Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 04, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    . 41. i .
NO 126
3 7M3
:: Ssst Medicine.
J. O. Wilsox, Contmctor and
JuiMtT, Sulphur Springs, Texas,
thus speaks of Ay or 'a Fills:
" Ayor's Pills aro the lwst mtdif ine I
ovr tried; and, in my judgment, no
lirtter Reiicral ruinedy could lie devised.
I lime used them in my fuinlly and
ricummeuded them to my friends and
employes for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many cases
of tho following complaints have been
completely and
Permanently Cured
by the use of Aycr's Pills alone: Third
'day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever,
sick headache, rheumatism, tiux, dys
pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I
know that a moderate- use of Ayer's
Pills, continued for a few days or weqks,
us the nature of the complaint required,
would be found an absolute euro for the
disorders I have named above."
'I have been selling medicine" for
ctpht years, and I can safely say that
Aycr's Pills fdvo better satisfaction
than any other Pill 1 ever sold.' J. J.
Perry, Spottsylvania C. IT., Va.
Tri'iurcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mam.
Every Dose Effective
Both tho method and results yrher
Syrup of Fizs is taken: it is nlrasnTil
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on the kidneys,
.Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, disnels colds, head
aches ncd fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever tiro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects., prepared onlv frem tbo rnnsr.
healthy and agrceablo substazecs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and liavo madi it tho most
pcnular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in BOc
and $1 bottles by all leadir.g drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on baud will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not fjctpt any
LOuisviiLS. nr. tie iv roan ".r.
Country rcliools for white children can
not Le maintained uheie there la a negro
population intervening. Seme have been
alreajy broken up and abandoned for
lack of patronage, patronage that would be
given, but for the prcience of the negroea.
1 t.e tendency everywhere is for the w hltei
to rent out their farms and move to tho
towns, whire they can safely educate their
childien. All who can come do come, and
now there ere left In the rural districts
none but the negroes and the poor whiles,
Ine poor lutes who work the highways
serve on the juries and light our battles In
war, th; poor whites fur w hom the negro
l as contempt and the Northern philan
tluoput no sympathy. Large sums ol
money are piled u; ii universities and
colleges for the nejro, piled up to teach
him Greek end Latin and the sciences,
for which he has no use, while hundreds
of the pocr whites cannot afford even the
time tl a the country school would tak
from wtrlc. They know all this and feel
it, and if ever a race war is piecipitated,
they will be in at the death. Poverty and
ine negro oversha-lo them. This mo
mentous qjestion is before the South.
Seven millions cf ns'oes are 'ace to- face
with fifteen million whites. How much
longer can they live in harmony? It is
more vital question than silver or gold or
the tariff, and the Southern Congressmen
who fail to consider It are either blind or
lacking In statrsmansiiip. It Is the great
national question, that will not down at
our bidding Bill Ark in October Forum
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The Oregon JLand up
vVlth its home office aij "
S-A-XjIiSIM: - - - OIR3!(3-0.. TB
me Gray Block, corner Liberty anJ State street, branch office In Portlanu
T AKES a specialty of Sunuyside fruit tracts near Salem';
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pc-r
ere small cash payment lorg time on balance
or particulars.
Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar
very latest news Is that yon onn buy at JULIUS
aOWOHVS BAZAAR, for not cash, goods aa follows:
rbuckle's Cc5fo, Per Pound
S-Vds. Granulated Sugar $1.00
ils Magnolia Sujar White 1.00
Wo. 1 Kerosene, per tingle gallon 20
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90
3 Gallons Goad Plcklee.tnarket firm 110
j. Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
. ennrtuot ft strict eauh mnrn. unci all aondn will h ,,d for tflt tn.'ii I
l inf okb loan rKtiar prlre. My tiek of Clif.iawum, Nnov Bood, una
v pwnimum yiea 01 asne), hi well as a ironeMi ariinni oi unKn-t, cn)c.
'I nd dzturm Ih coiitpt.. I males n spHI of QnntHt. ctt(M od
j ttiiit wder, and a'.WAya toy ouf4iiner,
nr irmiL;n In-urniceccmpniot. JallaH GradwoUI.
2owy3 This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for tai;
Caae of Catarrh that cannot bo cared by Hill
Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHKN'E-S &CO., Toledo,,
We, tto tindcniK-c-.1, have known y. J.
Cheney .or tbo last 15 years, and believe him
pp- otly conorajjlc in all buainens transaction!
juiuclally nle to carry out any obligations
i. ; iiy tlicir firm.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is t-ibcn'fntcroally, act
Inirdirpdtlv uiH.n the hirnxl jml iiiticoiissurfncefl
of the Bvnteni. Tcstinvminl pent free, sftlos
T60. per bottle Horn by ' 'mtsaiats.
Oregon State Normal Scliool
inoisrii-iroxjma:, okeg-ot.
or Inirrcsl lo tthlcfrx.
James Robinson, the athletic trainer at
Princeton Co leire. Princeton, N T savs:
'I have foviml It Imrcrallve to have sure
incl himpie lemedieson hand In case of
cuts, rrulttes, strnlns. spialns, colds, rheu
ina'.ikm, etc. Shonl7 after entering up
on my profession. I discovered such a
remedv In Allcock's Porous Plaste.-s.
tried other plasters, but found them too
harsh and Irrilatinc. Allcock's Porous
Plasters give almost instantaneous relief,
and their strengthening power Is remark
able. In cases of weak back put two
plasters on the small of the back and in a
short time you will be capable of quite
severe exercise. In "sprint, and "dts
tance'' races and lumping, the muscles or
tendons In the legs and feet Bomeiimes
weaken. This can invariably be reltevec
by cutting the plaster in narrow strips, so
as to give free moJori, and &ppll.i on
muscles allected."
Aug You Goixo East Remember the
Union Pacific is the only rond that can sell
von a Srst-class ticket to Kansas City for
625.00, Sioux City for 825.00, Omaha for
&.UV, St lxmuj tor JX'U. unr tirst-class
rate to Chicago is .'12.00 and all other
points proportionately low. Note the time
vou can save via the I nion Pncihc. Port
and to Chicairo, twenty-one hours: Port
land to Omaha, forty-one hour: Portland
to St Ijonis, twenty-five hours. Kreo reclin
inn chair cars. Tourist und Pullman
sk-epors. Accommodations iinsurftaned.
For rates or particulars call upon or adihess
l l tlltAN K "K1NTKITII.
TX'al Airents Union Pacific,
Albany, Oregon.
ITew l'noT(M'.K.'.PiiF.:t. 1 have opened n
new ciil'erv In the Y. M. C. A. Iilork, 2nd
sti-pf. All'imv. and will try nard lo please
all who will favor me with their tiatronafre.
will take all :izes and styles of photos as
L-ood o the tot and as cheap ns the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo here twlnv
and (rone tomorrow, but nave come with
wife and children to make a home in your
jrlnrious climate. I have come to slav.
T'lmse call and see me and try my work.
Very respoctfully j enn,
S. A. Hammkm
Irfleof Toronto. Ciinata.
Smlih's Cof. thars conyh nd cn-np
snrr, is sn'a by u. I'lijk t conta n
rt.-tiv ,tosis, vw. t tiiinwn ijrtj i:
ffnhnsv Ik Masitn.
-r i
Weddiko l.wrrATioss.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Brave Troops.
Madiiid. Oot 3. Further particulars of
the battle between Moors and Spanish
troops, who were engagod in erecting a
fort near Melllla, Morocco, show fighting
of a most desperate character. Three hun
dred Spanish troops were attacked by 5000
.Moors armed witu mcnester repealing
rilles. The Spaniards witLstood their
charges repeatedly, fighting with the ut
most discipline and bravery till their am
munition was nearly exhausted, when they
were forced to retreat and at tho same time
protect the laborere at work on the fort.
Again ana again on me retreat to .ueima
the little body of troops seemed about to be
overwhelmed' by tho force of the superior
numbers and fanatical bravery of the
Moors, but foiuunir back to back, they
fought off their pursuers.
Uepeal fbe Issue.
Washington, Oct 3. W M Springer,
of Illinois, chairman of the house commit-
tee on coinage. Bays:
"There will be no compromise on silver
repeal. i If the senate does not pass the
repeal bill, there will be no repeal of the
federal election laws and no tariff legisla
tion, nnd none of the democra'-ic measures
which it was hoped this congress would
pass will be adopted. Tho bill to repeal
the Sherman law will be kept before the
senate, and will not be withdrawn before
being voting on under any circumstances.
A fclioottng Scrape.
Grvst's Pass, Or, Oct 3. - A snoollnc
scrape occurred in this cilv this morning,
with the result taut J U Kice lies in ine
city morgue, thot through the head and
heart, ana u!6 slayer, oam uiacic, is saieiy
lodged in the jail. The woman In the case,
whe is a dissolute, is Black 'a wife, well
known as Jet Ulack, but the two nave not
been living together for a year or more.
Arrested for Embezzlement:
Spokane. Wasl. Oct 1. lames Hop
kins, president and general manager of the
VVasmnnton r&rmcr s Insurance company
was attested todav on a charge or embez
zling $2i,ooo in notes belonging to the
company. He was released on bai', and
will have a hearing Mturdav. A warram
is also out for the arrest of SvCict ry Flynn
on a similar charge.
An Immense Murieiii,
Astoria, Oa, Oct 3. The largest stur
geou that has besn caught on tne Columbia
river for several vtars was taken into S
Smiths At Co's cannery at Ki.appton todav
It weighed 755 pounds, and the head alone
scaled let nounds. The lenclh from tip to
tip was 11 feet 8 inches. When cut and
dressed, the huge mnsi tipped the t earn at
427 poynds.
.JUi;mtmnb Bum
"Springfield. Mass. 0t 3. W W Win.
Jle broke the world's record for a mile liv
ing siart at Hampden Park today, making
It in l:tS t k. He was paced by HJlmsted.
Measure and Drudhead on a trieycie, James
Clark and Arnold on a tandem, and ban
ccr Previous to thi trial he made the
world's record for the half mile in 56 3 5
mm. m m. sasatasw
A Great Convenience.--Worlu'a lair
visitors travelling via the Northern YacU
he K R and V. isconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central station in
Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof
uiiding, loLnted In the heart of the city,
as betn fitted u4 as a hotel, run on trie
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnlbhed and each room (s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. 1 he charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable, and partie? can secure
rooms in advance by calling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific K R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany.
The True Laxative; Principle
Of th? plants used in mar.ufactuiinff the
pleasant remedy, gvrup of rics, has
nermanentlv beneficial effect on the human
hystem. while the cheap vegetable extracts
and mineral soluvl-in,UMially sold as med
icines, are pefmarieny injurious. Being
well informed, you w.l use the true rem
edy only. Manufacture., by the Call
fornla Mg Syrup Co.
Oar Public Schools
Are the main-stay of our republic. In
hem are being cultivated the minds
are to be our future law makers and leaders
n every walk of life. How essential It is
that these minds should be united in
ctronp, healthy bodies. Bo many children
suffer frorr. impurities and po'sonslnthe
blood that It is a wonder that thev ever
glow up to be men and women. Manv
parents cannot nnd words strong enough
to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar
saparilla for its good effect upon their
children, Scrofu-a, oalt rheum and other
diseases of the blood are effectually and
permanently cured by excellent medl
cine,and the whole being Is given strength
to ret 1st attacks of disease.
I'atlttT Prop, grocer.
F. V. l'Hnoh keep railroad ttmt
Buy yenxr groceries of Parker Brna
Fine giocc rica at Conn & Hendricsoo'a.
lttw cream chs just leeetved ar Conrad
P J Smiley job print or, Flinn Block, doei
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Ha vans filled S cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II E!li, physiciwi and san;eon
Albany, Ore in. O.lts mab l.i oit.'or
World's Fair Travelers Will Have It
The public demand through sorvion when
travelinir. It is old-fashioned to "Change
Cars.' On the through, olid veatibuled
trains of the Chicago, Union PiCifio St
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omihaand intermediate points there is no
ha one. This is tha finest and fastest Ber-
ce hot wood the points named-
Down 00 the Katks. The Union Pa
cific now lead with rcdnced mtes to eastern
points. and their through car arrangements,
maimmecntiv eomrineu r unman anu lour-
int Blecwr. frooreelinintr chair air and fast
time, uiako it tho bent line to travel. Two
trams leive from Portlanu daily at o:4n am
and 7:30 pm. Tlie rutea are now within
-arvbouv saoultx taics ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fair and
their friends in the east. Send for rates
nnd schedules of trains, and do not pur
chase ticket until niter consulting luran X
Monteith, Albany, Or.
Aps't Gen'l Pans. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Or
Tub Ladies Razir have removed to heir
new store next to Fo hv Mason. Th T
hve sifMin addrd a mi'linerv deuar' meni to establishment ai.d .e now dtilrt-
tviviiitf all the l. tt st noveltiis i 'htt iiitn
You are rrspeoifnlly invited to ca 1 n l e
their new fail and winter oods in .all rr.e r
departmtts Pc. a ln- than tr.elow
Whatever may be the cause ol blanch
ing, the hair miy be restored to its origi
nal color by the u of that poter.t remedy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ii--newer.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
Forty Years tlie .Standard.
Heir Praise.
Self praise no recommendation, lir
litre re not times wnen one .-nui perm it
rerfion toelllhe truth s'iou. himself.
When what ne saa is supported by the
,stimonv oi cthr no r.isona.Me tnan
will limb' hi word N.w, toMyihai
Alictc's Porous Plasters are the onlv
genuine ind rell.tb'tf porous ntiters made
s i.ot sell priiWe in the !i.nv! o-urte.
Thev have stood tne test I t ttwr ililrry
ears, and In proof of ihelr merits it lnonu
ccefsary 'n call attention to Pie cines
hev have efiVcted and to tn- vttiuoiarv
rcstimonia s i f ihonc svhi have used tlu'tn.
Bewau. oliinl'atlons, and Jo not he de
ceived hv mlsrenresenia'ion. ftk fr
Allcock's. a-.d let no solhi atlon cr expla
tlon indiit'e you to accept a fuhs-ltute.
L of the Northwest, btrong proles
.onal and academic courses, and well or
ganized Model School for Practical 1 rain
ing of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor
rnal.Buslneftft. Music and Art Department
Beautiful and healthful location. Light'
expense no saloons. The Normal ha
enjoyed a steady growth during the past
'ear, reaching an eniollment of over 400.
he larcet in its histon- New members
have been added to tl.e facully,new appar
atns supplied, and the course of study re
vised and strengthened. The grad-tate?
re in demanrt tn fill trocd positions. Th'
i'ploma entitles the he'der to teach In anv
our.:? in the slate without farther exam
nations. Tuition, Normal. Su.2? per lerm
Uf 10 weeka;, $5.00 per tfrm
if 10 weeks: Business, V.2S per term.
Hoard at Normal Dining Hall. $1.75 per
ik. Rooms from c per week (un
furnished, to Si oo and $i.C. furnished
Board and lodging in pnvize umiiKs,j 50
o Si.oo oer week. I ultion.uoarayodging
ind books less than Sisoner year.
ervatirv of Mutic. thorough courses
jare offered in vocal and ins'rumemal mu
-ic, Tuilion.Sio pr term of Jo lesson.
M -in mnuth Is easily accessible fnm all
parts of th- State, twelve mlK-s Nm tne
Stat Lanlta .slvtv miles wuin 01 1
JaUloguts chcrluiiy sem on aip icn".
Shi'i'h's Vit"lij!T m ht yoi n-d f r
..vtKusitv. Ur rid Hv. r, v!low slxio or kid-
nmv trot.'. ! is V"'"r n'.ed o P vm y
"ti-t.v,ton. Pnee "5j. Hld by Fonts) V
The Vaahicr is i..nmw)a h t Will &
faritc.rry irn Ii -t Hie of irrr I.
. Tnilcv. Tiiey ove the variy ni t ju il
tv, oMoatlrn tht rout t -
An inj; l n i'vI) l-rri seen
A T'."
AddreP. I '.ini'ELL,Pre-,,orW. SHEDD, Sec of Faulty.
an l y
pon't be tempted to Invest In them. You
will eel Into trouble every and In I
end poverty and d(amce. The genuine
Uncle Sam's an-en K,d,'e thj only ones
of value. Tiivy make vou rich; especially
when uted to purchase Simtr.una Liver
Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dye
pepsla, constipation or bil!ousness,or drive
awftv maiatit. Lon't he tempted to lake
anything c se In place of the Regulator.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pare Orape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Ask Your Friends
K ho have1 takrn Hood's Sar.1np.1r I la what
thev think of It, and the replies will be
pod tlve in I s f ivor. One has been cured
of fudigcfttl n and dyspepsia, anot'ier finds
i' incisicndl)le for hick hM.Uche, others
repott remi'kab'e cu'ei f scrofula, salt
rheum and other b!cV-dlea-ri,.ii!l others
till fell vou that It overcome ".hat ijred
fee Ine,' ard ;o on. Tru'v. ihc hsi ad
vertising v Inch H-KiJ'i Sr-. ,;arlll 1 re
ceives Is tin hcany rnoWseinent ol the
ar.t.t nf frinds it has uti by its positive
.nedlclnal m r
The Hipil OiJ
is largely an
Fresh a i r
and excrciso
usually pro'
duce sound
appetite ar.d
sound sleep,
hickly chil
dren obtain
rreat benefit from
Scotfs mMm
of c:d-!iver oil
phosphites, a i
of;; n
wi.a i,pp-
foiju l ipid
and .".'most
as palatable as rr.iiii.
Ealll(. Qnlcblr.
Permanently Restored.
and sllthb train of erf
Immtarly frrusor lat.-r
ricnm, Ihr ipmiIu u(
tvrrwvrk, lULutii,
worrv.trta. Fulintrvi.atlt
ievclopiueut aul tons
firm to $ cry 'iKsrt snd
Kitln of tho lnnly.
(( n. Fi'llurf InipuK-iM.
5 (111 rrfrKnnl. . Itonk.
mallU (Sualed) frc
tntTM OP OHTO, CTTT O? 'lOLXOO, f lfc
PmAirK J. Chbkbv make, oath that Tl Is Va0
stnlor partner of the firm ol FAI";
doing taalnjss In tho :lt jr of Toledo, County
and State aroresaia, na i""1 ... ': J
thJinra of ONR fcuNDBKU DOLLAE8 for
sch and erery case of Catarrh that cannot be
ennd by the use of iUt-r-'s Catarh Ci'jja.
Sworn to before tne and .nhscrlDM in my
prMenee, this 6th da ot ilecember, A.D. lsea.
nll'. r.t.rrh Ore Is iken Internally and ci
directly on the blood and mucou. anrlaoeae
8old by Drogglsta, We,
A Tnlble nesnedj,
Hon Edmund L Pitts, the late president
ol the New Yo-k Suite Senate, writes:
I bany, March l I'h, 1880.
I have m.d Allcock's Porous Plasters
In my I ml for the past five )iar .nd
ran trutl.fu v say th-v are valuable
remedv am) . fleet irrat cure.. 1 would
not be wi;l ut them. ( have In several
Instances given some to friends suffering
with weak . d lame hacks, ard the; have
Invarlahlv arlordrd renain and speedy re
lief. They cannot be loo highly "coir
1. nded.
,ia,ATi w h ate sr
l.W put U JllH .fV
One ouut a uuse.
Tim Cheat Cor on i
where- eJl others full. Cought, Croup, Sore
inroat. tioarscneM, wnoopmi uougn ana
Aathma. For Consumption It has no rival;
baa cured thousands, and will cvnm too if
taken la tlmo. 8ld by JniRgli on a guar
antee. 'nr n lams llnck or Chrt, uso
prumiitly cure4
m 1 1 as n s m
iimvtk vou CMtarrh t Thfn ivmoflr fs ritararw
teodtocuraxou. Fiioe.6Jcta, liijeotortiee.
The or.Iy Pure Cren:u t.f T:irtr Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tli3 Struulard
or any kind f a Firm Imn'emeiii r Ve
h'clc, ca I en or addrtis, '
t?. F. CAE!?
nprlt p,tj,l 1
1 1