Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 01, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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itllitlidevry day in tl.evvetk
e,cept Sunday.
T,i BTfIM). EJitor and t'rtp'r
.i.iict n'V' ! .wrr "idmij
I'll i m k i mils
Watbb. I 'I'" Willamette h.i.-i a
, . II -IllwA
iwimr Ihc lKist few iliiv a copious
I tr nf miu has fulling mi this
f ind lluwinir off Ihrcmjrh iliuYren
',M of 27-'" M l'i"ir lie.l ill this
mlv.tMarkalil.v hiu'h wuler without
: i i.V umw. or vrrv little- ant from it
limit to iniilouMwIly Ihimi n u -Inil for
tonu. Little riaiuiiKO h;w lvn
,' ilie linen i'arilie wharf was ile
awlilieU I' wharf upheave!, lh.....
, lwt the only hniiii,T. .Mr .1 .1
"mi of this cit v liiul aliont ,V) head of
jml 15"" '"i-hc'ls of wheat on the I
' ievoiul Mill'Ts ami Imvuiho Koni'wh;it
wiedi hut will jirulialily lose riulhinir.
iilbe sui'jii t is the prominent one we
, tlie water reeoni. too lowest ever
tgvnsU.- t a tool nelliw low water.
mU'I, l'-'. 'he highest "ill fivt. nliove
M K. 1111. On Jail 14, 1Ml it was
feta'.me low wali'r, on I'eli -I, ls;i(.
iiiul a two weeks Uloekaile result
In I'.H. the highest was .".'..'i feet.
Mi tin! hiir'.iest W.IS 17.1 feet I lee
He ilaniier line is given as 2u feet.
tCitv Ki.kitwn. Tlio l!eiuliliean
iries m hehl hist night. In the lirst
! W C Twiiilale jiresiileil with X M
kwrt as secretary. Iho roniination of
iMlinan f rum that ward was left to
Central Committee. In the wh'oih!
I Siniwler Kronian pn'siileil with J li
:tney as sei-retary. Jotin fosiiay was
.jinnmiiiniition for Councilman. In
:hinl Wanl W II Huston prc-dili-il with
Moms an secretary. i til waiters
nomiuiiteil for Councilman. W C
.Jale. J It Wyatt anil V II Huston
Mined fur the central committee. A
itinn was vassal in thinl ward for
:- Fiinn for Mavor, and tho Reutiinent
to hare been the same at the other
meeting. Tho retnililican city con-
n will he held to-night, at the Court
- when the following ticket will un-
-llv lie phewl lti nomination:
torM;ivor:N J Henton.for iicconler:
Meron.for Marshal, and h A 1 arker,
democratic liriniaries will lie held to- the city convention to-morrow
-t. The sentiment in in favor of putting
'Mmen to Uo secured up tor the diner-
office. The principal contest in for
rJal, with J N Hoffman. CUIai mid
A McCliin as the candidates, one of
m wiliprobalily (jet the nomination.
he north toi.t nl ih. ... i ...
w not ,.ken out -
ttl'ITt sil!i,'e"t.?"in,1 ,acUi win.-
oo at lutein tin, (... . ... , .
An Orceon city man pai.l s"to W .
hiriiT,r,buck- pu:
Let .1 .
meeiin: .V. ra " . M. ward
fur r n ' " "le man
'II ....
il be work In Bulah ReWkah
""KU IIS I'l.l Ufull no .1.-
h b nice eaon n
ail incrruere attend, uv
Uliceri I,et
order of N (J
.l.'?.'""i.',r.ssluUr"t. 8 cf -x.presl
,."""". "ave located In Kan Dlcn
future' I,.!' - I,ro,'OM! lo '""ke tliat their
not", rr.?"
m-Tri. i . "lannkKivin? re-
Hon a happy new year.
ll.ere will be a rehearsal at the Pre
' iciiiwi i;nurcil to-nieht nt X n'MIu.t.
im. wiu ro.ks concert. All participant,
are cai nestlv reipissied to be on hand
It ! a very Interesting fact lliat Ore.
i;on von the first premium on Hour at
"- " lair, and then by a mill nith a
ocal reputation, the one at Staylon.
I'lJ yi.u ict the silverwar- Fr,.n,t i.l
giveaway. A ticket eiven fur eioh do.
uis worlh of jjonild purchased (larimt the
month uf December. (lOlllln UltA nl t.picua
koepiiif; with tho tirnca.
Yetiirdy waa the frcit foot ball day.
I rmcetnu difoatid Yale, Harvard, Vennfyl-i-ani
i, hcatt'e, Tacoma, Stanford ana U. of
tiid. mid no it w-ut.i.tiil litf il,n n,MB
Foot ball is tho ful aml ve, ...j. n,,.v if
not tpute as brutal aa priz iiKhtliiB.
Martin & Sanders, of McMfn nvl'ile. have
made an assljjnment.wiih liabilitlci placed
at $10,311, and assets at Sdooo. J I" San-
lersis endorser with t:6.Y,l assets and
io,wi liabilities. J J Henderson is
The cruelty to animal law lias been
cairied to such an extent In Massachusetts
that a minister was recentlv fm-,l tic tnr
killing a skunk. Oregon It fortunate in
not being afflicted with accounts ot such
One of the improvements to Albany
this year will probably be the pavement
of First street, Uroadalbin to Ellswo-th.
The matter has been canvassed with good
results. If done work will be began In
the tpilng,
The new officers of the Eastern Star
lodgeare Mra C C Kelly, Worthy Matron:
j k. vijau, wormy 1'atron ; Mra i; t
Wolveitou, A M; Mrs E W Lanedon.
treas; Miss Zulu Wlr.n. Sec: Mir 1) C
Shell, Conductress; Miss An ne Corotliers,
A V,
Joe Klein and C B Winn went hunting
yesieruay anernoon aong uaK creek.
The former stepped in the water deeper
than hts boots. This was not very serf
ous: but for a thanksctvinc joke his com
panion had it published that he went In
all over and had to swim out. As a moc
ter of fact Mr Kleins auburn locks were
not even mristened, accord'ng to hit ver
sion of the affaif1
Hr J T Tate, of Portland Koent Thanks'
Kivinir in Albany.
Hr Maston is out nfter several davs con-
tiueniei'.t to his home.
The Vineyard I-iWore of the Haptist
llUri-ll iniVe U lileilSatit so,-inl nt tli,, ,-linri'li
last niejit.
Mr Donald Macleay has nn-iviHl in Port
land fiom his trii Kast. mid, afterulxmt tt
year in India, China, Japan, the Kastern
states and Canada
Zeph .lob, of Corvallis, was in the city
today. He has priven lionds for his niiie:ir
ance before the next Circuit Court at Toledo
and is confident of his acquittal.
Mr and Mrs D II .lames, who recently
joined fortunes at llramrevillo. Idaho, ar
rived in Albany last iiijjht. unci are receiv
ing the hearty congratulations of their
many friends.
Prof Letcher, of the Agricultural Collejfe,
went lo Port land this no jn.aml Prof French
to Oakland, joining several other l'rofs
who went yesterday. A farmers institute
will lie held beginning today.
Dr Hall, of Portland, spent Thank
i in All.uiiv witli hisninthcr nru. riistcrn. hr
Itall is partiirr of Councilman Devi, f
I'ortliiml, wlio has .nvn no t'onspii-uons in
the newspapers of that it for wnenil days
on mroimt of some remarks made, and mis
contrued. (loo S Cce, who is Koheavilv interested in
Albany real estate, and who visited our city
on one or two oi-nisiniirf, was stricken wit)
paralysis on acv J:m wlule on an express
iram uuiii'' to iiiisiness in Aew xork City,
It was thought ho would recover, lie in 70
years of ae, has been president of tho
American Kxcliiimre llank since ISijo,
pn1;ahly the longest of any hank Drcsident
in tho L'. B.
Attorney (ieneral Chamherlain, went to
m this noon. It is a siirnilicent fact in
connection with Mr Chamberlain's populnr
ny an a pumie man uiat UH',ileni Journal,
which criticised li is apjvointment in the
first jJace, is now tho freest anion republi-
L-an pajn;rs to express lis appreciation ot ins
iibility and faifhfiilnessasii public servant.
lew nays ajfo paying him a compliment ot
liiyh order.
The women are gradually coming to the
front in many new fields. Mis Hay Krank
is soon to be ordained us the rabbi of the
Jewish church at Oakland, Calif. Next.
The twenty dollar cold piece has been
coined since ltv-0 and contains worth
of pold Itcsides the alloy. Th total
amount coined ir $I,103.'-mJ2.!S up to July.
Dm ten dollar pitve has been coined
since 17i5. The tiv dollar piece niiice The three dollar niece tiince 1H5H.
The two dollar and a half )iece since 1710,
uul- iuu one uo'iar pieces since i-tj.
Kxm PrT.vAM. There' 1 sometliii1
'rpnfin K:ifie Vutnam which, even to1
audience who knows nothing other
ouality, wins a kindly sentiment. One
an interest in her and lieyond
;utt she is itlaying: an instinct that
liim that l.'sidi-s Udnif a clever uctrOss.
La pood hfarted. honest, earnest ami
j little voniiiii. It is tothis indolinable
i wUilo impnvsion, as much a her
-"work, that she loves her strong inthi-
i on Doniih.r aniTiences. The love of
"niasses" too. is something of which no
ineed be ashamed. I ncalloiisetl hy
'iniioiw rounds of exciting diversions,
iing not a salacious tonic to rouse slug
neire the nlain man resnonds niiickly
" Ircpntalion of the l'.mhI and evil of
UAlifp. lb; eaL--erlv absorlis the nn
ston-and rejoices at the triumph of
toverurong. Katie I'titnani is popu
hmveri.he encounters tlie workers of
vnrM the met-hauic. the clerk, the
. the machinist. Her plays appeal
strongly to those of umerverte.l tastes
Wit sentiment. Nothing she tbs
ausfs a lady to blush or a vulgar !er-
mrK. Her auoienrosare the ioo-
liut never the "stxirtv" kind. What
rompnmeut can an actress recener
'Trv S hnltz Bros new brand ct mild onat
red uregoD mm.
Vice fitdrcsfed turkeya and cliickus for
TlnnSiRiviDgat KO Watson Co.
fhultz Brcs aro now toroioff out first clas
O.-t-Kon hims, very mild and aweet.
ou cn procure the bet Urecon ham in
he tato at Schultz Bros mekt market.
French proposes todivido pmtitswith kis
ouftcmers this Chrtfttin&a. Look for future
Announce nu-nti.
Plan to lake dinner with the WCT
Thai.k"qivlng day, at their hall. A good
inner lor 25 cents.
AtKhultz BriA meat market it the p'a
o nt tin Oregon bacon and hami at J
cents par pound.
OwiiiR to hard times French proposes to
ke it an object to purchase Christmas
Kooila from his stock ot watcher, ciocks,
ewplry and silverware rriees m xeepia,
with tho times.
The following aro given tho Democrat
as tjuestions and answers verbatim et litem
tiin, as given by the student, not of Al
bany College:
Teacher. Who were the Mound-Builders?
Student. The loid only knows.
T. Why did Columbia think lie could
reach India by mailing westward? S. He-
cause he thought ho could get there.
T. Why did he call the inhabitants of
America Indians? S. Because they were
nier colored.
J . . Where was the first Kntilish settle
ment made in America? .S. The first
Knglish settlement made in America was in
Connecticut by the off-shoots.
1. When and where did the run tans
settle? b. They settled in England in
What object had Lord Baltimore in found
g tne Maryland Colony? S. To produce
tobacco to shin to hnglund.
T. Why did Lorn Baltimore's colony
have no srionn troublo with the Indians?
One of tho colony married I'oeoh ontas
11111 ok Thanks. The undersismed
-to return their hcnriiVlt thanks tnthc
friends und neihhom Inr kindness
rnin:ithv llliritup flin Int illnisn mil!
""he de.ith of our beloved hiishand and
"I"' " II C'AMI'llKI.l. AM) I'llll.DHKN
"UXtuis Sm K smuts -The next
Ul mepllnn nf T.t W OTM
" Md In the 'new hall over the
M Oregon. All Sir Knights re.
io ne prctent.
Nil Knight Commander.
DiHTiins Piiuivii Tli distin
and eminent perinlistii f the
! Institute. 71i Mnrket St., San
ill lw nt the Kevere House
"""layand Thursday. Hoc 6th and th
?. ny can consulted free in trier-
Ml ail chrome. nomMianml nn-ntedl
lllCir n.lvr;.. .. ....l.ll.l.n.! fnr
'.M nmnth will Kive a complete idea of
... i mi niupc ui incuviiiv
"Ut ; ,ttl(, '-u0, f(",'enilier
,E'or fcATTER, tli is question of
4?Vonr !undry work. Think
' "'Krsij il inn ant in ina ripni
Of Wndin. . l-.i. il.
Kq. tj ""k juiii Kiuiues w hid
i'lni laundry. How would you
t!ie Celestial, rnnnin thintts
i . . ; 01 ""mess. It wouldn't set
would it, and no womler. Then
.!cnti" o Richard & Fhillips
oest work.
'JSu'iiri" ' MAl'lSTOSHEH an
. . ..'M1-US. inclndinn nnv.ltia
I KW, d childree. if now
s K louog.
-is!LV.l!" l)rea goods r
ir Jj''J'i at RreatW reduced prices
fd n e ,nvite vou to examine in
coct & Co guoda and prices.
K'1BroCd ' " ,lt,cr,r,:lon'
Poor Ruaierijools and Kle
I.niASos. Mra W E Chandlir return
ed from Corvallis Monday and Is again
charge of the store.
Married, on Nv 21. Ihqr at the res
idence of the bride's parents, near Spicer,
Mr Adolnhm M Avers and MUs l,aura
J Myers. Kev 1) C McFarland, of Albany
Msvor miller telephoned to the county
Judge about the bridge at the ala-ighter
pen being waslifil oui, ana ne aaiu
would be up to-day to see abojl pulling
in a new one. It is to be hoped lie will
put In a belter one than was In there.
A laree number of citizens met In con.
venilon Wednesday evening and placrd i:
nomination the following splendid ticket
for city officers : Mayor, t u Montague,
councflmen Ed Kellenberger, S H Myers,
n W Hlce. J G Keed. 8 A 'Nickerson,
T Cotton, recorder F M Miller, treasurer
K Uyde, mirshal K x.vey. i-ocai
pa pets.
Summer weakness, that tired feeling
loss of appetite and nervous prostration
are driven away bv Hood's Sarsaparllla,
like mist before the morning sun. To
realize the benefit of this medicine,
give It a trial.
Sure, efficient, eavr uooo s i nis.
T)KTit0IT FliKE fiiKSS. Fo,a few days I
will receive suCscriptions fir the "Weekly
Detroit Press" nunths for 20 cents. Call
early liefore it is too late as this special otter
is only for a limited timj.
Sulwcription Agent.
I.ITl ItAKV i.i:.
Several items have gone around about
horses bein sold for almost nothing nt
auction sales, in Oregon; but remember
this fact: if he has blood ho brings big
money regardless of dull times. Kven a
c ilf was bought by a llenton county man
for SotK), when you can get all the calves
you want for u few hundred cents.
While other states spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars at the World's fair,
Oregon only disposed of ulsout $.'15,000, and
yet she obtained more prizes than any
other slate except two. The fart is a re
markablo one, simply shaking fur our won
derful resources. A stale that can do that
will be heard from. The Man About Town
predicts that Oregon will show the greatest
growth of any of the I". S. during the com
ing live years.
Uill Nve writimr from London snvs baled
liny is $4.r) to Jiju a ton. lie has been kick
ing himself because he didn't tuko over a
load. Several months ngo the Dkmochat
mentioned tho fact of the prevailing steeple
price of hay in Knghiud. and if Mr Nvo is
not enterprising enough to tuko tho lead
ing papers of the country it serves him emi
nently right if he lose a colossal bargain in
ins travels.
An exchange extends the following wel
come to newcomers: "An occasional im
migrant, with a core worn, (iod-forsaken,
hard time look, is seen wending lus. way
through our village on tho way no-one-
kiiows-wliere. 1 he man who has so lived
as to gain the conlidence and respect of his
neiirhborB. had liest stay whero ho is at.
As to the other tellow it maVcs little ditter-
On account of the number of dog fights
in Albany the following will lie appreciated:
The full bench of tho Boston Sunremo
Court has decided that a man is justified in
preventing a dog tight, and that it in doing
such a thing he gets bitten the owner of the
doc must luiv chimatres. The decision is
given in a case in wnicn uaniei u flintteson
was plaintiff and Homer C Strong the de
fendant. The jury awarded the plaintiff a
verdict of $:!76 and the defendant excepted.
T lftiiExT IT1H.
November 27th, 19:1.
Some of Tangent's young people spent n
very pleasant evening at lovells Kiughteu
on .Nov 1 1 tli. it beinir Uorrv s birthday. A
lovely time was had.
Our public and primary school is still
progressing well under the management of
I nit Vt into for principal and Miss Cora U
aim, us assistant.
The match debate between Tanirent and
uakville ot last week resulted in tayorof
Oakvillo. Subiect for discussion. Kesolved.
That Intemperance has caused more Misery
man war. Aiiirmativc, ueorgo Holt, A
lllevins. A Heulson: negative. Mr 1 T Jones.
Mr Smith and Wm Fisher. It was decided
to have a match debut nt Oakville school
honso on next Friday night about the tariff
Judge Duncan, of Albany, was seen in
our midst on Sunday.
The series of meetings aro still going on
in this place at the M K church. Itevs 1,-e
and Harmon aro in attendance.
Mr Martin Johnson has shown us some
liuuo iiotatoes. the largest we have ever
seen. Thev were raised on Mr A I, Bridgi1
fanner's placo a few miles southeast of
Tangent. Thev show to tlio )ieoplo what
Oregon soil will pmduco if projierly taken
care ot.
The Tangent fruit drvers aro all closed
down for the season.
The nurserymen seem to bo very busy
diL'L'inir their fruit trees and are making
some large shipments. Owing to tho hard
times fruit trees are very cheap this hill.
Died, at the residenco of W W Powell, in
Tangent, on Friday night, Nov 17th, of
linghts disease, iMiss Dora roweii, Rue
was a member of tho M K church, was a
truo christian, and was liked by all who
knew her. A large crowd followed her re
mains to their hu-t resting place.
How IsTms? $.15 worth o silverware to
he ivin away at r'rcDtl'f Jewelry store this
Mist llatile Warner a graduate of the
conservatory connected with Gates Col
lege, Neb, is prepared to give lesions in
vocal and Instrumental music to single
pupils or classes, at reasonable terms.
Miss Warner haa had a thorough educa
tlon and is an experienced teacher. Her
rcfeiencea are; Prof H A Shorey, William
4 Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee.
Bargains, :: Bavga".ns.
To reduce stock preparatory to 'mo vim;
into the new
Post Office Brick
we offer for cash the list of goods below
mentioned at prices named. Come early as
at thfse ligures they will last but a, shut
Olives In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed
nlckles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons,
ft aked l.omlny, and new raisins at C E
:10 lbs small white beans for
4 lbs roasted coffee, in bulk
5 cans 2 lbs oysters
10 cans 1 lb oysters
4 cans 1G oz baking powder
5 cans choico table peaches
11 cans gallon pie peaches
8 lbs regular 40c tea
Hegvilar 7oc English breakfast tea..
HcgularoOc Japan tea
Tea in lunch baskets
A few tins, 7oc tea
100 lbs dairy cheese, until gone. . . .
Mexican Silver stove polish
!HlJ2 pop corn
Ilorstman's 1 lb packages soda
Knglish soda in bulk
55 bars 10c toilet soap
II! boxes cigars AO in box
5 lbs 25c tea sittings
SI 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 09
. 1 00
. 00
. 40
1 00
1 00
iind made friends with the chief.
T. What is Witchcraft? S. Witcli
nift is a town in New England near
alein called Plimith.
T. How was Benedict .'.mold's plot to
lietravhis country defeated? S. It was
found in his boots.
T. How did (len Howe get to Uiau s
Ford? S. He went up the Che'aiieako and
landed in Philadelphia.
J . What led to the repeal or me lown-
send Act. S. Lilicrty and death.
T. On what ground did Edward 111 of
Eng'and lay claim to the crown ot trance.'
S. lie was his mother's sot.
T. What constitutes the Empire of
("treat Hntian? S. 11) years old. Eng
land, Ireland, Scollami, nndUussia.
This Things Wk Eat
very largely make us what we are.
No thought can pass through the
rr.lnd without leaving some effect,
however slight. Many slight Im
pressions, In time, make mighty
changes, ll's the same with the
body. Abuse It with poor food
and take the consequences.
For purity and certainty In groceries
and baked goods, go to Parker
tilths at Wrecks sluviog
tt! iik parlors.
Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month
November, 1S93.
Eteyation above aoa level, 217.7 hot.
Mtan temperature, 44.
Departure from normal, 0.
Maximum temDerature, HI: date. 4.
Minimum tomporaturo, 24; date, 18 & 19.
Mean of maximum tomperature, !..
Mean of minimum temperature, 38.6
No. times n aximum temperature 00 or
above, 0.
No. times minimum temperature J'JW or
below, 14.
Ho. times muu.num lempeiature 4U or
below, 15.
total precipitation. Itl.oS incnes.
Turture trom normal, 0 21 inches.
Greatest precipatioo in 24 eonaecutive
hems. .1.5S; date, 9.
Totsl depth of unmelted snowfall, 0
Prevailing direction of the wind, S & N.
No. or el'jar days, 9.
No. of pa:tly eloodydays, 5
No. of cloady dayf, Ji.
Nn. of days nn which .01 or mo'eof preci
pitation foil, 13.
No. of dya.on which .04 or mure of prto
pituion fell, 13,
Dates on which hall lell, u.
Dates on which snow fell, 0.
Dates of thunder storms, 0.
Datrs of light frost, 10, 14, 1(1, 21.
Dntosof killing or injurious frost.l, 2,13,11) .
.Dates of solar halos, 0.
Dates of lunar halos. 21-39.
Remarks: The rainfall this month is the
greatest on record for November In tt-is
locality. Temperature was normal.
Jons Bricks,
Volunteer Obaerver,
aad hair
Clean tnwcla li everv cuawnner at Viereck
having parlors.
r..rnnixa home industry by smoUinfi thfl
celebrated white labur cigars, mmnfaotured
by f a'ius Joreph.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
a r. .. I. V
g A GESriSF.JCLlABASrK.PAI-a to l.u.r.
tin. shoes. Within the next ."; "
is., nf 12 del !D oairt nl , rench
and Dong.d kid, hand turned and machine
wed, opera and commen ibo r.-
from2!i to 4 in all widths. J nose goo,i.
most go Kgaruirss oi i. , ,
lhne.inthe do wall by calling
on Klein Bros.
Sf.wino iMAciiiNti neatly repsired and
warranted hT a tborfnjhly competent work
in ui, at F M French's jewelry sore, Albany,
H;e the New Irr.pioved Singer Mwiog m
i-ie The ht M always ino i.-iil--i,c-..
Snwden, aucnt.
jh'.lry store
Poultry aid M Wit
Ellsworth, lietween First anil Second Sts.,
Poultry, Fish, Oysters, Claras,
Game in Season.
Everything nice and fresh. Uive us a call
Ollice at T M French
FBAZERcRtlnse tut. n-om-..
-.rliTqr'i'las-s,-nS',r,""l '- '
mtlas-nia tvl tK.r"i cf Bnv S,'.' 1 : - I -
I OS BAii: T.T Ur.AJMjGENrjtA'tL-ljl-
-"oTirE is HERF.nT fiivrv rhat the i
i (irrif iifil i-irninintnitrix r,J atlmlnintrator of
ll.e i.1 FllNn, lecfnl, hart fli. li
Ka ofP. r.f I tie clerk "f th O-mitvf '.,nrt ,A Lin
cmitv, tht'lr final .enimt nl tht jlU court hu
tt.ita the 4th rtav of lercmUr. j!:. u th
h'.ur ( 1 oYW-tc p m r( Mil tiy, the tine
..r hemrlnir 1l ' -W t0T'- . "' il final at-rtjuni
mv I'.T the wttlemem m mn en aw.
latvd tiiif lsth lay "f X-tihr. 1
Ad n a H i i
tho lc& ding ilrnfc
Will & Stntk, th jiweir-
WINN 4 Cl'SICK Slanainrs
Matthews Washburn.
Dress Goods,
Capes and Jackets,
at : greatly : reduced : prices,
Tuesday, Dec. 5th,
Cirnivnl of Fun and LniiL'liter The
Ladies Knvorite The Night
ingale of Sonfr,
in her latest piuwfi. C T Oazoy'g oome.1y
(iratna, in acts,
"Love Finds a Way.'
MIUTHnnd MUSIC, coml.ine.1 with
in new sonirs.
in charnoteri-'tic (Lincef
in ll.injo solos.
Prices, 60 an-i " cents. R sterved seats
now on sale at iiolnes k MoKarland.
i not bought lor tcrt.porar ue,
but as a permanent and servicable orna
ment. There U often as much value In
the make as fn the material. Will A Stark
of this ctiy keep the largest and finest line
In the vail, mpking a specialty of Rood
goods. Their line of koM and silver
watches Is a superior cue, and In silver
ware they taki the lead in the central
Willamette Vallev. If you wou'd get the
best In their line 'call on Will & Stark, the
leading jewelcrt.
Make your selections early while they have a
large assortment,
This Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of tho hest
grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
Try me.
While you aro at it I can furnish you tho best
GROCERIES and Ireshest. produce at bot
tom prices.
Will sell all orci'kerv ware and holiday pood? al
COST. Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
50c for 25 ecu Is; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00
cups and saucers H5 to 10 cents a set; plates, '10 oent poi
set. Every'hing else in proportion.
Call on mo and you M ill not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
-ftcix'. Omul UU IK-wa