yol vi AL13AM. 01U5GON, TUESDAY ..NOVEMBER T, 1893. NO 155 A Lffi.Q Daughter 0 a C'liurrli of Knitlaud minister curirf of a distressing rash, ly Ayor's Hursiiparilla. Mr. liicii.vini ItiKKS. Uic wi'll-knuwn I)iii(.'Ki.st,au7 JltCiil -A.. Moiitical, 1'. Q., says: I have wml Ayer s Inmily .Miilicincs tor 40 yrars, and liavi-ln nnl tmtlitii;; but good siiiil of tlifiu. I know ol miny Wonderful Cures prrloriiini by Ayer's Snrsatniilln. ouo in particular lwlns t lint of lilllu dauilii' f ''"' '' ' Knj!lninl millili ter:" Tlic cliilil was lil r;ilty covjrcil from lioiiil to fuot Willi u nrit and ex ceedingly troiiMrMiini rasli, from wliii-h slio li.nl niffi ri il for two or tlirio years, to spit1 of tlin lnit liiftlical treatment availaUc. Ilur fatlu r wan In (Treat distress aliout tlio rasif, ami, at my reccmineudalioli, fit last begun to nd mmistrr Ayer's Kars:irarilla, two hot ties of v. -hicli effected a complete) euro, iiiwli to lr relief and lor father's delimit. I nin sure.wi re he here to-ilay, batroulil testify in the strongest terms a to tlic merits of Ayer's SarsapariJIa Prepared ly Ir..T.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures othor.-vI3icureyou The Oregon Land " Co "tp its home office at SrLOiJILI. - - - OEEGO. T e twGrt, liLcL, corner Liberty anj Stele street, branch office In Portlaiu --r MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $5p to $60 per ere small cash payment long time 01 balance or particulars. PA-ROHIZEj VIM 1 -Albisnr, rtKA 1), President. J n W Itn -si W. Sjctetwj J h COWAN. Treasurer. Geo K SIMPSON. Vlco Freai laufc niRKOTORS Cnwsn, Ueo PHImpnon, W F P.asd, D B MontflltM.W Nt9rn-org,l V7 Cu it J K WibertrtriJ. UJ SturUi O WriUmao. ALSO DtSTttCT AoXfTS fOR teal Solid Eastern NEW : FURNITURE, M" SroiiE ISNOWFUU. OFIIRST-CIASS Fl'RNITlTRE, CONSISTING tf bed room sets, ehsirr, .leunges, etc., which I will sell at J BOTTOM itwfc Both tlio method and results Vuen Syrup of Fig3 is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses iiio sys tem edectnally, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of lugs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duccd, plcasine; to tlio tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only freni tho most healthy and agreeable eubetauccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and Iiavo mado it the most popular remedy known. Kyrup of Figs 13 for salo in 50c and SI bottlc3 by all loatlir.g drug gists. Any reliablo drugpist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any coo who wishes to try iu L)o not accvt any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SIH FRANCISCO. CAL. loutsvim. nr. fw row. .r. AXLE JSC lisS-f.thi i Cn 1 IBM:) i 'A O bo3r T or auv j!:" t- '.. I.oj INSTITUTIONS. - r-rrray sr VTA &t i U K B lUia to 5 fa B I MERCHANTS INSURANCE d Oregon and Foreign Compaiieb PRICES. Tlios. Brink. tin EVEN WlTMOl'T BONDS. Cleveland's firit administraiioa had more money than it could spend. Then came the appropriation orgy of the fifty- tlrst contzrtes. Cleveland's second admin istration Is pushed f or money to meet ob ligations. Shall the Government turn to that last resort of unsucceslul business operators the money lender)? Not if the knifj of democratic economy can ty energetic ixercise cut esoenscs don to receipts. Those who love the gurgle cf flowing apt ropilations say Hut lliij Is a great gov ernment which cannot efford to be mean. Those who know what is nuht reply that this is a tjic.it government wnicli csr.not alfoid to stt a bad example to its people. Ominous whisperings of deficiencies come from the departments and the appro pitationa committees. Keilers as to the issue ol bonds are put out, chiefly Iroin republican sources as yet, Ciovciiiii'.ent credit must be guard.d, bills which hive b;en contracted must be paid . If we cannot protect credit and pay debts without borrowing moTiey we may be compelled to iasue bonds. Kut tttre Is an Income tax, ly which $100,000,000 a year can be levied. mere is me oocinne ot democratic economy, whose application ought 10 be cut off a food many m'llions. Never issun a tor.il while money for nec- cs-ary expenses can be rauel without op pressing the peop.e. It is a bad precedent, because when bonowing is easy a govern ment is always lempteu to put cut new promises Instead of diminishing expenses. The finale roeds an especial cautior Heretofore it has alwavs added to lious appropriations. Its iJeai of expenditures are liberal. Since it l as not been win ning public approval very f u.t this fa'l, it ought to become mrcYv. ami frugal for the ret o! the session. The democratic party i capable of per forming the busines? feat of getting tliroi'gh with I lie payment of republican mortgages without borrowing a cent. Nothing would give it mote prestige among the people than such an evidence of its capaci'y to reorganize a bad system and to handle great affairs with great abil ity - There Is nn'hii'g discreditable about borrowing nin'iey in plain emergencies. Tlie oiscredit comes in borrowing when sti let management would even up obliga tions and revenues. In a time of peice. ol va;t revenues and large private lncor.es, nrtlonat boirowi.tg would not look well. Try everything else first. Coin the seigniorage silver, put on the income tax and trim off the excrescences. Trnrlirrs Institute Notice is hereby given that there will he n trarhers' meeting at Ilarrisburg Nov. 10th and 11th. The teachers of Junction, I.ane county, will join with the teachers iu and around llamsburg in this meeting and a good time is promised Lecture Friday evening, the JOth, by l'rof I .I Dloss. All teachers and friends of education ar cordially invited tocome. G. F. KlHSEI.L, County School Superintendent ATIIIITOFTIIK l'RSf.Yr DAY- ,1 E .Sultivao, Secret r cf the Am tear i Athletic Uuion, lVeii.lent rf tie I'ibtimo j Athletio Club, vtiil Athtetij Ftlitor uf The I prtin time, writv; 'Kor !ra I hve bcii ctivtly connect I ed with athletic 'porta. I always f uod it to my advantNtfe to n Al'c ck' fo-oas FU9teri while m trtiainr, an llipy quickly bpmtve orenem an'l ttnl'iiw; i-nd when attirkfii with nv kr nf (j.ins, the remit of flight j '(., I alwayi ned AUcokV with lum-hVii' f'J'nltv'. I hive uotieed that molt athlf of the present diy oe aothioj. v!m A Irock's Vlnrttn.1 Or Ixtekemt to Ai.i-. Wholesale mer cliantB In the Kaf.frn states have otTered us kca indticementfl nnd we tvnnt to give our customers nn opportunity n well, proviueu yuu w in tmy now. We Imve made a'eat reductinns in the mice of our dross goods, line nhop papea, jack ets, etc, for raf-h. and intend to eell them a h fast as poeaihle. i-.ihtv live cents in mo?tcneH will tmy a dollars worth of iiooda and eome times more. Come in and make your felections. Our goods are nearly all new, and can't be bomiht else where In Linn ennnty for the prices we will ell them at if bought now. Read. Peacock & Co. Million's Care, tne fire it coo eh and crt.op ear, ia for isle by n. Pnckt is4 contain went) -five duawpn'y 2.e, Children love it oahay k Maa'in. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grape Cream if Tartar Powder. Werlit'sFalr Trarlef Will II r Tim public demand thronuh service when travhnff. t is nltl-fahioned to "Chanue Cim.' On the Mirooght olid vpntihuled train of the Chi?a , Union Pcf.o A North Western Line from rr to Chicaffo, tmhand tntrriifiiitte poi'.t there ia w rtange. 1 liw is the fiiea. an. fittett Sor- ce between the pointa ttm6. Pn. up tn rr.-'.l vntchhaprt hot t lea. r:;amt eiaiu-O. $ali ; ia Liens. Jwc SK-r Irottiu. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. f Our rtan Fired On. Nkw Yoiik, Nov 0. The Herald's I." Libertnilj Salvador, dispatch says: Hons duras lirad upon the American Hag thi : 1 . 11 1 1 ..t r : niorningj uy tne alleged oruers ui i resi dent Yasauez and by the express command of the commissioner of the port of Amapala several shots were fired nfter the Pacific Mail steamship Costa Hicn, Hying tlio stars and stripes, as she steamed nway. becauso she refused to surrender one of her passengers to the Honduras government. United States Minister linker was on board tlio Costuvltica at tlic time. Tho passenger about wjom the trouble arose is l' Honill, who recently led the revolution in Honduras but was defeated by General Yaiiuez. Uruuklrr Tlinn Ever, Sale; Or, Nov 0 Governor IVnnover, raferring'to the Thanksgiving complication, said today: "Ot course I expect that religious serv ices willbe held the day appointed by the president, and that what few cm afford it will then eat turkey. 1 shall be content if the dayjGxed by nie will bo observed as a day of meditatation upon the unforriinato financial condition of the country, and if it will nl8d be instrumental in inthtcncing the next legislature to designato Thanksgiving day by statute, thus obviating the neces sity of 4ny proclamation." friljr Ktrrllun Iu Uerunl, GicnVAi.', Or, Oct G The Gervais city electionjtook place today. Thero was but one tieliet in the fie'd and very little inter est manifested. A light vote was polled. Although there was no polities in the con test, the council is solid republican. The following aro the orh'cers elected: Council, Tom Coleman, M Mikhell. J Dingman, V Kelley.) F Godfrey; recorder. W Talor; marshaill, 1 Koester, and M Goulet, treas urer. ; liillcj Hie Hull re lumlj : hKIJtHOMA L'lTV, .NOV 0. A neci'O named jClarlc, his wifa ami daughter, were lounu in a cabin in the country "itu their throats cut and skull crushed in. Mrs Clark s dciH and the others cunnot live The deed wns done by John Million,! negro jrho lived with them, tor robbery. 1 A Fatal FoolItuU aiuc. OCKTo.v. Cul. Nov C Clmrlci ii Whitliig, a high school at mien', 17 years of age died last evening from the effects of injury received in playing football two weeks,' figo. The injury brought on bowel trouble. Three AitpuintiuoulU; WjyBniNOTON, Nov C The president haVappointcd 0 M Alelburn collector of internal revenue for the first district of ClrfWaia; John H Hiipy, of New York, consul general of the United States at Ottawa, and Xewton li Ash by, of Iowa, consul at Dublin, Ireland. In Oldrn Times People overlooked the Importance of per manently beneficial effects and wcr? satl ficd with transient actions, but now that It is generally known I hut Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not juy other laxatives, which act for but a time, but fin ally Injnre the system. Mir.uxEUY. Mm M Buoy ami daug'nte desin to inform tb3 public tint they have moved into the rooms lately occupied by .Mrs Sower and are supplied with a line of millinery goods of quality and prices to suit the present hard times, lie sure to call and examine their good. before purchasing Ue-rvliere. Wheat, 50 cts; oat?, 25"; !iv.$S haled; wood, $3 to 13.50, taken in exuistiiKe foi sewinK machines or organs on hand at E U Will's mulc store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months standing, Sewing machines from $251035, with my per sonal guarantee tor 5 jr. Thr VExnicr h u-iiniinod that Will & Jtark cirry tlie hot line of nlver ware 1 tr.e valley. They nave the variety an., qual ty, a omnnatlon thit counts in buin oo.ls. An inspecloti al.vay carries con fiction. Whatever mav be the cause ol h.attch- ng, the hilr miv be restored to Its origi nal color by the ut of that polcrt rcmdy Wall's vegetable Median llair n-newer. tgstinoqnn 4-iAifotntinBpntirmi9ia .4 f j Aiund 'oujiklds asnaidU) Xitsix Yk-, You Can see the finest Hie o aojes or suhlng in the stote at WK Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equals On hand to make them up on short notice, uetlhe best and mom styiivn suits of him. A new feature will be" the making of ladle' c'oaks to order, or tlie ahering of c-ot to the latest stylirs. and ne repairing 01 cloaks rnce at or- torn ones. e?iisr.n e- ve Cttir-aUon aid Sic 'oclie. btMll Itik It. -am. Sh.1hs ViMiiiHr ?a what yoi nted for Jypfiia, it r pid HvT. yellow skin or kid nev trimhl. ! i ifnr-nted tojtrive yon Mtitaction, Ptice Hxdhy Foshay & Maaoc. The only Pure Cream of Tartar TotTdcr. Xo Ammonia; No Alurn. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yc tlie Stnndar't Highest of all in Leavening Power. 1 A &m AB603JJTELY PURE Self I'm Jar. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony of other no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock's Porous Planters are the only genuine ind reliable porous plasters made is not self praise in the slightest degree. 1 hey have stood tne test tor over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it Is only necessary fo call attention to the cutes they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Oewaie o( imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. A.sk for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation inducr you to accept a substitute. Ilrnllh iu Old Ace. Eilward Colltnson, Queens, N Y, says: "I commenced using Brandreth's PHIao fifty-five years ago I first bought them in i-.or.uon, and hae continued i.Mi'.g i htm since I came to ihl? country In 1S36. I am now over scventv-five years old, hale and hearty, and attribute mv wonderful health to the persistent use of Rrandreth's Pills. Occasionally I have a had cold or severe attack of rheumatism, indigestion or biliousness, but four or five doses of i r. and roth's Pills always cure me. When ever my children have been sick with scnrl?t fever, measles, acid stomach, dis ordered digestion or costiycnesR, a few J dotes of Krandreih's pills restored their health at once." The True L:iailvc lrlnrllc Of I It; plants used In maruifactuiing the pleasant remedy, Syrun of Figs, lias a permanently beneficial effeel on the human. system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as med icines are permanently Injurious. Being wen tniormed. you w.11 use the true rem edy only. Manufacture', by the Call fornla Kfg Syrup Co. WHO does your washing? It is to be hoped you send it to the Albany Steam Laundry ,t tins )atroni:dng a first-class home institution that employs only white labor. The work too speuks for itself, not after the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, hut on account of the nuperior manner in wkich it is done. Dr. Price's Cream baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Proved Iu be the BtKl, Tested and proved by over thirty yea's use in all parts of the world, Allcock's Por ous plasters have the indorsement nf tne highest medical and chemical authorities and mdtionsof grateful patients who have been cured of distressing aliments volun tarity testify to their trerlt. Allcock's Porous Piasters ire pure'y vegetable. They ,-rr mild but cffVcllve, sure and quick hi ineir action, and uum utely harm es. Beware of Imitations, and do nnt be de ceived by mfrep-esentalIon. Ak tor Allcock's, and let no so icitatiun or exp'a nation induce vou to arcrnt a subtltuu. WnmiNQ Isvitavioss. Wooden, Tin, r-'ilver, (iylden CoiNinon every day. 3GTMn ky. AU Your Frlentls Who have tak-n Hood's harsapail l.i what they tldnk of It, and the replies will be pO'ldve in its f vor. One has been cured of indigestion an l dyspepsia, anM her finds It indlstcnuab e for sick headache, others renott rema'l.ihe m.rrt t-f scrofula, satt r hen en nnd other bloti dincafs.-iiill others Mill te-1 wu thnt it overcon.e "'hat tired fee ing,M and o on. Truly, the best ad vertising whirl Uooil's SarsiparllU re ceives Is the 1 -any endorsement of the army ot friends tt has won by its positive e h;t 1 it n .- liood". Ion't brterrpti 1 in lr. vest In them You will get Into rr -ihle everv tl.r.e a d In tne end poverty at rt dbyrt-ce. The genuine L nrle ham s g. en poods are the ot-ly ones of value. The make you rich; especially when ued to nurcSose Wmrr.ons Liver Kegulator to ci your Indigestion, rhe pepsta, consttpb lonorbll'.ousness.nr drlv? away maiarti. Oon't be tempted to take nythlng else In place of the Kegulator. Baking Powder. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking HER lir.Kp Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fine groceries at Conn & Hendricaon's. New cream cheese just received at ConraJ Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar tit Julius Joseph's, I)r M II Ellis, physician and snreori Albany, Ororm. C-ilU mala In oit'or country . When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsaparilja, he simply orders a bottle of AyerV, krowine full well that he wid obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can furnish. "Ayer's Sarsipariila U the superior medicine. 1 t.. .1. Lack to I u.-.y liealtli. :f cnd-Iivcr oil with j -.ic .vss in ail Ri linen';? f.osh and sirontiii! .jopho -i grc.t that rv Litt.o tue it with relish. !" p-i-f l Sr..t ft rt(iwtu. N. V. A'1 dr'igri"' Wets., l.OOpor BotUeT uoe cent a Tmfl Grkat Cotron Trhoro all others fiiii. Coughs, Croup. 8 or Throat, Hoaraenesa, a. whooDlnrr Cousti and Asthma. For Consumption It baa no rival: has cured thousands, end will CCRB tod ii taken in ttmo. Fold by J)ni(fglss on a guar antee. For n La mo Ilank or Chest, use BHILOH'3 DfiLLADONNA PLABTERJioO. HILQH'S CATARRH 'REMEDY, Inve von l iiiiii-rti V Thli rrmvlw lusninrniw toed to cure you. l'rlce.EJct. Jiijoctorlrce. iOOi of MEN Essflr. ?alcb!y. Feritansntlj Rc$tjrttJ. WEAKNESS, riEXVOUSUESS. DESIl 1TY, it! all Ihi- triiln ft r n iuraii i ipii' t 1 ti.it r i ffM", iiif ri".i:'n or uui k, "It- k u i- n n, i.t it.'. KdMstn-i vHt, lopii eiii anil ioii Rtvrn iy e rty orjiap tictl P-ntinn (f ti'i ixft. in'.'-.nrtntri !r.iri:.in s. InmirrtiHti'lri itiiiTeit r-f-n. Fi i:nr fm!M.llila, 2."t ri'fcrfni'fri. Ji-ok, CTpLiiinTlon sn.l priauiS niHllt'U (su!c(l) fm. ERi: KEDICAL CI BUFFALO N. V. llPtUY CHUEGTATE INSTITn ALBANY, OREGON ie&2 Iral Teem (Inenei Keptembee Hrl A ft I enrpa of lnatn - CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITEJTAfr COMMERCIAL AND HHRVAl CLASSES. tianw ot tndy crmnir-.' r ail gre.deis orMudfntn Sfm'm imnmcemtnf eftrJ to frcm mbroad. rrr. rtnr.RT s rnvnir Powder Clhu Dromntlv cures mi