r pnilu Ocmocsni CITY OFFICIAL PAPER 'r.llil d every day in (lie week cxeept Sunday. jrts MiTTlHU, KilitoraVnd rrtp'j I,Tr.H ftlfce FrM f fllrj. at AlUuy SjttyC-D, a. cwimi t;m.- uiau matter. imviinti... ..KuVEiinrK :io i9j It is CoMiNfi. Receiver Ilea!!, of (he Lino Coun'y Bank has received instruc llom horn Washington authorizing a dlri ieni to depositors. A schedule is lieing prepjred, which will be sent to the comp ttoller probably tomorrow. On lis receipt checks will be made and returned to Al lan and distributed aniens depo-lturi. So ills probable the lust dividend nill l.e paid In nt'out three weeks. There IS hum Lflifa2ion In seeing it In sig'it; but it ihOUld rfcve oce I p"' several wpeks ii,r. How ranch of avdivhlen I will be pr-.i.l is ail lnon. The actual recocts jus.ify a; least jo per cent After Zki'ii Jon. J W l'arrish.ili-puty iheriffof Lincoln county, was in Salem today. He is alter Zeph Job.the banker, vho with Ills brother, li K Job, and M M Davis, was indicted by the grand jury lor larceny of public money, in MilicUing the deposit of the countv funds of Lincoln county am! then refusing to account for tltetn on demand of the county treasurer. Ono of .Sheriff Knight's deputies has prae to JcHerson.near which place Zeph Joois located, to secure nun ftileni Independent. Reasiiku Fcoksk. The Oregon Path1 itaamer Wm M Hon arrived this afternoon boot 3 o'clock with 30 or 40 tons of freinht The? oamo from Harrlshure since 8 o'clock this morniog but were delaved aome at the drsw bridge snd !s) bv the feny cable below this city. Arriving at the bridge aome delay vta experienced iD landioc owing to tho hiph water. The freight will be unloaded tonight. The same o'Hceta are in command si when the boat was hnre before . ASl'Biimn.r Tins. The Odd Follows had quite a lively meeting last eight. There was Yora in me minatory negreo ana a large delegation came trom both Lebanun and Jef ferson bei'de visitors from other Darts With the members of the home lodge the ittemlince l 95. The lady members of Benlah rlebekah lodge served lunch in rooms ontheieeood floor of the hall building and tne hundred aod twenty five persona partook Miacrepasc. lne visiting rretbren were highly pleased with their visitors. AHofsc KoiiBBt). Dr Oeo S Wright ths HcMinnvilla dentist, who has lieen mine city a couple days, received a tel ephone message from home this morn io( stating that li is house was broken into last niitht bv burulnra and consider able property Btolen, how much was not mown. 1 lie bnrglars broke In a rear doer with an ax. Sew OmcKits. The following officers were elected last evening by Albany iooge no 4, 1 u u b : JOWritsnian, N G. John Robson, V (!.. TJ StiteB.Ilec Sec. E A l'arker, I'er Sec. 3 firadwobl. Treas. , G F Kuasell.R Veal and W C Tw eedale, trustees. 9 arm urokes. Mn Taj Ohling yc- terday afternoon was going home from Wilt to the home of her son, Mr R Jhllng. when she slipped and fell on the wdewaik, breaking her left arm at tl list. l)r J P Wallace was cilled and a he bone: Mr Mac Porter, of Ccrvallis, has just bought an Aberdeen Angus bull calf, ailed Black Knight, the o.ie receiving the 'jfirst prize at the worlds' fair, paving 8500 it. It was owned bv Wallace Estill, of MtiBouri, Tut Tuisos We Kat , - "'y largely make ua what we arc. , No thought can pass through the mind without leaving aome effect, however slight. Many slight Im pressions, in time, make mightv changes. It's ihe same with the body. Abuse it with poor food rtd take the consequences, purity, and certainty In groceries j"Jd biked goods.'go to Parker Attention s,b Kni.ihts. The next regular meeting of Albany Tent K O T M Ulbeheldin the new hall over the Bank of Oregon. All Sir Knights re quested to be present. f A L LAMB, I Sli Knight Commander, I" SEKtoia J.ATTER, this question of d.06', yonr laundry work. Think i difeat itnd "ct in t!i right bT;. o."endin ymr clothea to the Al iik.i 1 eam '"tindry. How would you in , ve t!,e Celestials running things w.li "?? 01 business. It wouldn't set " onld it, and no wonder. Then ihn J0"c,ol'fa to Ricliard Is Phillips 'ndo tbe best work. M,uIku1"ND IxiTRfMaSTAL MftlC J" Hattle Warner a graduate ol the T1'! connected with Gates Col r5.,1" ' Prepared to give lessons fn udPi. , cnlal rnu5,c 10 single U si n- .1 mi rcasonvoic lenii. "rner has had a thorough edoca. ,n and 1. tf-.- "n experienced teacher. Her ."'tncN ih. ti . . ...11,. 1 1'row and M t , A,s It- .,. Ciioj... JL"' f MACINTOSH and w u3- ' '"e'nding many noreltia anne. aad children, it now S E Young. it- Can..'",'""1 "eiiiiiK Uress goods and ana lrV . . 1 - .r riri Re.J 1 2' We '"Tlte you to examine the Peacoch & Co goods and prices. or (Wubber of all descriptions at K'ln Broa "oof Rubber Boots and Klein HOME ABROAD Thai.ka giving dsy. Til. coLego Y M U A of O c.on will m.,i id Albany j. 6,1S .,, hrZ UAIbaL) probably, 5UvounitlM,)n. """ Mr EC llogue f this city, rtce-.tlv ! H6-" -lth and the Vrl, Judge Duncan has moved his office to he Court 1 ouse, where he w ill be found see hln. ' ''0UrS ',y Wllns"o Thomis cr ek .v. , hih u,t eveuine that the Oregon racific train did not crou; hut aei,t the m.ii au.l pi.enjjoro to Albany on a hand car. T I, Rsei, ( Tlmri'on, Lane county, wan aSoOpnz! from the Liggett - Mayer. To baeca C'oaii.anv. fur cuc-si ou tim atr,.,.!..,,.. at tho world's f,ir. J , ''""""tin.' attorney has appointed I rretl Yati'a ilcju'v nini.nttn.. .... for lienton eour.ty. Tlie selection isfortuuite -Mr i atea i in every way competent and has a keen apnreciition of tl i i,MnnMi. soothe trust Coivjllis. The thank reivinu rxprrU. , nt it. a 1 f huich this forenoon, were of an enter. mug, nroni.uic nature. I he sermon as one lull of cream. A collection of 4 1 1 was ta'ien up. i he 11 nmettc wai well ennueh to be out of bed to-day, and was sprcaiHn' ever ttuiuininir country. It was 21 leet hove low water mark this afternoon, and emllly raising at the rate of neatly ; tchca an hour. At Oreuon Cltv Ih locks were clotcd. slonnini' navigation. Try S hnitz U. (is mw brand ot mild r.u rar cured Oregon ham. Fine fatdrcsird tnruevn and chickens for rhau'f r giving at II G Watson Co. r.huPz Itrts are now turning cut lirst clas Oregon hams, vary mild and 8wcct. You ean procure the bot Orecon ham in the state at ttchultz Bros niebt markit. French propesca todivida prolitswith his customers this Christina. Look for future announcement!. Plan to lake dinner with the W C T U Thanksgiving day, at their hall. A Bd dinner for 2$ cents. At Sholtz Krrs meat market ia the p'aoe to get hni Oregon bacon and hams at 15 cents pjr pound. Leave your order for dressed turkevs tame geese, ducks and chickens, nt the Central Market, for thanasgivlng. Owing to hard time. French proposes to mike it an object to purchase Christmas goods from hi stock of watcher, cloeks. lewelry and silverwaie Priees in keeping with the times. Kixderoaktem Work. Many wbo at tended the Kindergarten meeting at the Congregational church a short time ago will be pleased to know that the associa tion which was organized at that time with a membership of '25 have since added three new names to their number, i-ach of these members has pledged au an uuai leu ui miy cents, awe 11.111. is muy be plainly understood what the money accruing from this source is to ba used for the association we wish to ear that a library will be necessary for the study ol the roueiian system at present, borne of the money will be used for this pur pose; if anything ia left it will be used to purchase material to carry on the work now existing in Albany, such material to be the property of tbe association. An other feature which will bo of interest to the public is that a committee is arrang ing a systematic study ot tne rroeimi Kindergarten. To these study circles all are cordially invited. The object of the association is embodied in Article second of the constitution, which reads: The o1iif.-t of this association shall be tbe promotion of the best educational inter ests of the community, physically, intel lectually, morally and religiously, as de veloped through tbe kindergarten. The present meinucrs are: mrs iv 11 .ee. Mrs T J Wilson, Mrs W A Smick, Mrs C V Hmvland. Uv and Mrs W A Trow. Hr and Mrs (J W Maston, Vida Maston, Mr and Mrs L H Montnnye, Mrs Annie P Hawkins, Mrs Wm Vanca.Mrs V B Mon tetth, Mrs L E Blain.Mrs Kate Althouae, Mrs Mnrria. Mrs K N Condit. Mrs Ejima Ta'hani, Hisses Zula Winn, lllrdio Ans- lvn, Helen Crawtord, M Adda riari.mary Hart, L H Wheeler, Rev E R Prichard, F P Nutting, O W Wright. It is hoped ninny new names will soon be enrolled. "Kvnrv dollar nut info work for little children is worth ten, even fifty for work among adults.' Summer weakness, that tired feeling loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood's Sanaparllla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this g.eat medicine, give It a trial. Sure, efficient, eav noou a riua. Prtroit Fiikk Titfs. Forafewdays I will receive subscriptions for (lie "Weekly Itetroit Press 4 menths tor w cents, v-au enrlv liefore it is too late as this special offer is only for a limited time. r u. nr.. iv.,. Subscription Agent- mm GesciseJCliarasci; SALk in ladies do. shoes. Within the next 10 oay. we propose to dispose of l2doan pairs of French and Dongnla kid. hand turned nd maohuie sewed, oper. and common aeoae laata, sires from 2H to 4 io all widths. These goods must go regaraiess 01 eon- -! hoes in theie si 1)1 will do well by calling 00 Klein Broa. . m Sawiso Wachixbi neatly repaired and . . it 1..S ..rh. warranted ry a inomnen., "-r"; - man, at F M French's Jewelry son-, i'r Oregon. Kea She Kew Improved Singer sewing m ine. 1 he mumi"')""'-' Sowden, agent, jhelry store Office S F M Freocb JEWELRY u nr.) hrtoif ht for temporary ue, but as a permanent and ervlcabe orna ment. There I. often a mh tilut n the make as In the material. W HI A Stark of this citT keep the largest and 6 nest line InthtTalier, making a specialty of pood goods. Their line of gold and Irer watches Is a superior one, anu in si.ver are they take the lead in the central Willamette Valler. If you wouM get the UsHrTthelr llr.c call on Will & pt.rk. the FBRBONAIi Red Wells. Pnrvallis wheat buver. waa in the city this noon. Alderman Tonv Klein, of Salem. Is in the city, the guest of his brother Joe. Hon I K Weatherford and W C fwee- dnle came borne this noon from Yaquina Hay. Paul Wallace came down from Albany today to ea'.turkev nt "The Willows." Journal. Mr Ishaiu. the nnerntnr. rnme down from lfarrisburg this noon for some Al- oany turkey. -Mr and Mrs lason Wheeler will leave on nexi Tuesilav fur Sn InsA and other California cities. Mr Nar.li. the well-lrnru-n ntlile'A of tbe Corvallis Agricultural college was in the cily today. Mra L Yiercck and children went to Jefferson todav to iuke tnrki'v with l'.tf I 'avis and family. Mrs Johnson Porter, of Corvallis. is spending ThankB"ivint' with her fathei. CouiityCommieBioner Itumbaugh. SherilT Noland. of Kinene. was in Al bany yesterday on his wav to Astoria to Bee the banging beo tomorrow. Mr and Mrs (i L l'.lackman nnd daughter are in the city and will leave tnnigiit lor their new home in .-.in Louis Obispo, Calif. Miss Margeria ISrinW, of the Portland public schools, and -Miss .lane Morris, of the Salem schools, came home last even ing to spend Thanksgiving. Mr A It Chapman the well-known Oregon Pacific agent at Toledo has been changed to Portland, and will begin his duticB there in a few days. Mr Cieo F Simpson and wife left this noon by way of Yaquina for California, evhere they will Bnend some of the win ter for the benelit of the formers health. Tim Tanukxt Sciiooi. Following is tho report for Hie month o! November: No. belonging on first day of month, Ci; No. new pupils admitted during month, 10; No. belonging at close of month, 611; No. visitors," ; total No. presences,! 154; total ISO. atiaencea, iu,t.' ; toial fo. tar dinesses, 15; average daily attendance, 57 7-10; No. of pupils neither absent nor tardy, 34. Following are the fpupilB neither absent nor tardy during the mouth, entitled to a Roll of Honor: Clara and Alfred lllevins.Harrv, Claud and Jib Heard, Ethel Bray, Ernest Cochran, Josie, Ktbridge, Wilbur and Tercy Churchill, Florence Hudson, Bert, Arly, Will.Alvah. Maud and May Holt, Phebe, K C and Dora Hiatt, John, Golda. Vearl and Alice Kniuhten. Will Olin. Minnie and Lelia Scott, Anna andAddie Smith, Boy Tis dale, John and Bert Powell. Prof H H White,, Principal, Miss Cora D Yann, Assistant. The Dcktors Comixo. The distin guished nnd eminent siiecialists of the London Institute, 71! Market St.. Kjn Francisco, will be at the Revere House Wednesday and Thursday, Pec 6th and "th, when they can be consulted free in refer ence to nil chronic, nervous and private dis eases. Their advertisement published for the past nionlli will give a conipleto idea of their treatment, run course ot nieuicine only .00: trial battle, 81.00. Remember the dates. rRirta EtnccEP. The uodiriienedr.ro prioter of the Pioneer House desires to inform the pubite that he baa reduced the price of board without lodging to $3 per week, wiih Irdi'iDif 4 oer week. Single msls25 cents. The public is invited lo call as I keep good beda and tot a good table. Havo fir wood for ale. Carnor of Broadalhin and Watei streets. J II Meranpa. Jai kitj The Ladies Baziar have jnst reeeiveit pr express t-day direct from the manufacturers another new line of jackets for ladies and mise. Call early and get first choice i ir this will be the list :hance this seaaon. Mrs Tnlt has taken tlio agency for The History of tho World, by Jus 11 Jicvaue. II is one of the most complete published, nn elegant work Unit deserves to 1)6 in the hands ot every uoyanu gin. a siiieninu Christinas present. Ruy your children good literature. Nothing cun bo found better than this. Olives In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed sickles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons, flaked l.omlny, and nw raisins at C E Brownells, fijUhf Vinreoks uhAvioff tax parlors. ud hair t lean toweli to evurv cuiftmer at Viereck ihiviiK parh.rF, Will & SUtk. ! tew! H'H.tfei & Mcr Ar.aod, the hadiog drn u, Albany, Ci. P ronize borne iriilutry by tmokiuft tbe celebrated white labor cicar( intnafactared by fa'iat Jorepb. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hfg best Medal and Diploma. $100 Beward, $ioo9 TkatMdanof this Drxr will be vleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dineaaej tket science nas oeea motm uj cure in an ih elaffes and that la Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only ponitire cure now known to the nedfcal fraternity. Catarrh belna; a coe atltntional dliease, require a constitutional treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Care fa taken inter nally, actina directly upon the blood and ma coua tar faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and (fivina; the patient itrenjrth by baildinsup the constitution aod assisting nature In doing Ita work. The proprietors have so much faith in Ita curative powers, that they oner une Hundred itouare for any cae tnai it iaua to cure. Bend for Address, J. CHENEY &CO.( Tolexio, Q ayflold by Druggist. Vac. CEXTRAL Poultry ail M Market. F.llswortli, lpctTr"n First ami .oi onil ts. ALBANY, OR. Ponllrv, Fish, Oysters, Claras, Game in Season.' EvCTytliinir nice and fresh. Give ns a cull. SENDERS CO. MISFITS The New Y'or' Jiorse show managers spent $10,000 for advertising in the newspapers. That accounts for the great success. It is anticipating waiters; but if tbe 8tnt3 board of equalization raises our tax this J ear it w ill get punched in tbe bead, metaphoiicaily speaking. The druggist who was called up at II p m for lo cents worth of goods has been beaten by a Third ward groceryman being called up at lo o'clock for Ave cents worth of coal oil, enough lo fill a limp. Oregon people are not eating Iowa rgKB. This Ib a slam on Oregon hens. A reform is needed. Albany Dkumckat. It is not a slam on tbe hens. We are a fiiend of the hen. It is a slam on the people of Oregon that they do not keep better hens, more bens, and take better care of Ihsir hens.-' Sa'em Journal. The amendment is accepted - "I would like a ticket to Jerusalem," said tho Man About Town to Agent Fronk. "All richt. sir. I can furnish you with ono," and the fact was learned "that one can buy a ticket at Albany that will tnke one across the continent, the Atlantic Ocean, the Kuropean continent and over the new road into the ancient city of Jerusalem, n fact that displays the w onderful system into which railroad travel lias been reduced, xou ouy your extended ticket and the transportation companies do tho rest. Even then, though, you must keep your eyes open s ol M il rco i i;nii.si At the adiourned meeting of the com; oil nn ordinance waa introduced andl unanimously passed making tbe salary j ol the city .ilarslial tMU a year, or ?o a month. The matter of mnk'ng R drain so ns to dispense with the lake near the S P depot was discussed and referred to the committee on streets and public property with power to act. People passing through the city get a very webfoot idea about Albany from this body of water and make many tunny comments. Katix Putnam. Katie Putnam is a thorough artist. In her songs and dances she is eminently satisfactory and wins genuine applause. She enters truly and heartily into her role, and brings before her hearers a realistic picture as true as well as beautiful. She reveals a sensi bility and persona, worth that attracts regard. She is intelligent, forcible, agile, frolicsome and bizarre; and these quali ties. shining through an active physique and much technical proficiency, make her an effective actress. Miss Putnam's grac is a certain infantile tenderness in quality of voice. Her most effective talent is proficiency in mischevous pranks. With this she pleased her au. dience and to this she added cleverness and art in vocaiism. '.She manifests skill and mdgment in acting, and sufficient imagination to make it possible for her to surrender her own identity to that of the personage whom Bhe represents Her performance is fresh and winning and calls forth much applause nightly. How IsTllls? $55 worth ol silverware tc be given away at French's Jewelry store this Christinas. BARGAINS, Bargains, : : Baga.n sB r To reiluco stock preparatory lo moving into the new Post Office Brick we offer for cash the list of goods below mentioned at prices named. Come early as at these figures they will last but a sfiert tunc: 30 lbs small white beans for 81 00 4 lbs roosted coffee, in bulk 1 00 5 cans 2 lbs oysters 1 00 10 cms 1 Ib oysters 1 00 4 cans C oz baking powder 1 00 cans choice tawe jicaches 1 W 3 cans frullon pie reaches 1 01 lbs refeniliir 40c tea 1 00 riegnlar i-w l.ncusii breakfast tea.... w Hesrular 50c Jup.m ten 40 Tea in lunch baskets 50 A few tins, 75c ten 50 100 His dairy cheese, until gone 15 Mexican silver stove pohsli ituz pop corn Horstman's 1 Ib packages soda Kncli-ii soda in bulk 55 bars 10c toilet soap l.i xixes cigars .r0 in box 1 IU i lbs 25c tea liftings 1 00 Respectfully, C. E. BU0WKF.LL. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE, WI1CX t tlSICK.. ..Managers ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday, Dec. ith, A Carnival of Fun and Langhter The Ladies ravorite Ihe Night ingale of Song, CHARMING KATIE PUTNAM, SUPERB COMEDY COMPASY, in her latent success. C T Ihiwy's comeily ilraum, in 4 ntls, "I)ve Find a Way." MIHTH and MUSIC, combined with PATHOS undTKAltS. KATIE in new pontr. in chararteritic danft in lianjo solos. I'rices, 50 aod 5 cents. T?3terrc(l diwod m i at Holgei t McFirland. e .ts Take : mm UIe- Y;w i . YOy might as well Hiving d rjiains " PQr5 Our Clothing Sale is attracting the nttcntion wo anticipated. TIim - times no sight is more pleasing than that news travels faster than tho good reports small sum. Clothing Has Never Been Cheaper Here. To get an idea of what prices we ore getting see our East window. A step inside and you can examine stocks of handsome, reliable wearing apparel. A neat assortment at $6.00, More at 8.00. $10.00 nii'i o yn have your Say SI2 OO nl " have tho besides Eastern and imported fabrics that Will von need an overcoat ? are selling all wool garments not too than a trille better ami eliraiwr man nisi BUY STOVES Matthews IIH.UIIiiiiillliiiliilii, HEAT Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, at : greatly : reduced : prices, READ, PEACOCK fi CO., ALBANY Make your selections large It : In. 7t- S s? v I rl V3 look for Turkey after Thanks- at the tail end ol a eaie. of such bargains as we are showing. Xso ot what excellent values can oe nau ior a choice of mony. Xew things , soo. tort of Albany and Brownsviiyniakes have been sellmgaway above JuRtfijfura. We want you to see some of the values wq heavy pleasing, popular slinuea nil m ero year ni fiWashtarn. -AT- AND LEBANON? early while tlieyhavo a assortment, leading jewelers.