r ginUy democrat, rul,lidicd every day in lite week except Sunday. .""ffrijs 1 XBTTlMi, Editor, ami I'rop'r icii i lib I it f)le t Albany futrcu, BP 1 l,r,d claa uiuil matter. NOW1IIII U HM HONK 1KD 4BKOAII and Kough Diamond smoking, GOOD EVENING. Lebanon . Two AM.:my jcnUi'meii were ! in M'ii""' tliU wmjIc. looking armm.l with ' a view uf start. wf Unit lutw. Tln'iv urn iihout iT0 Ijali'K of unsold Imps iiitlii; vii-inity. Tlie.v Mui(r to the I'yl Itnvinrf yrowi'iv: K liTiii'w, V J Wall;Ki, Mr l." im'' H:itt Wiiuhh. m Tlio lat uinu'"! coatlfiiifii sold half of tli"tr crop. VV Smith will ft to Kui'rio (orl.iv to mvavWt tolas nisVr. Mn I) V S lit" will also uttiMul thr wnililinj; of Miss Kutli lh-i'tL'S, Hoar l-miu. Su.ur.iiiy. Mr A Co.vaii, who Ih- mi Kioppini; in lii:i!iv for tin- ..i-t ftsw wirlis ivtunit'd t,o m 1 Kt iinn Vliu?l.iy. Ho inti-n :s 1o start "nil fow !'' f,,r Kastrrn Onvni. wiil I'o airnss tins mountains. Horn, to the wifoof l'rof Wm M Urow.i. ouOvt o'l. lli:(, a fi'n. Mutii.T ami lul.y hp .ui!i ui.inir well, hut t'i.- 'rif n.t do- inisnwcll h i reported to liavt? lieard jlit. i-nunnmr elass rei-ue out of the it'itli iiit'tic on 'Tuesday. Lift Saturday while IVh-r I'dand v:i W.ilintr vtd on their ram h near Sweet il.iinp. and had a vomit; cult in las team tiieteain jrot frihteienl and rim away, re- inltiii'f in reter irt'tliuir las n-'lit arm ami vmil rilis hroken, and was also eonsider- ,l.lv l.nih-ed. 1 r iiooth was railed andn- tluJetl tli" fraetures, and at latest reiK! Is he win trettin ulunir nicely. Advanee and tln Oitv. Tho following from the forvalHn Times is not tho first report of n like very disgraceful aet: A disaceful a flair was reported this morning tor whirl. fUimiltv narlv shouhl he runished. hast evening iv little hoy was tfiv.m whisky until 1 wus so hut Iv lntoxicatou mat no wasnn- conscious ami for a time in hiicIi a condit ion tint a it ivsu iaii was eall" I to attend lam lie was found wandering nhout on the bark ftrwts and was afterwards taken home by his hit her who learned ot his condition Tim nemon who it is said irave the hoy the wlikkv is a vniiuir man who knows bettnr than to do such a disgraceful ad and should U mailfi to tumor for the unlawlulness. I he matter no doubt will be looked into, or at Wiistit should W Vandamsm. For several weeks on Sun day nights raids havo Wn uiado on the nmlnllas standiur in church, corridors. Kiplit were taken from one rlmnh; in on intfance Feveu tr eiylit handles were cut off and the umbrellas left. In some- cases the tliiefs liave hrazenly ntbmipttul to steal them in the presence of i;ople. I'mbi-ellas rrt money, and regardless of the light inanaer in which such property is looked v.mtn it is a criminal offence to stial an urn-Vnilla. Ac med (iiMbiis A new runo oa t'-io Sjuthern P.irHlcrii1rod,not known by many ia ItiatBix of 1'inkorton'a ilelet'tivfs are now (.'in ployed on tin nil'.t run nr. t io ovcrl.md train. VclU.Kartfo & Co. hvo alao tlnccl armed pnrds in their cirs on tho overland train. Tim preemtion is taken, it U nndcr ttnn,l, to prewnt tlio josnil iaiy of anytri'n rl)lMrioianJ train wrecking. Weill, Farff'i Co. h r ittf ii a im EincforR ruo betwjen A'--biny and AihUml, Guard. A KlNDKlHl AHTKX liKKTISO. "At a iae.-tinur of tho Kinderjiiirten commit too it vrj decided to hold an oen mwti'iK' at one of the churches next week. An entertain ing program is lieing arran.-d, which will V' piililislud in a few days, together with the date and place of meetiiijr. A Kinder f;irten treat is promised. A Ni;v Kn.m;, Uul-in yon wiiteorhive priatcd upnn yonp envelopes the number of davivno wish them hsld, the postmaster will htreifu-r hy a new ru'ing hold th?m thirty dayi insteid of t n. As noon as the contract foreuve1oienrinHnp fuls out. vcu can only haveenvelnpea pi in tad at home, as tba gov '-rninent will otcp printing addtceea mt'eoni Kkkp t'l.KAN. A jrood way is to have jour t-Iothes washed clean, not so that they Mind! of Chinese expectoration; but are oilnrliw. and the dirt is washed out and not imiindeil in. liichardd A: I'hillips, at the Albany Steam Laundry, do the best work ;it low prh es. hire only white lalior. citizens 'rf Albanv.and are entitled to the droiuifre of our people. Hear tie Alhanv Amateur Frldav night. Hickory Farm Friday night. It Is claimed "'at Mt Hood is but tMs U an old chestnut. Nearly every paper In the valley Is no stating that times are improving materially. The price of a lieu In Porthnd should be the same as In Han Fi ancUco. Oregon fruit U very pcpuUr in the East on account of the World's fair. (icorge Harper, of Ocorgta, has been appointed Indian agent at the Umatilla agency. 1 lie populist who vote J for the repeal ot l ic Micrman la.v s receiving 'MiU' gciinerally hy populis's. On the tenth of Nov (he Oreuon Pac lie wi I pay fifty per cent of the October. pay roll and on Nov ivh whl pav the oilier half. 1 aqutna News. Millinery. Mia E II Turner In the nnk Furniture Store, Piices cut. in two. L'a!l and see for yourstlvii. I he Hkkory Farm, by the Albany Amateur Co, Friday niulit. will be full of nve scenes, no not miss it. A rr.ciry-co-round Is located on the public square in front of the Court Houe and all it costs Is 5 cents' a ride. There U one ticket In the field for Mc iMinnviile's rilv election nccunin next Monday. M Kainey herds it for Mayor, Olives In Uulk. saner kraut, mixed pickles, chow chow, cranberries, lemon llakud hoininv, anil n.nv raisins at C 12 Jirownelis. An $iS round trip rate to the Mid winter fair at Sar, Francisco, has been fixed by the Oregon Pacific. The rate Is alieady la effect, An exchange says: Whenever you nave a proposition to net something for nctbiny, It will pay you to walk around it by the furl h rest route. At a bird times social in Dallas bread and milk was a'l there was to eat. Ibead anil water would have been harder vet. lircad and milk Is a luxury. We arc tlill seliinir Dress coods and Capes and Jackets at greatly reduced prices lor cash. We Invite you to examine the Kcnu, reacocK .v.o goods anu prices Lieutenant Shunk, V S Engineer Corps art iveu luesoay evening to pay oil the late employes on the government works. Ovtr $9000 was paid out between New port and the quarry. News. Nearly $ 300 was depCRhed In the "city treasury yeslsrday by Chief Mcuulre as fines meted out to the deml moadc. Baker City Democrat, "Which seems to be the way a good many cities do badness. Taankpgtving proclamations are now In order. A'bany Democrat, This most certainly does not apply to Oregon's i'ennoyer, 1 he free silvery tones ot his proclamation Indicate that it is out of order, Statesman . Almost a month after the meeting of the county couttcf Marlon county the statesman and journal are pubmhing the proceeuings set up in each case by Hie former s type setter. To-night Hickry Farm and Rough Diamond will be the attraction at the opera house under the management of the Albany amateurs. It will pav you to sec a live amateur entertainment. Two new business houses are being built hi Jefferson. They area butcher shop ami a grocery store. Messrs James Curl and Frank Parrish are to be the proprietors nf the former and Mr K J Ilcarn of tnc latter. A man named Durkee, passing himself off for a rich Eastern capitalist, has been arrested , in Lane county for robbing a companion of $20 while asleep, flow Is 'he time to kcp ore's ees open fur pre tended capitalists. There are buyers going thiough the country ti engage dried prunes at and S cents psr pound, which seems to Indicate that 10 cents would be a fair price ior a first-class article when the markets get fairly settled. At & cents there Is money fn the business for the grower, but there Is more at 10. -'Portland Pacific Farmer. Yesterday tne Democrat published an Item from a Baker City paper, inadver tently with nOj credit giving an account cf several Crook county men receiving $ 21,000 in cash In checks on Salt Lake (Jity. Yesierda) Mr A Senders received a le'.tcr frorr Crook county stating that checks had been protested In Salt Lake City, whether these are included In the numb?r Is net known. t'ilMIIT 4 01KT: I llanonA' Santiam Canal Co vs South ern Pacific Co. Continued. Henry Aiuutermau vs F & M Ins Co; re covery money. Settled. Santiam LmulxVmg Co v Frank Wood; recovery money. Judgment us per stipulation. Harrishiirir Water I'ower Cn vs M !t Schooling. Verdict for15b" for plaintiff It V Smith vs Iimii. r simitl,. l ContiimiMl. W S.IIl'llhlllil v I. H Wm.ll. ot ill- fiiro- elosure niortir.i. Contimied. W S Donliain v I. A Wox1Ib ct ill; fora- losuro tiiort-r.ij,'o. runtiniiml. i I.Ciluvaii vs S. honl District Xo 22: rei ovi'ry mnney. .luilun'iit for plaintiff for c-i, ior ui'ientiant tor vosU. llarrist)urt; Water Power Co ngt Klla u W F Nlentleiulall : to conile'nn riuht ol way. .".otihuit on motion of nlaintltf Oregon ex rel E H MrnuVnliall nut Ilar- itsouri; .iter 1'oA-er Co: lo enforce in junction. Defendants dicliar 'ed at coit of state and relafor. First Niitioniil liauknf Tortlundafrt Linn ( onnty National IJank; re.ov!ry nioney. t.'ontiniipd. Arcliif (iardniT ai;t Win Tjih otnx; to 'fitiet title, .lud'inent for plaintiff. Fannit; Neff at .foil V Neff: divorce. (Irantnd witliout coU and name clianijd to Fannie Schmidt. Aimio Yulamon' a;t Arthur T Vuln isi(re; ilivorre. Continued. City of Albany n:t A A Ilawley; re covery of money. J udgnient for defendant Citvof Albany nt II M ltelley; re covery of money. Judgment for defendant. City of Allmny i:tV II Warner: re covery of money. Imminent tor defendant City of Albany B.tt Cliestcr Skeels: recovery ot money. J uditmeiit for defond- ant. Frank Zimmerman ant John Rom- etsch; to eet aside attuciiment and for damages. Conliiiucd. Lizzie Dlakely vs Chas ACIakely: di vorce. Continued. II I and Mary Miller agt I X and L A vtoouie; recovery money, attachment. Continued. CruB9ii & MenzieB aift Harry Wilson : iiecovery money, attachment. Referred to ii C Watson and continued. Crnson & Menziesaet Wilson & Chase recovery money, attachment. Referred to H o Watson and continued. (lovernor Pennovera tlninksLrivimr iiro' latnatkm is attiactin freneral uttcntiun. Ii will continuo (no enend reputation ire iron' governor lian of beintf cranky. It is prohablo this is tlio lirt iiutunce in which politic were ever run into a thunksrivinr proclamation. Hardly a single complaint of 'vlow col-ItH-tions" have lieon heard so far this mouth. Collections hav Imwii reported much above the uverage and a jrreat uiiproveiuont on the past threo montln. Tho r.itionnl conclu sion then, is that monetary matters are gradually p'ttinj; better, ami this is most welcome news to persons in all business. It is rumored that tlio banks have lc;run lend ing ir.oney once more. Sileni lndevnd-eut. Willamette valley eopie are better oil than in nut sections of tho world. Lets see. We had a bij,' hop crnp at liijf prices, our wheat was all saved, our fruit crop was a success nnd we have no silver mines to be affected. In Fastem Washington und ( Ireiron anil Idaho the wheat crop was near ly all lost, they havo no hops or fruit but plenty of silve.- mines; while tha rate of interest would staler a 20 (er cent Uinns. If they have pnv wheat they p-t ID U 1 cents less per bushel than in this valley. Anion;; the thimrs seen at the World s fair are nini),l JO clock, Don I'e.lro's chair. a SI 7 fttt c:ne- n'Jii ton bloi k of coal. John Wesley's clock, a fedass umbrella, the May flower liible, lace worth 8WW n yard, n Sll.rXl nujitret, n tree 2li feet in diameter. one of (lladstono s axes, e.r.ice luirnnu's me boat, tea worth iflT'i a pound, 8100.000 worth of watches, a :WU year out iiwun cedar, a TO.CKJO iund chunk of salt, a 8.M)O,00O Spanish vase, a Vi ton lump or alum, a 8I0.OUU cow, a20.000 pound cheese, S1UO.0OO necklace, an lionnu vireo i salmon, Jliles Htandish s clay pipe, l 'th century vastw, the first umbrella brought to the F. S., a plate glu 14x214 inches, a two and one-half ton silver statue, a foun tain of California wine, a shawl containing 21,000 stitches, some loUO year o'd coin. At Mkal Times do vou ever conside the quality of the food you arc eating? It may be good. It iniifbt be better, purer, fresher and more wholesome. Is It not worth whi.e to mnke sure that your tea, zoffce, luirar, baked cood and Innumera ble other groceries ate of the best quality ? There is such a trifline; difference In the prices of the best and the worst that it does not pay to buy the worM.even on the false t;round of supjosed ccopoinr. The best is always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory and durable, and the very best of everything In the grocery lir.e is kept at Parker Uros. BARGAINS, Bargains, To reduce sto.k into the new Bagans, preparatory to uoviny Pest Office Brick Couskts. All our lvabo corsets are made with the new patented soft eyelets which are warranted not to pull out or cut the l:.rers. Their use prevents the back of the corset showin-f throuirh the dross, and avoids staining nf underclothing, which is tho case when metal eyelets are used. We confidently recommend them, not only as a perf.rt titiintr corset, but tho most durable one in tlio market. Made in medium, ex tra Ion.', and extreme lonsr waist. For sale by Samuel K Yonng, Albany. Oregon. A CeSLINB Cl.KAllASCK r'Ai.h in lauics tioa thoea. W ittun the next lo dsvs we propose to di-po-eof 1'2'icz'ii isiisof French and Don; ! l kid. luud lamed and mschiue sewed, opera sut cemuion scope usti', tizes fioin2,Jo to 4 in all widths. 'J hes.e floods must c,o"re;i;rd'e53 of cott. L-ulies wearing shoe, in tiicsii s;z.l wiii ilowtil liycdiin on K!an Urol Mvfall line of HACISfOSIim nd GUSiMEUS, including m my nuvcltw for ladies, oiissei ud cuildren, ii now ule. s K Voung. we offer for cash ths list of (foods Mow mentioned at prices named. Coinc early at tlicse figures they will last but time: : lbs small white lieuns fcr I lbs roa-ted coffee, in bulk cans 2 lbs oysters 10 cans 1 ll oysters cans i oz baking powiler 0 cans choice table peaches :! cans gallon pie peaches lbs regular 40c tea Ketfular 7.V Fnalish breakfa-t tea.. lieular 50o Japan ten Ten in lunch baskets A few tins, 7-V- tea 100 lbs dairy cliche, until none Mexican Silver stove polish 1 sy2 pop corn Horstnian's 1 lb pacl.-iyes soda Knrlish sckIii in hulk 00 liars 10c toilet soap 1:1 boxes cigars .'0 in box "1 lbs 2oc tea sittings short 81 00 . 1 00 . 1 to . 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 01 . 1 CO . 00 . 40 M) M) V V 1 CO 1 00 Itespectfully, C. E. I5R0WICEI.L. Richard A Rutherford aet Hannah Rutherford; divorce. Nonsuit on motion of planum. C II Stewart et al act Southern Pacific sum; possession personal property Judgment and 81 damages. W J ISruce & Co aat Wilson & Chase foreclosure lien. Referred to H 0 Watson ana continued. Kerrigan & Humphrey agt the Evan gelical church of Waterloo et al; fore closure of lien. Continued. W E Harden agt Wilson & Chase; re covery money, attachment. Referred to H C Watson and continued. LE Blain njt S J Lilea; recovery cf money, attachment. Judgment, Bettie 0 Crow agt Lemuel J Crow, di vorce. Continued. W A Schooling vs E E Upmcycr et nx. Continued. Phickh Henri-En, The nndersisned pro T'lieter of the Pioneer Mouse desires to inform be puliiic thst h has reduced the price of jmrd without lodging to f:t per week, with WidncJi per wtek. SiKe ni5oli25 ctnta. The public i. iuvilfd to call I keep good anil set a good table. Have fir wood for "le. Cirner of Brosdalliin .r.d VatM "'recti. J 11 Mkrahpa. (J A Whitney vs J L nnd JP.eltie Crow, Jjd;ment. Adjourned until Monday. Wapato Lake, in Yamhill county, is a great hunting ground. The Telephonc Kcgister saysi W E Martin and T J Mc Cjrt killed 155 jack sr.lpe,4 Chinese pheas ants and one mallard duck last Saturday on Wapato lake. One day last week W A Hone and Chas Ladd killed 103 snipe on W'apato lake. Hunters are charged for hunting on this property. Residents pay8t.oand non-residents $5 per day for their pleasure. Patbdsize tin. Central Fish aul poultry Jlarkst, oe Kilswor'h street, between Sec ""i ami Third, fcr ycur dressed poultry. Bias and li.li , r kinds iu aessnnjOyaters. c sms sod crabs. Everything fiesh io onr ka'msy iM ha I at rauonthl, Kunras. Call see ns. Semiieri & Co I" pair ot Klein Bros Rubber tad- uoot. Tiiaxks. The undersigned desires io thus publicly express his sincere thanks to the many friends who, with so much sym pathy and solicitude, rendered so much assistance during the sickness nnd funeral of my licloved companion. A J HfXT. Tuojirros's Glovh Frrrtso Corsct, cne the most favorably knewn line in the ""ket, with extra Ions waist., are f v sale " S E Yoi so. (-lesn towels to ,?erv cussomer at Vioreck "u (.parlors. ?e the y.err Im proved St nr;er sewing ma- 1 lie i-it is slwrvl the chenpeii. " "dfn, scent. Office at F II French ewelry store' lliljn i; M ;Frind, the Idin droe Vieiejksshavinit t.nn parlor. and I : E Svf; Pro-.k Rubber rooxnd K! v"-e, ah ar:ni; acd lia'r cu'tirg car have miriiiaii reKsoxAL Mrs Ida linell is in Portland for : ilays. Mr and Mrs .lav Smith, of Salem. been in tne city. Mrs E E Davis and daughter returned to day from a trip to the Wcrld's fair. .1 II Cox loaves to-morrow on a trip to Crook county, by way of tlio wagon road. Mrs It S Wallace, of Salem, passed through Albany last evening on a trip to 1,0s Angeles. .1 M Waters and wife, of Brownsville.are in thecirv. Ihev have lust returned from a trip to IloisoL'ity, where Mr Waters are irningcrcents to build a huge flouring null. The First Christian church was crowded last evening nt the reception given the new pastor, l!ev Weimor oy the Y P S C E society of the church . An address of wel come was delivered by Mrs Allierta Shelton McMurphey, which was happily re.ionded to by the new pastor. Several musical se lections were rendered and Hev (1 A lllair made a few remarks. After tho short pro gramme was over a social time was enjoyed nut retresiimems served. r.ugone. tiuartl. WHF.RF? V ' ie. A. JSmmet M. BL JEWELRY .5 not boueht for ten.noran use, but as a rnru nent and servlcable orna menc. I litre Is oticn as mucn va.u in the make a in the material. Will A Stark of this citv keen the largest and finest line in the valley, making a specialty o.' Rood goodx. Their line ut gold ana Miver watches is a superior cne, and in silver ware thev take the lead in the centra1 Willamette Valley. If xt o wou'd net the best In their line ca'.l on W ill & Stark, the leading jiwekrs. Gentlemen! L-o-w P-r-i-c-e-s STOP' PENDELUM. Tho above cut will tell you. w HAVE THE M and : if : yon : liavo : tho : cash YOU CAN GET THEM P-R-I-C-E-S 1 AT CAN'T he L. THAT BE BEAT. liUli Clothing Co. IlLTLER-BUt-EV. On Xov. 1st. 193. at the residence of the brides father. Mr S S Husey, in Harnsburg, by Hev Harry Wat kins, Mr J II Butler and Miss Florence Husev. two popular young people starting out with good prospects and the best wishes of many fricmls. A 1A1 hftoaehold sewtnv neatly done rv n Id Koisli, next door to tba Pioneer Hoom,. I. A. Morris & Co. Flour ana Feed Store. Have removed their store to the Strahai store, former' occvpied by Rcyoe i Robson, and hive on hind a fall 'lock 01 CHOPPED FEW: Custom chopping dor. CCRVAIL'3 FLCUi?. BHAIf, SHORTS CERM MEAL. CnKAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, KAY, OATS. STRAW ASD BUY HEATING :FEOMr:- Matthews & Washburn. Dress Goods Capes and Jackets, nt : greatly : reduced : prices, AT- READ, PEACOCK & CO. ALBANY AND LEBANON. Make your selections early while thpy Lavo a largo assortmojl, ?v MANHOOD RESTORED! .r.".; -T D'-P-.all dmlnnn1 ,..-(.f tsowrln ii.ntriia (ir...nn, nfAMf. which kj(ft.lnrtrniltr.r'-niarnptlnnor !i.-ntr. Vn V ?rirr;;- -i . lve n wrltlrn vttarnnte to rc nr ri-fund mnnrv. Ko! I tr mA . Inborn wranr-.r. Autltvu . Pit V P ft i u ' ' , " T. .; FwalqlnAilwij.Ore.,tJ J. A. ClMMi-NU ftcrl by KOIX. W ft Mel AULAMJ, Utan'tuli.