Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 14, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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ol B covuitNon-
Uov Wallace Nutting' prelude to lis
evening sermon at l'lyuioutli Congrega
tional chunh was on the subject "Oov
l'ennojer'a Thanksgiving Proclauiation,"
and the large congregation heard the pas
tor's opinion of I'ennoyer and the procla
mation expressed as follows:
"Not long ago I was telling a friend of
mine tht the newspapors and magazines
seemed to be running out, but whon I read
t he proclamation of Oregon's governor, 1
said: 'Hero is something new.' It reminds
me of the story about a certain woriliy ld
old scientist, philosopher or professor, who
was writing an essay on the subject of
religion, and who in it gave two pars to
the discussion of heaven and eighty eight
to that of hell. Pome persons, who knew
the old fellow, insinuated that tho essay
was so unequally divided because its
writers acquaintance .with the latter sub
ject was much tne more intimate.
"(lov I'ennoyer seems to have the same
trouble Ho devotes two lines to the
blessings of God and the rest of the proc
lamation to a campaign document. If it
took a great man to .make a great foo
there would be fewir egregious asses in the
world. It reminds me, docs this choice of
the people of Oregon, of tho old fable of
the trees starling out to find a king, begin
ni 'g with an olive. No one of the trees
wanted it, and finally they took a bramble
for a ruler, Ciod spoke once throuuli a
burning bush but the bush was not in
"Tbis proelauntion is ahead of anything
since tho one l'ea liutler, of nauseous
memory, made while governor of Massa
chusetts. He tried to speak his folley to
the people through the mouths of Christian
ministers, but they refused to bo his mouth,
pieces. V hen that proclamation was read
at Harvard college, it ceased to grant hon
orary degrees to tlie governors of Massa
chusetts, beginning with Butler.
"President Cleveland has set Nov SOih
as a day of Thanksgiving, but although
the president has followed; the precedent
set by former presidents, i'ennoyer has not
followed the precedent of former governors.
He has sot apart a separate day, November
23. Terhaps he thought he could not di
(jest a Thanksgiving dinner eaten on the
same day as the president's, or perhaps he
did not know when to set the dato.
"The president and Pennoyer are of the
Bame political faith, but they don't pull
together veiy well. That is not uncommon
however; members of the same church
often differ in opinion. The two men p-e
not alike. Judged by his public actions.
iov Pennoyer is nn ass and judged by his
public actions, President Cleveland is a
gentleman. I'ennoyer wishes to bray
through the mouths of Oregon's niiuisteia.
Tuereisono thing the people of Oregon
h ive to b1) thankful for that is not down in
t ,e proclamation, and that is that their
n imes 'o not Pennoyer.
"In this wonderful document the asinine
irncrnor devotes two lines to Ood and the
rt of his time to the denunciation of a
I iw that was not passed until the present
financial trouble had been on several
months. It is high time that men of brains,
olucntion and religion also, wero being
elected to otlice. Seattle Post li&tWgtnea,
From the eastern election re'urns It looki
ai If the populists were deserting tlislr
party at lively rate. Think of oj out of
105 counties In Kansas going republican
and Co!oradj and South Dakota deserting
that party, n3t saying anything about Vir
ginla going heavily democratic. It is the
opinion of the eastern pi ess that hereafter,
at It has been heretofore, the contes'a in
the political world will be between '.he dem
ocrats and republicans. Baker City Dtm
ocr.u. Babies and young children dressed in
white arc thought by n.edical m;n to be
more susceptible to colds and Infectious
diseases than those clad In dark, warm
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
a newspaper wo? 1 r. luitlSor. artist
lutiiirtit-rornt rtivrt
It you are, or mo iiitrtl In "Uij
of the above, j 4 tboul rtd
Wfr.t to reach lti a bore J
M'lini ml vert itr m
hu'i nipti' u $4.uii yrai,
AiK'-rii-iiii' Httou application,
hJitor anJ 1'roprlrtor,
II. 11. 1IYDF.. W, . P. H. 3 A M KS
Itallimore lilork. Albany, Ore.
complete lino of
- in all it' l'Mmhos
liiviiiom-c (or.ur :'nl am ( .i!.:;ovi.i Stnvts
Although the heuring befcre the sub
CJmiuittceof the ways and means on the
tibject of income ax yesterday was of
an informal character, lhat it was Interest
ing was manifested by the presence uf a
number of leading members of the demo
cratic party outside the committer. Hall,
democrat, was the only speaker. Ho had
evidently given the subject much thought,
and gave numerous citations of eminent
writers on taxation and economic subjects.
The fundamental principle upon which
Hall based his demand for an income tax
was that every man should bear bis pro
portion of the government expenses in the
same ratio as he derived benefits lroin the
government. Such a tax did not affect the
distribution of wealth, and produced the
change of prices. If congress attempted to
provide for the deficiency in the revenue
every year or two by tampering with the
tariff, Hall said., it would continually dis
turb business Under his scheme, if a
deficit was apparent tlu income tax could
be increased, and in the same way if there
was a surplus the tax could be decreased.
Hall submitted an income tax bill which
wil! c considered.
The Sitka In. Hans in Alaska not long
since gave a great tV-isi to vUltois from
other tribes. 1 be prlncip'e dainty was
tubs cf last season's w ild s'riwberries soakc-l
in seal oil.
Dranets and others snowinc window
goods liable to !ou?e co!i r by fading ate ad
vised lo put yellow -colo.-e. I glass in their
windoAs, as the bleaching U causei by the
white ray's of the sun's liht.
A process for tho production of a new
material called "lactile," or "milk ivory"
ha been invented, skim mi k being the
substance from which it is made.
Patronize tlit Central Fiwii nil Fou'try
Market, nn E'lswor li tree.r, b -tween Sec
oud and Time, fcr your are'i;d poultry,
ginieand tiih uf ail lun.h in s-i..'n,oysters,
clama and crata. Kvertliinir fiesh in nnr
Hue may tie liatt at rotannihl... lirure. Call
and s.e u- Skndkk Co.
' If religious beliefs perplex lau, and
you desire a faith at once reasonable and
uplifting, send for free liberal religions
reading to postoftice mission, 34G Yam
hill street, Portland, Or.
lira. A. iT. Allen
Ferry, Wash.
20 Miles from a Doctor
But Hood'o Garsaparilla was
Equal to tho Emergency
Pleurisy, Clitlla and rcivr UUk
Lea rcrfcct Cure.
"After my baby was born I got Into Tery seri
ous condition, bavin-plcurhy, chills and tover,
gradually Ucvclopln;: into milk leg. Wo Uva 20
miles Irora a physician and did not know what
to do. Finally after a cnal seal of safler
iag I began to take Iluoil's SartaparlUa and
when I was using tho third bottla I could sac
It Was Doing Isle Coor
I continued with another bottle, and recovered
so rapidly that now I am la sd aea2la. 1
Hood's Cures
cordially recommend It as a pood madlctne.
Hood'a Pills, cure nil Liver Ills, Itulotu-
cess, Jaundice, luaigcs'.idn, sick lleadachss
An airremble lAxatlre and Nravx Tona
"old hy nrumlsta or aent by mall. Sba, Wo.
and $1.00 per packagy. Knmplos Iras.
Th FaTotit wera tmn
IlW tor the Teeth and Hroato,tto.
Captain awrrvry, r J.A,8n IllraACa!.,
atysi Hhlloh'a Catarrh HemeUr la tha first
Inedlcinel harfrrfBoilnrfthntwniTldrinTn
auvj fruoU." 1'rlceiOcts. Pold by I;ruglaa.
shiloh's cure;
9 Trrrg Crkat Coron (Vnt rr.mTHryewws
irhcrpAllotbrrafnll. For Consumption It has
no rival; haa cured thouaota, and will mil In tlmo. frt:85f.i- t3cU.ll.Ct
(rry nmrp, jf- au eit'ertlj
ii-mi ( for w in n mid ehti.ben to drive
rail on K A' A'liiru ,at Mnrblo wo ki.
mum ijijLI
P. H M KKS I.ITKN. ha.c a fine
lo: of hoh hum n-td. of a!i:io; rver
ViinJ, liu'hiJmij chi-a. w e want to fell
it. Come .ir. a mm? t..
m i:v.Kr.v soy '
WOttTII t'OKilDmtlNU
Pay Perry Conn.
Terms, cash at F L Kenton's grocery
store '
Please pav Perrv Conn what imi -
If you want a tine smoke call for Joseph a
w.iite labor cigars,
The bestJroMt coSee in the city atConiad
ploy r a.
The best watch In ihe world for the
money at French's jewelry store.
r Fine Southern Orocon peachee as F L
Kenton. Now ia the time to can them.
Motor nakes five trip-, daily to Vieieck's
addition. on installments of El
per week.
Genuine parts fur all seving machines
also the best oils, needles, etc,, for ali
sewing machines, bicycles, etc., at E U
Will's music store. Sewing machines and
organs repaired reasonable, and all work
warranted. Needles prepaid by mail 40c
a dozen.
Mum! a a nt il.Iv i . a . . .
i u n rruueaica 10
nM I .nlr nrivil....... U.l. I
r vKa, jjAiii. aro rrauy every
afternoon .l evening exoeft Monday and
. ..iv , uuiiiiuk uener lor nettth
than regular rxereiso aod a live minute
shower lath. Try it.
Albany .Murker
Oris, Ha:
I lour, i t.lKI.
utter. "iOa.
Kkrs. 3IIo.
Ijit.I, 12 to 15-!.
Pork - lmm 12 to 15 ; luml:Hr to 10c
In. II to :io
Hay. baieil. 7
vo aloes, 4iH!
Appleo , 4
Hop 16o.
ilrieil fuii -plums, do, app-a, no
Chlfkena. ti 00 nor dosen.
lioef, on f ot,
Hogs, drie.i, Ui.
New Advertisements.
4 LT bnnaeholil
r Ida Kozeil. next door tn thn PinnoZ
riOUND. A child s scarf pin on the
""" uvt vmii ui luib Oltlce
" OST.-Some whore in Albuny, a $5
ms unu neiurn 10 Democrat
uuKUstnii receive ren'aru.
TajWR AKNT. Rooms auiUble for
Inquire of Ii Vieiick.
TAfTED. County and city war
nun uuugia anu bo'u oy ii t Mer
OATS WANTED.Tbe underaigned
n'aiil. tn ho Kfl k,.bl.ata Af n.t. !.
dtlivered at my rosk1eu-o one mil north
Of Alhutli- Vav m.rU, I 1
, , , - fii.iu vaau
on delivery. w H Washes.
ITriK SALE. Black (not brown) Call.
L fomia soedoat.. MSKMUEKS.
iOR SALE OR TRA DE -Seven aharoa
in the Alhanv Iluildlncr ,t I .ml An.
sociation of tha llrst series lor sale or
will irade for oily property in tho south
western portion of tlie city: Address,
(statins; location ofprooerty if wamirg
to trade ) B L. DkmocVat office
COCKERELS.- Pure bred Silver Laeed
Wyandotte cockerels for sale at
bargain. Addreia John Brnsh. a
4ih nrtl R K 8tre6t8, Albany, Or,
TlAriralna Inr fnrir .n In Kntl. . I
walking plows, disc harrows. iron harrows
etc. l'rices la proportion to so cent
wheat. It will pay you to call anil see us.
At the stote formerly owned b
Allen Ilro8
for which 1 will pav Ihe best cash Brlce
Wall Paper,
Iru(i8, PaintH, OiIm
J. A. Cii mining
ris. Ir. I'nttrrson Uallnrr
TV S..le4 tlaln-ovsiit r.l Life Rei.ler. ia no
hcrr, tn, rn bf f.-un-t ttt hof mn!t nr. ttt d-'or
prr-fiii at,() (utiirr: oe tronMro, l-nl ltind Mid
pj-itirt. iou iktihrar irvni .ur dra Iiti..l.
ilu-rt.itr i-f F M Mil. nf, t1pce-il, h in
ht i-fflc ct fti rvrk t th Couii't t .urt l Linn
i-'iii'T, tht ir tin.. Ht-count arttl that tuil irown h v
:ir'iint-i. tti 4rh iU ( Itecfmlr, At the
h 'iir 'l liM.'k f fii ft da, n (he licit-
f-r liran-ic all 1 ,vtion. H nv. ts(Mil fliul aiTOUnt,
avA t -r the fttt'rtiiont of n
lMto.1 tlii, KMh djy o( IKUrr.
KL1.KX M ! nst
V M M M.U.N K,
AJm ii.itr a.-. . i . . .
V f.a tho system after
tN J'' inpunioiiia,ti.'Vcrs
nnu oiner iirosira
t'ui ncuto dis
(.ases; to build up
nct'dt'd flesh and
strength, and to
restore health and
vigor when you
feel "run-down"
and used iij, the
best thing m tho
world is Doctor
n: flll..n
1 imC B v.vvm
" Medicnl Discov
ery. It promotes all tho bodily
functions, rouses every organ into
healthful action, purifies and en
riches tho blood, and through it
cleanses, repairs, and invigorates
tho cntiro system.
For the most stubborn Scrofulous,
Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Biliousness, and kindred ailments,
tho "Discovery" is tho only rem
edy that's guaranteed. If it doesn't
benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Isn't it safo to say that no other
blood - puriiier can be " just as
If it wero, wouldn't it be sold so?
Can you think of anything
more convincing than the
promise that is made by the
proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy? It is this:
" If we can't , cure your Ca
tarrh, we'll pay you S500."
Ph-Uian tiid Suryeon, Office I'pstVri over tlie
Uaiik ul orrifuti.
Kctlduncv. corner 10th and Ctla(Kxlt tt.
This Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best
grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
Try me.
While you are at it I can furnish you tho best
GROCERIES and ireshest produce at hot-
torn prices.
Will sell all err ckerv ware and holiday goods a(
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth 82 00 for $1.00.
cups and saucers V.5 to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei
set. Everything else iu proportion.
Call on me and you will not be deceived,
J. Gradwohl,
Undertakers - and
WE KEEP conslsntly cn har d a full line of mttnllc, cloth nrd wood caskets at
coflins. Alfo buiiol rotes and suits. In bicaticloth. atin1csl n tii'.iii
which will be sold at
The Lowest
EMBALMING "1C proper
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed'
Portland, Oklucti. A.
Open all the yer. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
tat.t4 Y -'i."'".i""'.l.MntJi 1. Mainly l.n.l.iinr. Ncr-it,.. I I
fArJifif '" t ...w,rlnUpiii-rneri;.n, ..f ,. m,,-, wic.'i . ci I
T 1 lii '!!.t, lnamiT. ran l "StVfiMlS
I'KrW- A. -' "". SI I'll T.r r.-.. VI mill rrvrn I. V'l''. nil
' TTs'Tlk A i riff wr,"'n .or r n.rnn.l ihr mon,.. i. i,, "I
TStmk AllLii iin... lajjinTOfiOT. A.,
J F. FORD, Evaiplisl,
Of Del Moines, Iowa, writea undsrjlale f
JMarch 23. ISM:
i. B. Mko. Jlro Co..
Dulur, Oregon.
On arriving home laat week, I found all
well and anaiously awaiting. Our little
girl, e'ght and one-half yeara old, w ho had
wa.ted away to 38 pounds, ia now well,
strong aud vigorous, and well lleshed op.
S. B. Cough i"uro haa dona its worlt well.
Both of tho children like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure has cured and kept away all
hoarseness from me. So give it to every
one, with greslings for all. Wishing you
prosper i y. we are
Yours, Mn tMsJF Foj:i.
if you wish to fnitlriin anil cheerful, and read)
f.rtiie.Srini;,swork, vleaiiHe yuurtjsum th Hie
ll-a.htf and LivM Cure, by taking two or three
h-K'Siaeh H'eek:
0 cents per hoUlu by all druggists.
Hji 1 unilcr a niMitlve iraaraalee Lr
Stationery, Toilet Articles. Musisa
Instruments, Etc.
HodEGs & McFarlanfl,
The Cornet Ding Slorc,". Albany, Q'
rp pirvr-Tln orora bouse fctore.
V snlvndid location. C'a-l on tlie
i, ,.. .lHaa liar
I.lTlng I'l-oAta.
care of the dead a specialty.
I AkMsrKcxa. Fsfim
in.,. IU E.Hl 1) jui. Ii," ilaTu .J"riu'?'
aull., UulajLa X Moi AK1.A.M.. l-. w.uls.
The London
Meflical aid
Mr im
an Franciscj, Cal.
ItilUutt', .oca'cii peniiaiuiii.v at 7 ij Mar.
ket Street, Sun ilic cure
oi .ill,AillicticM santt Oeforinititu,
A s:alf o( l';iv-i;ian-i a i! Sairo'i..,haviii
diplomas and 'he endoin-nu nt i;f the best
colleges of AmTica and Lurote, hkilled
speLi.iiis'.b wlio h.ivs had .ony expeiienve
intreatinj; special and clirunic dtoeases are
in con stent attendance. A I'liarmacy i8
attached, and o'l piiuiiptii. lilltd tree
of cturge.
$1.00 Trial Bottle
$5 00 Full Course
Sufferer from Ai-thina , Rlu itm
Consumption. Calarrh,Dvspep-ia, Indiges
tion, Sscrofula, Epilepsy, Female Weakness
Cancer, Heart Disease. Hroncliitin, Etup
tions, Salt Rheum, Balitnes Tnpeworm
Ueafnes, any Sexual Di-ense. Kont Man
hood, Malaria, Urinary Troubles, li)es(
Bowel Troubles, hhould at once.
Low charts, within the reach ai
bined with Hie best n edical and burgical
Yomiii, Wiih Aired and did Hon
Who mav he vufTerlng from YOUTHtTI
FuLLIES.or the excesses of matured life
shouK. consult at once, before it is too
late; these veteran praci loner. r who have
no equal In the United States, as they -ran
and will restore 10 vou pei feet health when
all others have failed.
Broken Down Constitution!
are rejuvlnated and manly vignr refitored
by tlflr new and wonderful methods ot
treatment. No Injurious druys used.
Wor.i nut htui..css men, call for advire,
especially if vou are u tiering from NER
VOUS DE1ULITY or failing pow r, of
a ny dUeast? of ihe K VE.K A R. TH UOAT,
BIond Diseases
'urril In ll.r linrtrt lime h) vr
rlHUlc rrinrilli'.
ARE YOU as stronp. herlthv and vig
orous as you should be? Are j on free from
every tiace of disease or sickness? Do jou
look well? Do vcu feel well? oris there
some Chronic Trouble; which, like a can
kerworm in the Luddin rlawer, is rapidly
destroy ii.g your very vitals.
Who suffer from Nerous ViosMation,
Sletp'.et sness, I lespondency. Indigestion,
Constipation, Lassitude, Pains in the Hack
or Side, and diseases peculiar lo their sex,
consult these physicians with tlie utmost
95.00 FULL tUUKdt
Mnrfcel ftrcH
Nan I r-nrlro,
Send for
Adilresa, REV. E. X. COSPIT.
Alliany, Oregon
At. I. .raona Indeblsrl lo I B Hin by in i rcnunt will please pay tbe sami
tlie accnunla niust be cloe by nole'
not pal l. Time ate hard, and
your imprest lo aee lo tbis at once. I
In room Nn II, Slrshan Klock:
Albany, Or. Sept nil h. Wi.
Aaslgnet cf B Bestt
DTaTe CP 1 imp, (. TTT or AOLEOC, f lf,
Lvcas CnrxTV. . .a,
Fs J. Ckfxf.t rnako. oath tk-t je
lor partner ol theflrni ot r J V r rnnlr
n Caaitkrsa in the City of T.;W.PffS
and Stale r lorcaid, and'thst ail, fir..i"Urj
the sum of OXG HfNDRKU i"''-'-""0,b,
each and ererr case nf C atarrh '"i"0
aorevl by the use ol Hai t CAVAaaR i' .
' FRANK .1. CHS N V,
Pwotti to Wf.ire me and saWTiajd ri;
presence, this 6th day ot Uectmuer, a
KalV. Catarrh rnre I't.iVcnlntcmaljTSn" d
cirectlT on the blood snd mucous
the system. Send for tct imoni.'t. V'V-Ja.O
SclU by Droggists, "3c. .