Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 18, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    , ' interruption he will only con e to the While
JJrttMt UvlllOvVCli House on cabinet days until it is completed
,3, - - ITU-
From ou regular Correspondent.
Washisgton, Nov. 13, 1S93.
Secretary Oresbam't otlicial report to the
president showing that great injustice was
done to the native Hawaiian government
bv the action of the U S minister to that
government under the last administration
in practically compelling the queen by a
display of marines from the u o b Uoston
to abdicate in favor of the provisional
government which was forui'd. it is be
lieved largely if not entirelyl by the advice
aud connivance of that minister, for the
purpose of carrying out the scheme of the
annexation of Hawaii, which p'ayed such a
conspicuous part di'rimr the closing days of
fir Haiiifon odministi-ation, baa for a
tun- relegated the financial and tariff
questions to back seats, and everybody is
discussing the Hawaiian matter.
The report concludes with the recommen
dation, which wai approved by tne presi
dent and the oilier members of the cabinet,
that the wrorg should bo righted as far as
lay in the power of this government by
restoring the native government of Hawaii
to t',19 position it ocinpied before the queen
was forced by a L' 3 minister, not by the
provisional government, to abdicate. This
was a bold and fearless step for the presi
dent to take, but believing it to be right he
took it aud issued the necessmy orders to
Minister Willis, who barrirg accidents
arrived at Honolulu more than a week ago,
to carry it into effect, although ho knew
full well that it would at first be unpopular,
particularly with those, who would only
look at the surface of the question and re
gard it merely as the use of the power if
the power of the United States to over-
an alleged republic and 6ct upon i'.s feet a
deposed monarchy. Bat those who know
the president were not sm prUed that he
should prefer being right to being popular
Le has been doing that sort of thing ever
k'nee he. has been in public life.
There are not many democratic senators
and representatives in Washington, but
at'inc of those here ffho wero at first dis
posed to criticise the acticn cf the presi
dent have already changed iheir minds,
and it is believed that when the next news
arrives from Hawaii they will all be dis
posed to acknowledge the administra
tion took the only right and proper course.
If, as the administration believes, the
provisional government only existed be
cause the native Hawaiians believed it to
have been created and supported by the
power of the United States, it would at
once cease to exist as soon as Minister
Willi officially nnnouncd the contrary, as
he doubtless did as scon as he arrived at
Honolulu. If the queen should then be
unable to maintain berse'f in power that
will be her own affair,. as neither she nor
fiose who might nttemrt to overthrow her
government would receive nid from the
United States. In other words, the action
of the Uni'ed S'atits is merely intended to
allow the Hawaiians to govern themselves
in any way they may see fit without nny
outside interference, nnu as the first step
toward that end it was necessary that
things should be restored to the same con
dition in which they were when Minister
Stevens interfered to overthrow the old
government. The question of monarchy or
republic had nothing to do with It, nor was
sentiment nl'owed to intrude. It was only
a question of right and wrong, and the
administration, acting upon the infonna.
tion (fathered by Mr Blount during his
long stay and investigation in Hawaii, has
only done what it believes to be right, and
what it believes the American people, re
gardless of politics, will in the end endorse.
The power of the United States is too great
to bo exercised to the deti iment of its
weaker neighbors, and the sense of fair
play is to prevalent in the United States
for the people to.wish a wrong perpetrated
because it was done by a United States
The annual report of the First Assistant
Postmaster General Jones recommends tint
the experimental free delivery in small
towns nnd villages be discontinued at the
end of the current year, the annual outlay
of $i0.C00.000 not Wing justified by the
results of the experiment, which he regards
as n failure. Another great republican
scheme the ocean mail subsidy is also
reported to be n flat failure, and congress
will probably be askei to repeal the law
authorizing it.
President Cleveland is devoting nearly
all bis time to writing his annual message
to congress, and in order to work without
1 here will be some surprises in the nies
snge for those who think that the results of
the rectut sta'e elections wil' have any
effect upon the president's policy.
AM Til tilt lONK.
Jacob Hut'er, rchool director of the Jor
dan distslct was in town luesciay. Here-
ports the people of Jordan ana viinity are
considerably exorcised over the fact thai
the school money that has been collected
from the people and which ountto be is not
now available lor the pivment ot uis'rict
warrants. From Mr Ruber's conversation
we iu.lee that an eftoit will be mude to com
pel Treasu,cr Wallace to account for school
tun;Is that ought now to be In his hands sub
iect to the payment of school warrants,
They think, and rightly too, that the county
treasurer gave bonds that should be 'requir
ed to make good any cencit 01 that olhcer
11 not, what is the object or use of nqmring
n:m to give bonds at all. .Vlo re.s.
The facts about this matter are alieir.y
known to most people. At the tim: of tl.
suspension of the Linn county bank county
treasurer Wallace had something over $30,
ooo deposited there for safe keeping. The
cnuMy does not furnish the treasurer with
a safe place for keeping public funds, hence
the deposit in the bank. This is iutt what
all county treasurers have done for years
lire monay is tied up in the bank and can
not be made available until a dividend 0
the amount collected by the receiver is or
dered by the coivintio'ler ol the Uuitel
Mates treasury. It is sa'J on the streets
that $70000 have been co'lect.d anl that
a divi Jend will be orJtreJ sooj. It is
fortunate of course that our schools should
be thus hampered but the b'a-ne can not
certainly be placed upon the county treas
urer nor upon the county school Buperin
ter.dent as some have attcm i'ei to do. Tlu
county school superintendent can apportion
only the arurunt reported to him by the
treasurer an j this he has done. It Is un
fortunate for the schools but the misfortune
comes to business of all kinds caused by Ih
panic in financial matters.
Hood's Cures
Sharp Pains
6hort Breath, Hoart Trouble, Rheu
!. L. 31. Palna
Kasle Creek, Oregon.
lie past
"I have lived here in Creson for tl
twenty years, and most of Hie time havo l;en
very great suHVrcr from inflnuttuntory I have nlso had whattho doctor
called heart disease, with shortness of breath
and sharp pains In the left side. I decided to take
Hood's SarsaparlUa, and be.'or I had finished
three bottles I was in bettor health Uian I had
been for years. I do not have any pain now,
sleep well, and to-day no woman of my ace
Enjoys Bottcr Health
than I. At homo on the ranch I not only attend
to my family housework, but last summer I
cared for and milked four cows. I do not feel
that I can say half enough tu praise of
Hood's Sarsaparilfa
Sins, L. M. Vxvst, ragle Creek, Oregon.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. sid by all druggists. S5c
wobmi ('aiDKUxu
Pay Perry Cinn.
Terms, cash at F L Kenton's
Please pay Perry Conn what you owe
If vou want a tine smoke call for Joseph s
-.. IWf vig.
The bestjrnaet ooSee in the oity at Com ad
Uoyer a.
The best watch In the world for the
money at French's jewelry store.
Fine Southern Oregon peaches as F L
KenloD. Now is the time to ean them.
Motor makes five trios riailv a v.- u.
addition. Lotr there 03 installments of tl
per week.
Genuine parti for all aev-lna
also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all
tf,n ?g ""chines, bicycles, etj., at E U
Will s music store. Sewlne machines n,l
orgsns repaired reasonable, and all work
warramed. Needlra nrpn.11,1 h .n .
a dozen.
Patkomxi! H,t Central Fish aui F:tr
Market. ' Kilsworlh street, between Sec
ond and 1 ..irei, fcr your aressed rjonltro
Kmn and li.h of all kinds in aaa.nn v..
cams and oralis. Kvervthiuir fresh in
llOADiav be had at ra.t.nn.hl.. i;... n-.i
aud S;C US. S,n,i, Ar -..
Albany Marker
Then' .4.5a.
Oets. 15 1.
I lour, 4.00.
uttor. 03.
Fgga. SOo.
I Jir.l. 12 to ISrv
Pork - liama 12 to is-
lb""". II to 13c
Hay, baled, 7
vo atoea, iM.
Apples , 4
Hops. 16j.
Jlried frull plums, Oo, aim.,,,, O;,
Chickens, fc! 00 por dozen,
Bocf, on ft or, life.
Hogs, dre vea. ;,
; slicmlCer 9 to lOo,
you feci tho pood that's done by
Dr. 1'ierccs l.olilcn .Medical Dis
covery. It puiitk'S tho blood. And
through tho blood, it cleanses, re
pairs, and invigorates tho whole
In recovering from " La Grippe,"
or in convalescence from pneumo
nia, fevers, or other wasting dis
eases, nothing can equal it as an
appetizing, restorative tonic to build
up needed llcsh and strength. It
rouses every organ into natural ac
tion, promotes all tho bodily func
tions, and restores health and vigor.
For every disease that comes from
a torpid liver or impure blood, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Jiiliousness, and
tho most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or
Scrofulous affections, tho "Discov
ery " is tho only remedy so certain
that it can lie guunmteed. If it
doesn't benefit or cure, in every
case, you have your money back.
ic r,ri-frrtNr nrr.
rnancntly, posi-
lively i,un;u uy
1 Dr. Safe's Ca
i tarrh Remedy.
The proprietors of this medi
cine prove that by their otter.
It's S500 cash for a case of
Catarrh which they can't cure.
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flour and Feod Store.
Have removed their store to opposl'e
the Russ Bouse, and have on hand a full
stock of
Vuvtom chopping done.
Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, Musica
Instruments, tto.
Hodges k McFarlanfl,
The Cornel Drug Store,". Albany ,f)i
New Advertisements.
ALL household sewing neatly dine bv
Ida Kozfll. net iinn, ia tii. ui-.:
ikAIS W A.NTED.Th undar.lo-n.rf
I f wants to buTAO hiishAiB,ri.i,A
dt livered at ivy residence one mile north
of Albanr. Fav mark At rrlr In acl.
f10CKERELS.-Furebred Silver Laced
J Wvandntta cock-AmU for ..I... .
bargain Address John Rrnh
l.t. .. 1 D I . .. . ' ---"
i.u i-u x x BlJCe.9, Aioany, ijr.
L kkzst. Rooms suitable for
fL uiooBumiiiriu; or ugui uouse Heep nu.
uquireofL Vieiick. ' "
:R SALE. Black (not brown) Call.
. roinia seed oats. M 8EM1ER1.
Bargains for farmers fn hnrh ,l,Cn .j
walking plows, disc harrows, Iron harrows
etc. Prices In proportion to to cent
't. It will pay vou to call and see us
At the stoie
Allen Bros..
formerly owned t-y
U'AfTEn.-County and eltv war
rants bought auj eo'd by H F Mer
jOl-XD -A ehl rts irarf pin on the
T ssreet. llwrw esll at this i-lllca-
II. n. 11TIF. W. U PIMMOFB. P. H. .lAMIS
Baltimore IIek- Many, Ore.
- iu iili it l-'-fii-,-.,-.
EMBALMING a ,-:.,-ty.
Koidence c 'r:-."r -;r zni Ca'.-.j-. .a Lr-wts .
4 Scientific American
For rnfnrmatlra and frc Handbook wnre to
Mi-NX a co :i New Vork.
OM,- r-ireo for MK-unnc rsimi in Amortra.
Kvory rwi- 'U sn out r- n, 1. broustM Niora
ibe puu.ic 1,7 a noiiee fi.eo Ire at chite in tba
fticutific mrrtwu
tansst rirmlstl'm of anr ,rirnll(lr paper In the
wuria. . SileuliJlT tuu.uateu. No imellleeaa
Dan shouM be witboul lu WeeklT. SJ.OO e
tmr: SL.V.ix ni.'iif A.l,1rv.. MV-N A O.
UHiOSHXHa. li I Broaaw- Vo,-s CUT.
Pol,l ty Pruirvisre r eent ty malt. Sjc 500.
find UV per pnsst-e. Ssmplee tree.
ITO W f The rsrertte f ::ra rTTTl
AV ii. W fortbeTeellianJiijeia,mo.
raptnln srn.y, r.s. Asan rieeei.OsU
rvn: "Mill -h's fararrh Hemctr ts the Ilrst
meOletpe 1 have rrss--ura,1 that wouM n-.e
anrvtfa. lTn-e,',.cts. s 'M bj I'tugM.
Tun C,nrT Coron Otk pronrf?yir
tTRiM-itw-iTiHii. ht t cn.utrpticn it nna
which I will pay the best cash price
CM At KEY, 91. D.,
Physician aud Surgeon, Office L'pfU'r over U
Bank of Oregon.
Hc. dance, corner 10(b and CtUpooit it.
FARMERS LI51EN. Yt? hnvc fl fine
Sot of hesh craR teed, ot nmos; cvefv
kind, including cheat, and we want to seil
it. Come and see us.
Tilfi I imrlrj
Medical aiifl
Frar Cisco. Cal.
A smII of (Nn-.k-:;
dinlomas and lu i
i gray mare, seven years old peifectly
umlle for women aud clillilren lo unve
fail on E W Marb'.e wo ks-
This Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of tho best
grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
Try me.
While you are at it I can furnish you the best
CKOCEKIES andtreshest produce at bot
tom prices.
ill sell all crcclcerv ware and holiday poods af
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
50c for 25 certs; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00
cups and saucers 'Jo to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pe)
set. Everything oho in proportion.
Call on me and you will not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl.
kct Street, Sun Kranctcco.Cai U.r'ti "
A all lMst-int. AiilictU't sand
IHluiM'nui.i ilikL
colleijtfs of Aui'Tica ami Kumt..
pcual.s'b who ,o.u rL '
intreaiina necial and chninic i!iM-ac., '.
in constt'i.t nittntliuict. A I'liarmact
att"ched, pud all pKKtiptiniiri till.,!.
of charge,
$1.00 Trial Bottle
$5 00 Full Ccureo
Sufferers from Asthma, Rht-iimn;,
Consumption, C atarrh.Dv spepsia, (ndirt
tion, Scnfu!a,Kp.lepy. Kernale WeakrX
Cancer, Heart Dl'tasse. Bronchitis, Ere
tlons, Salt Rheum, llalrineis TapfHiora:
Deafness, any Sexual I)!e:ise, jjst Mlr
hood. Malaria, Urinary Trouble,
uowti irouiiis, snouiu conisLit atonct
Low charuLtt, with'n the reach of allrnn
bined with the !ett rredical ar.d surein
Young, Middle Aged and did h
Who mav he uflennK from YOUTH Fl'f
rULLIES.or the excess, of mamrcdlit
shouK. consult at once, before it U toe
late; these veteran practionen, whohart
no equal in the United States, asther
and will restore tojou perfect hea!ih'ht
ail others have failed.
Broken Down Constitution,
are rejuvinated and manly vignr resr
by th"ir new and wonHerfuI methoditi
treatment. No lr jurious drum use.
Worn out buii..ess, men. call for idvin'ial!v if nn are lufTerir from NEK-
VUL S UI.Iill.ITY or failing now r, c
iiea-e .f ihe EVK.KAR. THKOAi
Ll'MjS. liliAU I
ivIlJ.N'tYS, or iiL ADDER.
Biod Diseases
'arrd In M.p oliorlrat Hiiip lj tf
rlnblc reiueitli'ii.
AR E YOU as strong, healthy and n-
orou as you should be? Are you free frotr.
every trace cf iiUea.e or bickness? Dovct
look well? Do cu feel well? oris Inert
ome Chronic Trouble; w l.ich, like a cm
kerworm in the luddin lljwer. is ranidK
acRtroyuig your very vuals.
fl I
and - Uuibnliiiers.
it-utrs3, Paintu, Oils.
Olnisb, Etc
J. A. Cumming
Assignee's Notice.
Nolle is hereby given to all whom U m,T
.arn. th.toD th. 4th day of November.
1!3. Anthony Trcpst and F C Holler duly
mad. an assignment to me of all their proper
ty for th. bn,nto.ll their creditor., in
accordant, srith th. general assignment
laws of th. atat. of Oregon; therefor. .11
persons having claims aainst th. co-partnership
tirm of uid Propst ud Boiler sr.
hereby not, lied d required to present the
asm. to me under oath at th. offlc. f W R
Kilveu m th. City of Albanv, Oregon win .
in three months from th. date hereof.
IMed this 17th day of November, 1593.
FuaMLis I'RorjT, Assignee.
Jr. Dr.,
"v" 7"", rJ I no.
J Bv, -, 1 r rr.rJMw.MM d,r
DUii:fM. V
Wb Kttr rrnstantlycn l ard a full lire of rrttallc, clrlh ard weed caskets ai
coffin.. Also burial rotes ar.d mli In K,r.iV!ih
which will be sold at '
The I.osrrst Living Profits.
EMBALMING n1 ";t proper care of the dead a specialty.
Who suffer from Nervou Pto-ration,
S'etp.etsness, Hespondency, IndieMkra.
Constipation, Lassitude, Pains In the Rid
or -Side, and dUeas-fi peculiar to their hi,
consult these nhsician.i with the ulmott
Till Markfl Mrrrt
Nan lrincif. Cal.
Send for
J. JOSEPH, i'ronrletos',
Only White Labor Employed'
Address, REV
Albany, Orego
V .c
ar t inrfhio.l ml Rlfeauitrr
i rioie or recount srlil pleas py tbessrn
i . . . ...i. br note I'
nut pan. Tuonans hard, anil
your imprest to axe lo tLis atone. "
Id room Nu 11, Maahan Itmck:
Alliauy, Or. Mept ltlllr.lSM.
Asaiguei of . n Besm.
"--SILASO. CltLw
A. P. Asksi.cs-c
n hrmt from v. ur JrJ hUtJi.
BO rl-al.- r.:iac-jrrd mnA
.1 (-run
r.E.T Isf Tnr. ironi :i.
"V ' t1- s"1 s- 'sit TS I IN l2
upenauweveM Rt4
S &) Cabinet rhoto from ;i.t-$40o
lo.oo. e -ar fv a ia,
lin I.KAI.UU PnoT,.Rl,Mll;R, .no..,rt,ccMicol Or-
-aihaa; ar,,,, '
Sacliv. Umail Uilu Ikaus.
BIATa CP t-rrTO, tTTTOr 10LS3W. f ,.,
tvi as Cot xrv. . , m
Tun J. t nrNSY mak.-s r.jtri ifc. '.. .
senior parrncrof tho firm rf 1 . J. " ronntr
dclnu basin.... In the citr of TiMeJto. t '
and State f forcilJ. s-.'I ';'" , .lis fr
the sum cf nVE UfNUREU "LW", M
each snd evcrv rase rf c atarrS tlvit
cured by the use ct UAt:s r ta ".fiiFNPT.
I-RAMv ' !i'tm rtr
presence, this -.n day ot December, tVf.-
I SSI -w-6
n.l!l Catarrh C;n tatafcetl '"'"JJat laUa In uac !r.:(ji;i. (:
. v..t x i-r'.-.
the system, rond f"r tr,-irnoTi
I . J. l lIENF.Y-0., 1