Mora? tol vi ALBANY, OREGON- THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, ;S9S. NO Hit) "Only the Scare Remain," Machinery Co., rhihidclp hiat Pa., who certi fies as follows; " Anions t ho many testimoni als which I seo in regard to ccr tain incili cities 1 o r I o r m i n pj cures, cleansiug tho Moot), etc., none impress mo uioro ilmn my own case. Twenty years ago, Rt tlio njjo of 18 yearn, I hud swellings conn on my 1 e (j h , which broke and bocamu run n 1 n g sores. Our family phy Hieian could do no cowl, and it was feared that tlio ones would bo affected. At lust, my od old Mother Urged (Vie w try Ayer's Sar.siipnril!a. I took throo lottles, tlio soivs ht'ultd, find I liavo not Ken troubled slnre. Only tho Bcnrs iimaln, and tho memory ol tne IHist, to remind mo of the good Ayer's Siirsnimritin. lias uono mo. 1 now weigh two hundred nnd twenty jbuiiiIs, and nm in the best of health. lhavo been on tne ronu lor mo pass iWtlve years, liavo noticed Ayer's bur- uparilla advertised in all parU or the Mtcd States, and always time ineiis- iotin telling what good it did lor me." Ayer's SarsapariHa IntpreilbyPr.J-C. AyerSc Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, willcure you jjj jlf p 1 $ tGOODNEWS For the millions if consumers CI fa liffKw lr. Tult vt' U""-"""11- e miumvlhiitho isir'V pullliij; upn NfT TINY LIVEtl FULL k nliirh 1a nf cxr-t!iMlliir;H ; .11:1.1 mhp. A f jet nluliilt) all tin- . ir ' i 1m W larger in it's. Ju;truitl I't-rt iir-lv I M tjblf. Ilt)lsil'K rtll(HI' pht j 'areiitill f4iK.. The nact hI.u of w i TUTT'STINYimiMILLS ffi iHKlintrn in the 1ortl'?ii t hi"nd." " 9 49 . II, AleFarlaKd, -:- DIALER c-:- arness-and - Saddlery. 0 in the Door Both .lis mclliod and results -when Syrup of Fig3 is talceu; it is pleasant ami refreshing to tho tasto, ptid acts pcnlly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem eflectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the umy renicuy ot its kma ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial 111 its cflects, prepared only from the most, healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and liavo mado it the most popular remedy known. (syrup of Figs is for sale in COe and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any cua who wishes to try it. l)o not acevt any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIR SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. UUISVIIS:. KY. NCW YOIK. .r. over into excites the as to cajse J F. FORD, Evangelist, Of Dns Moines, town, srritos uudsr'tlale'c-f ; March S3, ISK: 3. B. Mkd. Mfo Co.. Dufur, Oregon. Qenllrmen , 1 HE CAISE OFEASIfK.ES. Seasickness starts la the ear. In its cavuy e ihree small tubes, each beat in circle and filled with fluid. The three sit at right angles to each other, like the three sides at the corner of a room or a box. Con wqueaily in whatever direction the head is moved the fluid in some one of the tubes is given a circular motion. Hanging out Into therubes, from their sije8 ,re ,llrg or cillo, which connect ith nerve te'.ls .ml fibers that branch off from the auditory nerve. When the head moves, the fluid moves, the hairs move, the cells are "fired ciT," a nervous current is .eat up to ihe brain and a feeling of the head's peculiar motion is con,equent. As fo, seasickness, this nerve current on Its way to the brain at ono point uns bende the spot or "center" where the nerve governing the stomach ha6 i ori-in When the rocking of the head is abnorm al.. ..!!-... . i . . J "oieiu ami prolonged, the stimulus is so great that the current lea' this ailjiir.lng "center" and to nerve running to trie stomach wretchedness and retching. Deaf mutes, whose ear "canals" are affected, are never seaiick. Put normally the amount of ear feeling which we get by reason of moving our In a particular direction comes In a cu-ious way to be a measure of the direc:lou of sound. The feelings we get fro.n our skin and muscles In turning the head play a similar role. We turn our ear to catch a sound. We do this so frequently for every point that in time we learn to judge the direction of the sound by the way we would have to turn the head In order to hear the sound best. Thereafier we do not have to tuin the head to get the direction, for we now re member the proper feeling and know It. ThU memory of the old feelinn i ..... :.., of the present direction. If we never , moved our heads, we never iculd have any ; such notion of the location cf sounds as at ! present perhaps none whatever McClu- re'i Magazine. The highest smoke stack in the United ; Stetes Is probably that recently built for the Fall Klver Iron Company, From the I top of the granite foundation to the cop Is 35o fiotj the diameter at the base is 30 feet, at me top 2: feet; the flue Is 11 feet TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. An luiiurnse Tmt. I'ittsiii'bo, Nov 22. Another steel rail pool has been formed, more strongly forti fied than the one that wound up its career recently. The second pool was organized in New York within the Inst few days at a meeting of the heads of five big concerns. They are the Carnegie Steel Company. Illi nois Steel Coinpnjiy, livthleheiu steel Com pany, Cambria Iron it Steel Company, and Kuckaw-anna Iron & Stoel Company. Theee concerns leased the big new steel plant of tbo Pennsylvania Steel Company, at Spar row Point, Mil, and by this stroke shut out any possible competition. The new pool has gone ahead of tho methods of the old one by fixing the rrice of steel rni's at $21 a ton. It 111 tut live, Piioknix, Ariz, Nov 22. John Naris Sortillion was arraigned in tho federal court tod iy charged with the murder of his child one year ago. The histoiy of his crime is so revolting that bow ic has been kept from tiie public so long is a mystery. He roided in Lapox, a town DO miles north of Yuma, ills woman is a half breed In dian and American. When the child wus bow a year ago. Sortillion claimed it was not his own, but that of an American. Ho took the child and buried it alive, and induced the woman's brother to assist un consciously in filling the grave. 1 Silver rurcliuses. fVASiiiNiiTON, Nov 22. Acting Director Preston, of tho mint, has nreDared a tate- nient showing the amount and cost of silver purchased under the net of July 14, lM'Jtf. From the date tho act went into effect, August Si, i890, to the date of its repeal, Nov 2, 18o3, iG8,G74,5!)0 fine ounces were purchased, costing Sl.5,,iO,'J40, an aver age cost per ounce of $0.92. The present market price is about 70 cents per ounce. It is certntn that of the purchased bullion $:G,0b7,285 worth has been coined into standard silver dollars, leaving 140.696.700 ounces on hand. This amount will coin mi, 915,000. j SIny SprciMl Uociikstku, N Y, Nov 22. Represent atives or tive brotherhoods, trom I'eiliulel pliia. Buffalo, Batavia, Savre and Easton are attending a conference hern which will last all night. A member of ihe board said tonight: 'If necessary, the men on tho other roads will he called out promptly, begin ning with the Central, others to follow, Everything tonight is in our favor." Severul Lives I,obt. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE M km mi is, Tenn, Nov 22. -Fire broke On ftrrivius home Jut week. I found all' throuchour. and the entire .trriu,. rB'J2IU s.n ntlJT, lutipUt wis morning -ii i : r . ' " - """"n ironrtiprm. i pnn. vi. i-um gin in ic luunua'ion. 55x30x10 ftfet (ieep. well and anxiously evaittner. Oj little tjirl, eight and on-h. If ynuri old, who hd wa tod away to HSi.'mt.ds, is now well. strong and vigorous, wnd well fleshed up. 1$. Uough t, uro iMRdme it work well. Hothotthe children like it. Yo.u S H. The total number of passengers who en tereti the norts nf the ITniirl rtA tn isn- Congh Cure ha. eared and kept aw.y .11 w 6C compaied with 2 6 . 6 ,vho hoarseness from me. So givo it to every . , j. ' O".):" "n" one, with gre-iings fur all. Wishing you , leparted from the same fiorts in tr.e tame prorueii y, we are i year. Of those who left the Cnited Stales Yours, Mh&MsJFFord. ports in 1892, 105,152 were cabin, and 151,. 404 were steerage passengers so that cabin If you wish to renl iiflsn and cheerful, anil passengers were 40 per cent ol the whole for tho SpriiiK'a work, ultMiiso your system wjth the , , , iiesnacnft atu! Livr uaro, by Ukl'itr two .or tnroe destrovimr the onera bouse anil tli buildings ot Wilson ,v llrnd- shuw, J H Wmdius and Vvilliainson & Co Several lives were lost, among them being J h liradshuw. 'lottttBCSuh wt'k; Ell 01 ins nor bottlo by all tlrufftpsts. 4 So: 1 n.i.ler fiositlve rusraatee by J A CUMMING, I " OST.-Some 1 1 anil f 10 bill. Iletum where In Albany, fS to Democrat oltijo aal receive reward. me Oregon JLand Co $100 EeTTard, $100. The reader of this paper will t p1eii4 to learn that there is at least one dreaded dlseaa that science has been able to cure In all ita stages and that ia Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrk Cure la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Caturrh being m con titutional disease, requirca a conatltutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces ol the nysiem, thereby destroying sue foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asflistina; nature in doing ita work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In its curative fiowers, that they otter One Hundred Dollars or any case that it fails to cure. Sendfof list of testimonials. Address, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ot as-8old by Dnuorigta. ?ic. h ro i i r i t :r.vr The True La xn tive Prlnrlple Of the plants used fn mar.ufactuiinc the pleasant remedy, Kyrup of Figs, has a permanently benehciul eneci on the human bystem, white the cheap vegetable ex ti acts and mineral solutions, usually sold as med icine, are permanently injurious. Being weil Informed, yon will use the true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Call ornia Fig Syrup Co. TIIK ETt UY 4M ST M 1IOLAS. Our rvadura do not mwil to be told what the Century Magazine U. It is a great work in any sense. For 1891 it will be greater than ever, 2006 paste of choice I i ir niture wxth WW illustraions. 1 here will be a new novel by Mark Twain, important expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists adventures, tramping with tramps, unpub lished essays of Janien Kurisell Lowell, etc. Ihe St Mcholas is the nnnce of chiuuvn a ning-azinen. tho best of all of them. A feat ure of tho 18.14 numier will be lorn Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history sories. a series nn American authors, stories of India by Kudyard Kipling, recollections of wild life, papers on tho government and some ueautitui serial stones, as well as the famous Brownies. Tho nrice of tho Century is 35 cents a number, $4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00 a year. Any subscriber of the Demuciiat in good standing may secure tho Century for $3.50 or tho St Kichdhw for $2.50, by leaving tho money at this office. VVewill do the rest. Seir PrnI nr. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he soys is supported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that AlIcocVs Porous Planters are the only genuine nd reliable porous plasters made is not self praise in the slightest degree. They have stood-tne test for over thirty years, and In proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Bewaic of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accept a aubstituU). Frovecl tu be the nest. Tested and proved by over thirty years use in alt parts of the world, Allcock's Por ous plasters have the Indorsement of the highest medical ana chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tariiy testify to their rrerlts. Allcock's Porous Plasters are purely vegetable. They ore mild but effective, sure and quick in their aciio.i, and abso utely harmless. beware of imitations and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor AlIcocVs, and let no sollcitatlun or expla nation induce you to ace trot a substitute. Patiionizk the Ce u triil Fish uul Fou try Murker, on K iiwnr'h street, h-t.wcen S Mrs Talt has taken the acrcnev for Tho vzA ai d Third, fcr vonr nrend nonltrt' History of tho World, by Jus 1) "MeCabe. I gsme and tish ,f a'l kiuds iu Aean, ay sterp. xi is one or me ninst complete puuusneu, nn j ciams ana crane, ttver thing liesn in our elegant work that deserves to be in the line may he had at reasonable inures C hnnds ot every boy and girl. A splendid ; aod ace m. Sbmheki Co Christmas present, Huy your children good literature, better than this. Nothing can bo found la olden Times Witn iri home office SALEM- - - - ORliIG-O, 3" Ui Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlanu IfAKES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts near Salem V;wni on f. in w arre lota at $50 to 860 per mall cash piyment lonjr.timejon balance "r particulars. .1 E -'il'ivtn, Socretiry flh Athht Cnioo, Prodi. int ft to- A hi 'ie l;iub, in.l Ath etij "dii ,r nf Sporria tlm, writ-; Tor yers 1 have lv..eii notlvlv cornpet- od with atliictie sports. I altv.. . f,und ii to my adviiut.nfio to n, Al'eick'd t'o.rns fUster while in trxiom, an thny qQ'Cily imn'i' n.-nes aid itiffne.; rirt hen artarke.t wir1. an- hind of piin, the reu't of slight cold', I alwsys nsrd Alleles V witll henenon: ri;ifts. I hive noticed that most athletes of the present rl.y ne nothing lse hntA liock'a t'li.t;rs.t A.k rrlrsids W ho have taken Iloiv.l'. baranarl;l.i what they think of It, and the replies will be positive In Its f ivor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds It Indispensable tor sick headache, others rrpoit remarkab'e cures if scrofula, salt rheum and other blood dlseases.still others will ttll you that it overcomes "that tired feeilng,'' and to on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Mood's Sarsaparil la re ceives Is Ihe h eanv endorsement ol the army of friends It has won bjr it. poltive jiii i - " I'tv 11 Mm S JS Po.Tuan. f)it..o. A. P. ASIROo, PsISClPAL. P1 ;i the yer. Btudenti may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. k . -f y. yij ... t s, nr-tVAii!i rnoToHAPni:RS,tCn - I ban f regea ' Cabinet photos from $i.oto4.oo Fnlamina pictures a ' . . ,r.inn frarnrd ipeciaity. --. - - for Sioxx). We earry siarScM f and steresccP'n t. . People overlooked the Importance of per manently beneficial effects and were Rat! i fied with transient actions, but now that it Amstcur j generally known that Syrup of Figs will P t ime permane ttty cuw habitual conMipaMon, well-informed people 'ill not ouy other laxatives, which act for but a time, but fin ally Injure the system. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Orapo Cream of Tartar Powder. Creea Goods, Don't betempted to Ir.vest In them. You ill get Into trouble ever and in int end poverty and dl-grace. The genuine uncle Mm' green coods are the on'v ones of value. They make you rich; especially when ued to pnrc'ie Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dt peps'a, constipation or htl.ouvieas.or drive away maiarli. Pnn't be tempted to take nythlng else In place of the Regulator, WjrlJ ?! IT ii if ,r, ' Thepnblic rlm.and th"fnkh service when travel'n. ?t is . i-ftbi I to "l.'hann Cars.'' f)n the V-fr.uuh, -o!.-! vmtihrJe t-trn rf he Chica , Union P c.fic A NoTtb Western Lno froT. nr tn Cricrpo. Umaha and inerr .1 utft tritot there ! i Mig" Tt;i is th Mt. and ftet jier e bet w e 'h pir'.-- n. nrd. Weddino Imvitavions. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. T-1 rcr.Vr-i .t i :-.rn ;.n .; .' . that evififQ ii. i i . leal friuernilv. ci Hall's Catf.rrii V i :'i oe r-V-rnM to 1 .-I ci-' c.v:ol'I C.c.v.i) n u.M.a j vn ill a l it i-'j. Hail'H CntjiTJl i i n')v :i ti lltf n.iii-i- !. ,i c.imtiti tioual . .' trfiitnu nt. lH'i'K-n iiurviijl'v. c.-,nu directly nti.r.i tU. h .c-t ,mi mucous aiirfMces of of the (linens, and s,v,7u the paUfTit atrciiftU bv buiiiiinr up t)e conn ifiition and assitlpg nature in d'ifiiar ( work. The j ni'irictoM hnvo so miKh fiiih in ita ciMlr'- po.vcrs. that thry offer One llun.rni PoJInrs for anv case that it fails to cure. Sknd fr Jit-t of testlroonlsls. Addnvn. T. J. rirVKYC0 Toledo, a CrSo) i-iJi,. f- Yes, You Cv sae XVit fl tent line o sawjles for sui'ings in the state at WU Graham's. where he has a tailor with few t-f piain on band to make them up on abort notice. Gel 'he best and most stylish 'tints cf him, A new fenture will be the making of ladle 'cloaks to order, or the al'ering of clouts to the lates styles, and h3 repairing of clonks Prices "r-j bot tom ones. Wheat, 50 cts; oas, 35c; hay,$S baled; wood, $3 to 1 3. taken In exchange for newlnt? machines or organs on hand nt E U V in' mu'ic store. Also on aM book accounts of 6 months standing .Sewing machines from $2$ to $.35, wilh my per fconnl giiaratitie for 5 )rs. Whatever m y he the cause ol blanch ing, the hair m v be restored to Its origi nal color by tb of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetai Ii Sicilian Hair Rnewrr. Shi'oh's Vita' x -r ! vbat yoa need U r djapepsifc, tcrp liver, yellow skiu r kid ney trouble. 1 is irnaranUed to givit ynn stt!actinn. P 75o. Sld by P.hav & Maaoc. Hhi'oh'a Care, tnn reat ooiih and en op e jre, ii fur sale f ow, Pnoket sixe c ntains wentj-Hve dos ,oly 25e. Children Ijvo it shay k Maoor Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. 8EK HKKi: Paikor t'ros, grocers, F. M. French keups railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parkor Eroa Fine groceries at Conu & Hendricsou's. Now cream cheese just received at Conrai Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Plinu Block, does Hrat class work, Smoke the celebrated Havana Oiled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M TI Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oren, Calls mala in oit!or country. When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsaparilla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowlnt? full well that he wid obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug Store can furnish. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is ttie superior medicine. &3 fei Mothers m , k to i o.y health. EiBBision .1 ttrn-.s w hat r; t ( ' ;-, . : u ! :; : o n : il u 11 o ;;.r-:r r!. I :,: :: i !' pophos .1' great '. that r6"'" . Little iwtIiK ..'';' oil wiU. Ii . ' . (. .".pioyi-'.l v . t : w,:.U ruiii li. XdfWlXI II Cuhb DromDtlv cures 25ctfl &0cts..and 1.00 per DotUe? One coat a dose Thw One at Couon whom all others fail. Coughs, Croup. Bore Throat. Hoarseneea. WhooDloiT Coush and Asthma, for Consumption it has no rival: has cured thousand!, and will curb you if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Larno JJuck or CheBt use SHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLASTERO, CATABRH REMEDY. nvo vim ( ittiirrh V Thf rrmpilv fa ntnrn- teedtocureyou. i'rlce.CJcta. Injector fxeo. OHILOH'S 1 Tt VISOFio'B Easilr. Quickly. Pernanently Res I j re i. WEAKirKSG, fERVOUShZS3, ?-a 0E3EI ITY, er.d ail (! ( train r; !'s tnnn inly irti.s'.p t xa-w, tbf rv.,. , ot itvf rwutk, pIi-I. t.i-i, v.-prrj.ittf. FulUlri;.tMi, 'cvf!"iiiienr tut i lis plvrn len"Ijrt ryana-id -rtan f tlso I'tntv. Hltti.l. rtn'iirr I tret ltin', ImmrilnliliiirirMVii rit wen. Krlliirl!r'll;j. 9. ml r-riTiM'.. li-oii, rxptttifllon pnoia ERIE f'.ED!CAL C3. OUfFAlO. N. V. The only I'ure Cream of Tartar I'ow,1cr. Ko Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yc ; tlia Standard FARMERS, ATTENTION IT ; YOU 1. ANT A WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART P10W HARROW.DRIU SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, 1 j or any kind of a farm Iini' or Vf ! h'rte, rt'l cn'or nddrrs?. 0. F. STMT? Or rc.lir 'ot Oftf- l.anr.0'