t gitUi) gemocrat CITY OFFICIAL PAPER i.l.iiil.id every day in tlie week except Sunday. At ' KS & HTT1.K. Editor anil frop'r" fi.msd ililio rot Office at Albany Oirptn.Mt-rronri ela.a mail mailer. A1I Itl'M ... IITtlllC II IKU3 GOOD EVENING'. A SiiKitn-T Sixn. This nfleriiooii nt 2:'''0 o'clock the grunge alliance committee tiled their complaint ayainst Sheriff Knlaml. They ulleiro that tiieshctift' luis been allowed warrants to tlio amount of Jll.oj-j.'-S since N'oveuili-'r 1, ISifi. iiml that they are fraud ulent and made with the intent of rlieutingr and lU'lriiuilinir the county, and were mei'c in collusion with Juiltre l'ik and County L'oainurtsioner .lame I'urker. The com vlaint iiska that the county treasurer. Frank lieinner, be retrained ly au order of the rourt f.oin paving the said warrant. The complaint covers oil paes- of type-wrilien manuscript. James F Amis. John Uo'iiett and I, Flinn npicariu uttornrys for plain-1 tiff. II C l'erkins makes alhilavit to the truthfulness of the complaint. The plain tiffs, besides asking for the injunction re rtrainingrtlie payment of the warrants, ask for their costs and disbursements. Sheriff Xolnud will meet the matter in the courts fearlessly. The charjju that .Ituljre Fisk and County Commissioner l'aiker are in collusion to defraud the county will not lie entertained a moment by any one acpiinted with these pmtlcmcn.und we believe is a damnable one ami unwarranted and unjust in the extreme. To show to what extremes the committee go in their charjres against Sheriff Noland, the complaint alleges that he has not per formed any services whatever since Nov 2, 192, but what aro of a fraudulent nature. In a nutshell, the whole cause of complaint arises from the fait that Mr Noland has conijielled the payment of delinquent taxes and charged for it. Kugene Guard. nom 4o astasia Harrlsburg in llaft'e to hsve an attorney. A Cc rvsllis man stoppml the Gazette on SJcennt ofs fanny leniarlt in couneciijo with t birth. Chestnute The Pendleton E O thinks T I Tweed or K J Mead will be the new agent at the Umatilla reservation. The Vigilant won the third race and contest yesterday, dtfeatlng the Valkyrie in just the wind prayed for. WF Chase has been elected principal of Ihe Sliedd school. He was recently married to Miss Melissa James. Yesterday af.ernoon a live game of base ball was played between the college and pub.ic school mines, lesullir.g in a victory for the public school boys In five innines 10 to 6. s ' E P Ketchum left h!a cnl In It,. Anv. of the ftpiingfield Lumber yard yesterdav, while working In the yard. A 840 watch and a $to revolver were stolen, nltluu' the thief being observed. Yesterday the Democrat r,ktl.t,vl ,nl item from a Lebanon paper about the residence of Mr Win Marks.near Tallm.ic, being robbed of $957.. Yesterdav Mr Marks brother. John, was arrested for the rime and was to be tried today. Oregon City Enterprise savs: The woolen mills are preparing to start up on Monday with about one-ha'f the i,u,il force, to work for a lime upon orders. Mr Jacobs is away in California looking after trade In that direction andfierry is up east of the mountains secine what can be done n that direction. The losses bv fire in the ITniteil States during the first eight months of 1S93 ag giegtitcd 8111,324,000, or $24,000,000 more than the value of the burned prcperly of the first eight months ot 1S92. The discouraging increase is at'rlbuted bv some competent critics 10 Sard times, which gen- imiy promote incentllarlsm. The Lebanon Exnrejs advertise that it has borrowed money from year to year in order to continue its business, and now it will be compelled to collect or sacrifice hat It has worked for for many years. Hard times are particularly hard on news papers, though the Express item would indicate that they had existed for some time. After 32 Years. A representative to the grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, which was held this week nt Heppner, Or, tells of an interesting anu pathetic incident that he witnessed while on the train bevond Ar lington last Monday night. The informant was sitting gazing at the stars when a gray-bearded man walked into the car, having boarded the' train at Arlington. He passed by nnother- gray-bearded man sitting near, and immediately both ad vanced and asked, "Can it bo possible?'1 Fears rolled down thoir cheeks nud the con versation the next hour was interesting in lecd. It appeared that lioth had Iwcn in the Confederate army and had parted at the name 01 ijcxmgion in jc-oi, anu nau on cue train met for the h'rst time after 32 year's Reparation. One was It I) Jett. representa tive trom Kathbone Iodize at iiuntinirton. nil the other S V Darker, of Dowdall lodge t llrownsville. Neither was aware that It he other was a representative, and their Inn-cling wns entirely unexpected. When they separated at the battle both were strap- nig young teuows, ana when they met on tho train both were old and gray. They had a great ileal to tell each other after the ing lapie of years, and related many m iilents of those stirrinff dnvs. The Intl iine they saw each other their clothes hung n tags and tatters, and they were almost ;.oe!ess and hatless. lelegruin. Religious Services. Services at th Baptist chnrch at 11 am nnd 7:30 pm. Key lr L 1) Goodwin of Tncnum. will preach at both sen-ice. Sunday school at :45 a m. Junior Union 3:30 p 111. Young Peoples meeting 6:30 n 111. All will receive a cordial welcome to these services. lir Itoodwin is an interesting and able ipeaker whom all will be delighted to hear. Services at the U P church morning and evening. Preaching by the assistant pastor. liev Kiley Little. S S nt 2:30, junior V P S C E at 3:30; Y r S U E at 6:30. A wel come to all. Services at the Congregational church at 11 and 7:30. In the evening will be iriven the fourth discourso on the Lords Prayer: "Thy Willlie I)oneN" Sabbath school af ter morning sen-ice, Y P S C K 6:45. All are welcome to these services. Rev Dr L D Ooodwin. of Pnvallnn. will deliver an address to the Young Men's Christian Association tomorrow at 4 o'clock p m in their hall. Dr troodwin is a fluent oratorical speaker. The hull should bo filled to near mm. Services nt the Presbyterian church at 11 a in by the Itev A Marcollua, of Southern Oregon. Sabbath school at 12:15 p (m, Junior C E meeting at 4 p 111, Y P S C E at ti.A Ti, til 1... 1.: : vp.-r-,. xiiuiu win ut: iiu jiiuauiiiiiBeit iv 111 the evening. urn 1 i.d rrasumi r J S Van Winkle returned last night from a trip to Oregon City. Mr H J Clark, of Ashland, one of the old Alliany boys, is in the city. Thomas crerk reached as high a tsage on hit Sunday as at any time lust winter. dipt N It Humphrey hot been discharged from the asylum and returned to Pendleton. Mr Hryant, the diseiplinarinn at the lie form school.came up from Salem this noon. Mr Oeorge Alexnnder, the popular editor of the U-lunon Advance, was in the city to day. Acting County Judge Ted Parker, as sessor of Lincoln county, was in tlw city to day. Mr and Mrs Jason Wheeler left this noon on n weeks vi-it with their daughter Mrs I'r Kitchen, at Stayton. Scio.Chas Charlton, son of J K Charl ton, and recently from Hepner, was in town visiting relatives and friends. Mrs Charlotte Dickinson, mother of Mrs' Perry H Raymond, died at Salem on Thurs day, at the age of 7o years. The Albany Herald h:is re lneed the sie if its daily edition to a 7 co 1111111 sheet. lloth dailies of that city are now of the same size. Licenses have been issued for the mar- rinse of W M Smith and llonnie Swatm. V F Svnder and Mollie Monte-imerv. .1 X Tong and Minnie McDonald. W II Parker. IV Hill andfi W Hocbsted- ler, who returned last night from the meet- of the (irand Lodge K of P at Hepner report a tine tune ami good treatment. Mr Martin Pavno and family will leave ihe last of this month for San Jose, Calif., which they will make their future homo Mr Payne has a son residing it that city. Moses 1 t uller. the man who attempted to break into Peter Schlosser's several months ago, was in the city this week, hav ing Decn uiscnargeu trom the penitentiary. M iss Marie Davis. an accomplished Salem lady, who appreciates the beautiful sur roundings of Ashlnnd.came out Friday and is stopping ai iiocei uregon. Asniauu Kecord. G W Phillip: nnd wife, left Wednesday enroute for the World's Fair and a visit among friends and relatives in the states. They may stay most of the winter, provid ing it is a miiu one. Mr and Mrs S A Miller, who recently em grateil to this place from Minnesota and who last week 0iened a millinery establish ment in the Myers building.on Tuesday left on the morning train. They were perhaps disgusted with the heavy rains of the past few days, but wo apprehend that Oregon rains are preferable to Minnesota blizzards. Press. Rev Geo W Hill will preach ot the Bap tist church next Sunday, Oct 15th, at 11 a m and 7:30 n m. As Mr Hill sails, or mis sionary to China, early in November this will uo nis last visit to Kugene. His old friends and tho public generally are cordi ally invited toattend these farewell services. Guard. Mr and Mrs Luther White, of Browns ville, tomorrow will have reached the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, a golden wedding. Of eleven children only two arc Hying. Mr and Mrs "W lute came to Oregon in 1S47. Mr White was in the legislature atone time, and Mrs White has the dis tinction of paying the first taxes ever paid in Linn county, llieir ages are 18 and 71. wmi If Lilierati didn't know any better than to lay down on the Swaneo river with the glorious Willaiuete rolling by he ought to drewn. Linn county farmer, witli the blues, re nuvked that the country was going to sintsli, that ihe politicians, lawyers and newspaper men wero getting hold of it. iv hy, a few days ago," said he "a big L" S Senator died in California. When lie four.dilut that he had to die ho cavn n l,,t of his money for a big college to educate up a nr. 01 1 u uueves to rou tlie people. Comment is unnecessary. It takes a business head to run a farm as wellas to do anything else. A man own ing a good farm in this county had had it rented for several years. It didn't seem to nay, only a small yield ot wheat resulting. 1'helast year he took half of it himself. plowed dii'p furrows with heavy horses nnd did everything in the right manner. The res-ait was 29 bushels per aero for his share of tlie furui and 12 bushels per aero for the renters, on exactly tlie same kind of soil. It is easy to draw conclusions. Bl:tiwxsvii.i.E ox Top. The Roseburg Kevbw boasted of a chair made in 1S-I0. Brownsville completely knocks Koseburiront as fo lows: F M Jack, the postmaster, has a chair which for celebrity in ancient ipial ities is more than an equal for the chair re ferred to. It was made in Polk countv bv Jos Gage, in tho year 1S'!0, and is now in Mr Jacl: s Home doing actual sen-ice. Ihe bottom was inndo of rawhide from the back of an ox which crossed tlie plains in 1K45. A the time of its advent into the household the hair adorned the rawhide, but 47 years of constant use has effaced thoeso fibres. and today the seat is so "slick" that were it long enough it would be bard to find a bettor toboggan slide. The Democrat would like to ask how the hido of an 1845 ox was used in an 1830 chair. Mrs Lou Ostnrhoudt has ros itncd dress making at heroli pUce of business Bay 12 feet wide linoleum of the Albany Faro. Co. Durable aud sanitary . This trip the a'eamer Willamette Valley will bring for tbe Alblry fern. 00. carpels, matlinga, rugs and outsido door mats. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers Is the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest, most econonical and satisfactory dye ever Invented. It is the gentleman's favorite . Fresh sweet pickles, olives, o'.ow chow, 1 to, just reoeived at Parker Bros. Or In'tekst to All. Wholesale mer chants In the Eastern states have offered us great inilueeuients and we -ant to gieour customers an opportunity as well, provided you will buy now. We have made g'eat reductions in the price of our dress goods, iine shoesapes, jack ets, etc, for cash, and intend to sell them as fast as possible. Kigr'y five cents in most caes will buy a dollars worth of goods and some limes more. Come in and make your selections. Ourgoodsare nearlyall new, and can't be bought else where In Linn county for the prices we will sell thet-i at if bought now. Reap, Pkacock & Co. At Meal Times do vou ever consider the quaMty of the food you arc eating? It may be good. It might be b.tter purer, fresher and more who'esome. Is it not worth whi'c to make sure that you- lea, -offee. lugar, baked goodi and Innumera bleother groceries aie of the best quality? There is such a trifling difUreuce in the prices of ttie best and I he worse that It does not pay to buy ihe wori.,even on the lalse ground of suprost-d economy. The best Is always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory and durable,and the very best of everything in the grocery line is kept at i'atker Bros. WHO dees your washing? It is to I s hoped you send it to the Albany Steam Laundry.thus patronizing a first-class home institution that employs only whito labor. 1 ne wors too sjH'aKs ior nseii. not r.iier me fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, but on account of the superior manner 01 w men 11 is uone. WORTH COXKIDEKIXU Pay Perry Conn. Terms, cash it FL Kenton's erocery store ' Please pay Perry Conn what jou owe him. If you want a fine smoke call for J.'ieph s white labor cigara. The be.tjrnaat ooSoe in the city at Com ad rtltiyera The best watch In ihe world for the money at French's jewelry store. Fine Scnthera Oregon peaches al F L Kenton. Now is the lime to oan them. Motor makes 6ve trips daily to Vieieck's addition. Lotr there on installments of $1 per week. Pa ronir.a home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ja'ius Joseph. Genuine paits for all sewing machines also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all sewing machines, bicycles, et:., at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mall 40c a dozen. " Whar's l,at Coos?" A pet coon be longing to the undersigned lias stayed away. When last heard from be was making a raid on Mr Vbeeler's chickens. A reward will be raid for his return. A. L- Laub. line Yes, You Can see the finest palsies for suitings In the state at W R Graham's. where he has a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and rnost stylish suits cf him. A new feature will be the making of ladle' cloaks to order, or the altering of c oaks to Ihe lates' styles, and he repairing of cloaks. Prices "ar- bot tom ones. Shiloh's Vitalizer :s what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon satisiaotion. Price 7So. ijjld'by Foshav'& Mason. JEWELRY is not bought for temporary use, but as a permanent and servicable orna ment. There is often as much value In tbe make as in the material. Will A Stark of this city keep the largest and tinestline in the valley, making a specialty of good goods. Their line 01 gold and silver watches Is a superior one, and in silver ware they take the lead in the central Wills mette Vallev. If vu wou'd get the best in their lire call on Will Si Stark, the leading jewelir. Hodges & MaFarland, the leading'drufc als, Albany, C. . Operatives there are of all sorts, some good, some bad, some Indifferent. You want the best. So takes Simmons Liver Regulator only. It is the best operative In any attack ot inai gestion,dvspepsia,constipation and bilious ness. It Is a ml a laxative, wunout grip ing, or any debilitating effects. You will k..u-hrr article by the la'ge red Z on every package. Take no other. The K. TV. The grand lodge of Knights 'miliars in session this week nt Kmrene ei-teii tlie toiiowingomcers: vl M llodson. i,: r n .Malcolm, iienatv li I': H K 1.11 incott. GEN: US Bean. (! Cant (ion: jiarsnau. u rreinte; 11 11 runic, (i S W r. ueland, iijwj HOW hitehouse. reasurer: J F Robinson, (i recorder! ('. H ivtinn, ( standard bearer: ATh11rlow.il word bearer; J P (ialbraith. G W; Gustav 1 uson, t.i . 1 lie placo ot the next annual nclnvo was voted to be held at Salem. The ports from tho grind officers show that lere are now six comnianderies in Oregon. no each at Portland, Iji Grande, SaVem many, Ashland and Eugene, Number of mnilers,.Jbl; increase during past year,42. TiiAMi-s. Last Friday evening the un sidetracked three cars here for May & ders. About the timo the train pulled C L Morris saw a tramp come out of of the cars, he wns followed l,v nnnther d nnother. Mr Morris commenced to ant. and he kept on countintr until 27 had uie out of the three cars. -But all did not x like tnunis; some were well dressed d carried a valise nnd there is no doubt 1 it half the numlier wero amply able to ' ineir tare nail tney been inclined to do iiarrisuurg courier. I That Con.w A L Lamb's pet coon.whose was advertised in the Democrat was (turned to it owner last night through the pvertiseiucnt. The animal seems to have ept the hen houses on its tramp towards Western rifirt. of th eifv. lrillincr mvpn Jickens nt Win Fortmille'r's and live at C I llrownell's. It wns deci.'ed that the coon -erved death, but out of consideration for r' thief hmrineer who thnmrht ennuirh of P' animal to rdvertise for him he was re- nieii to his owner. idpex DEATn.! Thursday rooming h 12. Mrs James Harris, maidinir in Pnton ceunty. a few miles from Albany, asnea ner face and was reaching for wnen she tell to the floor and ex 1 almost lmtnmlv I tu mhm wns frt disease. Mrs Harris was 85 years of - mil was mgniy esteemed by ner neigh- I Mii.MXF.kt. Mrs M Kunv and dnnuhta -ire to informAba public that they have veil into the rooms lately occupied bv ooer ami are supplied with a line of -'"-ry goons ot quality anil prices to ! 'be present hard times. Be sure to call 1 examine their mv . Iwifara m,rrhait,tr Lixcoi.n County. Among tho Lincoln county real estate sales are the following: 1 Lgenton Hogg to uregon Agricultural Company, limited: wagon road lands in Lincoln county, 27.778 acres 827873.71 ; J W Blaiu to Alice P Bicliards, lots in West Yaquina und on undivided 14th interest in the se4 of seV cf sec 21, and lot Sin sec 23, T 11 H S 11 west 81. The Lincoln county court has otdered a levy of 10 mills for coui.ty and 5 mills for school purposes. The state levy will in crease it to nearly 20 mbls. The O P has 42 miles of track in Lin coln county. Monday morning our fishermen caught 31 5 sal rron in "no lime," as they express ed it. and shipped them by S o'clock the same morning. Post. A GnxriNE Clkaham-k Sale in ladies tine shoes. Within the next 15 days we propose to dinuo'oof 12dnziD pairs of French and DoognU kid. hand turned and machine sewed, opera and common aense lasts, sizes from 2 to 4 in all widths Theo goodr must go regardless of cost. Ladies wearing ahoes in these aizas will do well by oalling on mem iiroa. Umatilla County. The net taxable iropertv in Umatilla county is 8S,80O,5fi5. Last year the net taxable property was 8fi,- 200,000. Money, notes and accounts show loss of 81.-iS4.413, which is largely due to the fact that alnmt 81,300.000 in mortgages were assessed under this head last year. Aside from the loss of the mortgages the ihnnkage has not been very great. 1 he average calculations were, lands, per acre 6.33): town lots. 8141 .63; horses. 822.85; cattle, 811.24; sheep, 82; hogs, 83.73. The Last Cut. Chicago and return, first class. eViO. St Louis and ret'irn. first- class, 847.25. The above rates will be in effect over the L nion Pacific K R until October Hlst.good to return until November 18th. Octolier '-Sird will no iinion facitic day at the World's fair. For tickets or in formation call npon uurran aionieun. Local Agents U i a K. Plvfa'l line of M AflS TOSHF. and iAMER", tce'odiog many nnvlt;es. aoiea, mmtl ud children, it o. w on ft E Yoior. 'an tow.li to ererv ccstch s-Vicreck ' parlors. u n FARMERS LISTEN. Ve have a fine lot of ire&h gra need, of almos: ever kind, Including chca. and we want to sell It. Come ftr.d see ur. STEWART & SOX The Best LOkskts. All our fcaijo corsets are made with tho new patented soft eyelete which are warranted not to null out or cut the lacers. Their ue prevents tlie back of the corset showing through the dress, and avoids staining of underclothing, which is the case when metal eyelets are used. We confidently recommend them, not only as a perfect fitting cornet, but tlie most durable one in the market. Made in medium, ex tra long, and extreme long wuint. For sale ijy bamuel xu loung, Albany. Uregon. Viereck.s thavioii lors and hair catting par Herman Lutheran service on every first and third Sunday of each month at the W CTU Hall, 10 a m.by Rev G E Meyer. Sxau Proof Rubber Root, at Klein Bros, Try pair o( K'e.n Bros Rubber spad ing Boot. Rubber goods of all descriptions at at Klein Bros. Bread Men this city are Tarber Bro. Toevjk&ead Rood bresd for all wbn need goad bread, and keep the beat cookies, oakea, etc. Their stock of groceries is standard and their pro duce is freh, and fruita th latest. When you dial with them you will gat 6rat class treatment and the hest in the market, bather in bied goods or groceries. II. R. HYDE, W. II.DIND1NOEU. D. II. JAMEW ALBANY FOilTDl CO., IITCOPOBATZID.- Baltimore Blotk, Albany, Ore. FURNITURE A complete tine of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING a specialty. Resilience corner 3rd anilCalapooia Streets, Whatever may be the cause of blanch' log, the hair m-y be restored to its origi nal color bv the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian flair Rf newer. . Cure for comb, Fov-rs and Cenemi Ss Wlity, .Small Uii IVarj. .fx:. lr butUe. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. UTorrirE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE UN deralKnfrd.xeciit',rofth. last will .ml lestamen 01 John bilreo. ilecAMetl. has Mod his final accotin with the county clerk ot Linn county, Oregon snd that tha countv court ot aalil ,tnn countv, ha Itxnl rrtday, tha Slh day ol HeiWniber, 1NUS, t the hour of 1 o'clock in tha alt moon ot aald day, for th. heart iw of nbjectlone II any to SMU nnai ac- ooant and the aettiainont 01 aaiu eatata. llated AUf ust 11th, 1BVJ. HAMONS1IELTOS. a h iiehitt. uxetotor Atty fat Exasutor. Will & Ftark, th' jeweltra New Advertisements. TADIES who VfiM do wrltintc for me at i their homes will reoeiregoodwages. Reply with sairaddressed. stsmnarf an . velone. MISl MILDRED Mll.l South Bend, Intl. "lrNTED.-Pushlns! canvassers of V t good address. Liberal salarvanrf expensea psid weekly; Permanent post "in. dhows hvos. CO.. nurservmen. Portlaud, Oregon. OA-IS wan WANTED., The nndera'imarf nts to buv &0 hnaliA). nf wrhilA Mia delivered at toy residence one mile north of Albany. Pay msiket prlos in cash on delivery. W H Vaisn. IOR RENT.-The opera house store. 7 splendid location. Cail on the seeretary at tbe Democrat office for pat ticulara. r ariKii.-Lounly and city war V T I rl!l. rants bought and so'd by H F Mer TT?OB BALE.- & gray mare, seven years old "rwlli unite for wood. rjaitaetlv mle for women and children 10 drlva. Call on E W Achiaon. at Marble o its. C0CKEREL8. Purebred Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerels for tale at a tnjrgain. Addrers John Brash, corner lib. and R R streets, Albany, Or. An ma I nanhla TatTatlvA and Nnm TonTOl Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. SklMa. ttndttOO per package. Samples free. Tf The Favorite TOOTH VOWDH AU X1.U for the Teeth sod ilreath,So. OaptftlnSweeney. UJ.Agan DleffCsCal rvm MRhiloh'a Catarrk Remedy Is the first medlctnel have esnfotkid that would do mo any good." Price 60 eta. Bold by lirugglsU. bhiloh's cure: " Tma riRwAT ftnnan Cmts ttrotnTifrv-euTSI WhereallothorsfalL For Consumption It bas no rival; Has curea tnousaDaa,andwiucnns TOO.U taiainlntlme. frma5cli,Mtsll.0a. T AUNDRY FOR WOOD.- Jj change laundry work for wood. W-ll ex- ,11 Richards a Phillips at the Aiba.iv Steam Laundry. IJSURMUJRE. carpets, stoves etc. for sale at the Baptist patsonage. Call early ant1 take your choice. t ONEY WANTED Want to borrow J tt01 for three orflvo vear with good real estate as security. ofUce. Call at the FOR RENT. 40 acres of land, with house, one mile Irorn Albanj-, in iientnn county. For particulars spplv to A rob Hammer. TO LKT. Three (3) work horses and I saddle horse fur sale, or will trails for wood, oats, wneat or hay. M BENDERS, w MEAN :: BUSINESS. ill Bell all crrckcrv ware and holiday goods at COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cent: lamps, worth 82 00 for $1.00: ' cups and saucers H5 to -10 cents a set; pla'es, 4Q cents per set. Everything filse in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. Date of Sale. Judge Fullerton this moraine? ordered the O P railroad and other propenties of the company sold bv not later than December 15th. The sheriff will fix the exact date. From what the judge had to say to us aliotit the matter we are under the impression uiat tne roail win ne soia this time or it will be compelled to stop operations. News. r. Price's Cream Baking Powder What s Tan Take. Medicine for? Because you are sick and want to sret well, or because rou wish to prevent Illness. Then remember that Hood's Saras psrllla cures all diseases caus ed by impure blood. Purely vegetable Hood'sPill 15c Tnojinos s Gtovi Frrn.tn Co-wrr, tee at the most faro-ably knrwo lines in ih ir.arket, with eitia long want-, a, a f rr stle oy S E 1 OCNU See the Kew Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The bait ia slwata tt.e chepest. J W S"Wdn, aeent. Office; at F M Frrsch'a .ewelry store Fewixo Macmvu nettl repiired 11 irarrtnttil ty a thtrrngilyecmpexnt work ran, at I M rrrnch'. jsiisVy it 3re, Albany Oregon. BUY HEAT 8 STOVES Matthews & Washburn. GREAT REDUCTIONS Dress Goods, Fine Shoes. Capes and Jackets, -AT- READ, PEACOCK S CO., ALBANY AND LEBANON. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSHPII. Proprietor, WHOLESALE UND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed1 Forty Years Um 5tatdard.