$ fflemarncL Qi i v. mm i '. I.' VI AL1UM'. OlttGOE, SATURDAY 50VIM1ER IS, NO HS5 4 v" 7,W 1 I FJ".3 Daughter j CliHK-ii ot l.HKlaiiil initustcr ,1 (if u di3tre33ioor rash, liy a't f-:i:s:in:uil!a. J!r. liiriiAKD Hie wt'll-kiiuwn Drnttiist,2)7 iillft., Montreal, V. (., s.i.vs: ia'' soltl Ayer I'liiniiy .uiMiiclltcs MOyi :ir, mill navi! lit-nru iikuuii litu lij of tlwlil. I Kllinv of utility Wonderful Cures nrmed !' Ayor's Siirsnjni rillu, ono part ii'N l;tr n.-ing ni;u m u imiu llt.T Ul it - HUr'll 111 I'.Illilllll 111 III 1H- Tlir ihild was literally covered , head to foot willi a ml ami ex- liiiIy ironlliiiiie rush, fmm which jail suffered for two or three years, j.ttft (if the best medical treatment table. Jlr miner was in emu I tress nlimit the case, nml, nt my iiniictidutmn, iit lust begun to nd- nistor Aycr ft barsupariiifl, two uoi- ot which effected a complete euro. h to linr relief and her father's lit. I am sun, were be litrc to-day, oulil testify in the strongest terms lint merits ot Iyer's SarsapartHa t jti byVr. J.C. A yt-r k Co., '.owclt.Mtiia. fcrasotho ':-tm!3 cure you 'P lKllJl47 Illl'EI). Eoih tlio mslliod and results ulicr oyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, nnd acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidney?, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho svs tem eflectunlly, dispels colils, head aches ard fevers mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot' its kind ever pro cluccd, pleasing to tho tnsto nnd ac ceptable t-j tho Btonmch, prompt ta its action and truly benciicinl in its ciTects, prepared only from the most, healthy and ogreeablo Bultm;ccB, its ninny excellent qualities co.Timend it to nil and have njado it tho raost pc pular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sr.lo k DOe and fcl bottles by all leading drug gbts. Any reliable druggist ho may not have it on band will pro euro it promptly for any rua who wiaui's 10 iry iu xio hoc acct?l anv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN fBANCISCO, CAL, LOtiisviLX. ky. new ron .r. The Dkmocrat took occa.ion to reroarU lew day. tfo that ibe reput)i;ranin5 Iowa nd the wnt and no.thwe.t genetaily who claim Hut they hid left their prty and be come pnpuiWt duri-K the last j ear had this )aar gone Irack and voted uclet. A 'ale copy cf the Council diuly Gluhe vailfie. oui s,alemeiil. is waat it na: Th; face of the rriurmln Ion show that ve-vlew rcpuhlicans who pi0fCsi-.l to populists voted the populist tick-t The In cirai.r in Hie vote for ,'a knn ton,, ared l!h tlic (lfCteaes In the llctnrcnta vclt lor Lolc'i; tolcn in ronnction l:h th- I ct that the ncpulit's maoe it j!..in, j;(h s osliow tuat tin. rfpiil'liran pi-oulis s i.r a iulc t Il.f.t piietly vo'cl ani. hit. TI TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. i A Kr or Hupe. ASToitiA, Nov 17. Astorinns are all ago over still another proKisition to give thiycity transcontinental railroad connec tinti nml m iiun.tl a rnrv hirirrt KPi'tlOn of tlio republican (ha icommunitv Ininka thai it is a sure IUIIa lllll'V. II IS UTUUUIV I IUWUur.ui nil.. Here one wnv and Highest of ell in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. itjr w e & t- For the millions it consumers ol v Tutt's Pills. II rrlvcK Dr. '1'ti II fifttsiiri' to fill- iffl f miuiit.titlidt lie . v 1M1II I113 tipti TINY LIVEH PJIL O I nrlitdi tnfr-JH-lliit.1.v-.nm.l lr.o, a ,v.'t ri'tamIiiKll ''', vi rl iit'tn lur Inrurr niu-H. (iii.-irciU ' 1 vi-ftalili'. I tut 11 '. t' ( 1i(mi pii!s ffl aru Kllll Imiii . t'lic iurt nizo of TUTTS TINY IIVEI' I ILLS -ra LHstinttnin tlie bonlc rt, 1.iIh"uiI." J F. FGRD, EvaciGlist, ouirl3 like business, however. J C Stan ton and J S Smith, both New York capital- 1 1 .it 1 11 ; - i) 1 1'. iLHf-jinu uoin riueu wen in uraiwuwi , fjini-i down to ihis city pome wetk-t ago to lookvver the country. Thuv were brought here From New York by Walter C Smith and A Seuley, of i'ordund. and went away seeiuinyly pleased with their trip. j t llir.llliii Arrldnil. IIazu.ton', Pa. Nov 17 Tiro Uea-pr ropuli-if would no doubt tvr m ule cunsid- : road Vas today ihe scne of u thrilling ac e able ui a am bad the icpul.Iicuu nrmlier cideut- About foreman Kek and six Hun of that iy v.-.;rd it they -:, kc far i- is ! LMriun la'-orem boarded o hand car. Half way ((own 'he steep prude the brake chain bruk - Like a Hash the truck ran down the mountain side. From the edre of a high emha&kmont the truck, with its human !od, wa precipitated to the bottom lank, .'SUO feet below. Andrew Koitz was taken from the wreck dead. Mike Mority was fji'alls wounded. Foreman Eck sustained Feverl contusions on the body and he-id. and Joe Taotsin had his legs broken and Itead did. The other men escaped with, severe, but net dangerous wounds. I A Callfoinln C'ytlunr: SaW Francisco, Nov 17 A gale of tlie hurricane trdcr swept over tliu city lat night, doing considerable damage on shore as well at along the water front. The Hawaiian building at the midwinter fair grounds, which U in course of CDnstruction. was demolished by the wind, A number of shins got adrift on the bay and created con aternation hv drifting about among the shipping. The t2 E'hel and Marlon car ried away her moornqs and drifted against the wharf used by the fishermen, wrecking numbers of small boats and dcRtroyinc the r.d of the wharf. A number of freight sheds along the front were blown down. A Rud City, Chic Alio, Nov 17. In vlor of the larce number of murderous burglaries nnd rob- ABSOIHITE PURE icm up'tn ir.e ice ol (lie elcrtmn le i-rns mat man.. tieitM tats went over t.i ih ; poi, lt. H it it itt Hi tam: old torv. A re puhlicTn i a rtpjl.il. ;.n and ihouli he m .v liili and mot t 364 days in. rar on lie ottitr d.iv ?;ec ion ilny lie is .1 '. enu'iiicn and votes tl.e ticket tt'rulKht. On in; other hand a democrat 's a .vtnocr.it until he be comt Hjinc hi. e else anil hen he chnn: lie is tit'e to his new cnnvUM iuns. M.tny democni. voted the popuii-t ticket because they heikve.l in the populialic piir.ri-iies anil henuse they were leu to believe 'that republicans a ho p.uf. aisd to believe the aanie way would vole that wal . The dem ocrats rot looltd as uual. 'I ltey went to th: pulls, voted the Kwu:lst ticket, while their ie publican nien.ln .vo el the republican 'irlet. It would seerr. that tho tlemocras v. ho have gone over to the rorulisis would sooner or lattr isrover t'ial tt tv have been duped by republicans. Thsro is more-Catarrh in toil 8"cMon of tho country than all ether rii--taf.'H iiat tucether, and utit il the last few years vu f,up;o.ied to he Incurable. For a great man v veuti; do'Jtoi s pro nounced it a local disease, nnd prKcrllied local remedies, and by constntiv f:tilimr to euro with local treatment, pronoiineec it iiittirablc. 8cl enco has proven catarrh to nt- 1. comi' itiulonal disease, and, therefore, n ! ir :s toiistitutional reyn.ent: Hall' Calnnli fur, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ACo.,Tolri:.i. 'Vc.io, is the only constitutional cure on tl, i rrkct. It is taken Internally in doses from K. 1,: w to a teaspoon Jul. It acts directly on the hlocd and mucous Of Detl loni-. low Miritt,. iinila.M.to ..I 5 !T"0 . 1 tn88J's'ern. They alter ono hundred itj ji J.n, '"W. nne', ite 01 dollars lor any case it fails to cure. Bend tor b.mutcii ..., jova: . vuuuiars cnu lestimnntal. AOCress, unj.e.x e. uu,, xotcuo, Vi B Men Mvi- C.s TBO. 13 JjnJEglSiS, ,M. Dufur, Orettor. ill, McFarlanel, BEILXS in-:- mess -and-Saddler j r 'Jr-k m Ka I mai W II! UIC UOUI On arriving home last week, I found all well and anziouhly a-vaiting. Our little irl, e chl end one-h-lf year old, w hn hud wa ted away to 3S p"iind.', is r.,iw w-U, HtronK and vig'iron-, nd well uVthfd up. . B. Cough inr htil vne it work well. B-. thofthe children like it. Yoar S H. Coa&h Cure hm ctirid and kept awiy all hoarneneps from me. So give it to every iet with gr"tiuy f.tr all. Wishing ycu roMteii y, w ar Yourf, Mh i Mha J F Ford. If vou wlnh to ftrcl iieni and cheerful, and reaj tor ttieSprintf work, clcanoe ynuratra wth the Iktulat tii: fttxl Mvrt Cure, by taking two or three tJOdCaU.h week. &0 crnti par bottln by all druggi The great and only AHvI.i JusMa will be at the Albany o.ra houct on Nov -St!i He will undoubiedlv gel a big house. The people want to bee him. ...... T... r. ... prater f th 11.1. v-r House desirea ta uorrr. ine jiuitio lli;.t he bus redm-ed the pr:ce of iuww ,.uub MKij.Dg to f j per Herk, with JeaKii jj $4 rjer wt ek. Single m:l 25 otntH The public is ir.vittd to caII ts I Ltep ond bf-d nti-t tet a good labie. HhVe lir wnn-1 lo. i!e. C'jruer of Broidalt.hi and Vtn treeta. J H MKn.Sn. 4 Sol ' utiiler a positive giwraatee by J A CUMMING. jot: KKNl' Tb) opera house store, an ondlrl IrKatlon. Ca 1 on the eeretary at the IjfmoCrat ofllce for par tlculars. F il Cm of son Land Co tVltn its home office ti. 8A.lii31- - - - OEtilLia-O. (t .y fc;, cl, c.imer I Iherty ait.i c sttec:, branch office tn Porllai. AKP r win h i Jtnall ms ! particulars. a s-wiall v of Pur.iiysMo'.fru'it tracts near Salem', ' a t m . At? A ',. 10 or 20 aT loin at ou to uw pr piynieiit.c-i" tir.ifVi balance fccaiaanexMrai iEW : FLJFN1TURE, y Ti'lJE is j,.-.w FuL, OF nnt-T-"'"""HHS.K ehsii., t' nn. I.AS H IIXITl-nE, C0NS1ST1N0 ? hi'- 1 w'l ""a' BOTTOM PRICES. TIios. Slrinli. Trv a pair of K'efn Hr0s Rubber 6pad. IKU UOOI. llllTFSOr THE rUrI,T J E Sullivan, Secrtt ir the Aniatonr nLuieiiu jqwu rrmitient tt toe 1'i-iMiie A.ni"iio cinb, and Athletij Fdit r of Th prrMn: timer, writaj "For ver Ihavehfin Aetivlv co-tnent- eu wuri aimcno (ports, 1 alwaja f .und il ti my advan'iiife to nh Al!c tck'rt Po uxxa Flsterrf while id trininkf as limy auictiv if move oorenena and ttiffnef: i.nd when atUckwt with nv kind of pain, the revolt of alight c'df. 1 lwsya ued Al!enea'a Willi ienfhm..i results. I hive noticed mm most arnieres ot tne prnatiDC day ue D')triiiiL' ine ' Ol ,V ieo-k's Pat;ra." I MR - .UHCT l tulmiriioi that Will & iBTKcrrv h- ) 4t line of lvcr warr e va lev . nave the ariey an i nua itv( cenil ,ii..o thit counts in buvi .o 'a. A i rtii. ion al vay c.rrir- co vie ion To aid Digest (nnreknon.Sma'IDileUea3 After tniUiitfa V. net- lioi'.le. Healtb lu Old Aft. Fdward Cotlinson, Queens. N Y, says: I commenced using Brandreth' Pil'sover fifty-five years ago I first bought them in London, and hae continued utr.g thtm .iuce I came lo ihi country In 1S36. 1 am now over scveniv-live years od.hule and hearty, and attribute mv wonderful health o the persisten use 01 Krandreth s rills, uccisiunauy 1 nave a ouj com or severe attack of rheumatism, indigestion or bl. loudness, but four or live does of Bjandreth's Pills always cure me. When ever my children have been sick wttn scarlet fever, measles, ucld stomach, dis ordered digestion or cnsliyeness, a few doses of Hrandreih's MHs restored their health at once." Self Praise. Self praise ts no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony of cther no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now. to say that Allcock's Porous PtaUers are the only genuine md reliable porous plasters made Is not self praise In the slightest degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it is only necessary fo call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Bewait. ol Imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla - ..crier, orders have been issued by Hie clmf ' nation induce you to accept a substitute. ot police to put a S'Op to slrretwaikeis. lo hEK iikkk Paiker Itms, Krocera. 7. M. Kreuoh kettpa railro.-i ttme Kuy your tirocerws of Parker Bros Piae groceries at Conn & l!i-ndricouY erejur. eht-eae just leteived at Comal Meyera P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does Hrat claaa work. Smoke the celebrated flavrten tilled ft cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M It Eilit, phyaioun and ireoo Albanvt Oreii. Cili mal l-i oit- or country. When a doctor considers it necesarv to prescribe sarsaparlPa, he simply uidera a bottle of AycrV, krOrthiL' full weP hat he will oblain thereby a sucr nml purer preparation thn ai.y other w hicii hv drug store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsipailila 1 the superior medicine. Ah Year Friend. n ho have tak n llfod's Saraaparl)a what they think of It, and the replies will be po.-lilve In Us fivor. Une has been cured of Indigestion and dyspepsia, nnr ther finds tt lndisnencable for sick headache, others repoit remakab'e cue rf scrofula, salt rheum and other Wok dleaef,ti)l others will tell vou that it overcome "that tired feeling,' and to on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsaparllla re ceives U the heart v endorsement of the army of friends ft has won by its positive !i :i u 1 that end, polictinen In citizen' clothes wtll patrol the new s tree's, and between tne hours of l and 5am every person out will j he stopped and cou.pelled togivsan ac count ol hire self. Pruhahly a Fight. EL Paso, Tex, Nov 17. Latest develop ment in the Mexican tcvolullon is that a little occurred today somewheie near Prttomas. But this is only because it was so planned, and not on account of any news. The M?xi?n counsel today present ed (yjie cibtrict jude the namfi of people Ii uii; in tldt country that the Diaz govern ment wans anestcd on the charge of vio lation of neutialdy laws. The True Laxative Principle Of th; plants used In manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a permancn lv beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral soluttuns,uftiially sold as med icines, are permanently Injurious, Being well informed, yon wul ue the true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Wedding: Invitavioss. Wooden, Tin, (Silver, Golden Common every day. Yes, You Cah sea tit 'in 'allies for suiting In trie auttf at W R Orahamit,where he has a tailor with few equals on hand tn make them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish suiis of him, A new feature will be the making of ladle' c.oaks to order, or the altering of c oans to the lates styles, find hi repairing of c!oik, price An bot tom ones. Whatever may be the cause ol blanch ing, the htlr miy be restored to its origi nal color bv the use of that potert remedy 11a Vs Vegetable Sicilian Hair Runewer. Shi't.h'i Vitabzvjr ts what vtm i.md fn lvpepsiat torpid Hver, yellow skin or kid- nnv trouble. It is vnarnteed to give yon Atisiao&ion. Price 75e. Hldby Fihay St Macoc. Proved tt be the Beat. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use In all parts of the world, Allcock's Por ous plasters have the Indorsement of the highest medical ami chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tari y tesiify to their rrerlts. Allcock's Porous Plasters are pure'v vegetable. They ere mild but effective, sure and quick in ihetr actto.i, and abso utely harm ess. Beware of Imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation . Ask for Ailcr-ck's. and let no so Icita'lun or exp!a nation Induce vou to accent a substitute. Dr. Price's Cream liaking Powder Most Perfect Made. WHO does yoar washing? It is to be hoped you send it to the Albany Steam Laundry, th us patronizing a first-class home institution that employs only white latior. The work too speaks for itself, not after the fashion of the loud smelling Celestiul wash ing, but on account of thq superior manner in which it is done. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Para Orapo Cream of Tartar Powder. Greta floods. Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will set Into trouble every tl.ne and in tne end poverty and dhgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are th- only ones of value. They make you rich; especially when ued to purchase imrr.ons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dts. peps'a, ennstipadon or bll!ousnes.or drive aav maiari. Don't be tempted to take nythlng else tn place of the Regulator, ITipII Tilt r.-ints iTiil 4 irt The ablie demand thronh aervic whec traveling. ;f is o i-far iri,rl to rhnuf Cars." t'n the .hronnh, olid vstihnled trains of ha Chica , Union Pcd?c A North estern Line front or tn Civic tuo, Omha and intermediate pri"t thre n n iath. Ihis is the hncsi and f stct or ee h;qroen th p.itntu nitnd. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Porty Years the Ata"rd. y y.- j ,1 ; . LO ..... A .f,r ,cr,j frJ ... .- ... Jt-.I u.'v-a.-a . . . . l r' o la I in , " . iJ .tl' ui.trrli ' ,1 i .v.j.j t. 11 f :'iiuntotl.ei.K-d- . 1 .rau-i .i'v. c .'. fnn-'ti.utiiir. il I1- 5. r . c . ..: ;nal trr-itri.ni. I,;'. - "i "'i !.- t i-i n i.i r-atiy. act':-i 'r. r ' y :.' " 1 ' 'l : ! t-'d and nru nr,n 11 1 face of i r", --:r.' , winn te foundtiticii ' :Ve :i?ie, tvi 1 it' v1-- " jutiviit alronpih v 1 ;il 1 nn in i'.m-. it "t inn and aisti:t)f : U'irs in 'V.;.tn worit. proprietors have r f uh in iM cnnlfe powers, that thy ' Onr Hnr''-"1 Iiollviiirinv esse that ft f; , c:iu f'r It t of tetttimonlats. '-vi, f. .t. i::7,ir.Tico Toledo, O. A Medical Firm Gifes Away Cash. J. F. Fmitb & Co. of No. 255 Green wich St., New York, tho manufactur ers of that favorite cathart') known as Tmith's Lilu Deans, have adopted a novel plan. They ask tho Individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an outsido wrapper from a bottlo of Bile Beam (t itlier size) to their office, and they give (3 for tho first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and $1 for the 2d, fid, 4t!i, 6tU and 6tU. Every day $10 in ca-H is thus sent to their cor ruspotider.ts. Ask fcr SMALL size. Kkkp Ci.ea:-. A good way is to have your clothes washed clean, not so that they smell of Chinese expectoration; but are odorless, and the dirt is washed out and not prMindod in. Kiehards A' Phillijrs, at the Albany Steam luundrv, do the best work at low price. hre onlv white labor, citizens of Albiiny.and are entitled t the patronage of our rople. ru' i:p in . v r.tch-alinet1 bnt t ca,8TTRnr on: "1 S?Ak..: k,nlihv flttsli tiiitii j burdens lliu lic,c;y I r.mcli sctiiiil ilfi-,!i. ' ilesli usually !ncj icai- i s'ti)il;i!itii:, vvl:it:tt t 1 .-s ol ti.;: besi li.r. in." (.it I ..nniif .'... . nevf- .'trr c.'i'i I.v(;i'(''l sTtlittes ctitlt.tti in : ol t:i ttt:i'i t 'tut t ;iti s ti;;. : t.lsv'l atttt it-.:'.:: Of Uffn:n- '. I 1 re..-? ii'talmcsr l r-i. h,- ,-irt K-t.- ..V-:.- ;j ; Vi rv Jt At tm mj IB1 k mw Jtw KW an as a &ots toota.. 1.00 per Dot tJo: One cent a dose Tms Obkat Couon Clhb promptly enret whore all others fall. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarasneis, whooping Cough nnd Asthma. For Consumption It tana no rlvah has cured thousands, end will emu too if tnkenln tlmo. Bold by Dnicgis on a guar antee. For a Lame Ha'k nr Chst, use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTfiRjO, ' Tlaveyuu Catarrh? T CATARRH 'REMEDY lave Vim l';itnrr1i V Thl prtnrvlv laminrnn. leeawcureyuu. fzicajcu. uuoctorLrce. Wheat, 50 r ; oats, 15c; hay,$S baled; wood, $3 to (3 i, taken In exchange foi sewinp machi s or oruant on hand at E More, Also on al book onths standing Sewing 5 to $35, with my pcr for 5 jra. U Vltla mu - accounts of 6 machines from tonal guaraidtt Hhiloh's Cnt care, is for sate wenty-five doa nahav A MaiMw fhm vrrnl ooui(h ai d en up f ns. Pock -t aise ontaiu ,rnly 25e. Children lave it "y? P B TOO! of III Eaillf. Quickly, Permanent! Ratt jrad. nr 1 all It (mitt f e- in 1. it 1.1 ; in-...-. r t xei-he., tin n ... .. of i.vr ntoiit, ili . 1. n, W'-rri,tic Puit-.if. H,, .:t'It. ;. t (.ft . i t plun loe 1 . ,r.-l.tii'-n if 1 ! f.'TT-pi...rt r .."a. ImriwVttr ! ; i I r- r. K r t . il !f - v ' -. eTp''ii't! ' ,- ' nniiMtt .-. '. : . cm K'-.p :,:: ci t jrrAio m. . FARMERS, ATTENTION ir : Yur t. ant WACON HACK. BUGGY CART PICW HAflRDW.DRILl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, j or any kind of a Farm Iinn'ement or Vt ' hide, call otTor addma, Powden The only Pure Cream of Tartar I'owtlcr. No Ammonia; No Alum. B. F. RAMP Oppc.lt Tost OftSr 'banT, O h i.':t '' I 'i Used in Millions of Homes 40 tlie Standard . hi i . I '