U.M.LTIIE MAJOltlTY KCI.E? The World hat not failed to recognize the patriotism and the political feme ol the republican in co cress who support democratic president's call to repeal ore of their oan bad Ias. The party ha un doubtedly strengthened itscll in the count-y bT itt neaily united Hand on th:( luestlon. "Neither have e Mlcd to rebjke and condemn the course of the democratic sen ators who are obstructioc repeal. We have admitted the responsibility cf the demo cratic party for lrglslat'oa demanded by the country, and which I: promised to enact. With equal Impa'1'11"" we now P'nl out to the republican who threaten obstruction to the repeal bill if the attempt to abolish federal supervision of election be no abandoned, and who insist that the tariff hall not be disturbed, tltat they, too, are In rebellion against the will of the people. Every republican who Lkes thli position nuts himself on a level with Teller, Jones, Stewart. Puirh. Wolco't, Dubois and the other defift of tie majority in the senate. The people declared last year, by an overwhelming majority, against the federal control of elections and in favor of tariff reform. It waa not a hasty verdict. It In fact reaffirmed the verdict of iS)3. So two question were ever more fully dis cussed or more deliberately decided that were these. If this Is a republic In fact a$ well as in theory and !n name, the people" wl'.l mast be respected the majority most rule. It Is perfectly proper for the republicans to restate their case In favor of federal supervision of elections. It is legitimate for the protectionists to defend their high tariff. Full debate should be permitted. There can be another appeal to the people in 1S96. But what is true of the silver purchase bill in the senate is true of the other legislation proposed. The minority has no light and it must not be permitted to prevent a vo'e. It has no right to nullify the will of the people. It has no right to reverse the republican pilnclple and sub stitute minority for majority rule. A question more vital than the currency, trior impoitant than taxation, superior indeed to elections, has arisen at Washing ton, It is this: j Sall tie majority ruletWorU. Secretary Morton reminds tha croikers that only about three per cent of all the merchants escape failure, whereas hardly three per cent of the firmer fail. The ;r"han'banklng, manufacturing or rail roading, tailing all things into account. There Is no farmer of good seise and good health anywhere in the West, Mr Morton declares, who cannot make a good living for himself and f airily, and that is as well as the majoilty of men are doing in any other pursuit. The man who owns a farm and sticks to it is certain to profit by it In the future. There is practically no more land to be added to the aiet ol cultivation. The supply cf agricultural products has rocked Its limit in the United States, and must now remain stationary, while the de mand will go on increasing every year. This implies a gradual improvement in prices, and a steady appreciation of th value of farming lands. Tne evening Ttltgra continue! to ig nore the democratic platform adopted at Chicago bv doing battle with Stewart, Teller. Du Bols, Wolcctt std other repub lican senator! against tke repeal of the Sherman law. It has frequently ;be;n charged that the TVrgraM Is owned by the Orfonlan and Its course towsnls the dem' ocratlc r-artv confirms many people In the belief that the charge is true, and induces many to belitve the truth ot the charge that have heretofore disputed It. The Democrat has no knowledge upjn the lubject, tut if people believe it It is because the Tt't$ram Itself It furnishing the proof. More sliver and oIJ are used in the Industrial arts In the I'nlted States thsn in an other country. Our annual con sump tlon of gold for thli purpose amounts to over f 1 6,000,000, and of nil v to over $7,000,000. German 7 it the next greatest cwsumer of the precious metals for manu fa during puaposes, and each year works up about $13,000,000 worth of gold and about $6.ooo.oo worth ot silver. France uses about $,00,000 worth ot go.d and $4,000, coo worth of silver. See the New Improved Singer sewing ms ehine. The Nat is alwsvs tbe cheapest. J W Sowdeo, agent. Ottos at P M French's owelry store Will A Stark, th' Icwelers ALBANY FDBHITDiiE CO Baltimore Bkk. Albany, Ore -c UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE y AMES, rnrr'etor ' IT is EuiVTO un it is eaty to lie- It is easy to He about the tariff. It is er lor the taiirt editor ot tht OrvgMiun to lie about the tariff. Hear j him: The Cleveland I'laMtaht ! among those newspapers which ured lh:lr read er? to vote fcr the democratic candidates list vcar oa a platrorm that declared pro tection Iraudulent and u.tconslitutionr.l. A few Java ago the J'Ui"dcalei's editor, Mr L B Holden. appeared bef ire the ways and means committie at Wahirnton to ask for the retention cf the existing duties on lead ore. The J'Uiatltakr, a copy ol nxii is be fore u, giving an accoun of what Mr Holden saii before the ways and Means committee says: He (Mr Ho!den).demar.del for the load mineisof the country fair consideration and clcimed that in any change of the tarirl no greater reduc'ion should bi made on lead ores than cn the products of lead and that the same reduction should b; madden tools and implcmeot ued in mining. Toa que:ion as to whether he was willing to have a rtduc'.-on made so as to put the tariff en a revenue basts, he re plied that he was anil was willing lor them to be;in on lead crts but was rot wil'it-g to have lead ores put on the free IM. The Oregonan snjs Mr Holden asked fcr the retention of the eiiit-nj duties on lead ore. This is not tiue. He says he i w!!Ung to have a reduction made so as to put the tariff on a revenue basts but not on the free list. This is purely democratic. Mr Holden In his address said: "A fair measure for such a tariff, !at on lead ore, Is the difference in the price of labor paid In this country and that of other countries with which the miners of th;s country have to compete and the difference in interest on money in this country and in those countries which would compete with us in this country " We venture the prediction that nineteen out of every twenty democrats In the land would will ingly adopt the above as the rule applica ble to every case where the 'arirT is to be reformed. In his address Mr Holden more than once asked that no greater re duction should be mvlf oa leal ores than on the product of such ores. How differ ent is what h: really said from what the Qregonian says he said. Son's This! Weotfer One Hundred Dollars reward for kd;; Cbm of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall '4 Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENZY & CO. , Toledo, O. 9 "We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and beliere him p"'cly honorable in all business transactions a lancially able to carry out any obligation r. joy their firm. West Tar ax. Wholesale Prninr.st.Toledo,Of W AiOiNO, K inn-am ft Mauvix, Wholesale Drug nmf a UAi'5i:t."i. JL?t.'... iiavcsa.. . -w. inz directly upen the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tetfinoiiial ient free sPriCO t6c. per botiie bld by all Druggists. Sbiloh's Cnre. the are-it couh and croup mp I care, is for sale by as. Pockt-t size conta: twentv-tive doses. only 25c Children lore is Foshav & Mason. Hood's Cures Numerous Boils . And Catarrh In tho Head Jfr. W. L. Tucker Boseburs. Oregon. I feet that it is Impossible for me to say too much In favor ot Hood's SarsararlUa. I was a creat sufferer from tapure blood and Catarrh In my head. Job's comforters failed to comfort , and I suffered from numerous fcwtls Agony Beyond Description. When I be pan to take Rood's S&rsaparllla I had six of them, only tour st which cams to ft head, and since then, thanks to this food medicine, I have been free from tlits creat affliction. I rained 1 1 pounds in three weeks. Tbe Catarrh In my head which ha troubled me tor rears has also been cured by liood's arsapartlla and I Hood's Cures m enjoying rood rrl rwalth. 1 earnest!? recommend ilood's sarsaparilia to ail vbo ax. afflicted." W. 1. Tcceeh, Koaeburg, Oregotk HOOD'S Pill eure all Lira Ills, Bllloa esa, Jaundioa, lndUeslioo, Sick Beadaeha, Notice of DissDhition. NOTICE I herbT ulren that tbe un derslsrrfHl (ieo P Craiuei aid r red Hes. ccmnosint; the partnership arm el Cr-mer. Hen have ibis day diasnlveii partnership by mutnal consent Fred Hes will stm continue l-n.lress at tbe old stand. All persons indebted to tbe late Arm of Cramer A Hess are requested to pay l he same at rnce to leo V Wricht at bis law nrflce, AHianr. Oregon. Dated Ibis Stpt lStb,'l.l FRED H KS8. Notice. ALL persons indebteil to I R l!ea:n by note or rcoount will plesse py tbe ame. the c"runt. must be close" be note if not paid. T.tnea are hard, and itisti your interest to see) to this at ouce. 1 sm in room No 11, Mrshsn rl'o-lt; Albany, Or. et l.ih. IS"3. K FfANThKRURV. Aseli;ne of t it IVam. A ice Yov Goixu East Remember the I'nion Pacific is the only road that can sell von a first -class ticket in iann vsiy ior k'.i.OO, .Sioux City for eJo.UO. Omaha for ii'iM, St Louis for $:aj.uO. Our tirst-claw rate to ChiiUKO is fcf-'.OO and all other points proportionately low. -Note me time von i-.in save via the Union I'acihe. Port land to t'hicap), twenty-one hour: Port land to Omaha, fortv-one hours: 1 onianu to t Louis, twenty-live hours. J- rw reclin- ini; chair cars. louri-t eiM 1 unman sleeper... Accommodations unsurpassed. For rates or 1 articular call upon or address I t lillAS A" MONTKIT11. Local Airent I'nion Pacific, Albany, Oregon. Wheat, 50 cts; oats, Jfc; hay,f?S baled; wood, $3 to $3.50, taken in exchange for sewlntt machines or organs on hand at E f Ill's music store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months slandir.e. Sewing machines fiom J5to35, with my per sona! gwaraMee lor 5 rs. 11 Wont Is.-. You rpav bridle the appetite but you cannot t ictne liver to do its work well. V u muu b-j honest with it, help It along a little now and then with a dose of Sim mons Liver Regulator. The liver becomes sluggish sometimes and needs some stimu lation to keep off those attacks of Ind ges tion and biliousness. A good active liver promotes digestion and prevents mala-la. Albany Market. "Vhe.45e. Cets. 21 e. . Hour, f4 .00. ''utier, 25a. Epss. 18.T. Ijinl, 12 to 15a Pork-ham 12 to I5.t iitionMora 9 to 10c; irt. 11 10 130 Hay. baled, ST o atoea, 4fW. Apples , 40 Hops. lrio. tried fruit plums, t3, app'.9. 9?. Chickens. 11 00 rvr dozen. Beef, on foot, ln. Bojrs, dreaseJ. 62. Star Bakerj CorBroMtlftlblu anil First Slv CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIEFOR, lanurd Fral3, U lass ware, Dried Frail. TabHceo Coder, Et Caanest Me taeeaswar. Vegetable. AJ'n Tea. ' tic, fac err)-tkuf that is kept in a ffeoer Taricty sad gsocery store, UigLtst market price paid for ALL KINDS OV PRODUCE To Farmers 1HAVE RESTED THE MAGNOLIA Mill warehouse aud will have it in ccod order for receiving the pretest crop. The warehouse is first class and conveniently treated. Contains wo good cleaners. Ko delay in unloading. Sacks will boa band for delivery indue tine. Give me a caM before making arrangements to store your crop. G. F. SI MTS ON. Albany, Or., July 15:b, 1S93. Notice to Tax-Payers. V'OTICE IS UBREBY GIVES THAT the board of equallzuion for iino county, Oregon, will irtoo Monday, tbe zna aav 01 uciooer, isvo. ana attend at tbe olUce cf th county clerk of said couniv.and there miblicly examine th. assessment rolls or said county for aaid 5ear a-d coirect all error in valuation description or quaii'iea of lands, lot or other property. Said bosrdwill continue in amnion one. week. All persona Inter eetd are bereoy uotiiied to appear at saij time aDd piare. W F DEAKISS, Assessor far Lino county. Or Stpieuibcr isth, fllRESPASS ?0T ICE.- All hunter are 1. hereby notified not to trespass upon the enclosed preraieof theundersisncd, even and a halt miles east of Albaoy. unless permission la first obtained. 1 hall prosecute all who thus trespass. K M BUKKUART. fledCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. w raorcs nors tercaioa roa ravpi A!ro aastiu ear, U.ST STORAGF- -ACII.! flfVS Dissolution Notice. The partner.bin beretoforlstlns ween I' O Hayne and C L Hucle, doing a general contracting and cement work business In Albany, Oregon, uadsr the urni name ot tiayne a huck, is this dsv dissolved by mutual consent. Those knowing themselves t t be Indebted to the Arm will pleas call and settle I' U ilaynn will continue tbe business. l:eniber I'.'ih, i3 V HAYNE. C I4 Bl l K. rs. Ir. ratlrrsou-vl allnrc Trie S.ited rUh-cyrant aed i.ife K.ler. ts hre. sn,t sn be l.-unil st hvr residfTw ftu 4r i B l-ofc-i:i. she ul; sU'-.it i riMc-t reeeem ae.l fotnre; kre inqM, srsint trirs.ls ami bwiness. V. can bear Irom n ur 011 trieL Js 1 41 m PURELY YE G ETA ME Dr. l'KTce'a Pleasant i'tlicts. They're a compound of reuneu ? lint.mie:il extracts. mm vviih"-"- -- These tiny, sti;ar-coated relicts tho smallest and tnc easiest to taivu absolutelv and permanently euro Constipation, Indigestion, Sick and Uihous neadaencs ifizziuw ,to,.l.j nrd nil deranffcmeilts of tho liver, stomach, and bowels. Thev eure pnnanenwr, uecauso .!. ol n!,ir.llhr 1 lieV U0I1 t shock and weaken tho system, like , , . t -Ml- A ,1 tho huge, oia-iasiiioneu pins. they're more effective. One little Pellet for a corrective or laxative three for a cathartic. They're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, 'or your money is re turned. You pay only for tna good you get. For a perfect and permanent euro of Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedv. Its proprietors offer $500 reward' for an incurable case. l"i,ro for folds. Fevers sni nenerci tie. Wiuj , Small lUi L-a'-s. ?jc per butue. C. JIACKEY, H.D., Phvsician and Surgeon, Offlce ffstalrs orcr tbe Bulk ot Or,gon. KesiJeuce, corner l?lh and Calapooia st. McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. to advantages not found elsewhere Beautiful Location, Saitalile Bnildinss, EfHrient Teacher.', ware r,!,mpKiii ia,f. Five courses of studv Classical. SVientifir. Normal. T.iterr-v nnd P.nsiness. with special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Mu-ic. llusiness course of two years, tiraditates of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to fill high positions. McMinnville is accessible by rail from all parts of the State, on the main trunk of the Southern Pacific R. K. West Side; fifty miles south of Portland Fall Tern Begins Send for t alalogne. Address, Or A J Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Opkns September 27 1893 Closes October :S LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Sr-EciAt. Feaiires Will EcLtrsa Those of axy Pheviols Year. MADAME GIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Constructed at a cost of $10,000 and throwing a t irrasanrl jstt of water in all colors o' the rainbow Kill beautify ilusio Hall. XjJrg-e -A-QXJ-cVE.ixjnyrs Containing lieh cf all varietiis found in Oiegon waters, bars been coostrautei at gnat expenM. THE AET QALLEHY Will contain col.eotion of paiotinsa selected f .-om the World's Fair. Am in,-then, Ellsborg celebrated paiuting, Custer's Last Pight. To visit this greit Eapositioa and view its wonders iu every depsitment of Alt and Science, will be lb next thing to a visit to ihe World's Fair at Chicago. Reduced ratea on ail Transportation Lines. For further information address, E.W.ALLEN. Superiotendcnt and Secretary NEW : FURNITURE, T Y 8 TORE IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE. CONSISTING 1 1 cf bea room sets, chairs, lounge, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. PotTtASP, 0tIS. A. T. AXMSTRO!tG, PsttHClTAL. V Open all tht yw. Stadsnts maj enter at anytime. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. ir.Aiixs rnoTOGK triiKRg, esn aibaar aa J P. FORD, Evmelisl, Of Des M'.:ne, lows, h riles under lste of Matck S3. 18P3: i. n. lifj. VrJ Co.. Dufur, O'ei n. Cn aim in,: h tnie I-t s-tclr. I bjurdali rrell and auainusly a vaitine. Ojr little irl, echt and ooe-IiK years oM, w ho had w-a-tcd anay to 3S pounds, is t):w well, strong sadvia iroa', and well fleshed op. S. B. CoiJRh rnreba dine its wurlj well. Bath of the children like it. Your S li. Concli Cure has cured and kept away a' I hoars. nf Irom me. So give it to cry .ve, with gre-iiDgo fur all. Wiching you (,ruat,eii y. we are Yours, Mn i J F Fonn. Uvea wi,St (.-eliiCTii smI rteertol, snJ rea.iy f.rtht-Sirinj'SMr.irk. c1ai..j y.ur ):cm wlh tl:e lkiihen.l l.ivjr 04.-0. ti, um l J or tliree Wfcsiich -.'Cck. W ccurs pT bt'.Iu Ijy all dnl;;anis. 8 1 1 nr.'lcr a positive girara itce t v J ACCJIMIXG. MITOITY : OF : OREGON, EUGENE Op-s c Mojoav, September lSni Just closed the most prosperous year In its hUtorv. ide range ol studies. 1 ho ouoh instruction. Business course rdded fuiiion free. Entrance fee. $10, Board and lodging at reasunahle rates la the elegant new dormitory and boarding hell on the eampus.where students will receive personal supervision. Jour W. Joiisso:;, McMinnville. Oregon, Tliis College is one of the oldest and best ipped colleges in the Northwest. Kxnenses Light: a boarding hail in the College building on the club plan. President urownson steward, thus guaranteeing good board at tb least possible cost to the student. Hoard can als lie had in private families at f'2.50 to $-1.00 pe: week,, : i.at-Bi.J,-e,. Tbe fine Telescope recently mounted in tin Vow Olwpr-:itorv and the extensive F.ilimrv which students have free access, offen this state. Thirty Aerc Campus, Healthy Surroundings, Tiiorausli Work. September 19th. T. Ci. BROWXSO, President. Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Cabinet photo from $t.cnto $4.00 per coxen. r.nUipirij; pictures a pecialtv. inxao envon? ttameii for $10.00. We :arnr a larce tnck cf and :ereccplc ol Or- FOUR DAYS RAGES at Allmuy, eut. ililb, JIIU, Htb aud lk TL'ESDAYi SirT, 26. Running, inl!e Purse, ijj 3:00 Trot Purse, i j0 Free forll pace Purse, $250 WKI)NEsrAV, SLPl". 37. Runnlny nil!e and repeat. .Purse, fijo jO trot Purse, $ -55 3 year old trot for special counties, Lane i.inn, uentcn, .11 anon, umlnli and Polk Pure, ;oo TIll'KHDAV.HEPT. 2S. Uum.lng Jj mi'.e Purse, $100 2:40 trot Purte, ;oo 2 year o'd trot for special co.inties. Lane, Linn, Benton, Marion, Yamkill and t'olk Purse, $150 FRIDAY, SETT. 29. Runii!nz 1 n.ile Pur.e.Sico Trot, free for all Purse, $250 Trot. 3 ear old for Linn Co. .Purse, ioo Notice of Assignment, NCTICF it hereby eiven tht I.aac Bata of AlbaDV, Crejoq, has daly atipned to the anilersiffocd tgsicDce ill bit j.roperty and elf -ct for tho Unetit of his creditoi. uoder and by virtue of the general &.igouieat laws cf the state of Oregon, and the under- tinned hasheretofo:e tt -wit on the 25th dij of August, 1SI'3( daly qaaliticd t Bach asiipnee. All penoos having claims agaiDnt said insolvent and the eitate thereof are hereby required to present the same to the under signed at the storehouse buildibg of Itaso Beam, in the city of A Ibany, Oregon, under oath within three months from this date. Dated tnis 2ad day of September. A D. 1803. R K CANTERBURY, As:puee of Iiaac Beam, an insolvcot. WANTED At Ihe store formerly owned bs Allen Bros, BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BAtJON. and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash pries possible. B F RAMP ALBANY COLLEGE.: Send for Catalogue. Addresf , REV. E. N. COSDIT, Albany, Oregon. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : in : the : Met,' AT Fortmiller k Ining's. AoMtsj WA5TEDonSaIarranJCommi3io for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Eionrapliy of JAMES G. BLAIKI, Be Vail HaviLTox, hi literary eaec with th co-operatmo of fcf family, aad " Mr. Bums'. Complete Woiki, "I""1 Ykau or Co!irw," and hi later bo "Fol.lTICAl Dl rsslO!t," On propeea for these 3 exT siluo book in th V" et. AK? Jordan of Me..too 112 rd'" Irom lirst 110 calls: agent's pro6t Jl!5; Mr Ballard of 0. look lo order. I?" liussia, in I dav: prolit $-2r'.25. E S of Mim. to,.k 27 order in 2 dav: r0" $l7-2.'- J l'atri.lge of Me, took 43 dr from ,1rl calls; profit $73. S3. E A Falasn of N. Dak. tcM.t M orders in Sdays: P"it S'JU.S.i. Kxi'li hivr TtRRrroaT ireo. l' yea wish Is snake I.AKE M0J5Y wr lmmhately for term to The Honrj Pill Tub. Co.,Xorni(li,Coi M&KEY TO ICN AT 6 FER CIT OH CITY PKCFERTY. U SENDERS