tpmly democrat. Star Bilkers CorI!riHl:llH nml firm Jit. CGNRAD MEYER, PROPRIEfOR, taaucd rruim, t aaii Glasmrr.rt', Dried friiiiH. Tobacco, roller. VecublOM, Nil Ice , Ten, Lie, , I'. ei'erytt....i: that la kept in a (,'erier t.riely and irsoccry atom, liihcnt ( tuarkul price juid lor AJ,L KINDS Oi' PRODUCE A;i:nt VAKTKDonS:iihu'v;m'lCoinnii.-.ioii for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bicfapliy of JAMES Cf. BLAIM, By Gail, Hamilton, his literary executor, with t ho co-operation oi family, rnl fur Mr, iilaiDb'n ComplHto Vm;, ' Twknt Ykaus CoNiiKKss," ni:! later book, 'foMTit al Discissions " Ouo prospectus for these 3 best SELLiN'i ljo-tl.a iu the mar ket. A Iv 1' .Ijrtlau r.f ,'p.,toiik 11:2 onlf-ra from tirt 1 10 cell; aut' protit 4fll( 0 Mrs Kalian! f O, toi.k 1,) orders'. Lineal llus.fia, ia I day; profit JG.2."i. K N Itice of Mass. took 27 oid?rs in 1 & . nrotit J l'atru.fze of Me. turk 4."t rcK r from uG calls; protit $75.-5. K A Pa-nitr of X. )il. took 53 omU'is iu 3 iUy; irofiL c.-a. :... ii:LrsivK J i:i:i:itoi:v uivrn. If you wish to make LAlU.E AICil dY write immediktcly for terma to The Hmirv liill riili. Co.,ionvicii.Conii . tJ r-WITii cirnTDft- BEST MSGMETIS" WPROVEKENIS T7I.I riirr WIIiont MrtiPiuJ'ell Hrlnr rtntilHns ttr.Vi OTiT-iinilni f tirain, ditip for.-ci.excfurt or in1is(!i tir.ii, i i liuu.Uon, ilr:ilBH, lonrri, uittiiU, di-Mllt r, ili-p. ln-t- Innsunr. rl tiiDmll-m, kl'lncj, Uitr nnil 'tilJir ci iu; 'nln;. '-j.- imek, himbs.itn, chr.' Ker.cral ill h,-lih, etc i ii i lenjc liet eotiliiiii lni.mitinnli nvir ill ilfii. inid Kvc4 n e jrr; at tht ts icnUttlj felt bT Un .. -.ircr nr wo fS.tlDU, iml nlll furn all of the oho fli--, i rt tr un Thouraii'1 Iivt3 bi'n t urt t) l. tlilu n:ar- it (-1.M..U iftrr U olt.i-r rnnnli.i faln'rl. nnJ w ! h'in'iv li of lostlniiili"li iu siiJ reri :ht-r tn (iiirpunprr.-.l mi'ltDUO l..,H IlilI' PI si't.Mtlll,). tllf b... t. everofTar. J i.-fi'j ni.-n.V I! KV. Hint Al l. HKI 1 S Hi-i!ii i.nt i ir-tru.ii M truer Mil .. K J'Khft I Qliil t. Silt 1 H v i-foJ frit ' ti!iiPira(cl I'myhlt ti, niNlled.MalfC, fr.-i-. A.blrc-ii tUViDlUlV 23IiTJCTn.XO OO., fJO.72 Fl.-c: &:,a PORTLAND. ORE. i J3IU1 SICK-HEADACHE Makes Ufa miserable. All other ailments aro as nothing in com parison. Women especially know :ts snlieriug, auJ few cscapo its torture, 1 THE RELIEF AND CURE IS Mfiny oop!0 fako pills, which pipe ami mrgo, weakening the liody. Moi-o take SimmonsLiver llegulator, liquid or powder, be cause more pleasant to take, does not grijie, and is a mild laxative, ihat also tones up the tystem. The rolicfis quick. It is Nature" ov,-n Scmcily, jmrely vegetable. "I nrvi r rmiml iinytlilnc t" 1n mo nnv fr'KKlutittl I sliiiiiii.ns l.iv.-r U.-yul i t..r. It lins Iii imi llir t y .ir lun 1 ilrsl I " "'! I Imvp not lin.l Sl. k Mi'iiiltichf MU'. m utiny alMi rltvlii. Im.l mini nno to two nttiHlis of Sl, k lliniliii lii' i vcrv Wi kUM,,.mlfoIn k,iL'.', mill hi Im'n '"I?. C'. Minima, llruwus vtllc, . a. -KVtltY I'ACKAdfaa 1"I.0,!.r..7.R.t,"l' lB rnpp J. H. ZK1M.N ft CO.. PhiU.klvliu. i-a. Gladstone h ..--...-,. A clear Hcnd . WHY? IU cause l.e Jvi.o ; t: 11 niV.-.: "Korp tV.e tl cftt warm, and tlie b")cli rpen." Y c.inh.iv.' a .lc.i-.l.iivi hw to lie r'nety if yon do s.irn. . When the bonvls f..i 1 :iv vr d ir Int; the day t.d.e on n;!rrtp two Pmitl.'s f -ri,i.7 i'uc r.f.n-. Their n.tion is ro ruild that yov are not nware cf it. AH tl.y ypiifiinj ;j t e clear antlitxl. "Not .i g-ipo in a 1 irri.1 of lliem." Ask f r n r e. J ak no substitute for 1 M'S Bile Beans! a w DOUCLAS aa WILL i onoiUi kot Kiw wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. best in tno wona. $5.00 54.00, 2.5t. 3.50 52.00 roa LADIES $2.00 I.7S roR BOYS 50 (S! (2.00 s If you want a fme DRESS SHOE, m49 !n the latest 8tyl:-i, don't pay $G to $8, try my $3, $3.f 0, $4.00 sr $5 She?, They fit equal to custom mado and lock and wear as vC, If pu wish o economize!., your footwear, b sa by purclir.slii V. L Douiai Shoe:, Namo and pr!;e stamped en tj bottom, l?:kfor It when you b-jy W T.. UOUGX. IS, 12roc2iton9 3Iun, Sold by It.1!- l e. bi.aiiv, ARE YOU a newspaper wo: i -jr, antfcor. artist w pubhsiu-r onu jrti-jr t ifynn&ri-, or am intereistedln any i i above, j b'uoclu rta4 n i vn? 2 i renfii tlt a'.ovt.' i -v. itiht m i:i tv u l.UiRyfd.. Mn .tf s on ui'piiccllon. t 0".MAN, "u o.tii I'roirlct--, ntc.r- Nkw Vor.K.;;.! REVERE HO ..EASY AS ! t il l j Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J t ent business conducted fur Mooeratc Fees. 5 Our Orrtcc is Opposite U. S. Patent Officc J and we tan secure patent iu less liuie Uiau thos ? a remote Irom Washincton. it Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-f Jtlon. Wo advise, U patentable or not, tree off charge. Our fee not due til! patent ia secured. Z 5 A Pamphlet, "Flov to Obtain Patents," withf ?CO;t of KTiia in tho LI. S. ami forciiri: ronntri f sent free. Address, $ iC.A.SfNJOW&CO.l f Opp. Patent OFr;ce, Washington. O. C FARMERS. ATTENTION if : you v.ant r A N HACK. BUGGY. CA81 PLOW HARROWjCRILL SEEO EB, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Itnnlement or Ve hide, call on or address, B. F. SAMP Oppcsllfi Post Off.c Uany, O' rsto laKr.-TJirw (3) work hows ami Q HHJ.IIo h rsrt tor RA'n. or u-ilt irl. I r wiKni. oats, wlient or liny. M SFNHEKS. ' f'Ot good digestion appetite. S And health on both. ( ottoiene Cmio'tne Cottulonc Cottolsne iu -lens I'niinlf'iie vVtiilrnt 1'ottpknff (,'ottrlfi.r 'mtol'-nir S To assure both the alove cndii, ) Rood, wholesome, palatable food is ) detnnilcd. It is next to impossible i to nrcsent a stifhcient variety of appe- tiin bills of fare for our meals w ith S out a liberal allonfince of pastry and ) oilier food in which shortening is ? rttjuirfd. I low to make crisp, S h-althful, tliestil'le pastry has S puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in all i;ood cookinpin the past lias Uen i lar.I. Always tickle, never uniform, tnot unwholesome lard has always S bi'i nthe banc of the cook and tJ.o ) onsiaclcto "rood Uii!cstion." C- lio.cne uicoTCfnr niofitc (.'ottolrnc '"oiidknf v". t(o!riT- i'oirolfiia GOTTOL t"i!i.i,'ne I nitolcne t'onolene ('.nu lriie Cotiolcne I .'It. Inii-1 oitolei.r t'otlolrn' C01I0I..T I 'i.tlu!?ne ; ji comes now into popular j ' favor ns the new shorten- j o! iiiR better than even the !est of lard with none of 5 J;j lard's olijectiouablu quali- S ', ') ties. And J U GOTTOLEKE ."; conic nttcttded by both ' APPETITE UNO HEALTH." , 2 Grocers pell it nil nhottt. J REFUSE ALL auBSTITUTES. C'-t..lrn Coltolrnr . olioknr 1 rii. lrnr ..11.1,.;. 4 i.,'Wf IVti-l-n foiirler- Cottoletie t'.toi.n N. K. FAIRBANK A CO., ST. LOUIS and i how good digestion vit"on appetite. I EfiEl THROUGH lip TICKETS SA1T LAKE. QMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS, J DAY-- TO HOURS quandVeeast AC0 EJnilBQ QUICKER TO 0MANA HUUrW ANU KANSAS Ul IT- PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, rrtr-r nrni 1 1 1 1 iin mi ft in nnri' rntt r tuLifiinu uniui. unto, niuum had? For ra'.es nnd genernl Info, mation call or or address Curran &c Montclth, Albany, Uregon, or V H HURLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, 2 Si Washington ist Portland, Okegom EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTC Of J 11 li Southern Pacific Co. Gxpro38 Trains leave Portland1 Dally. South FROM JL'LT 1, 1892, " Portland Albi.ny San Frauciaco 0: 1.'.". . I I.v lit! k 10. lea H Ar above trains stop a. nil statioig from nd to Aibauy Inuluaive, also Tan hed(l,Hal8y,Harrisburg, Jtinction Irving. Kugene nnd all stations oiebuig to aahiand i:iclusl"o. RoasBcaa iiail. dailt 8:S 'I a I.v Portland Albany Roseburir Ar' 4S"r ;l I 7;0Ca :45PU .T ;:6(lm I Ar :10A H Lv I Ar Lv I Ar Albany Lebanon Albany ' Lebanon Arl I.v lt"'lii 9 .00 A M 30 A H :2CP M Arl :2f.r Lv I 2:39 r :09am PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. -A'D- Dinins Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Atlaebeil to all Tltrounh Tralrti. rTe.l Klilr Klvl.lon. BF.TWEEX POKflAJIII ASU tOBVALLia, MAIL aiKdailt (Except Sunuay, 7:311 la II 12:15 m I I Port'and Corvallii 5:cfi r m l:co r xraMStaAis aii.t (ExcBpt Sunday. t:l" r 11 1 I.v T:!H ra I Ar Portland McMinnvll:e 4;-2A A H i.'Om Lv to all point In tbo P.itt.rn Cn.;Ja anil Eurono can bo ob aincl at o vcnt ratca Irom V K FrtMik. Arent Albany. 1. KOEIILER r. P. ROOERS. U.nairer Ma'tO F. nd Port'aDd Oroiron. THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific E TV llimrv, llrrclver. TIME SCHEDULE, except Sunuaji.l r...v. Alhanv 12:n M.IL.'avo Vaqulni. 7:0(1 A. Leave Corvalilt I :'S r, . Uav. Corvallil,10: A, 4rtl. Yaqulna, t:35 r. .Arnv AlDtny, 11:19 a Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates, H,.to,-n Willamette Vallev Points and ban r ranclaco KUlamelW Valley, S.v 5th, Hth.Wm, rao va'-it. WillaaKtU Valley. Sov 9'.h. Illhanl Cth. Tha Compan reerTO! the ngnt t) bangs sailing aaies wiinoiu notice. RiTF.K HTf.AnF.HS. teami.t 'Hue" leave roniani neunevuay and Saturday OAS, 11 C Oiv.Oeu Act.lm n Street vTharl.Portlanil I R Vvt'irhn, KUn Xz't. sn l'ranci, Cal. R E Mulcahy, Oeneral Sunt: DENVER. lirt lTlillKFOUD it t II A M MtULAIX, Attorney! at Law. Will practice tn all eourta of the lUtrj. 8eciil atlenti'in tfivoii to mailer In prob-.W aud lo eo.lecUuua. OFt'lOE in the Viiua block v7R BIILYEU Attorney at Law nd Solicitor In Cbancory. Coll Uona made on all point. Loaua uetfoliatrd on rable lenti. Albany, Oregon G EO. W.. nitlHHT, Attornev at law, ar.a Nntarv Pub.lo. Will practice in all the courts ol thu tta Sreclal altcntli.ii jrii en to oollectiotiB and raatten, iu preUte Olllce: Luata.ri Uaaon-Twcdale Uiock A)tariy. OffU r. I. 11 ' I 1 1 tCKkitntV & iv i r 4 , ll 1";a1 mtttcriwi;i ro.:Ue proriip loe I. Oil FcIIjw T-Jiivlti, Albany, O Attentiuu. unn.vEV, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. Attornejs at Law. Albany, Oregon. CHARLTOA', AH leiftl bicfi attended o tt-irnnv-at-Law. jiroiniHlv: FLINN'3 DluA, Albany, Or: J. I.. IESLI,. Phjetdnti nnd Surgeon, OFFICE Cornor Fcr-y Bircuta, Albany, Oregon.; D IIS. HXHTOV A IVSN. Phrplrl&na an S'lrfftnn. OFFIi:K Corner eeond and l(. .;r i:.Mii streets, AUuiiy, Or, Culls pro.npf.y Atte'.idod 1 citv atidewuiitry; C": cnmBERiaisar, i tr..nnrtnAth;-t. TnfH .1 t In (1 dcasoa 01 Tno kvo otfii-n hours 7 to w a m: 1 to J m. auu t A -l UrOKOii, FIKST M.M'IONAfj BAKU, P nn ALBANY. OBEOON reettlcnt ...... LPMN.V M. 8, K.YOUKQ Vies l'rod.dcut . ikkthiar ...... E, W. LAM (i DON rRANSACTS A OENEBAlbanHnnXaaloeM ACCOUNTS KKPI' uubjett to chock. SIOUTEXCIIANOE and trl TaphIO trUMlor, fo 4 New York, San fraacUco, Chicago and V .itland l,n.LGI'.lo.M uni'uu DIRBCTOM. j. E. Todo E,w, LASoioa L E Clai. 1. r" EdwaadS. Sox. OF AliKANT, ORKOON. TRASSACTa icn'sral Rn'dtv; ulneM. DRAW SIGHT DI'.UTJ on New York, S m Pr 11 acoand Portland, Oreitn. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE dep-wita aubjeel to check. COLLECTION'S made on tirorable torma. INTEREST paid en tlma donoaita BAKU OB" Nl'IO, solo, oKKOon. ,. T J Mi nk . A J Jou FromTerminal or Interior ihe Faic Railroafl Is I lie line to lake Ta all Points EAST and:. SOUTH It in tlie niNISJtl CAR ROVTE 11 rmiH V F.S 1 1 It I L KI'1I1A1S KVKItt I.Y iu the Your to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO T;0 CHANGEIOF CARS.) Composoil of WiiiiuCars UnsurpassfJ ruiiman urawins uoora Meopers Of Latest Eqiiipracnt TOURIST SLEEPING CABS. Bot that CRT. bo oor.truclei nnd In which tnitnmod ivionn are tvth free nnd furnished for bolriprs of First or 8 1 co ml ch tickets, at d ELEGANT OAY COACHES. k Continuous Lln9 canneotidi iih al linis, affording: Direct an fl Umiiterruptea ServicB. PullmnTi deeper renermtlona can be Aecureu lti nctTnc through any pent of the road. TUROnGU riCKETN to ana from all E situs In AmericH England an.1 nroi can be purchased at at 7 ticKeiemce 01 una cotppany; Full infirm at Ion concerning rate. time af trains, route ami other Jetails furn iahetl on application to any agent, or A t CHARLTON. Assistant General Passentrer Agent, No 121 Fir-vt St, cor, Washington, Portland, Oiexoo. C G BatkharL, ACAD MM Y OF- latiy of Percflf.ial Hdp Boob ii Job Prmfiii GAL BLANKS, Conuuercial A Arts tic Wedding" Cards, IN THE LITEST UORRBOT STYLES, ry thing" First-class sand D3 livered on Short Notice. 5 SMI LEV, CCK, I TO FIND A CUKE KOrt RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, K.3DP2SY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLMUTS, DV6PSPS9A, LAME-BACK,!; tKi A' iiwff .... ."'"asr.x'w W" MM, SilSEifg EIF.CT5I0 EEL'f ,151 f'WrttM";" l nr ven ttnirn rjo".it iT?:i iT.T: f'n rtlildlinccd ::nfl i,l tnnn, per. m-. d, Jrc. j.-. :.:lih:'." "Ifctrlf Jic-lt Li nrniperaeiit oawttlmvortMtor.'f 1 o r-'b:;:.t ;m.i m?' r,nrttr nil t.t h?r troitirf-nts fftile!.ucitb ahown by nundrctlii t C:inv t hr.v,i-;i,, 'it t M i :iin! -t hcv -t.itr.vl.o r.-oi.i;! tilnffly lvrtfv, nr-dlAJiaim ..MVU iv ujitiotiui.)! lllLVIO in: a i.i. if ic.i:!iiiu. it' I i.vir r(JL''J VCTJ uaLCl' uziua uur iteil we HAvfTiFr'tTTo: cam curr ycui C N ERAL DE B SL! Ti Ci) R S 0 , 4 j t-AMS GACK Alii) RHEUMATISM. .Dr. A. T. Panrlpn, lj.-i.rir:-:ore'l'i! 1 y. -.-i A - . i'O'-jl-rri hp,n, KnptcrbetJCr I wa troubb'd with lorat vitor. vi: .1 v.-okif-n h-i-i . 1 - A-7" p ''v''"-'' ' -t Mr V ir'-f eirro-nt-. almtiet a comi.Ieto ios of t.ow,- v.-f .., .,. i -n r: ur'i ci-i.iijiu- -viHi .tin it rail coinijafrro' a mrr Urd f-elinf., i,inn : ncj,; 'e.: '-cs V ;otir Unit 1 li . iind n nfiWlOiiw of ii . I m.v rnj" .'t ' "!T'n? '"v y;r. iwai-os life buf.erthun I Iihto for tr.-. uat. I li.ivn Diol"1"1 J,yoli', ,:''l.l""' lay hue's. tn-all ioulM uim.r-L ut'iiuiiurici) in jour IPIP.iri ri. nu r; in , Jinh Muh Htatemeut,iio have othcra Trit. m- .v.ll mo. 'Xruly yours. JI. A. UuH'i.N . l.mi L--I k RHEUMATISM AND ;.AMEMLKS CUi'KH. n . n , l'ur, r r, A: rt! 1J i v.j. two wr"l! qku forrtimnttxTi. fi"tn ivl.i.-ti I s-: rt'( forMTijrnl j-niira. ynr thn .- rix ,: jhn I i oi beennbltow rlt. nr tidt hi-.:,ttp., "! n alrinut jierl-ct Loalth in thn two wnk- 1 h:ivo o i d it. con walk cumiorfnblr, mid t'j h;:a u ti .v jnmi ( i-n.Tullj-, M. E. HUGHE;, Pr ttr It..rnati;nul liuLul. NERVOUS DEJLnY-OiiS Or VICpiT. Dr. A. T Fp.Mfm, T)riir"ir : ''hu'vVv ! n ustr.!' ylw flleetrio belt for i:irnr.I n rrou t:(-bi:i r. and to-il i fal bcf. ir than Ihr.v-for live j-;iarj. 1 haifouaiued In vluir'i r.:u nronr m pverfp"i't. iuurfitrauruil, Clli8. LTTETKA. TK2 LVf?. SAMDEKiSEf-ECTRIS BELT 'i'"'lr Vnt it t?i cur.' MVi? TS2.K,Sc.,i:lcupcn0.l','t""or''l','!"tbni'"vcrBlvenvViai.iPldl IlVrun.t."d! lVev TrSi f1S'5!?.kl,"""c"' ?.na l"e"l"ro shrunken limbs, or parts, or Mo... Sciani will cure th In touw. middUMgnH SAWDEM ELECTRIC CO. ill First St., PORTLAND,, GRtEC Ladies: i The Secret Of a Fair Faco Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Sitters Will give you A lovely Complexion.' w. M. allcFarland, i -:- DEALER vn Harness - and - Saddlery Display in the Door TAfNTRV KnK WO"T) ta-hi "ii Ric::ar, lhiinn. .. .v. ":. "H Scam Launtlrv. ' uo ''. BRIEFS. Stationer) PR. HATSDES'S lil.iJTJIIc reining liiit'ttii.iltocii ii"! ii. n ii'rt'rnii.-Bi' y lir.-.j tn -ittKjrj;. tP'-rvf fi.rceandTiu .M J'iiTI.'..l'il';f.'!S. fjackdtV . "," l.i 'Jiii.iirii, i.T.'.tinrtfJ f Vi;::T l.jt-iv :t 1- ii fiur in;:n ami tn:;Ti(-r.:,,r.j .J rfi;3 OT? ir::v.;' ri:..'u i im n-n- i- Mw;:.:7 ii. i"r r I''"1. ' ne.i er-vcrrj '.-nsoot hmdifi l-: -i-, I .It. 'HJ .1.1 .K'limi HIMillSTIthf II. It I.B.J n !.!.- orr .itijs, nnd I cnti mnd to it fort d ..s'lii rt, i.i'-nij )(,rii r i'v ciint'l. 'I lir.t WJittra fia j. - i' in u. wri o-nay at i ' .-r wns iunijr.ii ir lii-'t ycM oi.d I knw lots ot p. !.!: ti.iva bvin ruri-il by i Mpny oi.hHN a aw it, h1 ii. mm ii i i y ll. in.iy wnu.i jma it tJio nam1 b. K tliO IU"'. ri'jnr, iu th Wmlrl I t!n 'i-.--.t-f1 ' piTtTi:.ri,.niir.aud will bocla; totolkwiCi aajonin LOUT VITALITy AND !JTf?cvnT . T i m ret'i" "b, .Jdim 1411 b It I linvnL'01'ii ijroatl? beirihd. I f(ol raslJi bolt I liud twice an Romiin a befota. Q fur ttlQ bftaPf. 1 f ll much atmnrr-r r' nv b'.l UHina thti Vours truly, i:K.liX bGEClsU r.'lWA r I Si .A" ''"''"t V- f When my little pirl was one motith oW.'-; naa a ca! lorm on lur Lice. It kept spn inff until she wns completely covered tr:' hea.l 10 loot. Then she hail boils. She forty on her hea 1 at one lime, anil aw"1; her body. Vhcn six muni 3 olil she i'i'' welsh s jven .-unils. annnnil and a hail 1" than at birth. Then her skin started io'n up and got so bad she could not shut brr r-: to sleep, but laid with them half open. AW this time, at Ihe earnest request of frieo: started mine; the Cuticura KrarME'.'H ent month she r.wr eompuith rr' The doctor and drujj bills were over drid doliart, Ihe Cutiura bill was net r; than Avt J.,ti.r LnnntaVlt1 old, stronj;, healthy and large as nny tl tier age (see photo.) and it is nil Ccticura. Yonrawiih a Mothers Blew MRS. ca-O. II. TI CKER, js-. 335 Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee," SoM ll.Mn.1 . .V- IJ Xlrrwm llf"' Cmm. &.r., ,le proprietor.! Fosion. M"';J6 mjoui ine Dloou, Mtin, cslp, ana n" Kah m.n.1.1. r.n:.... k.. anil red. tl- fcaada preventcj and cv. hv Cuticura 9oP FOSHAY ft MASON ARt RITA1I 'rnoffistsfii !' ..iiiitaci'i a"! la.ri. fc HIT alUfin f ll'Vl " i " ' . ailch w Mll at i-';-h!it' " RtRsceati'lAfi tluaranri to rtirr rtllimis AtW1 mm 1. -H