MOIlE Ot'TUE MESSAGE. In his message President Cleveland speaks at follows with reference to the Davy de partment : The report of the secretary o! the nnvy contains a history of the operations of his department during the past year and exhibits a most gratifying condition of the personnel of our navy, lie presents a satisfactory account of the progress which has teen made in the construction ot vessels and makes a number of recommendations, to which attention is especially Invited. Var Ing the past six months the demands tor cruising vessels lieve be:n many and urger.t There have beta revolutions calling for vessel, to protect American interests in "'Nihragua, Guatemala, Costa Klca, Hon ours Argentine and Brazil, while the condition of affairs in Honolulu has requir ed the constant presence of one or more ships. Witn all these calls upon our navy ft became necessary, in order to make up a &ufll:ient tleet to ' patrol -the Behrlng saa under the moJus vlvcndi agreed upon with Great Britain, to detiitl to that service one vessel from the fish commission and three from the revenue marine. Progress in the construction of nc ves sels has not been as rapid as was aiticifut ed. TJiere have been delays in the com pletion of unarmored vessels, but for tire most part they have been such as are constantly occurring even In countries having the largest experience in naval ship building. The most serious delays, however, have been in the work upon armored ships. The trouble has been the faiiure of contrictors to deliver the armor as agreed. The diliicuitiej seem now however, to have been all overcome, armor Is being delivered with satisfactory promptness. As a result of the experience acquired by shipbuilders and designers and material men, It is believed that the dates whe vessels will be completed can now he esti mated with reasonable accuracy. Great guns, rapid-firing guns, tornedoes and powder are being promptly supplied. 1 he following vessels ol the new navy have been completed and are row rciidy for service: Ihe double turreed coast defense mon- itor Multnomah, the double turreted coast' defense monitor Monterey, the aimored cruiser New York, the protected cruisrrs Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, .Newark Sin Francisco. Charleston, Atlanta and Byston, the cruiser Detroit, the gunboat Yorktown, Concord, Bennington, Machias Castlne and Petrel, the dispatch vesse Dolphin, the practice vessel Bancroft, and the dynamite gunboat Vesuvius. Of these the Bancroft, Machias, Detroit and Castine lave been placed in commission during the current calendar year. The following vessels are n progress of c instruction: The first-class battleship Maine and Texas, the cruisers Montgomery and Maiblehead, and the coast defense monitors Tenor, Puritan, Amphitrite and Monadnock, all uf which will be complet c I within a year; the harbor defense ram Katahdan, the protected cruisers Columbia! Minneapolis, Oiympia, Cincinnati and Raleigh all of which will be completed prior to July I, IS95; the first class battle ships Iowa, Indiana, Massachusetts and Oregon, which will be completed February 1, 1806; and the armored cruiser Brooklyn, which will be completed by August of that year. It is also expected that the three gunboats authorized by the last congress will be completed in lest than two years. Since 1SS6, congress has at eacl. session authorized the building of one or more vessels, and the secretary of the navy presents an earnest plea for the continnance of this plan. He recommends the authori zation of at least one battleship and six torpedo boats. While I am distinctly In favor cf consistently pursuing the policy we have inaugurated of buil ling up a thorough and eflijent navy, I cannot refrain from the suggestion that congress should carefully take into account the number of unfinished vessels on our hands and the depleted con dition of our treasury In considering the propriety of an appropriation at this time to begin new work. The method of employing mechanical labor at navy yards through boards of labor and making efficiency the sole test by which laborers are employed and continued, is producing the best results, and the secretary is earnestly devoting himself to its develop m:nt. Attention Is invited to the statements of his report In regard to the workings of the system. r'IBST KOKTIKV, THEN CRITICISE. The Salem Jowital says: The otherwise excellent style of l'reident Cleveland messfiee is marred by the un fortunate use of the Toiled States In the plural number. He says, "The United States are,' when he should sav "the Lnited States In." lie speaks of our country as a confederacy of separate stales, which is as highly improper as though the queen 01 ivngiand snould say, 11 1 lie uni ted kingdoms of Great Britain are." The queen always speaks of Great Bii'ain In the singular number. Our country is a nation. It is not a confederacy. Jt Is dis respectful to tlie sacrifices of the men of 1770, the men of 1012, tire men of 1860-65, ho on the field of battle destroyed the colonial dependencies, the confederacy, and states rights forever. As usual, federalists, when speaking of the constitution put their feet into It. The president is right when speaking of the L'nlted Slates 10 refer to them In the plu ral number, lie has the best authcihy in the world for doing so. We mean the written constitution of the country Itself. e findithe following In sectien 9 Art 1 of that instrument: No title of nobility rhall be Granted bv me t nrm atjies; una no person lloioini' y uilice of profit or trust under feii si at without the consent Of congress "etc". In section 2 article three we find the follow ing: ine judicial power shall extend to nil cases in law and equity, arising under this constitution the laws of the United States, ana ne-iles made under Mar aathortv',ctc1 In section 3 article thrc we find the follow ing! "Ireaton against I he lnited Stales shall consist only in lev ing war against tie; etc It is nothing new to use the United S'.ttc5 in the plural. Xc, the president Is right in using plural verbs when the nominative is plural. Who cares a picayune what style of expression the queen usc3 about her dominions? We aro Americans, and our fresh contsmporary should be.trin mind that the constitution of the United States w:as the icbuU of an eight years war with the Kingdom over which queen Victoria now reigns, and your true American has no dc ' ire to pattern after her mijesty in such matters as that of which Ihi Journal treats. The spates have just the same rights now as they had before the war except the power 'o recognize property In slaves and to make distinction In personal rights 0.1 count of color or previous condition servitude. That's all. nomu CtlKSIDMINU Pay Perry Conn, lenni, cash at F L hcnton 1 grocery store ' flfase Dav TVrrv Cnnn what n,t 1,1 J ' - .1 von want a fine smoke call for Joseph vhite labor cigars. The bearnast eo3ee in the oity at Com ad i . llie best walch in Ihe world for 11,. iiiuney ai rrencti s jewelry store. rine noutiiern Oregon peaches at F L rveuiun. jvow la the lime to oin thnm. Motor makes fiv-A Iriniil.ilv tA v; !.oir mere on installments of Jl pel WOCB, Genuine nait. nil iHn ut oesi oils, needles, etc,, for all """'8 msciunes, hlcvcles, etj., at E U Will music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranied." Needles prepaid by mail 40c BUY HEATH STOVES BARGAIN S Bargains, : : Bargains. rJ1'o redu.i! stock I into the new preparatory lo 1 virg Pest Offics Brick we offer for cash the Ib4 of go,ls U nuMiiioneil tit lirices niiiiieil. I'm, -1 tit these tiiruivs they will lu,t l,t time: " liny an Improved Roaster and Baker before cooking your Thanksgiving Turkey All sizes for .ale by Mrs Talt, cor 3rd and Uroai'albin .vs. Thousands of lives are saved annually by the use of Aver's TVrm! l ,1,., t , ofcroiipanil whooping cough, the Pectoral u :imjm inarveicus eltecr. it allays in flammation, frees theODStniCtf..! .!.,,.... I ,.J -.... .u. . 7 '""I" wi,w s iuc ucsire to COllgll. FEOK -r- Matthews AWasliburn 4 Of The new Congressional Library in Wash ington will, Librarian spoffard estimates, accommodate copies of all the books of the world for 100 years to come, and still leave seven-eighths of its available space appli cable for other parposes. ine Syracuse salt works, the most ex tensive In the United States, have an evap oiuiing sunace 01 over 12,000,000 snunre feet. Tins Things Wis Kat very largely make us what we are. No thought can pass through the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Many slight Im pressions, in time, make mighty changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse It with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty in groceries ana oaken goods, go to farker ltros. Bkwixci Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thoroughly competont work man, at F M French's jewelry sore, Albany, Oregon. O! the Agony Of Those who Suffer from Scrofula Hood's Sorsnparlffa Purllet, Soothe, Heals, CV1WS. Tin: ir.-ir our 01 woman's troub les hi witli Doctor Plume's Favorite Prescription oaieiy ana cer tainly, every deli cate weakness, de rangement and diseaso peculiar to tno sex 13 perma nently cured. Out of all tho medicines for wo men, the " Favor ite Prescription is 1110 only ono that s guaranteed 10 uo what is claimed for it, In all " remain complaints and lirerrularities. neri. odical pains, displacements, internal inflammation or ulceration, bearing- uuwn sensations ana Kindred ail ments, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, yon have your money back. Aiiyiiiinjr --just as good," or as sure to bring help, could be, and wouia do, sold in just that way, .11113 truaraiuccu meuicine is an lnviproratintr, restorativo tonic, es pecially adapted to woman's needs and perfectly harmless in any con- ulLitm ui nor system. Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, -at : y. tally : reduced : prices,- 1 :10 lbs small white. Imhis fi-r. . t lbs milled coffee, in bulk.. "1 cans '1 lbs nvsteis 10 cans 1 lb (ivftera 1 4 inns Hi 07. biikini; oviier I cans elKiuo table m-nclies. I :l vims lralhui I'ie iHMches lint regular 40c ten .! liegular 7"ie K'nslisih breakfa.-t le lieirilhir ,'iOe .Inn.ln ten Tea in hiii-.h Imskcts A few tin-, ?."c tea 101) lbs ilnirv ehee.-e. until imn- Mex'u-aii Silver stove polish !W pop enni Hurstnuii's 1 lb iiut-kaKM sulit. . . Knglish soila in bulk bills 1GV litllel soup bl boxes cL'ur-i -0 in box "1 lbs J"ic t-M -iflill-'-i 1 00 . 1 bo . 1 00 . 1 HI 1 () - 1 to . 1 in . 1 fiii m 40 . .SO Ml 1-i lo 1 CO 1 W !;esp,vtfi,!v, c k. iiiiov::i:i.i,. AT- BEAD PEACOCK fi CO., ALBANY AND LEBANON. Make your selections early while they Lavo a large assortment, so sure to cure every case 01 atarrii, is JJr. bage s Ca tarrh Remedy that its pro prietors make you this offer: "if you cant be cured, oer- rr.anently, we'll pay you $500 111 I.U311. This Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. While you aro at it I can furnish you tho best GROCERIES and ireshest produce at bot tom prices. P; COJSTN" -AAARKING I. the niulfirKlffn-H IT warn evervbo-'v to not ffiv .n. k "uvmcr 11 in, ror 1 I F L DUMONT. rOST.-Somewbereln the eastern part A of the citv an iron Antrlt lval. wlih iunt, luvuia. i-isrse return Ion u Conn ur.. 1 make I.i a ra n dav. GrAAtftat uuen mensu over lnventorl. Ra tails 3,wt. s to 6 auld at evear holism nau.p , potaire,pald, Ave oonta. Mo ihakih uo, uinclunatl, Ohio. i At- ir.u.-bounty and olty war rill. ranti bought and so'd by H F Mer I MEAN BUSINESS. A "I sou all crcckerv ware and holiday goods a( VV rrTf or 0 S0Kle Pnces: ampsworth fui, iui i.j cBiiis: iamns. worth xvi 11 iv.i ti no cups and saucers to iO cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything else in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl, T. CMAIKEY, M.D., hyticisn Suqoii, OfflMUpiUln nrcr Hit I srcjfun. li'iltleftce, comer ltfth utrl 0Upook tt. FORTH Mr. Will & Pink, . icl,r n.n.iiTi't:. tt. ii.himiinokb. r. ii.j jir ALBANY FDBJUTDRE CO, INCOPORATBD Dalliniore lllock. Albany, Ore. FURNITURE UNDEIITAKISG in all H. iTinulu'-i. EMBALMING un vii!ty. T. F. Johruon San Jose, CL I hire for many years ben ft ( n?at ufftr (Tom ll'ROPil.A brtaking ont on my ftnnt widlfpa ; they were coYcretl with eruption and ores, rfiachargiaig all thr (Inm. 1 tried rery many medicines and consulted physician far and near, but cnaiantly grw wotm. bare taken but three bottlet of llood's Sarsapa- Hood's x Cures rll1aforrhcwr.itim, an J h.-u ilerlrtd sft mveh brncftt from It that she declares there Is do othor mcdlcino on earth. We would not to without It in the house it tt costs :os bottle." T. ViBLrr Johmox. San Jose, Cat. It. B. r.e sure to rji't Howl's Sarsaparllla- Hood's Pillsar-t easiiy, yrt promptly autl at&ciently. on Uie liter and bowala, I.OK RKNT- Rooni suitable for 1' (ireoniBKiiig nr light lioose keeping Inquire of L Vieiick. M r. Ir. l-ntlrrfionll allnre Tlii- N,tcl CUin.MBtit r,I Life H.-i.Kt, U m here, kikI can V f.iitt. nt her rt'fulut.T i.f xt ). I B She till ikUnt ml n'j.i tv prt rnt ami ftitnrr; br truiM,-. (-, t rrit-in'u Hn buti lifts. You mil hrr (rm, ytinl,1 tWi.Js I. A. llorris & Co. Flour and Feel Store. nave removed their store to opposite I the Russ House, and have on hand a full I siock oi CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopprntf don. GORVALL'S FLCUr?, B.IAN, SHORTS CERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND DRUGS. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musiea Instruments, Elo. Hodies t McFarlanQ, The Cornet Drug Store,". Alhant.QiJ ILLER S MING aT - uiiacrtnKers -:- mid - VVEcoffinsEPA?,o ' 'CW ""S 'J"."'" ' n,rl0,ic' cUh ord wc"1 whlwHUe .old ,r bu'""rob" nd'". breadclotlv .iln.n.l m,e,r The Lowest I.UIng Proflfii. EMBALMING nd 'he proper care of the dead a specialty. Firemens Election NOTICK IS UKUKI'.Y GIVKXTHAT on Monday, the nth dav oflx-cem- ber, 1S93, at the hall of the All-.nn- Kn. tine Co, No 1, tlie annual election ol the Alhany Fire Department, of ihe ritv nl Albany, Linn countv, Oiegon, wM be held for the purpose ol cleclintr a Chief Engineer ami an Assistant Chief ot the said Albany KIre Itepartmen:. The follow inir persons have been' ap pointed by the Hoard of Delegates of said Albany File as i-i.l.c r said election ton It; E (illicit. Dloom, M D Phillips. Said election will commence at .. I o'clock p m and continue without closing the polis unlil six o'clock p m of said dav. Albany, Or. Nov 29th, 1S93. IjKU A LANDRETH, Pres. Pro T J W White, Sec Pro Ten,. Assignee's Notice. Notice iz hereby given to all whom u msy I coacern, that on the 4th day of November. ISM, Anthony l'rccsf and F C liutlcr dulv I made an aisii;nment to'me of ail their proper ty fortho benelic cf all their creditor., in cordan ce with tho 'general assignment awsof the state of Oiihod; lh-rc!ore all persons having claims auaiust the co-jisrt-nenthip lirm of said Propat snd Butler are herehy notilieil aud required to rjreseritthe same to mo under oath at the oflica cf W H Bilyeuin tho City of Albany, Oregon with in three months from the datehorrof. Hated this 17th day of November, 1S93. t kanklin rKorsT, Assignee. Notice to Stockholders: Notlea la herehr ulven that the annual fttncklioMera nieatinu of the Fannra A MorchsiilBliisuraiicKCompanvol' Albany Oregon, will l.e held at tho company's oltice in the cit of Albany, Orfgon. on nrennesuHy, January :iru, lMll,attlid hur of 2 o'clock p m of aald dav for the purpose of electing 9 (nine) dirertmaof oahl coairany to serve one year and to transact su?h other buninefa an uiav reKUlerly come liel'ornsaid meeting. nitieu ueceinuer nu; im;i. J O WKITSMAN: FKead: riecretary Preiilent.' WE WANT YOU TO WORK FOIt US thus making 1 2 .OO tc 435.00 I KK WhhK. Parties preferred who can furnish a horse and travel through the coao- tr;a team, though, is not oecessarv. A few vacancies in tewnsand cinea. Spare bonri msy he naed to good advantage. B F Jon nook 4 Co. 11th and Main Sts, liichmonJ, Vs. WANTED At the toie formerly owned hy Allen Bros., BUTTER, EGGS, IiARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, K0 EXTRA CHARCt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICEt. ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE. - - 5SSS for which I will Dav Ih. hrst rash once I possible. B F RAMP PLOWS AND MRROWS Rii-jains f.inr.ers In both rklingand wnlkimr plow, dine harrow,iron harrow?, etc. 1' rices r proptirtlon to 50 cent w Fifnt, It w 111 pav 1 on to call and oee u JnEW : FURNITURE, SfORE IS NOW FULL OF FII1ST-CLASS FURNITURF TnvT,v. of bed room set., chair,, lenng. etc., vrhich I wHl ..11 at ' C 1 TIK0 BOTTOM PRICES. Tlios. Brink. FARMERS LISTF.V W. line lot of ftesh grass seed, ol almost everv kind, Including cheat, and we want to sell it. Come and see us STEWART & SOX V I 'y '-oo- 'Ve carra rge c' a ul 5xS nd "eresccntr view, ni A iib l.l: . ms rnoTOGRirnr.Ri, '8 """0r- Wall Paper, JruKs, Paint, Oils I. A. Ciimmiiic; ALBANY, CRECO