5 1 ALBANY. OHEGOK, SATURDAY NOVEMBER II, 1893. NO 150 I WfiEKK ISI'AKIS? LifJJo Daughter I, Cliun li of KiiKlaud minister I f a distressing rasu, ny L.-"s S;ir:;i';iriMi. -Mr. i.h ii.m:i Uic well-known DruKK'it. -Ml iiilst., MmU''in, r. i :vo nM Aycr's Family Mi'illi-iiies Vrrar.nnil !: li aril untiling lait : aiJ if t)i-i:i. 1 liiuiwuf luuny Wonderful Cures inf.1 hy Ayei-'a Sarsnparilla, ono Utitular Iiciiir mat in a nillo !i:Tof a Cliurt-li or l.iilaiul nmn. The rliilil was lite rally covered I-i heail to foot with a roil and ex-n-iv troiililesonie rasli, from wliich Iliad iiiuVrril for two or three yours, L;tP 0f tlie Vst medical treatment l.iUe. Her (allier was In great Ircss nliont tlio rase, and, nt my aimemlatioii, at last began to ail- Ayers Siirsiiparilln, two not- , which effected a completo euro, i to lier relief anil her fathers I lit. I aia sure, W f re lie Here io-ay, testify in tin- strongest terms i demerits o.' yer'sSarsaparilla LrfdtyPr.J.C. Ayer & Co., J,owdl,Mapi. re$othevs, vi!! cure you ftoth tlio method and results Tvhcn Syrup of I'ijp )3 taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste, end acts pcnlly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, Liver mid Uowcls, cleanses the oys , tcra ed'ectunlly, dispels colds, liead . aches ard fevers and cures habitual ! constipation. Svrup of Figs is the i only remedy of its kind ever pro I duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ao ' ceptahlo to tho stomach, prompt la , its action and truly beneficial in its : ell'ccta, prepared only from the most healthy anil agreeablo substances, its I many excellent qualities commend it i to nil and hnvo maita it the most popular remedy known. 1 Kyrup of Figs is for salo in 50o and 81 bottles by all lcadir.g drog ' gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- JJo not accept ra y substitute. CALIFORNIA FID SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. louisviuii. t;r. cw rofK. .r. lmpres.l'Gn It i just mistaken. gest i;: r. won:.'1 Jit 'j-l it, run!itl4BR. e iiimurpj-r,3 ; he Oregon Land- Go Most persons ar urtlcr an lliat tney know where Palis Is. as likely an not that they am Indeed, It i open to some question whether anybody can 6ay exactly where it is. It is very well known that when the longitude of the French capital was deter mined wme lanugo lltre were discrep ancies between the two parses cf observers engaged in the buslnem. The uhcrcpan cici weie never reconciled, and the dlffi- c-Jlty w as got over hy adopting Hie result which seemed most lik-ly to be correct. One thin);, however, is pielty certain il we sre to brlieve the stateaienig of scien tist", that in 3.000 years or so the gay metropolis, or ihe lest pait ot it, wi: be covered by the sea. For the mathematical ohseivstions of the French engineer, prove that the south of France, especially In the region of the Pyrenees, Is gradually rising, while Ihe nortli of Fran.-e is undergoing a process of depreskion at the rale of two-lifllu of an inch per annum. liKtf IsrKATION OF CIIIXEMJ Although Ca.igiess amend j J the Geary act so ob lo allow the Chinese sil rooaths more within whih to legister, U adjourned withont making an appropriation to cairy out tlie provisons cf the act. The chairman of the.Commitiec on Appropriatloas had cognizance of the Treasury Deoartment's need of money to carry cut the law, and it is probable that if the urgent deficiency bill has been passed a clause appropriating enough money at leist to begin operation would have been inietted in tt.u bill. As it ie, regislrition under the act will not begin until an appropiiaiion is made. M a n while the Internal revenue bureau of the Treasury Department will make all its prep arations, and as soon a ihe rr.oney ts avail able the bureau will be prepmed to assign Us officers so tlrt they can b?ei.i wrk at once. Thebnreru has assurances that an effort will be made to get an appropriation bill through in the early days c! the aession so that the work of registration will not be long deferred It Is said that all the Chinese now in the country, approximating ioo,uoo can se registered In sixty days if tl.ey prompt ly take advantage of ihe opportunity. mEGSAPHIC NEWS. Rubbed at Oregon 410'- OKKflOKk Cjty, Xov i0. Yesterday Hugh McQuliough came down from St l'aul to look up a couple of boats wliich were lost, i He found them ut Kock Island, and then came down here. Late in the evening; two men followed him to the np- lr end of plain (tract, as ho wks going back to th boat, and knocked him down, then beat and robbed him. Ho was found by the police and taken to a hotel, where he was cared for. j A Ilia; Swindler. Lm:nrati.. Nov iO. Four men and two women haw been arrested charged with gigantic swindling. They operated under two lirm liames, both claiming to lo American merchants and importers lly meaas of mutual references they succeeded in getting trusted by 1"0 linns for goods to tho value of, many thousands of pounds, aheged for the American market, wliich they pawned in Liverpool or sold at auction in other towns. Highest of all in. Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE 1 j Auoflier t'innhi Ci,EKi.k, 0, Nov 10. A- crank culled ut the Second National bank of ihi city today, i armed with a revolver and carrying some dynamite, lie demanded of President Herrick 850,000 on pain of instant U-ratfi. 1'resiJent Herrick refused and the man shot at Mm but missed. The man escaped. I Yamhill Crown, McMixnvillk, Or, Nov 10. Seven world's fair medals have already been awarded to Citizens of Yamhill county for the best grain, dried nnd preen fruits, and more are expected. It is proposed to dis played all thee medals in one rase at the midwinter nur; another plan is to pin them on a sturdy old pioneer and send him down to talk, for Yamhill. Klotmg by Workliignien. 31 arseilles, Kov 10. The women tm!oyed in the match miking shops of this city are lending their support to the stick ing street car employee. i hey attacked a hone car this afiemicn and tried to Intimidate the driver. It wan necessary to call the police to drive them away. Three of the women were locked up. Their women colaborers demanded the relense? of the prisoners. The request was ivfut-j i by tho perfeciure and a mob of uotnen, men and boy't thereupon formed into line, but were dispersed by a squad of cavalry. A Cool Murderer Chicago, Kov to. Prendergast, who killed Mayor Harrison, looked brighter than usual yesterday morning. He ased when Alderman Swift would resume the position of acting mayor. He was anxious joJtnow- whc&scT- Mr' Swift" had expressed any intention of eleva'lig the street cir tracks. Prendergast now sleeps koundty and pasges the day reading the newspaper. At times he talks of his cace, but never unless the mhject is broached by some one else first. rY'.tn it home office at sujum:- - - - oeii!g-o. r- nt Gray tncL, corner Liberty anil State street, -r branch office 'n Portland AKES a specialty of Sunny side" fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per -small cash payment Ion? tinio'on balance artioulars. f - AT til 1 1 KH OFTI1K r It ESt XT DAI' J E .u"fvap, Sttoittr! cf lh Amatenr Athletio Utiinu, Prtiulent cf tne 1'ittime Alhltitio Club, nod Athletic Fditor of The Sportin; time?, writ-: ed with athletic tports, I always f mod it to my advantage to n AUcock'i 1'o.ous I I'JftSter white in traiuinjr, as they quickly j lmove foreness and stitfnesi; fcnd wten attirkeu with inv kind of piian, the result of flight cldf( 1 always used Acock's with Iwoeticial rerults. I hive uoticed thnt most athletes of the prnsoiit day use nothing wise but AUuock'tj I'ljtttin.'' Self Tralte. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. VV hen what he says is supponed ry the tslhr.ony of ctliern no rfaonahle man will doubl his word. Now, tosnythat Allcock8 Porous Platters are the only genuine ind reliable porous plasters made is not self praise in the slightest degree. rhey have stood tne test fur over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to the cuies they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials uf those who have used them. Bewaie of imitations, and do not be de ceived hy misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accept a substitute. RKF. II EBB llnitlh lu Old AtiC Kdward Colllnson, Queens, N Y, say a: "I commenced using BrandretV-i PHIsqver fifty-five years ago I first bought them in 'London, and ha continued tisir.g them since I came to hi? country in 1836. 1 am now over seventv-five years o!d,hale and hearty, and attribute my wonderful health to'the perslsten; use of Brandreth's Pills. Occasionally I have a had cold or severe attack of rheumatism, indigestion or biliousness but four or five doses of Bjnndrcth's Pills always cure me. When -ever my children have been sick with scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, dis ordered digestion or costiveness, a few does of BrandretVs Pills restored their hc.i:h at once." Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Qrapo Cream of Tartar Powder. PA-RQNIZE, liU INSTITUTIONS. Albany, Oregon 'Kao, Pre.ldenU I L COWiK t . iioHium ,T O WRI'l.itIAf. Sjc2.tl Geo F SIMPSON. Vies Pro-Maut D1RKOTOM ' ' ' Uao F Bimpson, (V F Raa.l. D B Monteit'i.M MwrnttergJJ W Hi it J K Weatbartord, VJ Htaart.1 O VVritamn. -ALSO DISTRICT AOSSTS FOR- Bp -ral Solid Eastern and Foreign Compaiies EW ; FURNITURE, t,Z IS Now FI LL OF FIRST-:i.ASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING -".ii-ti, climr, lonnget, tr., irnicn i win km BOTTOM PRICES. Titos. Krink. A Medical Firm Gives A?aj Cash, J. P; Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green, uich St., New York, tho manufactur ers df that favorite cat hart' 3 known as Fmith's Bile Beans, have adopted a novel plan. They ask the individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and ail dress, with an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beam (either size) to their office, and they pive t) fr the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and $1 for the 2d, 8d, 4th, 6tU and Cth. Every day $10 in ca-h is tln;s sent to their cor ruspcodruts. Ask fcr S5IALL size. Keep Clean. A (food way in to have our clothes washed clnin, not po that they moll of Chinese expectoration : but arc odorlns. nnd the dirt is washed out and not pounded in. mcharvs A' Phillips, nt thp Albany .S'tain Laundry, do the best work at low prices, hire only white laltor, citizens of AHanv,itnd are eut't;ei to the patronaue of our people. Mimjnkkv. Mm M H tiyan l dauirhte dtfjin to inform t hi public tlr.it (hey hav move! iido the rooms lately" occupied by Mr Sower and are supplied with a line of uiU!!n'rv iroods of nualifv nnd nrices to uit the present hard time. H? sure to call and examine their good botore purchasing le where. Iu up m r..t sfch-shapMhnttiei,rt.f,a Wheat, 50 ct; oa, 25c; hay, $S baled; wkk1, $3 to$3.$o, taken In eicchange foi sewir machines or organs on hand at E U will's music store. Also ona'l book accoun's of 6 months standing. Sowing machines from $J5 to 935, with my per sonal guarantee for 5 ) rs. Teaeher InsllCulr Notice is hereby given that there will he a ta?herB' meeting at llarrieburg Nov. 10th and 11th. The teachers of June'ion, Lane county, will join w ith the teachers in and around llariigburg in this meeting and a good time b promised. Iec'ure Friday evening, the 10th, by Prof I .M Blos. All teachers and friends of educa ion Hr cordially invited to come. G. F. Ruhhki.l, Co nty Fd.c ol fc'ni iiiniu ui.t Tbe True Lavailve Principle Of lh? plants used In manufartuting the pleasant remedy, Ryrun of Figs, has a permanently beneficial effeci on the human bystem, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as med icines, are permanently Injurious. Being well Informed, you w'.d use the true rem edy only. Manufactured by, the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. In Ohtrn Tlinra People overlooked the importance of per manently beneficial effects and were Rati fied with tt anient actions, but now that it t; generally kniwu thnt Syrup of Flg v. 1.1 permanently curJ habitual const ipa! inn. well-hiforinrd people will not juy other laxaiivrs, which act for but a time,' but (in ally ir.jtire the sys'em Thk VBRnicr Is li.linitooj. tht Will & ;trkcrry the lst line of -.liver ware 1 ti.e vaMey. They rtivj ihjva'ljty an I q 1 1 itv, a omiiintian thit coint in hui 200 is. Ai'inspictloi al jyi ;rrie co flctioii. bhihih Cu . trv; ct'Kh ml fr'n 0ire,is f.- " I f I oclct P'l t"itaib- Tf nrl4' Filf rrir'Iff Ti I 1 1 Th t'i.- d fi''t 'l;r 11. h f-vi'o.- when tr-t. o.'. V i rf:-rri ! 1 rhvir Car- ' Oi ih-hrrnkl, -oi l T.tihtil-i tr.ii - f l.fi r,.ua. , L ! tit p.c.ho 4 Ji'rf. Wpt-'K l.ir.e ffi. r ti (hicirn. it.i, 1 i fin .ntftt wr- Whatever mav he the 'cause ol blanch ing, the hair miy be restored to its origi nal color by the u of that potert remrdy Hall s egetaale Mclltan Hair R-newer. Ye i, Yij Cv te thi fineit line o fa""-les 'or suiting In the state at W R Graham. where lie has a tailor with few equals on hand to make th-m up on short notice. Oetfhe best and inont stylish suits of hi-n. A new feature will be the making o' ladles cloaks to order, or the alering of ooi lo the latest styles, and hj repairing of cloiks. price "r- bo tom ores dyp'Vi. tr t H?r, yeitffw pkin or ktd nev tniu't'. ! n v"!rnt--d to eiv yoo titaitMn. Priue ".li s by rnhty St Mavor WHO does your washing? It is to bo hoped you Rend it to the Albany Steam Laundry, thus patronizing a first-class home institution that employs only white labor. The work too speaks for itself, not r.fter the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, but on account of the superior manner in wliich it is dont. Dr. Price Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Proved in be the llenl. Tested and proved by over thirty year use In nil parts of the world, AUcock's Por ous planters have the Indorsement of the highest medical anu chemical authorities and nulllonsof grateful pnllents who have been cured of digressing ai.menis volun larl.y testify to their trerlt. Altcock's Porous Planters -re pure'y vegetable. Thv are mi'd hut rffrctive, sure and quick In h- ir uc iu.i, and abo utely harm'esn. Beware of tmlti'ions, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation . Av-t lor Allccck's, and let no to':icttalun or t-xp'a-natlon Induce you to arc-nt a substitute. Wedding Invitavions. Woulen, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. l inr rrlrnil U ho have taken Ibod's Sarsaarl a what they think of It, and the replies will be iwj'iilve in its t ivor. One has been cured of lm)lgellon anJ dvspepla, another finds 1 Indlsnensab'e f.ir sick headache, others rrpoit rematk;.ht cu-ei ftcrifn a. salt iheurn and other b'oov diseae.'iM others Aili le" .ton hat I- overcome " hat tired fee.inir," and u tm, TriiW, the bet ad- verilfttnir which lbod's SarsanarllN re eclvea i ihe heai y endorsement of the army ( f friends tt t as won by its positive el n " ft reei. mmI. I)on't be tempted ! lt vest In them You will net Into traub! every ll.ne and In tne end poverty and C -grace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green nods are the only ones ot value. J hey mi e vou rich; especially when ued to pmrase Slinn.ont Liver Regulator to cure our Indigestion, rha- peps'a, constipatlor r biUousness.or drive awaymaiarli. Lon l be tempted to taka nythtng else in place of the Regulator, fPlHiBskinfi ELmPowder. Tfcr lncrrT.de npp'il trrstuaaDiiav' miniv t T liclivi-r UiieGcils' The only Pure Cream of Tartar PowJer. No Ammonia; No Aluir. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Vc . the St-ir.dart c ; - l.:.t : !. :. t 'i ! i . U ision ! - rl o r. r i :( J. ; l.lv i ' . r-n : - d-avcr oil :! . ; a crrpioycti 5 i.l ti.l F.i!::ien' 1 end &ir-.sjt u..;s if with rclsi: 103- vat ro- ..tle 23cta- fiocta-.and 1.00 tor Bottle? One cent diss. Tma OnBAT Cocnn Cl:iik uruiniLlv tura whero all other, full. Couch.. Croup, Bora Throat, Ho.raeneai, whooplnff Cough and A.thm.. For Consumption rt ana no rival; has cured thousand., and will CUIUS TOO if taken in time. Hold by DniKifJs on a guar antee For a Lame Itack or Chfut nae SHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTERS 'HILOH'S CATARRH RErVIEDV, HavoyouLtitHirh? This remenylsirupraTw teed to cure yuu. I'rioc.&CuU. iJiJectorfree, mm m Eatllr. ?i.lcUj. r.rnanen'.ty Rc.tcrca. WFAKM'iSS, riESVOUOKcSS. UCDiliTY, th! a;i lt-trufrrf r- I'i In 1111 uily i rx.i n 1' tr c cirt'KftfK. tLr t .u..; i.f vf ruik. Pit i.i.t , wnrr .1 te FiiJi t , iierl'jr et t tin i.-ua irtvrn lue.-err a-1:: J j..'f fiff li.i' l'tt.. lmmfiriil'-lmirr''T -p t wen. f r lliirf Imw "1 . rxt'lsnMiion a:i,t pno.A ClMllMt (MAlttl) r.-t . . ERIE y.twv BUFFALO- Vm ker liros, gructrs, P. M. French kevps railroad time itiiy your groceries of Parker Bn.s Kiae grocnoa at Conn Si UendricsoD'a. IIw cream oheeae juBt iecoivcd at Conrai Meyf ra P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smnkn the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigar nt Julius Joseph's. Dr M II E!li, nhyaician and aurgooo Alluny, ')-; . 'J,l main Ii cttor country. When a doctor considers It necessary to prescribe sarsaparilla, he simply order a bottle of Ayer'n, krovvlnt? full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can furnish. "Ayer 'a Sarsiparllla U the superior medicine. 4LFINT OOHRnUW IHCflTUTI ALBANY, ORFttC ii8?i, iee-12 lrt Ters npnr.t rplnr t A fv 1 eorr' lnM- CLAiSICAL, SCiEHTIFIC, llT""f COMMERCIAL AMH HORr.-A eusscs. a'f git!w o tn'l'-nt from mb0(Til i. ' I-