Improved Roaster and Baker
before cooking your Thanksgiving Turkey
Ail siz-f. Mr fcafe by Mrs Talt, cor 3rd and
Broaalbiii Sis.
Thousands of lives ate saved annually bv
the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral
uas a most marveicus etiect. it allays in
flammation, frees the obstructed air nasce
and contro'g the desire to cough.
1 .1 t
:i..'.."s . ,rtu
' '.1 j"'ti tt-1):? iiud-
c t.l:tutlo.-i,l
-.-. ;. . ..t-;.il trt-atn-f i! .
,1 v d.v t'.ie.'n.-.ltv. at!. .I
i at r- r 1 f ,,- r.i
(l-iiro-.': too fotin.atio-i
a-'-I s'vj-.c r, nti?it Mrci'kth
, i-o i.vnt:i':iioi. nnd aFsiating
iif ! v,-i.rfc. The proprietor" bavo
o niMh i.rtn i its ctinitrrc jititvor, that they
."fiT One nuntr-1 pilars for unv caio that ft
tu cure. tn-.l ?t lt.t of testimonial.
A '.drew, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolede.O.
tJiil.:-. ,
Sciatic Rheumatism
Quick Relief and Perfect Cure
VpXh, 1:5 c.
I'.'our, f4.0t.
i-ulter. 'iOa.
Kg g!, SOo.
I.Hr,), 12 to 15s.
Pork-liaiiin 12 to J 5'; shoulders. A tJ lOo;
Sin". II to 1JC
ilay. hale.), 97
o atoea, 4Pi.
Apple , 4r
Hops, 16.
XJried fult plums, 9o, app'8-t, Pe.
Chickens, f i 00 par dozen.
Boef, on fcot,
Uokv drevtej. ti.
Dress Goods,
Gapes and Jackets,
-at : j?rcatl i-educed : prices,-
Make your selections early while they Lavo a
larire assortment,
Stationery, Toilet Artijles, HU5
Instrumeii'3, Etc.
Hodas i
The Conici UniB Sloie," Alban'
X "K Till pell all cro'ker v ware and holiday jrootls a(
ff COST- Hero are some prices: Lamps," wortli
w 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth S2 00 lor, $1.00
cups and saucers 15 to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pci
set. JiiVoryUnug else 111 proportion.
Call on me and you will not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
Ci I? Patrick
M I was so l;id".y nfClctcd 1th scialla rhearaa
tlim that 1 could scan ty move. I used a great
many remculcs r. hkh J n.e no vh A IrlcnJ
presented mo a bottle ot ItooO's FArs3parlIL
which I becrm to tlio relief was quick
and two bottles cured me completely. I author.
Ize tho use of my namo and portrait In rscom
mcndlng Hood's S.rsairilla, lor I think U a
rery taluable meJidne. I recommend It to all
who may be afT.Ictcd ivifa rheumatism or old
Hood's Cures
fover sarci, as I kr.ow of a ljtly In OAitlanJ wbo
has tot n cured of ulerrs l-y Hit wonderful med.
Iclne." C. B. TATnu:;, Ko. ;X5 California St,
Ptockton. California. !et HOOD 4?.
who aro puny, pale, wenk, or
ulous, oti!iht to take Dr. Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery. That
builds tip both flesh and strength.
For this, and for purifying tho
blood, there's nothing in all medi
cine that can equal the " Discovery."
In recovering from " Grippe." or
in convalescence from pneumonia,
fevers, or other wasting diseases, it
speedily and surely invigorates and
builds up the whole system. As an
appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets
at work all tho processes of diges
tion ana nutrition, rouses every or-
an into ualurnl action, ana brings
ack health and strength,
For all diseases ciutscd by i torpid
liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia,
Biliousness, Scrofulous, Slin and
Scalp diseases even Consumption
l. or Jung-scroiu la) in its earlier
stages the " Discovery " is tho
only guaranteed remedy. If it
doesn't benelit or cure, h every
case, you have your niony back.
Hood's PillB .I' ' JUy, jet promptly tod
Ulciently, ou Uic Uvr ao-J bowel. Soo.
IjOR HEXT. Room Mitablo for
lreimaklnff or 1": ali L houe keeping.
Inquire of L Vieiick.
TXTABNIXH -T. the .d6rl(!iiil,
T warn everyforv'y to r.t give a'v
(1 it on my paniAwhotvr it is, furl
n t he rinpnoU)!e.
r i.ouMOJcr.
tltTijfiHil hro Ih't'Ti npixiiTitcd iliniiidtntr of
tin.- .wlnie "f L tii-rliinl. Itt'e f l.iiiiMiiinry, Or.,
ik'it'uiHil. All pr. itn i.iiiikT rmiitiii inwt mid
estate are licrol-v rti(iiirt'il to iri''iit Ihcm duly
verifl. .1 ni l.y hw i,-.(uirctl to tbp in-NTsu'iH tl at
r.rrnlti, ttrtoti, wiiliin fix mm;h (rim tiir
lint- it.
latl t!ii iltli dav of X.nnNT
' i.ya i:i:i:iiai:p.
Wct'n'f rl A, Aiiu.ti.i!rAl'ir.
Attn t.T Admin.
OST. V(Mtn wlirfl In th easfetn part
. an iron M:t ipt'. witn
!'i(r iruircto N l Ccnti
hUiart n d Surtt'on. OflloeUina'.rs ncr Mia
Car.k uf Ortgn.
KtiiUent-e, rner i?in ann tipowia it..
EMBALMING - t;..:;.v.
rrriiloiKC coiytT r mK,a..;:,ooi;i Street
IOMNAI.K, r nil. tm.U fo- ootl,
ni'ef'ir ninii m l h I '! i n to drivat
Cat) on K v Arlii"ii . nt Vnrbe w k
Are MhtnU mmntomn that your blood
itnot right full of impttriti9Ttuing
A f, c Inttlt rf S. sm will remon
all foreign and impure matter, clean
the blood thoroughly, owl give a char
and rotnj comphxion. It is most (jficte
tuu, ami entirely harmuss.
Chft. IlMtnfl.73 Tnnt 5htt. 1hibh
I hare had fif rarsa humor tn my bltd
which made me dread to share, as small boilaot
rimi'H would be cut. thascauinff nhaTinir to
be a (treat annoyance. A tter takini three bottles
Smy (.ice is all clear and smooth as
it should be appetite uptendiJ.
sleep well and feol like running a
foot race all for tne use ol S. S. S.
Treatise on blood and ltin disease mailed free.
. Ao airreobl tiattn id Mm Tom
Coi.1 tij Prmrtin. or acntf rjan. tfoAn,
JpCT packaiw. Siplet tit.
AV HU fortlKiahaaatotUi,db
Captain Swwnrr. I'A'Psn Dlro,Cwi
ni -PSlloh t Catarrk fflMj la tba Jrst
nWlrtnal bar. enaa timtwoum 10tr!
" iTico M o'a, ola by Lrutma,
Tm Obsat CocoHfai pirTnrlywiw
WlurnallcttKTnifAil. vCootatnctioalt baa
CorKnl: haacared tbaunda, and trill rnj
too.UiaicatnUmo. Iee'.h.C3:ti.,ll.;
Reduced from -- f :
- "Tie Greatest ea!tmr rtricdUaU." ' .'
The foremost men ol the world write the literaturft
of contemporansoua activity for THE FORUM. .
Every great subject U taken up bl Iht Forum tthan It naturallr comet Into
public attention and ii treated by the beat authorities, Klthout regard to parlies
or creeds. It will keep any thoughtful reader Informed on the tasks and problems
of the time, as no other periodical does.
To many thoughtful people, the price of The Forum has hitherto been pro
hlbltory; Indeed all the treat Reviews have been too hi eh In price lor the muses
ol Intelligent readers, tlut now the number ot readers ol thoughtful literature
ir.en and women who w ish really to know what la lolnn on In the world out
side tho narrow limits of particular sects and parties-is irent enough In the
United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction In price. The Forum
discusses important subjects, but It la not dull. The literature o1 contempo
raneous activity is, In fact, tho most Interesting of all literature. American
citizenship Implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men
and the latest great achievements In every direction of activity.
The Forum Is now as cheap as tho magazines of mere cntc.-inmcnt.
The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, New York.
25c, a Copy. $3 a Year.
Undertakers -:- nnd - Embnlmcrs.
WE KtEP constantly cn I art) a full line of rrttnilc, cloth and vocd caskets at
rnAin. AUn IiiiiIr ,nl.t nn (,. In k.n.t..inl. .n,;n 1 ... . .
which will be sold at ' , ,
The lowest Living Profits.
EMBALMING and "ie proper care oi the dead a specialty.
A A. A
A GEMS mako fs a day. Oreatost
xltohen ntenall over Invented. He
tails a.Vita. 8 toO sold at (Teas housat
Hau.p'9, posiasjelpalil, five onta. Me
Makim A Co, Ctnclunati, Ohio.
Bar fain a for in y.ntu .tA: i
Hlkitll? nl0W (iicr nirrnn. I... I '
" I ..iiuno,in IUWH
etc. Prices in proportion to 50 cent
wheat. It will pay you to call and we u. TATED County and city war
STEWART OX nt bought and so'dbyll FMtr
TIios. Brink.
TV N- n.i .,:r ...t .1 i..,,. ,:..,,Vr, n .. V , iwillum $to.oo. We carry a large stock
turv. si .t t,t f v it i-,r r.,i.-.i-.,rt ,1... .? 01 53 and steresccnlc Tiews ol fv
stnt MM faw: 1- T .,1 Sc., ,,,, fti, r,, .i " ,
At the Hoie formerly own-
Allen G1O8.,
(or which I will pay iht Vest Ci
poislblf, 1
Firemens Election
1 on Mondpy.the iih day of "j5ce!
uer, 1093. "I ",e lli'u "i I'-e A.lany
nine Co. No i.the nnniMl election of
Albany File lt('Pil:.rtet.t, of the d(v
All.nn.. 1 In.. r-minlv .. .:.
held for the purptiEe of cleilni; a Ch
of the said Albany Fire De.artnieii
The following pe.ons huve beL-n j
nniiiliil hvtlie Ito.ird nf nfl-u. .t .
I ' , y 2
Albany rire Ucpardncnt ns judge
caiu election towit; GillL'tt, Frr
o clock p m ann continue without c'.os
Albany, Or. Nov 29th. 189
, r 11 1 tt e, n Pne pro Ten
) '"1 i ro 1 en..
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is herehj civentOklUlirm i.
coaccrn, that on the 4th day cf Novcmbfj
lava. Antnonv rrcrst: irtt v r ntLr A,-
uiaiic p" a?Biauiiiuuv in me ui tin meir prow
rvinrinii rtonffic s.i 1 1 t ho -Jit-
ccmumo co wiiii 1110 eeDerai aiticcnir
awinf Iria atita of fUnren . 1
sanssva. -ssn -a .uva uis,K"U,
f ih- -uu uuugi
nereDV notinea ana rcauirea to Dmenttv
name to me under oith at the nffice cf W
miyeuin the Lttv ot Albany. Urfcon Tittl
in three mouths from the date benoi.
Ditt-d this 17th day of Aovetnbcr, 1593.
Franklin i'kopst, Aiid.
Notice to Siockholden
Notion is hereby plven that the Htimil
stockhoIiJors ineeJiiiK of the Farmeri t
MorchautM InstirancN Company of Albad
Orevun. will be held at the roniMni 'J
oflite In tho cittf of Albany. Orpgon, ecl
Wednesday. January 3rd. 1SU4, stthc
Jjsur or 2 o'clcck p m of said dav fortb
purpOHe of electing 9 (nirei directosr
oaid coaipany to orve one year and t
transact h'j-:b other biifinfus as ow
retulsrly toir.e nefoiosaid meeting.
Dated December Ifnd; lh93.
y F Heart; Secreurj
thus makius2 -OOtf35.00
FKU WKIiK. rallies prefemd whom
furnirih a horse sua travel throne h the com-
tr;a team, though, is not ceceniry. A
fnw racaccics in tcwossnd cities. Spvi
hours may 1 e ns:d lo good adntige.
B F Johnro. &Co.
11th and Maiu Stt. liichmonJ, Ta.
20 Easily Made.
We want msny men, women, boys, and fjlL'W
work for us a few liours daily, rinht lnindM
theironrn homes. The business is euy.pltssnL
strictly lionornlile, anil pays belter tbsn suyou"
offereJ stents. You have a elesr aria lal w
somietltloli. Experience an spel"' "'
necessary. Ko caiiltal reqiiired. We HIP I"
with ererylhlnx that you need, treat r" 'J
and help yon to earn ten times ordinary "J
Women do as well as men, and boy ""J"
mnkegoo,! par. Anvono, anywhere, CSS J
work. All succeed who follow onr plain ssa M
,lo dlrestlons. r.arnest work will mrelf M
you a great deal ol moner. Eierythlni U
and In great demand. Write for our rami"
circular, and receive full Information. Ko aj
dona If yott conclude not to go oa wits w
Ceorce Stinson&Co..
Box 488.
. . fine
tot of Iresh grass sctd. of almost "
kind, Including chtat, and we want kh
It. Come and see us.
Wall Paper,
J mgs, Painta. Oil
Olnw, Etc
.J. A. Crmniin?
ALBA'iV, -:- CfEC0