atly democrat. TAX INCOMES Congressman Hall of Mlitouri i a strong advocate of an incoms tax. He has not prepared a bill but he has prepared the following statement of principle; FirVt Funded inveatmenta ahould be taxed without exemption and be maJe the standard of the maximum tax. Second Net personal earnings should be halved In all calculations in order to re duce them to the basis of the maximum fax rite. Third Capital invested In business thou'd have Its income taxed at a funded rate. Fourth After deducting from the cross Income of a business man the fundtd rate on his capital, the balance is to be consider ed as personal earnings to be treated as provided under section 2. Fifth Income from land should bt tax ed at funded value after exemptions of betterment, amelioratlan or Improvement. As to exemption, all incomes beljw $2500, deilved under sections 2, 3 and 4 ahould be tree of t?x as well as those under I, if necessary to pievent a double tax on the same income. The rate of tax on all incomes above $2500 should te 5 per cent. Mr Hall says: "In the year 1SS9. 63,000,000, or about $1 per capita, were collected from the con sumers of woolen goods, cotton goods, and Iron and steel for the purpose of revenue for the United States. It is safe to say, on a conservative estimate, that, in order to secare this revenue, it cost the people of the United States $450,000,000, the bal ance being paid as a bounty to the manu factuiing establishments of the United States. In other words, for every dollar placed in the treasury of the United States there were $7 put in the pockets oi the .protected manufacturers. Now if we had had an Income tax that would have yielded $63,000,000, the consumers of cotton goods, woolen goods, and Iron and steel manufac tures in this countr wou'.d have saved $450,000,000 vtarly, an amount almost equal to the state, county and local taxes of nearly every state of the union combined. "Mr Thomas G Shearman, who appeared before this committee a few weeks ago, es timates that 25,000 persons in the United States own 831,500,000,00 worth of prop erty. Put the income upon this property at 5 per cent, and it would yield annually 8157,500,000; and putting.tho income tax at 5 per cent on this amount we would have the handsome sum of $7,S7 5,000 yielded from tills source aloi.e. Placing the estimate of the number of persons In New York, Phil adelphia, Eoston and Chicago who have Incomes of $250,000 at 1,200, we should derive from that tourc an income tax of I 912,500,000 annually. "According to the figuiesof one of our ablest statisticians, under the present system of indirect taxation ii,6jo,ooo families, who average frjCS annual Income to the family, pay 90 per c:nt cf the taxes of this govern ment, m l not on!y to the government, but to the protected manufacturers and monop olists, while iS:,o9i families that average 8-3S,:35 annual incom to the family, do not pay more than 3 per cent of the gov ernmental revenues. In Great Britain, where they have an Income tax, such a condition of things could not exist, and it is this argument more than any other, In my judgment, that has kept In existence the present income tax law of England for over 50 years, and Its writers admit that It is now on a firmer bads than it ever was. 'One of the objections urged to the in come tax is that is inqusttorlal in Its charac ter, and that a great many persons would evade guch taxation by perjury. Ic does not lie In the mouth of any advocate of our present system of taxation In the states to urge this objection. Would any reasonable man take the position that it is any more unjust or Inquisitorial to require the wea'thy class to state upon oath their wealth and income, and does It place any greater re ward upon Perjury than the Hesent state tax system that requires every man In the ala'e, every farmer throughout the country, to furnish a sworn list cf his propcityt giving the number of hop sheep, horses, grain, watches, sewing machines, bank deport', bonds and notes? It seems to me that some of the greatest dliticullies urged agiiost tha income tax dissolve upon closer examination of its real merits. The funda mental principal is that the basis of taxation I s the protection which one receives from the goTernment for the year for which the taxation U collected. In closing his remarks Mr Hall called a'.tention to the fact that foi the last eigh teen years the Knights of labor and the 'National dangers representing more thao 4,000,000 men who work wl:h their hands have asked with one voice for an income tax law, while within a short time many wealthy men, and especially George Gould had admitted the justness and wisdom of such a ax. In the election of a full set of officers fo, the city government at the coming city election care should be taken to secure those who will guard the Interests of the city well. Economy in public expenditures, equal and exact justice to tl! tax payers of the city and special privileges to none would be very safe as well as a vety heaNiy rule adopt in the management of city affairs It Is Ur more important that we have safe, careful 11 it rubers of the couman counc than that we should have republicans, dem ocrats, or populists, as such , for such officials The people 6hou'd awaken to the best tereets ot the c ty at the coming city election as it may be the point upon which ma hinge the future properity of the dry. Prices H.edi:ced. The umierj.acd pro prieter of the Pioneer Mouse desires to inform he public that be has reduced the urica of uj-wa wuaouc ioug:ng 10 f j per ve-k, vu loaiop 5-4 per wick. Mnuie injult 1!j ctnts The public is inviftd to call as I keep tjood cm aim tet a g.Oit table, iiuve tir woo.i sale. C'jrner of Broida.'nn ond Water treeU. J H JJe:iama. MHinerv at jour price-, bi stoc! latest tt)les. oniy 10 days. Call at Mn iurners at liiink t urniture store. Keki Clean. A good way is to liav your clothe washed clean, not so that ti smell of Chinese expectoration; but are odorless, ami the tlirt 1$ washed out and not pounded in. Kiehards Ar Phillip, at the Albany Steam Laundry, do the best work at low prices, hire onlv white, hilar, citizen jiuiin. ,uiui tin; eiiuweu 10 me paironug 01 our people. irv a pair ot Klein liro Rubber stae ng boot. 100 EeiTiird, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased tt learn that there is :it least ond dreaded disea.a that science has been able to cure in all its ei ages ana mac is caiarrn. nail's Cat arm Cure is the only positive cure now kiiown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, uairs uaturrn cure is taken Inter Ball v. actinc directlv UDOn the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and: giving tha pauenistrengtn ry Duilding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its worlc. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative fiowers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars or any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list or testimonials. Address, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo , Ot Wttoid oy unuunsts. vac. Hood'sJDures Sharp Pains Short Crcath, Heart Trouble, Rheumatism. It. R. llTtlE. W. H. t). It. JAUM ALBANY FOfflTOliE CO, INCOFORATBD faltimorf Hind. Allianv, Ore. FURNITURE (Om;h-te lino f IWDERTAKIXG iu a'.l it lra-iiLe. EMBALMING .-Mr: :. Re-Uencc icrai-r '-r 1 anil '.i!.. S,. ..-u . Mrs. L. M. Paine KaIc Creek, Oregon. "I have lived hero In Oregon for tha put twenty years, and most of the time have been very great suHcrer from Intlammnlorr rh.umntiiin. 1 havo also had what tho doctor called heart disease, with shortness ot breath and sharp pains In tlialrft tide. I decided to take Hood's Sarsariarllla, and before I had finished three bottles I was In better health than I had been for years. I do not havo any pain now, sleep well, and tMl.iy no woman of my age Enjoys Eottor Health than I. At homo on the ranch I not only attend to my family housowork, bat last summer I eared for and mill-.ed four cows. I do not feel that I can say half enou:U In praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla Mrs. L. M. Taine, Eagle Creek, Orcson. Hood's Pills aro prompt and efficient, ytt easy to action. tSiUbyalldrussista. sea. nOKIB COKSIDEBIXS Pay Perry Conn. Tarn., . W t ir . a- a rwenton grocery tore - Please pay ferry Conn what you ow If yon want a line smoke call for Joseph ine oestnut ooBee in the city at Uouiad a ne nest watch In the world for the .ui. oi rrencn t jewelry store. Fine Southern Oregon peachea as F Kenton. Now is the time to ean them. Motor -Dikes Bve trios dailv to Vi..l' addition. Lotr there oa installment of $1 R-ni,ln. .. M , .1 .V i scving machines ...o 3csi oils, needles, etc,, for al .cmg macnines, Mcvcles. et;.. at E i: win s music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranied. Needlei prepaid by mall 40c r a rnoxiJE thi t'sutral Fish aui Foultry ..,re-. -n r.nswor street, between Sec ond aM Third, for your dressed poultry m and ti.h of all Uii. !.. ... ...... r.verjining llcsn lo our linmay bo had at reasonable figures. Call U3. Suneii A l-n Albnuy Slarkel. A lief . -I5e. fats. 5i. Hour, (4.00. ''utter. '.Oa. Et'gs. 30o. I.anl, 12 to 153. Pork-hams 12 to 13 .liouldera to 100 Hln-w, 11 ti 10 JIay. baled, f7 vo atoes, 40i. Apple , 4 Hops. 16?. Hi'!" P'f'na, 9n, apples, 9o. C hlckens. M 00 oar dozsa. Eoef, on ft ot, ljo. Hogi, drcs-e,1. 6j. New Advertisements. UAiD.-County Bnd eltv war ... rants boucbt and aold bv HP M.i- rill. IOUND.-Achllds tcarf pin on street. Owner call at this office.- the 1 LJi tiopaehoia sewing neatly dine bv n 10a KoanlJ. nbm .v.. ni L - . - .w ,u iriuueer Jk ATS WANTED.. The nnd.rlWn.rf w wants tn hnvftft hn,liAa e ,i.i. ujuvbu ai ny residence one mile north 01 A OanV. Pav inarlr., n.ln. I u ... - .11 CHU uevery. v n WAfjiEK. -10CKaBr6.- Pure bred Silver Laced v yanurrie ooonereis for tale at a 4iu and R R seeeeta, Albany. Or. utMaiiug or ii(juinouse Keep na. Uqulre of I, Viesfck. ''fug. I? PR SALE Black (not brown) Call. L fomia seed oat;. I SiiNbEKS. LOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for farmers in both rWinir ar,,i walking plows, disc harrows.iron harrows etc. Prices l.i proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay vou to call and see us STEWART& SOX WANTED At the store Allen Bros. formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, . LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, City Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Mondnv, the 4:h day of Deceinlier.lSnn.the annual election In and for the city of Albany. Linn county.state of Oregon, will be held for the purpose of electing the following .nuniripal officer", towit: One Mayor. one K-conIer,one Marshal.oneTreasurer, one member of the Council from each ward. Said election will be held at the follow ing placet, namely : First w ard at the Circuit Cnnrt r,n west side. Second ward at the County er's office. Third ward -at the office ot the Albany Farmer! Company. The following "named persons have Wen appointed by the Common Council of said city, to act as Judges and Clerks of said election : First ward Judges. David Froman. J Ollushnell and V C Twcedal ; clerks, C W atti and W II Warner. Second ward Judges, Stramler Fro man. Calvin llnrkhart and S M Penning ton : clerks. K Wyatt an.l P R Kelly. Tnird ward Judges. A K lilojm, X H Allen and George Patterson; clerks. Frank Wheelerand K J tanning. Said election will commence at ( o'clock in the forenoon and continue w ithout closing the poll; until 6 o'clock in the vening of the afore'aid day. t,ivn br order of the Common Conn cilofthe city of Albany, Oregon, duly made nt a regular meeting of .iid couii cil held nt the Council chamber in .i;d city the 1 l:h dav ol .November. 1 '. NJlltsmx. K vordcr of the citv of Albany. Ailany.(i.-ivon.. November li.l-.l? for which I will pay the best cash piice possible. G F RAMP WallPaper, Drugs, jPainta, Oils. Ulnrstts, ltc J. A. Cuniming ALBANY, 0REC0 srxsirxE comes, no matter bow dark tho clouds are, when the Tfoma:t who U borne down by woman's troubles turns to Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If her life is made gloomy by the chronic weak nesses, delicate de rangement!), and painful disorders that afflict her sex. they are com- If she's overworked, nervous, or " run - down, sno cas new life and strenijtn. " Favorito Prescription " is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing bleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "fe malo complaint " and disturbance, it is the only remedy so sure and un failing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, yon have your money back. pletely cured. Can he counted on to cure Catarrh Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's nothing new. For 25 years it has been doing that very thing. It gives prompt and complete relief. The proprietors offer &300 for an incurable case of Catarrh. MA(KEY, M.D., Physician nul Surgeon, Ofilc Upsu'n over Ui Bank of oreg'-n. uctiutnco, comer li'in ana cai&pooia u. I. A. iWorris & Co, FlGur and Feel Store. Have removed their itore to opposite the Ru House, and have on hand a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. CORVALL'S FLOUR. B3AN, SHORTS GERM MEAL, CR4HAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND Stationery, Toilet Artii'es, Musica Instruments, Etc. Hodges & McFarlanfl, The Corne; Drugstore,". Albany, fn illSS mm FARMERS LISTEN'. We have a fine lot of fieili grass seed, of almos: evter-v kind, including chat, and we want losell it. Come and see us. STEWART & SOX FOB SALE. ur will tiftfifl for wood, gray mare, seven years old p9j fleetly if-ntJe for womn and children to Urivo C'aii od E W Werb e wo k Tliis Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of tho best grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. "While you are at it I can furnish vou the best GROCERIES and freshest produce at bot tom prices. The li Helical ai i jii I Siriital lEIlD P. CONN I MEAN BUSINESS. ill sen an cro uerv ware and holiday coeds al CU.S1. Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 ceuts: lamps, worth ?2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers 'J.o to 10 cents a set; pla'es, -10 cents pei jveryTiiing eise in proportion. Call on n-.e and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. et. FORTMILLER RvING Undertnkci's -:- VV ami - Einbnlniei's. rvttr ccnsiantiv cn hard a full itr. .i,s. ...i j .. rrifr.r.. l. V..:., ... . . - . ".' " " ' ""S hich will be sold at ' 1 .ilin,rfl n-.tie.iir The Lowest Living Proflla. EMBALMING and the proper care oi the dead a specialty. 719 M A 15 MET STREi San Francis-) , Cal IS A MKOR'AI. AM) St'Ri, Instltuie. located pcn'anent'v st ket Street, San Hrnnclco,Caf U't of all nin'acH,Al!lictioi.soi.d"ljc0: A stall ot l'nyjiclans a id Hms. diplomas and 'lie endoisemem tl'. colleges of Air.rrtca ar.d Europe . speciailsti, who havs had ,oiiB n', intreatinj; spicial and chronic distil in coiibtrint auendancr . A Pharir aii-ciitu, anu on pnn.rl tioiu J of charge, S1.C0 Trial Bottlo $5 00 Full Course Sufferers from Asthma, Rheuit Consumption, Catarrh. Dvsnen.i i. tion, Sciofula,Kpi!epsv, Female IVe., Cancer. Heart Disease. Bronchi!!. : tlons, Salt Rheum, lial.lncis, Tapi Lcuiiico!, auj ocsuai UIBease, Lost hood. Malaria, Urinary Troubles Bowel Troubles, should Low charges, within the reach odr bined with the best ir.ttdical tcia- kill. Young, Mitlillft Aired and i Who mav be suffcriiiL' from TOITH: FuLLIlis.or the excesses of mimrtc snouh. consult at once, before ri ; late; these veteran practionen, nho no equal in the United States. uiV: and will restore to vou perfect hnliJ an others nave tailed. Broken Down Constituti: are rejuvlnated and manlv vigor rt. by thnlr new and wonderful methj. treatment. No Injurious drug, Worn out busi,.ess men. call for l:- epeMal!v if you are euffering fromX UI-.HII.ITY or failing poir any iiseae of the K YE, EAR. THRt LUNOS, HEAR I, .STOMACH, I KlUMiVs, or JiLADIJEK. Biofd Diseases urril In I l.o tsliorfra.! lime b) rlabic rcitieillr. ARE VOU as strong, healthy anJ orous ns you should be? Are you free: every trace of disease or bickness? D. look well? Do vcu feel well? orf some Chronic Trouble; which, Hlicr: kerworm in the LudJi.if llawer. isr): destroying your very vitals. LADIES Who suffer from Nervous Ptostu Sleeplessness. !espondencv. Indiii' Constipation, Lassitude Pa'ins In thef or tiiaa, and diseases peculiar to the? consult these nlnsictam with thul: confidence. !. nn TPIAI RHTTI F S5.00 FULL COUKH HE LONDON MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE hum trfDrKn f,REAXJvRA CI!?pCt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICER ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf Assignee's Notice. Notice i: htrebv given to all whom i; mty eoaeern. that on tha 4th day ofNov.mher 1S'.'3. Anthony l'rcrat and F C Batlet duly mafe an sssigament to ma of all their proper ty for the beaetis cf all their creditor., io sccirdaree with the general assignment laws of the state cf Oregon: therefore all persons having cisims asainst the co-partnership tirm of asjd Frcpst aad Batler art hereby notified and n quire 1 to present the ssme to me nnd-r o. th at tha nfhea cf W R Hilveuia the City of Mb.nv, Orejoo with in three months f : om tie dst , hereof. Piled this 17th day ot November, 1593. Frakli.k t'RorT, Assignee. r. lr. I'nltrrscn IVnllisrr Ttte,) Calm-tint ar.l life Rn,1er, la m l;r.-, tn4 can b I un-i at h,r rt.:,,rc. ,., J.,. J It ( .11,1,1.. w.e W' at.-nt all , , rrf-M ai.,1 lutnrr; l..,t, .barm 4,,. j toaiiitas. i. -a mntrw Inni tur d.aU taiKis NEW A f Y STORE ISNnw ui'Ti !..,..-..--. m SEW coatismo P'UPNITURE, OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CON "g. c., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink, ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSLl'II, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed 1L1JANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue. a.t.i. pw v v. rO.N'DIT. ' Albany, W1 Notice. lit l.1Kv fnTR B5 note or recount plMe Pjr torA inn ri?iuuu uiuki w itm . ... . . - 1 1. 1 aaf nnrA JT jour inifreiti 10 "re i iuf Iu room No 1, KUahan Block: Alb,.y,Or.p.imM.nRr Aaalgnetof aB8! c-u- C-.-in'ipaW lacbe. SmUi Uile lkm. irjaTa cp unto, crrr or inzsoi J.CC1B tUls. i -4 ecae COCSTT. .. .J.. VUl rnJV " wb .... .. - . I all'1- A dolaa bnsinjsa in the lit of J?'IKI1..I and Stale afore-aid, m'Kmi1J the torn of OVt ll .'NDSEO " FRANK '-lajirf f?rern to before me and s'iSfTTll.A pretence, Uua 6th day ot Den""" ' ' . nsf ' Fall's f alan-h C-i-r Is taken I1?,?. i- fiend fur T' i' . 8cld by Draj3&!. :3c'