1 :i I: I' .31! I i':U P lip I li-t v; ASSASSINATKI). Sat ui day evening a man giving the name of Kugcne Patrick l'rcndcrast called at the residence of Carter Harrison, mayor of Chicago, and, without any varninj, aliot the mayor three times from th: tfTecU of which he died in twenty minutes. The act was dabtaidly atrocicui, ana if the mur derer proves to be a sane man the people of the United States, al.nost without excep tion, wouldoronouncethis immediate lynch ing a righteous deed. Carter Hanison was bom near Lexington, Kyi February 15, 1S2$. His great grand father was the father of Benjimin, who wai the father of President William Henry Harrison. His grandfather va first cousin of John C Urcckinridfe and Benjamin Har rison. Iiy the death of his father, he was left at the age of S years to care for his mother, who was tne daughter of Colonel William Russell, of the United St-itcs army, and a northwestern pioneer. Ltwf:1 Marshal, a brother of the chief yd, luther of T M Marluii, prepared him for Vale, wh: re he Rraduatcd in :S.k, .flor graduating in law at Transylvania, aid traveling abroad two years, h: set'L l in Chicago in 1855, invested in real csMto, and became wealthy. He was commis sioner of Ccok county from 1S71 to 1S74, when he went to cong ress, serving two yews. II: at'ri:t;l attemton during the Ilayes-TIIJen contest, and introduced a resolution for a Bit years' presidential term and making presidents e'i'.ble far one term only, but senators for lift:. He was elected mayor of Chicago in IS79, 1SS1, iSS3, 1SS5 and 1S93. In 1SS4 he was the democratic candidate against Ojjleshv for governor of Illinois and the same year was delegate-at-large to the national con vention that nominated Cleveland. Afi completing his fourth term as mayor, maue a trip aiound the world an J wrote "Race With tho Sun." In iSya he visited Alaska and the National Park, and his book "A Summer's Outing." added to his literary fame. In 1S91 he purchased the Chicago Times, which lie edited until elected mayor last April, and which Ids sons now own lie was married in 1S54 to Supley Preston She died in Europe In 1S70. In 1SS2 h married Marguerite Stearns, who died ir. 1087, and he was to have been mariled No. vember 7 to Miss Annie Howard, of Icw Orleans. At the lime of his death he was a candidate for United States senator. Dur ing the past sin months bt had received the officials and delegations visiting the world' lair, and the dilWrent congresses and con ventions from all parts o: the country and wonu, anu nis welcome addresses consti tute a volume of happy thoughts and sug- gesiions. ills last address wai delivers! j..i..nj u-e vibiung mayors ana mu- nLipal ofneers. Vice President Stevenson on learning of lie shocking deed, said: "I'm shocked to hear of the terrible trag ejy. it almost pawes belief. I have known Harrison intimately for nearly a life time. We served In congress toe'lier nearly 20 jears ago. He was one of the able.it men I have known, and Chicago prooajiy never had a more efficient mavor He was one of the marked men of his lime and his loss will be deeply felt In ChicCo and Illinois. I sympathize with his family most deeply in their great bereavement." Sena'.or John M Palmer, of Illinois, says: 'I have known Carter Hanison intimately for nearly 30 years, and his assassination Is almost as shocking li me as was that ol president Garfield. I don't know of any thing in the history ol Illinois politics more to be deplored. I have known him constant ly since we were boys, and I hav. always considered him one of my best fi lends. His chances of becoming the next senator from Illinois were good, and I heard many politicians express the belief that he would have practically no opposition. Hi, death Is a serious blow to the democratic party in Illinois, for he was one of the most en ergetic workers they had. His death was bo sudden, so unexpected and so shocking to me that I can scaicdy reali.e it Is true.'' Senator Voorhces said: "I consider the death of Mayor llairlson a calamity not 10 Chicago alone, but to the whole country. jic was a man ot national prorrinence and one of the foiemost men of the democratic party." 1 ne murder at once surrendered hiimelf to the aulhoriiics saying that the reason he Killed the mayor was because the latter had promised to make him corporation counsel and failed to do It. 1 I The democratic party 'came Into power la-it fall with a "tariff for revenue" plank in its platform. The people gave to it the President, the Senate and the House, As it Is pledged it rr.ust bring In a t.uill bill this winter which shall be diflcrent fiom the McKlnley tariff, now In force. This Is equivalent to saying that it mutt bring in a bill which A-ill change existing values to a greater or less extent, and at the prtBint time the extent of these changes Is un known. It is but repeating the alphabet of finance to say ttiat any retain but un known change in values in the near future will make men cautious. As the change n the tarilTmay affcet all manufnetuters and merchants, and as It is certain to afioct some of lliam, and as no man knows his business will not be affeited, it follows that all must wait until they can see the- bill. I n the examination of the panic the tariff outlook appears not a cause, wl-ich It was not, but as an infUetKe Intensifying the effect of the geneial distrust caused by the mistaken belief In the Immtdlt'e danger of tho continued purchiss of n'.VLf DCengress l.as now been In nation 1 . -v : -j-T.iis an J nat. 1 !,0 ii:n.- Sat been I ininle f,,r flic rrt'rvn.n ii-.n rt . v-Crm..! tanit tun. the Mckinley ull was reported in a regular session within about tine,. grocery rrumu cortniitr.kiu Pay Perry Conn. Terms, cash at K L Kenton's store Please pay Perry Conn what sou owe him. If you w ant a Hue smoke call for Joi.-pli s white labor cigars. The bestrast ootlee iu the city at CVni ad t'Icyer a. The best watch In the world for tt-. money at I- rencti s jewelry store. Hue htuthera Oregon peachea as F L nenion. iow is the tune to can them. Motor makes live trios daily to Viit.-li addition. Lotr th re 03 installments of $1 pur wetK, Genuine pat t-for all uev inn mai-M,.... also the best oils, needles, etc . fnr l! sewing machines, bicycle,, cl;., at E U Will's music store. .Seuinir marking ,i organs repaired reasonable, and all work w. rranteu. eeu ci nrena d hi- mall ad.,11. J 1 Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to its origi nal rt,,r by the use of that potert remedy Jial, Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rnewer Albauy aliirket. man Oregon. moni'is niicr vor.eress liau begun woik after the holidays . There was no urgency in that case, flic cou ntry was not piuln; for increased duli-.s. It has not voted fur them, and did not want them. The bil was ono whose preparation involved an en onnous amount of work. Every hem had to b; submitted for approval to the capital ists in whose interest it was framed, and when there were conflicting interests those that were sacriS:cd In one direction had to bt compensated In another at the public expense. fn the present case cveiything is simple. The Ways and Means Committee has to consider nothing bu! the public welfare. It has the experience of years to guide It Its members are familiar with every schedule of the existing taiifl, end have made up their minds long ago as to the changes ri quired. They gave only two weeks to pub lic hearings, and it they have been properly diligent their bill ought to be ready by this time for submission to the House. Let us have it, and put the country on the road to good times. There I more Catarrh tn U tlc.n nf rl.A country than all other diseases put toevthar, and until the lact fe.v years was tmiipoed to bo lllCltrahle. l'or a t'r.-Ht mnt.i- nounccd it a local ili.n'ase. niM pr.-scribi-d local remedies, ami by coiitantlvfailini: to cure with local treatment, pronounced it inciirablo. Sci ence has proven catarrh to l h constitutional disease, and, therefore, requlrcBcon&titutional treatment, llnll's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &Co.,'l'olcilo. Ohio, Istlieonly constitutionnl cure on tin: market. It is taken internally in doses flora 10 ,:.-r.-a to n tcaspoon ful. It acts directly oa the blood and mucous aurracesoftheRVKtf.nl. lli..v.,f.'..r .,, l,.,n.i.i dollars for any case it fails' to cure. Sena tor eircularsand tcstimoni?!-. Ail.truss, v. j. cuiixuy oi co.. Toledo. 0. H'hor.'.-loe. Cats, fj:. linnr, f 1.00. '"utter, 2oe. Kjs, ?oc. I.ird, V2 to 150. Pork - hams 111 to 15 shouh.f rs ft to 10: shi'. 11 to 1J? Hay. baled, 57 V0 ht003, 4h. Apple-. , 43 Haps 1G. Dried f.-ult plum, !:, npp:, :k ( hii kons. ?1 00 mr tiosvu. Hotf, on foot, IX'-. Hogs, dresse.1, ti;. A FOOTHOLD for Consumption is what vou are offer ing, if your blood is impure. Con- 811111(11111:1 is simjtly Luii!' Scrofula. A scrofulous contli- ticit, with a nlight cough or cold, is nil 'that it needs to develop it. But just as it depends upon the blood for its origin, eo it depends upon the blood for its cure. Tho surest remedy for Scrof ula in every form, the most effective bl ood-clcauscr. fles!:-ouildcr, and strength-restorer that's known to medical science, is L)r. I'ierce' Cfolden Medical Dis covery. For Consumption in all its earlier stages, r.'ul for eak J-ungs, Asthma, Si - ere Coughs, and all Bronchial, Thro::! and Lung affec tions, that is the only remedy go unfailing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't bcnelit or cure, vou have your money bad:, New Advertisements. Tl-SA nole. forso executed by W m i. i.iuuieieiitH iinnpi will p:eae return to me. moore lotne undersigned. Fiudnr 1 me. GKOP CRAMER, r:R SALE Black . 1011 inia seed oats. (not brown) Call. M SENDERS. lonSALEORTRADE-Seven shares JL in the Albanv Itn Mtmr a, t . .. . .. 1 . t . , -. r, w.-sauas- "" 01 nrst gories lor snl nr will trade for city property in the south western Dort r.n of f.a . j. " (stating location of property 'if wanting loiraae. ) B u, Dbmoctat oUlce. pOCKERELS.-pnrebrcd Silver Laced bureain. iZ"a'"'.," 1 " 8 4th inrf n 1.. .."ir. eorner " "uevs, aioany, jr, Ttirl0 Wl:,,.,d """"K t0r " vein, miii. .n V.V..'""T. en - South Bend. lnd. MILLER, For a perfect and iJeiTiiaticnt cure of Catarrh, take Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. J F. FORD, Evan Of Dos' Mo.uett, Iowa, writf underUto of 3. B, Med. Mr'.. Co.. Dufur, Oregon. On ttrriviug homo last week. I fr.uiMlall Hell and auxioiksly a.vaitinu. Our little ttirl, e;(lit aud UDe-hlf years olil, who had vrft.ttd away to 36 pounds, is now well, strong and viperous, and well I leu lied u. S. B. Cough Cure lias duo iti work well. Hotii of tho children like it. Your S li, t'ouh Cure baa cured and kept away a! I li(jjreui'&a from nic So oive it to nerv oue, with greiinxo for all. Wiahiugyou prusoeii y, wo are journ, Mr k Jlns J F I onji. If Villi tt'Uh to f.-.-l IliHI nl..l J,1...rfn1 r. tr llieSpriin'j work, vluano your ti iii with tlio iivMUii ia aini i.iv jr Cjro, by i:iknu t' or tlim- 'iuC3 uacli rfu-k. CO cents jvt b In by all .lnr,'.;inLs. S I ! ttinlcr a posittvo ;,'U-ira tUx l.',1 J ACOIMIN(i. DRUGS, Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, m, Instrumen'3, Etc' HodQs h McFaftij The Cornel Drug Store, FARMERS I.IsrEX.lv. lOt Ot fttsll L'I34 fifcl r,r l 3- kind, liicludiiM' cheat, ami w . "! it. Come ar.il see t.s. ,L'1 STEWARr&SOS If all M r. Dr. I'alU-racii-VlnUHCC The olcd Clairvoyant aril Life nt.ler. is now here, and cu ! fun,l at ht.r rcsLk-nci-, i.ext dnor a r-ouu'i I 8. She u-lls about all BuMeclK. -ait present anil future; lovo troubles, al.-nt hleiids and business. uu Oiu hear Iroui vtur il.-a.i r,, I. 'LOWS AND HARROWS Iiarjalr.s for f.ini.crs in both tilling and waikinu piows, oiiiC tiarrov6,iron harrows. etc. l rices In proportion to c,o cent v heat. It will pay yon to call and sep us STEWART SOX Notice. A 1.1. poraonx Indnbtad to I II Iloaln by nolo or recount will nlcase oa v the anmn. theacnunU must be eloae'1 by nolo if nor, paw. Times ate hard, anil it is to your imprest lo see to this at onco. I am in room no ll, t-trahan Hloek; AlbaDy, Or. Kept ltii b, lwc-s. KFCANTKRBURY. Aii(;ne(. of i 11 Ilean, FORTH ILLER IRVING PSi A'a-iiitN, On C lit., tCt O J. A. (!BBinim ALBANY, -:- GRECO W ANTEt At the s;oie Allen Bros,, f'jrmetly owned Undertakers rE and - Hinbaliiici's. t'llpl(l n If ,t tr a-SoW by Druggists, T5c. T T Rood address. 1 il,nr., ..""! Portland, Orejon. ' "-''en bKvriva Macui;.k.s n.-iil n-paire-.I au urranted by a th-in uuhly ccnipe.cnt work ian, at F M Freuch's jowe'rytoit-.Albany Sciatic 'sCures Rheumatism Quick Relief and Perfect Curo Mr, C. B, Patrick Stocl.ton. Cal. W v """""joi lord a full line ol an lallc, cloth aid weed coslels ti which will be sold at i-i-vu.i., i n The l.osrest LlTlng I'roflis. EMBALMING lie proper care of the dead a specialty Ills In, l.., u I ...iT """V.-BUOU It llvr.i . V ,"B OI w'Q'io ct ir i ... ono mile north Oil dellreri. - .'."c. ln h ' V WArrtEM "17 OR REN f... 1. splendid -Th9 opera houso store, sooiolarv t il n... Ine tii.ir- oiucoior rpar IVAfTED.-Cour.lv and citv rill boghtaiid so'd by UF w-ar Mor ! 0,!,-VVA,NTEi).-'lVant to borrow J. i'0,' forlire orflvo rear wiih olUee. - "lumy. iau at tho rsnii m 1 1 .. r, i ,r win tiane Tor wood Krav mare. . ,.. I. o09i !f;"Tr.",,do111!11 lo drivel I on h W Achisou. at Warb e wo kt, KEKI' AT WOMK- The prospects ot a speedy settlement ot the ailver question has revived thc ml k about a receis ot Congresa until the begin ning of the regular session in December. horuinateljr this suggestion conies princi pally from republican anj populist sources. Most of the democrats understand, an I all of them ought to understand, that their worn in nsmngion has just begun. The most impottant part of it has not yet been touched. I nlil the country knots what the new tnrlit Is lo be like we cannot ex ii ....t.-..i ..t i . l"fi i'uTtni; io ne com plete, Congress nwrs it to the people to make that tarln public at the very earliest passible cVe. In uibli!icl In ti c ctitrcnt mi-nbcr vt ihc North Amcrk-an Ki'vicw Mr rhar!es ; Vlis'jn,rrc!v:cut of the New York Cjnsoli lUtcJ Slack an! l'ctiulctim rxtlt.ine, r prcse tlie ro.TouaMi, r n- view of U-e tiit:'i. r wiicn h:a: I was so ImtltynfllirtM with sclatlo rhenmm tlsm that 1 cotiltl icarerlr more. I used a crcat many remedies which did me no Rood. A friend preamtea me a bottle of Hood i Sarsaparilla, which X beran to take. The relief was quick and two bottles cured mecompletely. I author, lie the use ot my name and portrait In recom mending Hood Sarsaparllla, for I think It a rery valuable medicine. I recommend It to all ftho may bo afflicted with rheumatism or old FLIJ?iRV,,r,c, vetc. for earlv ,?.? 'Jl0""I,"!t P"80. Call -".jwii vuoice. IOT 1--A small boys coal near the ...re,l;,en of Martin Pa.no. Own.J lico, and iertiie'eoit m no' Hood's Cures fewr sores, as I know of a lady la Oakland who has ban cured of ulcers by this wonderful rued lelne." C B. Fatmck, So. SOS California St, Stockton. California. Get HOOD'S. Hood'a Pills act easily, yet promptly a afflclantly. on th. Urer and trowels, at. II. . iirnE. w. n. mxdiorr. n. n. jamks ALBANY FOmTORE CO., iaiCOPOBATBD.-. Baltimore Blork. Albany, Ore. Furniture RTAKIG tar Biikorj 'nr:trtiIitlll:i niul lrt Hu CCKRAD NEYR, PROPRIETOR. Diuisa is lauutd rrnil. raoaM lie., Ultuaware, tlnrrnawnrr. rlfl Frullsi. Vrgetablris. Tobncco, lKnra NaKar, Splrea, Votttt, Ta. E(.e Etc., fse eren-ll,,, that Is kept In a ren.r variety and irsncry st,re. Highest nuu-ket price paid for fU.L KINDS OF PRODUCE HQ EXTRA CffAPkCLFORKFflansFfsR ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - BUTTER, EGGS, L.ARD, BAOON, and CHOICE APPLE.1 for which Iil! j.aylht best cash PJ possible. ' s f ftmp I SERViSEt, " OREGOJ ALU ANY COLLEGE, I MEAN BUSINESS. W1 rill sell all COST. crrckcrv ware and holiday goods af Here are wimn nrlKnei Tor,n . .1. iui liji in 1 n Jit Tto irnvf I. (is j 111 f (T 1 m , - .wv-.o ...j KKJ L'l'lltS a SlUT Tl 9ne .III EvervHiintr ,'n : " ' 1 ' tv vv"13 I' Call on mo and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl, set. Tliis Time Its Alout Crockery. frymea8 C,'eaP " Uiey bUg,,t in Alban"- 1 will sell all kinds of Lry i tmn pricel! and Ireshest produce at bot- A i.'inpl.'lo lasts- of - in nil if. EMBALMING it i-h !..eivr:!.r.':rl ;-,lt'.,'.is, lT.:m-ii,., i.lltr. i;i rtroet; I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Teed Store. Have remoseJ their store lolhe Strahat slor-, formerly occi pied hv Heme i Koo.on, an J have on hand a full stock o C0RVAIU3 FLCU.7, B3AN, SHORTS CERM MEAL, CRHAM, BUCK VIIEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, CATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEEO: vutcin chopping iJori. P. CONN ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY ... .pi.i'ii, i'roprletoi-, WHOLESALE M RETAIL 0nIy Wte Labor Employed' Open 1 1 the yev. Sl-nrlamn . . . A BUSINESS EDUCATION PMr 1 r C7?) Cabinet pt "sssBJJnm' fur r 10.00. photos trmn Si.coto t. ozen. Enlai!r. ;.t-..."'w j. 1 .k.uica a ,tlr HOT,t,ttPr:R, egor"nJ ".ol Or! Send for Catalogue. AJJress, REV. E. X. CONMIIT. ' Albany, Oreg:: 8ALK. An assortment o'floirr: I In ; planta antl xlmitw. aim co.led' : ol raeti. MraUeo Ynune, corner B- anu Jacksou airott. rp t'.MAt KEV, M.n., C hyslcian and Surpwn, 0ff.es Vpttrs 'mi UcsiJence, comer 10th anil Calapooia ft. ELECTRIC BELT 1ATEST PATENTS BEST IMPROVEMENTS. WITH flfCTW" MAGNETIC SUSPENSOBT Wllffarfl fflrbnet Ur1l-lr. ai KtMM ManltlM rr tall alt ion nf nif. fsrm .to.... at iBrltirTf!" M KBs,MtieS, 4n, lon.'. trtooi debility. lassBiior, TDfomr.i.m, ItaOFT. iir ma 1-." IP Tk PlMlrlrk.l. aii.i.ii.. tfuJLl iL.-uassMr- II tLtr.kJ arl.M a ,... 1. i..t.niiT ftilt"' mn or forfeit t I,1W, .od U1 nr ll t-f t dleM or f p.j. Thonind harp tn wired h"" ?ooi iTtutLn IVr ftll olber rcnrdlfi fiW "'T ,i.f nonart. or ittllmonltlt In tMi and (w;Vt Nrkfr,i IMi'Ro.l.D K till Hit M hVKW But h J i"T,r 0,r,a "k T WIT" l ilr ed far ii:.itrat4 fuikieu, sailed, ttr, tr. No. ,72 First St.. PORT LAN P. 0 AtiKNTS Wanted on SalairanJCominiss', for THE ONLY AUTHORIZE- Bionraphy of JAMES &.BLil By Gail Hamiitox, his literary eKcnrq -u in. co-operatma ot his family, Mr. Blaine's Complete Workf, lr.ARs or roxnREs," and his later bos' "Pol.lTti-i t. t)m,-rs4tnva " (Ins nroC'': ir tnevs , be.t skllino l-O'iks ID ins ssst ket. A K P .Ionian of Me..tooV llic-Hg from first 110 calls; aaenfs prr.lit W ir-rnai.i (i u. look I. orrfera. Kossia. in 1 rln ; nrnKr jWil.53. EX''" f Msts. took S7 arrlrra io 2 cla-.s: Ff l7.2.i. .1 l'atrirlir, nf XI.. tnoi 4.1 rr " from .",ii eallss rmrit STS V. A PilK' "fN. Dak. looa.vi o'.lers in 3rlays: f"'. T.'S.rij. hx. Ll V1! TrRRITiiFV ti-'- ' yon wi.h tomak. I.AIH.E XlOi'SV' immeiliately for term, to TI:el!ciiryi:iiirii?).Co.,onvicii.Ct-- -aihaay 1