Jgailix democrat. A DEMOI'RATIC GL IDE BOOK These are not time when a citizen can be without his political guide book, 11 we are to ju ice itom what they are saving and doing, even the instructors of the people who have seats in the United State! senats have forgotten their comprndiums of first principles. In the bimetallic convention, which hat been In session here at St Louis there has leerr.eJ to be a diversity between every two vie of practical legis lation. Unlesi the world hai grown wise faster than it appears to have done, there is no reason for departure from principles ap parently well settled in the last generation. Twenty years before the war 'he Ameri Can people discove'ed that bad bank money was one of the surest ways of cheating and oppressing the masses. So they declared for hard money. The; found that a protective tariff taxed heavily and restricted the trad of the staple producing stales. So they declared for a tariff for revenue only. They found that the meddling of a cen tralized government vith local interests and habits produced friction, troubles and evil, So they declared for noninterference. They found that giving out special privi legea by legislation Immediately became corruption, plutocracy and injustice. So they declared against special privileges. Every tangible evil of the present is di rectly traceable to a departure from those principles, or to an imperfect application of them to practical conditions. Then the simplest aid most effective rem edy Is to pat. n-J law which dose not apply the approved principles, and to leave none unrepealed which violates them, Hard money la gold and sliver coin and paper redeemable in sucn coin. uard money Is property, and ought to be the only properly of final redempl Ion the only standard of prices and deferred payments. Anything eise Is liable to swindle the com mon people. The government cannot gratuitously furnish individual citizens with money and ought never to be guilty of pretending that it can. Money la private property. The government only guarantees its quality and weight. Gold and silver have been the ac cepted money. They are still. The ques tion is whether silver Is to be a standard money or a token money. No civilized nation talks of stopping the use of silver. England never did. The people relieve that gold is too scarce to be a safe single standard. It gets too powerful and Is too panicky. And they are right. But it takes a long wandering from the path of safe money to suppose that a nation can create a value for the whole stock of silver or the whole stuck of gold. All the natiuns can, but one cannot. One can ascertain conditions and make Us money standard suit Ha convenience; and that is what the United States can do. It cannot make an ounce pf silver equal to an ounce of gold In value. Therefore it cannot make 16 ounces of silver equal to one oo.e of golJ, unless the conditions justify the attempt. . Hold fast to the first principle that any kind of bad money U morally certain to swindle the common people. And to the other first principle that a scarce and ap preciating money is sure to cheat the pro ducers of sta U crops. Then we get at once to a bimetallic currency, and to one basjd on actual values. We get away from Sherman acts unrl French systems, and all botches and cowardly makeshifts. We get away from thn wild-cat banking that Mis souri condemned by refusing the privilege of money Issue to banks. We get away from the pia'.ec'.tve practice of buying bullion, not to fix the people's money standard, but to give a market to a particular set of cap! talists. They mom y question, like the tariff and mott other questions, is wofully confused by the aotlons of the government being able to guarantee this Interest and that intercs1 a jainst loss and trouble. In the first place the government could not, if It were saint ly Ik intent and Solomonlike in wisdom, la lha second place, the federal government is nothing but a president, a judiciary, a house of representatives and a senate, com posed of men who are like the rest of us more or less selfish, more or less ignorant. more or less careless, and more or less susceptible to influences. The more It abstains from fooling with the money ques tion the better money the people will have. Why cannot the people have gold and silver coin as money and be done with the settings, shskings and fevers of the money question ? And why cannot they have a tariff lor revenue.' And why cannot this sggrrgatiun I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their store to the Strahai a tort, formerly occfpled by Dryne t Kobson, and haye on hand a full stock o CORVALUS FLOUR. BRAN, SHORTS CERM MEAL. CR4HAM, BUCK WHEAT. RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEEO: Custom chopping don. ' of men called the governmnt be limited to the affairs which the people may prufit- ably surrender to such a central agency? And why cannot a strong current ot democratic air be forced through the mui kiness and miasma of Washington? tt would end the Sherman act debate and the tariff hearings I would pass Hie noninter ference bill, calltd tho Tucker bill. In botn houses, It would let the people breathe free ly and go about their business. That the earth's motion has an appreci able cfiect upon artillery firr, deflecting the projectile from a straight course, mav be news to manyj and as such would probably seem a novel notion- It has, and the ex act nature ar.d extent of the effect Is an lm- portat point of study with artillery experts. An English army expert told of the results of many Interesting experiments along this line in a paper read before the Kojal Ar tillery Institution the other day. Firing from north to south there is a divergence of projectiles to the left due to the earth's rotation, and firing due noith the diver gence is to the right. The extent of the "pull" varies at different points on the earth's surface, and ' with projectiles fired at different speeds and elevations. In England a deflection of five Inches is found to occur with the projectile of a twelve pounder in a 4000-yard raogo. Among reptiles the eggs exhibit great variety. The epgs of alligators arc elong ated and almost cylindrical, evenly round ed at both ends, and about the size of an ordinary duck's egg. The eggs of the sea turtle are as large as a small apple, round ed, and have a flexible shell. Those of the snapping turtle are much smaller, but also founded. Those of the terrapins and other genera are oblong, as also are those of lizards. In the common black and yeN lowdotted American freBU-water terrapins, and in the painted terrapin, the eggs re- 'quire tour years ol groaan before they are laid. Take ft seven-vcir-old turtle of this kind. It will contain only very small egg6, all of unifcrm size. An eight-year-old tortoise of the same kind will have two lets of eggs, one larger and one smaller. One of nine years will have three sets, the oldest set being the ilze of a small pea. A tortoise of ten years will have lour sets of eggs, and In that year she will lay for the first time, and give birth to the most ma ture let. Dr Ernest Hart of the British Medical Journal dcUre that cholera will become extinct In the next thirty years, because of the rapid advance of sanitary science. Hoyih This! Wo offer One Hundred Dollars reward for an t Case of Catarrh that cannot bo cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, haro known F. J. Cheney .or the last 15 years, and believe him pt xtly honorable in all business transactions jancially able to carry out any obligations n j iy their firm. Whst &Tnr.x, Wholesale DnicrK'mtn.Toledo.O, WaVLDiNii, K in nan & Mauvik , Wholesale Urug cists, Toledo, O. fn directly npen the blood ami miicou surfaces of Hip system. TRtimoninln sent free. Vric3 too. per uuiue oom uy an 'jmista. Bath at Vierecks s having and hair cutting parlors. Hood'sCures Dyspepsia and Indigestion Ur. X. rtshe San Francisco. The combination of excellent stomach tonics In Hood's Sarsaparilla Is such that, with proper attention to diet, Indigestion and even the worst cases of dyspepsi. ars cured by this medicine Kead this: TlaTlng for seyeral years been freatly troubled with Indlceatlon," and harms ins llood'a sarsaparilla advertised, I MMludM M HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES glrs It a trial. T. my happiness and great satis taction I Covad 11 to bo lat ely remedy tor this eomrlitnL" sins. N. risct, 426 Geary Street, San Vranelseo, Cat, Hood's) Pills act easily, yet promptly aao. MBcleaUy, en the liter and bowsla. 85c r,"SOR SA I.B. An aswrmient offlowsr In i plant and shrubs, a'so co lection of cacti. Mmtieo Younf, corner Fifth and Jackson streets'. Notice. At. I. natranna W, . Ii. I ,n 1 n 1 -. 1. note or recount will please pay the same, the acnunt nmat lo close'" by note If ,11 it 11.1,1 TililA a I 'I . : - . - your interest to see to this at once. lain u Hi-ill ii, (-.munii rtinca: Albany, Or. Sept 1 h, .!:!. on a Conservative Baat-. OWING to the present monetary strin gency and during the existing condi- tion of the financial mirsci, a mm 11 mn,.uA,v r. run mv business on a very conservative basis. Sugar, as you are aware, is nanuiea on a cij of profit; a 1 small In fa-:t to scarcely pay for the handling of It, and the terms upon whh:h It Is bought are very strict (casi. only. ) line money wu 1''"""' collections good, I was able to allow sugar mill m m r.rwiavii' but cordltlons at present are such that I wbl sell sugar for cash only. 1 assure vou i very rc- Mant . n m.l- M flllr? OX till. MIIIU. UUV the conditions of the market are such as to : Intnot-atli-o TrilKlInf VOUWill look al this in the proper light nd also understand mat inisruieopmcBciicinjr, I'ebrv Conn, Do not wait too long. The frrea. Wro-I.l' Vi'ir will liA r-lnfiml ill ft fl'W WtM'kg. The truvelinir public nre fully alive to the fact that the Uii.c-.igo I'uion l'acifTc & Vnrfliu-.w..ln 1 tito atill l.lll in tlTHA Anil arconiiunuittiona to tho east, lieineruber that a whole day may lw raved with its contingent pxpen.es by taking tho L'nion laciuc to Lluciif'O. Wheat, no cts: oals. 2tc; liay.SS baled wood, ij3 to $3.50, taken In exchange for sewinrr machines or organs on hand at E U ill's music store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines from $25 to (35, witn my per sonal guarantee for 5 rs. Albany Market. VilOR',t5C. Oats, 2lo. I lour, (4-00. ' utter, lido. Efgs. I83. Lard. 11! to 15c. Pork-bams 12tolSL-,shonlurs 9 to lOJj si im. 1 1 to 13c Hay, baled, 7 vo atoes, s"0o. Apple. , 40 Bopa, 10a. Dried fruitplums, Ho, applet, & Chickons, (4 00 per dozen. Beef, on foot, 1X Uogs, dreased. 6j. PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for fanners In both riding and walking plows., disc harrows.lron harrows, etc. Prices lii proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to call and see us, STEWART & SOX. DRUGS. Stationery, Toilet Arti3les, Musica Instruments, Etc. Eodijes k HcFarlanfl, The Cornel Drug Store,". Albany, qi Star Bakerj CorltriHilttln and First Hi CCNRAD NEVER, PROPRIETOR, Mulled seruitH. tjilHnsnrare, OrleU Frulln. Tobiu-ro, Nngar, CoOec. Ets I'nnne'S .Ilea tlnvcnnwaro. Vegetable., Cigar. Mplcea, Tea. Etc.. 10 evr-th.us that la kept In a eener vuiety and irsocery stor, Hlffheat nwket price paid for &I,L KINDS OF PRODUCE To. Farmers J HAVE KEN 1 ED THE MAGNOLIA Mill warehonso and will have it in gcod order for receiving the present orop. The wsrebouse is first class and conveniently located Contains ,wo good clesners. No delay in unloading. Sacka will be on hand for delivery in due tin e. Give me a call before making arrangements to eore your crop. U. F. SIMPSON. Albany, Or., July 15:h, 1S93. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore .slating be n U O Hayne and C h Buck, doing a general contracting and cement work buslne. In Albany, Oregon, under tbe firm name of Hayne Buck, I. this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those knowing themselyea tj be indebted In the firm will please call end settle TJ O Haynn will continue the business. September 19th, 1503 TJU HAYNE, C L BUCK. WalQaper, Ornyrs, laintn. OiU (Jin, Jit c JjOT LISTEN to the dealer w ho is bent on bijrger profits. 'flio ' thing tliat ho wnnla veil to u i ' r.sll for Doctor ri rce's Fitvorito Proscription, isn't " just as good." I'roof of tl.U w onsv- The l a ill I 0I1'y guaranteed 'IS fi ll' remedy for thej ailments of wj- manhood is tho " Favorite Freacrip- tion." If it ever fails to benclit or cure, in making weak women strong or suffering women well, you liavo your money back. Anything "just as good," or as sure to bring help, could be, and would be, sold in just that way. This guaranteed medicine is an invigorating, restorative tonic, es pecially adapted to woman's needs and perfectly harmless in any con dition of her system. It builds up, strengthens, regu lates, and cures. For periodical pains, bearing-down sensations, ulceration, inflammation everything that's known as a "female complaint," it's a remedy that's safe, certain, and proved. Everytliing catarrhal in its nature, Catarrh itself, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh, are per fectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemedy. No matter how bad your ease or of how long standing, you can be cured. CM At KEY. 51. D., Physician anil Surgeon, Office Upstairs nver the Bnk of On-gon. Residence, comer lOtb snil C'alanooia et. Portland's Industrial Opkks Skpte.muer 27 r LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH TBE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Speciat. Features Will Eclipse Those op any Previous Year MADAME GIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Comtrncted it a cost of $10,000 and throwing rainbow will beautify Music. Hall. ' -LAHGE Q-O-RITTXrlS Containing He h of all varieties found in Oiegon waters, have beca constructed tt gnat fx pease, THE .ART GALLEBT Will ocnUin a col.ection of i)iDtinsa pclected from the World's Fair. Among theni Ellrburg's ceUb rated piiUii.?, Caster's Lsst iht. To vUit this great Exposition and iew its wordem iu every depvitment of Ait aod Sjitinco, will be the next thios to a .1 Ai'r..l J' I. n... a vifit to the World' i'iir at Chitaeo Redocfd rstenon ail TrapporUtinn Linea. For fulhtr information addrei McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. advantages not found elsewhere in this Beautiful rotation. Suitable Buildings. Effiriont Teachers, Five courses of stiuly Clnssicnl, Scientific Normal. Liter.uy and Musincss, with sret'ial ndvantfiffM in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Ihisiness "course of two yrars. Graduates of the Normal course rue entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to fill hifrh positions." JIi-Minnville is aoresille ly rail from all parts of the State, on the main trunk of the Southern Pacific R. It. West Side; fifty miles south of Portland Fall Tern Begins (tor Catalogue. PoaTUMD. 0M))l. A. Open n the yew. Smdenu may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. MANHOOD fv.?r j.r)Ve?WaV7l D Altaiir.Ore.,lr J. A. CIMM1.NU bajuaa .m i -sO - yTi .f F. F0Bri), teplisl, Of Ilea' Molne iow, vritHi under dale f March 23, 15'J-l: S. B. Mku.. 51,,, Co.. Oufur, Oregon. dentin, m . On arriiiun home last week. I found all I well and anxioukly availing. Oor little I :.l ;k ..J---li.lli-.,r,nlil whn hid wa'ted away to 38 pounds, is nw well, strong and vigorous, and well tleahed np. H. B. Cough Turn haadr.oe its work well. Both of the children like it. VoJr S B. Cough Cure lias cured and kept away all hoaraenrss from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prostieii y, we are Your., Mr 4 Mks J F Kobu. II vou wi.h n fMl it..n anil t-htwrful. antl reaily lor tint Spring', work, cluanw your system Wth the llmlt.hoaiid l,lv Curo, by taking two or llirue cents rmr b-ittlo by all Jruyirl.ls. S Sol 1 utiilcr a positive itiora.itco L- J ACLMMING. UNIVERSITY : OF : OREGON. EUGENE Or-N 3 Monday, Sxptkmbkk 18th Just clospd the most prosperous year in Us tiisiorv. Wide range ot studies. Tho ouch instruction. Business course rdded fuliion free. Entrance fee, $10, Board and lodging at reasonable rates la the elegant new dormitory and boarding hell on the eampus.wnert; students will receive personal supervision. JOIIX V. JOHNSO., Great Exposition 1893 Closes Octohe'r :S. a t loatand jetr of water la all colors of the K. W. ALLKN", Puperiu tend cot aud See C ary McMinnville, Oregon, Kxxns-C8 Lipht: a .oonlintr hail in the Collejre Imihhngon the club plan. 1 'resident Urownwc steward, thus (r-i.iranteeinff pood Itoiinl at tli least possible cost to the student. Hoard can als 1 hail in private fmnilicft at Si.oO to ii.00 pC week, including lodging. 'Hie fine Telescope recently lnonnted in tin Xcw Observatory and the extensive Iabmry to which students have free access, offer. state. Thirty Acre Campus, 'Healthy Surroundings, Thorough Work. September 19th. Address; T. O. BROW XSO.V. Presides. Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. P. AiMTni P..r..t RESTORED! KaTOJJSEi; andbr UOUOaa Jlcf AlllNU. Urairsiauw Cabinet photos from $i.5oto4.oo dozen. E.nlaiEins pictures a i'ttio craron: framed 0.00. e rarrv a large stock of tS and steresccplc yiews of Or- mi. mbiii.-. i-i pi'wrrinurnrrsiiTeiinrsn. rr either rracaii'rd f nrereirrUon. rraltral emr eirenlre B ol !-&--.. union, Tor turn-aiant.htrblrsdlolnermfrT.onamptu-nor In.anltr. -n Ve carDrd 11 ale a wrlf.rn an.ri.nte.ne.re ArrefnnW the esnnew. Sold br all WANTED At the stole formerly owned by Allen .Bros, BUTTER, EGGS. LARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash price possible. B F RAMP AL1UNY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue. Address, REV. E X. COXDIT, Albany, Ortgon Ao ents Wanted on Salar' n"'-! ConmiUsion for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioppliy of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the eo-uperatinn of hia family, and for Mr. liiaiDbs ComplMA Work., '-iwENry Years or Conokess," and hi later boot, Political Discossions." One prnspccloi for thete 3 best sellino books in the mu llet. AKF Jordan of Me.ftook 112 orders from Hrat 110 call.; agent's proflt glOti.M. Mrs Ballard of O. took IS orders. 13 Seal litifaia, in 1 day; profit $26.25. E N Rice of Mass. took '27 orders in 2 d.va; profit $47.23. J PatnHpe of Me. took 43 orders from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 day.; profit 898.25. Exclcsivb Territory si'en. If yon wish to make LARGE MOltV write immediately for terma to me Henry lini rub. lo.,l.orwieh,loun M rs. Dr. PaUerMoii Uallac Th? Xoted Otilnojant srd Lite Rtlcr, Is now here, and can be found tt her restdvucr, next d or J B Couffill. ISlie tvn alx-ut nil luMectri. p&f present riiU futnre; lovij tmutle, slent (riends ud bu.ln?M. You dun lieu from xur dead filei..1s. Notice of Assignment. NCTLKF is hereby civen tht Isiao I earn of Albany, Oregon, has duly at.iined t the anderaitfued issiiiiue til his propeitv and elf. ct for tlio benefit of hii creditui. nndr and by virtue of the geatTil anniKinneDt lawa of the state of Ureon, and the under iizned hasheretnfo e h.-wit on tl.n 25th dav of Augutt, IS 93, duly quaiilied such assignee. All ierrona navuif ciaimt :atoHt raid insolvent and thn estate tlie-tof i ra hereby reo aired to uresent the same to the onHer- RiKued at the tlorhone bnildtiii; of Iataa Beam, in tbi city of Albany, O eaon, under oath within three mouths from this date. Dated tnis Sod dv of 8eptpxlver. A D. 18U3. R K CANTERBURY, Ats'tfuee of Iaac Uuain,au insolvent. BabyRawasBeefsteak Rnhy very lrk with rczenia when three uioutliMoltl. Had hoiueiltM -torsantl lists. (Jot won all the time. hole IkhIv raw m beef steak. Ifnlr pone. xotel him todie. Pick nix iiiontli before we trlffl ri'Tli l Dla Va fnisVa In them but In two month he wan entirely cured. Jiot a not on hi ni now antl iilentv of hair. 3Utt. Ir'ICANK UAltllKTT, iiilleltJ, Mich. Baby Bad with Eczema Our baby bov, fotir months old. hail had caw of eczema. Head I WES a Holitl tum. Vaiw .nl ttniiv Jl . badly affected. Itching terrible. - i mree uortora flid not help nim. tetim on ha hnmls tn iiMnf hist rTatchlnjr. Crnn-RA Kemeihkh cured bim, and we recommend them tn other, ti.lf.lt J. 11A1IK1S, Webster. Ind. Baby Itched Terribly Baby three months old broke oat with white pimples on red surface. Itching terrible, scabs on head anil face. I'sed every thing for fire months. Grew worse, inircbased CcTtrifRA Kemedies, used them, and in thrre weeks there was not a sore ot pimple, Hot ereti a scar. Mrs. OMAB JAMES, Woods ton, Kan. Baby Suffering Agony nabr bad erxema, worst form. BafHetl the bet dortors here. Mas In a iron r eight months. Be pan withO'Tiri RA Remepies- In two months the awful disease bad ceased Its vengeance. o trace eon Id he een,niTiUrlin(r nor was J. A. MC4 LES, Hunker Mill, Ind. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And Its enres are the most re markable perf'Tuted It sny btoort sn-1 skin r-nteilT of" modern times. Iari'nt Yememhertn cures nuifte in infancy are ieay, lermanent and economical. Sold thronehorit the world. Prlrr.rmcTK. ( r-Oc. eor, lie. liEiM.iTi5T.fi. PoTraaPai. sxd Cos.. Corp.. itole lTnii... Botoa. a-'Tlow toCorr Skla Dlreirf.," free. D I D V'C Skl" rid 3mlp parUlrd and trsml'' DAD I 0yC.lic.nsgo.p.AtirOlawlylar. IS r l 'AM 'KKKURT. , AMinneecf . B Heara. ' J. A. Comming ALBANY. -:- 0REC0 nn i.r.AniSG rnoToKtpnr.R9, (SOn- -Albaay areaaa