'OL VI ALBANY. OltEGON SATURDAY NOVEMBER .5, iS93. NO m Only the Scare Remain," LfltsuV HUDSON', of tlio .lames flllUIl UUiUU MacliineryCo., riiilaOolpliia, l'a., who certi. liM as follows. " Anions llio many testimoni als which I see iu regard to cer tain medicitios porforraing Mires, cluunsiug tha blood, etc., homo impress me nmru than my own case. Twenty years ago, Ht tile n0 of lSyrui's, I hal swellings coiuo f I fLWa on iu y legs, I WW which hrolte ami beeaiuu r 11 li ning sores. Out fiimily phy sician could do iiocooil.aiul it wan fcarcil that tha would bo affected. At last, my ! M Mother Urged Me y Ayer's Sarsnparilla. I took thrco Ic9, the sores lienirii, ami i iiu. o hu. ttonhli'il since. Only tlio scurs Lain, and tlio memory of the to rein I ml mo or tne goou r's Sarsaimrlllu has dono me. .TVi'igh two hundred ami twenty iJs, and am iu tho beat of health. been on the road for tlio past i.ve years, havo noticed Ayer's Sar- rilla advertised in nil parts 01 ine :ti States, and always take ploas- 1 telling what good it did for me. iver's Sarsaparilla Led by Dr. J. 0. Aycr fc Co., Lowell, Um. fresotl-iersjwillcureyou 1 Mf tjjfl Id CIKE yon A FKLON. As soon as.the disea.e is felt put diiecily over the sot a flr-biiitcr about the size o the thumb nail, and lt It remain for six hours. At the expiration of that time diicctly unaer the surface of.the blister may be seen the felon, which cm be Instantly taken out with the point of a needle or lance. It would be well to imienibcr tWs by those so sitllcted, fii it certainly wi'l af ford relief of many weary hours cf ecru- ou'lr.g p:ln. .hi kK)0DNEW&9 fVoV tl-.o rcillionii 'il cohsuifcrs oT , Tntts Pills, o It chr lr. Tult -lctM- to nn- A uomira Hint, he it t r nl tmpr tii a, TINY IMH FILL C Both tlio method and results tvlicn Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plensaut find refreshing to tbo taste, and acts penily jot promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers nud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of I'iga is the only remedy of iu kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to tbo Btnmncli, prompt ia its action mid truly beneficial in its ellects, prepared only from the most, healthy and ngreeablo subslanccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and havo math it the most popular remedy known. (Syrup of Figs ia for sale in GOe and' 81 bottles by all Icadicg drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on band wilt pro cure it promptly for any cue who wisuea iu iry iu u iioi accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. It has been defnitely de.;ije 1 i.y n,e ful coomltcc on way and m:in that an income 'ax will be adopted ts a put o( the new icv. nue system. The deiaila of the plan have been left to McMllll.i,jrtannnilMoiiti!oincrv Tlic chanyes In the intcrrnl levcnue sched- u.e contemplate an increase cf to cents a salbn on whiskey and sllglit madiihations on the tobacco tax Sjveral bundrcl po rtions today inundated the co.nmiitce from the tolucro manufacturers of the United States, askinj! that the M'.Kinley tariff im port duly of $2 per pound on Uaf tobacco In suitable wrappers be rep;ale I, aud a duty of 'iS ls a bushel be Imposed on all leal to hacco. It appears to be the intention of thc committee t reduce the duty frum $j to about 8i a pound. The latest proposition regarllng the sugar schedule, aid ihe on llltely to he adopted, U- to make the duty ad vubrem Instead of a specific rate. It will probably be 25 per cent, which amounts to one-half a centner pound on 2-cent sui;ar and 1 cent per pound cn fine sugar north 4 cents. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Ills K!lt. Kansas City, Xov24 A secret meelinfr of the Kansas populist was held tonight in this city. It was learned from nn authentic source that action which will probably re sult in a split in the party in Kunsns was decided upon. It is B.iid that among tlioc present today were Jerry Simpson and Co others, all bbili in ths populist circles. Front1 authentic sources it is stated the meeting denounced in most umitialilicd terms tho Kansas administration of ti e populists ns "rotten, entirely incompetent una sally. Ihevthpn reno ir.ee 1 n'l nnn ciple as put forth by the populists up to dutt and declared for a now party, and from Jiow on they will put forth every elloit to obtain tho fiee and unlimited roinne of silver! leaving other planks of tlio former parly to bo taken care ot as might be. I I rl;!itrnril 10 ealh. Nsfw Urcnswick, Xnv 21. Twelvo -year-pld Mary l'owell, of Prosjiect plains, this of nu'y- wont to tho cellar last nigrlit. and wliile she was ascendine; the r-tairs her brother made n mournful sound nnd tlam med inid locked the door. The pirl scream ed iuSerror, but the boy kept her locked in. 11 at once the screams ceased, and whendhe door was opened the girl was dead. A physician, who was summoned, said her death was duo to the shock pro ducedby her fripht. Her brother, who is thus apparently respsible for her (loath, is ill from remorse. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. s. Kt. new row. .r. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. i i J F. FORD, InmM, Of DetJ Mo!af, Inwn, vritBi u ml a relate of ;Mrcli 23, 180.3: , P. Mkd. Mfo Co.. Dafur, Orenor. Gentlemen f wlitrli li uf exmiMliiijflv ii:iiU jtir.i. 't rvttiinlitir iill Uiti m i nn.t'k'llm )nrt-r mif.4. liuun-nli'fil Miiii-I.r an M ill ivtut..!. The i uvl tlzu ul' fTT'S TINYUVEP IUL8 I shown In tli lturd("i. 'I his "ml. 31. McFarBaiHiIf " I" DEALER Ht-1- ness-and - Saddlery. p.. i h in the Dqci Compiratively fw people came from Eu iopc to v s.l the World's Fair. Instea-i rf doing a larger business than usual, the for eign steamships did less. They had a )e number of steerage imn.ii Pntg, and olg to the Fair not so m:nv v;a)ihy Americans t:ok their summer trip to Europe. The distance of Chicago fptu the sea coast was one reason why so few Europeans came here this year. Another probably was that timet have betn quite as close In Eu rope this yenr as they have I een in this country. On arrivioff home font week. I found all well and anxiously 'v.itting. Our littln Kirl, eicht and on-hi If vara old, who hul wailed away to 3Sp"umIa, in nnw well, strong ami vigorou-, nd well fleshed up. S. U. Couch Cura h iodine its work well. Both of the ohlMren lilte it. Your S B. Coti((h Curo has cured and kept away all hoarat-nesa from me. So give it to every one, with gretins for all. WUhing yon pnwbeti y, we art Your, y, u & Mk J F Ford. If vn;i kUIi i.i ti.- ami ehoerful. and ready t.iT t'li Siiriri' wrtrLr kImiiw VOUr VltOta With ttlO lli'sdiiclit 3H.1 !.ivi Caro, by taking two .or three 0 cents jwr bottlo by all dniistt, 4 Vol 1 uii.ItT i positlvo puarajteefcr J A CUMMING. T OST. Some whw In Albany, it $5 I i and S10 bill. Return to Democrat ofUco Btii receive rowanl. he Oregon Land Co vVltn its home office at; SXjiSI- - - - OEKGO..T n Gray BlocL, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Fortlano -HH" AKES a specialty of 8unnyR:rfe7ruit tracts near Salem) t w 111 ell r. 10 or 20 acre lots at $ov to $ou ptr niallcash payment loP2 tinie'on ba.ance The United States Mint turned out in the month ot Octobcr6,i44, 140 pieces, valued at fo,020,9)O. They were made up of 556,820 eagles and 455.32 halt eagles, 18.000 half-dollam, 3.14,090 quarter-dollar", 200,000 dimes, 800,000 nickels and 4.qij,oj.- cans. Total value gold. 87.S44, Soo; silver, 8105, 000, and base coin, $Sot 100; grnnd total, $S.020,9oo. $100 Beward, $100. The readert of this papor will bt plenwd to Isarn that there is at least ono dreaded dls s-ate that science lias been able to cure in all ita tagoa and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitution al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying me luuuuatiuu ui mu (;iseae, una Etvinr ue Killed By a limbic. Tmntox, N J, Xov 24. Arthur Turner ng?d 1)0 years, was shot and almost in Rtantatitiy ki led yesterderdny afternoon by John Vetta. The lattr had a cun loaded with fowder, upon which he put n larpe marble. Turner stood against a tree nnd dared 'bis companion to shoot. Vet 'a pointed the pin and fired, the marble striking' Turner in the middle of the fore head. 4 lie walked about 00 feet and fc dead. ) The marb'e fractured hi skuil. Vetta JpMs arrestod, but Coroner J 1) Uowcr release)! him, believing that the shooting was accidental Just Wall. Wahingtov, Nov 24. Washh has settled down into the belief that the firt arithenti- news as to Willi- lLfctiuc- ' tlons ip the Hawaiian complicatiun will be laid before the country in i'rettdent Clrve land'sniessage to congress, when it reas sembled Monday wetk. It U he'leved the preairttnt's message will be sent in the (by otcotTeo'ng, j-V ? Vrj tola. 44&Mjfaf-fcor - TftermotuetrTr-Hn vntlous parts cf the city neutered 5 to 15 ; degrees belcw zero early this morning. I Like repnr's are beintj received from all I over the state, and also from Norih Da 1 kola and Manitoba. Colder we V her is promised. Sank Knpid, Minn, reports 24 , below, nnd Fargo, S D, 25 below. I One Seeded. I Washington, Nov 24. Inquiry among ! senators ard members has developed a very . general belief that there will be an effort next year, possibly eirly in th year, to biing about nno'her International conference tor the purpose of s:i r.ng ome recognition 01 siivc-. THE t l XTi E IM ST XM HOHlS, Our readers do nut need to be told what tho Century Magazine U. It is a great work in any sense. For IS'Ji it will be gTfMter than ever, 2000 pngos of choiee lit- eniture wiiu isjvv liiustnrious. there will be a new novel In Mark Twain, imimrtant expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists au ventures, tramping with ininips. unpub lished essays of J nine liussell Lowell. etc. The St Nicholas is the prince of children's magazines, the best of all of them. A feat ure of the 18'J4 mimler will be Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history series, a series on American author, stories of India by Kudyard Kipling, recollections of wild life, papers on the government and some beautiful serial stories, as well as tho famous lSrownies. Tho price of the Century is 35 cents a nu ml Kir, $4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, 83.00 a year. Any subscriler of the Pemwhat in good standing mav secure the Century for $3.50 or tho St iclutas for $2.50, bv leaving the money at this ollice. Wo will do the rest. Paiker Hron. grocers, r, M.Frvtibh keeps railro&d tiuib Buy your groceries of Parker Bvtn Fiae groceries at Conn & llendricson'a. K :w cream ohf;ae just leceivrd at Conrad jltij ers. P J Smiley job printer, Flitin Block, doea iirst cIohb work. Smoke tho celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon ' Albany, 0e : Oil's tnab f:i cit!or country. When a doctor considers It necessary to prescribe sarsaparilta, he simply orders a bottle of AyerV, krowlnc full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can furnish. Ayer's Samparilla la the superior medicine. Self Praise. Self praise is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a rersou to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the I testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock's Porous Pla iters are the only genuine nd reliable porous plasters made 1 is not self praise in the illthtest degree. 1 hey have stood tne test for over thirty years, and In proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those whD have used them, Bewatr. ol imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. h':.Ji The Trttr Laxative Principle Of the plants med In manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrun of Figs has a permanently benelicinl eftec on the human ProVed to be tbn Best. Tested and proved by over thirty years use in all parts of the world, Allcock's Por otis plaster have the Indorsement of the highest medical aru. chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have been cured of distressing nllmenla vol tin tarby testify to their rrerlts. Allcock's Porous Plasters nre purely vegetable. They are mild but effective sure and quick In their actio.t, and abso utely harm'ess. Beware of imitations and tlo not be de- Icciveu oy misrepresentation . ask lor Allcock's, and let no so lcitailvn or expla nation Induce vou to acrrot a substitute. IS! proprietors have bo much faith In its curative Sowers, that they otiVr Ono Hundred Dollara r any case that It foils to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. .WSold by Driuuists. ic u .trit ? ri : riKnr J E Sullivan, Sficntiry t( the Amateur Athletic Union, Presideut cf tne J Pint itne Athbiio Club, and Ath'eti 1 Editor of The Sportin time, writ1; 'For ysrs I have brn c'.iv'y cOfn-ct-ed with athletic (potts. I alwA f iind it to niy advantage to uvi Atlcick fo om Pls!:ers while iu tr in dc, a1 thev qu'C'ly lemovo -ornnesa ti t it.rTnn; 1 nd when attacked with inv Um A (rtn, lm reu!t of slight coldi, I a'w ys ud At'e-icf's with beneficial ri-?uit-t. I h ,vp m ticed that most athletes of the present diy ne no thin l' Jse ')Ufc A 'lcocVs I'ltst-rj.1 Hall's Hair It-n uer e- j'v th conf.rnr.ee and patronage of pt-nile all over the civd frd world who use it to restore and reep the hsir natural colar. and mineral solull'tn uually sold as med icines are permanently Injurious. Being well informed, you wbl ue t lie true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Cali ornia Fig Syrup Co. Mrs Talt has taken the agency for The History of the World, by Jus " Mc(il It is one of the most complete published, nn elegant work that deserves to 1 in the hands of every boy and girl. A splendid Christmas present. Kuy your children good literature. Nothing can be found lwtter than tlii. la Olden Times Piople overlooked the Importance of per manently beneficial effects and wer? sat1. fied with transient actions, but now that It I. .r..nsr1lv Lnnu-ii this! Si v run nt KKr ul I I neriitaner,tl v cur habitual rmsflnatiun. well-informtd people ill not jny other laxatives, which act for but a lime, Mt fin ally Injnre the syspm. WkUDINO 1 NVITAVlONt. Woodvn, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. Patromzb tin Ceutrrl Kih m l Feu try Market, on E lawor'h stroel, between St und snd Third, fcr yenr a reared poultry, pi me and tiih i-f ail kind in Keann(ovstarii, olams and erabn. Everything flesh in n liun may lie ha I atreaaouthl rl ures C And fce us. Senpkih Ar Co Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Q rape Cream of Tartar Powder. Yrs You Ci e lbs H st Una o raole for sui ings In the state at W R dri.ham's.where he has a tailor with (ew t(t!jl on hand to make them up on a'.nrt notice. Get the best and most stylish frultn cf him. new feature will he the nuking of ludhV cloaks to order, or the al'ering of c o;s to the lates styles, and he repairing nf cloak. Prices "arj bot tom ones ask Yomr rr leads W ho have taken Uood' SarsaparltJa what thay think of It, and the replies will be positive in Its f ivor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it lncts'ensab'e tor stcK nadach, others repot t remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other blov dlseasestill others will tt'l vou that u overcomes ;hat tired fee.inK,1 and ro on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsaparllli re ceives Is the heapy endorsement of the army cf friends It has won by its positive tTL..B. n.B.tM. A. P. ARMsrscsG, PiiiNCirAU P;itheyMr. Students ai7 enter at any time. Catalogue free A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. h iism llliaai c and trrecct'- rie of Or- r- 1: riiiiri.uuilll.R)l.'iE'' :Mne! phnlos from $I.jn lo I4.00 !!.ril.lg'riR ,tvui in., l oiiit t rilf.Ks, atba.y area " pon't rwtrmptcd 10 It. vest In them. You Mi get Into trsunlr everr tline a-d In tn end povrrtv and difgrsce. The s;er.uine L nrl .m ureen torxls are ihr onlv ones of Tatue. I Ii-t mskeirou rich ; eppciallT whrn u-fA ft. ptirc'isr sjrnn.ons Liver K'-irn ator to cure vour Indigestion, ds- pep'a, C'rTlra'lrm or bi7oun. .or drlv- ...v malarti. Drn'l h emplcd tn lake nrhlr ips'- In ittarfrf 'he Rrjrii'S'or, it". Th- f..v. C.r ' S" Om 1 1 . nh" .f W..I. . .1 :. T'ii. f. I t.t, n.h srvtc mli I -' ... - h, V V ,. .1 .-ir. j v ,i.h. c. r. - ' 4 A 'r:v up .vsltiu. li iii.lin.' nn 1 'e fi be yVac.1 t ? . (.roadiil d f ;nj to run; ii a I irn :v k .). 11 to tl;c r.."il-iT-- -UDiiMtti..i. 1 : til K-til irrttfn. :it. t;'f ir.trrnaily. actii.tf iiri'l n.ji-uiiKKii.'iai.C! of ! eov'ruf t ie i'ln 'r(.ie f.aii-ut r'n-ntfth iv''ibn nnd n:t i.'.tintr r. 1 tie nmiinenri in p inn- h f;ith ri its ciT.!?! ty : Ons rf'ir-1 i To!t.i fnr nnr rn that ft .1 to c. r .r. l fur i t of tt imon'als. Mrj:. I. rTT."' 4; CO., Toledo, O. - -a' - r; ti- - Wheat, 51 ct; o' 25c; hay,$3 baled; wood, $3 lof.;. taken in rjch.inge foi twln machine or organs on hand at E U Will's music store. Also on n'l book accounts of 6 months standH R :wlng machines from $251035, iih my per Kiirat suaraii'ee lor 5 jrs. Whatever in.v be the cause of blanch ing, the hair m v be restored to Its origi nal color bv th of that potert remedy '.1 all's Vegetabl - Sicilian Hair H-iiewer. Hhi'uh's Vital . r :s wfcat oj wed f r dyspepsia tcrpt- Iver, yellow akiti or k d oev trouble. I s icnarsnteed to r jou s tin taction, Pn e 75o. S i'd by fAbny A Masoc. Shitoh's Cure. n treat coowh and or op cure, ia for !e I y n. Pocket size c ntain wentj-live doetr, uly 25c. Children bve it nehav k Manor 0) ID p. y I'eal'vh. .: oil 1. : mrw fl L. r. .1 i "TV "it!l li ...r.-.ClllS r i'1'f .. 1 n ii;::;. v pophos 1 great that re Little ' tnT(rlitn. ' Sfcv' r urumuuT Orsat Gorou where all others fail, Cougho, Croup. Sore 1, wn hooniniT Coach and jiimnii. tor voniutnpiica n una do nvai; Throat, Hoarseness, baa cured thousands, and will curb too li taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For n Lamo Ifcick or Chnt, use EHILOH'3 BELLADONNA PLABTCROo. 9t n 1 i-VJ n 21 m xsfei z?zm Tl CATARRH remedy; vg vim i '.iiiirth v This remr.lv Is tnmrsn- toed to euro you. Price. GO eta. Injector fxea. Awarfled Highest Honors World's Fair. BP SHfeLH mm U B B I f?i sV H Bl 2 owder. The only Ture Cretin f.T Tartar Por.Mer. No Au)itionia;No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Ye the St-mdan. VIbOh 1IM Easlt,. Quickly. Permsnc.itt) fictljrcd. WEAKNESS, HEBVOrjOKC5S. ii"! S nvrt All tl-ol- f ! 1r-ij.it at i 1 .i-i.iS'vV . -. U. r r.l.j .IK. f -.1 v-rr;.Hv FjK'trt t t 1vtrl;iiMiit an. i-m -iv-n iu c vrj 1 .j;iit a:. J nniir:'iif,tl s. r-Mt' !;i.tu.! In,.r..'rtliit"liri'"'''f" r r'-ren:. . I - "-wiN rxi.lcM-o,.n at 1 jri.it Ens tczy.cfx C3. BUFfAlO. N. v. FARMKliS, ATTENTION ir : vm v ant - WACCN RACK. EUfiGY. CART P10W .HARHQW,DRILt SEE1 ER, FEED CUTTEB, or any lnd of a r'sn Iim'i meri: or Ve hirle, cn'l on rt addrrfs. ;..-shi post f)ftr- 1 . SI '1 : t ; : I :1 1 i . ; J