Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 02, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    flii t hi i3iOTiirin
NO 12
. i 1 1 1 r.
SM is
-If"-" I L-p. VL.EJT. HI . I I
The Ccci Medieme.
j. (j. Y.'iixjn', Contract ur ami
.fuiMer, Sulphur Spring, iVx:i3,
thus spc;il;s of Ayer'c Pills :
" Ayor's Tills are tho best mi'dirlnc I
,l.r tried; ami, in my j,, uo
better general remedy could bo devised.
I have used tlicm In my fumily and
recoiii mended tlietu to my friends aud
employes fur more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many coses
of the following complaints have been
completely and ,
Permanently Cured
by the use of Aycr's Pills alono: Third
day cUlls, dumb ague, bilious fever,
Kirk headache, rlicumnt'stn, flux, dys
pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I
know that a mode rat a use of Ayer's
Pills, continued for a few days or weeks,
as the nature of the complaint required,
would bo found' an absoluto cure for the,
disorders I have named above."
"I have been selling medicine for
eight years, and I can safely sny that
Aycr's Tills give better pat if act ion
tlian any other Pill I ever sold." J. J.
Perry, Spottsylvunia C. IT., Vu. .
prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Maa.
Every Dose Effective
Both tho method and results when
Syrun of Fisra is taken; it in
msd refreshing to the taste, end acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem cllectunlly, dispels colds, lieiid
nches ar.d fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable ta the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only frcrn the most,
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo rr.aib it the most
popular remedy known.
fciyrup of Figs is for sido in 50o
and $1 bottlc3 by all drue-
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any cne vho
sialics iu iry ju xjq uoi acrepT, ::ny
LQuisviiLZ. icr. titw men. .r.
tMOBCE'i !iKE.B V LAWr"".
A d'spalch frcni Washington says tint
Asslstanl S.tretar Ilatnlln hat issued the
following instructions to the collectori of
cuitoml alSaa Francisco concerning tne
Chinese held for violation of t'-e Geary
and other acts;
"Chinese persons, whether convicted
under the Geary act or previous, acts
must not be received by you, but must re
main in custody of the marshal until Report
ed. Vou are authorized to pay actual Mid
necessary expenses incurred by the mar
shal it the liar.6iortatlon of Chinese from
inland pciti to ban Francisco; also steam
ship cliaijei fur deportation on vouchers
certified h the marshal to be tiken by you
in each case. Yoa ill l e mide special
disbursing agent for this purpose. Should
any case ocrur before your qualification as
special disbursing agent, such expenses
may he paid from funds in vour hands, to
be reimbursed from the Chinese appropria
tion. Make tl best temporary arrange
ments practicable with the steamship com
panies as to itite ana advise the department,"
1 AS. PKiilFFFI'
or Interim to 4llilrlr,
James Robinson, the athletic trainer at
Princeton College, Princeton, N J, says:
I have found it imperative to have sure
and simple remedies on hand In case of
cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheu
matism, etc. Shortly after entering up
on my profession, I discovered such a
remedy in AUcock's Porous Plnsle.. I
tried other plasters, but found them too
harih and Irritating, AUcock's Porous
Plasters give almost instantaneous relief,
ana meir strengMienlng power is remark
able, in cases ot weak back put two
plasters on the small of tho back and In a
horttime you will be capable cf qure
severe exMTcise. In 'sprint," and "dis
tance ' races and jumping, the muscles or
tendons In the legs and feet sometimes
weaken. This can invariably be relieved
by cutting the plaster in narrow strips, so
as 10 give tree 1'io.ion, ami applying on
muscies aneciea.
The Oregon JLand Co
tVltn its home office at
SALEM! - - - OEEGO.iT'
I We Gray Blocfc, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlan.
M"rVKES a specialty of Runnyside fruit tracts near SaleroJ
Will sell .5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
ere small cash payment lorp time on rebalance
or particulars. .
ins GradwoM's Bazaar
"9 very latest . news 13 that you can buy at JULIUS
aDWOHX'S BAZAAR, for net oasfa, gocd3 as.followfj:
irtuoklo's CoSfee, Per Pound
Ebs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
ibs Magnolia Sugar Whits 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per tingle gallon 20
Cans reailed, 5 gallons 90
a Gallons Goad j?icklec,:narkot firm 1.10
Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
' co?Ilno' trlce?swh atoro, and all stonila will be alil for tot cauli fn.'U I
' -snr iNia than resuiar prico. My stork of Chinaware, fanoy stooda, ana
r atrable aylsa of (llsliei, u stall as a stenaral aurtmont of (encflrlMH, croc
I l flzturea la enrijpletK. ! mules a cpaelsltt ol On !, n.a anil
T utuii wder, and a; ways plae toy customer.
"iif tperMblelnsunincaccuipania Jnllna firsadsfolal.
Vfmut Carupralulke.
V.'aswxctox, Sept 30. The leading
deroocnilic senators, who have been trying
for the last 4i hours to arrange the terms
of an acceptable compromise on the silver
question, encountered a very determined
obstacle today when they approached the
republican anti silver men, who thus far
have been acting with the democratic re
peal forces. The republicans simply de
clare thero h no common ground upon
which they could act with the democrats
longer If unconditional repeal is to be
abandoned. When It came to negotatind
for terms with silver, they announced their
intention of Docking by themselves, and
declared they were ready to 6gbt a coin-
premise to the tmisu.
A Bimetallic Convents. n.
St Louis. Oct 1. The arrangements are
coaip'ete for the reception of the bituatallic
convention, which meets here Tuesday.
The meeting is in response to a call issued
by the Pan American Silver League. lel
egutes will be present from all the silver
ountnes of the continent, and bimotalists
generally. The convention will bo called
to order at 10 o'clock Tuesday next nt Ar
morv hall. Nineteenth and Pine; streets.
Among the number who win attend rue tne
governors of a number of western and
couthern states.
The Work Dune:
Washington. Oct I. Sneaking of the
work before the Oregon delegation in this
congress, Mr Hannann says iho practical
completion of the two greatest public
works in Oregon will relieve the river and
harbor bill of nearly SI .000,000 contain in
the last. The next great new work with
which our delegation must struggle is that
for removing obstructions in the Columbia
river between The Dalles und Celilo-
j' Astraufie Dealli.
Uuda ?E8TIt. Oct I A sensation was
caused here today by the strange death of
the vicepresident of the lower house of the
Hungariundiet, Count Andrassy A tiokros.
Count liokros was found dead on the pave
ment below his residence, toe second
story window was open and the police arc
of the opinion that while looking out of
tbo window he fell and was kmea.
AitK You (loixo Kast ltemeniber the
Union Pacific is .the onlv rond that can sell
vou a first-class ticket to Kansas City for
SA5.00, Sioux City for &K.00, Omaha for
SJft.OO. St Ixmis for ..O0. Our hrst-tlass
rate to Chicago is 8:i2.00 nnd all other
points proportionately low. Note the time
you can save via the L nion Pacitic. Port
land to Chicago, twenty-one hours: Port
land to Omaha, forty-one hours; Portland
to St Louis, twenty-five hours, l-'ree reclin
ing chair cars. Tourist und Pullman
pleer-crs. Accommodations unsurprssed,
For rates or particulars call upon or address
i urniiAX x moxTKiTii.
v Local Agents Union Pacific,
Albany, Oregon.
Hew PnoTOoiiirnKii. 1 have opened a
new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street, Albany, and will try hard to please
all who will favor me with their patronage.
I will take all sizes and styles of photos as
good as the best and as cheap as the cheap
est. I nm no traveling photo here today
and gone tomorrow, but havo come with
wife and children to make a home in your
f-lorious climate. 1 have come to stay,
'lease call and see me and try my work,
Very respoctfully ycura,
S. A. xlAMMEI.L.
Late of Toronto. Canada.
Highest of sll in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report,
ii x car
A Great Cosvixiekch, World's tair
visitors travelling via the Sort hern Paci
fic R U and Wisconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central station In
Chicago, This magnificent fire-proof
building, located In the heart of the city,
has betn fitted up as a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 300 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable, and parties can secure
rooms In advance by calling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific KR. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the dUcomfort
of all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the'Urand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany,
t'oauilent 4'jrbrll.
New Yoiik, Oct 1. It is the impression 1
of everyone who vislls the Funu, where
Champion Jim Corbett is now in hard
training for bis fight with Mitchell, that
sturdy "Gentleman Jim" is fully twice the
man he was a year ngo. lie shows in
every way that he is quicker, .trouper and
more confident. I13 admits himself that
he feels just twice as ablo nnd ready ns
when he tteppci in the ring to meet Sulli
van. (
. The CpltStiule Abating.
Hamiiuro, Oct 1. Three fresh cases of
cholera and one death were reported in the
city during the 24 hours ending nt noon
today. No fresh cases have developed in
the suburbs. Since Sept 15 there have
been 119 capes here and 58 deaths. The
epidemic is now losing ground rapidly.
Our Fulille choli
Are the main-stay of our republic. In
them are being cultivated the minds which
are to be our future law makers and leaden
in every walk of life. How essential it Is
that these minds should be united in
strong, healthy bodies. 80 many children
suffer from Impurities and poisons in the
blood that it is a wonder that they ever
giow up to be men and women. Many
parents cannot find words strong enough
to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar
4Apaiilla for its good effect upon their
children. Scrofuia, rait rheum and other
diseases of the blood are effectually and
permanently cured by t!ii excellent medl
cine,and the whole being Is given strength
to redst attacks of disease.
Paiker llrcs, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad tinis
Buy your graceriu of Parker Bros
Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson'a.
,'ioff cream cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
3 rot class work.
Smoke the celebrated II avails filled 5 cent
otg&r at Julius Joseph's,
Or M II Ellis, physiolsn and surgeon
Albany, fre Ct.Ua male In oit5or
oooutry .
Sntloh's Core, tne erom ennuh and croup
cure, is for srfe by us. Vockot stsa contain
twenty -hve tltses.onIy Moo. Umldron lore it
Foshay ft Mason.
Wkdwmo Jnvitaviosb.
Wooden. Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Sni'-ili's Vitaiizer Is wbat i rj need f
dypv3ifc, tcrpid, yullow a'ttn ttr kid
ev trouble. I- 1 .'tiHrnnd in give yno
Mtiftaetio'n. Price oo. S il-i by lAnrmy Si
To Fakw?u.--T
tin 'l
T.lm. 1 i-'.
grin, ;.i d all t imii 1
ind ae thm f .1 .
fr tor ett v her.-
Oregon State Normal School
Tt!E LP Amvn KnouAT. srimOlJinationt. Tuition, Normal, $6.3 c vet term
1 of the Northwest. StronE crofe hf wceki; Suu-Norrr al, I5.00 per l;rm
-onsl and academic course, and well or-M to weeks; Business, per term.
Mnized Model School for Practical Train-
'"Stoi teachers. Normal, Advanced lNor-
''''. nuTneM(Muic and Art Pepartmem
Beautllul and heal.hfn' I.Kation. Light
?ene no saloor.t. The Normal ha4i
fnpyed a steady growth during ihe past
Tr, reaching an eniollmenc of over 400.
ne largest in Its hist or r New memuers
'isve been idded to tl.e appar
supplied, and the coure of study re
Tfd and strengthened. The grad iate
"e In (Ifinand to fill eocd position. Th
"ploma enillie the holder to teach In an
tnunty in the state without farther exam
Board at Normal Dining Hall. 1.75 per
eek. Rooms from koc per week (an
Ifurniiihed. to Si oo and Si.rc furnished.
Board and lodging tn uriv ne i.miites,3 50
to $4.00 per week. 1 ultion.ljoaraoogtnc
and books less tnan Sisoner year, i; mi
lservatrv of Mulc. f horouinh course
are offered in vocal and ln'rumen'al mu
le. Tuition, $10 pr t-rm of Joleons.
Monmouth is accefh!e frt-m i:
narts of th Krate, iweUc miles tom t
State Capita mil-' wju:h of Votraro
alsilotiM cficiirliihy M-nt 0.1 ap ic&t
The True laxilveIPrlueiple
Of th? plants used In mar.ufactui!ng the
pleasant remedy. Syrup of Figs, has a beneficial efTec; on the human
system, while the cheap vegetable extracts
and mineral solutions,usually sold as med
icines, are permanently Injurious. Being
well informed, vou wrll uc the true rem
edy only. Manufactured by the Cali
for n la Fig Syrup Co.
iu utnUrMned have
h of D-ivid Smith -t
v prert'i to at ore
are rt quested to c ill
niAl ig arrangements
Fuasj ft SANPEns,
Llvee of many men remin J us
A I yegreH'U.:" m in 11b
I eslinif ri i : i 1 1 U
- - ,- rtising all .'1 i a .
yourse f vvrv .Tiuch about r-ulness during
the hot months if you wlh to keep cool:
nor nius you get into tne habit ot asking
f It Is hot enough for him, w:ien you can
see verv plainly that he Is practically
roasted; but, Instead, advise him local) on
Parker Brothers and get the best baked
goods to be secured, as well as warm
wicther groceries generally.
By so doing jou 1U surely tetaln ahls
The VEarucT I tt.iMunMi th4t Will ft
i'nr'K crry ihp !-t 11-1 of fllvtT ware In
'he vai'rv. Tiiey .te
lvt i om'tin ti-n ihittounts in hut ing
r"U. An in"ttcUin always carrirt con-
" 1 . ,i-.:.dij S
v i!l V -arf-f who"
-i t I'Tte9 tl
r ei nr j on
"I . ii J'itn
Down 00 the Ratks. llie Union Pa
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern
noints.nnd their tbrouirh car arrangements.
mutmitieentlv eauhmed Pullman and Tour
ist slecwrs. free reclining chair air and fust
time, make it the best lino to travel. Two
trains leive from Portland daily at 8:45 a m
and 7:80 pm. The rates are now within
reach of all, and everybody should take ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fair nnd
their friends in the east. Send fur rates
and schedules of trains, nnd do not pur
chase tickets until nfter consulting Curan &
Montcitli, Albany, Or.
W H HiTniJit'RT,
Ass't Genl Pasa. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Cr
World's Fair Travelers Will Dave It
The public demand throajth service when
traveling. Jt is old-fashioned to Change
Cars." On the through, ohd vestibuled
trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific ft
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omiha and intermediate points there u no
nanae, 1111s is me nnsst and usteic? ser
ce between the points named.
The Ladies Bazar have removed lo their
new store ueit to Fo.hy t Manon, Th y
have again added a mtlliurry depr'menl to
thrir eatublishment and .ennw daily rt
eiving all the luteal n iv-ltios i . that line
You are n opeetfaily 1'iviud tt ca'l and ate
thair new fad aod winter goods in all their
departinei ti. FrciS hmei- thau tae lowest;.
CrecD l.auda
Whatever may be the cause of blanch
ing, the hair miy be restored to Its origi
nal color by the uv of that pole ' remt-dy
Hairs vegeiaDie atci uair nncwer.
Helf lralr.
Self praUe 1h no recoinmendatlim, but
there are not limes when one must permit
perton to t-l! the trutn awut himself.
When what hi savs is supported by the
ritht;onv of ethers no raonais!e mnu
will doubt hi, word. Now, toravl.tat
Alicc''s Porous Platters are the only
genuine ind reliable porous plasters made
in not self praise in the !l,htet de ?.
They have stood tne test fur over thii. v
estH, and in prool ot tnrtr merit it ts onu
neceAKat v ' call attention 10 tne cues
hev have effrcted and to the vol lint arv
testimouia's rf thoe whs have ued thorn.
Be wait of ltnfailona, and do not be de
ceived bv misrepresentation. Ak fr
AllctickV, and let no toliri ation rr expla-
nalion ludu'-e you to accept a subsillnte-
3-. I r...v mnbM oattl thut tlfl Ifl tlUI
senior nartnerof the flrm of F. J. CHBmftCo.
doing UJatnsa In the City of Toledo, County
and lute aforenald, anrl that said firm will pay
the aura of OHE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor
each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be
wrini to lwfoT. tne ana snbsmbed in my
presence, this eth ar ot IMCember, A.D. 18.
SMrt Public.
n.U1. Catarrh Cnr IstaVra lntfrnlly and acta
dlrKtlroDth. blood ind mucrjos inrtaoe. oc
P. J.CHENF.VCO.,lolea.,.
Scld by Drpgl.u. ne.
i Dan't be tempted to ir.vestln them. You
! will get Into trouble every time and in tne
(end poverty and dhgmce, Th genuine
j Uncle Sam's green pood-arc tlas only ones
of value. They make you rich; especially
when uied to purchaie Simmons Liver
Regulator to cure your Indigestion, rls
pepsla, constipaiion or bil'.ousness.or drive
away maiari. lon't be tempted to lake
anything e!se In place of the Regulator.
ff n. nun ? v ':nNtiaitlun and H'jcM
H.m. iswall liik) lkaua.
Anti nmr Trlrnds
Who have taken Hood's Saraaparl'.Ia wlu.t
they think of It, and the replies will be
positive IS' its f .vnr. one has been c-irtd
of Indlgetitton an dyspepda, another flnt's
It ln(iinenal)te tor ick headache, others
rrpoit remakabe cues i f scrofula, salt
rheum and other h'oow dlHeuhca.Mill others
Mill le'l you that it overcome-. hat lired
fee ing,'' and 10 on. Truly, the Iwst ad
vertising which Hood's SarM(arill i re
ctives U llie hehr y endorsemrnt of Ihe
aAnv 1 f friends It lias won by it positive
medicinal 111 -r
A Val-tie Brwedy,
lion Edmund t. Pinst th late presiJet.l
of the New Yo'k s jte Senate, writes:
State of New Y rk.Sf.nai E CiiAMnsn,
Alha v, March ttltu 18S0.
I have ued A rock 'a Porous Plasters
... ...... ,.j .v. rnn- ... J'"J "U
ran iruiKfuily sa th-y are a valuable
remedy and iffeci ureal cure. I would
not be without th m. ( have In several
instances given some to friends suffering
with weak and latt . backs, and they have
Invariably afforded .-ertain and speedy re
lief. 1 hey cannot be too highly con.
The Begged 1M
is largely zi
Fresh air
and exercise
usually pro
duce sound
appetite and
sound sleep.
Sickly chil
dren obtain
great beneut from "
Siott's Eiiifeioo
of cod-liver oil v.i..i hypo
phosphites,, a fat-food rapid
of assimilation and almost
as palatable as milk.
I'fMnr.-rlbvS,-. ff IW.-r-.-. ' V AM rt-Tgi-'t.
Easily. Oulcklr. .
Ptrnanantl) Restored.
anil all ihn trnin rtf ev::
tnmuaily fiiMiFior latf r 7
i'iorr. Uiu rfHulu at
ooroik, tlL'kiiesp,
worrv.eto. PulUtrei.sti,,
rlcvelopiiieDt and (una
Blvcn to at cry organ arl
p'-ttlon df tbo botlr.
wfTi. fiillnrv iniuon-llil.
2,1ml rt-roreiicin. ftmk,
rslaimtlon nnd prooli
Bonllctl (aoalttd) free.
n. v.
Wets,, and
C 1.00 per Doitlo.
Tnrg Orsa? Cotrou
whrro all others full. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough ana
Aimns. tat tontuicption n nas no rivai;
promptly cure
is. Croup. Sore
hooping Cough and
has cured thousands, and will curb Ton If
laaeniniime. Bow oy imingirs on a guar
antee. For n Lome Bark nr ClKfir, ua
avB-vnu rutiirrh t Thlti remenv la aruaratn
teed to cure you. Price. 60 ota. injector Xre
tHliiakini j
ir : vol- v ant t '
or any kind of a Farm Imp'emet,' or V
hide, raU on'or address.
The only Tare Cream of Tartar PowJtr. Xo Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
b. F. ma?
.. Oppcslte Post Ofrf