a. U AM. l':: 1 1 LB.'1 .;(! u tjj.t. i ) . : tJcrtlt! cmocvat. ftedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. AKD BAKIIta 81J, HESTSTORAGF KACIUfJK ARE YOU a newspaper w: v. author, ertls iiuhliHSirirnt srtlaerj l.'yrcuaro, orM Interested Inany of 'Uoubovc, J ibhoulercaj -r'.Z JOUF lALIOT. DC VOL . nift in ... t Hi . I 1"'. , . . ii ii lii.tu a yeai. ' ii 'Alts ou application, tt, I OI'.MAN. i. i: .rani I'rorrlefer, 13MIB. KEW V011K.K.T. Notice of Assignment. Notics ia hereby given that the Bank of Oregon, of Albany, urepoo, nas amy as signed to the undersigned afsignee ail its property and effects far the benefit of all its creditors, unuer aaa oy virtue oi ujb K. eial asjignmsot laws of the state of Oregon, and the undersi rned has hre(oforo, tnnit, on the 23th dyof June 1S93, duly qualified as such assignee All iwrnnnl havinff claims against p-rl in solvent and the estate thereof are Lwieby renuired to nreaant the same to the un dersigned at the Bank of OreRon buildino in he city of Al! any, Oregon, uoder oath, Within three months of this data. Dated this 2!Hh day of Juno 1893. W.8. TllOMHSON Assignee of ths Batik of Oregon, su insol vent. euU.istitij two boars of ftiiv-'i'v flo(.t.-.diyacut.B-ay"tt-l 5- Hsi-A TOa HACK RTIlE.W.gnaONEItALLT. Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters WiJJ give you A lovely . Complexion. Hen-l 3 '.'-'Olit stiinipt to A. V. Onlwiiy A Co. lkwton, Mu., f nr bust muiUcul work published OH FIRE ECZEMQ Teri-Utlo SutTcrlofl of tiltllo li.v y KcTi'ti Doctors n:l Two llospuSt I all. Cured by c:utlctira My "utv tov, ! r.iot:Ss olii, rctt cxi -Ui t s ccz 'n-i n;iro.ti! hi Uml'M, breunt, f:irr, ui.i li-i'l, . i!i h w-:w ri-arly covert".!; h( tcrt'irip. nifvulf vi-ra iiilaMu to lifhofcl; li had pi ih-s.- (uh! Int Uttlo r-ft o.Ii: o' j ilitv. IK' wm nmiiT ln ..t Dit'Sit ut tiilft'Unt Ui;:in -two lti-lt iUi.l ly . 1 d.H-t.ir In till r)! ? v. r tho b s lu':i. iU; t-v, , j - jrrcw TM t il th I. .17 r iv.iv.li! I '.!.:; 7 lov.t :i rpr T' ni'-JicllH1, aril Vi;'.n .T ttrviv tut,',r.iifti. j (-.'i r !t HoAPiunt Ci:."i . . 1 , - '., Ittid rot f i'.V.l It- :My iii-proTt.I !nl In nil- ' nr.d br; :inv cUv;t a r-M'i r t. uiiv mt'ther coultl wlal. tu moUitr to u It lor vi 1 ' HO V. lirookliatj t., ltotoi-. Remedies n 1 1 :.tii iltm, l.iotmtly rtlit- t. i ... fyrmn ot crem mid pi'Tit-l, I , m itATiontlv, cconomU-atly, "tl I --1 -' v niwliVof It'rmri'nr, dlntlifUiIrc i l v. I'tiiinir, ni-aly, trusU il, " ' 1 li'imora of the n!iin, c t;, hi 1 . f d;iir, trovi Inf incy fc mv .'vfif.oiiH, vr fcortiitiry, wWa i i-? iri'r.vnKiMiiM;.! i"A - ' jl. l'r.'';.n-l by tho IOTT-P . : . .Mi ..LCtmtN'RATIOll, UWIOJI I r ,r How tuTiirfSUn Ikitas' and liW tf..tlnwn.a!f'. j j hm . ,-rtsi ly Cliki ha aow. CLD FOLKS' Pf.!f!lJ. If 1 . t,. f t.:fnrA Aiili'lmn rinMi-r, tLiK'lH--'tn-.d only t.:,:n.kMir.r trnntS- CBflfK I Fair Face g 1 W L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE &hj. Do you weir them? When next In need try t pair, best in tho world. $5.C0 $3.00 M.tiO 2.5Q 63.50 42.50 $2.25 42.00 F0H IA0II8 2.00 I.7S FOR ROYS $2.00 41.75 FOR If vou want i fins DRESS SHOE, made !n the latest atylei, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and lock and wear as well. If you wish to economlzo In your footwear, do so by purchasing V. L. Dsuglas Shoes. Nam and price stamped on the bottom, look for lt when you buy -ift?- L. E. I3LAI ft w, M, TkFarlandj -D2ALER IK - I- Harness -and -Saddler j Display $ft'in the Daoi ACAD KM V Uiiy ef Pairetaal Ealp Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-S ent business conducted for modcratc Fees, r ! our Office ib Oppositi.U. S. patent OfficcJ and we can secure patent in less time Uini Ihostf 5 1 remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo,, with dMcrlp- Itioa. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of S 1 coarco. Our f ea not due til! paten: is secured, if ' A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Fateots, ' withj IcoVt of Kaie Tin the U. S. and foreigs countries 1 sent free. Address, n a eMAWA.no. OPP. PATENT U'F.OOi vor,inu w". " - J SIGK-HEADAGHE Makes life miserable. All other ailments are as nothing in com parison. Women especially know ;ts suffering, and few escape its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS Many pooplo take pills, which gripe and purge, weakening the body. Moi o take Simmons Liver Regulator, liquid or- powder, be causo more iileasant to take, doe3 not gripe, and is a mild laxative, that also tones up the system. Tho relief is quick. It isNaturo's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I nevor found nriytlilnir to do mo any enod until J UMd Hlminons I.Ivor lt:uula tor. H bus been tliri-o yenra slum 1 tlrnt used it nud I have nut had Hick Ht'udncbc Ninre. 1 went my slstor (wlio liiui from ono to two ullucks of Hb'k lU'ndnoliti ivery week) one-iialt of u imckniri1, und Klie has nut luid it siuee." C ri. Iukkim, llruwus. ville, W.Va. 9-EVKI7 PAOXAGEta Ha. our Z Stump In red on wrapper J. U. ZI.IL.1N ft CO., FhilaileuiliU. Pa. h Those who have a ) RGOOtl i H Digestion have little sympathy "j for thedvsrei)tic. 1 Hey t r i r r r r can cat everything that U comes along, vtniie tlicv can eat rich food without fear olN the ences, they neverthe- LI less greatly appreciate U a delicate tiavor in their pastry. f when aed as n short- iJ enmg, alwa-s pro- U duces the finest tiavor- ( vl nnttrv. which is en- i tirely free from the U many objections which J . . r 1 1 i . "d tne use 01 lara uius j produces. 1 est its value by one trial. ItcftisofiU subat lintel fnfl three evnt. In etampa to N . K. K:,lrlwnk Co.. ''''I' .'", for Imnd-r-.'nv.litti't..:ie iMk ILttk. contain intiv lmn.lreil ro,-lp1.rrtTan-l l y C I 1 nlnfemHu-titflo'lKiri'HonciHikltH. L i'bilcnu la oKI by aU argvvra. 1 Mi'iAOPir rv i N. K. FAISEANS & CO. '1 ST. LOUIS and I -CHICAGO avau WnBH BrlfiTAII I jUkZX-ii Tx:tiij I IT fuTI 1 If 1 T IIIWIIIIimilllMlliH IW I II I ICotiol THROUGH MIT LAKE, DENVER OMAHA. UKtS CITY ST. L AXO ILL t EASTE1CIK j C 1 DA-Yd TO fji HIA0D HOURS lAIIDQ QUICKER TO OMAHA lUUrb AND KANSAS CITY- PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, r-nrr nrniKI tin rtUAID OADC rntC rtlLlilinu Krifiin nn, DINING CARS. For raies an J genera! luioi matlon call on or address Curran Sc Monteith, Albany, Oregon, cr W 11 HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass.Agt, J54 Washington St., l'ORTLANn, OKHGON I EAST AND-SOUTHj THE SHASVTA ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Co. Exproas Trains leave Portland Dally. South I 0:15".'.. I Lv 10:23 9 M I Lv lu:16A M I Ar PROS JOLT 1. 1SD2 I North ' Poftlana Ar 8:21) k u Alb,uiy Lv 4:23 k v San Francisco Lv 7;00 r u novoLraias . .n ...... roitlanuto Aiuany muiuaitvi City, Irving, Bugone and all stations TICKET R08KBURQ MAIL, DAILT 8.3 tiTit I Lv Portland Ar 1 4-S1r lM5e.Lv Albany Lv 1 12:81) !:ii)r Ar Kosebanr ;Lv7CA BRA.TI. - 7rr.r :10 a Lv Albany Arlt):?lA 0:00 AM Ar Lebanon Lv I 80 AM l:2CfM Lv Albany Ar :6r KM am Ar Lebanon Lv I ! PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dininar Cars on Ogden Route SECOND-CLASS SLEtPIMtS CARS Alla:hed taall Threnxli Trains. rTe.t Ride niTlslen. SKTWCEW ruKCLAMD AND tORVAlLlH. Uail rsAiMDAlLT (Except Sunoay, 7:511 " M I Lv Portland Corvallli Ar I 5:5 r M kv I l:fO Pit 12:15 r m I Ar aXPRKK TKAIN DAILY (ExCSptSui.day, 4:40 p if Lv Portland 7:25 r u Ar McMLnnvil.6 Ar I ft.? a y Thrmitrh TiclietM trt All point in inn r.iwrn .--, Eurnptj can oh'alned tt owest rai Irom C Ii IrunK, Acem aiuhj. ROEHLER k Matinirar 't 0. F. nd PortHnd Orciro". FromTerminal or Interior Points thn ffl ; Railroafl Is 1I10 lino to Inhe To all Points EAST ami SOUTH It l 111 OIXIXW TAIt IHU TE lu I be Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO T.O CHANGE OF CAR3J fninnrtsrd nr Dinini Can llnsiirn:issd Piillmnn Drawiiu Koora Slwpcrs lj Latest tqiiipmcnt TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Itet ttat can bo por.Mrnole I anvl In which aaiwmtnO'lMionia are bith Tiee ami furnished for holciprs of First ot Stcond clash tickets, ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. k Continuous L'.nfl comecting ithd al linos, affordini Direct an Uninterrnptorl Servica, rur.mm slfpor rnservatifns can Iw ecurcJ lu aiivmice ihr nmli any op'ir, of the ma l. UiKOl till 1'ICKRM to sun frntriKll p-h:1s Id- .rrr:ini I ns aii.l an.1 Kunipo ran b pnrch .! at aty ticl;f to:riCT of this cnn-j.anv, Villi ii:f-"-r.ili "i concerniiiij rti.tlme firius. mii'cs vi other ii; futn M-.e 1 oj aj.pHcit.o i to n aeir. of A r C.IKI.TON. AF8ts'l !rme rl I'asenirwr Ant, o I-' i'ir f1';, v"i. Vluri;ton, Pi.ri'and. teron CO Hoitbsr?. l.vl ert. lV6TIAfL. If f til . Ar..y. a. U.. J"! P Jnatlera in prob".ts aaBLTwil-ti" Kiua Woo, ry K PHLYEU Attnrnev at La nd Solicitor In Chancery. Col KK ooll point Jwgrtirt on rable tvrms. pEO. W. WRIGHT, . .,.... t- vv.1l .,,,Hr In collections and matter la prebat Ulllcei- UpiUin B II letrl raittcriwtll ruc.lv. prorap r. O.U FcllJ'. Tamiils, Albany, O attention, fflco fi- HH1TXET, . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or, M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon JAMES J. CIIAHLTOK. Attornev-at-Law. All K-scal boalneas attended 0 promptly: FLINN'S Dlock, Albany, Or: Phyclcian and Snr?eoli, OFFICE Cornor Ferry streets, Albany, Oroj(on.l Phvriclani m Surireoin, OFFICE Corner eoond ml n.-.iK.lall.i.i at.rn.itkl- Alb&llV. Of. Cfllll DrO.TlDtlV attunded i city and country; 1 V. CHAMUKltl.lJSJ. O., Heraoopatlilat. 3"SpocUlat In diioa.os ol tho Eyo. Ofiice houre 7 to 9 a uu I to 8 m, and T to 8 nir-c A . I Oreson. FIRST NATIONAL BAKU, OF ALBANY, OREOON rcijldent 7lce President Oashier LFLINN S, E.YOUNG ...K, W. LANG DON ritANSACTS A OEHKIlALhanHngluslness ACCOUNTS KF.Pf subject to sheck. 8IOUT EXCHANGE and tel Taphlo transler, ,)ld New York, Saa FraneUoo, Chicago and Fitland "cOXECTlONJ BADS on favorable terms. DiRBCToaa . E. Torao K,W, Lahobom L E Blaih. L. Flish ICaWAan B . SOX.. . Or ALBANY, ORKOON. TRANSACT oroiinral B vi'tln J iislneni. WKAn BlUlll untr i.i u Bco and Pirtlftnd, Oro?nn. LOAN MONEY on approved emiruy. RECEIVE doposlW subject to check. COLLECTIONS made 011 lavnrabl torms, INTEIlEST pald on time donoiltt I? akk or fteio, 8CZOt ORKGOM, r. ! 11 it jla.jr , T J MrXK . A J Jou THE AVEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific Raihoad, R W IIADLEV, Receiver. TIME SCHEDULE, exespt Sandajs.l U,a Albarv 12:9" r. ,L.'av. Yaqalna, T:MA, UiTCorvaMia- 1:03 r, a . IVav. Corvallla.lOA.M .... . v.nnl.ta l.:.a . a. Arrt,. Albany. 11:13 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Wtllamelre Valley Points and san rrancisco. OCEVV HTKIME 84ILING1 tros sas raascisco WlUamatU Valley, Oct 7ih, 17th.'2;th, raon taqoiwa. Wlllamttts Vallav, Ost !nj, Uth, Una: Morlat. The Compn rrHTe the) ngnt I hanKesailinn datea Hhmit notice. RiYER 8TKAM EUS. tramrr "Hoac" leaves Poitland Wedneida? and Satanlay .am, H C Pvr.Oen A,t,Slra'.n Street Wharf.PortlanJ p R Va ubo, l!n Ai't, Sin franctaco, Cal. H K Molcahy, lieneral Supt: FOSHAY & MASON oi.i'.A',! AS KRalb nrneeistsand Doaksellcis. Aisn.ufor John R. AMerN pulwn?, r'h wW t p:hIihAt' Miflr With Book id Job Printip LEGAL BLANKS, BRIEFS. Commercial Stationery And Artistic Wedding CardpJ&c IN THE LA.TE&T OORRECT STYLUS rything! First-class and feDa-J livered on Short Notice. fc 1 SMILEV, - - PA'ROHlZEi HOM INSTITUTIONS. 1 farmers k mm mm. cu ASbuny. P ?.1CAi), Presldont. j L COWAN, Treasurer. -niKKCTOES- I cotvan, Geo P Simpson, IV K Kavl, !) B Mj:itlt;oi swro w ,l W fiuie 1 J I Weatbsrtor,!. OJ Htuirt.. .WnU.un. ALSO DISTRICT AOBSfS IOR f " Several Solid Eastern pi Foreign Compaiite HAVE Y0SI TRIED DRUGS km FAILED , TO FIND A CURE FOB RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &e, I mm.VMir. ELEGTRS3 BELT Car 900 ra nook "TIlKtX CI rf Saie iiaveraatorocl Ihou.andato robtijt f rr.lth snown or nunareaa or caseainr.iio.u. iw... ..... ... ":'" ,.rIftr uhIuie O.U" licit. Ot whom no have strum letters boarlim toatinonr tv .. -ir revivor? alter uiuB u.u; me uaxrr f.iojl TUiiifli r-WiS CAN CURE YOU! . GENERAL DEBILITY CURED. p. Truly jnum. H. A. BOWt N. 25 nd l fur t. RHEUMATISM AD.ENESS CUR6?., Dr. A. T. Banen.l'earriirr-lBota'ii. ivon.-wiw two weekit ago for rhumntifrc,, from xhit-h 1 (-u-afi-etl JorMToral ywiri. For ihe ia iX mn.ilhj I hud i ot beenabltow rlt. Y ut 1h-H ha,. lAwa a.mot perfect health in th two wp-1e 1 hn w- d I ran WftU roiulnitBhIv nncl fee! tike nwn muT. mner.ulj. M. E. HUQiaP.S, Ppji-riftwr IutrTUutional ltuitd. NERVOUS DESI l.TY-Lp 8& OF Vii CO R. TJr.A.T Panilen.DMr Kir: I Lv'r.n usipTyiur F.Jectric belt for enncriu ncrvoiH' ociijiy. io feel twttfir than I have for lire revs. I have gat: ' YVuraaVa'tolillr.' oySVLtTETKA. THE BR. SAXDEK8 ELECTRIC BELT ?wtr,lerjn!?h 1.1,000. It bii an Improved Klectrie Suspensory. t maw Iron ffcre So warrant it t" cure any ol tbo above woakne.-oa, and t..enlnrv o hrnnkeu li'"."!3;.iiMsota B rfnndrd. Tboy are (traded In atrpnetu to meet all alaaea ..( oeaanesa I . .' '"''J,' 7,7n men, and will euro the worn oasealn twoor three months. Addreas tor full lnIerm.Ji. n. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St.. POBTim tWjg iLPeVHI COLLEQUTS IKSTITO ALBANY. OREGON ,i8Qi, issa. Iral Teroa Opened September f la A fL 1 corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, L1TERART COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. t jurats ot stndy crrangad u. tMitts all grades orstudent. Sfnnl inrtiwewrs.'s cftrrd tit ttud'H't from abroad. art. fxrect it riT yj ?.n.niTosE. Architect and! Contractor. s-o errtjrs !i. '.1 i lull. . t em. ALBANY, OR. Orenooa J f WRVi-.nl AN. Sjcretar Geo F HIMrNtiN. Vico Hrwii laab DTI. HAKDEN'S ELECTRIC BEM aory nMl core wllhout medlclas T,, allWthoabury.troubios. Ti""!" iff), auiror from Nervous llrbllltji i,onnv9t uriiism ' NorvouHiiON 1tS?ppli,H?iS3t Anv inmnrv. nil FeumJetoir tlio effects of abuses, excesses, hmtj or eiyc.Buro, will Hnd relief and pwnp euro in our marveltmi . lnTenv; If y..il rcplaco into r,ouT',, SnTea to n WSs, i'M"" - ' V WrV.'J SS.'il A0Vi,p5?!!S urn I .XMB BACK AND RHeUMATIBW i.o I .... wn.H. I .a 'a;Hie.v- molr,anrtnl I Leclau total with an.on. aatati. loon wan ..a- r. . fcrtlaaA lllllr.Ul nH'l. Cu. K.UH'U " IOST VITAUTVcAMOfcfJfN,y 1)-. A. 1. rnnu.-, i-rnr :r: -iu" - , -.. b It Iliarobo rrra:li fenr.ttd: I '',"'r"irf ft tut -atiirnliii:; ..i.'l lt.-r mo'it" . ' " u. bolt 1 nnd n..lt f:. n on.u. . v'", r.i" j;..': w'a-'.''S'iSSna'":.- .?jss wins' rS.iV.lU -CuaraLur LKhUl bU Gladstone has A clear Head i WHY? Because he follows these rules: "Keepthe head cool, the"1 warm, and the bowels open." Voo can have a clear head and live to " ninety if you do the lame tW"S When the bowels fail to move dur ing Ihe day take on retiring tw Smith'. Smell Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are w aware cf It. All day yourmind be clear and cooL "Not a grip' " barrel of them." Ask for small fi Take no substitute for SMITn S Bile Beans ! t.uarantl to nirr IMltous ' ) j