Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 08, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 ban ii
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When I was a Boy,"
rr:te l'.istiiiiistrrj. ('.;. Hi". W. Va., "1 liuil a bron
jjil trouble of wie'i a iicrsisiciil
j stiil'l'oni character, that tlio
.ttorproiioiiiiccd it iiicurciMe -.villi
diiarjr nieilicliii's. and uilvisvd
to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
did so, and one liottle cured mo.
For tlie last fifteen years, I h.iva
wl this preparation with ROod
rttttttteni'vcr 1 tako
A Cad Cold,
mid I blow of iiunilier.s of peojilo
ilii)teoiit m the house all tin? time.
nt considering it safe to he with.
"1 have been using Ayer'g Cherry
Pectoral hi my family fur :) years, with
: most aatisfactory results, and cun
rfully rt'coimui'iid it as heins cspe--illr
ailaptotl to nil pulmonary com.
fan. I have, for ninny yenrs, mails
itoonaryanil other niedii-iuesasiwciiil
sadr.wiJ I have come to the. conclusion
ialjer's C Iwrry Pectoral occupies a
Ttf3npre.ei!iinrut over other niedi-
dMfilie class." ('has. Davenport,
Iyer's Cherry Pectoral
IbrDr. J. O. Ayer Si Co., Loitrll, Man.
romptto act, sure to cure
vrtrodllin ami Firtit St
iJoth tlio mciliod and results whet;
&jrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasaul
aud refreshing to tho taste, ncl
KHUIy yet ; promptly on the Kidneys
liver and liowelu, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches nr.d fevers and cures haliitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its ltitd ever pro
uuced, pleasing to tlio tasto and ao
ceptalile to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
ellecta, prepared only from the most,
healthy and ogr:eaUo subta::ccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo madi it the swat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for in 00c
and 81 bottles by all leadiiip drug
gists. Any reliable druggrit ho
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any cue who
wishes to try it. lj0 not acctpt anv
iowsviui. at. tisui ,ok. n.r.
The linking Powder has the envi.T
oie record of havin.. receive! the highest
award for articles of its class m-eatet
"eiiKui. purest intrrediiMits, most perfectly
combined wherever exhiliitml in
Wltti ot 1.. tl.rt ..!.:!. f
f ....... . ... .-AII1U1II. . II!. in
..... jears, in me Centennial, at Paris,
lemia and at the various Slate and Indus
trial fairs, where it has been exhibited,
Jii'hw have invariably awarded the lioyal
BnkiPif Powder the highest hnnor.
At the Worlds fair the examina
tions for the bakinj; iHiwder awards were
made bvt he pxnorU ..f tl...l. ;.. ,i i:..
of the lvpartini'id ' at WVh
ii'toii. The official report of the test of
the Ins in., iiiwilcrs whi. h w:is ti!i,i..i.,-u.;
leiartllleiit for the slwilie iinniiisi. r'.f n'.
ceitaimn.' which was the .....I I,
has lieen made nublie. slums 1 1... iv...,;.,
Iren.'th of the b',iv,.l 1.. 1.. 1.1.1. ...l.:.. "
of mrlionic t-as ...t ounce of jiowder. ( If th
cn-,nu of tartar b iAinr powders exhibited,
the next hi-hest in strenjilli thus tested
contained but PSlenbie inches of leuveninj;
.r,"'fr l'"w,lers pave an aveml
"till, the l.'oyal. therefun.', was found of
'0 )ier cent greater leuveninj; streiiL'th than
i s nearest coiiin.titor.aniU I 'reciit above
the averasro of all the ether tests. Its s
perionly m other lvsixs ts, however, in the
Muality ot tho food it makes us to lineness,
delicacy and vholesnmeuesj i.pnl.l ..nt 1,
measjired by riirures.
It IS tl'.ese hlL'll Ollll dies, n...l nn.
precialed by the women of the rnuntrv for
so niany years, that havo caused the sales
of the lioyal Hakim; Powder. nsal,wl.
statistics, to exceed the sale of ail other
bakmif powders combined.
Jjglf , (Y. 1UE ,,,,i,,,:ST WABD.
fH Jtfk kSfKUP JflRfS llni nil the Iluuor,
xJj K r f IfJk ov li .Vrarrsl 'uniirlllur.
J F. FORD, irajtlisl,
Of Dcs' Moiuei, Iowa, vrits under iUte of
;March 23, 1S03:
S. B.
Mki. Mm Co..
Qtiufur, OreRnn.
mi rruim.
Mti FrallH,
tureuiiivnr ,
k CTer'lh..t that la kept in a p ner
inc.; ml incery attire, llilieet
markvt .rice jiaia for
Uelitlrmcn ,
Op arriving homo last week, I found all
well and anxiously a-.vaitimi. Oar little
Sirl, e'tht and one-hi lf yean old, who hil
wa ted away to 3S pcin'da, ia new well,
trneg and vigoroti", ntd well fleshed tip.
B. Cough Cure IiahiI-.iio it" work weii.
Both of the clilldten like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure baa curtd and kept away all
hnarseueha trr.m me. So oivo it to averv
r, won nrenn);s i,.r on. wumngyou
uapvn y, we aie
Youre, Mr & Mk J F Fonn.
If Vf.ll Wish Ui f.'r.l .H.n . l.Arf.,l .hlmul.
i-.-t le.Spniiif'awrtrk, eleanw y.iur yatcn Wth the
iw.aiim anil l.ivjr c ure, by taking two .or llirea
Wlc iew pir b..ttlnby alluniKisti.J
s Hoi 1 nn.lfi.'a i iiiivo guarantee ky
I.iOR REN r.-Ths opera bouse alorp,
1 Biilindhl location. Ca I on tho
fei!Te.tury ut the Dkmgcrat ofneo lor par
The Oi.n Folks. Following ia the
program for Hie Old Folks rnmvrt to bo
Kiveii at ihe.opera Friday cveninK :
I. Ye Auld Ijtiijt Syne.byall ye mennc
nii'i no.iieii ambers
If. Ye Invention, bv all ve sineers.
III. Jerusalem my (i'o.iona Home,
IV. Ve olinin Picte, N'TthlieiJ, by
V. Ye World Ije Duet, by Simon am
VI. Sherburne and Russia, by all ye
VII. Ye Anvil Chorus, bv nil yi
Bl.lliflO.- " - "
VJII. Ye Very Solemn Piece.New J)ur-
I.V. Ye Very Wrrlulvo Pong,
X. Ye Awful V. rl.llvo rnn.. v.t..
ki,.:i..i i. ,..,; '"-""
ic.Kin in.., oy an ye menne snipers.
Al, fctrike Hie I'yinbnl.eoloanJ
-vii. is enu re Sone. 1 r:....i
nn w n mi., uy iieni;mini.
XIII. Cousin Jedediah, by all
XIV. Ye Closing Worldlve National
songs, htar Fpinglo llanner, Yankee
xuouie anu America.
I e half price bath been fixed for ve
admission to ye Create Convene at two
i urn siiiiungs (-. cts ) Children, 15 cts
o extra charge for reserved aenU Tik
eis for sale at ye rood deacons, Hodges A
The smallest rppub'ic in the world
Pianr.oiliA -H.-I.UI.I....I..I
"'IM 'l IlfC IMHUS l I ftie new
iicuiiucs j p in i. rnnKlst tit An
i.u.uiK-Mn anu S'o oiack wnriimen emo nr
ed bj- a Freich company.
in vjciinany, worn me vorfi OI the iurv
fulted. A vo'e of "even ayalnit five leaven
me (ie:iion tn the court, ntui In a vote of
cifeiu iigmnsi lour nig pifooner is convicted
he Oregon JLand Co
Vltn its home office Ml
P!A,l.,-hr!TVr: - - - OKHiSOO 3"
Gra, Block, corner Liberty anj State afreet, branch office In Portia-...
JAKES a specialty of Rur.r.ysxle fruit tracts near Salem)
ftWill sell 5,110 or 20 acre lot at $50t$60 per
I'-smaii cash pnytnem iopp viine ...nani,c
Kbany cigar factory
J. JOS12PII, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed
Pnart r. D lutTiiv(i. rI
J the yenr. Stadents mar enter at any time.
Catalogue free.
It Tays.-It pays to take and read the
papers, especially your own home dailv.
vjiien in tins way goon nusn s oiipirtiint
ties arc brought to your ntt.vuou. For in-
sranii. u yon wish to secure a good luvimr
situation, then you had lietter look up the ui..-iiieiii ot ii r jounson k t.o.. Kich
mond. Va., in nmlher column: lwrham
n....t ,1..... l...n,.. . .1 . 1 1
nitui in,-., iiA.ciui.n may interesi you.
o .Siiuixkivo. Bring on vur fine
winter undrrwesr. We g iaran'cc net to
injure them, as we tak- great care to wash
them In soft water. Gentlemt'tu starched
wotlc a specialty. The white laui.dries of
Albany are gtl'ing the Cnlncae enrurred.
Give us your work an! thev WM noon
eave. Cut I.AtrsDRY.
Mrs C Simpson, pioprlctor.
To tecure a normal and reimhir tisi,
change throughout the liody tto Itrandreth's
tins, i ins loisce nietainorpno'is consists
id constantly proceeding wvsteof tissue and
its regeneration, br.indretn's Tills are the
liest solvent of the products of disintegra
tion of the tissues and increases their elas
ticity. They are an alterative and climin
ative remedy, which allay irritation and re
move obstruction by aiding nature and are
of great lienelit in cases of temiiorvry and
naoiitira constipation, lorpiu nver. bilion
ners. headache, indigestion, rheumatism
and diseases arising from an impure state
of the blood.
Brandretli's Pills are purely
solutelv harmless, and a'e safe to take at
nv time.
Cuiumlltril HalrMe.
JloN'MOiTii, Or, Dec 7. J A Pempscv,
hiirhlv resttft-lpti f;irMirr. who ro-
cently cume from In furm nenr Dixie, five
mile north of here, anil started, a butcher
shop in the old postotHce building in Hub
place, comnutteil suicit'.e this afternoon by
shooting himself in the forehead with a
rillv. 'J 'lie deed was committed in a email
room adjacent to the butcher shop. The
newi was a terrible shock to the whole
community. .Mr I'empsey was held in
uigbebt esteom by every one. He leaves a
most estimable wife, five crown tlatiL'hUrs
and several small children. Tho c.iuo of
the deed was financial distress. He was
unable to meet hi obli-rations. chieffv
owing to the inability of his own d eh tors
to pay. A few minutes before the deed
us committed the sheriff had serv
ed notice of execution on him on some debts
he could not meet.
CiTK'Ac.o. Pec 7. Thomas Mack in. the
Lakeview millionaire, who died three
weeks tiO. left no will lellinij how hi vast
estate should be divided. The three heir.
Mrs Martha Mackin. widow of the deceas
ed; John Mackin. bis only son, and Mrs
John J l'hilibnn, the only turvivinp
daughter, have come to an agreement, and
an arWahlo settlement of the estate, valued
at about 84,000.000, will be made cutside
oHhl courts. The heirs have been be
seiged by lawyer all over the country, who
are desirous of assisting in dividing the
estate, but their e?rvices wilt not be re
quired. J ij1hhm1 to Saloons
Osiax, Ind. Pec 7. A few days njjo
Charles A BlulTton made arran enicnls to
open a saloon in this town, and leased the
Tenaire frame block, in the central portion
of ton. The saloon was to have been
opened this morning. Last night some one
puta charge of dynamite under the build
ing and it was exploded, shattering all the
buildings in the village. The front of the
building was completely demolished ncd
the roof was blown off. The frame build i
ing is a total wreck.
Sllll lirlnc.
Washington, Pec 7. This afternoon
we touowing Uipatcb. dated to lay, was
received by Secretary llerbeit from Captain
Ticking, commanding the United Slates
naval forces in Brazilian waters:
"The situation is unchanged since the
departure of the Anuidaban. Firinir be
tween the forts and between the insurgent
vespeU and the erunn on Nictaerov still
.oniitwlm .dailKw-. IkeLnsin-cepaww,
forced to anchor iurlher from shora".""
Ilroivaftvlllo Election,
BnowNsviM.K. Or. Pec 7. At the cllv
election, the following ollicers were elected:
T S I'illsburv, mayor; O P Coshow, re
eorder; F C Stanard. F H Weber. C J
Howe, It N Thompson, W B lilanehard, 11
H t.rover. eouncilmen: C E Stanard. treas
urer; F M Powell, marshal.
Rig Mimry In Foutlfall..
Kr.w Havkn, Conn. Pee 7. There was
$47,000 realized on the Yale-l'rinretcn
football gamo Thanksgiving day in New
York: One-third of this will pay all
pxpenees, 'eaving P3O.O00 for late nnd
irinceton. ifiisis the lartrest amount
ever realized upon a single game.
Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tiit: o:miuy i: tT m iiulah.
Our ivaders do not need to be told what
the Century Magazine i. It is a great
work in any sciifO. For 1S14 it will be
greater than ever, 000 pages of choice lit
erature with 1000 illustniions. There will
lie a new novel lty Mark Twain, important
exueditions, hunting of fi'ree game, artij-ts
adventures, tr.miping witli tramps, nnpub
lishtnl essays uf James Hussell Lowell.ete.
The St Nicholas is the prince of children's
magaines, the best of all nf them. A feat
ure of the 1814 mini Iter will be TomSuwyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a scries nn American authors, stories
of India by liudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
some beautiful serial stories, as well as the
famous Brownies.
The price of the Century is 35 cents a
number, $4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00
a year. Any subscriber of the Pkmockat
in good standing ma v secure the Century
for $.1.50 or the St Nicholas for $2.60, bv
leaving the money at this office. We will
do the rest.
Pftiker Bros, groceri.
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy your groceri of Parker Brca
Fijr3c.rii at Conn't.
New cream cheoe just icceived at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doee
first class work.
Smoke tho celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Or M H E.lit, physician and surgeon
Albany, Oraii. Calls inal In oit'or
When a doctor considers It necessary
to prescribe sarsaparlha, he simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, krowlnff fall well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any other which the drug
store can furnish. "Ayer's SarsiparlUa is
the superlsr medicine.
Heir I'm Inc.
Self praise Is no recommendation, but
there are net times when one must permit
a person to teil the truth about himself.
When what he say t is supported by the
Wtimony of olhr no reasonable man
will uoubl his word. Now, to say that
AUcock's Porous Planers are the only
genuine nd reliable porous plasters made
i not self praise in the slightest degree.
They have stood the test for over thirty
years, and in proof of their merits it Is only
necessary to call attention to the cures
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used them.
Bewait: ot imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
AUcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accept a substitute.
Te aM Digest!,
tt Ion tskc one Small Bile Bead
tym r. v
& hm
equivalent to J
c f flesh
- J dis
" weak
era are
The True luxaiive Prinrlpte
Of the plants used in manuf,irtui!ne the
pleasant remedy, Syruo of Fig, has a
permanent I v beneficial eft?c on the human
system, while the cheap vegetable extracts
and mineral solution, usually sold as med
icine, are permanently injntious. Being
weil informed, vou wiil uc the true rem
edy only. Manufacture., by the Call:
ornta rig byrup '-o. I
For piiy's sake.dii't growl and crumble
because you are troubled with indigestion.
Truved U be the Best,
Tested and proved bv over thirty years'
use in all parts of the world, AUcock's Por
ous plasters have th j Indorsement of the
Mghent medical anj chemical authorities
and millions of grateful patients who have
oeen curea ot distressing ailments volun
tarb testify to their merits.
.Illcock's I'orous Plasters are purely
vegetable. They are mild but effective,
sure and quick In their action, and abeo
utelv harm'es3.
Beware of imitations and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor
Al)ct"ck', and let no so'.lcitatlun or expla
nation induce you to accent a substitute.
Patkomzk tl Ceutrnl Futh .u 1 Poultry
Market, on E Isw ir'h street, between S.c
iiud aud Tliiri, fcr your arnel po iltry
gimand ri-hofall kind 4 ii mn -u.oeitorj
clams hi. d erah. Eiyth;n fih ii .
In- may bo ha.1 at rosioinhla i 1
and rue uh. Se-'.4 V C
$ m oiten
j !li. Ji L;-
' k.. .1 he arrestv;!
: i 'olalc c:.rr ecllve
I " u'-tk epois." ' :i is a
1 ' roi worno M. filing
j ' ?;.v;.:V ..;. that
. - ev.? anu '"nates
Yd 1, Y j - w 4;i t:i. .i uit Ii is o
sam-,C8 for in tlie state at WR
Graham's, where he has a tniljr with few
' "'thy iJ-,b. J
-.- - s . it .r J0
"VJ. w w JMI W mm I
ivu Bona was ever ruecieu oy snarnnc ano emmi on hanH m mak. i im
fietling. Be h man (unless you happen to notice. Get (hv best and most stylish
bea woman), and take Ayer's Sarsparllla, I suits of him. A new feature will be the
wnicn win rc.iev you, wneiner man or miking of la Ji ' cloak to order
jacket. The LdVi Biz iat lisvn fit-1
rcceiveti p-r xpfpn tHy diwt. fnm ihp
msnnfaet'irem urioiher nw line of j ' J r i
for Udjes sed m'e. I'all earlv m1 u-t
tirt choice ior thin will 1 e Ilia ltt hacco
(hit Mnn.
ai'eiin of c
h; repiirin
loin one..
i .s to the latest style, and
if clonk. pric "ir bot-
At Mem. Timrs do vou ever con side
theq lallty nl the fiKd you are c fttmg? It
mav be good. It miifbt be better purer.
fresher and more who'esome, I 1. not
worth whle to rmke sure that vou tea.
:offee. (ugir, baked good and tnnumera-
leolher groceries ate ot the bent quality?
There Is such a trifling difference in the
prices of the b-t and the worm t!ia it
Iocs not pav to buv ihe woml.eveii on the
false ground of supr oaed economr The
best is always the c he j pent , becaue the
most satisfactory and durable.and the very
best ol everything fn the grocery line is
kept at Parker Bros
Yedhino Jnvitavionb.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Parct ttEbrcED. The andrsiautd n"o
tri t r f the Piitre-r KniHf devirin to ir.'orm
the pi.:ie th-.t h has rei!n"id the pre "f
h-ird w'tjjon pMl:rg n 3 ir wr'k, with
l-AV 54 rer wmk. Si"ff'e m U 25 otnts
Th ptttiie i i'tvrA tr cH i I fcen snod
Kd an et a yo.l 'nhV. ftar fif r for
sn!e. C.rnr -f Broiilpl'-t" rid Vsttr
treeti J H 'EP.ama.
Ta h-w ini'u-try by mf'-ine th
:elKrattd whit 'br cicr. nurn'ani
vVhear, 50 rt; oatt, 25c; hav,$S baled;
wood, $3 to f 3.5 ..' taken In echanL'e for
sewlm machine", or organs on har.d at E
U Will's music tore. Al on a'l book
accounsof 6 months standing Sowing
machines from J5to35t with tnr per
fconal ifuaratitee for 5 jr.
Whattrver may ue the caiiv il blanch
ing, ih- hiir miy be restored to Its origi
nal color bv the iim of thai potert remedy
ItallV Vegetable Sicilian Uatr Renewer.
fl.OOpor Bottle?
aiiib heat vounn Cvna promptly aire
where oil otl.era fulL Coufhii. Crourx Son.
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and
Asthma, tor Consumption it boa no rival:
IM3 cured thousands, and Will CUIUS YOU tt
llDimet '--byJiwIVonaS
S-teo. For I-arno Uncle or Chsf, use
' VVU3 aKHBaa-
Villi I 'nil. rft,' 'I 1,1-
1 , . ....., a 11 10 n imuy IHaimrUDa.
toed to euro you. 1'rice.COcta. Injcctorfie,
Sr.iloh's iti'r c : what oo need fi r
d"ppsik, ten h! vr, yellow skin or kid
ney troaUlft. I. i vitarfcntd to giv yoo
sftiifaetion, Vru: 75c. Sjld by Koshay &
Hin'oh's Cure,
cur-, in tnr sale
wfiitytiw dii,
nshay.A Maxiio
ur;at eontth nd ena
is. Pookt-t bieq c- otain.'
o'y 25o, Children lov it
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Porty Vgifai t1i 5U"'"r4.
Awarrled Highest Honors World's Fair.
Eaill,. Julck!,.
rerxanentl) Ku:ora4.
nl au tf tinln rf
rrMinriiT.jr iin.i,:r lali-r
vxvttM!... tlv rv-ui... ot
'M,rV.Olk, Flfl;m
worry, 1 ic. PiUlstrei giii.
fU-vt lopmei 1 sn, ,,,.B
Itlwn lovfi7(.n.anani
r;. ril'iil .f tin Ixnty.
Sfi'ti. P..tnrr iri'iNV-liilt.
rf fercnrMi. li.ik, ami pnon
m.iili tl (suairtij free.
SUrFAkO. N.v.
T.ic only I'ure of Tartar I'orr.l-r.Xo Ammonia; No Aluir..
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yt- , t:u; Ft nidnv
IF : Vol' V.ANT A
, nrany kind of a Farm ImtVinem or V.
. ivt ra 1 on or adore.
ti -c.llr Tost Oftr
1 l.anjr.O'