CITY OFFICIAL PAPER rclliflif d every day in tlie week except Sunday. IMTTIM, EilitaM and Pro'p'r lii(l 'tt CfflcK at Albanj (JIDil ....KOVrMBrB ISU3 GOOD EVENING. CKrnxo .'Mi'ATiJvSr A corespondent the Heraiu nuacus iteceiver Ueall, of ,e Linu County National Hank, for ,)t mini!,' a payment as promised gome ime no- lepoitors ennnot be blamed ,t beiiii! impaneni. iney want their uon'V. Hie truth is, thouirh, that .Mr tall is not to blame in the least, lie is iMrerless to ae.i except nc'toruini; to itrudlons Iroin the 11. S. treasi'ry. He ude ins repon eoine unit n.i 1juld liave heard from Comptroller ".ilee neiore mis. r.ven me checks for lieihvMtmisare m.icio out at Washing. . ... ami u-ill lltlV'f til tlA li.i'i..l I... .1 . '"" - - -''-.trii uy ire Receiver liefuie pat me nt can be made ia nlirnil. &7i"i llllll fni- .1 lul . : . ' UJCIV m i ...nn IIMIllOlt .1 .. .1.-. l.l.. I. ".n ....... . i ; II 1... ,1.... i.r.'.l ilt .111 . - :iiaill be a splendid tiling tor Albany .ten piareii in cireuianon, as it nn- -i.... I .. ... I... ;.. r i :ijU''irni win in i ii-n iiavg. mr is as aiixiiuis as t lie; depositors for .icw i ,, u3 - m lerely a inaeliine in tlie matter eannot nnj ,v "1" Xo rnoriT is Wiisat. A few davs m B Slump received from (lie stutistiri.-n film l'liiU'ii Elates iletinrt mont n' m.r; lint llf MIlPlltiiiliB -a I., it.. ji.u.v -i ...... .a . .mil , c j 1 1 1 e osl of the production of whtnt in Iregon, 'iv "am ..J flic HUV- rninent in bulletins regarding Hie wbeat nuusiry in wie unneii Mates. Mr illllllll lirnilirllt 1 llfl lllllllnl. 11 . im.l ....I foratl'e (.'ratine and alter n spirited . ... . Dill 1CCUIII 111 wurins replies as follows : Rent of land er cre.., preparing laml seedPOe, iicinn Mil. Iiflrvi'sl nit' SI . 11.......I.: i a- i V . "iiv-siuuk ..--j. iiuusiiiK .e, uiarKeuil il'c; tota wi, niiiuiiui eoiv ii uerai re nimh yield 17.4 bushels, price per buslie C. FrOIll tlllS it U'ill 111 aiun ; 5t's iS.!i;'., to raise na nr nl ui,n,.i ind net it ready for market, w hile the irndiirt fit Hint nir af nni.ani iouM bring but S 13 or the the cost of .n-.ln.lin.. nl 1.....1...1 ..1 ...I . . .iin.iiui. ui i. uuBi-ci 01 wneaL lor nieii inn inrmpr u-mi'l ruiuilna ni inl prices 4B'a'c would bo olc Slutes- :ian. ATsksiiilk W.m.visu. It rarclv ban. liensthat inariiaues resultinj; from mat rimonial ailverlnipiiioiila ...i .1 i-i V. I'mic uiner :han failures. John DouKherf.a farmer i?ed sixty, living near Watorville.Wasli,' liopped his wile to death with a butcher ..:, mwu ner oooy io a wheat stack nd partly concealed it with straw, ater ho was found in a vacant bouse yinf from exposure and hunjior. Jle .uu Ins wiffi tiniinm.,1 l.;a i .i . . i '"-v.. uin ic mm mreilf lied to dance over Ins urave. The wo .. u- Mar Kapius, Iowa, and ent to Haterville in answer to a mctri lonia advertieement. .Since their mnr ige they have led a cat-and-doi; life. ffiiv I)s'r Tiiev.a Portland paper cnticisii.n Mrs (ieo II Williams for t iinouncinK tiio Madison Btreet dis ;'er oefnre it iii.i.nrr...l u r. i v 'oiiio oi iiieBe ople who claim to be aVe to penetrate mil i . muig lor me 'L y ''''I'lV'S ,n llnl Kiving a warn ; Wore hand. Let them do it once. iniili,., 11.. . .'1 " ' wii 1 rniiiinit mil iney can't, ibey are IBBOiD j '. j " wi?!!'!0. P,offlc been re.en.edat Lvo with aitutlenk vi- """. the lower .5d?n!? PBh, J; ?' Rid,,., died lm" rl T h"rl d's",'e "bile attend- tlieTo0."'' !' ?et"" 0,1 t'1" notoriety Monon:nv:7ciarge.n,,combin- ar, a !. :.r". '"" the I.eveH,r "".d. Oma A 1'ujjt,. ' and .Nancy Olivtm in II. .It. winV,"'V Dfes Boots and iorCash. v:.i.rir."...rcuucc.dPric Hc-d. Peacock CoVJodranr.7r!cnee8.,,'e iny, nun n,f i . .. "-"""V Mu-"ucaiions for meetinu puohc favor. I ho Spokno a,.Vier tollj of n all ., on;:"s.oup"arK:a,'"''o7!3"c IhuOretMil lli'i ii... it,.. - . ' .... convomC) ou it. ,1, ' " Mi uiilllilni. . i i "'""-: rezumauie and u,IIIilnB, send for free liberal rclli.inni u mi nB 10 postoiboe mission, 3,r Yarn- in. unci, (jr. A oa em vmm.n. ..i-t.-ii. ,.,i,n s "I"" I'ltneu ins name and iddress on a pear that urn ait. and nmi' irti., :-i . .. . ". :b- near l ,l,l". 7' l""?" 8 ' o ,11,1. ; " s """"". "anger- 'uurii Thinkixo About. -I)r J L Hill i,-v'1!11."." !on ",tit:,e the Ore" v.i .i "e l'ocate that lusan- , "ill be no defense for a crime. The -I 18 onn n....n. .ii .- .. . .. kin. I uigesung. ruu ic r'.y..i,lt'",anJ8 such n 1, thouLd. .," " J uniiciiit to sustain. Jt insani. ; "ns'ncsi. for so lonn Ikol ueiense the wood? will ue jjj "" uuruerers. Lakok Tlmoh RkmoviiD -I)r " hr,Re fin'i tumor niaP 1 f i" 0f ,ra E " Rnm.nay, of -.orn l'i i'I '0- -.T1'. operation was :al in P , c.'00il 'saaritan Hos 1 l3,v VlaiUli Snt"'-'ly,at 11 o'clock, "8 nicelr i i . portei1 n" Betting Job Cannon, a frnmn l.lll- 1 v .. ...... . i .j., nrt3 Dy i ue cars at Junction FrtHm nihi n.....i...i upon (lie tiack directly In front n,. train. Oilier tnmns claim Ir . i- .. b.inuiiiuij. ne n pit uiinr.i... moraing. 3 Kdwin t'nc'jtt Pollen ..f o.i . ......, ., , w'oeiia uuiss, ot Woodburn, formerly of Albany, were united in mar' riage a". Aoodburn Saturday ereninv. Mrand Mrs 1'atton .passed thmm.l, ai. t ..ny on the overland on a bridal lour through California. The racinircinliinn l?o.. 1.1. J f ...or. 11". ; i.,.v.i . rrcoia w. -.IO,. Hnn W.1H In i n.l n.m 1... t iif S.l. I Mfi.i.:.. '., 7? ... " " -"I iv jcmh 11 iiuiiis,) or- valhs, is again in th s c-.ty, having been taken posifiajion of by the former owners. Cor il Iincllt.millnr . nl.i.lf-1 . . .i.. i. . ii I.. . -"i kkc. inenone .in prooauiy ue aold before long at public nnln U..1a . T 1 i... - . .-mi-iii luuetieudeaE, We'lll. KtrM Xr (".. U-..- - j .i ... - w w... mi, iciwweu men contract with the S PCo on most advantage' . .c....9 iu uiu rnuroaucomuanv. Tna nnn. track will i m ol .i.. ...j i- - j .. .. . ,. , j.!.... iu .uuuion to tlie tiouiia nmil In. o.n which amounts to 81,730,000 of Wells, Fargo & Co. Stock, thn rilrn..l I. I in cent, of the Riosa eirnings of the eipieu uu,iuK um i;u ei u:o eonirae:. The Salem Independent pictures mi uier watKino ii nni. in a ........ -n suit, practically In threads, and gives it as an awful example of the state to which 45 cent wheat will bring a farmer. The truth Is the suit has bee.i worn for about en years, and he wouldnt vear another 'OU II ne COU (1. Ho Ic ...... anil kei-riiliTiR li(3 wii.. n rn -r, e,-- ...o - jj vino m Jrtiu uiesg, Tlio All.ii,,. Cll I-.1..U I... I irniil-ia.l ...111. t .11 : in nun inw lunowing oincers: l Ketcbum, presUenl; Frank Welch, vice iirnuiili.iil. All.n.i. ..-l . . ? i. , ...... v.. i.iwh i rineiTeiiiiy , rraiiK Wlllsnn trpamiMM. 1!. Ar it 1. ............ .,.iiouil, , ltKn, i, cgiuiuua, lous ier Ol ceremonies; wren Koss, janitor. 1 ue cm i have rented the front room in mo third story of the Oregon Hani building, which, lias been neatly turn leneu lor the meetings of the c ub. All Interested In and loving children are invited to the Congregational church lVmln.i.1.. I ? 1.-1 . .. kuiiv.ii.iiT n ciiiiik uk past ocven o'clock. There will be a short nro gram with music. The aim is that; all inv muuy ways 01 Dringing up anu eu Ucatlm? our children, which shall mnlfi of tnem the noblest men and women physically, mentally and morally. The taking ot evidence In the case VV P l.riMhV flnillir hil. nMi ..n.l- .. --M..w, "i-ucr tne in if n n 'ii p anil itbin r, . nnmiii. ... .... - .. -. - i wi .anil Ware' house and Storaee C.d. nlatntlfTi. ... i Cauthorn, defendant, before Referee ' " " ' vn.'ii...ii jvoiciuay, 1 lie case Kill in all piobablllty be heard at the w,,,i"s ".-I ui in me ciituit court io Ben ton COUntV. (' V. Wnluprlfin - i. . lA-lhf"l-' "pI,"r,d ,or the Plaintiff" and ii.iiiuer.iur ins aeienclant. Cor- vains ews. Xkw Vokk, Oct 28th, 1893 Etkttrt Democrat; inus lar 1 have arrivml .ofoi t .;n ifive you a few impression i received np- "-y inp across the American contin ent and perbans thov nmv 1u inta.i.t:. w duuis ui yuu frni..p..r "'",re'"n upon starting B?,.P.,"lan'.1 U'""' tlle l''on Pacific K of th . "o tuinuri anu elegance courtesy 0,a.lU.offler.l.WZ,r,:,con! I5i. " seen cars anything ike so clean and well tilted out as at I ortland, alter you get towards Chicago Illf'V HtlA a-4. I!.. I.-.. -. unto.- .. . '"' engines, wiucn .... ..en c.eryining more or less black. 1 , --- upuu in it route. T re IZ"T ia l,'",y on Sunday at Ogden, M moV-rr " "r """ "f visiting a ni.o.n ' ! """"i was crowed to overllowing with l..u. n. u':..:. anostlpn. pin ...i. . J iin-e their Vi.Ti Tic,',' """."erB yery earnest in nl , ".-" v i m "ave eviJence6 of being very devoid to their religion. Ainerua really 19. There the crowded train passing through mountains of com .. ;n. .ii .i i . " conm reacn, with all other land under high cultiva- finmi I i i y ml Elaulorv evidence that largest c.UlediU.rn in irwUd! lhter"ter!!!,cversa- jnillionaiiewholmunlarbJsX '. , !',l."8,.0-k aoa f.r-IiiK them firom uiaba to Liverpool and now emidoyed his nine by traveling. ' wur train necame very crowded as we neared Clncavn. w. 1....1 " cars with another locomotive To bH nl .... .r cars, while we sped on with all standiin' rnntii 1 iu.i .... ! in. u" u in, ..1 ir 1 I'assmg stations ?,,0rma . l,ro.nlf-'d with people ilia df ; , ' V1 !way? nltreetcara in trains iu iu iix carriages pasHinu throuL'U near v nv-nrv n,.-.r heomilT,."'0 W1iti,,g rasengers to " "vino nine. uverTuo.uuo uersona naul miu mm.... , .. . 1 .- - - ......11.J wii vnieairo uav and it is estimated that 1,000.000 w ere on the grounds as many entered free having ,Z J'tS "I ' 16 fair" -,U U "9el 'or ml to attempt to describe one part of the tremendous fair. 1 was fortunate in be ing abe to see a grand display of fire works there, tlie equal of which I have never seen nor expect to see again. They were displayed upon the lake join ing the fair grounds, a creBcent of which was encircled, by fire of various colors and seemed at times converted into one caldron ol fire with geysers ol various colored fires emitting froin it in all directions, this, with the myriads of ellereeccnt stars, etc., bein showered down over all, by the rockets sent up from the Bteamers all around make a magnificent spectacle, llut this was as , 1 v uio iuHniucient wneels, mottos, figures, ships and scenes me to" ,r.l. ?.n 'rey .y0.1"1 mg from the shrieks and bellowing, of .... "" " ..iiisiies anu the shouts that B.c.yi uiesj ; ispiays the whole was 7:;,VZZ ' , , .ru,y. .0( "'e Kreat After V? v orair we visiteu be .Niagara ial Is, spending about five hours there. This was a grand sight to me. atld IB rnnc ,lA.n.l I e grandest sight on earth, lint 1 do not uiiiia tnat one has a correct idea of America s greatness until they see New ,i i ii i. 'es tne magnif- cent buildings around utli Avemm n. uroadway, and come iu contact with America's hiphdat t, ., wonderful fltriipinro ti. n-'i.i . 7. , -, uiwRivaunuee. bin, wf.li8. f v8' "'"tropolis around him with the commerce of all nations crowding is extensive docks, one can form some nbm nf i.. , .. . young A,erirVepSbTic8and'' an'1';! its future: B-'oepossiuimiesot r tn'rl? fth fome.fee"n?9 of regret that an i i-i.uw my career fr endV ' !. "JL d ; ; ' egret. nat l can not become a of- " in: - . citizen of this vast America. Yours Truly, Geo. Slaughter. t'WCI'IT t'OIIIT! raIrP0il;Og,?.'.,,ni,er '"'lictment for on Oct l ..: . " 'B"..01 '"ownsville, o"clk" .'. 9 br0UKl,,t co"-t at I lln vv ' i7' !', f.orneys son III , y?a 8Dd B.1"1" & Wit- was co7i,,,"i,."",',.?u.V:',,,nu le i... i. r . "'rcii term. iij8 bonds plaeed at $1000, Ins attorney. Staitd WOU hi nrnl,l.l lit.. " . , fne8 few davs. ii.' siT""" f, .T.u"' ? eu ." . man of . 1 .'. '.. "?.T. " " '"'V ."Ullt i, n.iVi. i . WK.". BI'ort beard and week, gw'tT Dg M " ' 'W0 or tbre T in lli.. . ii.. OtliArwia. I. l. !j ... . it ,a?en P , i. curing motions, it w adjourn tonight. Salem wsi Salem, Nov. Otli. Sim, In,. :..i.i ii i.i b ... etlortwas made to let prisoner out of he pen, by breaking a bole through the brick will at ii... :i i.... . . .... .w iiiinunu gaie anu put ting up ladders and ropes to allow those lusids to climb out. None escapjd. Hazel k'ni-iii nn-:ni:-i. i ... j ni-imnni, nH8 neiu nn ast night ut5::i0by foot pads and re- . .,vi iu.oe, couiuinillg ?140.0. TheSalp.i, ,;:. , 1 :f .. . "itio ihci. louuy nnu aecided to obser.-e ibanksgiviiig.Novein- Tiiomas lulum lm l.n .i-.-.i manarrer of tilt KanMnm 'l .nml.n'rin.. rvi mill at Mill City. AT Meal Times do vou ever conside Hie quality of the food you are eating? It may be gooj, lt miglt be b irchcrand more w holesome. Is It not worthwhile sure that your t". b eothcr groccrlesaie of the best quality? There s such a trifle., .nn price, ofthebct andl,e' It doe, not pay ,o buy the wor.t.even on the false grouno of suptosed economv. Tle best I. a w-ay, the cheapest, because the in OKI tn klanUe.. ...I .1 i . . . best l . ";. .L""T:'u,e-n1 lhe very kept at Parker Broa. " BARGAINS, Bargains, :: Bargains. 'MMr.x v,,. ,. ... . . Ui,orT r "rr"jr6,eJ ' come .fi. ... im anasrsivoeu pro -wrof th l: . . I; Pobi c il ,TV iue desire, to inform ud ir, hr 9M Kdnced the price ol :' 'uZ l011?" ta. 3 P" with cVni, "'.",,M,le- Haw fir wind for ."aer of Brod.hi ,d Water J H OlEKANDl. r"0Sl7r 11.. ii. . . . larket v vcmr' lut ani Foaltry 11 d Thiri ."r'h ,treot' between Sec- "ndti.l, ' ii . '00r are,,ed poultry, ""odcr.1- "k"d season, oysters. 'I h k.T . r-"rything fiesh la oar ' . u rMonabl. fisure. . Call '' (all Sexukks & Co. 'SiAMrRo MACINTOSHES and toJl . "0luilini mn nn.1ti " 'o .d children, ii now 8 K Young. " ,m!"'"cd SI nger '"rj'tore sewino mi- i.k..n..l T OHiee at V 11 French's ''.'"iM .. . .. . Ubjoj.f "'"" i ne leniing dros !;" p"or ""e"'!" h,T'aS and hair s(ininrr:nsiL Mrs E L Tower and son went to Torl tlus noon. Jliss Nona Irvine returned this noon from a several weeks vist in Portland. K B Veal Las gone to Walla Walla, where lie lias a position with the Union Pacilc. Mack Monleith, no-v traveling for Wflnntnfllfor A, !:..-.- i..i , iuhi., eiuiuiDg ana sbirts, was in the city today. -Miss .Myrtle Miller, of Albany, arrived in the city today and will visit with the Misses Mackay fora few days. Corva'lis Newf. Mr Henry J Clark, brickmason, of Roseburg, formerly of this city, is now moving back to Albany, thinking in the near future it w'Jl be the best place for brick masons. Su.visii Machines ncitlv rmii.-,..l n warranted by a thw.uehly compelcnt work man. at K M Prnli'ii inu.nt.-i. .in., aik..... Oregon. ' n.titit.Mt S11ERFY LEEDY. On Nov ist 1S93, at the residence of C R Tanner, Mr linos Sherfy and Miss Anna Leely, both of Linn county. flllrMi-Tu III 1' 1 the li jws I V " IO out or rut il.. mZi .i l,ldv-''"'' tne back of - ...un.K uiroiign the dress, and avoids staining of underelothi,,.,. which is uie vi se wiipn imt:ii . eonhdent v reconiiuenil the,,,, not onv ns perf.t littmg corset, but the most durable one in llm iiiiirbnt l...!.. : 1. . . iHiii: in medium, ex tra loiitr, and extreme long wait. For sale J "uiuuci c 1 oiuiff, AlUuiiy. Uregon. 1vi:ki- Ci.kax. A good way is to have jour ciouies washed clean, not so that tliev smell of Chinese pyiu..!.!;... 1...1 Oilorless. and till ilirf i 1 ..i poiin.lcd in. Iliclnirds A-I'hillii.s ,.t i, Albany Sleam Laundry, clothe best work ill luw lirireii. 11m nn . . 1..1 ..- . ... ... 1 ....... "inn.- i.iiiur. ruizens . ... .in,.,, nun me cnuucii to tlie patronae of our people. A Cemi.nk CieaiiaxcI! Fall in ladies lineshoss. Within the next 15 ibivs we propose to dispofo of 12dcz-n pairs of French and lOIli?iila kill, hnml tiipi-n.l ..J .-.-L- . ; u nifteiiuio seweii, opera anil cnnimon souse lasts, sizes ...... ,a 'u an wiiuiis. Iheso goods must un reeArdlesR nf nn.t r n.l: . - - - ii.'iicn neiMint shoes ill these t:z wiU do well l.v nulling on Klein iiros. Dr. Price's Crea:n"Baking Powder ruriy sears lii, Atoiifurtl. To redin e stixk into the new preparatory to moving Post Office Brick we offer for cash the list of poods Mow llientmnpil ut tin.-ac n,.n.l at tliese hpim they will iat but a sliort lull.. V) lbs small wliif. li.ind r. 4 lbs roasted entTm. in l.i.iu ."i cans 2 lbs oysters 10 cans 1 lb oysters 4 cans 1 ov. baking powder '. 1 cans choice table is-aches. . . . . ' cans gallon pie peaches...! M lbs regular 40e tea. . '.! llegular 7.V- Knglish breakfast tell ' lieiru ar ;.t)e .biium .... Ten in lunch iw.-kcts. . . . . . . . A few tins. T.V tim 100 lbs dairy cheese, 'liiitil'gone " Mexican Silver stove jiolisli 1.112 ron corn Ilorstman's 1 lb packages soila! '. '. .' . KllL'lish soiln in 1.11 1 L- bars 10c toilet soap.!!'. LI 'xises cigars "i0 in box ins J.jc tea Slftinirs . ... Respectfully, C K. I!R0W!CELL. Grentlemen! L-o-w P-r-i-c-e-s :STOP: --SEVEEIES PENDELUM. WHERE? The above cut will : tell .you. Trv a nalr nf tV'rin r- n ..t i ixofiool. --uoocr ePAD- Clean towels t . everv onstmner at Viereck JEWELRY w E HAVE THEM and : if : yoa : have : the : cash YOU IS not hi-iiinht fnr r.nn-... . viiiuiiiijr uC, but as a permanent and servlcable orna- mem. mere is onen as much value in I (if mnl;c nn tn th maiarlil r o i. of this city keep the largest and tfnest line in the valley, maklnif a specialty of good goods. Their line of gold and silver watches U a superior one, and In silver ware they take the lead in the central Willcmftte Viillof If . . .i . best in their line call on Will & Stark, tlie AT CAN'T The L. CAN GET THEM P-R-I-C-E-S E. THAT BE BEAT. I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their store to the S-rah.n stors, formerly occvied bv Devne S Robton, and have on hand a full stock o: CHOPPED FEED: Custom choppfnij dont. GORVAIL'3 FLCUi?, B.IAN, SHORTS WHEAT, RE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND BUY HEATIRI6 MamBIIBA mm Matthews & Washburn Rl Clothing Go, Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, greatly : reduced : prices, -at -AT- READ, PEACOCK & CO. ALBANY AND LEBANON. Make your selections earJy whilo thfy l.avo a largp assortment, I 5 IO.O r ..I .o photos from Si.rnin . 'men. Enlaielnir nlri,,,.. 1 1620 Cravnn j 10.00. Ve rarrr'a !r,. 81 00 . 1 Ol) . 1 (JO . 1 00 . 1 CK) . 1 l) . 1 03 . 1 Oi) . KO 40 r.o fa) . i: . ir. 5 1 CD 1 00 3 1- i i- t i- t-: I i- R I ; t d s'ereconlc Ties nl or- 4 111: i.t:adix photogr trnens, rn- -nioj' eirecna'