Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 30, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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rul.liild every Jay iu llie week
except Kunday.
rTiis, Editor ami Prop'r
uitiiiii u isa3
Sale of liar.
For a few days I will sell at cost all the
atest stiles In millinery. C'.ll anil sec
myg.ious ami prices. ll. M I'nt'Mi.
Oukiidn Wii.!. Ciiow. 'iVhc:i tlio Ore-
eon cxbiliit, wi'h its luanv blue ribbons
returns from Chicago it in proposed to
have some ui the following erpred'.i)iis
on ilicm
"Ori'tfoi!, the liiml of big reil apples,
tent the wnr'.d nt Chicago."
"The world knocked out by Oregon at
the World's fair.'
"Crops never tun in iirejron."
"Oregon all wool nml a yard wide."
ti'ass green every month in the year
in Oregon."'
"Fortunes in hops in Oregon."
"l'rono raiferi in Oregon get rieli."
"Oregon Iriiit, fish, forest mi l farm
products took first prioca at the World's
"Oreiion grain the liest on earth ar.d
the biggest yields."
"Oregon is 'lie homo of llie prune"
"No cyclones in Oregon "
"So blizzards blow ill Oregon."
"Two bites to a cherry in Oregon."
"Lands cheap in Oregon."
"Oregon has 400,000 r.eople."
"No cyclones or blizzards in Oregon."
"No cold winters or hot summers In
Si'Ziciso of Mosh. Traveling men
generally declur J Albany to lie tl.e best
city of its size in Western Oregon. We
are an old city : but that does not detract
from the fact. The- following from the
Medlora .Mail is a crazy kind of a boast:
AlVisny, this state, boasts of her old
tuildintre, some of them having had new
most added each winter for over sixtv
conucutive years. It is different down
liereinMediord. We don't take kindly
to that wit of laurels, and then we
couiun tooast 11 we would there ih no
moss on JledforJ. 1'iatcad of crowing
over me illumines our grandparents
built we give our nride a few luneea
ahead of many other Oieeon localities
and pride ourselves upon our new, grand
structures of modern architectural do
sifli. Our new buildings aro all occupied
and llie tenants linvo a hustling faculty
vhirii permits not llie growth of moss.
Medford is fur from be'ng the habitation
of mosshacks.
The Rt:c I'staiilihiikd. Special rales
on the Southern f'aciticto tbcMidwinior
Deposition have been declnred. The
rate from Albany will bo one-hnlf th
rejiilar fare with vi mblm! Thin will
make it $'J7..15 to f-an Francisco and re-1
turn, with the privilege nf remaining
there :o days, and including five ga'e
coupons, worth $ a piece, 1 being the
regular admission to the entire exposi
tion, without anv side show admissions,
these special tickets wiil be limited to
continuous trip (i. e. without stop-over
privileges) both going to nnd returning
Irom San Francisco. The return passage
coupon will be an order for a return lim
ited ticket, nnd must be presented nnd
surrendered for exchange to the
he Southern l'acilic Company's
the MuUinter Fair Grounds.
The V.lte nn l.ha ........ I !.: i.- i
taken at presi tune.
l.eedTnTT h U,"c w!'e" "
need to lock your pate up.
Halloween occur, tomorrow night and
nut tonight as heretofore
hlW.l,H?'."C!'."';1' ' Rnw,ai"1. recently ex.
hlblted In lUUey a 5'4 pound potato.
i- ii ii i. Hivuw iid air, nr
Welly at Inlf pat two o'j.'ock tomorrow.
It I, asserted that a riewlie-e man gath.
trees " u'l-'une iff eight acres of
If gate r lid u made t.miglit d. rot be
Ilium, oemuiime lioia arecatt ngini
pa' it lit. "
Millinery. Mrs K II Turner In the
Br ilk l-urnlture Store. Prices cut in two.
tail nnd tee yum-hclva.
Our rltlwns will have a grtat treat
Wednesday evening when Liberal! comes.
No one should mh,s it.
Slaplcton, the well known ball plaver,
who has been residing in (he Pjlk county
jail for a few days, hf-.on a blind b.iL'
.... u-iiuniia a icw uays aj;o.
A foot ball team has been org:w,i,:-J at
the College to play CorvallU in a few
weeks. .Some of the tnaitrial is good.
Mr Clem Irvine li co iching the eleven.
We arc i-till selling Dress goods nnd
Capes and Jackets at grcallv reduced prices
lor cash. We Invite you to examine the
Ic"d, l'cacock & Co goods and prices.
If you detirc r. luxuriant growth of
healthy hair of a nateral coior, nature's
crowning ornament of both scxcs,um: only
Hall's Vegetable tficliisn Hair Heneiver.
At the U P church 'ml ni.,M 1ni. f! IV
Ilill tolil In a verv earnci" i.iwl lmn.nuii.d
manner why be was going to China as a
missionary. Nearly Sao people listened
to the discourse .
linnkina IJ103 received a. disnnlrli frim
Salem this mornim.' notifvine them to nm.
coed with thtir contract tor furnbhing the
Kuvnnikra iron won: lor tie audition to
the lltfonn school. It will rcnuira about
lO.OI.'O pounds of the material.
Tho Alr.hioe Bro', rec3atlv cf Orowsev.
havo leaiod the Miller hlaobcmtth shop on
the corner of Second and Kerry stroet, aud
win rjeg'U bUBinesi there Ihov. 1st. They
aro rtendy, rcliLble men who will always
be found ready for work tod mav be deoeod-
cd on.
A Walla Walla paper complains o the
number of bad boys In that city. Fery
town in the N. W. can do likewise. Ditto
the U. S. There are too many bad bjys,
nd the men to quite an extent ere too
blame. Better examples are needed for
thein, and they should be discouraged in
tneir evil deeds.
NciBjn I'.ennett's freehold property in
Montana is paid to he yielding Mr Bennett
antl his associates $700 per day with ore In
sight for a year's run. The mine is the
Konal and the stock It held chiefly by
Nelson Bennett, Willard Bennett and Con
Cuhrs, the cattle king.
Saturday at Independence, Ind., John S
Johnson broke the world's bicrcle record
for a quarter cf a mile, Hying stirt, of 27
seconds, held bv Zimmerman and Rhodes.
lie went the distance in 54-5 seconds
over a slow track, and with the thcrmom
etei standing at 30 degrees.
Word was reoidved hero this morning by
Mr. Craw.thoO I' Co'oagcrt.thaltbe Three
Sister, after vainly trj iug for nioroth&n24
hours to get over a bar half a mil above
Juncticu hid to return to Harritbarg, and her
load ( f freight transferred there fcr shipment
hy rati or hauling by teems. Ouard.
A meeting of a r.umlxr of the OPRR
i-niptayeos was hold at Vaquina last evening
frrthe pmpose of considering the question
cf taking receivers ccrtihcatea lor oacK
wages. We understand that tho matter was
thoroutth'y discussed, hut a majority of those
present woulu not sgtee to taking the cer
lillcAtncin uaymentof waireaduo. Mul-jahy
was jire-ent at the meeting. Lorvallls JNews,
Mr I, Senders ie expected home on
Nov. IO1I1. '
Mr Harry Walden, 0. 1. agent, is out
after an illness of ooven creiulit weeki.
Mr and Mrs M Sternburg and daughter
arrived home this noon from their trip
Ceo U l'ipcr.of Moscow, is in the city,
M'u' iiiinirs very dull there on ac
count of the failure of the wheat crop.
II A Brown, formerly runner for the
n-uss Mouse, but now attending the
u.mcmity at l.ugjne, is in totvn.btit will
return tonight.
MM.raAn.,anJl' Herrin and Miss Angio
McCulloch, auntsto William McCulloch,
came up from Salem today to attend the
funeral of the latter.
Saturday evening the IStli birthday of
-Miss bertha Dodder was celebrated iu a
happy manner by several of her young
0 " "uti nig er a surprise party
,, ." 0 "iinerson 0I l.cliannn was in
this city .Wednesday, and while here
purchased Wm Jelii.son's hop crop, 4712
l,paving W4 "cenW.-JeiIu.rson Keview.
Ira I helps and wife and Miss Maggie
,1,!'.',e,.0' Mcdford, were visiting Mrs B K
U llhts within the past week. Ira was
formerly publisher of the Medford Mail.
iidings. Also fortn'.'rly of Albany.
O. M. Crainger, deputy counly stock
insp-clor, went over to Colo'j last Sun
day to meet and examine eome fine sheep
on their way by express from nn .itori.
1 ejirl.e '0 L'"" county granger. -Ashland
Carter II Harrison, who was murdered
in Chicago Saturday night was in Albany
in Septe.nber, 188:1. with tho Villard
party on their trip to the Northwest over
the N. 1. on its beineoncned. He snoke
on the steps of thetrain, being one ol the
piewHinisei sieai:er8 ot the party.
Charles II Tlin'nv. tllm rensntlv rp-
turned from a two-years' etay at Albany,
Or., was surprised by a number ot liie
friends Friday evening, October 20, at
the residence of his parent', 00 North
Fourteenth street. The atrair was man
aged by Mr Turlay's sis'.er Mamie, as
sisted by Miss Maud Dickinson, and it
was very enjoyable. Oregonian.
A letter from Miss Mattie Anderson.ol
this city, announces her safe arrival in
Denniart, whero she went on a visit to
her parents. On her trip across the At
lantic the coal in the hold of the steamer
caught lire, and tho vessel at one time
was about given up when the fire was
extinguished, giving Miss Mattie an ex
perience one does not caro to nasa
through. Misa Anderson will not return
until next year.
lr "alliirr mini
Special to Democrat.
Eufcne, Or. Oct 30. Mrs Patterjcn
Wallace was fined $100 ii the circuit courr.
She did not pay hut fainted, causing con
siderable excitement.
('ItUTlT (OlRT:
The three casea of A Hackleman, J II
Mullen and J A Thornton agt the City of
Albinr were argued this mornine and
This afternoon the trial of John Dun
can for assault with a dangerous weapon
was in progress before a jury of twelve
A trne bill was brought in against
Jack F Simpson, tho well known O. 1'.
engineer on the charge of manslaughter,
preferred by his first wife. She churges
him with giving her medicine several
years ago for the purpose of producing nn
abortion, which she complains was suc
cessfully done. At a recent term of court
Mr 8inison obtained a divorce from bis
wife. At the March term Mrs Wm K
Anderson secured a divorce from her
husband. Air Bi in peon nnd Mrs Ander
son were shortly afterwards married. The
case was appealed inside of fix mouths, n
tact which adds to the complication ot
the matter. At the time of arrest Sat
urday .Mr Simpson was just ready to
8tat tor the liny, lhere was not an
engineer to be bad, eo Depu'y Sheriff
Smith rode with him until the freight
was met, when Mr Simpson took the
freight and returned to Albany, arriving
at 4 o'clock, while tho ot icr engineer
proceeded to '-bo Hay. The defendant
gave bail at onceand was released.
Or I.VTKiizxn-o All. Wholesale 'nier
chants In the Eastern slates have offered
us great inducements and wo ant to
give our customers an opportunity na
well, provided you will buy now. We
have made great reductions in tho price
of our dress goods, lino shoes'a pes, jack
ets, etc, for cash, and intend to sell them
as fast as possible. Kighty five cents in!
most cases will huy a dollars worth of
goods and some timea more. Come in
and make your selections. Our goods are
nearly all new, and can't be bought else
where In Linn county for the prices we
will sell them nt if bought now.
Itn.i, Peacock & Co.
At Meal Times do vou ever conslde
the quality of the food you are eating? It
may be good. It might be better, purer,
fresher and more wholesome. Is it not
worth while to make surelbat your tea,
:ouee, lugar, oaaeu gonoi ami innunierr,
bleother groceries ate of the best quality
There is such a trifling difference in the
prices of the best and the wornt that it
toes not pay to buy the worst,even on the
false ground of 6iiprosed economy. The
best is always the cheapest, because th
most satisfactory and durable.and the very
best of everything In the grocery line is
kept at Parker Bros.
Don't you kno-.v to have perfect health
you must have pure blood, and the best
way to have pure blood is to take Hood's
Sarsaprilla. the best blood purilier and
strength builder.
Hood's Pills may be had bv nai fjr
of C I Hood A: Co. Lowell, Mass.
Wednesday, Nov. 1st,
Kngatri'ii'.eiit of the world famed virtu-0
$'mm A U!erati.
ami M exonbnt Contort Co., anions wrmii
an tlw iMMM-le-j prima tlnnu, Ml- AMh-
UA lil.KiH.V lillTK. ai;U tuo J;.:uous
V'unutt, Mii M IMYKK.
A (.unlink C'1-KAKanck JrAi-fc in lau.CB
tiuo tlioei. Within the next 15 clivtt wo
propose to ilnpo-ecf 12 'less ;u yai.-rfftf French
and boa'iU kid, h&Q.l turned aud muchiue
ie wed, opera aud cnmmnn cla I.ifctf, hizes
from2!. to 4 in ti widths, 1 hete good
must go repard'esa of coet. t'lie wenrint;
1ioph in thene tiza wiii do well hy c dliny
oa Klein liroi.
My fall line of WACINTOSHES and
OUS AMKUS, includiug miny novnlties
tor ladiup, ims'iei uU ciuuiren, h now
sle, S E Younc.
Hub!er tjoods
at Klein Uro
of all dos:ri n ions at
Will & th kwei-
'0 WU; ns;TV'"t
now o.-:i
nt I Mp A
is not Iviuhl tcrr.porary use,
but as a permanent and servicable orna
ment. There Is oficn a much value in
the make ns in tho material. Willi Stark
of this cltv keep the largest nnd finest line
In the valley, making a specialty oi Rood
Ijoods. Their line o: gold and silver
watches is a superior cne, and lr. silver
ware they take the lead in the central
Willemette Val'.ev. If vou would Ee. the
best in their lire call on Will & Stark, the
leading jewelers.
The HuUllcm Home
Special to the khocrati
Salem, Oct The 'iprcme court to-
diiv decided the Soldiers ( jmccase in favor
of Roscburg.
A Man Assaulted. Several months
?o on account of 4 dispute over a plow,
Ijeorne Cams promised S W Ross a
whipping at some futuie date. .Yes.
if,'. "le opportunity occurred and a
badly bruised face on the pait of Mr Ross
as the result. A warrant was Issued by
jestire Curl f,r Mr Carna arrest and
Placed in the handsof ConstebleBurkhart;
-"oiounil the defendant In the country
before Justice Curl and
liie III. Mrs A J Hunt and Mr J II
v-ampueii were each lying critically ill at
' ie time of jroing to press, without nroa-
m,i, !,recoV8ry- J'ra Ir J L Hill is also
liiiiutATi I'OMiNo. People say that all
wre is to the fori land Kxposition this
year is the music by Uliemti. Albany neo-
K cm e about 10 exiienses by liearinir
Wherati and a splendid support next Wed-
"sciny niht nt the opera h ouse. It will be
"1 ireut ot the season.
t ..
. KiiTcEu. The onder,iened tro
l" . ..' th rmrieer House desire, to inform
pnnnc rednced th. price of
Th h iTi- r oio((ie main 0 ucdsb.
public i, invited to call as I keep good
"H "od table, liar, fir wood for
Wj. Corner of
Broadalhin and Water
"I P"'r of Klein Bro Rubber gPAD
lfcO ooot
TnojiKos'a Glove Frrnsio Cosset, cne
"tkenirsit r...M 1. 1: i .u.
"k,t, w;,h eitra long waiit,. are f ir aale
S IS i orso.
i.f ""me Industry by tmoking tb
k., 1 .V'hito labor cicars. mannfacturcd
-j ju ius Joreph.
. . - -
,,,." '"! to every cns-.omer at Viereck
in' ew 'mf rored SI oger tewing mail-"-
,Th l:ti alwss, J
-foilen, :cn(, otlic-a a, f j i,,,
I'e .k i!i4,ina ,01j h-j, crithg par
M Lin fMerhnridt h res', med dren
ii . m il pboi u:iiim;si
Council met pursuant to adjournment
Oct 24. lsl'it. Mayor absent anil coun
cil Burkhart appointed mayor pro tern.
l'resent t-ouncilinen iurkiiart, stew-
art, heeler and v lutney, Attornty,
nrslial, Kecorner, anu upt 01 otreets.
Minutes read and approved.
Hills allowed : J A McFeron. $18 73 ;
w Keece. (10.00; Craner & Bowman,
1.75 : CranerA Hess, $7.35 ; l'eter Riley,
.1.2.". cost bills, $10.85; N J Henton,
it.30; repairing bridge, 114 hi.
Committee on streets reported rer.airs
to bridue under direction of Mr Frank
Miller, completed in a satisfactory man
ner, and acccoteu uy 1110 committee, un
motion mined.
Renort ot Sunt of Streets for October
read and referred to committee on streets
Recorder reported insurance on No.
s building for $12.iC. renewed on the
Ttlmf Oct. Amount of premium.
On motion action of the Recorder ratified
and warrants for the amount of premiun
ordered drawn.
Committee on accounts leported bill of
II Townsend for t237 for soliciting
bridge subscription bact to the council
without recouuncaaiion.
petition of John Robson and others for
electric light at intersection of fitli and
Montgomery si reel, reau,reierreu 10 com
mittee nn streets.
Councilman Whitney introduced reso
lution No. j5, relating to sidewalk im
provement, which was read and adopted.
Saloon bond of F L. Keis reafl ana p-
firoved, and license granted for 6 months
rom Nov 1st, 181)3.
nn motion J II Townsend was allowed
$133.26 on application of soliciting bridge
subscription, b?ing allowed upon the
subscriptions npon which payments bad
been made to the city exclusive of the
amount received from F L Such.
Cokskts. All our habo corsets nre
made with the new patented soft eyelets
which are wiirr.inteil not to pull out or cut
the li.cers. Their use prevents the back of
the corset showinsr. thronirh the dress, nnd
avoids staining of underclothing, which is
the case when metal eyelets are used. We
confidently recommend them, not only as a
perh'ct fitting corset, but tho most durable
one in tlio market, wane in medium, ex
tra lonsr. and extreme long waist. For sale
by Samuel K ioung. Albany. Oregon.
Hvliiei & Mctanand, tho loading drufe
sn, Albwy, C.
Biths at Viereck, (hiving and hair
cutting parlor.
That is tlio wny you will find our
new Fall goods. This season wo shall
and will please llie bargain seekers
beyond their most sanguine expectations.
and most ilmmljlo now await the economi-
ciil buyer1.
LllrtJN""GOE O.
When x doctor considers it necessary
to prescribe Earfanarllla. he simply orders
a bottle of Ayer'a, krowlnir full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer anu purer
preparation than any other which the drug
store can furnish. "Ayer's Sars.iparilla is
the superior medicine.
The L. E,
where : yen : can : get :
BLAIil Clothing Go..
: best : goods : to
lowest : price.
McCULLOCH In Albany.on Sunday
morning, Oct. 29:li,1893,of consumption,
William McCullocli.aged 23 years.O mos.
and 21 days. The deceased was born in
llnrrisburu on April 8th. 18i. and
spent bis entire life in this county. He
Iirst wonted oil wie jjisaenuimtui
risburg and then on the Hsrnld when it
came into the bands of the present pro
prietors. He was a faithful employee
and a popular young man. A wife and
one child and many friends will mourn
his death -
Funeral services were held at two
o'clock today.
i f COWS for ksId. Call at Sender,
HI stables, on Ellsworth street.
nnn ft KNT. 4 room suitable for
1; dressmaking or 1 ght house koeplng. j
inquire oi 1. v isuus.
frit m, fe. --CV1
Don't buy
Usatii you have
Got or prices.
We- won't - bore-you-to-deatht
m.i 1 ivinT. Mrs M Buoy and dauglite
desire to inform tie public that thev jinve
moved into the moms niiciy oroipi u ui
Mrs Sower ami are suppneu 1.1111 imc
. -nr . 1a nf rtn.ilify nnd prices to
nut the present hard times. He sure to cnll
anil examine their goods before piirchajing
rATROsizr; tin Ceutral Fih tu 1 Fcn'try
Mirket. on Kllswnr h str-ct, b t ten Sec
ond ,ed Thire, fcr yeur ores.ed jonltry,
a :.k .r.'.l LmJt iu sfasi-n.ovaterr.
clams ,rd oral. Kver thing fih in nnr
line may Iss ha t at re.aon.ini" n.nri-- v.i.
and sieos. Sem.eiu A: Co.
' at her ol 1 pi ic, of buiincsr.
Ss.Mi Pnocr Rubber Klein
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pur, drape Crtaoi ol Tartar Pewder.
Matthews & Washburn
Dress Goods,
Capes and Jackets,
at : greatly : reduced : prices,
Make your selections early while they have a
f0 l.l;T.-Tbree (S) work hows and 11 -j- AUNDRY
1 sno.llo hor.e for sale, or win trarui . fhance lanndrv work for
for wood. oats, wire st or hsy,
FOR WOf n.-Wi 1 ri.
ccd. !!
11 Richards Phillip st he Ibo.iT
Meam Laundry.
i ."
1 (
t-, !
1 -..
k ! .