Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, September 30, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    0 aiUl Scmocritt
' uUielnd every day in Hie week
except Sunday.
t) 'US i MI f I'IMJ, Editors ami ';op'r
,.r. i J ililif Ir.tCffireat Albany
ii,8B n-cono elaa mail matter.
i.H UOtf .-KPTIflltKU :!0. 1893
K. iniljtishcs tlr; following live (Tierukve
tri il.'Ki: .'""tirr; IVIcr West ia iilivn uii'l
in tli-' rieli. what little there ia left of him.
lie nrriveil in lVnilletoii on Tli'.irsihiv
night's train from t'herokee strip, after n
mjeri'-'iu-e ut Ijoumiiig that he will never
fona't. Ilearinjt n ininket in the iiriiiv aii'l
iiuij;il-' t tho nu'.itlnof the enemy' ean
nen, won'iil he no comparison. JVter West
jinil .1 L lfeynolcls went from l'einilutoa
with the idea of K-tHing soldiers' claims.
Tlwv fouiul tens of tlionstwls of other ieo
jile iilao after land, however, and concluded
to luck out. Hut they made the rush to the
new town of I'erry, and each located a lot
West and lteynolds hail pood horses, and
rode the nine miles in thirty minutes. They
even heat a train of three sectioiis,composed
of every kind ofcarsnnd each section hav
ing on Wird almut UUO people. At I'erry
tile first night there must have been 1'20,00U
people who slept npon the ground, "holding
llown" their lots. West se:ured a lot and
erected his tent thereon, but after being
absent four or five hour to lock at Heynold's
lot returned to find his own stolen by an
other party, who removed tho tent and had
already replaced it with a rough building,
bearing a Wr sign. West had enough of
it and is glad to got home. Hoynolds con
cluded to remain, and is earning four and
five dollars a day at carpenter work.
Tub Kditoiu. Tho State Pre Asso
ciation yesterday at Portland elected the
following otticers: President, Ira L Camp
bell, tiuard, Kugene; first vice president,
Leo Peterson.t'ommercial Review. Portland ;
second vice presiilent, Mrs V J Plymale,
Times. Jacksonville; secretary, Albert To
rler. Pacific Farmer. Portland: treasurer. C
C Itoughty, Obsorvcr, Dallas; executive
committee, K L E White, Chronic le, Kast
Portland; W A Wheeler, Odd rellows,
Portland: John K Beecio. Independent.
f Jiillsboro. tine of the most important
Vfthings done was a resolution offered by J B
tt&ildv that all newsDaners in the state in
I referring to Chinese or Mongolian pheasants
!( hereafter designate them us Denny pheas-
anU, in honor of 0 N Penny, to whom the
J honor of importing them is due. The
I'&MoiHAT hum uceu uumu iini utctuwuiiuiiv
for some time at tho suggestion of a paper
at 1118 Dalles.
A HrxTiso I,oii(!E. The editor of the
Salem Journal, who haa been tramping over
Lincoln county says: u w J'eyoo, iormer
captain of the Mascot (!un club of Albany
has bought the hotel here and is fitting it
up for a sportsmen's headquarters. He will
call it Elk Loilge and will make a specialty
of entertaining hunters and fiihormen.
There is probably no place in' the Coast
Range mountains where trout are as fine
and deer as plenty as right here at the
forks of tho llig Klk. The Alsea country,
full of big game, is only a short drive away,
but adecr can be killed by those who know
the runs within two hours any day in the
year. Dcyoe's hunting lodgo will be in
treat demand with valley sportsmen when
it is once known.
Ijui;bb!e farm., OperalHanfrtouiyht,
An Oreoo mi t danipcafil mitten son.e
what today.
Mao and Tix, muiioil woudors, Out-ra
House tonight,
Klin, when! Open II. .me tor il t. I low
mud,! 10 and 20j.
Fre.h sweet pickles. ,di-, .ov chow,
tts, just received at Paiktr ISro-.
Seventy- five oit worth of fuu for 10 ond
20 at the Opera Home tonight.
Fine stock of goods at cot-t at Read,
Peacock i: (Vs. Examine the prices.
They are selling dress poo-.', .hoes, etc,
at cost at RctJ, I'eacock & Co's. Albany
and Ltbanon.
The Ladies Band ef Kose'jut? has been
J mnklng a tour of Loos coun'y, giving con-
A biu'.e named Wiieht is wantc.i .it
Independence for rape, committed on a
ten year old girl at one cf the hop yards.
ere lie cauch; It fa possible a lurv would
n;ver sit on Ills ca:e. ..
You III get vour llionev's worth next
Friday night at the presentation cf "Com
raJs." The cast is good and there will be
specialists, like a parody on 'liter the
ball," that will amuse and entertain.
An agent for a California tailoring and
shirt-making establishment was In Cor-
vallls soliciting orders Wednesday. Thnsi-
of our citizens who dtslre anvllilni' of
that sort should bear hi mind that we have
several reliable clothing dealers who can
supply all their wants. News.
Ti.c crop of hops crown on I E Eliberts'
ranch was bought today by E C Smith for
a New York firm. There were 72 bales,
amounting to about 14,000 pounds and
were of excellent quality. The price paid
was I7i cents a pound and is the best sale
mrule at this point during the present sea
son Eugene Guard.
The CorvallU Times savs.epeaklng about
some prunes: They were of the Hunga
rian variety, grown in the orchard of
Samuel Daw. formerly of lienton county,
but now of Linn, four miles west of Hul
eey, and were brouirht to this office hv
John Whitaker. They measured three
incites In length and seven inches In cir
cumference. They grew on four year old
trees, and eighteen acres of them will
average two bushels per tree.
r.Ei.iotoi 8 Servicics. Preaching at the
United Presbyterian church by the assistant
pastor at 11, subject. "I am debtor both to
the li reeks and to the Barbarians. At 7 :H0.
subject, "l am not ashamed of the gospel
of Christ." Sabbath school at 2 :30, Chris-
i: i n .,, ci ,
nan j-uueavor uc o:ou. oirangers wer
Br C C Strntton, of Portland, will preach
at the First M K church both morning and
evoning. Sunday school at 2:30. Junior
League 3:110, and devotional meeting of
Kpworth League at G:30. A cordial wel
come to all.
German Lutheran service every first and
third Sunday of each month at the W C
T U Hall at ia a m by Rev O E Meyer.
Preaching services at the Presbyterian
church at 11 and 7 :II0. Sabbath school at
12:15, Junior C E at 4, Y P S C E at 0:45.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be
administered in oonneclion witn the morn
ing service. 1 he annual collection for tho
cause of homo missions will be taken. The
second sermon in the course on the general
topic of the relation of Christianity to lifo
questions will be given in the evening,
subject, "Christianity and Wealth." Ail
will be made welcome.
soriiLAM) rmsosui.
Hiss Nannie Bloss. of Corvallis returned
home tJi'.ay after a visit with Albauy
Miss I.illio Hideout returned home this
morning from California, afier an absence
of la-veral weeks.
MissOlga Bridges left fur Albany this
morning where she will visit for a few
days, Salem Independent.
Ed Ford, a former O P engineer, whom
it is always a pleasure to meet, now on a
mid miming out of Olvmpia, Wash, is in
the city en a short visit.
Chas Clark, of the O P. who has for many
years Isvn in the employ of the company,
u-ii umui.v on u visit 10 ine v, orhl s lair,
relatives and fiiends in Illinois and India
na. Lad evening the Y PS E of the U P
church gave an enjoyable social at the resi
dents of Mrs Sarah Baltimore, on Wash
ington street. About sixty. livo young peo
ple wero present.
Mr Murray Vaughn left today for Leba
non where he will open a boot ond shoe
shop. Jlur.-.iy is a good lno.kinanand de
serves success in his new field.
Misses Nellie Eades andflenevieve Hughs,
two of Salem's most acomplishcd young
ladies, have returned home after a week of
enjoyment in Albany, the guests of Misses
r lora ami esta .Mason.
W W Crowder and w ife of St holl's Ferrv.
left on Monthly lxth, for a visit to the
World s air and friends 111 Indiana and
other eastern states. They expect to bo ab
sent about two months. llill-ijuro Independent.
The home of the pastor of tne church of
Christ was invaded last night by a multi
tude of his memlicrs and friends. It was a
surprise party. The pastor is richer in
purse and the pantry is full of good things.
A pleasant evening of social chat and music
was spent, and nil returned home feeling
that it is a blessed thing to give in so good
a work.
Our young friend C II Hart, tho painter,
very quietly donned his best garments to
day, wended his way to tho court house,
there received his papers, and boarded the
Lebanon train. We trust our young friend
in this new relation which ho has volunta
rily assumed may find it one of pleasure
and congeniality, and tint he may succeed
as he well deserves to. '
The meeting of the Ladies Auxilary yes
terday afternoon was a very successful
event. Besides sociability and business
Longfellow was honored with a short pro
gram. The roll call was answered with
Quotations. Miss H,ut read a selection and
Miss Minnie McFarland read a paper, all
about or on America's most popular poet.
Lowell will be the next author.
Mr Wm Kreisel, proprietor of the Idan
ha hotel, four milos east of here, passed
down the road Monday. His hotel is still
o)ien for business, and has a number of pat
rons, lie intenus to close it soon, however,
and spend the winter in Portland where he
will take charge of the business of one of
his Portland friends while the friend spends
the winter in Europe. Santiam Lumberman.
L L Bnrtenshaw was out deer hunting
this week in company with his wife, which
resulted in proving Mrs Burtenshaw to be
a good shot. On reaching a favorable place
Burtenshaw handed the gun to bis wife
while ho went out with the dogs to run the
deer around toward hor. A deer run by
and Mrs I) shot it and broke its neck. The
animal proved to be a fine buck. Wost
Oregonian. A daughter-in-law of B Burt
enshaw of Lebanon.
The Southern Pacific htis put on an extra
car for the express use of the "genus holm."
ami will haul them free cf churge toward
the city. This is a most severe blow to the
fraternity, nnd robs them of about the only
tiling they live for. It the company would
only furnish a liberal supply of half riie
fruit and raw potatoes, then indeed would
the tramp's occupation bo gone. If he
can't ritle or forago for grub, he will soon
pine uwav or be driven to suicide or work.
The Salem Journal is getting warlike.
It says: The Southern Pacific owns the
state of California. It owns tho Oreiron
railroad commission. It wants to own the
state of Oregon. It has got its foot on the
neck of the peonlo of the state already. The
people must waKe up nnd shake itolT. They
lira beginning to realize tho evil effect of
corporation control of the last legislature.
which aoolished the old commission at the
biddiutr of the Southern Pacific and substi
tuted its own commission.
1 .,e people are taxed twenty thousand
iollars a year to salary three men and a
lerk who amiarentlv do not consult those
who employ them, but do the bidding of
the corjioration against whose exactions
they are sworn to protect the public interest.
Summer weakness, ttiat tired fueling
loss of appetite and siervous prostration
aie driven away bv Hood's Sartaparilla,
like mist before the morning sun. To
realize the benefit of this geat medicine,
give It a trial.
Sure, efficient, eusv Hood's Pills.
Yes, You Can see the finest line o
raw-jlea for suitings in the state at WR
Graham's.where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on t hort
notice. Get the best and most 6tylish
suits of him, A new feature will be the
making of ladies' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and
the repairing of cloaks. Prices xxt bot
tom ones.
Thi Verdict Is unanimous that Will &
Stark carry the b'-it line of llver ware in
the valley. They nave the variety and qual
ity, a combination that counts in buying
i-oods. An inspection always carries conviction.
A Watch is a neoesstty nowaday a. I
yon want one call on Will & Stark, whose
at jck ia large and varied, and prioea the
the most reasonable, Thay can give ynn a
bargain in this line as well a in jewelry
lion's This!
v ooner one Hundred Dollars reward for u
com or uutarrn taat cannot uo "cared by Hall'i
Catarrh Cure.
V. J. on nXEY & CO. . Toledo, O.
Wo, tho untk'rsffjned. have known p. J.
Cheney u.r the last 13 years, and belicvo him
pr 'etly cor.oraDlv in till biisijiesstranaactlon
iunci:."y aolc tucirryoutayobtigatiom
i- - iiy their i:r.n,
V aldinh.Kinnas A- Majvis, WUoltbaioUrus.
Halrafalarrhi iirt-H tiler n Internatl,". et
Inifdirvctly u,k..uir iloo.t mid mucin: aiirfarm
of I he hysti-m. IV-timon:;-: m-nt Ireo, iriM
tflo pcrbotllc Sold !; ait I'lUL'jiaut.
At Mkal Timss do vou ever consIJer
the quality of the food you are eaiing? It
ay be Rood. It intulit be b.Uer. inirnr.
freuher and more wholesome. Is I: rot'
worth whie to make sureilisit you- tea.
'fee, lUL'Jir, baked tood and hniumerr.-
bleother groceries nte of the best quality?
There U such a tritiint dlfftreuce In the
prices of the beat and the wontc thar it
Joes not nav to buv the worvt.eveu on the
fa'se grouno of sup. osrd tconom v. The
best U always the cheapest, because the
most satisfactory and durable.and the very
best of livrryth.njr in the grocery line Is
kept at 1'arki-r Bros.
Se.vinm .Macihsks netti reji.iruil u
warranted hy in vr ui-itly o ' work
man, at K M Kri;ucir jewelry tttorf, Albany,
no nut oMsrniM.
Pay Perry Conn.
Term, cash at FL Kenton jjrecery
Phase pay Porry Conn what a owo
If you want a tla- twk calif' .l(''.vph
whito labor ciuaii.
The iw'"rnjit onf!fl in tho city a. C'.ni&d
alcyvr a.
The best watch in the world i r the
money at Trench' jewelry ttnre.
Fina Sonher.i Orto.! H-achf ar F L
Kentoa. Njw ia the time to em them.
Motor tiake five trip dnily to Vieteck'a
addition. Lor thf re oa utnrd'ments of$l
per week, (
Pa.roriii hentft nnlniitry hy imokinn tho
celebrated white labor cifara, manufactured
by JuUus Jorcph,
Genuine pait fr n'l Kev ing machines,
also the best oils, needles, etc., for all
hewing mschlnea, bicycle, et;,, ai E U
Will's music store. Sewing machines and
orgt-ns repaired reasonable, and all wok
warranted. Needles prepaid by mail 40c
a uozen.
Hall's Vt-Rttahle Sicilian Hair Renewer
Is unquestionably the best of
the hair. It is also curative of dnndtuff,
tetter, and all scidp affcc.lo:.p.
A Medical Firm Gives Away Cash.
J. P. Smith & Co. of Xo. 255 Green
wich St., New York, tho manufactur
ers of that favorite cathartic known as
Smith's Bilo Beans, havo adopted a
novel plan. They ask the individual
buyers of Bilo Beans to send their full
namo and address, with an outsido
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans
(either size) to their office, and they
give f 5 for the first wrapper received
in each morning's mail, and $1 for tho
2d, fid, 4th, 5th and 6th. Every day
$10 in cash is thus sent to their cor
respondents. Ask for SMALL size.
BLKVIXS-OGLE. On Sept 29, 1893,
at the Evangelical parsonage, in Albany, by
Kev Fisher, Mr Geo S Blevina. of Tangent.
and Miw Atina Ogle, of Albany. They
nave me oesc wiKiiew or many inenns.
tin a CnnKrrvntlve ftn. .
OWING lo tlie present monctnry strin
gency nnd during the existing condi
tion of the financial market, I rind it
cmpulsory tc run my business on a very
conservative basis. Sugar, ss you are
aware, is handled on a very small margin
of profit; small in fa-:t to scarcely pay
for the handling of it, and the terms upon
whh:h it is bought are very strict (cast,
only.) While money was plentiful and
collections good, I was able to allow sugar
bills to run Go days; but cordltions at
present are such that I will sell sugar for
cash only. I assure, vod f was very re
luctant 10 make a rule of this kind, but
the conditions of the market are such as to
make it imperative. Trusting you will
look al this in the proper light nd also
understand that this rule applies generally.
Perry Conn.
Batha at Viereeks shaving and bair
cutting parlors.
Clean towels to every caatoiner at Viereok
having parlors. ' f
New Advertisements.
17AITED. County and city war.
If rant bought and so'd by HF Mer.
FARMERS LISTEN. We have a fine
lot of fregh grass seed, of almost every
kind, Including cheat, and we want lo sell
it. tome atid see us.
The gosj)el "meeting of the Y M C A will
be exceptionally interest intr. Mr Williams
will conduct the service. It is expected Dr
Strutton. of Portland University, will also
1.- i. j 1 . i- v ir n ir .n i
" "u . i'"" iU r ' of it bcintr a central point, to purchase the
Services ?t L "aP.Vst c inrch ?n Sunday o i0ik atlll Yamhill counties ami oth-
7:.W. I'reaclnn? by pastor. er partg 0 Marion county. The hops as a
looiai.a:). , loung peoples meaTe not stored at Salem nor shi
Hop Ckntkrs. Salem newspapers are
doinff an extraordinary amount af boastimr
lecause buyers are located there, on account
at 1 1 and
meeting G::0. Juniors union at 3:30.
made welcome.
Akrksted Fon Assali.t. It happened
omethin like this. Two Beam ltoya were
talking when E H Unice, of Portland, came
along, and picked a quarrel with the boys,
resulting in a slight pugilistic encounter.
Krnest fuller arrived on tlie scene, when
upon his making some comment on the
iiiattjr Bruce proceeded to assault him.
Fuller had a warrant sworn out for him, and
Marshal McFeron captured him; but not
until after he had attempted to escape. 810
and casts was the prompt sentence of Re
corder Henton. In the uitsenpn of nnv ensh
limn, VT!!. I,!... I : 41 mini ,nvuA t. H.-Q
5 days. The younir man is said to have pros-
wrous parents in Portland. We are in
formed he ia what is known as a tin horn
A I'sk fon Moss Backs. The States
man says: 1 Ireiton moss is about to rc-
ueeiu it) for a I thnt ha.. Iwen s:iiil nmiinst
A new sndustry has recently developed
ju falem which promises not onlv a valna
We factor in itself but an important mutter
for the railroads and shinncrs. Tho day
hai come when Oregon moss will enter into
anew era. Already has a lurRO amount
wen ptit in nse. A cempany in Fresno has
already oadered a larire invoice of Oregon
moss to be shipped to them. When the
roos arrives it is mit to nse in packing
p"!' for shipment. Thursday five big
tales of moss were shipped from Salem to
i resno and yesterday another bale was ship
ped. This miM nlltwl fiml .liinTied
".T the Capital t'itylnursery company of this
lio.NKS With a Histoiit. Surveyor
Generul Byars has in his office some weather-beaten,
moss-grown bones of oxen, which
have been bleaching in the hills of Southern
Oregon for nearly 40 years. He brought
tneui t up tor tne secretary or the rioneer
Association, who wilt place them among
the relics of early days possessed by the
society. The bones compose a shoulder
blado, njawbone and a legbone. which are
all that remain of a line yoke of oxen be
longing to Joseph Bailey, who brought
them across the plains in .. In I&m. as
he was traveling up Cow Creek hill, near
(ilendale. with three ox teams and a biff
ilrove of hoiza. he was waylaid br Rogue
Kiver Indians, who killed his cattle,burned
his wagons, and, after a short chase, over
took and killed him. General Byars found
the place not along ago and saw the dead
cattle and burned wagons, and has now se
cured the lost relic of the tragody for pres
from that point, and only a Binall propor
tion OI uie growers anil mcitera uu uusiuens
in Salem. At f.ugene tne case is uinerent.
Nearly all the hops grown in Lane county
are shipped from this point, and the trade
and business of the growers and pickers are
done with our merchants to a great extent.
wnen it conies 10 a comparison Derween
Eugene and Salem on the hop question, tlie
latter place must go to the foot of the class.
Eugene Guard.
WANTEU.-A middle aged rst.
clsas housekeeper, wishes a situa
tion as housekeeper or to do general
housework tine is also m good dress
maker. Adores bcz 36. Aioaoy, Or.
Wages no ol jeot.
FOR SALE. An assortment of flower
In t plants and shrubs, also eo.leotlon
of cacti. Mrs Geo Young, corner Fifth
and Jackson streets.
FOB SALE. or will trade for oood,
gray mare, seven years o:d pel fectly
K'ntle for woman snd children lo drive.
Call on Hi W Aoniaon. at Marb.e works.
Bargains for fanr.era In both tiding and
walking plows, disc harrows,lron harrows,
etc. Trices In proportion to o cent
wheat. It will pay you to call and see us.
We Must Sell more (roods for cash.
Hence we have decided to offer you th
profits and five you the eoods a, cost
you will come now and buy them we
offer you the best goods and one of the
largest stocks on the diarkct to select
from. We mean business and Intend to
sell the goods as soon as possible, c)l on
us and examine our prices.
Rkad Pbaoogk & Co,
Albany and Lebanon
Look! Look!
Notice to Deliuquent
Tax Payers,
1 positively intend to collect all de
linquent taxes, remaining unpaid after
Oct Ut by the levy nnd sale of property
lielonnina- to the delinquent tax payer.
The taxes must De collected and aiier
said date, I will make the levies as fast
as mvaell and deputies can do to. All
those wishing to save a call from me, as
well as the expense of the levy can do so
hy settleing their taxes belnre Oct 1st.
1. ' . AVKMUI,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Of Interist to a i.l. Wholesale mer
chants In the East em states have offered
o great inducements and we -ant to
give our customers an opportunity as
ell, provided you will buy now. We
nave made great reductions in the price
ol our dress goods, fine shoesapes, jaek
, etc, for cash, and intend to sell ihem
M fast as possible. Kichtr- five cents in
most cases will buy a dollars worth of
goods and some times more. Come in
and make yonr selections. Oor goods are
nearly all n mA an' h hnnuht !-
where In Linn county for the prices we
"ill e11 them at if bought now.
Read, Peacock A Co.
Patronise the Centra! Fish and Poul
Market, on Ellsworth strtet, between
fond and Third, for vour Jrtssed poul
,rv, game and fish of ail kinds in season.
! 'er. flarr mw.A ....k. t'vrrrllitnir
'rh in cur line may be had at reasoi aVle
t-an and ste us.
Senders Si Co.
Corsets -Allot oor BALL'8 CORSETS
are boned with and warranted
not to roll op nor break witn one years
wear. If theydo we will cheerfully re
turn the money paid for tbem. or a
ti,A virpt is not satisfactory in all re
spects after three weeks' wear it may bs
returned io us m"7 m,, w
funded. S. E. Yon .
M,f, li ef MACISrOHE sort
'U-vjAMEm, needing mtov es.
t-ff Ud es, oiia6i Hd cnildrn. ii o w o
W.llftftars, Ut )ewelert
anOWKERELS- Pure bred Silver Laced
I J Wyandotte cockerels lor tale at a
buraain- Addrers John Brnsh, corner
4th and R K streets, Albany, ur.
WANTED.-M3ood pasture for sbout
135 bead of sheep. Inquire at Shulli
Bros meat market.
T ATJNDRY FOR WonD.-Wlll ex-
Id change laundry work for -rood. Oall
on Riehards A Phillip at the Albany
xteam Laundry.
FOR RENT.-Ha-jres of good garden
land, flnnerol.ard. h room honse.
barn and chicken, bouse. Apply at L
FURNITURE, carpets, stoves ete. for
sale at the Baptist parsonage. Call
early aiu' take your choice.
V f ONKY WANTED Want lo borrow
yj t-J0 ' for three or fivo year with
good real estate as security,
Call at the
1JIOR RENT, 40 aeres ef land, with
, house one mile Iroin Albany, in
Uenton county. For particulars apply
to Arch Hammer.
mrt LKT.-Three fSi work borses and
1 saidle horse for sale, or will trade
for wood, oats, wneat or nay.
Tin Tivr wait too lornr. Tlie RTea.
World's Fair will be closed in a few wei'ks.
The traveling- pniiiic are luuy aiive io ine
fact that the Chicago Union Paciffc
VOTiWxtojn Line still leads in time and
accommodations to the east. Kememlper
iM whole day may lie saved with its
contingent expenses by taking the I'nion
Pacific lo Chicago.
Thohkox's C tivs Frrriso ConsEr, cue
ol II e mol favorably karwo lines in the
.arks, with extca long waijt-. f ir stir
, S E Yorso.
You can buy specacles aid tie e'ssses
at HONEST 1'KICts, tt r m rrencn
ths jeweler.
H"tc it M-F.rland,
.ss. All any, .
the leadtrg drak
ard haf ttll-j par
Matthews & Washburn
Stationery, Toilet Articles, Mu sica
Instruments, Etc
HodEBs 4 McFarlail,
I e Corner Drug Store,". Albany ,qi
Strictly Cash.
F. L. Keuton hu sdopt'd a cash lysUm
and will hereafter tell greet rit s fo
CASH only.
I. A. Morris A ( o.
Flour and Feed Store.
Have rrmoved their store to the Strshst
store, former! occupied by Dejne &
Robson, and have on hand a full r.tock o-
Custom chopping donn.
Wall Paper,
I ruTsj, Palntn Oilw
OlaHiB, Etc
J. A. dimming
Dress Goods, Fine Shoes,
Capes and Jackets,
Wholesale and KetallDealers In
Soda Water,
Orange and Iroa,
Reltser Water,
Blrek Beer,
Haraaparllla aad Iroa,
Iroa Wine,
QlTs ns a trial.
FIRST STREET, between Montgomery and Raiir AIMSY, 0REG01
JOsi:riI, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed'
Viie.k,a .harms