THE NEW YORK RETUBNS Complete return hve not yet been re ceived from til the counties of New York, but those at hand demonstrate clearly that the democratic ticket was defeated on Tues day by the "stay at home" democrats. The returns indicate that the total vote cast on Tuesday will not exceed 930,000, The heaviest vote was for a judge of the court of appeals. Barilett (reji) has probably polled 510,000 and Maynard 420,000, in round numbers of the total vote of 930,000. In 1S92 the total vote for president was ' .366,5 15. Cleveland polled 654,868 of this number and Harrison 609,350. It will be seen , therefore, that while Bartlslt, the republican candidate for the court of op peals judgeship, ran only 99,350 votes behind Harrison (estimating his ote at 510,000), Maynard fell short 234.S6S of the votes cast for Cleveland. These figures tell the story of Tuesday's election in a nutshell. The democratic voters of the state could not bring themselves to vote or Maynard and they would not vote the re publican ticket. They s'nyed at home, and in defeating Maynir they defeated the whole state ticket, The falling oil in the democratic vote was principally in the Interior counties above the Harlem river. In New York city Ihe average vote was about the same as that cast l5t (all. The total vote for president Jn 1S91 iri "eyf York was 23,984. Cleve land bolt. . ; '.; ' (- ' . ... 175,207, uarnsoa yvyu Buu the prohibition, populist and social candi dates combined, 10,750 votes, Cleveland's "plurality GVer all was M,5!ii. Un TutMy the Tammany ticket was elected by r.vcrage majorities o 05,000: Maynard ran behind the local ticket between 41.000 nnd 45,000 vote;, however. In Kings county the issue was fought out on popular lines and the contest did not partake of a partisan character. In the counties below the Harlem river New York, Kings, Queens, Suffolk and Rich mond about 80,000 democrats stayed at at home, so that In the couniies above the Harlem river the republicans made their gales and the democrats lost through the nonvoting cf the party workers. The election In New York city has spur red tne anti snappers on to great activity And It Is probable that an antl Tammany organization will be launched forth at once. The inability of Tammany to deliver its full quota of votes for Maynaril.has given the antl machine men great hope, and they say they will have an Independent ticket in the field next year, both for Mayor and Governor and probably for congressmen. NEW.YUlili'S ItEVtLSlONS, The true and honest democrats if ..ew York have no reason to be discouraged by the result of Tuesday's election. New York has experienced such waves of popular in d nation before this. Thev are the peo p'e's protest against corrupt boss rule. 'f hey do not signify a change of political principle. New York went democratic in lSya in the congressional campaign and on the tariff Issue by a plurality of nearly So, -000. Last year on the same Issue it gave to Mr Cleveland a plurality of 45,51s, New York is democratic on principle. It is against a Machine that Insults the intel ligence and conscience of the people of the state. In 1S80 and 1SS1 the state was republican, but Mr Arthur's administration wus believed to have forced Secretary Fol ger's nomination for governor in 1SS2, and the state Went democratic by ly'2,S.j. In 1SS3, however, the democratic head of the ticket, Maynard, was, as now, defeated on personal grounds. In 1SS4 Mr Cleveland received a plurality of little more than 1,047. The state was becoming democratic on the tariff question, but very slowly, nnd the big majority of 1SS2 did not indicate the real political convictions of its people. In iSSS the republicans carried the state for president and lost it fcr Governor, but the democratic party recovered It fully in 1SS9. Next year, if the democratic man agers put their evil ways and their bad men behind them, nominate a gxtJ ticket and deserve well of their own party they wil' elect the governor and the majority of the congressional delegation. This defeat means nothing to democracy. It means whole volumes to the bosses of bo:li parties. There are in England 500 women gar deners, 22G moaen plumbers and 345 women dontlsts. The preliminary surveys for the Pacific Railway required four seasons, and cost over $ 1,000,000. II. 11. ntiE. w. li.nisMXGF.R. n. 11. .iamks ALBANY FDRN1TDRE CO., IJTCOPOBATHt) Baltimore Block, Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete lim of i:utakisg - in all iu bniiu-hf".. EMBALMING atrm!ty. liosidrnce comer "rd mJ fairy oii: troeU. NO CHANGE IN SENTIMENT When conercss meets next month the democrats In that body should proceed at once to the fulfillment of the pledges made to the people in the democratic platform one year ago. Cleveland and the democratic members of congress were elected on tha platform. The pla'Krrc declared for tarift reform, for an honest dollar and for the eg topple of fraudulent pention?. While other declarations were embodied these were anJ re the principal ones. The people were opposed to tariff robbery then and they are opposed to it just as much today; they were opposed to a spurious currency then and they are opposed to It today; they were opposed to fraudulent pensions then and they are opposed to fraudulent pensions now. There has been no change in senti ment on these issues. The tidal wave of Tuesday was not a protest against the ful fillment of tnese pledges. Nor is it likely that it will be treated as an appeal for sus pension of judgment by the men who are clothed with authority to act. The land slide of Tuesday is but a drop In the bucket compared with the avalanche of 1890, when a republican majority in congress was pars ionately wiped out of existence and a much larger democratic majority created. The democrats have only to discharge their ob ligations to drive the roots of the party deeper into the confidence of the people. The people have ssked for relief from re publican legislation. Tiiit rclUf has not os yet been given them. Lt tins " d:nc ,rul j out of the gloom of today will rise a Uerod ' ' ciatlc victory that will wine away even semblance of repnblicanlsm. 'Theft: Ik twnffi Cr.trli M i prelbn i'f iha fa put together. country than all e'htr lii and until the last few years v.-.if iioi;.d to be inrnrnhlii. h'nr n frri'Ht munv vj:' I H doctors pro nounced it a local clist-aie. and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly li'.iiiiiK to euro with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to bp a constitutional disease, ami, therefore, rcrmiro3 constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh L'ur.'. manufactured by F. J. Cheney As Co. , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the m.irltct. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Tiicyoilfr 0110 hundred dollars for any case it faila to cure. Essnd lor circulars and testimonials, .duress. F. J. CHENEY eo 'JO. , Toledo, 0. JO-Bold by Drtiojisis, 75:, ''if religious beliefs perplex ydu, and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal relieions reading to postoliice mission, 346 Yam- 11111 street, t oriiar.a, ur. O! the Agony Of Th 03 who Suffer from Scrofula Uood'a Sa rsa par ilia Pu vljlc. Soothes, Ileal et CUltrS, ir. T. V. Johnson Sun Jose, Csl. 'I have for many been a great sufforet from St'ICOFl'I-A breaking out on my armi anil legs; t'.iey were covered v.ltli eruption and ores, dinrliuriug all the time. I tried very many medicines and ccnmlted physicians far and near, but countnnilf ftrevr rrore X havo taken but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa- s Sarsa-p:;i-illa rilla for rhoumV.lsm. ana has derived so mnca benefit from It that sho declares thero Is BO other tneuicina on earth. Wo wonld not t without I! in t'.'.c hou -.a If it costs C-0 a bottle." T. Vaiiley Johnson, p;ui Jo3e, Oil. N. )!. Tj sure to K't Hood's Sarsaparllla. Hocci'o Pills at c;-.;::y, yet promptly and elhcicuiiy, on 'Jis liver and bowels. 22a. An til 1 .wihU l..rii, . nrl Kran Tnwrri Bold DruinriKA or sent by mall. 20c Wc and $1.00 per paekatre. Bamplea tree. 1TA ff O Th Ifcvortte K8TB WWSn JdV I1U for the Teeth and UresOi,io. Captain RwwncT, C js.A-San DlMrvrVil.. r.ys: "Shiloh'a Catarrh Bemoiir to the flrst medlctne 1 bare eressround that would do me ay food." Irice to eta. Pold by Druggists. SHILOH'S cure; Ttmi Obat Cough Omt iTnmrflyewrss vnervauot oers ran. ror i.oosutnptioa it naa no rlvnl; has cured thousands, and will rms Top, If In tune, met 85 t'.u M rta, IU 1 1 stray mare, seven yrnra o:d peifecily arnlle for wnuiftn and rhl'dren lo drive (."ail on K W Achis n,at Marb.e wo ks' FAKMFKS LIsrF.N.-e hrvea fine lot of lmh era etd. rf linuis; everv kind, iricludini ctun. ami we nunt toejl IU1 i 11 til V3 it. tome at. J xc i.v STEWARTS ?Ov. tTOBTB CONSIDEBINQ Pay Perry Conn. Terms, cash at F L Kenton's grocery Please pay Perry Conn what you owe him. If you want a tine smoke oall fur Joseph a The beatjrnaat oogee in the oity at Com ad aloyer a. The best watch in the world for the money at French's jewelry store. Fine Southern Oregon peaches at F L Kenton. Now is the lime to can them. Motor makes fiye trips daily to Vieieck'a addition. Lotr thero oa installments of $1 per week. Genuine parti for all seving machines also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all sewing machines, bicycles, etc., at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted .-seccnes prepaid by mall 40c a dozen. Mimbe a of the Y M C A are requested to afternoon -rd evening excel t Monday and Sunday. 1 ncre is nothing better for health than rcgulsr exercise and five minute shower bath, Try it. Patronize the Central Fish ai.4 Poultry Market, on Ellswnrlh atrnnt ktn.. c ond and Third, fcr ycur dressed poultry. Kama and iiili of all tl,i. ;.. ... clams and crabs. Everything fiesh in our line may he had at reasonable u'uures. Call and see us. SEvnn-. A Albany Jlrtrket. Vhes.r,45c. Oatfi, 53. Hour, ?4.00. flitter. 103. Kegs. 30c. Tard, 12 to 15d. Pork hams 12 to lSis ahoul.tem 8 to ICo slrt. II to 13o Hay, baled, 17 0 atoes, 40i. Appleo , 4" Hops, I63. i)rlod frull - plums, Do, apple,, Do. Chickens, kl 00 par dozen. Beef, on ft or, ljfn, Uogi, dreve.1, Oa, New Advertisements. ALT- honaehold sewing neatly done by Ida Rozelt , next door to the Pioneer JfOUSt). F7S0UND.A childa scarf pin on the M. Btreei. uwser can at mis oincs' rOST.-Somo whnre in Albany, a ? 5 i and $10 bill. Return to Democrat ottko and recolvi reward. IOR RENT- Rooms Biiitable for . dressmaking or lighthouse keeninsr. Inquire of X, Vieiick. OAIS WANTED,, The undersigned dtllvered at ny reaidenre one mile north . n.unj-. jrifw inarKet price in cash on delivery. W H Wapkkb. L.R SALE. Illack (not brown) Call, l'oinln seed oat?. Jf SENbERs. F OR SALE OR TRADE -Seven shares in tlio Albanv liuildlntr A Ian Aa. soclatlon of the first aeries for sale or will trade for oity propeny In the south western portion of tlie oity: Address, (statine location of prooerty If wanting to trade.) B fc L, DbmocVat ofllce. ClOC'KERELSPurebred Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerels for sale at a bargain. Adtlrots John Brush, cower 4th and R R sticets, Albany. Or. rAPTED.- County and city war rann bought and so'd by II F Mer rill PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for farmers in both riding and walking plows, disc harrows.iron harrow, etc. Prices in proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pav you to call and see us. S TEW ART & SOX WANTED At the fitoie formerly owned by Allen Bros., BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash price possio.e. B F RAMP Jrug;8, Iniiitci. OHm jJ 1 ii , ICt c J. A. CuniKiirs ALBANY, -:- 0RECG M rt. Dr. rUrrnn M ull nee Th Noted ClairvnjMit rd Life Rci.lcr, tf now tir', ai'.l Tiii brf.ant l hor ri.knf, nt door .1 B C(nu-tll'. Nhe UU sNuit all mjfet. itwt iTi'nt aii.l futurp; love tn-nMe. ln?iit fritrtU wid f jntM, You n hr from vcur Jvd frlM..t. Wall Paper, EASY TO TAKE Dr. Pierce's l'leasant relicts. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugar-coated, anti bilious granules, a compound of re fined and concentrated vegetable extracts. 'Without disturbance or trouble, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. Permanent!; cured, too. By their mild and natural action, these little Pellets lead the system into natural ways again. Their iiilltienco lasts. And they're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or your money ia promptly returned. You pay only for the good you get. Everything catarrhal in its nature, Catarrh itself, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh, are per fectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemcdy. No matter how bad your case or of how long standing, you can bo cured. T C.M.K K12Y. M.D., Physician ami Surgeon, Office letirs over tl:e Bank o! Oreijon. Rcaitlouce, corner lOlh and Caiapooia it. This Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. While you are at it I can furnish you the best GKOCERIKS and ireshest produce at bot tom prices. P. I MEAN ill sell all crcckerv ware and holiday goods al COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers il5 to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pel set. Everything else in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived . J. Gradwohl, FOfflILLER ft IRVING Undertakers -:- and - Embalmers. WE KEEP constantly cn l ard a full line ol rretnlic, cloth ard cod casKeU at coffins. Also burial roLcs and suits, in hicnijcloth. "Min.cPfl n iie.iii which will be old at The I.owcnt EMBALIVIINQ nd the proper H0 EXTRA CHARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC pes ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed' .... '. Oksi.. A. r. Asms,,, PeAl, ' ' Open .U the yw. Smdema ni.y enter ., any ime. Catalogue free. C A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. rfgSFH s? MANHOOD f?ESTOREDi;',ii:"vr:,";T.'. J F. FORD, Evangelist, Ol De. I Moines, Iowa, fritna underrate f B ... i. no ICO'l. B.ircu -j, S. B. Mbo. Mm Co.. DuCnr, Oregon. Cattlemen ! Oo arriving home last week, I found all well and anaiously awaiting. Our little girl, erght and one-half years old, who had waited away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and wall Hushed up. S. a. Cough i. ure nas anne its worn wen. (Wh nf tha children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with growings for all. Wishing you (;rot;eii y, wo are lours, ma & .mks j r ronn. if vnn wih in I..) n..n nml rheerf 111. ami rcuily fnr the Spriiiit's work, eleaiwo your s) HH in wth the iieouuciie aim uvar cure, uy tasing iwu ,ur inivn luseseatu evk: CO cents nnr beltlo by sll Urusts. Sill muter a positive c'lara.iteo t J A CUMMIN'O". Stationery, Toilet Artij'os, Musioa Instruments, Etc. HodEes k The Cornei Drug Store,". Albany.O' . IORRENr.-The opera house store, ' splendid location. Ca l on the (eoretary at tho Democrat cfBco for par tlculars. CONN BUSINESS. I.ivlnt; Prolils. care ol the dead a specialty. HEARSE OR SERVICE,. TEMPLE, - - OFtEGOl MeOical and I.J?J j i1 (i m 719 Fan FraBoiiicj, Gal. I A WKDICAL AM) .SURGinAi instiluu', located penpanently at jiy Mar. lift Street, ban lrancisco,C.Tl,for the curi ofall list's-.tH,AHliciioi.nnt. 'Murrnities' A sialf of L'tiynichiT. a id durg ;o ,hayin" diplomas am! 'lu entioifctmciu vl the best colleges of America and Huropc, fckillcd speciaiisu who havs had long experience intreatlrtg special and chronic dise.ises are in conslpnt attendance. A Pharmacy is attached, and aU pieKLiiptions tilled free of charge. $1.00 Trial Eoltlo $5 00 Full Ccujse fiufTerers from Ast!itnat Khe'.imati'sii? Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Indigea tion, Scrofula, Kpilepsy, Female .'caknesj Cancer, 1 Jt?art Diseose. Uronchitin, Erup. tlons, Salt Rheum, baldness, 'J'anewnrm Deafness, any Se:tual Disease, Lost Man' hood. Malaria, Urinary Troubles, I'ies Howel Tioubk's, should conbult at once,' Low charges, within the reach of all.corrw bined with the best rr.edical nnd surgical kill, ! um. MuUiU) Aired inn . t m Who mav he suffering from YOUTH FUI r OLLIES.or the excesses of matured life fthouUI consult at once, before It is too late; these veteran praciiunen, who have no equal In the United States, as they can and will restore to you perfect health when all others have (ailed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvinated and manly vigor restored by thf.r new nnd wonderful methods of treatment. No injurious drugs used. Worn out huht.sCss men, call for advire, espe-ialiv If iou are Buffering from NER VOUS UKIUMTY or failing now r, of any disease of ihe EYE.EAR. TllliOAT, lings. iiKAKr, yroMATnrSkis , k 1 D.NEYS, or IlLAHUER. Biod Diseases Cured In tt.f hnHv1 time hy vrs riultle reiuriltTv. ARE VOL as strontj, health v nnd vic- orous as you should be? Are vou free from every trace of disease or sickness? Dojou look Veil? Do yr.u feel well? oris there some Chronic trouble; which, like a can kerworm in the tiiiidiiw flawer, is rapidly destroying your very vitals. Who suffer from Nervous TiosMation, S'etpleERness, liespondencv. Indigestion, r :--.! i ...i....i.. i ii.a nfl.b v-uiiKiiaiiuii, .."imi, "I"" I" in or Side, and diseases peculiar to their sex, consult these physicians with the utmost confidence. $1.00 TRIAL BOTTLE Sa.OU KULL COUKSC THE LONDON MEDICAL ami SURGICAL INSTI1UTE ;iJ Miirket Rlrrct Hau Vnnrt:rn. '! ALBANY COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue. Address, REV. K. X. COXDIT. Albnny, Oregon Notice. ALL pemoim lndeb(d to I B Beam inte ur recount wlil please py the same, us sc-onntis must be clos"' by note " nut i i. Times ie brd, nfl 11 (n In hi fttnDCS. 1 SV In room No 11, Stsnhisn liock: A ma By. ur. sept luin, ioy. HFCANTK1BUBY. Asisignes. of I B Been.. .T-.Ba c '..ic C'. nMiputKiU iiJlW 4aclip. inrM unc ueaiis. BTATfl t,p (mro, t rrr oiolkto, r,. LfCAS COCNTY. , - Im CM senior partner of the firm , cf F. Jldof Co""' "F." '". 5"" "i .i.; Una K-i and !tate ntorpsaia, ami i u.-. , . KS rrr the sum ot ONB lH;N.nKD tL,bs eacb nd ercrr coc ot Csturra thai cure by the ,. of Hau&csft Psmrn to More and "I'T'd" prssence, this 6tti day ot December. - mil's Catarrh Cnre Is tr.Wn ,n,'a"Jrfiosi' - the lyitem. Send for '.IJ .', loleJe. 0 Sold hy Drnexist". tM.