Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 15, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    -sVvS s i? a
4 X,, 8 J
NO i.,2
IK- 11
ALul'o Daughter
; a Climi li f Kiifclaml minister
nil of u distressing raeh, by
Iyer's S;.m.p.inllu. Mr. Kiuiaiiu
;Ri;s,tlio well-Known muist, 207
Kiiilst.. Muiitro:., V. (., Bays:
I have soM Ayctr's Katnily MVilidmss
40 years havi' liriinl nothing IjuL
alsaid of tin-Mi. 1 know ol many
Wonderful Cures
rformi'il by Ayer'a Snrsiiparilla, ono
jKirtk-ular Irmi; that of p little
:U-IitiT of a Clinrt'li of KiiInnil miiiis
r. Tim chil'l was literally covered
bra head to foot with n red and cx-
cdinply trouhUi.timie rash, frum which
eliaJ safli'rt'd fur two or thri't; ycara,
spite of tho I'i'Ht medical treatment
liable. Ht father was in great
fctress about tho rase, nnd, lit my
oiDuiciKhiticn, nt last began to ad-
ulster Aycrs Siirsiiparilln, two bot
s of which effected a complete euro.
L-jeh to her relief and her father's
light. I am sure, were he here to-day,
would testify in tho strongest terms
to the merits of
Iyer's Sarsaparllla
fired by Pr. J.C. Ayfc-r jk Co., LowiII.MriM.
ures others, will cure you
Both tlio method and results 'BLe
feyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refrceuiug to tho taste, and acts
Renlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures Lnbitiml
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of itn kind cnn v.
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac-
cepiauio to tho stoniach, prompt in
no action aim truly uenelicinl in its
cflects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substacces, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and liavo mada it the most
popular remedy known.
Byrtip of Figs is for salo iu 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
way noi nave it on nana will pro
cure it promptly for any cuo who
wishes to try it. Lo cot accet t any
Bubstitute. '
lOUISVIliS, KY. KIW u,f.
Xl.CTsarlaKCU li.I.'Ou. aunsurim&C'l, nctuft!N
ontlastoitr two bo:c3 ol rinyuthir fcr:.L JSafc
fleclixt oy hoat. triitl I'll E i;ml,i Sli.
r0BBAI,EB7t-liATJiB8OKN2nAlJ.T, yf
he Oregon . JLand Cc
tVItn its home office at;
S-AJLiJUUVE- - - - OKlil&Q
JjjeGraj Block, corner Liberty anil State street, branch office In Portlan..;
Ai .hoi ngho. the democrat, enjojed
" rl. in Brook-
lh.X.. 1--. ... r. " u
, ., vt-siige ot power
rem he machine so hng ed and main-
ujr McLaughlin. That evil
orEanl2a,lon rtso,tcd toeve devlC(. inown holers. ot ,,oliccmtn aoJ
.,-.ndol the kefp, ol Sjloo8
hulrcoited 10 them a vain
The biu Bos lva .ept away l.i the up.
'"ing.ndanendha8con.eWer lo hi,
dictation. The people have taken back to
Ihemhclve. the goyeinaent which i, their
There U no 8t.ry to Ull about it. The
World ,a, pointed out or oks the man
ner cf It all. Yesterday, landslide a,
hat the awakening of :he peorlean ttwak.
enln,; Blow to come, but awful in It. rr.j
esty ana strength whe on.e motion-
Hy the election yesterday the Golden
Urcle ot llrocklyn was deprived ot the en
tire City Government, o( lhe con(ro, o(
the Common Council, ..f the raastery of
the Board of Supervisors, of the Sheriff1.
Ofi.ce and of everything that ha. value and
power in it. There was time, besides, to
id in th, tremendcus rebuke to the State
machine la ha endwor to f3rce Mavnard
upen the people. Best;0f all, cami the
splendid t.iumpli of William J Gaynor
who began the crusade tha' was veste.,1, J
crowned with 8cces,. i8 p,ace upQn
tne Supreme Bench, cotnlni'. n it dnf n.
on the heels of the Gravcsend revolt, adds
to its value as a lesson and a victory.
Charles A Schiern, the republican and
independent candidate for Mavor. was title
by side win, Mr Gaynor in the triumphant
procosion. Thomas E FUchie Wat
ieonje Kinkel, who his intlerend
cute 10 mcLaughlin, and even William
-jMiuing came in on the c.-te of the tidal
AKF,S a specialty of Sunnyside'fruittracta near Salem
Will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
small cash payment lorjr time;OT baiance
AVuuay, Orcsoa
L COWAN. TroMiirer.
J O WRi'i-tnHr. Sacrolt.-j
Geo F SIMIWN. Vl.ra Prml lact
Oeo PSimpmn, fV F Kami, O B UontH'i.M JWru'iorMl v Ol
J K Weubirlort). OJ Stmrt." it Wrltsmn.
eral Solid Eastern and Foreign Conpiieb
wn"mt,. entire, lcon,e tc., hich I will .ell at
Thos. Brink.
There are at least six plate class mnnn.
factoring companies in the United States,
wuuuavtt an annual product of n:irl
ln.l .:n: f. . m. . J
..union ioet. inia exceeds the
- Fiuuutuuu ot I'.uropo lilteen years
ine president has removed frnm niri..
Tl tro. ... . .v
iuuiuaa v toaper, collector of customs for
ii.c port of J'hiladelphin.
. F- ?'u "'.'', Sccretiry' of the Amsten
niMietio union, rrHident rf thn Putitne
rtininio yiuD, ana Athietio Editor of Thi
s,pir:in, tini'j-i, writw.
"Kir yeirs I have ben sclivnly eonmot
a with alhletio fports. I always f jund
" my'gu to USd Al.'CnCk'a I'OIOUi
titer wniio in iraimov. s thnv nuio'.lv
nimcaen witn nv kind of piius, the result
01 slight ooidl, I always usod Alloock's
with remits. I hvn noticed
inn most aimetes of tha pn..ont day
uothing Jhe bulAlleook'g Plait
In Olden Times
People overlooked the Imnnrtance of n.r.
nianently beneficial effects and were aat!-
nea with transient actions, but now that It
is generally Known inut Svruo of F n wl I
permanentl cure habitual constlpatlun.
well-informed people will not ouv other
laxatives, which act for but a ilmr 'hm fin.
any injnre tne svstem.
Ths Verdict Is u.ianimous that Will &
jmrkotrry the ti'it line of sliver ware I
e valley. Tney nave the arliiy an I qua
tt, n comSlnatlon tint counts in buvi
:ools. An inspection al . van carries en
Hhiloh's Vitalism- wha vim npit tnr
lyipnpsia. torpid liver, yollt.w skin or ki,l
oov trouble. It irnarsnted to'ivn yoo
sjiti-t.vrivi. t'rioe 7oJ. S ild bv Pmh.v
The Bobber, totaled.
I'exdi.kton, Nov 14 The Milton bank
robbers luvo been located. After the rob
bery they went south toward Uasket moun
tain a few miles, then cut fences and
turned west to the Western road, followed
it a short distance, again cut fences to the
right and turned down l'ine creek. The
posse under Deputy Sheriff Hitchie follow
ed them till dark and renewed the chaso
this morning, and located Iho robbers near
the mouth of I'ine creek, about 1(1 miles
north wast of Milton, this afternoon, nnd
sent back for reinforcements. It is be
lieved a fight ha. taken place.
The nl. Inn a I uluii.
Washington, Nov i4. It has been
learned on good authority that the cabinet
is a unit in its endorsement of Cleveland's
plan for tho restoration of Queen Liliqno
kalani. This fact devplnnnl aftnr n.
conclusion of the cabinet meeting today.
The Hawaiian question was the chief topic
of discussion. The meeting was attended
by all the members exeunt. Kprrihirv Simiil,
who is in Georgia. Secretary Morton
remained with tho president after adjourn
ment, and it is presumed took luncheon
witn him.
England al a SlnmMIII,
London. Nov 14. -Tho Ti.ii! r:,,i,:
this morniuir publishes tha firs, I nf a
of sensational articles which are intended
to prove r.nglnnd s naval supremacy in the
Mediterranean has vanished. It declares
that France has quietly organized a tlect in
that sea powerful enough to expel the
Knglish, and savs Russia has nlsn ram mono.
ed upon a similar policy, while Knglnnd
mis open ai n standstill, doing nothing
more than replace obsolete or lost vessels.
Same Appinfiueul:
Washington, Nov 14. The president
has appointed William D linnllkh urmi-.
of customs at San Fiancisco: James p
Steven, assistant appraiser ot merchandise
at San Franclrco, and I Scott Harrison
(democrat), brother of ex -President Harri
son, turveyor of at Iiansa, City,
Mill rialit:
New Y011K. Nov i4,The ILr.ild's
Montevideo dispatch says; Vout wis
received rrom Rio lliat the rev Juiiouls's
inttnd 10 ttrlk. n decisive blow tomorrow
Mello's fleet I. in the harbor and the
rebel s frlendt In the city have combined,
It is believed, to make a con:erted attack
on Peixolo's land forces.
Ha. a flflilyauard,
CiiicAco,-ov 14. A special from
Washington declares Cleveland never goet
without a bodyguard. The name cf the
man is given as Samuel Brlckman. He is
ot a pnwe.Tui phisique and determined
mien, wlih levolver In his hip pocket, and
urvrr miows me president out of his slaht
when oat of doors.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Ask Your Friends
Who haye taken Hood's Snrsanarllla
they think of It, and the replle. will be
positive In Its favor. One has been cured
of Indlge.tlon and dyspepsia, another find.
It Indispensable for sick headache, others
repoit remarkable cure, of scrofula, salt
rheurn and other blood dlseases.still others
will tell you that It overcomes "that tir,.rt
feeling,'' am) to on. Truly, the best ad which Hood". Sarsaparllla re
ceive. I. lhe heanv endorsement of lh
army of friend. It has won by it. positive
i.i'. 1
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every rlar.
Hrullb lu lil Ace.
r.nwaru couinson, ijuecns, is V, sajs:
I commenced uslnc Urandreth's Pll.'sover
miv-live year. ago. 1 first bought them
in London, and hae continued usir.g
them since I came to this country In 1836.
I am now over seventy-five years old, hale
and hearty, and attribute my wonderful
health to the persistent use of Brandreth's
Tills. Occarlonally I have a had cold or
severe attack of rheumatism, Indigestion
or biliousness, but four or five of
Bjandreth's Pills always cure me. When
ever my children have been sick with
scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, din
ordered digestion or cosliyeness, a few
doses of Brandreth's 11 1 Is restored their
health at once."
Self praise I. no recommendation, but
there are not times when one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of ethers no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Porou. Plasters are the only
genuine d reliable porous plaster, made
Is not self praise In the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
yearB, and In proof of their merits it Isonlv
necessary to call attention to the cure,
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those wto have used them.
Bewaif. ol Imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation Induce you to accept a substitute.
Proved to bo the Best.
Tested and proved by over thirty years'
use In all parts of the world, Allcock's Por
ous plasters have the Indorsement of the
highest medical and chemical authorities
and milllonsof grateful patient, who have
Deen cureu ot distressing ailment, volun
tarliy testify to their rrerlt..
Allcock's Porou. Plaster, are purely
cKrutuic. iney are mild Dut ettertlve,
sure and quick In ihelr acilo.i, and abso-
uiciy iiurm-i'S.
Beware of Imitations, and do not he de
ceivej ny misrepresentation. Ask lor
ft'icucK's, and let no lo.lcuaiun or expla.
nation induce you to ncrpnt a subsiltutc.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
Paikor Bros, grocers.
F. M.French koeps railroad time
lluy your groceries of Parker Hroa
Fiae groceries at Conn Si llecdricion'..
Now cream oheose just leoeived at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flioo Block, doe.
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Ellis, chy.ioian and surgeon
Albany, OrejtoLi. Cill. mala In eitv'or
When . a doctor consider. It necessary
to prescribe 6arsaparllla, he slmoly orders
a bottle of Ayer's, knowing full' well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any other which the drug
.tore can furnish. Ayer'. Sarsaparllla I
the superior medicine.
f 17V. ,
(kra'lhy ficsli nature 11
burdens the bodv vitU
I niucl
i II
sound fie:
"1. x.OSS
To aid Digvst t. ,n 1 s.e one Small nil Hens
Sftvrtnttli'tf. J'Sv. Hit- iHtttle.
The True Laxailve rrlnrlple
Of the plants used In mir.iif.i?tut!nr th
pleasant remedy, Svrun ol Firs, has a
permanemlr beneficial eflec on the human
system, while the cheap vegetable ext.acts
and mineral solution, usually sold a. med
icines, are permanently Injurious. Being
well Informed, you will u-e the true rem
edy only. Manufacture.! by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Creen Ced,
Don't be tempted to Invest In them. You
will get Into trouble every time and In tne
end poverty and disgrace. The genuine
Unrle Sam's green eoods are the onl v nn..
of value. They make vou rich : esneciallv
when used to purchase Slmrr.on. Liver
Regulator to cure your Indigestion, d
pepsta, constipation or billousness.or drive
way maiarl. L'on't he tempted to take
nylhlng e!.e In place of the Regulator,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Year, th Sir -rd.
Warld'srur r.-rjl..ft fTnl 1,,,
The public demand thrrmsh service? when
rv:in. ;t n ol Vfaih.i r.f-1 to -I1,n.." Oa the Mlrnagh, oli-l ustitntliwl
trsins ef he Chica.- . Union p.o.r, jt
North Western Lire frotr. rr in f'hiA. n
Omih. an .nferrnedisfe p.i'.ts thure is n-
nov-e. This i. the finest and f, . er-
ce betvetn the pniuts named.
ts-ent ir.nrtH Ccnsttpntlon aad Sick
acl.e. Small Ililo llcaus.
V!l, V'WCtV 1 1 't litso
sam-aje. for suitings In the state at WR
Graham's.where he has a tailor with few
qual. on hand to make them up on abort
notice. Get the best and most stvlith
suits of him. A new feature will be" the
making of ladles cloaks to order, or the
al'erlng of c on. to the lales styles, nnd
he repairing of cloaks. Prices "ir: 1 f
tom ones.
Whatever may he the cause nf blanch.
Ing, the htlr mvy be restored to It. origi
nal color by the use of lhat potent remedv
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair R-newer.
WHO does yonr washing? It is to bo
hoped you send it to the Albany Steam
Liiindry.thus patronizing a first-class home
uistiiuiion mat employs only white lubnr.
The work too speaks for itself, not after the
fashion of tho loud smolling Celestial wash
ing, but on account of the superior manner
in which it is done..
A Medical' Era '6iK8 Amj Cash.
J. P. Smith & Co. of Ko. 253 Green.
wich St., New York, the manufactur
ers of lhat favorite either:' 1 known ns
fniith's Ei'.o Beans, liavo adopted a
novel plan. They ask tlio Individual
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full
name and address, with an outsido
wrapper from a bottle of Bllu Ileum,
(cither pize) to their office, and they
five (3 for tl.o firpt wrapper received
in each morning's moil, and (1 for the
2d, d, 4th, CtU and 6th. Every day
(10 In cn-h Is thus scut to their cor-
respondent . Auk for SMALL size.
... .
Kkkp Clk:,-. A gootl way is to have
your clothes washed clean, not so that they
smell of Chinese expectoration: but nr
odorleas. nnd the dirt is washed out and not
pounded in. Ifithnrt's & Phillips, at the
Albany Sknm Litindrv. tlo thn best, work
nt low prices, hire only white labor, titinms
of Albany. mid are entitled to the patronnge
of our ivople.
liesh usually indicates poor 4.1
siiiiiliiiion, which ciiuses tin. t.
; loss ol the best Hint's in food, f
I the fat-forming clfmeu:.
i il luire cod l.veroi! tvitii i.ypo- 5
5 im.'ispliites contains tt. very j
; v. .tiu.e of all foods. In no nth-!
; ci furin can suiiiucl, ,ii.. : nion f
. I-.: taken and!,:ui .... :. is
i t -inge cf usijum'is .. , , . :,i;:iia-
( v. .
mitt A r.-;rn". r! .
! all drll.'tilliL
l':Xfara ?!C0
Tii'. r,fw-'rf
Mi tt fizifir o I
t-"' -, vni l it.t i'. 1
Jt4i fraiernuv.
lirn.ll 11 nr-
1 ojiu firi-i.aert dia
t 1.) to ..uro iu t l iit
Hill's Ca-dirh
' irtincwn totht? '.ttfj.
1.1; .: triiislitut.i.';
';;. .: trfttnir-nt.
'- n !'(, riaily. M ic
' 1 1.rit );;: Mirfuies t.
rr- "rt i' 9 ;oi,..i..ii.-Hi
: -v r-i- -f.t, frr itth
:rr I 'dtr I'm tt
-n. Cat th- T
1 vnwi that ft
morn din.
l.. Tc.clo.O.
0n oout a doso.
1 iiih ttniEA r rnirnn (tn.i . . . . t .
"'"O oil others fatL Coughs, Croup; Bora
Asthma, tor Consumption It las no rival:
has cured thousands, end will cunu TOO ll
I'SSS iai'me- ?old by liruaKi.'a on a guai.
teed to cure j ou. 1'rice.Wcta. injector Insa,
Put up in v
auttled. Siiau '
; nterl-.lit.iief1 rnittte,
le UeuiM. Uu. tax lr,u
Wheat, 50 ci 1 oa's, 151 hv,$8 baled;
wood, $J 103.5 ' aken in exchaxge fo,
sewhif? rnachlii. - or organs on haul at E
U Wlir. mtisli lore. Also oni'l book
accounts of 6 f unih. standing. Sewing
machines f,om rijtofjj, with mv per
sonal guararilee tir 51 rs.
Hhilnh'. Cme. n irens on.ah rr en np
cnie, i. for silo V. . as. Pkt ie c,
.n'y SSn. Children limit
oshsv ft Muon
Pfmnni; RcilorwL
OE3il lTY9
flf! All I'tc trill n ft f r'
Imiiiruri) r f
"CIWS tin- n-tuli-i ut
uvri.uik, Li..,,,,,
Woir..tJt Pul.rtn-. iffl.:
!i vi m t cud ton 5
plvrn ofveryrfcai:!i
r- lii'-n f !!. b h.
Wn'l'1' .nfinri'lirr:li('i.
l'tinuilini 'h,pr,.ct' rt
n. ft ll'itr itrli.
J.oii ft fiirnrv. Hnk,
r-"'nv "m ! pnvii
cihIU-sJ (Maird)frei.
cr t'Dica c;.'
Gurrato K. ,
ir : VOU v. ANT A
Wf.con hack- era. cart
new seeh-
or flnr hind of Vrm I
niVinrrtf of Ve
The only Pure Creata of Tartar Towikr. Xo Animonla; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Yc ; tlic Stni:Janl
Onrcl'p Tost Off.