TIIKKEW TAlllt'F The ways and means coaiiuittao have i jbmitteJ to the public the new tariff bill P'enared by them. The following i a s ummary of it: The metal sthcilu'es are almost wholly by aJ valorem duties: They are us follows: "Iron in pig, 2"2J4 per centum; all Iron in forms more advanced than pig ami less finished than bars, 2j; bar iron, lolled or hammered, iron in coils or rods, 00; beans, jjirders, joists, angles, car trucks, channels and other structural iron or steel, 35; boiler or other plalo iron or steel, except saw plates not thinner than No. 10 wire gauze sheared or unsiicared, unit skalp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves, SO; for-1 Kings, iron or steel or both combined, 30; Loop, band or scroll iron or steel, 30; rai1 Vray'Oars of iron or steel or part steel, i .mimon or b'ack, including common or tnggoi's iron or steel and skelp iron or steel, 31; all iron sheets or p'atcs and all uoop, band or Ecrool iron, excepting tin plates and taggers' tin, when galvanized or coated, 35. Sheet iron or steel, polit-hed, plani-hcl or glanced, 35; sheets or platej, iron or sleet, or taggers' iron or steel coated with tin or lead, or with tin plates and takers' tin, 40; steel ingots, cogged ingots, blooms and slabs,, sheets and plates not specially pro vided for, 25 ; anchor iron or steel for ves sels, steam engines niul locomotives, 25: boiler or other tubes, pip?', lines, or slays of wrought iron or steel, 25; cast iron pipe of every description, 25; penknives, pocket knives or parts thereof, and razor blades, finished or unfinished, valued at not more than GO cents per dozen, 35 per cent above that, 45; table knifes, forks, steels, and all sizes, finished or unfinished, 35; muskets, muzzle loading shotguns and sporting rifles and parts thereof, 25 (no change); cross cut saws, circular saws, hand, buck and all other saws, 25; screws, 40; wheels or parts thereof, iron or steel nnd stool tired wheels for railways, wholly or partly finished, and iron and s'.cel locomotive, car or other railway tires, or parts thereof; wholly or partly manufactured, 35; alumi num in crude form or nlloys, 25; copper in rolled plates, sheets, rods, pipes and copper bottoms, 20. Upon lead containing silver tlmre is a duty of 15 per cent. Lead in which the value of silver shall be greater than the value of the lead shall be considered silver ore. Lead in pigs and bars, molten nnd old refuse lead run into blooks nnd bars, nnd old scrap lead, fit only to be remanu fnctured, 1 cent per pound. Tens, excet t goM pan, carry a duty of 35 cents; penholder tips, penholders, or pari" thereof, and gold pens, 25 (the pres ent law is 30); pins, including hair p'nS, sufcty pins, shawl and belt pins, not i ta - niercially known as jewelry; 20 (the itC3 ent duty is 30) ; type metals and new t; pes. 15; zinc in blocks or pigs, 20; zinc in si eot 25; manufactures and articles, not speij"! ly provided, of uny metal or metals, p: til or wholly manufactured, 25 per cent (the present duty is 45). SUOAlt AND TOnACl'O. Tho bill repeals the provision of the present law for sugar bounties, by install meats, by providing that bounties shall be reduced one-eighth part of the respective amounts each year, beginning with July 1, 1S95, and extending to July 1, 1002, in clusive, and shall thereafter cense. The Wilson bill also reduces the duty on all sugars above iC standaid from one-half of a cent a paund to one-fourth of a cent. On nil leaf tobacco, or such part as is known as wrapper tobacco and suitable for cigar wrappers, if unstemmed, the duty is to be $1 per pound; If stemmed, 81.25. The present duties are 82 and 82.75. All other leaf tobacco, if unstemmed, 35 cents per pound; if s'.eiuxicd, 50 cents, as at present. Cigars, cheroots nnd cigarettes of all kinds, including wrappers, per pound ami 25 per cent ad valorem. The present tariff is ft and 25 per cent. CO TON. I lutein. The rtesent duty lanfes from jo cents per dozen on hosiery and 20 per cent ad valorem to $: per dozen and 40 per cent ad valorem on shirts and drawers, WOOL, HAIR ETC. Wool, hair, etc, Improve! or advanced beyond their original condition as wa.te by the use of machinery or the application o labor, or both, shall be subject to a-duty of 15 ad valorem. On like material valued at not more than 3$ cents per pound, the duty is 35 per cent; valued at over 35 cents per pound, 30 per cent. Duties are Cued on the manufactures of wool as follows: Woolen and worsted yarns, 30 per cent; valued at more than 4' cents per pound, 35 ad valorem; woolen or worsted cloths, Biiawls, knit fabrics and other manufac tures, 40 ad va'orem; women's and child ren a dress goois, coat linings, bunting and goods of a sirrllar description, 40 ad v lorem; cloaks, dolmans, jackets, ulsters, or Ciher outside garmen's fur hdies' an children's apparel, 45 ad valorem. The present law Is 49" cents per pju.i l and 6j per cent ad valorem. On Aubusson, Axminster, Moq idle and "aenllle carp:ts, ani all carpeting cf a like character or condition, an oriental, Berlin and other similar rugs, there Is placed a duty of 55 per cent ad valorem. The pre cis is uj cenis per fuarc yam and 40 percent. On Swjny, Tillon an I Tournay velvet carpets the duly is 40 per cent ad vuiwicui. 1 ne prcsen: law is 03 cents per pound and 40 per cent ad valorem. Urussels cirpet there is a duty of 3', cent ad valorem. The present duty ii cents per square yard and 40 per cent. The bill provides that on all rates of du ties In the woolen schedule, ex:ept carpets, there shall be a reduction of one cent on the hundred July I, 1S96, and thereafter of a like amount on the first diy of July, iSy7, iSyS, 1S991 and 1900, l-'LAX, HEMP AND JUTE. On flax hackled, known as "dressed line" the duty Is put at i'f ccnls per pound The present duty is 3 cents. Yarn made of jute has a duty of 20 per cent ad valorem as agalnsl 35 at present. Cables, cordage and twine.except binding twine, 10 percent ad valorem; burlaps, not exceeding 6a Inches In width and containing not over 40 threads to the square inch counting warp and filllne, and bags for grain, made ol such burlaps, 20 ad valorem; bagging for cotton, gunny cloth and all similar ma terial suitable for covering cotton, 13 ad valorem; all manufactures of fhx, hemp, jute or other vegetable fiber, except cotton, 30 ad valoiem. Tne present duty is from a cents per pound to 3oper cent ad valorem l Un linen collars, cuffs and shirts and nil articles of wearing apparel, not especially provided tor, there is placed a duty of 35 per cea. ad valorem. Continued to-morrow. Dr. Price's Crearn Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. O.i per i 44 UCHOt HtTIC TV COJTEimoX. A mass meeting of the democrats of Al bany wl.l be held at the Court House on Saturday evening, December and, 1S93, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Treasurer, lo be voted for at the election on Monday, Dec 4th, 1893. WARD MEETINGS, The committee recommend that the various ward meetings be held on Friday evening, Dec 1st at 7 o'clock, at the fol lowing places: Klrst Ward Up stairs in tin Circuit Court room. Second Ward In the County Court room. Third Ward- At office of Farmers Warehouse. Kach ward will nominate one candidate for Council and select a member of the Ci'y Central committee. I. M Curl, T L Wallace, ' M SrERNUURi. Committee. Pay I' Term, store VI O lUli COMIDEIIING crry Colin. , casn at r I. Kenton s grocery Phase pay Peri Conn what you one him. If yi'.i want a ti-ie smokr call fr J.ist ph a imfl lauor cigsrs. the bis'.Jrnast nnl.'ee in the city at 0 r.r&J rtlo'T a. 1 lie best watch In ihe wurM for the money at 1 rench's jewelry store. Hno Southern Oregon ptachea ar F I. Keuto:1. Now is the lime to c.in them. Mutor makes live trips daily toVieieck's aiiiuuiiii. i.oirllirre oa luttilluicnts otjl per ween, Genuine part fur all sev Ing machines, also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all sewing machines, bicycles, et;., at E V Wills music store. Sewing machines and orgtns repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mall 40c a loxo rno CESSION of diseases start from a torpid liver and inimiro blood. Dr. l'k-rco's Golden Medical Discovery cures ev ery one of them. It prevents them, too. Take it, as you ought, when you feci tlio fust symptoms (lan guor, loss of appetite, dullness, de pression) and you'll save yourself from something serious. In building lip needed flesh an.i strength, and to purify nnd enrich tho blood, nothing can equal tho "Discovery." It invigorates tho liver and kidney, promotes all the bodily functions, and brings back health and vigor, l'or Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," Biliousness, and all Serof tilou Skin and Scalp Dis eases, it is t ie only remedy that's guaranteed io L-vielit or cure, or tho money is refunded. uny an Improved Roaster and Baker before cooking jourThanksgiving Turkey .... iur uic uy Mrs t an, cor 3rd and Hroadaibln Sts. Try a pair of Klcfn Bros Rubber si-ad- ISO coot. New Advertisements. Spool thread of cotton, not exceeding too yards of thread, 4'.j cents a dozen. Every additional too yards, 4'j cents a pound. The present duty is 7 cents per pound. Clothing, rcady-inadc, anil articles of wear ing apparel of every description, 40 ad val orem (5 at present); plushes, velvets, velveteens, etc, not bleached, dyed or cul cred, 30 per cent (present duty, 10 cents per yard and 20 ptr cent); stockings, hose and half hose mHe on knitting machines or frames, shirts and drawers, valued at not more than 81 50 per dozen, 30 cents ad valorem; stockings, hose and half hoic, vel vets, etc, including sesmlets, 40 ad ta ll, n. Htm:, w. ii.nisniNcr.ii. i. iijamis ALBANY FDRN1TDRE CO., I1H-COPOBATBD Baltimore Mod. Albany, Ore. FURNITURE; rouiplVlV lino of in all its I'r.nulies. EMBALMING a rei bltr. litsidcnce conn r "rd ni.d l'u!.-. ooia streets HoocPsjQures Saved MyWife's Life Weakness, Nervousness, Rheum. Salt John ir. Jone KalatQA, Wftsti. "Of my own freo will and accord, unbiased by anyone, and wishing only to do good to the afflicted, I wish to toll of tho Rood qualities of Hood't Sarsaparllla &ud Hood s I'lIH. I think there are no medicine equal to them, and hare f rovei their merit bv experience rri my own mily. My wife. Rachel, has been atlllcted with weakness. nervoiMnos. and suit rheum. I spent nearly All that I had of this world's poods for tlf ctor bills and medicine until we decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It undoubtedly Saved My Wife From the Crave, Ilia salt rheum has entirely healed and she Is rtr4 c kw4 bmttb. I hire many friends and relatives lu tho east who will be glad to kuow that Hood's Sarsaparilla Ha eured toy Kalanu, Wash. Get tiouu s. HOOD'S PlLLS th betl after dinner Flua, tain d.gtaUon, cure headache. Try a box. fee Wall Paper, iriiKs, I'niiitw, Oil Ulna., Ktc J. A. CtllUIIUI)": ALBANY, 0REC0 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTHT. IS llKRVT.Y tllVKV TIMT THE fx-ilt-ntk'ir.tbafln a.mintl !niiiiittnr .rf Hie slL ( I. (ierhtnl. U' tJ 1 1,.. ......... ..' .ict'iMil . All l'r.iu bsvinir cislinii fcLMin.V ' ill !, " l"r.v rr.ilirr,l u. .rr nt il., ,hll ntl.-,l 111 hr hsr i,siiirr,l I,, thf m.,l,.r.i - rvlli. Orru,.ti. mthhi ai da-there 4. " l.Uil tills -:ilh day of Vm-nlvr. in?. I I" tiKKl'unp. L , HKMiV (IKKH KP. X . . h,n ,"' - A.l.,l,t,au Att; lor .A.liuin. 5 DOLLARS T PER DAY 20 Easily Made. Wo want many men, women, boys, and girls V work for us a few hours daily, right In and areuj tlu'lrown homes. The business is easy, pi tat a. A strictly honorable, and pays better than anyotlR wuvreu nffenis. 1 011 Have a clear field and rm compel 11 ion. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you' with everything that you need, treat vou wpII and help you to earn teu times ordinary vcnpeij ulh uu bb wen as men, and boys and gir. i muke gooil pay. Any ono, nnywliere, can do th work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim juu mrcciion. KariH'St work will surely brini jvu m Ktvui ueai OI moner. Krt rvtlilnv fa ni and in pacat demand. Write for ou. psmpihlJ circular, ana receive full information. Ko harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Co- Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. A ElxuiNi; noi:;i: in tlie cars, hc.itl- ai-lio, ik-afncss, c y e u weak; obstruction of nose, dis charges fall ing into throat aro Rymp- sfe-4KS.infli!H toms of Ca tarrh. There's a medicine that will euro you, no matter how bad your easa or of how long standing. That's Dr. Sage's Caian-h Kemedy. T. C.M.UKEV, H.O., Phycician and Smgcon, Otllce I'ftUSr over Hio Uauk of Oru)fon. Residence, corner 101 h and Calapouia tt. I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store, Wave removed llmlr svore lo opposite te Russ House, and bave on hand a full stdok of CHOPPED FEED: Vustotn chopping dorwt. CORVALUS FLQUr.. BAN, SHORTS CERM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musica Instruments, Etc. Ti Cornei L)i ng Sltnt,,, A)b.inv,(ji The Lu n do Meilical anil i jej Mimical 8 I II FARMERS LISTEN. We have a fine lot of fresh grass seed, of almost every kind, including client, ant) we want to sell It. Cotne and see us. STEWARTS SOX XOB SALE. or will tiarlo X KH.V mare, sevon years old for svood. peitectlv Ki-ntle for womon and children to drive fail on K VI Acbiaou. at Marble wo ks. WARNING x. i ho nnderslirned, warn nVAmlm-lv in-nnt ..I..- credit on my name whoever It is. fnr'Y will n.t he responsible. F I, DUMONT. rOKT. Somewhere tn tlieeasiern part A nl'lheeitv an iron jnlrii ImvaI with Hires, levels. Pierae leturn to N o Conn GEN IS make rsi ii dav. GrAarnat lichen ntensil over Invented. Ha. tails 35ets. 8to sold at everv house-. air.p'e, poetat;e,nald, five cvnts. Mc MK A Co, Unciuliali, Ohio. 1. i r.i. Lounir and city war rill, ranti bought and so'd by U F Mor I.Olt HKNT- Rooms suitable for 1 dressmaking or light bouse keeping, li quire of L Vleiick. PLOWS AND HARROWS. Harains for farn.ers In both ildinn and wnlkinii plows, disc harrows, iron harrows. etc. Trices i.i proportion to so cent wheat. It will pav na to call anil see us. STEWART OX City Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 4tli day of Deceiuber,lti3,tlie annual election in and for the city of Albany. Linn countv.atate of Oregon. will ha hold for the purpose of electing the following municipal officers, tonit: One Mayor, one Kecorder,one Marslial.one Treasurer, one member of the Council from each ward . Said election will be held at the follow. ing places, namely: First ward at the Circuit Court room, west side. Second ward at the Countv Treasur er's office. Third wardat the office oflihe'Albani Farmers Company. The following named persons hare been appointed by the Common Council of paid city, to act as Judges and Clerk, of said election : t irst ward Judires. Pavid Fmrnan. 1 O Kushnell and W C Tweedale; clerks, C W Watte and W u Warner. Second ward Judges. Strander Fro- man, l alvin liurkhart and S M Penning ton ; clerks, J li W yatt an.l 1" R Kelly. iinru warn .lunges. A r. lilojm, 11 Allen and Ceorge l'atterson: clerks. Frank tt heelerand E J Lanning.' Said election will commence at V o'clock in the forenoon and continue without closing the polls until 8 o'clock in the evening of the aforesaid day. tiiv.ii by order of the Common Coun cil of the citv of Albany, Oregon, dulv made at a regular meetfmr of said conn cil held nt Hie Council chamber in sjid I city the 14th day of November, IS":!. N J Mextos, Recorder of he citv of Allwny. Allany, ifgon,Noveniber'lt!tl-,lS'.'3.' This Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. While you are at it I can furnish you tho best GROCERIES and lreshest produce at bot tom prices. p. cora; I MEAN BUSINESS. W" ill sell all crcckerv waro and holid.iv rmorla of COST. Here are some prices: Lamps, wortli 50c for 25 cents: lamns. worth $2 no fY.r fci nn cups and saucers 25 to 10 cents a set; places, 40 cents pel set. Everythins else in nronortion. Call on me and you will not be deceived 01 719 hn Francio, Cal. IS A MKDICAI, AND lnrnititu'. iOcaU'tl peiii'amutlv at kt Street, San l'r;uicKco,C;ii,for t.'. cf all DiK'asiriijAtnictioi.sami Defer A stall ol lMi-lcIa-.a'ul -Lir-.-ortj diploinns mul Mi; fiuloTtrnfiii tif ti. colleges of Anitncn ami liurope t &pci.tuiistb ivlio have l.aii ,on cxpc ititrcatlti tipi'cial nd chronic dUea-r in oonslont aUeridai ce, A i'harti. attsalied, and all pitstripiidns iii!t of Chirac, $l.CO Trial Bottlo $5.00 Full Course Sufferers from Asthma, Rheum Consumption, Cfttarrh, Dyspepsia, It tion, Sciofula.Kpllfpsy, Female Wei Cancer, Heart Disease, lironchitis, ; lions. Salt Rheum, l.ahlnets, Tanem Deafnestt, any Sexual Disease, Lost H hood. Malaria, Urinary lroublea. Bowel Troubles, should consult att Low charges, within the reach of all, btned with the best ir.edical andsur kill. Yoiinjr, Middle Aged and Old Who may he suffering from YOUTH.1' rOlsL-IfcS.or the excesses ot matured shoulu consult at once, before it h late: these veteran practionen, who no equal In the United States, atlher and will restore to you perfect health wi all others have failed, I Broken Down Con&titutiol are rejuvlnated and manly vigor rest! by thHr new and wonderful methodJ treatment. rso injurious urugs u Worn out bush.ess men. call for ad- especially If vou are suffering fromN V U I'S DKHim i or tailing pow r, ny Hsease of I he EYE.KAR, THK0. 1EAKT. STOMACH. SK klDNEYS, or uLaDDER." J. Gradwohl, fORTlLLER & IRVING Uiiflertnkers VV nntl - Eiiilmlmcrs. ir trn 1 . , , ccflins. Also builalrohF. nH .,,1 iV "i ..'.'r,'.," " ' ' " v " which will be sold at ' Mi..ll n I It ,1 ir Wi Diseases nrnl la t1.r lmrlrl lime lij- ' 4-talilu rcuieillrs. ARE VOU as strong, heallhvandv orous s vou should be? Are vou Ireelrl everv trace of disease or sickness? Dol look"vell? Do vcu feel well? oris tM some Chronic Trouble: which, like id kerworm in the budding flower, isrspk destroying your very vitals. LADIES Who euffir from Nervous 1'iosirili I Sletp'.ersness, Despondency, InditfeslKl Constipation, Lassitude, Pains in the Bil or Side, and diseases peculiar to thernl consult these physicians wun incw conndence. mt AATDISI DATTI P $5.00 FULL COURSI THE LONDON MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE Till llnrkrl ''! Kan I rrorun. WANTED Tlie I.oweat LUIng fronts. EMBALMING nd proper care of the dead a specialty. K0 EXTRA CHARCt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE. - ? 5!SSX! 1 NEW : FURNITURE, M1.,1 8 TORE IS NOW FULL bea room seta, BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Kiink. ssrea Cabinet photos from $ MO to . oo rpladrn- J""''" At the store Allen Brosn formerly owned BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACJON, and CHOICE for which I ulll pay the best possible. cash m 6 F RAMP Assignee's Notice. Notice k hereby given to all eoscern. that on th. 4th day of J. o""'; 18M. Anthony Prcpst ,?.SI!ra- ie an assifrnmeat to me oi au '"v:.'' J . . .. . T . in tk.;. flredltsrai lyiorme Dentin u. ai. ccirdaoce with tha general assir" awsof tha state of Oregon i h'rt'Tttf. claims aeaiost " ' .,, persons having claims aaiu.. , nership Hrtn of aaid Propst aad aw t(, hereby notified and reqoired to P" w r same to me nndet osth at the c,"-jb Bilycnin tha City of Alb.ny, Oregon in three months from the date neiw Dited this I7th day of NomDer.';ilW r. Or. PisUcraon bere,'a'.l c,n bt t-.an.l .t ber "'le"?'i ft 1 B Cuill-.. vhe I'll" ''" tnit' prspTit an.i lntnr: lore irrn-ir-s - ..y. Ji. busiiKSS. V.-a ma bra from tout dM-l " ,, Life " JjT' OuaninreI to curr nih"" A""" roui'uallomfinalli Uile Utm