s 1 1 xu o T3 a n . 55-' & .! a i; ALBANY. 0KEG0M- THURSDAY NOVEMBER so, iS9S. k. no m & j., j Jp! &3s: Medicino. Vn.v, Contriu'lar ami Sulphur Springs, Texus, ,aks of Aycr's Pillo : r's Pills are the best mt dirine I and, in my jiulinriit, no vncral remrdy could lie devised. used them In my fumily and emled them to my friends mid i fur moro than twenty years. I certain knowledge, many rases following complaints have been Itely ami rmanently Cured ii3e of Aycr's Tills alone: Third ills, dumb ague, biliuiis fever, I Attache, rheumatism. Mux, dys- constlpation, and hard colds. I that a moderato use of Aycr's ntinued for a few days or weeks, ature of the complaint required. ; found an absolute cure for the s I have named above." lave been selling medicine for tars, and I can safely say that Pills pive better satisfaction : other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J. inottsylvauia C. H,, Vu. IYER'S PILLS l y Dr. J.C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mors. iy Dose Effective AXTEDon Salary anil Commission ONLY AUTHORIZED Of JAMES G. BLAINE, Hamilton' his litorary executor. operation of nis fftimly. and tnr Lomplntn vvomr, J wenty OSU..K.SV nod hi la'er book, UW'Pssloxs " ODe prospectus &T skllimi bo-k in the mar- ' Jordan of .Mc.tcok 112 orders 10 calls; agent's prolit fcllio ou. nfU, look isomers. I.l -eai div: nrolit S'28.2.). K N Uice lie 27 orders in 2 d.iv: profit htrldgo of Me. took 43 r.nlera nrofit $75.25. K A 1'almer knit 5.1 orders in 3 days; roKI tLl'slVK TkkimtokY tf'ven. It nk. LAKUE MOIHIV write or terms to illPiil).Co.,IVonvkli.Coiin Both ilio method and results thcv Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, .Liver and Bowels, cleanses the Eys tera effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro tkced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho Elonmch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most, healthy and agrecablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and havo rnaita it tho mc.it popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fcr sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand wili pro cure it promptly for any cno who wishes to try it- l)o not accent any buusiuuto. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. touisrim. nr. kov vopil .r. ho wl'l do writing fur me ft t ia will receive ;ool wag . irandntweil. Mtainpen en - M1LUKED MlliL.rj.il, nd. J F. FORD, Eranielisl, Of Pea Moim. I.wi, vrit-s unda.Jlalejnf ,aiarcii i.i. J&yj: 3. B. Med. Mfo Co.. Dufur, Orepop. Qentlrmcn t Op arriviup home I-tst week, i found all well and anxiously availing. Oar Jittlo (girl, e aht and one-hidf yoars old. who hi d wi ted away to 38 pound, is nw wv!l. atroiiiz and vigorous, and well Hashed on S. B. Cough Cure hmdwo iti work well. Until of the children like it. Yoar s K, Cough Cure haa cured and kept away aM hoarseness from me. So give it to every oue. with gretinpa for all. Wishing you provfett y we are Yours. MkA Mrs J F Ford. If von with tn fent imnn and cheerful, and ready f,ir lintSnriiiir' w..rl Inuiiia Vfiuf BVHtotQ With tb Heii'lachoainl Mvjr Caro, by takiiivf two or thru 'lotK'ieacu etk; 5i crntjt i"tr btittlo by all dnifirwti. 4 h'o. 1 mitlor a positive jruarajtoe by J A GUMMING. TOR RENT., The operft houw storp, 4 lAM.tnn P 1 nn (ha seoretary at Ihe Dkmccbat OC.ce for par ticulara. Oregon JLand uo Vltn it", home office f BX-l!M - obiigo 3" .C. comer LP.er-v anj Su.e .t-ect. branch office m I'nrtlan. S a specialty of Sur.r.yside.fruit tracts new Salem', .n r. 'n nr on n(,re lots at $50 to $60 per 11 cash I'.nymeiit-lcPC time on balance Mia.-?. ANY CIGAR FACTORY J08KPH, iroiiictos PLESALE UD RETAIL Only White Labor Employee MANHOOD HESJOREOIJ, : o .-..b7i:A.'a i:5..v. ...aw uuuuts Ma-Aituim . KEW VOItK IKTTBIt, New Youk, Noveiuber24tli, IS03. Wlio is Richard Crokcr? Such a a queation would denote ignorance, if asked in ihis locality. If erer there was man who achieved Bupremacy.throui-h Ins own audacity, it is "Dick" (Jroker. in 8 few word? ihe life of tho Tammany chieftan can be told. Born in Ireland in 1WJ, lie came to New York City in 1M2. Attended the public fchool, more or less, Irom 1W2 to ISji). From IS5U to ISliO he worked in the machine shop of the Har lem railroad. Aiwut 18t;u he became prominent as tho best "rouuli and tumble" liiihter of the twenty-lint ward. Dutir.): ISOli "ilick" an he wns coimiioii ly culled, defeated Kicliard l.vn.-h at a bundiiy irize tic'nt, in Jones' Wood. His political nspiratioiiB heenme apparent, about the time he held the distinction of beinc "de boss scrapper," and in 1S07 be was elected Alderman from the Eight eenth Assembly district. Then began bis forward move among tho lowest classes of politicians, in the city, and in 1S73 lie was elected Coroner. A year ater he was indicted for the murder of James JIcKenna. who in a bar room brawl, he shot and killed. His inlluence, or as lib expressed it his "pull" with certain city officials, was broughtto bear in his lavor, and after a short confine ment in the city prison, Coroner Croker was released, as "the charge was not prover,," Less than two years after the murder scandal, Crcker was re nomina ted for Coroner and again elected in spite of the stain with which ho was be smirched. Hut in 187V1 he met his first, anil perhaps thus far, his only defeat. When nominated- for a third term as Coroner he was defeated, lie received a nomination for Alderman in iss:i and im mediately af'er his election he was ap pointed Fire commissioner by Mayor (Jrant. It was in lSS(i that Croker was chosen as the leader ofTaiumauv lla'l, an event that bits transpired to be a sad thing, for the city of New York. In IKKi this genius of a pugilist and a'l aror.nd politician, was appointed city chauiber laiu. He had scarcely entered upon his duties, when he resigned, as he found the work too arduous, and perhaps not as interesting as the prize ling. In the meantine Croker demons' rated that eWvernees, which lias since character ized his actions in all his manipulations. by building up an oruanizatioii in Tain many llnll, which rivaled in discipline the great armies of lvurope, and gained untuned power in the city of isow York. It was at this period, that the notorious "big four" combine was formed. Mayor Grant, "Hickory face Tom" Uilroy, the present mayor, but then Commissioner of i'ublic Works, anil l'olice Commis sioner James J Martin were taken in as .Hie pa'tnerR by l;oss Croker. hen Mayor tiiant's term expired in 1K!W, a committee cousi.-tiiig of the most prom inent business men in tiie community, called upon Mr Croker and urged him to select a leputable lawyer or merchant to succeed Grant Croker llatly refused to listen to such "rot," and furthermore said that he did not want a business man for the office. That settled it, the Czar of Gotham bad refused and the people had to accept "Tom" Gilroy, whether he was their choice or not. As Commissioner TELEGMlfcc NEWS. Cooling nis M ay.. Coisu, Idaho, NotO. A la'gely at tended meeting of business men was held today, attended by (heral Merrill, of tiie iiurlington road . The meeting was pre sided over by Mayor. Sonna, who btated tinit tho business Kit'j' of lioiso wished to present to tho liiirliijnton company their reasons for believing that it would be to the. advantage of that corporation to build through this section. Ho spoke at sonic length on the rcsonnjes of the country and was followed by others in the samo strain. .Mr Merrill said he was much interested in what be had learned hero, and would lay all Ilio information before the company. Tiie ro.nl could not bft extended now, but the field would be coijefully looked over. An Old Fnibtonei! Urnlb. fVniTK Hai-d, lit Nov 29. A piano tunei, J W Morrison by name, of Spring lielil, was stoned to di ith by a mob today near Winchester, a miall town not fur from here. Morrisori was ncensed of hav ing assulted Maudo Markroek. Nothing was ever aid agrinst- dm before, and when the charge of asaulK was made ngainst him much surprise Vas manifested. He was arrested, but betore hi preliminary hearing could be had a mob, numbering probably 100 men, . took him from the constable and hurrieii him to a field near the town. Here ho na rolcused anil the mob set upon him wtlu stones and chihf. His pleadings for mercy were not heeded, and he was literally grounded to a pulp by the stones that werd ttiowercd upon him. A Terrllitr Wreck.. Milan, Nov 29. An express train from tliii city for Venice IBis morning ran into a heavy freight standing- at Treviglio. causing a frightful wieck. It is reported that :!." persons were killed and i5 severe'y injurtd. Most of tho killed were immi grants on their way tft the steamer which was to convey them flicross the ocean. It will be impossible to Identify many of the dead, their bodies haling boen burned to a crisp. i Anotbofanb. St Lofts. Nov '21. A crank, armed with a revolver and iwitu murder in his soul, nnneard nt the federal buihlitur this afternoon, and only for a note of warning, which he wrote, threatening- the lifo of John F McCuboiigh. A secret service opera tive, he would have Wiled him. When the crnnk appeared Mcfgillough seized him, took his revolver fepflf bis pocket. A Huh Probable, Lonijon, Nov 29. A dispatch from I? to Janeiro savs Admiral Mcllo has gone with fcveral of his swiftest war vessels to inter cept the new shipo on their wav to reinforce the government, (lieat excitement pre vails, as it is believed a heavy naval battle will soon be fought off tho Urazilian coast. Bunk Hobbors Confess. LoNtioN, Nov 29. Scheiff and Floyd, who robbed the Hank of Minneapolis of 590,000, admitted their pruilt in court to day. They expressed their desire to return to America. The magistrate committed them for extradition. Highest of ell in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report i4ss Powder TIIK (T.M't 1IY 4M hT M IIOtAS. ur readers do nut lined to be told what the Century Magazine is. It is a gnat work in nny mjiisc. For 1894 it will b fjreater than ever, 2000 jtapris of rhoico lit-r-r.ituro with 10(!0 i!lustiniona. There will bo a new novel by Murk Twain, important expeditions, huntinfr of fierce frame, artisU adventures, tramping with tramp!, unpub lished essays of lames llussell Lowell. etc. The St Kirhoias is the prince of children' iiiaruzines. the 1-estof all of them. A feat ure of the 1891 limnlier will be Tom Sawyer Abroad by-Mark Twain, a natural history series, a eries on American author, stories of India by ltudyard Kipling, recollections of wild life, pajvers on the government ami some beautiful serial stories, as well as the famous Jtrownies. Tho price of the Century U 35 cents a number, $4-00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00 a year. Any subscriber of the IIkmockat in jrood standing-mnv secure the Century for $3.50 or the St Nicholas fur $2.60, bv lea viiiif the money at this office. We will do the rest. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Year the Stamiard. of i'ublic Works, liilroy manai'tnl to "worn" the public mnch to the delixht ! of the favored contractors, and the com- rhft Tfn( rrlnriv ?everal high classed race f horses. This j jcne are nanen, lnjuVou, Bcng nauKurated Joker's turf career which fnforied Jc thc ,;ie rem? has been widened through the advice of ' , . mZi h tUim -.Mike" Dwver. the famous plunder and : "l?,.0 in(S,cture- b the Cal1' owner f I race horses. lleboaKhta farm h ) F in Ricliiled SprinKs.a fashionable resort. , for 8100,000, and a reeidenee in the city ; rtT iEL J ,M2S a" NOU cvt'r conR.ue for $S5,000. Not luanv months ago, the ! the quality of ihe f kkJ you are at'ng? It political dictator paid $'250,000 tor a may be good, it mlht be better, purer, breeding farm near Naehvillo. The ! fresher and more wholesome. Is It not : question arises and still remains to be worth whi!e to make sure that you - tea, answered, Where dd Croker fet all the ! coffee, nijrir, baked good and Innumera sbekels? Perhaps the ni-st available bleotlier tjrocerljs ate of the best quality ? way to replv o the query, would be to There is such a trifling- difference in the ask another question. What is lie in prices of lite beat and the worst thai it politics tor? Is it not time that his does not pay to buy the worBl,eveu on ihe abuser of municipal privileges, and Brouna of nipt osed economr. The despot ws "tnruetl down?" ot since bsstlsalwm the cheapest, because thc the time of Tweed and Kelley has this must satisfactory and durable.and the very city been so s'ronglv held in the grasp best of everything in the grocery line 1 of a monstrous ring' a it is today by kept at Parker Bro. this iut-i'-il orgnmza'ion, under the Juration ol one man ami one uoes. Every department f the city govtrn- ment, 19 at Ins mere and he rea, s t li money which the poor pay for "pro tect on" and 'Mnihienre." The result o the last election in this state, demon strated the fact that ring rule is doomed. In llrooMm the same state of 0 Hairs ex isted as they do in New York, but the people have demoralized the notorous rinti which has misgoverned and terror ized the city of churches for so many years, l he itiu-.nurpny-Mieennm ma chine has also been denounced, as the story of the state teaches. Next vear an election for mayor is to be held in this city, and already many organizations are retting together, and as usual, Mr Croker ill ask " nat are you going 10 ao hooui it? ' If all gol citizens unite and place in nomination a man above reproach, and courage, the people will rise as they did in our sister city ana reply to the Boss oy "turning the rascals out ' M. F. II. Koni.M ii Self I'm I nr. Self praise is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a rerson c Tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the u-Himonv 01 chits no reasonable man will doubt hU word. Now, to mv that Allcock s Porous Pladers are the only genuine ind reliable porous plasters made if. not self praise in the blighted degree. luey have stood the test tor over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it Is only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those whs have used them. tie wait; ol imitations, ami do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. Proved tu be the IteM. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in an pans ot the world, aucock s for ous plasters have the indorsement of the highest medical nn chemical authorities and mdlionsof grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tariiy testify to their rrerils. Allcock's Porous Plasters r.re purely vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick In their aciio.i, and abso utely harmless Peware of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for A:)cck's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to ar.rriit a substitute. Weiu:no iNvrfAvioss. Wooden, Tin, bilver, Golden Common every day. :1 to 1 I trr.ii:i.t:i-. . 11 ; email;'. actit:tf rr-:n tr.e f'.i:i(I:t 1' p.itici:t FtrcTiiti !i '.irn oni BMKitiij 'I ! rroriftors hwe p-.r,--r5. thit they for aiv ra!e that it Y&ro.t Toledo, O, ii.i Patbomzh tht Central Fih ui Fou'try Murltet, nn K lswor'h street, butweon Sec ond and Thirr1, ice your aresfid poultry gmn and ri-h vf at) Uind in seacD.nyf tjra c'ams and erab. Kvtj thing fiesh ij n linmay be had at reaaumhlft Hvnre C arid it 03. Sesokih At Co Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder A Pure Qrapo Cream of Tartar Powder. Ye( YouCw we th: fi mt line o a"-les 'or fiiitln in the state at WR Graham's. where he has a tailor with few equal on hind to make I hem up on s'mrt noMire. Get the best anJ most ty!jh uhs of him, A new feature will be the mak'ng of 1adie' cloaks to order, or Ihe al'ering of c onk to the lates styles, and lio repairing of c'tks. prices ars bot tom ones. Wheat, $o cts; oas, jc; hay,$S baled; wood, l3 to f 3.5 . taken In cjcchange for newlni machines or organs on hand at E U Will' muic 'ore. Also on M book accounts of 6 months standing ' 8 wfng tinchfni'S f'Otn $15 to 35, w'h iny per sonal gnaraiitee for 5 yrt. Whatever may "e the caue ol b.ancb Jni, the hair m-.y 'e rtored to its origi nal color by the e of that potert remedy Hall's Vegetable " lei Han Hair R-newer. S ii'.th ViUiir dy.p(i. tcrpid (i nev Tron'ile. !r 1 pfi.!ic;i.n. Prio Vason :s what yon nted f T -r, ellow skin or kd 'trtrsnted to'giv joj jo. SVd by Vmt.Ay ft ShiNhs Car, i . cor, in f.r sale by w-ntj -lire dnw'V" oshay A Maftwi. - k,rt couitn od rronp Pocket siw cr D'awr y 25c. Childro 1.t it Awarrled Highest Honors World's Fail Albaay Slarkrl. t,t 45c. C?f IS I 01. r, t4 00. 11M) r, "i'to. It ;w. !.rd, V2 to ITv p. irk hrn 12 tr 15c, ffhouldors.P to lOCj . 1! t' l.V 117. hn ed f7 , h!. 40. ac;i . 4f Hnps IH,. iV-ted f-'UU .n'O :,, ;, ... rhickens, 1 l i p i d 'zm. ltwf.on ft v, 1 '. Mo dre 1 t. tf m,BaKins Paiker 1'ros, grocora. P. M.French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Drea Fine groceries at Conn & llondricscn a. liew cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers, P J Smiley jab printer, Flinn Block,' does fir3t class nork. Smoke the celebrated Hav.ma filled 5 cent ciar at Julius Joseph's, Or M II E1U, uhysician and aurgeOOr Albauy, Ore4ri. CfU mh In citv'or country. When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsnparilla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowlnv full well that he wiil obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can funiik.li "Ayer's Sarsiparllla Is the superior medicine. To aiil Digest Inn titp oni? Small Bile Hcaa dltur eiitliitf. ier Lot Uu. Ill 9 3ilull O'l! gilt to m,-in (jlow-in- !:calth throughout c'liid.hood, and robust l.;:!.?' in the yc.irs to co:r.c. When we see in children t.;i.'ti::!icies to weakness, vc know v txissing the Tliis loss 1? 1 : its r is v 7 life of food is overc me by .1 I.iver Oil, with l'v;. . v. ft-foo.l that h'u. ar.fi produce:", f! : '-..it c; pears magical. : cs fiaLitifilc cs t fin 1 W ! :'phos 'is up '.1 at a 9n "vj n km S5ct&. tocta., and SLUOper Bottle? Onecentadueo. Trrrfl Cheat rorrnnrnw tinimmiv whero all others fulL CouRht, Croup. Bora Throat, Hoarse nets, Whoopinf Cough and Asthma. 'or Consumption it nns no rival: has cured thousands, and will ccna you if taken in time, Fold by Dnifftfls on a guar antee. For ft Lamo Dark or Ch-st. use BHILDH'3 DELL A DONNA f LASTBRJije, H1L0 l'S CATARR H $ZEf?r.y R E M E D7. tec J to euro you. 1'rico.WcU. liijKtorlrea. VIBOB of MEN jj in By m 11-. -iy. fry..-. Eulli. 3uick:r. Porasr.cnl.'j Ktslored. NERV3U3KESS. I Tf-rwuilt, r i ki.i - .. -trr.lc r-ill-ie. TK (Vvelopniet-t nI i i n rImti lye-rtyt ri.iT j,, j- p'ilm f t..e h Pimp:'-, rmt'ii-r I h' In"inii1ri;.'ftiT. ! f - n. K.-thiir 1-niK- i; rxplanMI-n .r4..a Dlaliett H-sIrfjfm. -r-ERiE IVEDICAL C! r BUFPALO. N. FARMEIiS. ATTKMIOX ir : vol- v.ant WACOM HACK. BUGGY. CART PLOW HAERQW.ORIU SEED ER, ft'ED CUTTER, . at anv kind j f.. I : '. 'e, rn 1 ni "r m l!rVft?;fi,i rir Ve jiPowdet: Thc rrt'y Pure Cream cf T.ir'.ar rov.lcr. No Ammonia; No Alutt.. Uced in Millions of Homes 40 Vo t!rj c:'.iii1ar'l ? 'tonj.O.