Dalit! Sfcmocvat Iff OFFICIAL PAPER i, ilir! eyery day in Hie week except (Sunday. Xii HTNMi, Editors and Prop'; ),i,,m! it the l ot Cni?i nt Deny (CD. w'"M '- Minn aaiiaiicr. UVISIM- M' II MM It it, 110; GOOD EVENING. ..itioi's MmTiiiimax. Tim I'ort : inl -... Tl....-,. iu . i . D in Ik- K.t-t Aiik":iy-stnvt lin,. w, n it prop'-' loiaHi' niivciiain-i.'son l-,. kit0'ii draws "li foggy mornings, .r,. oo-a-aons since tho .Madison shvt vaivi'l''nt.v!i"ii tin- fi.g was imiistiailv . th- .l-s.-iiy.'rs on n i-.tI.iiii lAvnty- mill .itno-ny sirci-i car iiavu I t : alio .'io" ". (... ...o ii.i.ij nri'ti I uliiit surprised t'i tre tlm motmiinn , ,ia .I.! stop iiiite a di-daiio. from kimiing sign "Cars Slop ' then got off r;ir anil rim ahead to t!n gateway to :ill if siifi. Then he returns and ',.,. F n the draw. -siai.i. Ki.AZi" AVout 5 oVI.n'k ye.--r it tin? was iUscv.viv'1 in room .'I of lkImhiM Hotel. '1'h'; di'pui'lmi'iit was loin; hut the II t- Ll'o extinguished Allies wit h their bucket men. Th not th' origin nf tlm tiro given the ii iiat is. that aMmiTcliT hail i urn.ia a iluwii Monday ami left it burning. .imp exploded sending tlie kerosene .lass ever the corner of tlm room sct itontiiv. The building was insure. 1 llnval Insurance I'd. .1 llradwhol lo- l.vat. TIib loss is estimated at about oat Lixx. To Senator e;t Mvirs taU-credit for whatever benelit accrued ,:tin county by reason of Oregon's ex it it the World's fair, as Senator Myers ai-eut tlie only exhibit that went l,mn county 10 me lati . lint the i'r'6 exhibi', A-hich consisted of maple ..sard burl was a fine one ar.d was iitl irt ttie collective exhibit of com. dal woods, for which Oregon received funanl. Uno alsi showed some itral paint In the mining exhibit. tsman. WS AMI 4BBU4D ! na. pi Jkinilu n.At,., the .trvl: ;i t.. Y M CA,o- andeb,!-?''''.1,''" f"r SMh fhom,, wato.es and clock, at .'rend.', jewclrv orua I he boss place to buv iw .aiv Keri-'- S.' kJd l'r c'"l"e., 'lemons. liroelX y,a',dn-'Wri,U,n' l C We art .till .t:t Cni.e....n i "K "r (foods and K....I p.., i V ;. ' '"examine tie ' ' , acock &Co K"!" and pi Ices. of.neir,u,T,,:e.,I,:l'J S 1. ' . ', " "'S"""! innuler, la,un iles ami tuc r MrGmrneKinl, of .S.iern.an roumv I" to vn to d.iv ii.. ...... . ,.. , j u'ji lie ex. , ' ,,a"-t 3,ooo h.is!.els of wheat "in oinv inusiiej 1 1 ooo and : l '-e portion of this wr. ,ln h I a... ram. 1 11.. Ii.s i,. ,i. . . ' ...r . -...- 1.V..IOV Das teen try licitvr. and li.is ill...,.., ......i i very imid,. l ,c l)a!i,. r if Tlie M K .1 i. . i a... i . .. . . , ,.i oai,.ii nllt navo tlie iiin ,,L. ..otur,, illtar. .'hs. - Losne, taylurttrocteharca l'ortl.cd ..fa.' . .. . ""' nruiur lanmu, "V l '.r",l'Jt'"'"o c'mroli .f f.,rl!n.lp "-V i. anion, , Fount I tili.t'D in lu,D as s,.,,, .y , iVccKl." .u.a couo.Tt ly Bj , citijts. Tne i'Tvic-'s h lm i, ..'.i in .i. t . Men's P,,k,:., An'J,riiln . 1.1 ... i. . ? on vr D i,y t1(i Ahfcodilion. Last it lepuKL o mine a latve I -it .S iv i i it u- aru will BjieaK from Hie sulijt 4,Vh.it is lllflt'l I. M .. liiyili-d to tlii scrvici. You can hear in- a . ' " IU l J 111! OrilitDA HlVPiitr- f.f tl,. .1 i... divert, Ut iLVnlio i. The wlio runs ilirough --.. luut. ftu.i uiR iiivcr can oommuaicate Willi tlnnfl nlw.vA nr! ... I. : i a. a - uuiii.o laiii, 11IB CnlUlU n.vo Uau t.ied for the Hist time in searching ... igaajvu ,,om ine .Mau'son atrett bridijo lWemSaer 1, If thia invantioo is perfected it will p ove of vast vslue to sutj- .....uw ui.er,, t Wobkeu. As a man by the namo of im nf th" V. Vni,-,., ... .,..:.... iH'h the Kuwno liridiw lust ninht he mcountcreu lay throo men one of whom :lit the bridle rein of his horse. Nelson a hraea t,tn.lln.l Lnif., in 1,,'.. ...... I.... I liointiiiR at Urn would bo liiifliwaymnii 1 in in m . nnin or in wnn , ,,a i.;... nl. I1.0 l.n.l Tl. .... , . Iai j 'i 'iiiui ifii'ast'il ills 11 and Nelson quickly roileout of danmr. If X OnsiRviNo Dkum.mkk who has iBn all over Km n,rll,u.ka ul,l. i.i n says the Willamette Valley Is by odds c-.urii now, particularly nnan- 'V. OftheValleU rilifV S'lnm nn.l lanyare the besi situated in this r t. On the Sound ShriiI i In il. I and has held its own well; Tacoma lost a lari'p nnnnlnilnn n n.l paad Anacortes ro practically dead. f :0. P. Ot TLooK. His reported that wires have lirsm ; ..r.......A On'l'nn P. .pill.. N'l. i r, " v.uv. i-iiii;, i lie on'M-'iii siailis m matter ncenrdinirto the reports which mi- reuanie, is unit ttie bond rs have dropped tli? hatchet and en- l into an airreoinent for the purc hase of .rojjl. The profrram is for Col Motor to ethe pimliasc iind for the roads exten- eastward. III V a I'HIIt'tEIIIXUSi fits Accipknt. Yesterday cveninir m 'A Anhihalil and his brother-in-law, vLliuweil were hunting Celestials T Albany, when the Rtin of tho latter f jmdentiy ili harirej in such n ninn- .oat seven of the shot entered one of the fJli -Archibald. Someofthcm were rwlto-day. and Mr Anhiliahl is at I"'' ual. a small limp lieinit the 'll.l.Hr V... Lf. . ...""in r.n 'iiiuie aaanien fuuire gives notice that after today any p caught killing Chinese pheasants will c'o'ne lull extent ot tlie Deputy C W Watts Is authorized to ' arrests regard'ess of the social stand- the offenders. Tnis is correct. If ould have Kame we mut protect It In Close seasons. ,'5lAND IxsTHlME.VrAL MUSIC ' "attie Warner a graduate of the . "'"torr connected with Gates Col al a ''tna, to gie Icisons In I and instrumental music to single .i.lnr class.. t ui- . . L ,W?n,r h, had a thorough educa. "n exnerlinr.l iMfhpr tier ''"ices are. prof h a shorey. William rroand.Mr.jenr.le Ue. 4 Gescisk Cleabaicci Saih in Unics ehoes. u-;a.: .1. iP a 12doxen pain of French "0"lf U kid. hsoil turned and m.chiue li'itr n cnm(nin sense lasts, tiles L"' i to 4 in til widths. lhMSBOo.li '5 "Rsrdless of cost. Lsdies wearing "lihl Erw d0 by C"il"' snciaL xo pr.na!Ai. Mr CliaS Cusil k is! lit hrmio nflm. o months sojourn at his Green liasin ranch. A SOn Of J II Wvatt. of Aslnrin fnnnorl of Alliany is attending; tho Pennsylvania ColKfj of Pharmacy in Philadelphia. We notice lion J K Wentherfor.1 f At. hitny and Juilio McArthur, of Portland, ooiu iiiuiiiiueiii ationieys, in tlie city today. in: wo. II r Wm Halston. wife nnd son .TnA hnvA relumed from their visit of about a month at Olex, in I'jiatean Oregon, where they re port having had a pleasant time. Miss MnirL'ie JIcKarland of Album-, wlm has been in tliis city the fruest of Misses l-ewis in tneir iioiueon uiieiueketa andl2th street, returned to Albany yesterday on the 11:17 train. Salem .Statesman. That tall fellow with the tall stove pipe, who attracted so much attention in the city yesterday, was the checker exnert Yates. Like Peiinoyer ho enjoyed having people uui ice 1,1111. O M Hartlett. an ex-convict, was arrested yesterday at the instance of J K White, charjred with the larceny of a set of harness. Statesman. Tho namo sounds familiar her. Ucv Mr Shanglc, who went to Jackson county several days ago was attacked with iuite . severe illness, whilo near Medford, obliging him to return to his home in Oak land. Itoseburg lieview. Tcssel With A Tramp A T Morlan, a brakeman on the passenger between Roseburg and Ashland, was left at this place this morning. He had pioceeded to clear the blind baggage of tramps, and after ejecting eight whs attacked by one and the two rolled off the platform to ge'.her. The train was then going too fast foi Morlan to get back on so he will wait for the evening train. The brake man sAys that during his five years on the line, this Is the tirst time he has been left while riding the train of bums. He was plucky, however, and stayed with ahe job he had undertaken. Grants Pass Observ- I'resent-Itecorder, Marshal, Street Su periiitendent and Coimcilinen Whitney, I feitier, Wheeler and Hurkhart. In the absence of the mayor, Councilmen liiirkhart was elected mayor pro tcm. The following bills were ordered paid: I I t ougdl. r,.:!0; I 0 Dickey, f.20; W liarr, ..ot); 1 F Hadley, S.OO; John llouseworth. $2.2.-,; X j Henton. ..45; 13 i nil 'u ?i c?- 12-25; ,! H Cr0y- IW I'1-Ilt '"o. ''-:l": S l-'onn, 81..IW, S Piudom, J2.W; 1-; K Davidson, lj: A M. Feron, fr collecting . liids fr building a six foot walk adjoin ing i'l'X'k .il were read, and the contract was let to V ll,..ti.. ... i - t-.i to 1 built in Udavs. t)n motion tliev..jf t;,i.. r ..:-...: room for I d ward. County treasurers o!li-o lor -n.i ward and Fanners warehouse office tor the ..r,l ward, for the coming city elec- The following jml-v and clerks of election were tl.'i ted: Firs! waul: I) I romaii. W C Tweedale am ( I hver 111. J..... II w n .a and C W Watts, clerks. .Srond ward: St rainier Froinan. S M l enningtoii and Calvin llurkha't, I It Yvatt, IVn-y K.-H.-Vaclt-rk ' 11 IIIII. ."'. I atterson. jialges; F.J Lamiing. Frank iicsMer, cierKs. The matter of draining Fll-worlh strc;t, 1 trst to Water, hk nAm.,1 l. ..n,,;ii.. on streets and pu'ilic proj.;ty with power to act. 1 in' matter of the tixlnc; of the ditch at N'vciith and Vine streets was rderred to the omiiiittii- on i-treets ami public property. Ilili Of .1 II T..wn....l f..,- Zrr. f. sion on H, ,ecl, ,ri,., F.ji,;, ri!,tk.n was ordered disallowed. iieal i:tati; KI.T. Jacob Conser to II J Xewman, i acre, lows t jo K C Lake to F. L Tandy and 11 Crow, 50 acres, l.i w 4 1125 K L liryan to Mary Jiinkin, lot 4, blink 1. Keards ad. Tangent. T II Koades to li JI Payne, lot 4, hi .1, llacklcrmin s :trd ad, Al- hany COO Lawrence lliggins ts Jamns 1'itzpat rick, 40 acres, Tangent, also acre. Shedd 1C00 Thos and Mary llrink to lienjamin iianimaii, lot ft. bt 10. Albany. . '000 K It Case to A P Itlackljurn. lots 8. 9 nnd 10, bl 3, Kirkpatrick's3rd ad, lichnnon 400 J K Miller to Kinma IS Miller, lots 4 and 5, bl 3. Hawkins ad, Albany. 2 '.V H Kirk et al to E A Colbert, bl 1 and 2, Brownsville 1 Emily Sonnek to Jacob Schmidt, 100 acres, 12 K 1 714.C0 II liryant to W C Davis, 16J acres 10 w 2 800 PbICKS Hia.l'cEI). The undersilrnpd nro printer of the Pioneer House desires to inform the public that lie has reduced the pnej of board without loda;:i.g to $ .1 per wek, with lMlir a; ii i,er waek. .Siiiit.i ln3li J cents. Tho public is inaittd to call s I keep aood htls ktl.l ,.i. n..l ..l.i liL..u ' ssle. Caroer of lirnadsll.in and Viattr treeis. J 11 JJEHANl'A. aiHriTi. The best men in the city for city odicers Isthegeneial aenttment on the strte s. Stme good men are being mentlontd for different positions. Governor Pennoycr has again displayed his impudence and vast and varied ignor ance in a Thanksgiving proclamation call ing upon the people to pray that congress may restore to silver iU "full legal-tender" quality. The standard dollars, of which 410,000,000 have been coined, are legal tender for 100 cents each, intrinsically' worth S3 cents. The people of Oregon ought to prav for wisdom to elect a better governor. Xew York World. At Meal Times do vou ever conside the quality of the food you are eating ? It may be good. It might be bitter, purer, fresher and more wholesome. Is It not avorth ashi.e to make sure that you tea, coffee, nigar, baked goods and Innumera ble other groceries ate of the best quality? There is such a trifling difUrence In the prices of the best and Ihe worst that it does not pay to buy the worsl.eren on the false grouno of supposed econom v. The best Is always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory and durable.and the very best ot everything In the grocery line is kept at Parker Bros. Hilfel St MV sis, Albany, C '.an and, the lesilii.i; diut i.eller l.isi. Foilowirg is the list of le'.te"s ren.aiuinQ in the post ollice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon.Xov l.T.b, 1S03. Pen una calliuu for those luttcra must give the date on which they wero advcrl:sed. ralv, C E J'.nglnnd, H Haley, Wm Johns, Mrs W F Johnson, Mrs Km ma Madcpati.CoriieM.is Michie, lohti Mitchell, Miss l.'.llie Poluce, Mr Riley, Miss XeMie Kice, Xovel Schlagcl, Mrs Mary Shirer, N W Trainer, lames T Teller, Paul Young, John Tnos. MoMTErrir, P. M. There Is more Caiarrb In tliis section of the country than all other diseases put l.iRtrther, amu unlit tlut last ft-w j-eara a.us sui.tioscfl to be Incurable. For u gr. at many v, nrs.l,., l,.r iiro nounccd it a local disease. an, ,rescrlbcd local remedies, and by constuntiv fuitioKtn cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. 8cl enco has proa-cn catarrh lit be a constitutional disease, and, therefore, rcentres constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh I ur". l.-anufactured by F.J. Cheney Co.,Tolc'o. Ohio, isilieonly constitutional cure on the n-.urltt t. It is taken tntemally in doses from lOdiop.i toa t'.asiKHin ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie system. Th.'Vo::. r 0110 huiulred dollars for any case it f.'s to cure, bcud lor circulars and tcstiiroi.iais. .AnOrcss. F. J. CHI.Nty .'i tij., Toledo, 0. ASold by Drnsgis.3, Trv a pair of K'e'.n llrcs Uubber grAD ig l.ooi. ::GOOiIJ3aWaSO For i:.c n.i!!io:i3 c! censutpers c! O Itntt's Pills, It jiiti l)i . Tutt li ji.iiro to an- tf i.Mii..t i- liuit lu U ii(iv Milling iiju TiMV liver nil M ("Mil (. if ixf fliiij;lv ttii:ill slzp, a . i. t;iii:iiiall the virl nt Hofl lie 2 ft; Ij-I.lf. i:tUt)i.(siiftlitMii,U t-.i-Mtill lu..', 'Mil-exact mUu cf fis TLTT'S TINY LIVCR PILLS & BARGAINS, Bargains, :: Ba"ga:ns, To redut?e stot-k preparatory o moving into the new Post Office Brick we oiler for cash the list of goods below mentioned at prices named. Come early as at these ligures they will last but .1 short time: : lbs small white beans for 81 00 4 II.h roasted coffee, in bulk 1 00 .) cans 2 lbs oysters 1 CO 10 cans 1 lli oysters 1 00 4 cans lli oz baking powder 1 00 5 cans choico table K-aches 1 00 3 cans gallon pie loaches 1 00 3 lbs regular 40c tea 1 00 Regular 7.V Knglish lavakfust tea tW ltcgular 50a: Japan tea 40 Tea in lunch baskets ,M) A few tins, 7."c tea ,M) 100 lbs dairy cheese, until gone 1.'. Mexican Silver stove polish l.a 1!2 pop corn .r Horstman's 1 lb packages soda f English soda in bulk S .... bars lCc toilet soap f 13 'xixcs cigars .".0 in box 1 00 5 lbs "J.'.c tea sittings 1 00 Respectfully, C. E. I1R0WNEI.L. Had the Stufk. llio following is a letter received from the east in reference to the W orld's fair. The verdict seems uni versal: "l.was greatly surprised at Ore gon's exhibit at ihe fair, i'ho fruit es pecially was simply grand." Capt Tnttle says: 4,1 visited Oregon's exhibit nt tho world's fair. 1 consider it extremely fine in every respect; much liotter than our ex hibit." It may be well to remark here that tho amount appropriated by the state of Missouri for an exhibit at tho world's fiir was four times that of Oregon but money alone would net do it. there had to lie some thing else. Oregon had it anil it got there. Snag Proof Rubber Boots and Klein Bros, Clean to we la to ererr easterner at Viercck lhtviDg parlors. They Increase appetite, rmrtir t'.j 1" ftTOtcm and act q tlie liver UUe li JEWELRY is not bought for temporary use, but as a permanent and servlcable orna ment. There Is often as much value In the make as In the material. Will & Stark of this city keep the large and finest line In the valley, making a specialty of good Hoods. Their line 01 goia ana suver watches is a ipenor. on, nu m tSi ware they take the lead in the central Willamette Valler. If you would get the best In their line 'call on Will & ptark, the leading jewelers. After BrenkfiiAt To purify, vitalize and enrich the b'ood, and give nerve, bodily aud diget ti ve strength, take Hood's Sar&aparilla, Con tinue the the medicine after every meal tor a montn or two. See the Kew Improved SI ncer sewins ma- chioe, The hitis alwif the cheapest. T W Snwden, nt-tnt. OUice at F M French's owelry tor(r Srwino Machines neatly repaired aud warranted hy a thorrnihly competent work man, at r M rrencn'a jewelry sore. Albany, Oregon. MEYEUS. On Nov 11 to Mr nnd llrs Dan W Meyers a girl. CENTRAL Poultry and M MM. Ellsworth, between First and Second Sts.. ALBAN Y, OR. Ponltrj, Fisli, Oysters, Clams, Came in Season. Everything nice and fresh. Give lis a call. SENDERS CO. Gentlemen! -OUK: L-o-w P-r-i-c-e-s STOP PENDULUM. WHERE ? The : above : cut : will : tell : you. WE HAVE THEM and : if : you : have : the : cash ' YOU CAN GET THEM CANT P-R-I-C-E-S The L, E, IIUIM Clothing Go. BE BEAT. JS aa,,.':"" of WAC1STOSHES and ' 'di-. mis.es d children, ii now K Yoonr. ,vt '"ni" home Indnstry by smoking the 'toi white labor eicars, rr.sncfactared '"'"Joseph, sood ol all descriptions ft eto Bro, A." V Vuie.-ks thavioa and hair - pation. ""'kStsrk. Vitreler. 'STii'.'' ;Jtile l-v..!! everr nurK for. """"Klt-ip:-.' Livers. Sic. Kr bottle. I. A. Jlon is & Co. Floor and Feed Store, Have removed their itore to o;Ti'e the Ruas House, and have on hind a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: Vuatom chopping done. COFVALL'3 FLCUff. BHAH, SHORTS CEHM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCX Y.'HEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW ASD BUY HEfiTltJB STOVES 0 TITrsUl,,-s I yr . s7?i Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, nt : greatly : reduced : prit es, -AT- READ, PEACOCK GO. ALBANY AND LEBANON. Make your selectionf ocrly whilo (hoy Lave a large assortmejt, 'in: m adijk; riioTo,ittiMir.Rs, 'on -albativ neecosi;- Cabinet photos from $l.toto t, ot) f Per doaen. Enlatglng picture . Jrlalty. ln,jo crayon? f,rmt,i Sl'tr Slo.oo. We carrr a large itock ol t as and sterescomc views of (Jr-