Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 03, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    4)rtttj democrat
Al Vl'F.O? Al'ARTV
Johu Sherman U described, in the Wash
ington dispatches which report his late
speech in the senate, as beinj; "infirm and
showing tbe evidence of advancing decay."
Such a seeming was not out of place
with the occasion and the deliverance. In
that speech Sherman was the repentant
sinner. Ia the shadow of bis passing, this
incarnation of republican ideas and policies
recants, liut "the ruling passion strong in
death" leads hiiu lo Uo hj-pocricy of at
tempting to prove that, although his sin bo
upon his own bead, its curso should fall
unon tbo bead of thoso win, when tho
crime of the Sherman hill was first pro
posed, raised voico and band against it.
John Sherman lias become a pathetic
figure in our public life. During tho years
of his menial and physical activity be was
the evil nonius in our finance. It is a
lifting termination of such a career as hi
that its closing years should find hi:;
necking to undo the evil of bis own making
I! is a confession of crime: a cry in tnc
darkness; a voico o joaiorse.
Let us not miudgo him. Hj was the
chief among sinners, but ho was not alone
among the money changers in tho temple.
Without the republican parly Sherman
would have been impotent to work the
wrongs and injuries upon tho people which
lie has committed in the name of repuuli
caniFin. parly and with it
consent and sup-port be first bcg-in the
contraction of Ibo currency for H19 benefit
of Kuropean creditors. In its namo and
with its consent and support bo cast out the
silver dollar in 1373. In its name and with
its consent and support ho suspended silver
coinage in 1891 . In its name and with its
consent and support be degraded silver to
n commodity to be paid for in gold. There
is no crime of which Sherman is guilty of
which the republican party Is not equally
In every Bchcmo of legal robbery be has
proposed; in every Shylock plan for ibo
robbery of tbj debtor by tbe creditor bo has
invented; in every artifice conceived by hi in
for destroying real and creating artificial
values of money, the republican party has
been a partner. It has shared in the spoil
It has defended him ngainst a just retribu
tion, And r.-ith him it now npproachps thc
confessional .
Sherman has grown a lnu'ti-inillionairo
on a senator's salary. Hut other republi
cans have grown rich with him. It has
been with that parly a carnival of jobbery
and robbery out of which the lich have
grown richer and tho poor poorer. Tho
world never before saw so many rascals un
wbipt of jusiico as tho republican party by
i'" financial and fucal policies has tet iu
li'gh placis. It has ground the faces of the
poor and sc! ils heel on the necks of the
t 'ilers. Sherman is its type. And like
him it is giving ''nvMenriM of infirmity
and advancing dtvay." - l!x
No man in Oregon appreciates pubMc at
tention so much ss our governor, S Pen
noycr. To be the subject cf lalk and dis
cussion among the people is sa'd by those
who are very close to him to bo tbe pinna
cle of Us ambition. S intense is this
hankering after public notoiiety that it is
said the governcr would much rather be
the subject of severe criticism than to not
be noticed at all, Tliii Is iaU to account
for bis unusual course In issuing his
Thanksgiving proclamation in ndvancs o!
hit of the president,
When the repeal bill came up in the
bouse as amended la the senate it passed
the bouse by V) to 94. Of those voting
fur the bill 124 were democrats 6S were
republicans and 1 was a populist. (J those
voting against tbe till 70 were democrat?,
15 were republicans und 9 were ropulists.
With solemn pomp and imposing 'cere
monies befitting the interment of the chief
nngistrate of the world's fair city and his
dramatic fato, Carter H Harrison s body
wis escorted to (imceland cemetery
by an immense, throng of sorrowing citi
zens. All night long two lines of people
passed steadily by the bier on which the
remains lay in state in the city ball corri
dor Tbe crowd about the city hall grad
ually decreased toward morning, as those
who bad stood in line for hours to get a
last glimpse of tho familiar features passed
into the Hower decked corridor, but the
early comers soon lengthened the linen
again, and when finally tho tine arrived
for beginning the ceremonies of tho day
and the doors were closed, it left a vjst
throng on tbo ou'sido who wero debarred
the privilege of seeing the peaceful features
of tho departed chief executive. After ll.e
doors closed, tenderly the remains were
borne from tho black dr.iped corridor and
placed in the funeral car. Through a great
crowd, gathered to sej the murdered
rrnyVs last leavetaking ot the scene of his
JuM'j.-s in bjhalf of tae city lie loved, the
black car slowly pa:s'jd and took its place
in t'io waiting procession. As it drew
into liue the march was taken up and the
thousands who had gathered to honor the
d?ad moved slowly through tho crowded
streets with banners draped, to tho sad
music of tho funeral march by bands ili
tribuled at intervals through the long line
Out from tho center of tho city a great
procession marched across tho river to the
beautiful church of the Kpbipbanv, near
the la'o executive's honn. All along tbe
lino of march people with sad fa:es and
bared heads watched the somber column.
and about the church a throng as great as
that which stood about tho city ha'l was
gathered. The remains arrived at the
church, were carried in an deposited In
front of t'te chancel, whero in an lmpres
sivc manner the solemn service for the
dead was performed. At tbe close the
provision took up the lino of march to
tiraeeland cemetery.
Pay Perry Conn,
Terms, cash at F L Kenton's
Please pay Perry Conn what ou owe
If you wai.t a tine tmuke call for Joseph a
white Isbor cigars.
The bearjroaat coffee in the oity at Coniad
The best watch In the world for the
money at French's jewelry store,
Kine Southern Oiefon poaches as F L
Keutoo. Jiow is the time to can them.
Motor nakea five trip) daily to Vieieck's
addition. Lotr 03 installments of$l
per week.
Genuine parts for all sevine machines.
also the best oils, needles, etc.. for all
sewing machines, bicycles, ct:., at E U
Will's music store. Sewing machines and
orgtns repaired reasonable, and all work
warranted. Needles prepaid by mail 40c
J P. FORD, Evanitlisl,
Of Des' Moines, Iowa, writes underrate oj
March 13, IS!':':
3. B.
Mkh. Mrci Co..
Dufur, Oregon.
There Is more Catarrh In this section nf tho
country than Hit ether !.. ceases piit together,
and until tlie last few years wxk purposed to bo
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and urcssenbed local
remedies, ami by constantly failing to en re uitlf
local treatment, pronounced tt incurable. Sci
ence has proven catarrh to b a constitutional
disease, and, therefore, riquirc'3 constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F.J. Cheney &Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only
constitutional euro on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from lDdrops toa teaspoon
ful. It acts directly oa tho blood and mucous
aurfacesof the system. TheyouVr oue hundred
dollars for any case it fails to cure. Scud fur
Circulars and testimonials. Adiims.
JCT9olu by Druggists, ?5c.
SiiwtNM Maciusk. neitiy repaired Au
wurrsnted by a thin uclily component work
man, at F M French's jawelry store, Albany
Pntroniz home industry by smf.Ur.3 the
relehrnted white labor cirars.;r-nd
by Ju'ius Jorepb.
Rubber goods
at Klein Dros
Teacher's i:amlnallo nt
N'otVc r hereby civen that for tin pur
rose of ui-ekbii; an cxaminatioiiof all ner
sona who mav ofP-r thoiuselves as eandi-
uatos for teschera of tho so' oolo of this
county, the county auperintondcnt thero
of will bold public examination at A.
iranv, roeginnimr at 1 o'clock i in. on
Wednesday, Nov, 8. rS93, and continuing
a :eoot l wui oe enargetl lor
-iu examination. Applicants lor state
pl porn .il.ould tile their applications with
uie enmity fciippNnleudoilt at mat time.
I-attd this lUth day ot OctobT,ti3.
County School Srpt
Albany Market.
Til em' .43c;
I lour, f I.OO.
"utter, Ujo.
Epss, Eoe.
laird. 'l to 15.
Pork-hams 12 to 15 i shoulders 9 to 10c;
Hay, baled. f7
"o aloes, 4 IK a
Apple.-. , 4
Hops. 10c.
Dried fruit -plums, Do, applos, Ho
Chickens. SK 00 nnr dozen,
Ileef, on ft or, ln.
Hogs, dry,e.t. (J).
New Advertisements.
ITsOUND.-A cbllda scarf
J; street.
pin on
Owner oall at this olflcs-
4 fl cows tor sale Call at fa
1U stables, on Ellanortb street.
T osr. soma where in Albany, a $5
and f 10 bill. Hettirn
ollico and receive reward.
to Democrat
BEST. Booms Miitable for
. ilresBniakinsr or light house keeping.
Inquire of 1, Vieiick,
K,r't 8 ALE. Black (not brown) Call
s' fomia seed oats. iu" SEN HERS.
That's a eooil way to buy a niodi
cinc, but it's a iiiclty hard condition
under which to sill it. l'rrhaps
you've noticed I hat tlio ordinary
hit or miss medicine- doesn't at
tempt it.
Tho only ini'dicino of its kind 60
remarkable in its effects that it can
bo Fold on this plan is Dr. l'ierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. As a
blood-cleanser, rtirngth-rcstnrer, and
flesh-builder, t'i iv's notliini; like it
known to medical ni ncc. In every
diseaso where t'nu fault is in tho
liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, In
digestion, !iitmsiH'SS, and the niOBt
stubborn t-kin, .Scalp, and .Scrofulous
affections, it is gtiunnthrd in every
case to benefit or cure, or you have
your money bad;.
To every sufferer from Catarrh,
no matter how bad the case or of
how Ions; standing, the, proprietor
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Jtemedy say
this : " If we can't euro it, perfectly
and permanently, we'll pay vou $500
in cash." Sold by all drutrtrists.
vh. Hr. l'Hllercii--15 nllnc-e
The Noted Clairvoyitit ar,I Uie Roller, i now
hi-re, ami can be ft.unil at livr rr1ilciioe, nct door
J U Couvriira. Sho telln il.ut ittl unijjecti.. t
prcwit ami futur.; love lroulk'n, a).riit (rieiiila aiiJ
DUMiivM. i ou Oiii near irom vour doatl u itLJs.
Op arriwne home Iut week. I fouirdall
well ami auxiouslv a'vaitinii. Our li ttl
nirl, e Kht aud one-htlf yeara old, who had
uatcd away to SS pounds, in now well,
troiig and vigorou. and well Meshed up.
S. li. Couch .'ura has diiie iti wor well,
Both of the chfldica like it. Your S H.
Cough Cure hoa cured aud kept a,vy all
hoarL'otbi frjm me. so nive it to every
oi,e, with greetings for all. Wibhing you
(.ruKcu y, we are
YourK, All & Mns J F ToitD.
If v. ni wijh to f.'L'l licsn and t-hevriiil, and rcudy
f-T ihcSrim;,p, w.rli, cltniitt) yimrBtem with tlie
llftidatlie ami l.'ivn Curu, by lakiii two or tlirut'
tU cent rr b V.l by all dniirist.
Sji 1 mio?r a ponitivc ;iwr.i.;tce l y
Stationery, Toilet Arties, Musica
Instruments, Etc.
Hodges & McFarlanfl,
The Cornet Drug Store,'. Aibanv.Qi
TADIB who wi!l do wriline for me at
4 their Iioiups will receive goodwag 8.
Koply with NHttaddrod. utrtinpeden
volope. MISs M1LDKKD MILL Bit.
South Bnd, J ml.
Undertakei-s - and -.- ICaiibalmcrs.
WJZ KhEP rrnstsnlh cii I r.rd a (till line of ircloMc, clcth rd weed caiUls ci
which will be sold at '
Tlie Lowest Living Prodis.
EMBALMING and the proper care of the dead a socially.
The London
Medical and li j
. 1 Mi MM
i a J , a Ti b l u ssr 1 a mm
" " V. t-i n ie,t lr
of all descriptions at
Dyspepsia and Indigestion
IKjpj tlie governor really believe t!ut the
liitc congress has hyill tdvisl IfisU'.ion
miuli gold alone full legal tender nioiu-?
If o it Is high lime he Here looking
the silver question and legUlat'on. 1 he
1 ttt? congress did nnt legislate at all o:i t!io
mattei of legal tender.
Repoit has It that when the j.rayer in
the governor' proclamation reached a
throne of grace the word was prompt If rnt
back: "Tell 1'cnnoyci to a'tend to hit
business and I will attend to mine."
S.10R WALK OR'i KADK -Ncven sliBroa
1 ill tha Alhauv,,.. a I . a.
, iaillu Ul IIH first BrtftM (IF M a r.r-
will trade for city property in tlio south
wfHiorn portion oi the oity: AddrMH,
(stntini! loratinu of property if waniini:
In Irnilu I D .1- I. r,.... ... b
(OCKEREr.Purel)rcd Silver Laced
J yandrtte cotkorels lor tale at a
iMrtjiiii Addreis John Rrnsh, c-o.'ii-jr
-i... n,-u i ix swceis, Aiuany. ur.
flA-lS WANTED.Hie linrlArbin-nnrl
J'"1"" to buy 50 hushols of white oata
i,ncu ni my resilience one m 1m nril.
ol Albany. Vty niatkct pr'ce in cash
on delivery. WIIWaubs.
IOK REN r .-Tu') opera house store,
NplBtidid location. c 1 on the
i-eiiretary nt tho Dhjiochat oIUco lor par
ticularn. 1
lATK.-Coullty and city nr
j'j ,a"1 "ought and ao'd by II F Mer
The Chinese csclusloi bill extend ing the
time for the Chinese to regiter six months
has passed tlie senate. It now awaits tin
signature of the president.
II. It. IITIIE. T. II. lll.MHXnKR. II. It. J Ml-i
Pallimore Dlork, Albany, Ore.
A Cxnili'tfi Urn' vf
- in all it lriuli..
EMBALMING nr.via!ty.
K.'sidi'iK'C comer on innH'a!.-,i,vi.i ir-
Mro. K. ru:a
San Franc i3co.
Tho combinntion of excellent stomach
tonics In Hood's ISarsaparilla is sueh that,
it!i proper attention to diet. Indigestion
and even tlio worst rases of ilvspepsu are
cured by this medicine. Kcail this:
"HavinB for several years been rreatly
iroueicii sun iniiisestlon, anrt liavlnu seen
Ilocwl'sS.irsapariilaailvertiieil, I eoncluued to
flra ft a trial. To my h.ipplnes and great satlt
taetlon 1 found it to be ike air remedy for this
eorar-lalnt" Mit. N. Fisae, 423 Ueary Street,
ban rauclsco, L
Hood's Pills let easily, yet promptly i
OclenUy. on tbe U?er and bowtHs, 2bc
Ilarf alna for fam.ers In both riding aad
walking plows, disc harrows, iron harrows,
etc. l'rlccs hi proportion to 50 cent
wheat. It will pay l0u to ca'l and see us
KARMKRS Msri-N.-We have a fine
till lrc,h grass seed, of almos; evcrr
Kind. IneUidintf cheat, an. I u - ,
it. Conic ar.d see t.
ton.SAt.K.-nrwlli tiada fr wood,
gray nmro. seven xrarn old nn.bnii.
K'lillo for wonipn and rhlldretl 10 drive
van 011 k vn Warb e wo ks'
IjsolTND. A small boya coat ncarthe
residence of Martin l'ayne. Owner
and provo prorerty, pay for this no
I ico, and (.-ot the coat
At KEY, M.Ii.
lUiik ol tf,i.n.
lioitkiKi', ctinicr Uh Riitl Cal;iKtoh it.
Otllce 1'rwt.Ors orer '.!.e
Tliis Time
Its About Crockery.
I will sell all kinds of crockery of tho best
pules, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany.
1 ry mo. J
h can furni8h yxx 1,10 ,,cst
ItUL,i',It:lIi,.S and ireshest produce at bot
tom prices.
San FraaoiaO), O.'.l.
Institute, idcatt'i! pefipanetitly ot uj tMar.
ktt Strcft, Siin l".clC'J.Cai.fl)r tin
of all DIst'aktu.Atlliclior.sjiiid 1 vfcriniUcn"
A Btaif ol riivt-icians a'ul urion;;, haying
lifnlornns ami 'bf cnuorKcim-in vi uv h-,.
collcijfs cf America aiui Europe, tkilled
spetiaiits who have hail long t xptiicrcc
in trcaiinR spi-clal and chrunii: ili-.tatcs are
in ctnn:.nt atti-ndaiire. A Pharmacy U
attsched, and a'l pusli iptions tillnl fr
of clnrge.
$1.C0 Trial Bottle
$5.00 Full Ccurso
Kuffcrera from Asthma, Rheumatism
Consumption, Catarrh, I j fpepia,Jfr.(j)gej
tion, Scinfiila.Knilcpsv, Ffinale VVealtiM.
Cancer. Heart Disease. Itionchitis. Erun.
lion, Salt Rheum, liahines. Tapeworm
Deafiier-s, any .Sexual I)iense, J.ost Man!
hood. Malaria, Urinary Troubles. 1'iW
Howel TroubL's, should at one-
Low charm.s, within the reach of
bincd will) the best ir edfcul and (urujcal
Young, Jlidtili! Aged und Old Men
Who mnv be vufTerlnf; from YOL'TIIFlL
rULLIES,or the excesses of matured life,
fehouKI consult at once, before it U too
late; these practionert, who have
no etjual In the United States, as they can
ard will restore to you perfect health when
all others have (ailed.
Broken Down Constitutions
are rejuvlnated and manly vigor restored
by thir new and wonderful methoiUof
treatment. No injurious drugs used.
Worn out luui..ess men, call for advice,'v if vou are tulleting from NER.
V'OrS DKHILITY or failint; powr, ot
any U:
of tho KVK.KAR. TUllOAT,
r liLAl;l)irii. ' '
iiieil In il.r 1iortrt time hy vrs
eluOle rriiietlU'n.
ARK VOU as strong, healthy and vIj-
oroufi us you t-hould ber Areyou free from
eyery trace of disease or ickr.e;? Do .ou
look well.' Do vcu feci well? oris there
ome Chronic Trouble; which, like a can
kerworm In the buddi.-w iljwer. is rapidly
destroying your very vitals.
Who Buffer from Xer ouh I'los'iation,
Sletpleffinesf , Despondency, Indigestion,
Constipation, Lassitude, Pa'ins in the Hack
or Hide, and diseases peculiar to their sx,
consult these physicianj with tho utmost
nan I nurlro, tI
li ntrH, 1'nintM, Oils
Olasjc, ICtc
J. A. Cumming
At thc stote
Allen Bros-
formerly owned hy
I will par the best cash prlca
(or Mhii'h
ill anil oil nt.s,,!., i i .
s. v ii tut luckuiv' wa, t n Ti ( i ii n win?
y"?1 cro are some prices: Lamps, worth
.- 4U1 ., u-m, lamps, worth uo for $1 00
cups and saucers V.. to 40 cents a set; pla'es, 10 cents pel
set. LverythinR else in proportion. 1
Call on ir.0 and you M ill not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed'
Send for
Address REV. K. COXPIT,
AlUny, Uregon
t I t. I'prsons Indebted to I B Beui by
tinit. ..r t pnnhl nlM.a n.v thA SSI119.
the scnuntj must be cln bT note If
not iiJ. Times aie- hril, and "
Tour imrrest to see to Ibis at once. I nl
in room No 11, Hrihun Block;
A.iinnj, ir. ept lrtth. isv:i.
Assignen of B Bean-
Cabinet photos from Jt.eotofioo
per dozen. EnlaiKlna ricturn. .
jrVlpeclaltv. if,xio crsvon? f,ami
lor &IO.OO. e rarrv 9 ir.r., ,
o . . . "urn
.lir. I.CAIIIXU I'HUTIIuit tlMlCHs cS?n r--aanr
nrrcna - '
Brra or t mm, t mr op iulkoc. f
l.ll-AS COI XTT. I '
Fssic J. C':ipnfy makes nth ht tie .'
senior nartncrol the lim ol F. J. C'nrETl
doing b.ininTi in the itr cf Toledo. CountT
nd stte oor.nid. and th-it Mid lira will r'!
the sura c (INK JH NIKKt POLLAhS 'or
each and errrv case of Catar that canno. 09
cured by the use ol IJall's ('atabbw Orne.
Pwerrt to Vfore me nnd snMcrlned Ia niT
presence, this etu day of December, A.D.
ITall's Cire jt.-.Vrn internally andK-IJ
c.irectlr on the blood .-.nd mucon sirUee
thesyieni. Send for -mom frt-e. -
. J. 1'HKNF. t CO.i iiltUi V
g BM iy Drugji!, 7oc.