k f.! VOL Yl ' ALBANY, 01USGON- THURSDAY DECEMBER 7, x89 NO 181 "When I was a Boy," lVritos rnstmastcr .T. ('. AVoouson, Forest Hill, W. 'a., "I !i;id a bron chial trouble ol Biicli a ii'Tsistcnt ami still-born eliaracUr, tliat tlio' doctor inoiiounceil it inetiniljlu witli ordinary mcdicinos, ami advised mc to try Ayer's Cherry lYclnrul. I did so, and one liottle cured mc. Tot the last fifteen years, I havo wed tliii preparation with good efltrt whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of pcoplo n)io keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to bo with out it." "I liavo linen iisin Ayer's Clmrry Pectornl In my fitm i I3' fur ;W years, with the most jiati.sfiictory reiiults, and enn cheerfully rffomnn-nd it us liein; espe cially ntlapti'il to nil pulmonary com plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other modirinosaspceial nly.niul I have come to the conclusion llUyer'a Cherry Pectoral occupies a nwlloii pre-eminent over other medi cines of tho class." Chas. Davenport, Dover, X. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayi;r&Co,,T,owil, Mara. Prompt to act, sure to cure Star . Buker j CorR ro lulu I bin kikI rl CSNRAD IVEYER, PROPRIETOR, nuvd TritilM, Orled FrullM. Tubutco, rallicar, CoOee, Eti, Ciunirii (Jaceari. Veuelnlilpo. C'tgnin Klilcoft, Tea, Elo.t lc evcnO.,.. tltnt il kepi In a jr ner larii-iy ami irioccry atore, lliirtietl markul price paiil tor U.L KINDS OV PRODUCE Vtin its horn? ofl'.ce St) SALEM - 1'ieUrnv B'.ccl., corner I.i'jerty an J a onopialtv of Sur.nvs; ell r. 10 or 'JU acreioisui U-t-walfcash vaymcnt-loppllime balance ir particulas. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employed - fUZWv' - Portiamd, Oroo. A. P. AaMIKoao. ""-- JJUtheyer. Student, may enter t ny time. Catalogue free. 3 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. Botli ilia method and results rrliea byrup of Fig3 is taken; it is pleasant snd refreshing to tlio taste., nud acts gently yet promptly en tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches ar.il fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Tigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro yirauuiig n 1110 lasio ana ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most ncaany and agreeable oubetanccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and havo rnado it the wait popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs is for salo in fjOc and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist -who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any cna who wishes to try it. l)o not acct-rt any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. towsi':ii. r.r. hew roan. .r. J F. FORD, EraiiTelisl, Of Des Myiuea, Iowa, vritrin under dite it, ;March '23, 1893: 3. B. Mku. Mm Co.. CDufnr, Or-yon. On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously a'.vaiting. Our little girl, eifiht and one-lu lf year o.'d, who bid wa.tcd away to 38 pounds, is i.ow wi-il. fitrnng and viirnronf, M,d well fleithed up. S. Ii, Cough ure l..-,n U'flJO itf word wen. Both of the ctiiUbcn like it. Your S B. Cough Cure liaa cured and kept away aM hoarst-neKi from n.e. So qivo it to every one, with gre-iiuii for ail. Wishing you f.rosoeii y, wo are Youn?, 11 r & Mka J F Fokd. Ily.m wish to fowl n'sn and cheorrul, and ready f'ir tho Spring's work, ciftilifto your system wjth tlio lleftiliittie and l.ivsr Cure, by taking two r three 'li.oscacli week. f,l) cr r.t. rr bot'.Ii, by ail ilrujirists.l S fc'ol I under I'Oilive jruarr-atce by J ACUJ1MIXG. X10H REN r., The opern house utore. I1 nl.ndM location. Cad on the Miorotary at the Democrat office lor par liculara. The Oregon JLand Co obi:&o. r State street, hraacb office In Portlano ;defruit tracts near SalemJ ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY RETAIL 01X IT COI'KT. (J.N. Duncan, county JuuVc; Win. and J. W. I'uyli, CVmuiuwiuimra.) Ruinbaugh Continued, fees State agt Spajfht, $.1S. Allowed : Mrs Maty Galloway.aid poor....$ 5 00 y i k-OBhov,aid Hail family 6 00 k v-ooiey, am Mrs Clark 0 00 .il rs I A Anderson, aid family 10 00 Ladies Aid Society. 6" for each child WE Savage, aid Cox family.'.'.'.'.' f, Oawiord, aid Mrs lioberts.. I " bile, aid poor R C Kemp, aid family. M Anderson, aid Mrs Hackenburg Khzabetb Osbom. aid family.... Albany Elect ic Light Co Crpscn A- Monzieo. acct roads. . '. .' Santiam Lumber C'o.acct roads. . . llarritburg Lumber Co K 1' Career, preliminarv ex John Duncan, acct roads II J Jones, stationary Examining F M Condra O llender, acct C 11 Lydia E Jewett, acct poor 11 E Crow, acct poor Stafford, (iarrett .V Co, acct poor. John I'ther, janitor V U Moore, aid Matlie Tavlor. . .'. (; Miller and Bon, acct "roads. . 1 W Siinlr, acct roads N IMurrlEon, acct bridges '. E T Fisher, acct roads .1 C (ioodnle C C Jackson, fees '. 45 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 00 23 00 15 95 5 00 18 07 7 70 11 05 I 00 14 00 5 20 22 SO 10 20. 3 (10 10 CO 12 00 10 20 fit 11 120 00 ii co fiS -10 102 55 ItEll ESTATE ali,tl. Frank Wood to M W Murray, lot 3, bl 17, Albany $ E000 Walter C Miller to lames Arnold, 20 acrcB. 10 w 2 400 Geo Tycer to J L Hansard, lot 3, bl 5, N Brownevillo 1500 w H iiilyeu to W J liilysu, part of bl 73. Scio I AJMunkers to W J Biljen. lot 1, Id 2, lot 8, half of lot 7, bl 2, IPs add. lo; 7, half of lot (i, bl 20, V'i add, Seio W J Bilyeu to Win Brenner, lot 1, bl 2, W's add. part of lots in bis 2 and 20, ll's add, Scio.... Alex Sommerville to Joseph Som merville, 10 acres. Hi w 4 W H Keen to Ollie M Keen, lots B and 7, bl 4, Rnlston's 3rd add, Lebanon, lots 5, G and 7 bl 7, lot 2, bl4, Sweet Home Wm H Klum to Mellissa J Klum, 04 Rcres, 12 w 2 R C Miller to Ejtella A Swan, 100 acres, 12 w 2 A II Fruit to W H Kaltrider, lots 1,2 and 3, bl 1,1, l'eoria U S to Calvin H Adams. -320;3b- 1500 1000 1000 oo acres. 14 w 1 Patent Mary rommemlle to Mark L Som merville, 10 1 aeves, 15 w 3". . . . Wm Brenner lo M V Biiyeu, lot 2, bl 20, W's add, Scio Phebc tiatchell to lillie J King, lot 5, bl 1, Lebanon David M Klnme to Melissa J Klume, 3 acres, 12 w 2 U S to Kliiah H Coalcs. 100 acres. 1000 10 E 2 Tatent J N Uulhford lo Wm 11 tiulliford, GO acres. 14 w 4 O & C R R Oo to (ieo B Hartmus, 82.57 acres, HE 2 Laban Case loAshby l'enrce, lot 7, bl 2, Cowan's add, Lebanon. . . Laban Case to Ashbv I'earce, lots 6. 6 and 7, bl 8, it's add, Leb anon Frederick C Gridley to Frank P Sheafgreen, 10 acres, 12 w 4. . . 3000 313 45 2100 It Pays.-It pays totukc nml remit he nnner, efiieciallv your own home clui r. Often in this w.iy jrootl business opportuni ties are Iironlit to your attentioa. For in stance, if you wish to secure n pood paying Miuauon. men ynn una uetter look up the uavenipement ot V t .lolinaon A'(. o., liich mond, Vti in anotlier column; perhaps what they liaveto say may interest vou. LU No Shrinking. Uring on your fme winier undtrwear. We guarantee not lo injure them, as wc lake ere.it care lo wafh Uiem In Ro(t water Gentlemen (tlnrched work a specialty. The wl.ite laurulHe of A'hnny ore getting the Chinese corni-red. Give us your work arifl thev will foon eave. LI1T l.Al NOR Y , Mrs C Simpson, pioprletor. licsonf rathm. To lecure a normal and re'iilar tissue changetliroujlioiit the lxxly use Bramlreth's i ins. ini tifsne nietamoriiiiO!is consists id constantly proceeding wiste of tissue and its regeneration. Unindretn'a Pills nre the lest solvent of tho products of disintepra tion of the tissues and increases their elas ticity. They nre an alterative nnd climin ative remeily. which allay irritation and re move obstruction by nidine nature and are of (rreat benefit in cases of temponrv and naouu!,i consupation. torpul liver, lillions- ners. headache, lndnrestion, rheumatism and diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. ltrandreth's Pills nre nurelv voirebible nt solntely harmless, nnd are "safe to take at any time. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Peres r.EDtviD. Th nd; rrignrd ir ri-ter ef th Piorer h'nnp detrrp to in'orrr the pobiie thht ha, rer'nepd the price of ho,r,l w.nc lt,di(:ng 3 nr wek, wiih t ii per rrf. Sia!e miwb 2.1 nt The public ia iovitfd 'o call as 1 Veep trod ds and ret a P'Od table. Have fir wood for jsi:e virnrr or r.roinaiMn ,t. Water streets. JHn!r,ni P ronim heine i.inrv by amoting th ,-elhratnl w'eite lalxir citar.. nannfactared oy Ju'ini Jo'eph. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World', Fair Hljhe-t Medal and Diploma. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure drape Cream ol Tartar Powder. TELEGSmC NEWS. A IVcullar rroeeeillmf. Pi'Okaxk, Pec G. A meeting of leading citizens was held today lo deal with an abuse unique in journalism, Tor three years special correspondents hero have been manufacturing all sorts of sensations and telegraphing reports to many Kastcrn pa pers. Their nudacity in this matter lias enabled them lo earn large profits, nnd these profits have stimulated them b still more audacious fakes. It is now proposed to stop this work by nppeal to tho courts. An effort will be made to get at the records of the telegraph ottieett by a judicial order, the intentention being then to brin1? crimi nal proceedings for libel acainst two cor respondents known to be lenpousible tor the special service. Wutk cfa Tral New Yohk, Dec C The Herald has the following: The lirazilian cruiser America, which sailed from New York for Kio the night of November 20. is lying at Uridtre town, liarbadoea, so seriously disabled by the act of an unknown traitor a in out? her orew that hho will probably be unable to continue he voyage for several weeks. A cable message was received by Flint : Co,, announcing that one of the vessel's valves hud been purposely broken bv some un known member of the crew, and tho vessel had been so seriously injured that a long delay must occur before she could continue the voyage. K mill 4-u Death. La GitANDK, Or, Dec G. News has iust reached this city that ex-State Senator J W Xorval died suddenly this afternoon of heart disease. lie had left his home, near Uineheart station, with the intention of taking the train for La (Jrande. Lteing somewhat late, it was necessary for him to run to catch his train. As he came up to the station, he was seen to reel and fall, nnd before any one could reach his side he had expired. Only Muni I Dainiiae. MAHsiiFncLD, Or. Dec G. Since the waters on the Coquille have receded, it is learned that the damage to the Coos Bay Ar uoseourg railroad is lound to nave been overestimated, but as it was nearly all backwater, with no current, the receding floods leave the track only slightly dam aged. There was a heavy wash at Cedar Point, which twisted and shifted two small span bridges, which were only temporary structures. Want The Earth. Omaha, Neb. Pec 6. Tn tho United States district court this morning Judge i).:ndy denied the application of the" re- salaries at 818,000 each per annum. The court also ordered the receivers to deposit funds only in United States depositories. Tdey were instructed to turn over to the treasurer of the- road sufiicient funds to operate. llcrninnn Il.llttd. WAsniNOTON, Dec 6. Itepresentative Hermann has been caught for $05 by cash ing a check for Frank M Burlison, a young man who prfsented a letter from W H Jamieson, of Hosoburg. Tho letter wa a forgery and tne check bogus. Hermann had shown the man much kindness before on the strength of the recommendation of his friend Jamieson. The True Laxative rritirlple Of the plants used in mar.ufactui.ng the pleasant remedy, Ryrim of Figs, has a permanently beneficial effect on the hum an system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral soluli ns, usually fold as med icines, are permanently Injurious. Being well informed, you w'.il use the true rem edy only. Manufacture, by the Call ornia Fig Syrup Co. For itlJv's sake, don't growl and crumble because you are troubled with Indigestion. No good was ever effected by snarling and ftetting. Be a min (unlets you happen to be a woman), and take Ayer's SarsparUla, which will relieve you, whether man woman. or ; Jacket? The L much Haz.ar tiv ju-t received pr exprn-F tunay direct from the mar uf act 'ii era another nf'w line tA j-oketf for ladies and Ti)ineo. Call early and sot riri.t choice iur ibis will l e the l et .haucj thin fcason. At Meal Timhs di vou ever cons.de the quality of the food you are eating? It mav be good. U might be better purer. fresher and more who'esome. I h nnt worth whl e to nuke sure that you tea, offee, luirar, baked euoJi anil Innumern- bleother groceries aie of ihe best quultty? There I such a trilling dlfftreuce in the prices of the bsst and the wor.tthaf it does not pay to buy the worst.evco o:i the false ground of suprosed rconomr. Th best Is ftlwiys the cheapest, because the most satUfactnrv and durable.and tbeverr best of evrvthlnir !n the ircerv line U kept at Parker Bros, Wkdoinq Invitavions. Wocden, Tin, Silver. Golden Common every day, CS?"Hmilky. Awarded Highest The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Xo Ammonia; No Alutr. Used in Millions of IIonic?-r-4o Ve : the St nidard Highest of all in Leavening TI1K ( IM1KV tI ST l IIOHS. Our readies do not need to be told what the Century Magazine is. It is a great work in any sense. For lS'.U it will be greator than over, 2000 pngen of choice lit erature with 1000 illnstra'ions. There will be a new novel by Mark Twain, important expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists adventure:, tramping with tramps, unpub lished essays of .James Knssell Lowell. etc. The St Nicholas is the pritjee of children's magazines, the best of all of them. A feat ure of the 1811 number will be Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history series, a series on American authors, stories of India by if udyard Kipling, recollections of wild life, papers on the government and some beautiful serial stories, as well as the famous Brownies. The price of the Centurv is 35 cents a number, $4.00 a year; of St'Nicholas, $3.00 aear. Any subscriber of the Pkmockat in good standing mav secure the Centurv for SS.50 or tho St Nicholas for $2.50, In leaving the money at this oth'ee. We will do the rest. Self I'm I r. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the ti'slimonv of ethers no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock's Porous Piasters are the only genuine and reliable porous plasters made !;"ot eU Praise n the "'-Uhtest degree. They have stood the test for over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it is onlv necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them, Bewair. of Imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, aid let no solicitation or expja nition induce you to accept a substitute. Proved to be the Bent. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in an pans ot the world, Allcock's for ous plasters have the indorsement of the highest medical anJ chemical authorities and millionsof grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tarlly testify to their trerits, Allcock's Porous Plasters nre purely vegetable. They rre mild but effective, sure and quick in ihelr actio. i, nnd abso utely harmless. He ware of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor AMccck's, and let no solicitation or exp'a nation induce vou to accent a substitute. Patkomzb tin Ceutrvl Fili ,it Poultry Market, on Kllsw tr!h street, between Sec ond and Thir, fcr 3enr or je I pultrv jjMOift and tlih df ail kind- iu sat do, oysters olamB and erthft. Krythiu4 fiH. ii line may le ha I at roion -ihU Hmi' ') and see ui. Sctrcin Co Yj:, Y-'lJCvi m thi il vui U ie Ba,oi;s or sui'Ings In the state at W R Graham's, where he has a taller with few equals on hand to make th?m up on short notice'. Get l he best and wast stylish suits cf hbn. A, new feature will be the rrMkins of ladbV cloaks to order, nr the ai enog or c ( to the latest ty e. r.nd Iu repiiriTir cloiks. prices if. h.) totn ones. vYheat, 50 ct-; oats, 25c; hay,$'i baleij ; wood, $3 to $3. , taken in exchange for sewing machi .. or organs on h ind at E V Will's music store. Also on o'l book accounts of G months standing Siwlng machines from $25 to $35, with my per sonal guarantee (or 5 rs. Whatever m?y be itic c.iue ot blanch ing, th hiir m .v be restored tu Its origi nal color by thf uc of that poiert remedy '.I-t'I's Vegeat'lr! Sicilian ILiir R -newer. Sniloh's Viti dypepsiik, Ur,- oey trouble. I sti!action. I Maine -r :s what yon ntcrt tt Mvrr, yePow kin or kid in tftiarnnted to ev ynn ne 5o. lHfdby Fnhay St Shiloh's Out. miir4t cooh and croup care, is for suit? i a. Pocket stxe at ntaiiM ent-Hv do. ',od!v 25f. Children lave it (tdiay h Maeii Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder Forty Years tUe Sta-rd. Honors World's Fair. akin owden e Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABgQMJTEiY PURE ' SCR IIFUE Paiker Hros, grocers, 7. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiaegriooriei at Coan's. Now cream cheese just icceivcd At Conr4 Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, O.'Boi. Gills ma le in oity ! or oountry. When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsnparilla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowinir full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can furnish. 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the superior medicine. To aid Digest Inn tf.kponf Small Bile Bead afUT vtitliijf. Mc. jer buttle. r- hln 1.; often equivalent I:, i Elinor ill. If l.T-isof flesh -1 :i be nri'CGtL'i r.nd dis e brfilefl "weak "'1M in cytcm are -....:i-;.tecl. . -:its MMBD. .. asoiolt; a.rrective it is a failingf I thati: -rcates GUcta..fifr1 C 1.00 per Dottlu! One cent a dose. Tnrfl OnBAF fnnnn whoro all others fnU, C ought, Croup, Soro promptly cures .roup, aoro Cough and inroat, Itoarcneas, whoopinur Aim ma. j or Consuoiptlon it has no rival; baS Cured thousand!, nml will rtrnn vrm if taken in time. Bold by JJnii;i88 on a guar antee. For a Lame Buck or Chst, use BHILOH'a BELLADONNA PLASTER .2.: CKILOH'S. CATARRH REMEDY, 11 uvo you lllVVI Vim 1 '.ii il r ill V 'I'hla vom.v.lo lominnn. teed to cure you. PrlccWcta. iiijcctor f rce EaiHf. juicily. Permantnily Retlor.4. WEAKM"iBC, 7S NERVOUSrSS. OEBiJ STY, av.iI aM il v ri riit: r-., r( tn-nii m ly n rtj.r.-tr lii.vr i-xrf nre. (hi- r,-v.:. , ct ,wru.k. w-.rrv ,c t e. Full . rvi-w i ., fti'Vf.iipn-eiit rial tnr.n glvrn ivt'trji ;ioti pi il p-lt.-n it !!:. hwti. f'ltiil'i-'.n.T.Uf.li-etiMi' . IninK-dlHT-1 t'n f !., n-i 'i. l-'ullitrt" triit ' lui". 2.i'i r-f.'rrnc,n. UoLc, fij-lfintftl'in ai I rrota miiilui.ulcil)Ire'. ERIE KED1CAL C BUFFALO. N. v. PARMEI.3. ATTENTION ir VOU V, ANT WACON HACK. BUGGY CART PLOW HARROW.ORILl SEED ER FEED CUTTER, I or any lnd of a Farm IimVmer,; or V ncie, ca I on or adres. cle post t'ttr : '..-! " wsi,'i r,j-ir..'tP." i-:..l;KT of 0'-y c VI80R of a Mm tcz h ; !.;! I i 5 , it i I ft ! m m . ; j 'f t w i i I,