Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 11, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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Secretary CarUs'e's orJtr to tho mint
superintendents to prepare for the coinage
into standard dollars of the silver bullion
purchased under the Sherman act indicate!
a decided change in policy on the prt of
the administration in regard to the gov
ernment's silver holdings. With silver
purchases at an end, the administration
proposes to utilize the seigniorage which
w ill be gained by the coinage of the bul
lion, and in this way help to rtl!eve the
treasury, which is confronted with a deficit
of ?-jO,000,000 at the close of the fiscal year.
If the full amount of the bullion is coin
ed the seigniorage that will be paid into
the treasury will approximate; S"j,0o0,O0O:
but, with the limited capacity of the mints
the whole of this sum will not be available
for three or four years. Jbe secretary of
the treasury cannot anticipate the seignior
age, or, In other words, calculate the
amount, and then issue oilver certificates on
this basis, for the reason tho seignioeage
does not become a treasury H3ct under the
law until the bullion is actually coined
The additions to tho treasury balantcs from
this source, therefore, will hardly exceed
$1,500,000 t month.
JLiut for the provision in the Sherman
law which directed that 2,000,(00 ounces
of silver should bo coined each month until
July 1, )8!)1, about one year after the pas
nago of the law, no seigniorage would have
been utilized up to this time, as no o'her
iilver dollars have been coined.
That the administration shou'd adopt
the policy indicated, shows plainly that
the treasury is in need of immediate aid to
meet the demands upon it. The seigniorage
on the basis of the iiG.OOO.GOO silver dollars
coined during the first year amounted to
$6,900,000, and the greater part of this was 1
used by Secretary Foster. If ti.o silver!
bullion had been coined from the first for
redemption purposes the treasury depart
ment would be abla to immediately isue
upward of $20,000,000 of silver certificales
on the accumulated seigniorage. l!ut the
silver has been stored in the vaults' and
now in order to realize the seigniorage the
Vast amount will liavo to bo turned into
standard dollars.
Perhaps the usj of this seigniorage wjuld
not have been advised if the Sherman law
had not been repealed and the purchase of
silver stopped. If this seigniorage had
been taken advantage of '.lie issno of certi
ficates thereon might have served to further
disturb public confidence. With the chief
source of alarm removed and the issue of
treasury noies limited, however, it is not
thought that the issuo w ill have any tad
effect. Tho uso of the seigniorage in this
way will have the effect of increasing the
circulation, and this is tho only means,
oatside of the bank circulation of bonds,
that is provided for making such increase.
I will not ciiil tho increase under the
Sherman law, but figuring on tho capacity
of the mints, it will nmount to upward of
eit. 000.000 a year.
The operation of the new policy, however,
uny lead to the retirement of the treasury
n'Jtes of small denomination. When notes
of this character are redeemed the secretary
may not reissue them, but uso silver dol
lars in their place.
Kvcry dollar so redeemed would S3 add
to the protection of the gold reserve. Treas
ures are redeemable in gold or sliver coin
at the option of tho secretary, and they
have played an important part in the with
drawal of gold for export. According to
treasury figures, no less than $.V2,2o0.000 of
tho issue of S152.000.000 has boon redeem
ed in gold. Just what the secretary's plans
arc in this connection no one knows, and it
is doubtful If any lino of policy bearing on
this point has been decided upon by the
While at this writing it Is not possible
to speak with certainty as to the result in
tho'e sta'es about wi.ich there was any
doubt, it must be conceded that large re
publican gains appear to have been made.
This need occasion no surprise. It is a
rule in politics all the wo'ld over that the
party in power always suffers if a year in
which an election is he'd happens to be a
bad year in business, If the republicans
had been in charge of the administration
the democrats vould have swept things.
It was to be expee'ed that the firt election
after the presidential contest would show
some reaction, and that reaction has been
intensified by the hard times. When coo
gress has taken action upon tariff reform
and business has begun to lecovcr there
will be a different story to tell. Seattle
So rar id is the production of sliip rive's
thlt one train of rolls fcds four machine,
which turn out sixteen tons nf rivets in
thres sl.ifts of eiht hours each.
Mourning piper is g"inj; out of fashion
ab oaJ. Instead, a little tiianle Is ptinted
in the co'ner of the envelope r.nd tdo note
Pay Perry Conn.
Terms, cssii at F L Kenton's grocery
siore 3
ileae pay Terry Conn what jou owe
If you wnt tine moke call for Joseph
white labor cigar,
Tne besrnaat ootfes in the oity at C mad
Meyer a.
The best walch In the world for
money at French's jewelry store.
Fine Southern Oregon peaches al
Kenton. Now is the lime to can thm
Motor nskes five Iripi daily toVieieck's
addition. I.otr there oa installments of tl
per week.
Genuine part, nil ,.ut
also the in. l:,,' bJ""":"m.t
llCTO IS more D'Tlt !n l"..:-f rnrfn i.f thn
country than nil i'..-r iii.i:.-,-i iml ti.i;. tlier,
ami unlil tin. last f-w u:. vi.povil tt to
inrurslilf. For n nr. ::1 many vt-iirs ih ,ro.
Bounced it a local iiieeiix . urnl ;.rtMi-r!l.".! lurat
remedies, and by const nut v li-ilifiir In r-in-e iih
local treatment, pniii.-.iiic. (l It iuctirable. Kcl
ctico has proven catarrh to on -u constitutional
disease, and. therefore, ivonir.-H constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh fur", manufactured
by F.J. C'heuey A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the niurkit. It is taken
Internally in doses from 10 tiro., to a teaspoon
lul. It acts directly on llio lil.-od and mucous
surfaces of the system. Thevofler one hundred,
dollars for any case it f .iis .. cure. Send lor
flcularsand testimonials. Addiv.iS.
. J. ciienl, y i co., TDicao, o.
tttf-SOlO Dy urjcgis.s, 7Je.
for nil
bicycles, el;., at E U
Scwine machine nn.l
organs repaired leasonablc, and all work
.seeuies prepaid by mall 40c
sewing machines,
will s- music store.
a dozen.
Meml e of the Y JI C A are rtqucerrl o
use their i.'ivilcoes. Baths are nady every
afternoon ,1 evening excett .Monday and
Sunday. 'l ucre is nothing better for heiilh
than resiiUr exercise and a live miuute
shower bath. Try it.
Aliiuny Market
CetH, 2f..i.
I .'our, f4.9ll.
I'lltler. 'iOa.
Ffph 30V.
Laiil, IS lo 15n.
I'nrk Iihiiih 121o Ij-i
!n--. II to lUc
Hny. baloil. f"
O RtOOM, 4('
Apple. , 4
Hops. If!-...
Xirieil f.uli plums, Be, applet, !3
I hickons. 03 nor dozen.
Pecf. on ft k, 1X:.
Hogs, Ure j e , G..
!ioul.:er J' to 10c.
Saved MyWife's Life
Says the Seattle I'oit Intelligencer:
"l'enrover by a si lipid blunder declalcd Hie
'fourth Thursday in Novrmbcr.Tlianksgivlnc;
day. Generally the 'fourth Tlmrsdar' is
light, but this year there are live Thursdays.
It is rcdlcbus to asciitie the Incident to the
Governor's stupidity. In this case Ihc slupid
uiimvi'i iiiu 111c ji 1 ut ine 1 -1. ?,rn. Wirn
The Most Stcbbobx
Skin and Scalp Diseases, the
worst forms of Scrofula, all
blood -taints and poisons of
every name and nature,, are
utterly rooted out by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. For every disease
caused by a torpid liver or
impure blood, it is the only
remedy so certain and effec
tive that it can be guaranteed.
If it fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
Eczema, Teller, Salt-rheum,
Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles,
Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and
Swellings, and every kindred
ailment, are completely and
permanently cured by it.
J I FORD, Evamelisl,
! De lotf, tyrite underIate cf
JMarch 23, 1693:
, B, Men. Mm Co..
Dufur, Oregon.
Qcnttemcn i
On arrlviiiiz borne lut week, I fourdall
veil and anxiously avaitio2. Our little
nirl, etjiht and oue-hulf yearn old. who had
wa ted away to 3b pouutls, is now wen,
strong and viorou, and wull Heuhed up.
S. B. Cough Cure has dnne itt work well.
Kcthof the children like it. Your S. B.
CoukIi Cure baa cured and kept away aU
hoaru-m'tt 'nm me. So give it to ayery
ore, with irrelinia lor all. Wishmuyou
ruBuii y. we oro
lourn, FroiiD.
If yoii Kiiili to ftol ncnn an.) ihturful. anil rcaih
f'T ii o Sprin'n wot k, cltiaino vmir f(ttm wjtlitl.c
Utaiiai-lie ami Livit Curu, by tukini; two or tlirti' t,-ci.-k.
60 ctfiita pir bitl by all dm'-vitn.
The Londofi
To every EtifTerer from Catarrh,
no matter how UtJ the caso or of
how long standing, tho projiriutors
of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Komedy
say tliis : " If wo can't euro ' it,
perfectly and permanently, we'll
pay you $500 ia cash." Sold by
all driii:;isU.
Stationery, Toilet Artii'cs, Musics
lnsti'umen'3, Etc.
Hodps k McFarlanfl,
New Advertisements.
t LL honsehsld sewing neatly dine hv
n !" Kozi, ntat dour to the Piouter
C.MAdiEV, M.l.,
The Coiru-t Ding Store." . AibntiVjOi
Phynician ami Surgeon,
Bank of OriL"n.
KcsiiluiKu, curncr li?(h oml CalaHob tt
0-l-l ,'r, orcr .... ' 1" ,RE f TT.''! !'
I secret ry tt llio D:mccpat ollico lor par
' uciuara.
an Frav
itnun i
IS ,
of all
.VMDii'AI. AN!) St KtilfAi.
. .ii.'a'i i! -.n.;i i.'lv ct jIlr
t, Sum l-'r:ii.tii-.iA'j!.li r il.
, A lilicl !: ;,ii lvf ,,,,,:.'
rs ut
JOUXD.-Aclillds fcarr bin on the
'street. Owner call at thi.niiw.
A and tlO bill
olUco ani rece: ve reward
WURH in A h. . mr
Ami tin 1. HI w-i. f
. - - . "villi II t U IMmnoral
John Tr. Jones
Kalarai, Vasb.
" Of mjr own frco v.ill s::it accord, onMased by
anyone, and wishing only to do Good to tltu
amictcd, I wish to toil ct tho mod qualities ot
iioou s barsaparina mid Hood's rills. 1 think
there are no medicine i equal to tlicm, and have
f 'roved their merit l.y txiicrlenco hi my own
amtiy. My wile, l'.achcl, lias ben atiliclcd
with weaune. tiervoune:ii, r.nd suit rheum. I
jpont ncariy nil thai I lis.l o( tills world's foods
'i mini mil. linn lui.'tii
to tr Hood's Sjraauurill:,.
Gavod My Wifo From tho Crave.
Tlus salt rheum has entirely hcalod and she Is
rrtforrd ro cooil health. 1 have many
friends and relative u tiio east lio will tie
glad to tliolT that
Hood'c Sarsaparilla
Ital cured my wife." Joux Vf. ,Toxf
Kalam.a, V asii. Get IlouU'.s'
('" kk.M'. Koonn suitable for
. i iuii.uimni(( or ii gui nouse Keeping.
UrATED.-County and city war
rant, bought and eo'd by H F Mer
TkAIS WANTED.. Tim i,n,l-ro;.,.i
i i! Wa"j8 to b,,y 50 tuih' of white oata
r . iiT ( r"31enee one mils north
of Albany, fey market price In cash
on delivery. w & Wabker.
FR SALE Black (not brown) Cain
foinia seed oats. M SEHbEKy.
FOR NALEORTRAI1E -Seven share,
in th. Alhanv Hnllilini. rA
eochulon of the first ariea lor sale or
will ixade for city properly in the south
western portion of Hie oity: Address,
(statin; location ofprooorty if wamlna
to trade ) B L, DejiocVat olHco.
n OTKERF.TA-Pi,rnl.nJ an... r j
la. It undoubtedly V- ? Adl'' John Brush, comer
.... .-u it oiiweta, aiuany, ur,
IOBSAt.E. or will tiade for wood,
Itra.v mare, eovon years old peifectly
u-nlle for women and children to drive
fail on E W Achison, at Marb'.e wo ks.
HOOD'8 PlLLO .rot'ia hett arter-dlnnsr rlus.
utltt digsiUoa, cur. hdiibAcbe. Try a box. IH.
'rr film
W""fl.-0ff A CASE IT WILL-NOT CURinl
An affrwabte Laxative and Nests Toma
Po'dJ;y Jnijrirista or sent by mat). jcG0o,
ftnd ILOOpcr packngt. Sum plea IreoT
The Fnrorlte TOOTH P0TO1
for tlig Tocth and HreftUSio.
Captain Sweeney, r.S.ASn DlecO-fVit.!
, , , . 7 1 i rr"! "ShMnh'a Catarrh Hemclr la the llrs
Jlul the btutcsman at first very stupidl,-1 nulleine baveeveafoundthntwoulddome
atlemptcd to make it appear that custom
fix 'd the fourth instead of ihe last Thurs
day as Thanksgiving day, bat in the at ov;
It items io acquiesce in Ihe fact tint it wa
wronir but: intimates that the governor
knowingly selec'ed the wrong day bul had
some hidden motive in so doing. One who
is very close to the governor siys thlt It wl
merely a mistlike on the ,-ait ol the govcrr.o
growing out of the general impreuion tha
custom had fixed the fouith Thurtday a
the day.
II. n. iitpk. w. ii.iitxmNot.n. n. n. juts
rallimort Block, Albany, Ore.
I any Hood." Prk-oSQcta. Sold by Uruiwists,
., SHILOH'S cure;
Trrri orkat Cocon Om procnrflyeiiK
VhrreallptnersfalL ForConauinptionlttiaa
no rival; has cured thousands, and will rrna tahea In tunc tM:a6tti 60tti,L0
'oiu.,.ti. lii
..f -
in all it. lirnn. hes
EMBALMING " r--i.ilty.
-i.lem cr;n'r :r. I and l'.i!v,'.iia Stiv.,
Baralns for In both Hding and
walkliiK plows, disc harrows.iion lurrows,
etc. Price. I.i proportion to to cent
wheat. It will pav you to ca 1 and m us
To aid Tllawtlnn take raw Ml nil. Dob
1tvr intii... ."V. per Imiuk.
"nigs, PtxintH. Oils
Oliiss, Etc
J. A. CiimiKing
At the stoie
Allen Brotn
formerly owned by
This Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best
grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
Try me.
While you are at it I can furnish yon tho best
GKOCEKIES and lreshest produce at bot
tom prices.
I ....ll .f ll... . 1
.1..... ..I 1 MV.ILI l... It, Tu.l4.Ml ,,,!13vin
u; 'iuiiui', iii'ii 'iii' rruurM-int nt ti( th
cuiU'iitri al AwnMK'ii itml hum
spcLUiisS who h.'ivs .
mlrcuiini; sjucal ;inu chromic
m u'liMi'm .mi i.iiHi.u", .-I. rniirtntrvji
atucln',,, ;md a! jiu s. i iptii.; . (tft
$1.00 TrU;l Eoltlt1 '
$5 GO Pull Course
fsuffcrcrs f.-cm Afihiiia. Rik-uTi-i;,-.
Consuinpiion, C ataTli, I ) spepvia, fndhej
tion, Scufulf.,KpiiLpv, IVmalt .Veakn
anccr, mari iiicat-e. jroiicli:iN, Eriip.
tfons, Salt Kheum. U.ili!iu'is, Tapettorra
DcafnctiM, any Sixtml I))Ff.iK'. Lust Mari.'
hood. Malaria, t'rinary Tronblts, l;et
liovvel Troul)Ls, should a. once'
Low charts, wiih'n Iht roacli of
bincd uilli Hie lict trcdical anj u'tbci
kill. 6
Yoimir, MidJIe hd and Old Ben
Who ninv be nuiTcrlnt; from YOUTHFL'J
FuLLIKS.or the excesses of matured life
shoulu conMilt at once, before it Is loo 1
late; these veteran practionerr, whohirt I
no equal In the United States, as thctia I
and will restore to vou perfect hcatth mm
ail others have failed.
Broken Down Constitutions
are reiuvlnated and manlv vtenr restortd
y inir new ami won.ierlul mcthoiliot
treatment. No injurious dnifrs used.
W'xirn out bmi..ess men. call fur advire.
e.pecialiv if vou are nifftriu; from NER.
VOUS DKHILITY or failing pow r, oi
any iir.ea.e of the KVLI.KAR. THKOAT,
LUN GTi A K I r-S Tf ) M A C' l
KIDNEVs, or liLAltDLR. 1
ill sell all cro-kerv ware and liolidav croods a(
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortli
50c for 23 cer te; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00
cups and saucers to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pej
set. Evertliin else in proportion.
Gallon me and you will not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl.
and - EinbnliMcrs.
WE KtEP crnstrnilvcn I ai d a full line of ri.laiic, clnih and ccdrauai
coflins. Alio bulla lotts nr.l .nil. In l....i,i.l. ...i
which will be .old at ' n .it,,u
'l'lie Iiowrat Living 1'rofiln.
EMBALMING an'1 ll'e proper care of the dead a special;'.
BM Diseases
uretl In ll.c hfrtrl Utile It)- VPf
'ta fc r' in c-it lew.
ARE VOL' as fctronir. healthv and vij-
orous as you should be? Are wiu free from
every trace of or ick"ne-? Dojou
look"well? Do vcu feel well? oris there
nome Chronic Trouble: which, like a can-
kerworm in the Liuldin tl swer, is rapidly
uesiroying your very vital.
Who tuffcr frmn Nerous rnn'ralton.
S!etrnefsness. I)esnrndtncv. Indiiiestion.
Constipation, Lassitude, Pains in the Rsck
or Side, and diseases peculiar to thci,r sex,
conduit these phstciaiu with thi utmot'
ll'.t M.irkrl Mrrrt
han l'riurlro. aJ
for which I will pay Ihe best cash price
. Dr. Paltrraen Vt'allnte
Tht nlrvntmi,t rd tif. Into, I. now
hcrp, anil ran f,.un,l at he r mtilenrr, wxt door
J B t'oucill'.. Mi. t.lls alwut all inhkcK pat
pri-wnl an.l fimirr; love troutilm, alrrtt (rlfaii. aod
mras. Yi-a van hrar Irooi Tear dead
FARMERS M.srE.-e have a line
1I of lirsh gra. srl. rf almov ever,
kind, InrlutliiiK cheat, and we? nant to sell
It. Come and ee us.
IApIES who win do wriiing fr me .t
A llii lr h ini-s t'pivpiii)
K. .l.v with Mifaiiilrp'
i ith It' ll. I, Ii!
r i vt.ii I.. . i i
win;. MI.-8 MiLl'lilili , ..t.-n '
ll lmitfnnt iltiiinijiiniihv sriil 4Vlinin:rtrt.r of
tli (vtalr .4 F JI M!on, ilmal, hi fllM in
tlie tTl.t of the clerk of h? tVnintyCmrt of Linn
int, thi-ir fnn vcotint sml thtt tuitt court has
:iVIiiil(l th? 4th Liy of IKfmtsr, 1 ttt th
h.-iir i.f 1 o'i l.x k p m of Mid ,Uv. th tin
f.-r hrsrinr H "Mwtioi.. If am , t tlnl (Hvount
aril (.-r thr rHtt'iitrnt of nid rn at,
Patol t!u Ith tiy it tKwWr, t- fl.
Atlmiiiittrvr.x siiJ Aan.itiistnitT
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
0nly ite Labor Employed'
b . .
VRisj,Ul!ti.v, A P JtB ,
' AioI.Ore .t,, j. i. ti Muri, " VE Kt '.. -il
Send for
E. n. coNPrr.
Albany, OreK
A 1.1. prtKoan Indebted fo I B Bea W
note or reount will plea. pay I6 ""J
tbe account ninst b closi'4 br no s
not paid. Times aie hard, and II
Tour imeraat lo aee to this atones.
in room No II, Strahan Block:
Ainany, or. fept lwn, li'.'.
AsslguM of B
STATS OP Omo, L TTT oriuLKIK;, fat,
Lucas C'orsTY. ..i!.. hlH
TnAww J. f'urN-.T makes oath tr.i
senior partnerof the Arm of F. Jz.,AtmttH
dolni t' In the l itv of Toledo, w j,
and State .fort-Mid, and that aaiJ Ml TVjft
the sum of ONB nt'SDRKO P,L"Soib
earh and ev.rv mo of CatarrS ttisi
cured by t
th. lis. of Hil l 's ''""aVi'r.
PTorn fo before me and snb'n fi
presence, this 6lH day of December,
auat-I Ui.uols a lIvlA.i aCi.'?'1-"-u.
nill rutarrh rnrf IsfnVcn MW?2L,
directlTonthe Mood in.1 mocoas m
th. system. lend forlctirnnm-H. ,UaJ,
F. J. CHEXBi''.1'"'
tt Sold by Dragglats, "5c.
"i v.UKgij