Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 10, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    y&"r iaw t vky II
NO 131
"Only the Scars
Says Henry IIudsox, of tho James
Smith Woolen
Machinery Co.,
Pa., who certi
fies as follows:
"Aiuoi.g the
many testimoni
als which I see
in regard to cer
taia medicines
cures, cleansing
tho Mood, etc.,
none impress me
more than my
own case.
Twenty years
;io, at tho age
of IS years, I had
swellings come
on my legs,
which broke and
became run
niiiR sores .
Our family phy
sician could do
mo uogoo.1, and it was feared that the
bones would ho affected. At last, my
good old
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer's Sarin pnrilla. I took three
bott les, the sores healed , and I have not
been troubled since. Only the scars
remain, unci tho memory of the
past, to rem i ml mo of tho good
Ayer's Sursaparllla has done me.
I now wrigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and am In the liest of health.
I have been on tho road for the past
twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar
saparilla advertised in all parts of the
United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me."
Ayer's SarsapariHa
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Uui.
Cures others, will cure you
KM ll
pi m
w ll
1 1 "
Both tlio method and result when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and euros habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy ot its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste- and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only frcm the most,
healthy and agreeable subetacccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it the most
pcpular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c
and $1 bottles by all leadisg drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
ciay not havo it on han;i will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try iu l)o not accept any
tOUISVILU. K. fliW YOKK. .t.
The Oregon Land Co
vVltn its home office ati
La?S-A.3,Oi!3VE: - - - OEli'.&O. I"S
Hie Gray Block, corner Liberty anJ State street, branch office In Portlanu
MAKES a specialty of Sur.nysideTruit tracts near Salem),
Will sell 3, 10 or 20 acre lo'ts at $50 to .?60 per
ere small cash payment lorp time on'ba'ance
or particulars.
Oregon State Normal School
jvroxTovroTJTii, Oregon.
ol tiie Northwest. Stronir rrofes
.onal and academic courses, and well or
ganized Model School for Practical Train
ing of teacher". Normal, Advanced Nor
r"aI,ttiKlneft,Music and Art Department
Beautiful nnd healthful location. Llght
expense no saloons. The Normalha.'
en jo-red a steady growth during the past!
year, reaching an eniolltnenc of over aoo.i
the InrcKt In It history. New member
ave oeen added to the tacuty,new appar
t'W supplied, and the course of study re
vsed and strengthened. The grad iate
'e in demand to fill enod position. Thf
"I'ploma entitles the holder 10 teach In am
unty In the state without fatther ex 4m
inatiois. Tuition, Normal, $6.35 per term
of 10 week;; Sud-Normal, $-oo per trim
of 10 wkj Business, $6.25 per term.
Hoard ar Normal Dining Hall. per
week. Room from 50c per week (un
furnished) to $1 00 and $1.35 furnished.
Hoars and lodjin t In urtvite ftrniheii,$? co
to $4.00 per week. Tultion.board.'odIn
and books less tian $150 per year, On--ervatiry
of Mutlc. Thorough courses
are ofered In vocal and Instrumental mu
slc. Vultion,$io per term of 20 lessons.
Monmouth Is easily accessible from all
part, of th- State, twelve miles I'om the
state Capital, sixty miles soulhoi l'ortland
'ataloguis cheerfully sent on application.
Addrex, P. I,. CAMPBEI,!., Pre,, or 9. RIIEDD, Sen of Faculty.
Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar
"b very latest 'news is that you can buy at JULIUS
VaUWOHIVS BAZAAR, for ntt cash, goods as follows:
irbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound
i'.bs. Oraculated Sugar $1.00
its Magnolia Sujar White 100
NTo. 1 Kerosene, per tingle gallon 20
Cans refilled, & gallons 90
SOallODS Go 3d Pickles.aiarket firm 110
a Gallon No. 1 Syrup -40
. contact atrlotca-h store, and all oo.l will b s.,trl tnt r.t ca.h fr..ui I
. ,.-.ri' ltralhan fgnar prion. My st'K-k of Chlnaware, fancy onr, ni
6 rf- airar.'.e sylea ofdiahei, as "11 a a anerl BM.irtinnl or groceri,rn-
U.iiiiid flxturMlseoir.plti. 1 rrnkr. pclU) or t-. c..fl nrt
, ti u or. and always itliwi lay ctisromsrs.
JCy i. Mi njtrlbllnsnniiirBipnie Jqllass Gradstoltl.
Tbe October nuinber is now ready, and
contains the following:
Portraits lion Juduli V Benjamin, of
Louisiana, Secretary of State of the con
federacy; General Buxton Bragir.'CSAj
Commander Catesby Ap It Jones, C S K;
Lieutenant Generals Ambrose P Hill, of
Virginia, Ilaniel H Hill, of North Carolina,
and Richard (Dick) Taylor, of Louisiana.
Illustrations Map of the battle of Big
Bethel,, Va; The Battle of ffilson's Creek
(Oak Hills, or Sprincfield), Missouri size
xlSJi inches.
Descriptive Matter Biographical tkelch
of (ieneral Braxton Bragg. "The servicer)
of the Virginia (Mcrrimac)," by Captain
Catesby Ap II Jones, CSX; List of officers
oftha Virginia; Accomplishments of the
confodei ate fleet. "The battle of Big Beth
el," as described by Generals J Banlihead
Magruder and I) H Hill. "Operations of
the army in Missouri, from July 2."ith to
August 11th. 18G1, including Ihe battle
of Wilson's Creek (Oak Hills, or Spring-
no.u), Missouri, as described by General
Sterling Price; Order of March and Com
mands; Address to the guldiers of Louis
iana,, Arkansas, Missouri and Texas, by
General Ben McCulloch. Proclamation to
the people of Missouri. History of the
civil war, chronologically arranged. Ro3ter
of the othcers of tho Confederates States
Armp and Navy, and their commands.
Ordinances of Secession of Virginia and
Arizona. Confederal pcems. Organiza
tion of the troops in tho department of the
Peninsula, commanded by General Magrir
der. Abstract from the return of the
Department of the Peninsula, and abati act
from tho Department of Korfolk. .Major
General Benjamin II Huger commanding.
Humors cf ihe camp fire, etc.
The November number wiil contain t
description of the capinni of Fort Donald
son, by Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner
and Forrest, and othe" interesting matter.
besides portraits, battle s:enes, maps, e'c.
The subscription price of the Confederate
War Journal is only 81.00 a year; single
copies, 10 cents. Address, The Confederate
War Journal, Lexington, Ky,- and 110
Fifth Avenue, New York
llrallh lu Old Agt.
Edward Colltnson, Queens, N Y, sajs:
I commenced using Brandreth's Pillsover
rilty-five years ago. 1 first bought Ihem
in Lor.dun, and ha continued micg
tiuin Mnce 1 came 10 mis country in i&3(.
1 nm now over seventy-live years odnule
and heartv, and attribute my wonderful
health to the persistent use of Itrandreth's
Pills. Occasionally 1 have a baJ cold or
severe attack ot rheumatism, inulcestion
or bniousnesc, but four or live doves of
Bjandrflh s Pills alwavs cure me. when
ever my children have been sick with
scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, dis
ordered digestion or costiyeness, a few
doses of Brandreth's I'll Is restored their
health at once."
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Aitr. Toe Goino Eat liemember the
Union Pacific is the onlv road that can sell
von n Srst-class ticket to Kansas City for
l'.".00, Sioux City for ?'.5.00. Omaha for
Si.W, St Louis lor W.U(I. Unr tirst-class
rate to Chicago is 8:12.00 anil nil other
points proportionately low. Note the time
. . .. n. T, I, ,
lanl to Chicago, twenty-one hours: Port
land to wmuha, torty-one hours; l'ortlnnd
to St Louis, twenty-live hours. Free reclin
ing chair cars. Tourist and Pullman
sleepers. Accommodations unsurpassed.
For rates or particulars call upon or address
Ical Airents Union Paci'ic.
Albany, Oregon.
New I'noTorir.AiMiKit. 1 have oiencd a
now gallerv In the V. .M. C. A. block. 2nd
street. Albany, and will try hard to please
all who will favor me with their patronage.
I wid take all sizes and stvles of photos as
good as the U-st and as cheap as the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo here todav
and gone tomorrow, but have come with
wife and children to make a home in our
florious climate. I have come to stav.
lease rail ami see me nml try my work.
Very respectfully your,
. A. I1AMMKI.I..
L-iteof Toronto. Canada.
Wkimh.ho lyvrrAvioss.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Copimon every day.
Hhl',hi I'n-e, tn Bret ewh nd clp
ca'r, is fur "Iff l.y O". I'.ukt s'a- c.iisin
twentv-tiv d.wi-s.'voly 2.11. Chiltlriii Ijrw it
Feshav h Mws.
Probably a Coniprotula
Wasiiisotos. Oct 9 CleveUiml is cot-
ting ready for the issue of pold bonds,
probably 8100,000,000, either under a
compromise silver bill or under authority
of the treasury department already had. J
Pierpont Morgan, of Drexel, Morgan Co,
who floated the former issue of bemds, has
just had a conference with Carlisle and
lireslmm. He goes back to New York
with the information that the best com
promise that can be made with the silver
men is to continue the purchase of 2,000,000
ounces of silver per month for three yeaw.
and to authorize bonds for the purpose of
increasing tue goiu reserve to e-uu.uuu.uuu.
On Cbe Elver. Or. Oct 9. The Wil amette
la i3 feet abeve low water mark at this
point, and still rising. Superintendent
Mulcahv. of the Oreiron Pacilic. has re
ceived several telephone messages today :
trom U arris Lmrg and oilier up-river points
stating that a great deal of grain was
endangered by the rising water, and that a
steamer must be sent up at once or it woukl
bo lot. The steamer Hoag was consequent
ly ordered up from the lower river route
and placed on the Harrisburg line, where
ihe win remain pending the removal of
rich grain as ii endangered.
Ills For Oregon.
Indki'f.ndknck, Or. Oct 9. Continued
rains have caused I ho Willamette river to
rise rapidly since last Friday, and it is now
Jo toet above low water mark. i?ucu n rite
during this month is unusual, but Henry
Hill, an old resident here, aya a similar
rise occurred in 1851. Today about noon,
during tho time of the eclipse, this town
and Monmouth were visited by a small
cyclone. Its base was apparently about 50
feet wide. It unroofed woodsheds, over
turned outhouses, and tore up young trees
and tore down fences.
Cut l I'Icccm,
San" FitAXrisco, Oct 0. Mrs Marie
Collins was killed bv her husband. Patrick.
this morning. The murdered woman was
employed as a janitress in a kindergarten.
5he was engaged at her work when she was
approached by her Im&uamt, irom who-n
Bhe had been separated After a few words
he drew a knife and literally rut her to
A Town Burned,
Waterloo, la. Oct 9. Tho entire busi
ness portion of Parkersburg was destroyed
by fire at 1 o'clock this morninsr. Thirty
buildings were consumed. The Waterloo
nre department was ca led mwn and suc
ceeded in saving he residence portion of
me town, i&e loss is a-itimated at i?H),
000, and the insurance is probably $55,000,
Whet X it tore
Needs assistance H n.ay be best to render
It prompt. y, butone should i em amber to
use even the mot perfect remedies only
when needed. The best and most simple
and gentle retreuy htne SvrupofFigs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
A Grkat Convenience,- -World's fair
vUltont travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central sMiion hi
Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof
building, located In the heart of the city,
has bet i. fitted up as a hotel, run on tiie
Europeai plan, with about ioo room,
handsomely furnished and each room
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable.aud part I can secure
rofims in advance by railing upon agents
of the Northern Pacific KR, By taking
ihe Northern Pacific through r r line to
Chicago, vidltors will avnM ti..' JUror.jfort
of all transfer In city, and ran also .
travel between theOrand Central station
and World's fair ground bv trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
A gem ai a many. j
, W a r'H h n -Od Uf n-nv .iv 1
tcr. umit oue ca' OH Will St Mark, w hose
.ca I lireant Viris-e, s-td p. icen the
ttm ni'ii-t rejKitiilfa Thyan ttv inai
h;;r;un la ih: line w ll k m j-nelry
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Our Public School
Are the main-stay of our republic. In
them are being cultivated the minds which
are to be our future law makers and leaders
In every walk of life. How essential it is
that these minds should be united in
strong, healthy bodies. So many children
suffer from impurities and poisons In the
blood that It is a wonder that they ever
giow up to be men and women. Many
parents cannot find words strong enough
to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar
sapariHa for Its good effect upon their
children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other
diseases of the blood are effectually and
permanently cured by t:m excellent medi
cine.and the whole being Is given strength
to resist attacks of disease.
Self I'ralne.
Self oraie Is no recommendation, but
there are not times when one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what ne says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
AllcocVs Porous Platters are the only
genuine ind reliable porous plasters made
is not self praise In the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and In proof of their merits it is onlv
necessary to catl attention to the cutes
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used them.
Bewaic of Imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accept a substitute.
Paiker Hres, grocers.
F. M.French keeps railroad time.
Buy your groceries of Parker Bros
Fiao groceries at Conn Si lleDdricson's.
New cream cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M H Ellis, physician and surgeon
Albany, Ore(oa. Calls mala to oit!or
World's Fair Travelers Will 11 rs I
The public demand through service when
traveling. 7t is old-fashioned to - Change
Cars' On the 5 h rough, otid vesti baled
trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific A
North Western Line from or to Chicago,
OnvitiA and intermediate points there la do
hange. This is the finest and fastest scr
ee betweeo the point named.
1own oo the Ratks. The Union Ta
yfic now lead with reduced rates to eastern
Doints.and their tliroutrh car arran cements.
mairniiicentlv eouinned Pullman and Tour
ist Bleeoers. free reclininsr chair car and fast
time, make it the best line to travel. Two
trains leave from Portland daily at 8:45 a m
and 7:30 p in. The rates are now within
reach of all, and everybody Phould take ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fair and
their frieiidn in the east. Send for rates
nnd schedules of trams, and do not pur
chase tickets until after consul ting Curan &
Monteith, Albany, Or.
W II'itT,
Ass't Gen'l rass. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Or
Tbe True Laxative Principle
Of the plants used In manufacturing the
pleasant remedy, ffyrup ot Figs, has a
permanently beneficial effec on the human
fcystem, while tiie cheap vegetable extracts
and mineral solutions, usually sold as med
icines, are permanently injurious. Being
well Informed, yon wbl une the true rem
edy only. Manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
t T.y '
Froh sweet pick!, .divan, eLt.-w eh..w,
itc, jut receiver, at Pjkr Rror.
Whatever may be the came ol branch
ing, the hsir mvtr be restored to it origi
nal color by the ue of that potert remedy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian H.iir R-newer.
m m
ComKrH-'Allofour BALL'S ( ORKTS
are Uned with klo and warranted
not to rob up nor break with one year's
war. It we wilt cheerfully re
turn the money paid for them. Or if
the rowt is not sMh factory in all re
spects after three weeks' wear it may b
re'nrned to u and monev will be re
funded, s. E. You .
lift VRRDICT i u.lm:n'ii that Will ft
.S;rkcirry tits b -.t Un-of lWer ware la
the valley. They nne theTaHety an . qual
ty, a CnmS)nt.on thit count in hu jng
iCK'9. An inpec l'ju al-ai rarritf en-ric!i':i.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Years tbe Standard.
Xt.i'oh' Vit';i r is wat yui im ed In
dvp',Mv tr id iiv -r, e.'ow kin ir kid
ntv rra'. t i."i .r-n''e, o g vc joe
ti !.i!',inr, f ice,.'. .Si d JuiKtiy if
tfTATS or umo,'tir.'o? iouuo, tt.
Fravs J. CHWiBY makenosth tfct tie Is Vtf
(rerB laootl.'t be templed to li vt-st In ihem Vou
will gel Intr r mi'U- every ad in tne
end poveriy and d I grace. Th genuine
L'nele Sam' green gorxltare ib; only ones
vt value. They make you rich ; especially
when iihed to purchase simrr.ons Liver
Regulator locure your lnd!;ctJ.on, dys
pepsia, consilpation or bllIousne,i.or drive
awav mniari Don't be icmp'ed to take
MniM'Ing e 'e In place of the Kgutautr,
Year Friends
V ho have l ken Hood's what
they think of it, and the rep les will be
po-i Ive r. i 4 f.vor. One has been cared
of ini'.lesll' n an J dyspepsia, a-o her finds
l tnc;i9reni.atie lor uck ii'-aoacne, mners
repoit rennrkab:e cue vf scrofula, salt
rheum and otherblo'H- i!Ut-ae,till others
Mill teU you that it overcome " hat tired
tee ine,' ;o tin, Tri'U. the best nd-
verthiiiif v hich Hod's Sarsiparil!.i re
cilves i tit- heanv eml'trseinent of the
ai.i. e nf frli ml It has won by its positive
mediclntl n -r
senior partner oi meurm oi r .1ijkvj
doing tfustruift in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforoosid , and that said firm will puy
the sura of ONR HUNDUKU DOLLARS for
each and every ease of Catajrh that cannot be
eotvd by tho use ol Uau.'s Oatarrs Cprr.
Rwnrn to befTe me and irabferibr-d In my
prueoot, ihU Stl. da ot December, A.D. lAaft.
A. W.0LKAflO?T,
KiAary Fublte,
HalPs Catarrb Care Is taken Internally and acta
diretly on too Mood and niucoas surfaces of
(he arYtem. Send fnr tctlTnonl;Ui. free.
I Sold by Pnniillit.
1 '
; ; r e at i n g
'o ! ds and
Coughs were
fw.-scd oa the
of sup
fwoiion. We
n i v kno w
(i;;!: 'feedin'T a
cold" is good doctrine.
of cocl-Iiver oil with hypo
phoiphiles, a rich fat-food,
cures the most stubborn
rci'h when ordinary medi
cin :3 have failed. IMeasant
to take; easy to digest.
CI. 00 per BotUe?
Ouc ceotaduje.
Tmfl OnH AT CotTon Cvnn nromutlv cures
where all others fail! Couchs, Croup. Sore
'inroat, tioarsencss, wnoopinff cougn ana
Asthma. Fnr Consumption It baa do rival;
ha9 cured thousands, and will ctina tod tr
taken in ttme. 6Id by I)nigflss on a guar
anteo. Kor n Lama ltnrlc or Chest, use
I nre vi hi t Ti t nrrli ? Thl rrmrHiv1iriiNmn.
teed to cure yuu. 1 'rice, frj eta, ivjoc tor free.
A laluplif. Itrmnl).
Hon Udiriu'd L Tills, tl laie president
ol the New Vu-k Site Senate, rl;en
SrAT ok ' k YoBK.Snsaia CiiA-iimn,
'iianv, Ma'chmli, 1SS0
I have if d Allrock. Porous flatter
in inv f,tml lor the past fu'e y ar, and
ran trutl lo'i. say th-y are a vnluahle
remedy anil.(Ti-cl Krtflt eure. I would
not be' i;h it them. I have In several
Instances lvi n some to friends surTerlrt;
with weak it lame backs and ihev have
InvarisHr ad rdcd renaln and speedy re
lief. They cannot be loo hlgh'jr con-ended.
?'J a Wf?t
Easily. OulcMy.
P?mincnti Reslcred.
fid all it evf
tit'iin-itiiy nrrirfti r latt r
VXVi tin- rcM.In vt
(-ivi n lw enry ri;ari HT.d
v t tl'.n f tlir tcxlj-.
w-fti. Fi'llnrr lmix'lM.
y.'iii ri-fi-rfncfu.
xplfinntl'iii atut priKira
DHllttl (ealtftl) fret'.
wa ar
The only Pure Crcaai of Tartar I'owilcr. No Amuioiiia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
or any kind of a farm Itnp'ement or V
h'cle, call onor address,
OppcslK! Post Offre
Albany, Or.