Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 15, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    iJttUii Democrat,
The result in New York is the overthrow
of the bosses and the breakdown rf the
Tno rout is complete.
ot only is Judge Ma.vnard defeated by
an overwhelming majority, but ho drags
down the whole ticket with him. For the
first time in 10 years the democra's of New
York have lost their state ticket. The leg
islature, too, is republican. Everything i.i
lost, inc'uding honor, which was sacrificed
when 8 crime tainted candidate was nomi
nated for judge of our highest court.
The kisaster was courted wiien the s'ate
machin defied decency by the nomination
of Maynanl. That net was an affront to
the moral sentiment of the state. It out
raged every propriety of poli ics. It wan
tonly violate 1 the sentiment of reverential
respect with which the people of New York
have ever regarded their court of last resort.
It was an act that f urnuhed a fitting
climax to the sort of machine politics and
boss rule which found expression in the
snap convention of February, 1S95, in the
e'ection of Murphy na senator, in the fla
grant violation of tlio democratic p'inci
ple of home rule by tbo legUlatura And in
the subjection of tho party to tho will o' an '
This is the first opportunity that his
come to the voters to deal with this mis
leading of the party -this domination 0
the bosses. The verdict is significant. It
is encouraging. There is hope for a party
when it bus manhtod, honesty and inde
pendence enough to invoke and even to
inflict defeat rather than submit to wrong.
The vear was propitious for the nc-ded
discipline. The stale offices losl iire rela
tively unimportant. A republican legisia
ture will be checked by a democratic gov
crnor. The honor of the court of appeals
is saved . And the bosses have learned that
there is u li to tho patience of the peo
ple. Kew York IforM.
The democratic tariff bill will probably
be published much earlier than has been
anticipated. The resolute tariff reformers
have been warned by the attituJe of the
moderate tariff men in the parly since elec
tion that the chances of parly success and
discipline depend on boldness and prompti
tude in defining their policy, and therefore
all haste consistent with delilieration wil
lie made in completing tic bill and giving
it to the public. To this end, in order to
avoid any chance of wrangling or delay, it
has been decided not to call any caucus to
consider the bill in advance of its presenta
tion to congress. That this course will
meet with criticism is evidenced by the
fact that Bland of Misso"ri, Culberson of
Texas, and others havo openly announced
their intention of opposing free wool. The
work of drafting the bill is being tlone in
Hi1 (Committees, which also as fast as they
cinipWe Hie work draft their ptrt of the
r.-port to accompany it. In this way the
wbo'c wcrk is moving forward very rapidly,
and a large part of the report is now ready
for submission to the house. The full
committee must pass on these divisions,
but it is not probablo any considerable
changes will bo made. It is expected the
final announcement will be made in 10 days
or two weeks. It is generally accepted
that wool, coal, iron ore, lumber and salt
will be added to tho free list, but the com
mittee jealously guard the lisi of manufac
tured articles to go on the same list. Sugar
is still under consideration, though so far
the tendency is to repeal the bounty and
put it on the free list. The iron und coal
men continue to protest against placing
these articles on the free list.
A Washington special says It has just
b:cn tliscjvertd that the plot to overthrow
the Hawaiiin kingdom was hatched in
Washington last winter. The plottcs
went m far as to set the scherr.n before
the house committee on foreign affairs tf
which U'.ount, excommigtioner to Hawaii,
was chairman, to the end that annexation
mijjht be rushed through. A (corres;onc
ent says there is reason to believe the plot
received the sanction of the Hanlfon aii
minUtra.lon. ARE YOU
n newspaper wo: l?r, author, atti
pnblifiiitror n.T rtinf r
If ynuarv, or ai3 Intvrf "tedln nf
of the above. i'i t-houid rta-i
to re.rh th ilKtr'
'4 n 1. MYrttM in
' hk Jtrh.i iT.
Su ; .iti tx $4.ui h yiAt.
. li- in .Hitnnaipifrallon.
Mitor and Woi'rietnT,
117 Nasac Sthlet, Nkw York, J. Y,
If. R. I1Y1-E. W. II.MNMNr.KR. T. H. JAMKS
Hallimore l!lotk. Albany, Ore.
comi'l.'tf line of
- i:i .ill it i-r.i!i' ! .
lIiVine ot:.'T rl anI(.'.i!;.j..;.i s;;vw,.
Tne longest ocesn cable in the world U
that of the Eastern Telegraph Company,
whose syilem catenas firm England t" In
dia and measures n.llts, taya Kate
Field's Washington. Adica Is now com
pletely encircled by submarine cables,
which make up altogether a length of 17,
ooj miles. Taere are II cables across the
North Atlantic, though not ill of them arc
at present in use. Five companies control
ttie lines of telegraphic commuitication be
tween this country and Europe.
Frequently, a kind ol bervl w-g used In
place of glasses, hence tlie German name
brllle. The manufacture of spectacles was
first canted on in Italy, afterward in Mid
dltburg, In Holland; but as early r.s
we have spectacle makers menrio.ied at
The Berlin go! 1 beaters at the Paris Ex
position showed g?:d leaves so thin that it
would require 2Sj,ooo to produce the thick
ness of a single Inch, y-t each leaf was so
perfect and free from holes as to be impen
etrable by tlie strongest electric lilit.
'ii:e president has appointed William D
English surveyor of cintoaH at San Fran
cisco, John 1' tep.ien:i assistant appraiser
of ni;rchandiso at San FrancUc-j, ruulJ
Scott Harrison, a, brother of ex
I'resident Harrison, surveyor 0! customs of
the port of Kansas City. MV.
'So kisir.g ever occurs in Japan except
between husband and wife, not even be
tween mother mil child, uo shaking of
hinds in salutation. If cue were to offer
a ki-s to a Japane-o maiden she wo;.ld
probaVy think she were going to be bitten.
t ati;osize the Central Fh 1 ul r.u'tiy
.l .,,.1 TMrrt f, r v, r nrm.cJ Tiviltri. !
gnni" aud hfii of all kind n sbasop,o slurs,
clams and crabs-, hverylhing flesh lu our
linn may be ba t at reasousbl (Lures Ca"
and see us. Se.vdeks & Co
'-If religious beliefs perp'ex. you, and
vou desire a faith at once reasonable and
uplifting, send for free liberal relli'lcns
reading to postotlice mission, 316 Yam
hill street,, Portland, Or.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
O! tho Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Bood'B Sarsaparllla Purifte,
Soothes, Heals, CU11ES.
, T. V. Johnson
San Jose, Ctl.
I havo for many years been a great sufferer
from BCKOFtl.A breaking out on my arms
end legs ; t'.icy wer covered with eruption and
ores, IlM-hnrj'iiirj all the time. I tried very
many medicines and consulted physicians far
and near, but constant r crew it art. I
have taken hut three bottles ol Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood's x Cures
i lilla for rheunntlsm, an J has derlrel so ranch
Dtncitt rrcm is utai sne acei.ircs iitero la no
other me:'.lclno on carta. Wo vonM not t
trillion! It in the h jnia it it costs 20 a bottle."
T. Vahixy Johnson. Saa Josc.CaU
N. 11. He si.r? to rvt ilood's SarsaparilLv
Hood's Pi!l3a".ft ea.Ily. yet promptly aud
efikieuUy, on Uie liver and IjowcIs. Uuo.
Afl mil 1 tMnahaa Ia.lM atnt Vnira Tranrj
Bold by Druinrtsta or aent by mall S&CnMob
w ftOOpcr pacaaire. Fsmplea free.
TF ft fft FawHto wcra Fovrii
AV XI VrfortbeToetb and UroaUi, SjQ.
CftPtntn SwFtieT, C.ASan PlefrauOiL.
my: Mthiloh Catarjb Komely la tho first
nJlolnel bAveeredrotxidthatwouMdoma
ukygooU lYioofOctn. Pold by I?rugltfc
shiloh's cure;
Tttth OnrT Cocon Omt BrntrfnfrvMMi
"WtHTnallothcrsfall. For Consumption It bal
noiinl; nnacurrd thouad, and will cnti
Yov,it talienlntlmc. m:3:tu Wcti.lLW.
I.on.SAl,!-:. ;ir wIM tiarfu
lor wood.
I vtav marf. voi yfars old
1 fiitVeilv
- inin hit -nt in an nun rni'iirpn u nrivo
I'all on K iV A'hitM . nt Murb.e wo k'
FARMKRS I.Usn:N.Wel-.avc a Hnc
lot ct .,-h i;ia seed, r f tlirt,; eve'
k'r.d, li'.cludii.i! c'.i.-a'. ard ar .mt tn.eil
it. O'ire ai J see 1..
muss si:i is,
Pay Perry Conn.
Terms, cash at F L Kenton's grocery
tore '
Please pay Perry Conn what you owe
If you want a tine smoke call for Joseph a
white labor cigars
The bestjroaat coffee in the oity at Coniad
Mayer a.
The best watch In the world for the
money at French's jewelry store.
Fine Sonthera Oregon peachea al F L
Kenton, Now ia the lime to can them.
Motor makes five trips daily to Vieieek'i
addition. on installments of $1
per week.
Genuine parti for all sewing machines
also the best oils, needles, etc,, for ali
sewing mschlnes, bicycles, et;., at E U
Will's music store. Sew ing machines and
organs repaired reasonable, and all work
warranted. Needles Drt-naid hi- mil ..
a dozen.
Mtml e a of the V M C A are rrnn.i..1 t
use their piitileg?a. Baths are ready every
afternoon tveuing exoeft Monday and
Sunday. Ti., re ia nmbing belter for hedth
than recnl.r exmiio ami a live minute
sbovrer Lath, 'try it.
Albany llittkel.
Cats. ia:
i'lour, ?l.f)o.
'utter, 'iOa.
Ktft 30c-.
!.ard, 12 to 15?.
Pork - haras 12 to 1
!". 11 to 13c
; KhouV.'ers B to 10c
Hay. haled. $7
-'o atoe.3, 4-.
Apple , 4
Hops. 16-.
ilried f.-uli plums, 9o, npploi. pc
f hiekena. U 0) pnr doz.a,
Koef, onfeoi, IX".
tlogs, drr i-ej, 0:,
New Advertisements.
LL household sewing neatly done by
Ida Kozsli, next door to the Piontor
J7OTJND.-Acbi:da scarf pin on
1 stroel. Owner call at this ofllof
T OST.-Sonio
where lu Albsny, a f 5
lteturn to rnmnra
1 4 and f 10 bill, lteturu
umiu an i lecuivu renaru.
Buri Hooma auitable for
urowunsing or ngut iiouae keeplna.
lcquiroof L. Vieilck. v 8
UAPTEDCounty and city war
rant bOnPhL an.l anll Kn IS c ir
rill. "
OA1S WANTED.. The undersigned
Wants to buv&O hllahnla
dtlirered at nay residence one mile north
or Albany. Pbv maikAi miA in naB
on delivery. " w 11 Wabubh.
fJs.R SALE. Blaok (not brown) Call,
a. fomla soedoat. MSE1SDERS.
OR SALE OR TRADE -Seven shares
In tba Altianv P.nlMfnir A 1 an a u
foeiatlcn of the first -rie lor sale or
will trade for oity property In the south
western portico of the oity: address,
(stntlne location of property if waulina
COCKERELS. Purebred Silver Laeed
Wyandctto cockerels lor ml at
l-urc-al'l. Address John Rrnsli. rn
4lh nnd R R streets, Albany. Or.
Bargains tor farmers In both ridinn and
walking plows, disc harrows, iron harrows,
etc. l'rlces In proportion to 50 cent
neat. It will pay you to call and see us.
At the store
Allen Bros-
formerly owned by
for which
I will pay the best cash price
lrutr, l'aintM, Oils.
(ill mats, ICt c
J. A. Cu mining
r. Dr. I'allervon-Wallars?
Th .Voted Cli hot ant sr.1 Life lii-i.lcr, i n
her", an. ru bv tunl nt Jut rfm.icncr. i-tt Ivt
J B lut;ill'i. Jl. lrll t-t all rnjfrtt. nt
prc?t t tutil (utiin; love tn-ublc. lltf nt (rifinj anJ
I'twIiKM. You tmiilHftr Uvtu vt,urJiu(iiLjf.
11 d?rirnril a.lniinidt-iiris n.d .lmin:tniTor of
the rx.r ( F M MU iii, dccrtix-.1, ha. filnl in
the fllW cf the clerk ! the tVtmtv fourt f I.tnn
O'lHity, thoir Anal vo'Unt anil that luid court ha
.ipl-'inted the ih da" f lcenWtr, I ?:.:, at the
Jvnr 1 oI k p m rf rii a, the ticie
f..r h-aririr all ot-jectio:.. if anj, t j fli,al account.
r.l f.r t!n n tt lenient f aiJ r at.
iMtcd tlti iMh Jjj' .-t..r. l.
It isn't in the, ordinary teat
that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion comes to the v.vuk ami suffering
woman who needs it. It's guaran
teed. Not with wonls merely ; any
medicine- can mke claims ami prom
ises. What is done with tho "Fa
vorito Prescription" is this: if it
fails to benefit or cure, in any case,
your money is returned. Can you
ask any better proof that a medicine
will di what it promises?
It's an invisroratinjr, restorative
tonic, a soothing ami strengthening
nervine, ami a certain remedy for
tho ills and ailments that beset a
woman. In " female complaint " of
every kind, periouu' U pains, internal
inflammation or ti!. oration, bearing
down sensations, mill ;:11 chronic
weaknesses and irregularities, it is
a positive and complete cure.
To every tired, overworked v.-o-man,
ami to every weak, nervous,
and ailing one, it is guaranteed to
bring health and Ftrcngtli.
To every smu-rer from Catarrh,
no matter how bad the case or of
how long standing, the proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ucmedy
say this : ' If v.o can't euro it,
perfectly and permanently, we'll
pay you 4)500 ia cash." Sold by
all dnitro-ists.
Physician ami Surgec
Ort'.i'e t'jiit.i'rt hut tlie
It elide mi', corner IClli and Cnlaob it.
This Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best
grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
Try me.
While you are at it I can furnish you tho best
GROCERIES andlreshest produce at bot
tom prices.
Will sell all crcckerv ware and holiday goods af
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortli
ifir. fnr pfmls- Inmns. ivortli ft'2 00 for 4 1.00
cups and saucers ') to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents po
set. Every'hing else in proportion.
Call on me and you will not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
Undertakers -:- and
WE KlEP rrnslrtitly cn 1 rd a dill lir.e of n Haiic, cloth ard woed caskets ai
enflins. Also burial lol-ta ard suits, in tirtdclntli, r.tin.cai-l n t ic, ir
which will be old at
Tlie I.onrat Living rroflm.
EMBALIVIING nd the proper
.1. JOSEPH, i'ronrletos,
n1 TTT1 a
yjuiy wane Jbabor Employed'
Poattax,os...x. A. P. AaMta-. r
Open a.l the ywr. cedent, may enter at nv t;;
tfiS ,N00t) RESTORED!
Mlaa it u it !.. in i.aV-. l-''"VT.Ts'", Ks 1
J F. FORD, Evamelist,
Of retl Muine, Iow, "vrilM underrate t f
;Marcu '-'3, ISIH:
5. B. Mku. Mro Co..
Dufur, Oreaon.
On arriving b'ma last week, I found all
well and ai.xicusly a.vattintr. Our little
girl, e.giu and oue-bi-lf yeara old, who had
wa ted away to 3$ pounds, ia now well,
itrt'Og aud viifurou, and well Huihcd np.
S. B. Cnugh Cure baad'De iti work well.
Both of tho cMldreu like it. Your S It.
Cough Curo liaa cured and kept away aU
boitrtiuii h Jrjin me. So give it to every
OLe, null greiiot for all. Wishing you
prohi,fii y, wo are
Vuuru, Mr & Mku J F Foia.
vsii wish to feel iici-fi inl chccrlul. and rcalv
r-T tlicSiiriiitf w.irlr, clvatmo vour bIi-iu wtlh tlit
lluJii. he mid LiVsir Cure, by taking two ur llirti'
inn.1 each wit k.
60 ci'nti p!r b jt'.l'. by all .Iruyirmta.
S)l ! untlcr a 'ositivo iru:ir.i ilce Ly
r.Ucnery. Toiltt Artia-es, Kusica
Instrument, Etc.
Eodps & I
Tlie Cornet Drug Store,". Albans ,ijt
TOK RKN I' The oiera liouso ttore,
splandid location. Ca 1 on the
nicroiary at Ibo litMut'KAT efflce for par
fi I
care of the dead a specialty.
nie. CataloniL- fw
The London'
Medical and
Snrpal HHvS
lM Fl'lSCiaOi, C'l.
iiisuiiiit:. iiiua vti )icinan(.titiv ul 7lyMar
...mi, . ..ii,i.iiv,ii:,i(r tliccurt
u.u.. ;iii inicrini!it,
A -.4H .! 1-.IV.IC1.11MI M .'.ir.Tn.,liavl,
u:iotiias .-.iid 'hi eiuioi m nn h: t f the bn
collfs l.1 AaiMtci ai.J hi:rdjH ftVille1
spcLi-uits ul.o hav; had .oii t jiriiencI
intreaiin ;'.c'.il and cliruttc'dlsean trt'
in cimst.'iit aMcr,t!ai!tf. A riiinmacvi,
attached, and i'nirii.liiiM (,
Ui til ii f.
SI. 00 Trial Bottle
$5 00 Full Ccuiae
huUcrcrs irom Afinina , k lit'timathm
Conrsumplion, Catarrh, Dvspepsia, f ntiigej
tion, Sciofula,Kpi!epv, Female VVeaknth
Cancer. Heart Intense. I'roricli',.is, Eiun.
tionnt Salt Rheum, lialtlnt'is, Tapeworm
UeafnuM, any St-xiial Dleease, Los-t Man.'
hood. Malaria, I'tinary Troub'.es, pilef
nowel irouoU'K, biiouiu comi.ii at once,
Iow chariits, within the reach of
bined with llie !et.t iredical and urgicji
Young, Mitirilo and Old h
Wno mav he suffering from YOL THFU
FuLLIK8,or the evoebsesof matured life
shouM consult at once, before it is In
late; these veteran practionen, who hn
no equal in the United States, aitheycu
and will restore tojou perfect health whn
all others have taiieo.
Broken Down Ccnstitutlons
are re juvlnated and manlv vitznr restored
by thir new and wonderful methods ol
treatment. ao injurious drugs used.
Worn out men, call for advice,
especially If vou are tuffering from NER- '
VUUS UKIilLI TY or failing pow r, of
any disease of llie KVE.EAR. THHOAT,
KIDNEYS, ir liLA liDER .
Brd Diseases
I'nreil In ll.f Iiorirl flmr It ff
elatfle rriiiefllv.
ARE VOU as strong, health v and vig
orous us vou should be? Are vou free from
every trace of disease or bickness? Dojou
look Veil? Do vcu feel well? oris there
some Chronic Trouble; which, like a cin
kerworm In the Luddin tljwer, is rapidlv
deutroying your very vitals.
Who suffer from Nerous Pms'iation,
Sletp'.etsness, I'espondency, Indigestion,.
Constipation, Lassitude, Pains In the Hick
or Side, and diseases peculiar to their si,
consult these pin sicians with the utmoH
7I! Wnrlafl MrrH
Send for
Addres!, KEV. E. '. CONPIT.
Albuny, UregM
A I.I. j-,, Indebted to I B P,J, b'
nole i,r m-ourt wiil pleas P.T"""!.
llieac-nuun must be clo- by
not paij. Tiiueii aio hard, an"
your imerv t to f to thia at ouee. '
Id room No 11, Mrahan Block:
Albany, Or. sept lilih, 1SP3.
Aaalgnet of B
KTtTC cr tmro. s rrr op ieiKrw. fu.
Lccas Coixtt. ' ,.,,(, IK
raa.iT J. Cbf:m:t makes oath D;1tC-
loninr partnerof trie arm nt t. J. t-00stT
ijn.-Mln the t ily ol 1 flfiVsrll! ps1
afores.iiJ. ami sai; I "pj'SaTM
rw lri-vrHS:D IH1-IT..M
ana rotate
tne snm
each and eterr'cne of Vstirrh that caa
aied by the useot Ur t. s CsTaya i ..e.
t lJAcyj:
presence, this 610 day ol uect raber,
Itilfs Csiii-h Tire i9t:Vrn Int"r.s:jr'"lf3
. -
flirertlT on the bK-od ir.t m'ic;
the system. Scn.l (ort. "imoni; . 'JT.C
MM Sold by Druggets, ?5c.