-iSMs. B . s S VOL VI ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY ' SEPTEMBER tf', i83S, W 123 , A Little Daughter Of ft Church of England minister cured of :i distressing- raeh, by Ayer's SarsnparUla. Mr. Uichard liiKKS,llic well-known Druggist, 207 Jk(.i!l St., Montreal, P. (J., says: I Imvo sold Ayer's Family Mrdiciuns for 40 years, and havt! heard nothing but pood said of them. I know uf many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sar.saparilla, one in particular being that of" n little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. Tlio child was lit.-rully covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years. In spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father .vas in great distress about the case, mid, at my reconmieiiwauon, ni lasc organ 10 ad minister Ayer's Sarsnparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight I am sure, were he here to-day, ho would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits ot Ayer's Sarsapariila Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aycr & Co., '.owcU, Mnes. Cures others, win cure you The Oregon Land Co vV'ttn it home office at I - - me Gray BlocU, corner Liberty ant! M A.KES a specialty of Sunnysidejruit tracts near oaiem, Will sell 5. 10 or rJ ere small cash payment or particulars. Julius Gradwoltfs Bazaar ".e very latest Dews is that you caa buy at JULIUS aDWOHTj'S BAZAAR, for net oaafc, gocdo as follows: sirbuckle's CoStee, Per Pound , fVbs. jGranulated Sugar..-. $100 . ibs. Magnolia Sujar White.. 1.00 Nfo. 1 Kerosene, per ringle gallon 20 f!ans reailed, 5 gallons 90 ! Oallooa Goad j?ickleepaarket firm 1.10 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 , i . enmturt utrlctca.h alors, n1 all cmil will bo ,1 for net o!i frnro 1 j, vr -I.' lex than ngamr prleo. My .k.Ie or Chlnaware, fntiov good, ana (1 ,r rblp ayles nf .lishel. hi flll a a ireneMl awrtinnt or Rroesrl.-., crook- imni nil fliturw Is tommf . ! mks apeei Hy of Una ooB.m- hd1 . mier, and a'ways plo my ouritooiar, i mil .,porciblelntaranoacempdie. Jallua Uradnohl. Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, OHEGON. "THE LEADING NORMAL SCHOOL X of the Northwest. Strong rroies ganized MndH School for Practical Train of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor-n.al,Budnes-,Muic and Art Deparimem Beautiful nnd heaP.hfnl 1-Kaiion. Llgh rene no aaloot.s. The Normal ha enjoyed a readv growth during the past year, reaching an emollment of oret 400J the larfrekt M it- histor. New members have been added to ll.e fcutv,new appar atus supp'led. and the cource of study re vUed and strengthened. The grad iaje re In demand to fill good position. 7h i'piomt tntitlts the holder to teach In an eiunty In the state arlthout farther exam i-oual and academic courses, and well or-W Afbreae.P. L. CAMPB1;Mm Vkb,9 or If . BHEDD, S90 of Faculty. S V t T.. . 1 ,httl 0?j:i$ ENJOYS Both the method and roolt3 wliep Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio tasto, find acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels cold, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs 13 the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomnch, prompt la its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to a!) and hnvo mado it tho most pcpular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for salo in 50o and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not havo it on hand' will pro cure it promptly for any cne who wishes to try it. JJo not a rcept anv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIR SYilvP CO. SAIt FHAKCISCO, CL. iouisvius. nr. uca tort. .t. . Architect nnd Contractor. af CfitleiM nlth Hulbi 11 Im rem. - OE.U30-0. T State street, branch office In Portlano . , . 1 1 . 1. . a. r m . . a c m acre lots at au xo ifuu ptr -lone time on ' balance nations. Tuition, Normal, $6.25 per term Wt to weeka; iSuo-Nonr.al, $5 .00 per tsrm to weeks; Buslni, V, 25 per term Hoard at Normal Dining Hall, $1.75 per ,..ir Rooms from c per week fun furnished) to $100 and $t.5 furnished. Rnardand lodcin in lniic Mmiiics,9j so to $4.00 per week. Tultion,board,'odginf and books less nan iyjpcr jcar. ysn. ervaurv Mulc. 1 horough courses ire offered in vocal and Instrumental mu- (c. Tuition,? 10 pr term of 20 1esons. Monmouth Is eailv accessible from all pars of th- State, twelve ml lea fom the State Capital.slxtv miles south of Portland 'auiogun che?riuiiy cm on app icaiion. The Timet Mouutaiaccr ia)s: I 1 'The democrat ' I'blcsso demanded free trade." It U easy lolfc. It is easy tJ lie about the tariff. nvA8iiistov, Sept SD.-Ilm Jemocratlc It Is easy for the tariff editor of the JUounl-, repeal senators have practically given up amen to He about the tariff. The truth-' tue iJoa that l'ie Sherman law cun be ro of our statement js abundantly tl own in ' Peil'cd- unconditionally, nnd have, after the above quta,lo from t', wurWer. I "1 tT ff'W" ; compromise, which they believe will end I the (one fiiht nnd ctPrnm tho nasunrw of a Ot Inlerol lo AlUtelo, lame Robinson, the athletic trainer at Princeton College, Princeton, N I, .ays: I have found It Imperative 10 ha've sure and simple remedies on hand In case of cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, colds, rheu matism, etc. Shortly after entering up- uii iiijt pruirsnuu, 1 discovered such a remedy In Altcock's Porous Plaster. I tried oilier plasters, but found them too liar.li, and liriiating, Allcock's Porous Plasters give almost instantaneous relief, and their strengthening power is remark ab.e. In cases of weak back out two plasters on the small of the back and in a horttie you will be capable of quite severe exercise. In "sprint," and -distance" races and iumplnn. tfie muscles or lenders in the legs and feet sometimes' weaken. This can invariably be relieved by cutting the piaster in narrow strips, so as to give free motion, and apph ins, on muscles affecttd." Self prahe Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a. person to tell the truth about himseit. When what he says is supported by the trstirr.onv of cthf'r no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that AIJcocVs Porous Platters are the only genuine nd reliable porous piasters made is rot self praise in the slightest degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty years, and In proof of their merits it Is onfv necessary to call attention to the cutes they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of thoe whs have used them. ijewaic of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AMcock's, and let no folidration rr expla nation inducr you lo accept a ubsiltute. Ak Votir Frlrnds Who have taken Hood's Sarsapariila what they think of it, and the replies will be posiilve In ils favor. One has been cured of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds It indispensable for sick headache, others repoit remarkable cu'es of scrofula, salt rheum and other blood diseases.still others will tell you that It overcomes 'ihat tired leeimg, ' ana to on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsapariila' re ceives is the heany endorsement of ihe army cf friends it has won by its pohitive t, 1 1 t t j ti t r Jew PnoToni.ATM.Kit. l have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2rA street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. 1 will take all sizes and styles of photos as good as the best nnd as cheap as the cheap est. I nin no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in yonr glorious climate. I have come to atav. Please call and see me nnd try my work, Very respectfully your?, S. A. Hajimei.i L ite of Toronto. Canada. Hhtloh'a Cure, the ent couph cd croup care, is for sale by as. Pock t size contaiu twentj-five doses, only 5c. Childreu love it Fofchay k Mason. Wedding Xntitations. Wooden, Tin. Silver, Golden Common every day. fi'MII.KY. r. . - - Sliiluh's Vitaliz-r 4 what yvn need fnf dyspepsitv, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney troahlo. It tft timrtnti-ed to g:v yoa sutisiaction. Price 73. Sldby Fimhuy & Masou. To Farmers. Tnu undcr-isntd have (wed the wsrchuus of Dvid Smith t Tillman nd are now pro pared to o e grain, and all tirmrs r requested to cill and see them before m-kinti arrjnf mantf for tttor-r elrcnhere. Frost k Sanders. The I,ADie-4 I'azkar have removed to 'heir new store octt tu Ko-hay t Mann. Tb- have agsio add-d a mtllioery depsr'mem t thsir estibihni4iit tod i.a now diW n eeivins all the latest nnv.hiea ia that iine Yon are retpectfa'lv tuviud to ca'I nd see U.eirnew fad and winter goods io all their i: partmecti. . Pnc a w-r than tue Uwest. Crre CmI. Don't be tempted to li.vestin them. You will act Into tr3uble everv Il.ne and In tne end poverty and dhgrnce. The genuine Unrle Sam's green goods are the only ones of ralue. They make vou rich: csneciallv when uted to purchase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation or billousness.or drive away malaria. Don't be tempted to take anything else In place of the Regulator. A Vlttite Bemedr Hon Edmund L Pitts, lb late president of the New Yo-k 8ate Senate, writes: Stat of New York.Ssnaie CuA-tRf.R, silbatvy. niarcn inn. isv. I have used Alicock'a Porous Platters inmy t.imlly for the past five rtars. and can truthfully say th?y are a valuahV remeay and trlect great cure. I would not be without them. I have In several instances clven some to fritnds sufferine with weak and lame back, and the-? have Invariably afforded certain and sneedv re- iici. iney cannot oe loo highly com mended. trrw 5r7V! Pile ucin errr n!rf:t rnra VwkaruuaoTcip '.nrera. t. per butu TELEGRAPHIC MS. . ,. , pMh,.,. hjlTto relieve the present situation by the end of next week. Senator Gorman nnd o'ber democratic repeal senators have been actively engaged In arrangim? the terms of compromise, and ton in.it it is believed, they have succeeded. It involves conces sions on both side, the repeal of the pur chasing clause, the coinage of a specified amount of 8:i,UoO,WO or ,&00 0U0 rer month until the total silver coinage is 8700.000.CoO.then the coin ace of all bullion in the treasury and the sale of gold bonds I to increase the jfold reserve to an nmount which i deemed sufficient to insure the maintenance of gold and silver money at a parity. When the proposition w.is sub mitted to Secretary Carlisle last night ho insisted upou the latter provision to the agreement. The general understanding KmigUi that the silver republican senators will agree to the compromise. Tito only thing in the way of the program now stems to be the president. A II an fit us lice. Mount Vernon, Ga, Sept 29. -At noon five negroes were hanccd on the same scaffold at the mme time In public. Thousands witnessed the execution. AH the negroes wire from turpentine farms in Pxortn Carolina . 1 1 nam Jacobs, Ijc en Man net and Hire Brewiigton paid the penalty for the murder of Alex in tier Peter -son, a ilch merchant, and robbing his safe last JulyL Gordon killed a vonntr colored girt and Stiick'and murdered another negro, ' A Terrible Accident Crystal Falls, Jllch, Sent 20. With a terrific rush the water of the Michlgvnme ilver oroke through a bed weakened by mining into ihe Mamheld mine last night drowning 28 men vho were at work direct- under the cave-in. There were 46 men In the mine wnen the accident occurred, but iS of them who were working in t:e lower levels minagei to escape. Vcirrtes l!n$.rtr. Indrpemeekce, Or. Sept 29 Yester day afternoon IS H Wright, a hop picker for G A Wells, near Buena Vista, is said to have committed an rssault on Il-year-old Lora Bilderhrln, nauehler of a widow, by enticing her Inside of his hut. Ste gave (he alarm, and he mnde his escape. It is reported that he has heen arrested near Junction City. Hurrenaar or Innnrteus. Bt ENOS vres. Sept 29 "A diepntch from Ropario says ihe Insureenta have surrendered 10 the government forces, and the Natlonil Guards, having restored order, have disbanded. Co'ooel Esplna. an insurgent deader, ho Incited U13 revolt of two torpedo boar8 agiinst the envernment and was sentenced by court martial to be shot, has had his sentence commuted to 20 years' Imprisonment. Tbe True Laxative rrlnrlpre Of th? plants ued in mar.tifactuiing the pleasant remedy, Syrun of Figs has a permanent v benetcial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable est acts and mineral soluiit,uftiially sold as med icines are f ermnneutly Injurious, Being well informed, you w',1 use Ihe true rem edy only. Maniif.rCtute.' by the Cali fornia rig byrup '-o. Whatever mav be Ihe cm of branch ing, the hatr m-.v be re-iuied to Its origi nal color by the u of that potent remedy IJail s cgetable atciltnn Hair r, 'newer. . NEVER BOTHER ) oure'I very much about ruint'HK turltg the hot months It yot' wlHh to keep cool; nor r.ius you get Into the ha'?i (jf as'-tl.ii A MAN f It Is hot enough fr hhn.. w len jou can see verv p'aln'y that he is practi- M ly roasted: but. Instead, advlne him location Parker Brothers and act the wf baked goods to be secured, as well . varm Ihcr grocerlu genernll, W HEX HE iS POT. Bv so doing you wlil purely 'tJn his friendship. . Lives of many men re-nind us V t j 4 1 1 ; i . 1 11 ! i; l 1 1 : I 1 I I - 1 ." I i; I'l .1 Matb CF onto, irry o: iuuw;, 1 LUCAS WtTSTT. 1 - , Vm i j. fTnaxRr miikM oath th.it !l IS I OA enior partner of the firm of F. J. ChkhbyACo. , and State Morenaid, and that said firm will pay the sum ot ONK DUNDHKD DOLLAK8 for each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj the use ot Bai l's Catarrh Crun. flfMM in fcoforn m tnA mnbiiefibed In mv presence, this 6tn day of December, A..D. 18W, w Hvtary Pubtto. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally and acta directly on the blood find mucous surfaces of thearstem. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., loled, r Sold by Druggists, Wc. The only I'ore Cream of Tnrtnr I'owJtr. N'o Ammonia; No Alum. UetJ in Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard Highest of &U in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSQlSUTEiy A Or hat Convenience," 'World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central sUdon In Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located In the heart of the city, has bet n fitted up as a hotel, run on the Europe a -i plan, with about ioo rooms handsomely furnished and each room 's supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable, and parties can secure rooms In advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the dUcomfort of all transfer in that city, and ran also travel between the Grand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two poiuts. C G Durkiiart, Agent at Albany. Our rublle grhools Are the main-stay of our republic. , " thcin are being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law makers and leaders in every walk of life. How essential It Is that these minds should be united in strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from Impurities and poisons in the blood that. It is a wonder that they ever giow up to be men and women. Manv pa rents cannot find words ptrong enough to express their gratitude to Hood's Sar sapariila for its good effect upon their children. Scrofira, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood are effectually and permanently cured by t!.U excellent medi cinc.and the whole being Is given strength to re. 1st attacks of disease. Marriage a rullure "Who shall decide It? We havcconclud ed long agc that It is a success every lime -with Simmons Liver Regulator In the house. I: promotes harmony and good nature by preventing t.ny attack of ihe which maVe discord In the brightest home. You will find the reailator a good reme dy for biliiousners and sick headache. It is the household friend. Cautluit. Imitations have been put upon the market so closely resembling AUcock's Porous Plasterb In generaj eppearance as to be well ca'culaled to deceive. It 1c, however. In general appearance on'.y that they compare with AUcock's fr they are worne than worthless. Inasmuch as" they J contain deleterious ingredients which are af.i iv cause seriuun liijurv. iciiicuiifei that AHcock'care the only "ifenuine porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not only ask for hut see that ,i 011 net Atlcock't Poroufr Platters. 3I-ve A too a, 1 don't stand iule. Its the man who keeps moving that generally snrtwds in life. You j can't help moving on when taking' Sim mons Liver lleimliitor. It cleanses the sy- toin from all iwistm nnd sends the Idood throiiL'h tho veins at a irood round nice. The BeguUtor is the bent insnninu) policy against liuligestion anu dyspepsia. Noth ing malarious about Simmons Liver Regu httor. Pre iu V.is in ih'scitya ePttler Bro-. T v fci.ead K'(d brc d tr all ln teed ii' d l ed, nd ktt'u Ihf btjtt coi'kiRt. ctVf-". r. 1'htfr tiek i-f art cii-rid in utm dfd .--a I ri ei p'O ducw is fir r, and fioit h" 1 nent Vtn n w.o d al i h tiif-m oi wil y H at o's era mc-nt fid ihe in ') maket, Aheihet iu b-l'ed g'tnl o tr rrr.f-. Dowx no Tim Kate. The Union Pa eifie now lead with reduced ra! to eastern points. nnd tlieir through mraiTang,m'ntM, imiirnifieentlv eottinwd Pullman und Tour ist Mlcepors, freereclining chair car and fast tiinr, make it the best line lo travel. Two train leivc t om Port hint I daily at 8:45 am and 7:W i i. The rate are now within rti.vh of all. md everylody fihonld lake ad vantage of tl.fmtovisitthe World's fair a nil thnir friend in the east. Send for rates nnd ached nl- of trains, and do not pur i.haae ticketi . titil afterconulting Curan & Monteith, AlUtny, Or. W H Ilrm.nriiT, Ass't (.ien'l Pawi. AgeM. H. P. Portland, Or. Tlwy Inerettse appetite, purity r System and actou the 11 ver lliie licMtt Baking PURE ftEK HE UK Taiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French koeps railroad time liny your grocerios of Park or Bros Fine groceries at Conn & Hendricson's. Nov cream cheese just leoe ived at Conrai Aft ey ere. F J Smiley job printer, Fliun Block, does 9 rat class work. Smoke tha celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigar at Julias Joseph's. Dr M II Ellis, physionn and surgeon Albany, Orejn. Cll ma la lu ott( or ooautry. Worm's ralr Travclera Trill nave It The publia demand through nervio when travelintr. 7t ia old-fashioned to Change Cars." On the through, olid vsti baled trains of the Chicago, Union Pc.fio A North Western Line from or to .Chicago, Craihaand intermediate points there is no v ha nue. This ia tha finest and fastest fler 1.. . i 1 Looking :BUer f'0:::!y; better 1 otter i;i every v ay. Ti crc's mora consolation in thst tlian well people stop to ponder. To e"jfm Of' It br.ok flesh and ' pJ ti-itits is every- fS"T? tttiiiV'.. I plio.sphitcs is prescribed by Icad iiijT physicians everywhere !or ail ments that crs causintjTi;?;- Jjrs of fiech aticl vital strt.igtii. Scctt's nmulslon wl!) tin m-r I'mn Ut stup a lingerim; Cmih - it inrtiiies Uie system AtiitiiiT coui a;: J tjlii. pwr.1hT R"l. R-.. N. V. 'W-' -i ... 2SctB. uctv,and ei.OOper Oottle? jue cent a Trrifl Crbai Cotrnn CTmaproniptly cure where oil others faiL Coughs, Croup. Bore Throat, Hoarsensas, whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival: has cured thouaanda, and will CTjnB TOD If taken in time, Boldby Druirgls's ou a guor nnteo. Fur n Lame Rack or Chnt, use BHILOH'O DELLADONNA PLASTUR.S50, . 1 ILOH'S CATARRH 'REMEDY, larovoiiiT.iliii rli? This rrrriwlv Is martin tocKltJctimyoil. l'rloo.fiicu. lujecturfreo. ' Easily. ptilcMy. Permanently Raitored. VVEAKHItES, NERVOUSNESS. DF.BIMTY, ar1 alt it- train ri r;' In tiM uriy firor4"f Vi.t r . t-xcarrr. ttiw rM.!i uf IrVtrHUlk, nick lt, wnrrt .t-fe. Fulltmfrtti, '. Tflopn'cnt an I t tin pfvm luevt-ryoryar orrl P .tl"n t tlm tir. ImjiU-. tifitttrf t it 1 Is . TTnriMllHf.'lmpM.rt-iiiit . wrn, Kttir (irpj"ll.l?. L'nit ri-frrrn?-)!. It, rxiilanntlon at:d nnofo niUit (i-jalcd) lrc. ERIE KEDICAL C2. buffalo, n. y. PARMEUS, ATTI.MION IF : Yotr V. ANT f WACON HACK. BUGGY. CAUT PLOW HARRQW.OniLi SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Iinn'emrti' h!cle, ra'l on or address. or V'e P. F. R.KP Orpc.ltc Post Ofl r A'i.nr,0 SSOtFS EiliS!3!5 of rjurcCod Liver Oil wit'i Hypo mn