1 3 - if li M ; 1 1.'' i! Ji 1 " aa---" i ," : i i THE 81'IKIT Of THOTi:l.rii, ' "Protection" as promulgated by McKin and other protection leader is morally ,rong. Truly it is the very riuintess nee 'I oppression. It seeks to abrogate that principle of equality between man and iian, equal rights to all and ipecial privi eges to now, that was the shibboleth of ivery patriot who drank in that spirit of iberty which so mightily moved men in he days of the revolutionary fathers, las, how seliishn;ss now sways the action ft men, when, then tlio spirit of liberty ruled supreme, Protection seeks to pro- i i... f- nn rlniii (a small one, pure Bummagu .yn.) at the expense of all other citizens. it is constitutionally and morally wrong o tax one to benefit the business of anoth er. In the effort to do this its promoters Ibccomo dictatorial and arro-rant. A" tew hays ago ono Oxnard, of Nebraska, presi dent of tho American licet Sugar Associa tion, was before tho ways and menus com mittee of the house to protest against the ,rnnl of the suirar bounty law, which pro vides that sugar producers shall be paid a rbounty of two ccntB per pound for every :fnnun,lof suirar they produce or make. ; This bounty is paid out of the people's i money from the United States treasury. ;;lt amounts to about twelve million do'Iare ' I ."annually. This man, Oxnard, told the 1 j!jsame old story about the ruin that would i , ii in ff)BA the yovenane me sugar muu"j -- i,.,.. 1,1 lw, repealed. In bis Izenltonromotebisown interest and that AN OI'I'OltTUMTV Wh is needed nd all that ts nctJed In the Senate no Is capable leadership. Ve have hsU five weeks ot peecn-ma- . . . .... ,-. ing upon subject v. uicn s'v understooJ and upon which the people had made up their minds even before Congress met. 'i'lie period of oratory n9 ia-cu. Tint ot management has began. The pressing need o( the hour is a IcaJer. lie must be tactful and resourceful and must have demonstrated capicity lor di rection which will lnspirj confidence In the winds ol hii follower's. Of all the meiubsrs of Hie Senile who favor repeal one stands fotlh conspicuously as the bes equipped for this tatk. lie Is Senator Gorman. (In ability s a parli amentarian and a manager proved by the success ffhich crowned his conduct of the fighl against the Force bill. His till) is so well recognized that none of Us col leagues holding the same views could pos sibly consider It a reflection upon his own nualificatlons to follow Senator Gorman's lead. Ki-n.itnr r-ormin made the rr.ost of one opportunity to achieve distinction by in jecting all the force of his Intellect, energy and personality Into the contest. Another and a preater opportunity awaits him to day. Will he not selzs it promptly, add fre6h laurels to those which he has already mer ited and obtained, an t by a second and greater serylce win the plaudits ol a dis gusted people? Trie opportunity is here. Is the man ready and wlllln g? Aim You fioi.so East Remember the Uiiion Pacific is the only mad that ran sell vou a finrtxlass ticket to Kansas City for .-.G0. Sioux City for rJ.UO. Omaha for fc'.I.OO, St Urnis for $:I.UO. t ur first-class rate to Chicago is $VM and all other points proiwrtioiiHtely low. Note the time voutan save via tho Union Pacific. I ort laml to ( hiiago, twenty-ono hours: 1 ort- land to (liuaha. forty-one Hours: i onniuu to St Louis, twenty-live hours. Krw rei-ltn- ihair ears. lounst una i unman l.-.! AitiimnihilKms uiwirlKi'isetl. lor rates or particulars call upon or address l.TltllAXlV olHVII-.rni. Local Agnt Union l'acitic, Albany, Oregon. of those who paid him well for his services ! ii; in their behalf, be declared that congress I 1 1; has no moral right to repeal the sugar It ' i bounty clause of the SIcKinley law. Such ij i); arrogance called for unmixed contempt of the committee. But s i' .thisia thospiiit of protectionism Foraj r, f hundred years the people or me uBu. i'j i i states have been making sugar without a ! ! bounty. Why the need for itnow? TLesc J ' men declnring that congress has no moral j : right to repeal the eugar bounlyjlaw, com !' mit themtelves to the proposition that ag ii ''grecated capital may enlist the services of i; J ; a political party to pass a highly protective ij tariff law for their benefit, and, after in I t ducing the government to place its strong arm upon the taxpayers in their behalf, declare that these Bimo taxpayers have no . I :.-l.l in nulol anal, inpyniiAnlilA nn- U1VIIII USUI v iww. -r pression. Down upon such desertion of the principles of common honesty. Every railway should have its surgeon Ho Is a necessity as much as Its lawyer, its president, or even its supeiintendent. The professions of both law and medicine are now a necessity for the proper management andcMiduct of a railway. The railway tnreeon came, perhaps, last, but he has come to stay, and no railway of importance can now dispense with this ofticei. How's .This! Wootter Ono Hundred Dollarsrcwardforan; ease of Catarrh that cannot be eared byHalTa' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Sl CO., Toledo, O, We. the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney ilor the last 15 years, and believe him pr ct!y honorable in all business transactions a jancli.il)' able to carry out auy obligations W-jbythelrurm. . WEsT&TRVAX.Whoiesule flraKrHsts.Toledo.O, 'VVALDitfo. Kinnav &MAnvi.N, Wholesale lruB- J F. HID,. Of Dcs Moiae.. lr. " j. B. Co.. Dufur, Oregon. dcitt'.tmtn t I found all Our little LIKE A THIEF J.Y THE NIGHT airl. Consumption comes. A tdight eolJ, I rt VI IT W ,11 tno lonL'. The irroa. World's Fair will be closed in a few weeks. The traveling public are fully uhve to tne factthut the Chicago Luion laciuc Northwe-teJn Line still leads in tune and accommodations to the east, lieniemiier that a wlwle day may l saven wmt .ic contingent s by taking tne i mou 1 aviuc 10 iiiuvgo. -i with your eysti-m in to scroiuiuu. condition that's caused l)y imimro blood, is enotmh to tasien it. u i you. That is tho timo wlien neglect and delay are full of danger. IVinsrmlliUon is i.uiiK-uciu...... You can mewnt it, r.na you can ical jjiscovitj. iee lh Few Improved Singer sewing ma- p0tent blond -cleanser, Btrcmrtll lie. Tl. ' is alwsys tr.u chespest. ) gtorcr an,l Uesll-blli'i.ler that's kn Snwden, ,.ent, CUice at F M French a Bcicnce. For every See ewelry store Ilr.i'ces & ileFarlacd, .it. Ail-any, Ci. Albany Karbel "Vn...-I7c. Cam, 21i. I 'm:r, f4.0n. ' utter, 25o. Eu-gs. I!. T.rl. 12 to 15.1. Pork -hatnn 12 to 15 s alioul.'.ers to 10e( 1T. II to 13o Hay, baled. 17 vo atoea, 40o. Applea,l 00 Bona. 103. Dried fruit pi urns, 93, apple. Hn. Chickens, ti 03 ner dozen. Beef, on foot, Hogs, dreased. tfj. euro it, if von navent, aiw Ion"-, with ur. l'lc rce 8 uouira iu icaf Discovery. Tlint is tho most strcngin- re nown cry dis ease that has to be reac'ioil through the leading diuu tho blood, like Consumption, lot Sorofula in all its torms, vcak Luno-s, Bronchitis, Asthma, ana nil severe, lingering Coughs, it is nlr nunranleed remedy. If doesn't benefit or cure, you your money back. i , Tlx. nronrietors of Dr. Sace's Ca tarrh liemcdy know that their medi cine perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it to you, they make this offer : If they can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your ViUU AS, 1 ' i J J the it have To Farmers T. C. JIAf KEY, 31. B., FOUR DAYS RACES at lb1oj,lieH.Sl:li.t''. TilU an.l IK) Running, TUKSIIW, StVT, )! mile 26. On arriving h .mo list week II amt aui. , , h h,j BU.. W S B. Cough i'u has d me its w..ra we I Hotn oi i" si'"iiu ; ; r .n , P h.m cured and iteus o". w"h gra-iingsfor all. Wishing you iuun'i " v Ki-.hi wU'ito ru-jlitwi ani clwrfu1. wl wwlj ll.-lacliu ami l.ivjrvJw, u, 511 cents wr b jtvlo ! all ilni'Aista, I'urse, $150 3:00 Trot.... lurtc. '5 Free for all pace Pu,,i5o WEDNESUAV, fiKl'T. 27. Running !i mile and repeat. .Purse, t.ifa -o trot 1 "- 3 s s lluii'ldrarositive ifitaraileo l.',' t year old trot for special counties, Lane, Linn Denton, Marion, Yamhill ami Folk Vmc JOC TIIL'ltStlAV, KEPT. 23. Running ?J mile ..I'urse, $,oo j:4o trot I'urse, $200 . year o'd trot for special co.inllcs, Lane, " ' Lhm llenton, Marion, Yamkill and ,.0lk.' I'urse, $150 FR1UAV, SKIT. 2J. . Running i ".He I'urse. ?i.so Trot, tree for all Purse, 8:50 Trot. 2 year old for i.inn v-o. .:-urse, 3100 J A CUM MING. Orllce UftU'rs over tho Physician and Surgeon, U411K 01 ,'n KUu. Ucanionco, corner lull, au ... UNIVERSITY : OF : EUGENE Oi'iS Monday, Sxptcudkb 1Stii Just closed the most proiperous year in Its historv. wine range or stuuies. 1110 .,i, intin.rilnn Huslness course edded Pitlilnn free. Entrance fee. $10. Hoard and lodging at reasonable rates In the elegant new dctmitory and toardlng hell on the eampus.wnrestuueius wui icwiv. personal supervision. Jons W. Joiisso:;, WANTED TnU,tn O TTnll'a fntmrrh Pltrf" it tntZPTl lntenisllIV. UCt- Jnftdlrectly u pontile blood ond ihucouh surfaces ot tho uy st em. Testimonials sunt free. , tuw 7K. par bottle Bold by all Ccufcgisis It One of the most beautiful and sonl-in-.mrino- aneclacles ever beheld in the lowe linnm of coneress was beheld in that body yesterday. The occasion was the attempt of Bully Heed to so fillibuslcr as to prevent committees from reporting on certain bills thnt hail been referred to them, among them being the Tucker bill which provides for the repeal of tho federal election laws. Reed resorted to all the tactics known ,to him, but the prompt lulings of Speaker Crisp were too much for Held and his tru c llent lieutenant, Burroughs, of Michigan, and they were completely vanciuished. It was all done without the use of such rules 11s Reed and his crew adopted in the 5M congress. Keed at one point undertook to l.ll i-rUn w. thnt irentleman. wlio is just as brave as he is cool, ordered tholcKir to take his seat when attempting lo speak oat of order. Ueed stood for a momen pale with rage, but seeing tho courageous, determined spirit of the speaker, he sank into his scat and subsided like a trounced .spaniel. Served him right. O! the Agony Of Thooo who Suffer from Scrofula Hood'B Sarsaparllla Furtlet, Soothes, llcala, CUBES. I HAVE RESTED THE MAGNOLIA Mill warehouse and will have it in prod order for receiving the present croy. The warehouse is first class and conveniently located. Contains wo good cleaners. No delay in unloading. Sacks will bt 00 hand for dotivery in due tio-e. Give me a call before making arrangements to store yoar Crop. li. F. SIMFSOJi. Albany, Or., July 15th, 1893. McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE ia hereby given that Isaac Beam of Albany, Oregon, has duly assigned to the undersigned assignee sll bis property and effcttt for tho bcuerit of his creditors, under and by virtue of tho goneril assignment laws of the state of Oregon, and the under signed hasherptnfo.e to-wit on the 2oth day cf August, 1S93, duly qualified a such Mitiirnea. All perrons having c'aims sgainat said insolveut and the estate tnereol are uereoy rpnuired to oreaent the same to the nniler- sigued at the store honse building of Isaac Beam, in the city of Albany, Oregon, under oath within three months from this date. Dated this 2nd day of September. A D, ISM. R K CANTERBURY, Ars'gnee of Isaac Beam, an insolvent. rilRESPASS rOTICE.- All hunters) are I hereby noilllwi not to trespass upon the enclosed premiseaof the undersigned, seven and hall nijles oast of Albany, unless permission Is first obtained. I shall prosecute all who thus trespass1. K M BUKKff ART. in McMinnville. Oregon, This Colleue is one of the oldest and best uipped colleges in the Northwest. advantages not found elsewhere Beautiful Location, Miitam l!iiil(!iiis, Eilirient leathers, Expenses Light; a boarding hail in the College building on the club plan, President Brownson steward, thus guaranteeing goou uoaru at ur least possible cost to the student. Board can als be had in privnte families at $2.50 to &I.00 pet week, including lodging. The fine Telescope recently mounted in Us Olswrvntnrv and the extensive Library tr. whii-h students have free access, often this state. Tlili ty Acre Campus, Healthy SurrnuiKlings, Ihoroiigl. Work. Vl,v, mnn nf stnilv rinssionl. Scientific. Normal. Literary and Business, with ...1 . ; Vi n,i lnetnininntnl Atimip. Husinoss course cf two years. Graduates of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and arc in demand to fill high positions. McMinnville is accessible bv rail from all parts of the State, on the main trunK 01 tne souinern racinc iv. a. tvescome, uuj umw - Fall Terra Begins September 19th. Scud for Catalogue. Address. T. . BKUWJSIIJI, i-remaen Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. At the stoie Allen Bros., brmerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the. best cash price possible. B F RAMP Star Bakerj 'ornronclflllii and Flrnt SU CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIEIOR, l null, 4 rrnils, Ulastttrarn, isrled Froit- Tobacco. Nagur, nee, Kt DULBR IK nuaes4 .Hes (tneenswarr. Vegolable, 'lgari) Npleea. Tea. Etc.. fao eveo'tlituir that Is kept in a gener varioty and eoocery store, lllglieat market price paid for sVT.Ia KINDS OF PRODUCE ( 1 r . It has b-cn shown by analysis that yjung person weighing IM pounds is coni pjscd of 96 pounds of water, three pounds of white of egg, a Utile less than ont pound of pure glue, .111 pounds of fat, 8! pounds of phosphato .of lime, one pound of carbonate of lime, thrco ounces of sugar and starch, seven ounces of fluoride of cal cium, six ounces of phosphate of magnesia, nnd a little ordinary table salt. Think of it, young man! That lreautiful young lady whom you worship as a pillar of unadul terated sweetness doesn't contain time ounces of sugar. -i It Is claimed Hut over 700,000 sheep are annually killed by dogs, the value of the mutton and wool thus destroyed being es timated at fAOOO.OlX). H i estimated that there is invesled this country, in 'c- form or another, some thing like $900,000,000 of foreign money, all gold or its eipuvulent. Ur. T. V. Johnson San Jose, CaL m I have for many years been a great sufferer from tCBOPl'LA breaking out on my arms and less; they were covered with eruption and sores, diarbarglDg all time. 1 tried very many medicines and consulted physicians far and near, but csmstaisllr grew worse. X bare taken but three bottles ot li cod's Sarsapa. Hood's 'u Cures rtlla for rheumatism, and has derived so much benefit from It that she declares then Is no other medicine oa earth. Wo would not b without It In the house If It casta $20 a bottle." T. VanLEY Joiissox, San Jose, CaL N. 11. 110 sure to get Hood's 8nrsaparlLla. Hood'o Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficltatly, on Uie liver and bowala, 22a. DRUGS. Dissolution Notice. Tha narlner thin heretofore exfstlnff be venon II G Havne tnd C L Buck, doing a general contracting and cement work business in Ainanv, uregoa, unuer me firm nama of Havne Jt Buck. Is this da; dissolved by mutual consent. Those knowing uinrnselves to be Imietiieri to the firm will please call .nl settlo U f tlayno will continue tne ousiness. Keptomber itnn, isu3 TJuHAYNE, C. I, BUCK. Notice to Tax-Payere. -sxTOTICE IS HF.REBY GIVEN THAT ill the bom d of equalijittion for Una county, Oregon, win ston Monday, the 2nd d'sv of October, 1893, and attend at the nrllrac.f the county clerk of said county, and there publicly examine the assessment rolls at said county for said sear ard eoi reot all errors in valuation (lenerintion nr nunti'iea of lands, lots or otberpmperty. 8aid board will continue In smsion one week. All persons Inter ested are bereoy notified to appear at said lime and place. WFDEAKINS, Assessor for Linn county, Or tkptsmber l.th, 13. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Oralis September 37 1893 Closes October jS LIBERATl'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Sr-Eci.r. Features Will Eclipse T1103E op asv 1'rkvious. ims, MADAME GIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Constructed at a cost of 510,000 and throwiog a thousand j utt of water In all colors o the rainbow win neaucuy juusio nan. - LARGE AQTTABIUMS Containing Bth of all varieiics found in Oiegon waters, Lave been constructed at gnat expense. THE lJRT G-A-XjXjE K Will contain a col.ection of paintings selected from tha World's Fair. Among them Ellsburas oelabrated paiuting. Coster's Last fight. To visit this groat Exposition and View its wonders lu every aepanineoi uc uu . ... - visit to ihe World's Fair at Chicago. Keduced rates on ail iransportation Lines. For further information address, j h. w. ALLfcM, Saperintendcnt and Secretary Ao kxts Wasted on Salary and Commission forTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED BiOE Of JAMES G.BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the co-operation of his family, and for Mr. Blaine's Complete Works, '-Twenty Years or Congress," and his later booa, "Political Disccssioxs." One prospectus for these 3 best selling books in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from first 110 calls; agent's profit tJlBB.oO. Mrs Ballard ofO, took 15 orders, 13 Seal Russia, in 1 day; profit $20.25. E N Rice of Mass, took 27 orders in 2 days; profit $47.25 . J Patrldge of Me. took 43 orders from 3B calls; pront 3ja.-.o. x. a rainier of N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 days; profit $08.25. Exclusive Territory p"6 1. ir yon wish to make LARGE MOM V write immediately lor terma 10 The Henry Dill Pul). Co. ,lorwicli,Copii . 1 A large factory in Fairfield, Me, expects to save about IH0.000 yearly by burning sawdust instead of coal. iLBAUT FDRMTM CO Baltimore Block, Albany, Ore. -o UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE&JAMES, Frorr'etors Stationery, Toilet Articles, MtuicA lnstrumen'8, Etc Hodps & McFaflail, he CJrnir D.-uj S'.ure,". A'bny.ij. MONEY TO 10AN AT 6 FER C'kT ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS NEW : FURNITURE, MY STOKE IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FUItNITUUE, CONSISTING of bed room sets, chairs, lennges, etc., which I will sell at ftedCrownMills BOTTOM PRICES. JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. w frocrss ruina strnaioR tor rasil'.ir ARD UISM VST. f KT STORAGE FACILt TIES Notice of Dissolution NOTICK Is hereliy BlTt?n-tht Ihn nn derwlirned (leo P Cmmei Rl hr He ocinnosinff thp pnrtnorabip Arm fit Cr tiier i have this dy l.Mo!rel pttrtnerffhlp y mutiw! wnient Frea will Uli continue lulre"K at the old ln:l. All frminft lml?htpl lo the lute flun of Cramer A H ensure rrquwinl to ray the mine at rnce to Ueo y r:tfht at hi law otfloe, Albanv. Oregon . Hated tbij Sept ISthtl i-: PcR.AMK;,, REVERE HOUSE .IB ANY OREC'I AS. I'FKIFFEK rROPRlETOR rs. Dr. Tlioss Brink. 7y , ALBANY COLLEGE, Send for Catalogue. AildrfBP, KEV. E. N. CONDIT, Albany, Oregon. PoRTLaao, Oasoo. A. P. Aansiaoso, ParxcirAU Open sll the yer. Students may enter t snjr time. Catalogue free. X5 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. I'attvraan-Wallnrc Tuit -d UU ft.ler. it 1MW j Sm TVs W.tsNl lla.n.tTU!! here, and nrn b l-'Un.l at hr rrwU'n.Mxt J tt C.'tfi!!'. Mh Ml mtut nil fijett. ft I pTT-vnt n.t fiitnfr ; trotiM-.-, abfent tiicmls aiij 1 ItiuMttr. You ." Imm troiu Ttur JvJ fikta.it. OH1. l.KAIMXti PBOTOUKAPnERS, Cabinet photo from $1.50 to $4.00 r .Wen. Enltmina picture a SyVpeclalty. iao crayon- framed "&rJiot Sio'oo. We w;y a large stock egon. CARPETS, WALLPAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW! SHADES, Best : in Jtte : Wtt,5 AT- FoTtmiller ;k Inrtng'i