Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 17, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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I - flT. I WHAT 1118 BliASD.
I .0 '
AL!u!s Daughter
Dt a I'limvli of i;ii.n!iuicl minister
jml of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's Sars'tparilht. J!r. UicilAIMi
lliRKS, tin' well-known Druggist, :i)7
.Hollill St.. Montreal, I. (., says:
I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines
,r40 years, utiil hiivelii'iird nothing hut
uodsaid of them. 1 know of many
Wonderful Cures
rfnriiicil liv A vol'! B;ii'HiiM!iriln. mm
ju particular Wuv flint of it liulo
lauliit-r urn t'liiin h of KuIattil mini.
i. Tlu i-liilil wii.-t litcrallv rnumi
from leul to f,,ot with u reil iiml ex-
pttliusiy ironin(nin' rasii, iron, wincli
liuil stifTt-rt'il for two or lltrcc vi'iira.
spite of tlift best im-ilical treatment
lliaino. jiui i.iuirr a us in Rrcui
istress ntiout tlio caso, nml, ut my
,ftiniiici)tlatiiitl. ut last heiFiit. tn ml.
LinisttT Aycr'n Sarsaparilta, two bot
es or nliu-li t'irrteil n ciutipleto euro,
mh In hor relief mid ln-r f:it li.-r'a
It light. I am sure, were lio here to-day,
voum lesmy in ine strongest terms
to the merits ui
Ayer's Sarsapai-illa
EfjMred by Dr. J. C. Ayrr S; Co., Lowell, Mas..
) t ires others, 'ill euro you
For Iho million ;l consumers o! ft
sTutt's Pills,
II rUm Dr. 'I n I t ilcniiro-1niin-
' nuuiifllmtJi(!l!nv v iiuttln up a
I which is of oxrr(Unl v .-tiiiiili ln,
r.'et rt'lainitiKUtl tJio vn tnt Kot Hie
lrt;-r oiit'A. iu.iriM -t il itui-l.-
i vi-m-lablf. Itith!t H.t lli-M-ii(il(L
'uruitlill ImiuV. The uvt nla of
r In ttltou a lu thv borile ? c .'t liU "iuI."
Irness - and - Saddlery
p'ay fft in the Door
Both tlio mf!in.-1 o.wl .ii.
J 7'P ?f f 'Ss 13 tkcn; it is pleasaul
,, ta l.liu. HI u acts
jcMirompoy on tlio Kidneys.
.... jjuireu, cicansea tno bvs-
tera onoctually, dispels colds, lieai'
aches ard fevers and cures Imbitnal
O.Onsttltntmn ..e T7". . ..
----I . ;i rigs is tnc
only remedy of it-s kind ever pro
dnccd, jileasing to tho taoto and ac
ceptablo to Hio stomacli, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
pffpnla ti.i..,.1 1 r
ncallhy and agrccablo subftazecs, its
to all and havo mado it tho most
popular rcmeily known.
Hvriin nf Vitra ia fnr en.
and 81 bottles by all leadi.-g AiuR.
' ..j - . ui nf.,.Ib vuO
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any cue who
wishes to try iL ho not acetpt anv
J I FORD, Evangelist,
Of Det Molnra, Inwii, Hrritf. undorj lite cf
3. B. Mkii. Mfu Co..
Dufur, OreROD.
Gentlemen :
On nrrii'inft hnm. T. ... I. t . .1-11
- w .bow i muL-uaii
well and nxiously vnitinc. Our little
girl, eight end one-hi ll yean old, who had
w ted awsy to 38p(.urili, is h:iw will,
strong and Vlgnroll-, mm! well fleshod 0.
. B. Counh Cure ha. dine iti work well.
Both of the chlMien like it. Your S H.
Cough Cure haa cured and kept away all
hoaraene.a from me. So give it to every
one, with gre-iin, for all. Wishing you
prottfeii y, we are
lours, Mb St. Jlns J F Foud.
.. j,.-.. ...II ,cf, iitfo aim i-neenui, alio re.ay
rjr"lelriiri'work, cleaiiM ynursjsleiu wlb the
... im, (.unj, uv is.iiiif lwu mice
60 cents por botUo by all ilruytristt.
8)1 1 uivler a positive guarantee by
A .Mhso.ul editor says he baa a tutHcrib-
jcr who gtt, drunk every Utile while nod
im aiui.iy iriklsts on paying year's sub
i Iption . lie Ins his paper paij frr in ad
vance up to lQ2fi. We , the edItor
of that paper would find out wj.t brand
of whiskey the fello arinks and send us
few gallons. We will pty him a good
Prl for it. and if it provt, w,t h. Iay,
we v.i! take a barrel -Gilmer Patl.nndcr
Indiana courts have at last begun to take
cllon ,n punishing the white-cap lynclieis.
ho Uvelons been mevilrnt in parts of
that State. Kivo men were brought before
the bar for whipping a wotna-.. Two f
of them wee sentenced lo five yean impris
onment, and the other two, who weie wit
nesses of the act and did not try io prevent
it. were let off with two years senten.-e.
This revival of legitimate justice has long
been needed. There ou3l,t n,ver lo be a
popular sympathy wl'.h lynch law. It i, a
etuinto haibaric melM,, which means
less for tke law- abiding anJ mi,re
Hctiiic for the lawless portions of ihc community.
The proportions of pa.s;nSers killed and
Injured on Brilirh rai'roads during iSyj
from all cauies were one In 0,701,049 kill
ed, and one In 641,272 injured. J 1S91
the propor'lons were one in 8,208.385 kill,
ed and one in 524 381 Injured.
A telegrapher in Boston recently tent
58 messages tn the unprecedented lime of
3omlnutts The messages were such as
occur in the regular daily iran'mlsion of
business, and averaced i words, exclusive
of the address and signature, wllch were
aleo sent
The new Kudliez methoJ if burning line
coal dust with forced draught has been ap
plied already to 70 b'.lleis t several Irjn
works In Germnny with saii.factory results.
The great and only Allvln Joslln will
be at the Albany opra hous on Nov 28fi
lie will undoubtedly get a big house. The
people want to see him.
I'RIOKS llEutJCED.-The underaiancd pro
prieter of the Tioneer House desires to in'orm
the pnbno that h haa redueed the price of
, a i , '""H'"S per week, wuh
"'aiiicg $4 per week. Single mMls 25 cents.
I lie publio la invii.d lo mil r 1 1
lid let a si. od table. Have fir wood for
Brola!bin and VUr
silo. Cuimir
streets .
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Porty Years the itar.eard.
fOR RE.Mr.Th opera bouso atore,
El ...111 1 .1 . . .
iiii.mi,ii t r, 11 , V. I. 1 uu sie
eoretary ut tbe Dkmochat uftlco for par
fhe Oregon JLand Co
tVitn its home office ill
sLiEiim:-' - - - OEE&O..H
Grajr Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portla-uJ
Try a air of K:cin Bros Rubber .pad-
IKO Boot.
suites ur tun. rusf,NT
JJ1ayt''-S,ec'':l"' " Amateur
Ath etio Uqioo. President ff me Puti-ne
A.hleuo (,,ub, and Athletij fditor of The
portin; timec. writae;
"For yesrs I have heo scliv!y conn.0t
ed with ath.'etio sports. I alwaya f mnd
" "niRo 10 n, Alio ick's t-oions
Plasters while lutrsininir, as thiy quioily
i 1 " J , l ' ",u"ef; ma t.
. n mv Kina ot u.lus. th.
of slight c.ldi. I always ue.i Alloca's
..... .icnencni results. 1 have noticed
... mu ainietes ot the present dsy
nothing lse bat A'lcock'g l'.,tsrs."
1 Kg verdict Is u.nnlmodi that Will &
curry ine u -si line ol -llvrr ware
evaley. They nave the arle y a , IUa
1-, . combination thtt counts in hul l
cum. An inspection al-vays cirri-s co
4 TeriltilrTraJrdy.
I'kadwooo, b U. fsov lb. One of tue
most horrible tragedies known iii tho his
tory of tlio Biuck llilla occurred at noon
today in Saw Pit gulcb, two miles west of
luiacity Joseph Ilia, an Italian, was
married a year ai;o to bis cousin, Josoco
Tametta. A few niontl.s later his wife
left him and made her home at her cousins'
Tha today went to Turaelta's house con
siderably under the influence of liquor, and
soda after shots were heard. Nothing uis
thought of it. however, until a neddler
rapped at the dooi, and receiving no reply
but hearing groans from withiu, ho enter
ed, i Lying'around the room nmid a horri
ble tonfusion of broken aud scattered furni
ture! lay .Mrs Tim, shot through the mouth:
Tarfletta, ith a bullet in liU breast, and
MriiTimcita with a frightful gifh in h-r
forehead, inflicted with an ax. alt still in
death. In tho woodshed Tha lay gasping
for breath with a bullet through'his head.
A Xesv Hystem.
Washington. Nv 10 Mr Kckels,
controller of of tho currency, expects lo
have his report finished by the end of tlio
week. It is expected that among other
th'ncs he will recommend a svKtem he
which national bank currency may take the
plaoi of all others in existence, the purpose
..uv.. ,iui.UUill imu.i III .lefusii,
in addition to bonds, cold and Bilver and
treasury notes and certificates; and to issue
bank; notes at the par value of all deposits
i" 1 tie treasury.
, I bboaltl Be Kelensed.
CmCAOO. Nov 1G There will be n hard
struggle for the release of the 10 Siberian
refugees jailed at San Francisco. Tbe
society ol Americans for Russian freedom
has engaged able counsel to go to San
rranpisco to aid in Hie defense of the oris
j A Mew Bank,
CORVAI.T.IS. Xov 1G. Rumor, lire
that Iteps are to be taken toward opening a
bauk.'in the building formerly occupied by
niumuun joii A' 1 o. it will be the pur
pose to start a national bank with a capital
of 8100.000. About SSO.Ort) eonld be mil
herernd if it is not done the fault will he
due to tbe unfavorable condition of the
money nurket-
Illghest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Wans to rihl.
NEk YoitK. Nov 10 A crowd nf from
200 to) H00 seafaring men this morning
blocked the sidewalk at No 21 Soulh street,
whera the work of engaging crews for the
Brazilian war ships Kl did and Uritannia
is in active progress, ine entrance was
closel guarded by two guards, who would
only allow one man at a time to go up
ttnirsThe men, it was.statod, are signing
u. ..lies iui Mic iwj llge.
Extraorillnary Powcrt
New York, Nov
special says:
"In anticipation of the condition of
affaire which would arise should the pro
visional government give Willis his pass
ports, the administration has adopted the
extraordinary course of providing him with
independent authority to eonimnnd the
naval forces in the harbor of Honolulu."
16. A Washington
Shi'nh's Vltaliztir !. whit M 1 r.
dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid
ney trOUhle. 1 IS 1rtiar.nCM.1l tn'riv nn
ssti.laotion. I'riee 75u. N tlri'bv Frn.h.u A.
M ai.ot;
Tn nfri Tliv.itii.,i
efturciitlutt. tier bottle.'
ne Small ilile I3C03
I TAKES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts near Salem
r Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr
ttsmall rash payment lore time'on balance
p.iru .unrs.
u-i.i puts, cniirp, lcan; rtc.t which i win mii ai
Titos. Ihinli.
Tbe True l-iailve Prlnrlple
Of lh! plants used In manufacturing the
pleasant remedy, Svrun of Fle, haa a
permanently beneficial effec on the human
system, while the cbeup vegetable extracts
and mineral solutions, usually sold as med
icines, are permanently injurious. Being
well Informed, yon w'll use the true rem
edy only. Manufactured by the Cali
fornia Kig Syrup Co.
Ask Your rricnds .
VA ho have taken Hood's barsaparllla what
they Ihlnk of It, and the replies will be
positive in Its f ivor. One has been cured
of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds
It Indispensable for sick headache, others
repoit remarkable Qi'e of scrofula, salt
rheum and other bloou dlseases,still others
mill tell you that it overcomes "that tired
feeing,'' and 10 on. Truly, the best ad
vertising which Hood's Sarsaparllla re
ceives Is the hearty endorsement of the
ar.ny of friends it has won by its positive
! 1:1 1 1 ' i
Hernia lu Old Ace.
Kilward Colllnson, Queens N Y, says:
"I commenced using Brandreth's I'll'Bover
nuv-nve vears at 1 lirst bouirht them
London, and base contl-iued
ihtm since I came to ihl country In 183d
I am now over seventv-five vears 0;d.hule
and heartv, and attribute mv wonderful
health to the perslsten': use of Brandreth's
Ptt's. Occasionally I have a bad cold or
severe attack of rheumatism, Indigestion
or biliousness, but four or rive doses ol
B.iandreths I'ills always cure me. When .
ever my children have been sick with
6carlet fever, measles, ncld stomach, dis
ordered digestion or costiyeness, a few
doses of Brandreth's I'ills restored their
health at once."
Neir Praise.
Self praise is no recommendation, but
there are not limes svhen one mu6t permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Porous Plasters are the only
genuine s.nd reliable porous plasters made
Is not self praise in the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and In proof of their merits it is only
necessary to call attention to the cuies
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used them.
Bewaic of imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. ,Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accept a substitute.
rrovril to be tbe Best.
Tested and proved by over thirty years'
use In all parts of the world, Allcock's Por
ous plasters has-e the indorsement of the
highest medical and chemical authorities
and milllonsof grateful patients who have
been cured of distressing ailments volun
tarliy testify to their merits,
Allcock's Porous Plasters are purely
vegetable. Thev ore mild but effective,
sure and quick in'thelr actlo.i,"and abso
utelv harm'ess.
Beware of imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask Inr
Allcock's, and let no so.icitariun or expla
nation induce you to accent a substitute.
Paiker hn.s, uroctrs.
t M. Fri'noti keeps railroad time
Buy your grime ri is of Parker llioa
Pbogrooi'rira at Conn & Hendricson's.
itw eiT'ioi eiieesr jut leuoived at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
lirst claH work.
Sinnkn the celebrated Havana tilled 6 ernt
oigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M H Ellis, uhysiciao aud suroon
Albany, O-ej ii. O.K. mab l.l oits'or
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
WHO does your washing? It is to be
hoped you send it to the Albany Steam
I.iiindry,thus patronizing a first-class home
institution that emnlos onlv whitn lulsr
The work too speaks for itself, not after the
tanluon ot the loud smelling Celestial wash
ing, but on account of the sunerior mnnner
in which it is done,.
When doctor considers It necessary
to prescribe sarsaparilia, he simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, krotving full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than ar.y other which the drug
store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsipariila Is
the superior medicine.
f h,-alihy flesli mums rev
j burdens the hoiiy wit.'i 1
, much sound fies!:. Lu ,
I tltrsh usually indicates pc-. .
I siniiliitiuti, which, causes 1
I kiss of the best th;;; s in i',)L.
I.I.? f
at iormiiig ciiT.: . it.
m Mm a
;o:.-ecrd l.vcroi! w.iii hyj-.f.
K.sfiliiies contains liie vcr,
.-.n e of all foods. !n tin oil:
; i i' lorin can so itin.-h
jt talien and .;ti:,i.i:,i.t 1
illume cf usefulness i.
tu-a lelttre 1,'raknzss c&-".
1. lii.ia l.y .11 Q,u,.KI..L
'Weuu:no 1s-.-kavio.ns.
J Wooden, Tin,
b'ilvcr, Golden
Common every day.
aK?" SHI.EV.
Yat, YouCitss! ttif'liM; li o
a-5les 'or .ul'ing. In the state at WR
ijri.ham's.whrre he has a tailor with few
quals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stvlUh
suits cf him, A new feature will be' Die
making of ladles' cloaks to order. .sr the
al'ering of c oa to the tales' sty nes, and
repairing 01 cioatts. I'nce ari h:.'
Whatever may be Hie cause ol b'anch.
Ing, the hslr m-.y be restored to Its urlgl
nnl color by the use of that potert remedy
I T .. L.1 .-!!,!. . ,,'
..H..n icciauie oienian nair isfocwcr.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Para Orape Cream of TartarPowtfar.
Creesi dead..
Pon't be tempted to Ir.vest In them. You
s III get into rrjuble every and In tne
end poverty and dhgrece. The genuine
Curie Sam's green aoodsaretheonly ones
of value. They make you rich; especlallv
ben ued to purc'is-e ShnT.ons Liver
Regulator lo cure your Indigestion, ilva
peps'a, C"r,tlpa I'm or hillousness.or drlv
awaymaiarit. Don't be tempted to take
ns thing else In p'ace of the Regulator,
Wi7iJ.Pi:r.'ir.'... Vol i,r.
The public den a-d Ihmnvh aervior ki
t'vlin7. .'r n el.:-'. -hi n I to -t! 1
Car.." Oa th- .:,.., l,l , ti''.i..'
;r.n.i of 'h; f'ic, f.'fn P r .r.r )
N..IIH V..I-in l.ii.a (r..:r r tn Cl ic.v'.
Omtha ar.-l n'rni:; tv poi-t. 'hr,. .
.-.01 .... T I. ff. , ,, ,,.. wr
,-: '' . .-1 :l... v:r :. m d.
' '.r r .:: j r.!Ra'61 to
..-t VI ad:.':i(.vil discuss
t' 9 t-j cire in a. I its
.. iii. Hall's rmarrh
'u";.Boitn to the ma
. onr a coh.4titiiiion.-.t
:.u.'onai ir.aimrnt.
-.'S, U...1 tt.i t l.
r i::ttiOOiiy (. . .
fell fraternity, i;.
ii.:me, reo...rf'. u
O JII ivitisr'ni nrs an int.-.inl
iireetly nppn the blood and muro'is su'rlaec. of
thery.t:n.:,ieMl.ydp.fro-:r.j Hie loutirlalinn
2 the li .(-a.-, prxl tivlr.T.-.r patient slronjth
fcvttlilriiri7tm the coniit-'tion and asistinff
o.itnre In ilolr. it. work. The proprietor, have
so much faith in its cnratlre powers, that they
eff.r One Irnndr-d IVillars for anv es.e that ft
fails to cua. Sited lor lit of t.:imonials.
I Ad !rcss, F. J. OHE-sKY & CO., Toledo.O.
i j id ' Bros; : Pe
A Medical Finn Gires Away Cash.
J. P. Pmlth & Co. of No. 258 Grecn
wlch St.. New Yotk, the manufactur
ers of that favorite calhart' j known as
Pmith's tilu Beans, havo adopted s
novel plan. They ask tho individual
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full
name and address, with an outsldo
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Ecnnt
(either size) to their office, and they
glvo (3 for tho first wrapper received
In each morning's mail, and 01 forthe
2d, 8d, Bth and 0th. Every day
$10 In c.".h is thus sent to their cor
respondents. Ask fcr SMALL size.
Knur Ci.kan. A good way is tohava
your clothes washed clean, not so that they
smell nf Chinese expectoration: but are
odorless, and the dirt is washed out and not
pounded in. Kielmrds Phillips, at the
Albany Steam Laundry, do (he best work
nt, low prices, hire only white lulior. eitiyn.
of iMIiatty.nnd arc entitled to the patronage
of our ieople.
fii'upm .-viaterMshapr.lriottiea.siiif
NMlrsl. m-mii 1 ie tsmna. Uo. nur teattiu.
Wheat, 50 ots, 25c; hav,$"J baledi
wood, $3 10 13 v. taken In exchange loi
sewlrn macht s or organs on hand at E
U Will's mii- c store. Also on M book
accnun'snf f. months standing Sewing
mathlnea f.on $2510)35, with mv per
sonal guaraiitt e for 5 s r.
-'.-s ir"va m tAsn in
i.' I aTWI sw n swhra
svm W. n sss
1 1.00 per Dott!o7
Trus flux at Cocon
promptly e;ire
wncro all others loll. Cougha, Croup, Soro
LVS I HoraneasrVhooplne Couuh an!
h. ,,-a Cou'uciption It Las no rlvui:
has cured thousands, and will cunn Too ii
taken id. time. Poldbj Iru?gurs on n guar,
antes. nr a Lamo u'k or rhmt uka
TlRVO)iiuL'i.larilir This
tcedtocur.;ou. l'riocUcta. Injector Irco,
Mhih.h's C'. ln ihst couth ai d er op
core, is ft aalr i.y ns. Poekrt sir e.mtail
ent)-Kred...,only SSe, Children lave it
nahav A Uiian .
Eaifff. t)ii!ck!)',
Parmancntly Re tic red.
fttnl all tl Imln r" - '
trtMiHrly fi,,HMi l-.t- e
txiM-. Uiti r-r-i,:M cf
fVf roik, Kttkut-rt,
worn. etc. Fult-t.-fnic'li,
rev! ni
tAvn i every .irp ftiiti
p-ittlrtn f tl.i h rtv. ,
Flniplf.nitnrrlt.'t;.ri. k
Imnir.1tn'hrtr'vrli ft
t-rn. F. fliire Intt. n-i'iif.
2.1411 tvffrorj Iv ( k
rtFlttttln it-il tr.4.r
HsiiIlvU (Malt-rt; rrec
BUFFALO- ft. v.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Xo Ammonia; No Alnm.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yc : the Standard
or any kind of a Farm finnlement or V .
hide, call on'or address,
B. F.
Oppcslte post Oft