MsiU SK-mmii 11! OFFICIAL PAPER clPil id every day in the week ,xr-pt Su inlay. ., V I TIVIi. Klilors mm Prop's l tin- litK fli l Albany ifiiui 'it-t n ull mailer. AU II-.R(UI) "y Amateurs I'ridav and Kougli I).Inonj Hear il.L. Alb. night. Hickory Karin Friday night. J II Tmeent h.sil,,, Dp.u,,,.... thank. rr . cou.,, , flra oM'-klir II i anything goes wrong lo-nluht ac cording ,u lhc ,,, Ul, , fc wUi;11,yu ! . it of, he Chinamen, it U rcpm.ed ulil rc.s!tr. urn i-r ih. ti. . ' . ' - iiwi.ui exten sion. The lll-k IB1, rcrinillt .11 ls'j pal sale of Mllinery. j !. tin I will sell "t cost all the .t. J.s In iniliiiicry. Call and see -,ii aid juices. Ii"A M GOOD EVENING. ft wr,:w That i Um:;hi mid tin -Vf fnmi it Sii!m j-.ii'r worlli r,1ii('i','-iii'j',,t : "'l'ii''ovtMif AM S.:inf f; k.iom lMitiii II-'. t'it ' I'lv-rnt it'xl nrvii a! Viii imn i will, r'vi- i-t' !:i lb:tt v.vr.ill ;i! if ntion to U. ti;n'- IN ni-i ii-iii WiH niii'io ) of '-i! 'iijityiiii'nl.c-jK.'.'iiilly .nwh; int'ii in:'! wnui'-M. Ni writiT 1 1 i 1 SO vti:i'!i''l 1 1 i t (Iih siiltj-vl as linlcrl 'in lil- '' "Hut ;it tliisil.iy -:.raii'ii m' tliis festival h.mlc-cit'ii"! .w-t ty!' of rrinm;il iiiistb.i'f.iirnl it 'timoit ii-lii'kfil. ;is il niMtlmr sUu!.-; !i ll;ill 'v' or .l nior.its. TIi rnn- ;; ililMiltL,'. Till plVSIMit lllOilt! is to Miii-'t'iiinu'. Viinl tM, any' hin that Tiirrit'il ell, mvumi'iI or dcstniyi'il so 'iiMiwiwr may iu'vrr nvmer his propcr if ri'Civi'retl at all, by trouble itt'iian cxiM'iisp. Steal in,' H ste.ilinjr if ilimt'in ttie niune of fun. It in nut t!Mn;ui who ha lost his properly, mihief, tliou;,'h pi' ly bay v. is tinier criminal, list year this : ief w;is rs.rri.'J on in Salem with a han't ami to tlio dis(rra',e of our city, lie duty of tli" police. olhYers ami sliorilT v tliat this wrnny and ditfraeo is w:tv in Salm this year, in order to it n-'fiorml violemv that will surely lie ult of lli2 conduct of mischief maker. ' J.Il I'll-O; ri;iy f audi i-lia of hi, Portland wood KlirV h arm I... .1. . . Amateur I'.. I.-',: ' .Y. . . . a"V ivocenes. Uu not miss ii. V. lilie In H'e eityl .-d,v .la'n Hatcher. " " ui..r iiiaiii, broke arms. I'arlicu'.ars not jcai ned. Klchanl Wanui "AKin josli,," i . .. i 0l , He woulj ..t , .oj luuwln Alb;l,n- ,e KJuhehs of hard limes. .Millinery. II is K II Tlirni.r , ,,. hunk l. r,,l;urc Siore )', !c,;s ( t In two! i all and mv f.n- you-sclvs. We . ne Mill Keiij,.,. ),.,, u , yl-:.:)c; Kt Katlv reduced prices I ,;''-VI,';l,:l'"r!' ;' . We inyile , lo examine the 'J'1?"1" ' lll-oi.i. i. vo ;iui!s ami juices. i ",,-V"U, '!'!'i',c E """"-lant (.rov.Hi ,.f healthy hair of a nateral ,.oor, nature'-, n",r"!;"! "'r!l;,u'", hoth only Hall e;:elal,lc .skl:h:n Hair I'.encvver. Mr. I (:r.,,l..oi,l Inn ..... I.;. '1 hutr us e.'m I) ( l-iiM-.. in il, II s; ii ! l"u t si to b. 1. ill. 1.1. .1 hu cinviiiu'.d. 'itLinpi:ti(ii4L Mr J I. l iiilerwoo l. (he Crryallin i.lioto f.i.i.i.icr, has lfU , the tl.ecityufewdayi. V1" ""me ! lo Alkmv this noon ,l, wiU evuleiilly nhnndantly uhle to pay her line. J cll'v ''f"",'." Iih'k"lv- Mr C , i 7; li,r."V'He. irra.i.lfatlier and ni,,tli,.r re- lively, of Mrsli y Wri-ht are VWW , the eity this ,.k. " ' SlierifT A WCharllon. of I,al-o eunly ;:;; " Kx-Slierilf J K I hariCMh ; w .' V'T"1 A""'"' ve,ter,lav hr , W" s""t' ;'1"'1 fr "i year fJr ,..,"'lr" 1 todnv fr tl. ,ar- hx-l..,uly Mieriir l'l,;ls j; ,s..0tt 1 .llllt 1. till. r,in,..n Ml S aiin.'w"' l'-J""""1 '"' Callie Mr. I I .Mlnilll! till! hoot I in.-ini1--, Avor iin SlrK-knnin while in fc....,lll .nl iiek. 111 thevi-ry eenler of 1,,. 1,,., , , :- ', ' ';r 111.111. wnom .... . ... so,.,, I:) ijuv out. . .111; lu.r in that eili-. Mr A ; ,1 Ii,-.. l.-e-l ,"f l:''"ville, of Cue i.l W i i- ,t. .v t !.... .. ! jl'n.ed from a (,,,, ,,,.t. i;,.,:,'.,,. u j lo.yni.,;,li,..r, I). . KM j ia;-e to a lonner male Miss ,.rl nulh, who reliirned uilh hi... )i:ci it t i: :;r. "In (lie mirror hri;;ut on this nivstie iiij;ht I wuteh with hoK an. I fear, Wherever he 1( on land or so.i 1 call my true love, here." TlinOn'tronianaiid itsercning iie.siiiiific sheet have nMehe.l the. extremes on tlio silver question. (iMn is raised to the em iiyrian, the olln-r lowerml to the deeiest pit hy the rcie.d of tlio silver hill. It must he a queer household with so much of n mixture under ono roof. The best n ny is to look on the hriyht side of everthing mid not hunt for disa-ter in every hu.-ii. Fifleen lueley eiir?a met ill Salem veste' lerday to f. rm n Ineal league. A loial pa lier refers to theui as l'i,'.is-n well dri'ssed, resiielnhl.! nem, iepre;-eiiliiin; iihno.-t us iiiany tiinles und professions, who now re jfiieo in sol riely and Keedom tin out'li the heeley cur... wliow lives vu-re eun-eil for iminy years hy the hli;rMi!ir inlhieiueof in tuxie.ition." Uut idler nil prevention is halter than a cure. : h'li.. 'I I'.-y K K Yoiiii- .tiled. I'lil l! .V iljMlll VS I, I! , .overy l.i-.ney. Si tiled. rerovery money. : A fj Ki!'..;, jr; I'.um Scexk. The Kujreno (luanl The usual monotony of the proeeed o( iii circuit court, was hroK.'tl this ;iil'. uh-'r Ju.lui! Kullerton fined Mrs '.itlersm-WjlUe 811.") mid eo,ts for i.'in.' ia','.lirinp without u liisnis Tin. fainte.l anil Hie sherilT and l.ailitTs and tillers liroovilei! to list, nil r..m...n.. ii to tli'.-n lint without effect. A r ni ili.patehed for a doctor and I'r fnimn-aiue and applied the usual (.-.. H-fjcit Hie l.nly r.ieovered salfieient- ir iv.h imssiiiie to remoye her from the rooia to the hotel. .She says sho is t to heart trou! iles mid that prohahly caiiw of the nl luck. .Mr liilve'u to Hie court that the ladv was pos. of only lifly dollars anil would lie Hel to serve the remainder of the I1119 . J.iil. umboatlw in .7). llev.Iohn I'iun Sk.;nn!;,iw.i l!i;,'le says: Talkin" raiei' In 17) I (,k my 'on the I'olunihia river. It was on ' call-d the Culumhia. 1 n .-rl nt ... I. ..I .. l.:.. 1 .... i. i .hundred passi'infer." They chariri'd ld pi ; for the p.iss-nr.! from it? I'.irilanl. We left Astoria in without supper an 1 when we "ik I'oinlahjiittivelve that niirlit. a re. in niab a rush ashore to if,:t "ii lint them was nothing I vL.nt on hoard and pushed on rt'.in.. At noon the next day we (;ot i an. I inly meal on tile passap'. It STali same, I tell you. and we wer.i e. y lot when we rea'-lr.' 1 l'ortlan.l late aurht. 1'orlland teems to have its Mayor Mason has received a silc ener ui ii Uirealemm; na'.ni-e. ISuch o.:ioiue epnii-iuiu and seem to ;!roii;;h the lar-e cities sort of hue. n spread cyclonic par Our eulzi-ns .jenerallv will ree.ret the fad, I)r Si...noif !,i was Hloweil lo bo freu wlilu.ut atilal. Hainan cun-of be ill-rested on a telegrain it will he n diili:ult Ihlnjr to hr:ng men lo justice. Every -line mkmiiii aisiMin such matters, llculary In a case like this. A tuo-horoe firm wneon was driven tlirouih town no VV'L.,!0.dav, si tholliliis. Imro Inih -nilont. that hid on farm produce valued t :!50. Nad tin ;i,roihiet hceu wlioir. It would h.v.i rnpiirrfl ahout tifteeu wneoiu lo .i,ve ri d i:).iO worth. The hale, cou tr.lllcd hops. From a I'end.clnn citizen, no.v In this city. It is learned tl at times are some- wnai easier In tuat j Mil, hell. b.wisA. Co vs I, II ,Y A K Knox jr: unlivery money. Seitlcd. j Klla II Menilenhiill v:i Ilarridiiir" Wraier lower Co; iiijimetion. .Motion urjued to scl asuie report ol ri'teiTe. Sarah J Klder ct ,il vs J A Melinite tt al; piirlition. Contiimed. .1 0 Writsnian vs W M Ilolin et at; fore closure. Judgment. Henry llroders vs V A llnrlihart et ux Judgment for olamtilf without costs. Solicitors Loan .fc Trust Co vs AVm and S A J Hawk et al; foreclosure. Continued. Milton Hale vs Hank of Oregon etlal foreclosure mortgage. Motion to strike out part of complaint sustained. Lyilia .eyes Hgt Kdwnrd Zeyss; di vorce. Granted, plniutill'to have custody ol Stella Zeyuu. K W Kisheragt W II Moore; recovery money, attachment. Continued. (Mover & lierry va W li Urown. Contin- mil isn in car conductor had a peeu exmrieiiii) Ih,. oilier evening. When mhirleil iutoss the Morrison slrnet there were tie,. nlu..:. . -tliirteeli men llll'd lldeteen women. t passenger to leave I ho ear was a olF nt II. i ...... . f n...... "telolt. At the nnrt ol ...... t' .t,,so; aa alighted, mid ll.o ,r K ,rl, ,ti Ttnp for Ihe following twenty-four f 11 "'an and then a woman jwear v.-a. tenanlless. The conductor "a-la previous exnerieiien of this kind. i" tiu.i.irinnn snvs I.,. is ..,.l l,.,..l.,r;,,.. hcr.-Weleoni .. rji.iTi. I he i.f tl... .,.,.,, .;n f ' "i'liearanee r,f (he great cornet - i.ioerati. and Ins grand """paiiy. at the oini house on to- evening. ..yeinls:r 1. I.ils-rati is " "y the celehr.ited prima donna so- ,r."U llerlli. Xli u;., ''(''X.nnot lie surp;issed.' Among '"iritn!s of this grand company is pianist, rrof a L Meyers, from l'ons..n,ih,ri- rf Tickets " HwlKS!i & McFarlan.l. tr.,, . .. unaeriiBneu pro : h,h'M '"lined the prifl of al c ! .k-, Sinl ""' 23 t. .nH , . r1 ,n " 1 kP nod f Brol.hin ,nd W.t.r J II al ERA5I.A . ':i.P,lro,K'?Cll7o7Rialer (PAD- Gt.ov Frrriso Cossct, cne h!,i,k , " eirn Inei in the '"'ti.l0DSw.i.t.. .r,fWMf i c iou.vo. 'h-i . . ''"; th,t. 1 ' c l cat ?.g par - at I .V.""1" 0 " h " f' med dreii ' Id co i.l but'nfK, Oregon airt V rank lhincim. Tricd.foiind guilty and lined 8.VJ. Oregon vs J F Simpson; manslaughter. Plead not guilty. Continued until nevt term. Poition of Cmntliln coun:y. The hanks have nnnonnr..! il,.n lied Ihcy have monev to loan in liirmnr. .ml! . ... r-.r. . . . . ti ls fad I.,. i,en .i.... - V- " " 'rial. .i..ailLl!C til. It will not belong ere enod llm- will come cgain throughout the ;ntlre North - west. r,x. The manager of a bulldlnc und loan as sociation having over 400 clalmi against iimiiy numei 111 i-ortlanu. intorined Welcome representative this week that of Don't Vflll know In l.ii'rt ka.lll. the entire number but three have failed lo you must have pure blood, and the bet pay their properly tax. Considering the I way to have mire blood Is to taU.. Homl'. (act. that all thusa home.-i are nwne I hv I Sarsanrilln ilU l.rtc M.i i.l..- oieiwiog is not ri a. 1 . fcu.uiuau uuimer. mu ur mis calamity year. Mn.MNUiv. Mrs M.'tiuoy and dauglile desire (o inform llu puljlic'liiat lliey have moved into the rooms lately occupied hv Sower and urn nijij.licd with a line of nnM.iiery goods of quality mid prices to suit the proent hard times. He sure to call ami examine their foods Uforc purchasing eisewhere. W Iipii the li.iic 110111 to c.niie tut i 1 o nnl) ii e, it ehr.wa t. v.eanc! 3 of lite tci'p th.t cilis for hiinc iiato r.! tentl..n. The Ujl preMra!ina loaire t fur'hir 1 ..s of and r.-sioretlie i-ilplo a h.-iih Ii j eondilicn in Aym's Hair Viur. Or Intekkht to A i.l. Whoiaaalo mer chunte in the Kastern states have offered us great induceuientB and we vrant to give our customers an opportunity as well, provided you will buy now. We have made g-ent reductions in the price ol our dress goods, line bhoes.eapcs, jack ets, etc, for cash, and intend to sell them as fast as possible. Eighty live cents in most cases will buy a dollars worth ol goods and some times more. Come in and make your selections. Ourgoodsare nearly all new, and can't be boimht else where In l.inn county for the prices we will sell llu ei at il bought now. ltt-Aii, Pkacock A Co. At Meal Time d; vou ever con.ide the quality of the food yon nre catlne. ? It may oe f;oou. It miyht be better, purer, fresher und more wholesome. Is it. not worth whi e to muke surelhat you- tea, Coffee, lugar, baked goodl and innumera bleotlier giucerijs aie of lhe hebt quality ? lucre is fclici a trilling 111 the prices of the best and lhe worst thai It docs not pay to buy tl1. e worid.cveo on the false t,i-oiiiiu of suprosrd ecopoin v. The best is alwajs the cheapest , because the ir.ost eati. factory and durable. and lhe very iictt of even Ihleg in ihe grocer v line is kept tl Parker Uios. A Ckxi";xk Ci.kakascs F.'.i.t iu ladies iiee .hovs. W' tlio utx1. 1,1 inv, we pi-i .ose todi-i o-cnf 12-h 7. -n p.-iL of c'lcneh and Ho' kid, li-.n,! tan,..! j.j I inu-hhie tewect, opera m:d c ein!..n lens.i iiz-.R from!!) j to 4 u a. I w ii'.ihs. '; ,,..u ',.., n uat 1:0 reiiiiriiiesa i.tcii. I.-.'lt-. w, aiiv fcnecs 111 ttiHO .pull., d.iwell 1 I on k.cin liro.i ALBANV OPERA HOUSE. WINN ft CI iilCK., . . . Mir4gtri -OXK XKiUT OXI.Y Wednesday, Nov. 1st, Itngagenient of tho world fi'.m.'d virtuso filgmi' A Literati, - en-l his excellent Concert Co., among whom are the peerless prima donna. JIIS.S AMK- ..1.1 1.1,1, 1 h y Mll'l'l-;, und the h'.inou.a pianist, Mil M I M VEILS. 1 uillery. .10 cents; reserved scats. 7'. cents, llox slioet new open at llodge-j ,V M.-l'ar-land's. JEVELRY l.y c. Mv fall ii of iACINlOSUKS mil OUS lAMIiUS. including many novtdtia i for ladies, Uiiise Au,t ctiihlren, i now le- HKYounc LOWER THAN EYER ! BETTER THAN EVER ! That is tho way you will find our new Fal I goods. This season wo shall and will please the bargain seekers beyond their most sanguino expectations. THE LATEST Rubber tjoocis of all dep-ri prions at Klein Uro.i Will & NtMk, th iewf - is not bouglil fjr ttn.porarv use, but as a permanent and servicalde.orna jmont. There is ofien as much value in i the mal.e as in the material, ViH. Stark ; of tliis city keep the largest and finest line in the valiry, making a specialty of good ocds. Their line of gold and bilver watches is a superior one, and in silver ware they tak? ilie lead in the central Willzmette Valley. If you would get the best in their Hr.c call on Will & Stark, the j leading jeweUrs, in the ciise of '.he Smte 0rne arrested for assault or. Mr Carries plead eulUr, ami Hood's Pi!!R mav hi bad bv ma! fnr 1 re ;t tieorge i of C I Hood Aj Co. J.owell, INIais. i W Rons, I ' . llls'.eid of I ClillSKTS. All our Kills! corsets h:-l nn..i.. ,.,...i "'., ..I,;-," "'."." re ' "'.", jusute . niiu'.e Willi the new patented sort eyelets .r.,"r .'r. l' sllmc,nV "lt-n in order to which are warranted not to pull out or cut set Hie rlglu of lhe fine, the case the locers. Their use prevents the back of b'in ' nssa on Kvl.K:, ravating and dclibeiatc meincdltalcil for a long lime, .-e Mill be laken Ic-niglit. tlio corset showing through the dress, and avoids staining of nnderelotliing, which is the case when nietal eyelets sire used. We confidently recommend them, not only as n perfect lining corset, hut tho most durable o;ie in the market. Made in medium, ex it . . . ' . , i"'""m tru long, ami extreme long waist, ior sale ... ... .... .. .. ;.. lesie. 01. n leiegr.uu ny js;ael K a ouiig, Albany. Oregon received frmu Sheriff Jackson, of Linn , SruNo ii.K I;i;i,kaski) A dispatch from r re-11,... . aur.. nMns: ur .1 MKinogie, ot 1 te.. In...r .-.! ,i,n .. ,.;. eoiiniy, ir, ciiaiging the doctor with rape. Sponogle has lioen liere ahout a week, and says it was his intention to locate hcre.har ing sent his eirects to Fresno in advance. The prisoner ap.vreil bernre ludgo Ilohnes this afternoon 011a writ of habeas corpus. It was usked that defendant lie discharged 011 the grounds of illegal arrest.ns no officer has a right to arrest a man from another stale merely on a telegram from nn officer iu that state. The judge dismissed the pris oner, and he walked out of the court a free man. The sheriff arrived from Iregon tliis evening, hut so far all search for .Sponogle has been fruitless. Sponogle's story is that tho charge is a scheme of Mrs 'Wyutt's husband, to whom he owes 81110 and' who wants to get him back to Oregon on that account. ariaml, the h-xdio drnj, llnlfle. 'i Mil ski, AM. iu O. tilth, at Viureuks shaving cutting parlors. and hair A Plxt'i.i.Mt Cask. A liench warrant was issued from the United States circuit court today for Ihe arrest of II F Finn, (lie Mistmaster nt (Into Creek, a small place near Kugene City, Lane entiniy, in this state. TiieolTeme with which Mr Finn is hiving violated the statutes with regard to the disposing of iwstage stamps in an un lawful in inner. It is alleged that Post master Finn paid some of his personal debts with postage stumps, and ns Hst masters of small offices are paid a commis sion on the nmount of sales of stamps, the diss)sing of stamps in payment of debts unlawfully increased the receipts. The of fense is punishable by tine, and his bonds men will probably lie required to ninke good whatever amount the government has been defrauded out of. The offense, it is stated, was committed September 0. Tele gram. Oiikoon Wimiii A iik a 11. The following from the San Francisco Call conveys the gratifying information that Oregon will have one grand exhibit at the Midwinter fair: "A correspondent asks for nn expla nation of the fact that the Midwinter fair buildings are lieing constructed entirely of Oregon pine nnd spmee. while California redwood does not figure in the materials used. The explanation given by the execu tive committee is that at the time the con tracts were let the only woods available in sufficiently large quantities were Oregon pine and pruce. Ifesides. it is stated by the executive committee that white redwood is desirable for interior finishing it is not so well adapted for construction purposes as the other woods. I.e-lw.l will he freely used, it is promised, iu the doenrati.-n of the various buildings.'' When a doctor considers It ncccssarv to presenile sarsaparilla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowlng full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store can furnish. 'Ayer's Sarsaparlila is the superior medicine. T OST.- I 4 and HO hl'l. Ketilrn Some wh'rs In Alb.nv. a f 5 to Democrat olu.o an 1 receive reward. FARMERS LISTEN. We have a fine lot of fiesh grass seed, of almost every kind, Including cheat, and we want to sell it. Come and see us. STEWARTS SOX. j fcST, CHEAPEST and mot ileriirublo now await tlio economi cal buyers. WOULD YOU SAVE MONEY? where : yen : cun : got : the : best : goods : to : bo : had : for': tho : lowest : price V -off- .., ,v kSs ossr prices. We - won't - bore-you -to-deatb. Tatronize tb. Centrtl Fifh u 1 rcu'try Market, rn K'Iit r h 'trec-t, lUen Sei-on-1 aitt Tl-irt?, fcr yrnr orcsoftl (ojI'.'T, arni ati.'l lt-h of ail Uiii.-li i-i ten!, ciini rd crfiltf Kvfritbiurf Urli in ncr linomav t Ia1 at nMSdmHn ti.ur" Oil And e ur. fEMiKK' A; Co. SSA'i Pr.or.r Kubbcr I.oo'.sVind Mtin Dros. Dr. Price's Cream Baking PrAvder A Pure Qrtpo Crejtm cf Tartar Pcwd:r. BUY j?EOM--V:--- Matthews I Washburn. Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, -nt : greatly : reduced : prices, -AT READ, 'EACOCK A GO. ALBANY AND LEBANON. Make your selections early while tlmy Lave a largo p.?soi, rilO l.T.-Three (3) work liorsrs and 1 n. ..,11a hn.M r. . ... .. . n,,,., llr t-iii iraii lor wood, oats, wheat or hsy. i "rapEri1!. t Auxr.r.v fou wocn.-xvpi rl ehiin 1 1 1 Ill " . . . n ' "oik ior rorl. Call f-ieani laundry.