s ! ?1 ( VOL VI ALBANY, OREGON, THURSDAY-. SEPTEMBER til, iSDO. NO U5 i h a is Mrs. J. H. lIoRsxviEi:f 152 Pacific Ave, bantu Cruz, Cal., writes: "When a prirl at school, hi Reading, Ohio, I hail u aovcro attack of brain fever. On iny recovery, 1 found myself perfectly bald, nnd, fur a long time, I irnred I sliould be permanently so. Friends urged mo to use Ayor's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as 4i lie could wish for, being changed, how ever, from 1 londe to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair camo out in cowbfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor anil now my hair Is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I havo recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, HS0 Ucgiua St., Ilarrislnirg, Pn. " I hnve used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made." C. T. Arnctt, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. The Oregon iVttn it home office at .lie Gray Block, corner Liberty nd State atreet, branch office In Portland MAKES a specialty of Punnysule fruit tracis near oalenj Will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per be small cash payment lore time on balance or particulars. Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, OHEG-ON. HE LEADING NOBMALSCHOOI. ot the North went Stronir nrofes lior.al and academic course, and well or ganized Model School for Practical Train- Sol teacher. Norma!, Advanced Nor- aI.UuMne Muttf itn1 Art IVnarlmem. PcautUul and healthful location. Lfghtj perue no snlooi.s. The Normal has loved a steady erowth durine ihe pas: fear, reaching mi mnilmeni of over joo. pic largest in Us history. ,ew mcmoer are been added to the facully.new appar ' supplied, and the course ot stu.iy re ied and strentrihened. The eradiate I'ploma entitles the holder to teach In am ountv In the state without farther exam Ariilmp, I.. AN Fat ELL, PtCF..orf SIILIJD, Sec ofFaeulty, Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar "ls very latest, 'news is DWOHL3 BAZAAR, for Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Suar White 100 No. 1 Xersene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 ! Oallons Good Pickles.market firm 1.10 a Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 . mrrtnrt . afrlctciiah atore. and all aoorta will be eolr! for r.et cosh frmn I ,s'rfli. I""" than regular price. iro i!f a rabl yl of iilnhM, as well tit rtr' iponlbleln8urancocairDie. Jallaa Vradwohl. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta fenily yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the Bys tera effectually, dispels colds, head aches nrd fevers nnd cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all- and havo mncta it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fcr sale in 50c and 81 bottles by nil lcadir.g drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any cue who wishes to try it. 1)j not acc.-jt any substitute. x CALIFORNIA FID SYRUP $0. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL wuisviiu, nr. row .r. L Ml.iiKTOSB, : Arcliltcrt nml Contractor. a vrnfrdyrs with lluibnrt. Pro., te vcrif. JLand Co - .y nations. Tuition. Normal, $6.25 per term if 10 week;; iSuo-Nurrral, ;.oo per t?rm of 10 weeks; Business, $6.2$ per term.1 Hoard ot Normal Dining Hall, $1.75 per week. Rooms from 50c per week (un furnished) to $100 and $1.35 furnished. UoarCand lodgin tn pn vite familic,$3 50 to $4,00 per week. Tultion.boardodglng 'and books less than $i5oper vear, Con iervatiry of MuIc. Thorough courses Lire offered In vocal and Instrumental mu le. Tuition, $10 per term of 20 lessons. Monmouth is family accessible from all parts of th State, twelve miles from the State Capltal,ity miles couth of Portland Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. that you can buy at JULIUS net cash, goods as follows: , My Hock of Chlnaware, foncy Kooda, uni a. a general a.rtmont of grocerl, crnct- KI.Kt riOXS ANU1IIE TARIl'F. Whtn tliereU nothing in a nuesllon to make trouble it i rt.i.onabIc to yesume ihat no Irmblc mite. On ll:e tailft and Fcdsral clrction laws the democratic paity i 60 hairaonious 'that it is only a matter of getting a bill before either bouse. Federal interference with elections Is a relic o( mar;ial law. The democratic par ty opened business in orjer to protect local and Individual liberty. Thercfcre it is bound to r.-peal all laws for putting Mar shals and Deputy Man hals around pulling place-. President are e'ected by States Every jState elects l0 Senators. Cong ressional feats a-e apportioned to States and ilcctcd by the people of districts which never cross State lines. Management of elections l elnngs to the States, The Feb eral Government is made up of contribut ions from the Slates anr! Its officials are the el'izens of States. It has m right to lay a strong hand on its creators. The democratic party will wipe out John Davenport and his kind. The first good bill for tint purpose otTirerl should be re ported and voted upon as soon as circum stances will permit. The taiiff reform bill is In the some cate gory of settled democratic policy. It is no: necessary to use either reform measure to further complicate the currency debate. St Louis Jl. fiMk Always fitting tisilnractlua: , B randreth's Pills have always g'ven lisfaction. In fiflvvears there "has be-n no complaint of them. That is nbout their life in the United States and millions of persons have used them. There Is no doubt that they have established them selves by merit" alone. They cure rheu matism, dyspepsia, piles, liver complaint, biliousness, and any disease a:lslncr from an impure stnte of the blood. One or two at night on an empty stomach fur a week or two, will keep ouin good form and rone up ine svstem. J hf v are nurel7 vegetable, absolutely harmless, and safj to taKe at any lime. Sold in every drug or medicine store. either plain or sugar coated. We Have to Eat anvwav. The bet ter the groceries the more enjoyable life is, and while we do not all live simply to eat, we certainly ear to live. If you get your groceries and baked, goods of Parker Brothers you nra bound to live well if it is only on a loaf of re bread. They keep the best In everything, and soli at prices that satisfy regardless of times. Coll on them. A Ynlupble Hcmed, lion Edmund L Pitts, the late president of the New York State Senate, writes: State of New York,Senaie Chamber, Albany, marcn rrtn, 1330. I have used Ailcock's Porous Piasters In my family for the past five years, and ran truthfully say they are a valuable remedy and trtect great cures, t would not be without them. ( have in several Instances given some tftUnds suffering with weak and lame backs, and the' have invariably afforded certain and speedy re lief. They cannot be too highly com mended. . JCew OrtAts Rates. The Oregon Pacific Railway lias made the exceptionally low rate of 82.RO per ton on wheat and oats to Sarr Francisco. Tho company is standing by the fanners nnd have been led to make this reduction in view of the extremely low prices now prevailing in hopes that it will advance very soon. Reduction takes effect Sept 8th. Hhtlnha fit. !!... ...n nmmA f. dyspepsts. tcrpitl liver, yellow skin nr kid ney trouble. It is pniirint.rd' to cive yon satisfaction. Price 75e. K ld by Fi.'Shay & ruaaoc. WlDDINO ISVITAVIOSS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, (iolden 1 ' Common every day. gify Smiley. Au Ynr Frleoils Who have taken Hood. Sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be potitlve in its f.ivor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it Indispensable for sick headache, others repoit remarkab'e cu es nf scrofula, salt rheum and other blocu) deases,still others will tell you that It overcomes "that tired feedne,'' and 10 on. Tru'v. the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsaparilla re ceives i the hearty endorsement of the army rf friends It has won by its positive 11 1 -1 a 1 mrr F.w PnoTnoRAPiir.n. I ham onrned n new irallnry In th Y. M. t A. block. 2nd street, Albunr, nnd will try hard to plu I will take all size and stvlen of nhotos as ffwxl a the bent and iu chenn a. tlm cheap est, i am no traveling photo here today ann tronc tomorrow, but haw rome with wife nnd children to make a home in mm glorious climnte I have come to rny. Please call and we tme and try nry work. Very iwiwct fully youn. . A. iiAMMKU.. f Ate of Toronto. Canada. I Marrlae ii rl!re Vno shall decide Ir? We haveconclud ed long ago that It U a ucce every time with Simmon Llvrr Rrgujator In the hou. I: promo'cs hirmonv and good nature by preventln)? mnj a'ack of ihe enemy ; inaigr-Minn qk drrpia, which mae dtucord in the btihten home, You will find the rrulaior a cood rei-e- dy for billiouflnert anrt sick headeche. It w the household friend. TELEGRAPHIC W Am liuprovrmtut. Washington. Sej3t. 20. Tho daily statement of the United States treasurer shows for Iho first time in two weeks the receipts of tho govemnipnt to be in exces of the expenditures. The fiirures for the month thus Nr stun J as follows: Keceipts, S17,,8.M; expenditures. 817,062.000. Of the latter amount, 8.518.000 were on account of pensions. The gold reserve to day was 805.CS4.:tl7, and the net balance is now 811.819,278. flie Brvulutlon. New Vottk. Sept. 20.-Hie Herald's special from Montevideo says favorable news for the icvolutionary party In Urazil has been received there. The rebels nre becoming bolder and are preRsing the ad vantage they have gained. In the capture of Nichthoroy, the government forces lost 00 killed and i2 wounded, in Montevideo it is firmly believed that the triumph of Admiral Mello means the restoration of the monarchy. The state of San Paulo hnv declared in favcr of the rebels. He Milt Fight. St. Paul. Minn., Sept. 20. Adolph Krug. who. ns city treasurer of Seattle, embezzled 81GU.000 of that city's funds. not going back to Washington without a hot kgal fight. Ho was arrested here Monday, and at first said he would return to Seattle as soon ns omcere arrived from that place: but today he chanced iih mind and engaged counsel and began habeas corpus proceeding?. The case will come up uetore .mage i-gan tomorrow. Ulubt In UUnnlft. Tkrhr Haute, Intl., Sept. 20.--The soutuununu express on the Illinois Central railroad was held up nnd robbed by six men near Kninirbam. III., at 9:30 o'clock tonight. The tire man was killed and the conductor and engineer both seriously but not tat u My injured. I wo ot the tram robbers were captured, the other four tak ing to the woods with tho bounty. How much was secured is not known. Fell Throu&ll. AsTOiiiA. Sent. 20. A teleirr.am was re ceived here tonight from VV H Hemington. acknowledging that he hid tailed,. to con nect, and that he had not been nble to fix up the financial an airs in connection wuh the Astoria & Portland railroad. Tho 00 days' extension he was granted runs out Friday, and matters are evidently in the same condition as tuey were vv days ago. A Cnfelon. M Aittr ettk, Mich', Sept. 20. It is known positively that LaUbcrty has made a lull confession in the case of the Mineral Range train robbery. Hogan niado some statements considered to incriminate him pelf. Kinir appeared anxious to talk yes terday, but tne officers did not give him an opportunity. From a reliable source it is learned Ihe amount sto en was over yJU.UUO. The True Lauiilve Prlnrlple Of the plant used In mar.ufactuilne the pleasfint remedy, Syrun of Figs, hat a permanently beneficial effect on the human ty stem, while the cheap vegetable extiacts and mineral solullons,uMially sold as med icines, are permanently Injurious. Being well Informed, you wil unc the true rem edy only. Manufacture by the Cat.- lornia rig ayrup f-o. Vara Along, don't stand idle. Its the man who keeps movitur that cenerullv succeeds in life, i ou can't help moving on when taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. It cleanses the sys tem from all poison and ponds the ihoou through tho veins at a good round pin. Ihe nemilator is the beet insurance ihmic against indigestion and dyspepsia. Koth- lngmaimous nuout Minmoiw i.iver itegn lator. NEVKR BOTHER j ourcel! very much about huslness during the hot months If you Uh to keep cool: nor Must you get imotbe habit of asking A MAN f It is hot enouiih for him, w.ien you can see very plain'y that he I practically roatded: but, inhtead, a-ivtue htm to call on Parker Brother and get the be Inked tgoods to be secuttd, as well as v jrm w-cther grr-cerica general!, WHEN HE IS HOP. By so doing you will aiire'y rt -in bis Iriendnntp, On ;"..!?; ntle lunn even nlicf.f for a etk (uuuboTcrr ' ri)Tcr. Zjc. pr buttla VTArn uF trato, c-rrv or j.uleoc, r . LUCA COVMTY. i . , TnAmc J. Ciikxrv makea oath tht .ie Is t j senior partner of the Arm of P. J. ChbseyACo. , dolna bjilness tn tho City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, ann tnat ata nrm win pay the atim of ONK 1IUNDIIKD DULL At for each and every cae of Catarrh that cannot ba cared by the use of Uaix's Oatabrh Ci . ' FRANK J. CHKNEY. flworn to before me and iraberlb?d la my preaenoe, thiafith day ot December, A.D. lma. j SKAU A. W. OLE A SON, Notary Public. HalVs Catarrh Ctitp Istofceti Intprnallyand acta directly on the blood rnd mucous anrfaoeaof theeiratcm. Hend for Wimonbla, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., loledo. O. r Sold by DraggikU, ?Sc. The only Pare Cream of Tartar Towder No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard Highest of &H tti Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report R fa ABSOUUTEUtT PURE Our Publte rsrhoola Are the main-stay of our republic. In them are being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law makers and leaders In every walk of lite. How essential it la that these minds should be united in strong, healthy bodies. So many children suiter fro:r. Impurities and poUonsln the blood that It is a wonder that they ever giow up to be men and women. Many parents cannot And words strong enough to express their gratitude to Hood's ar tapatlllu for Its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood nre ettectually and permanently cured by tMs excellent medi cine.and the whole being i&given strength to resist attacks of disease. A Great CoNvBxiEKCE,-YorId's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Tad Ac R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located la the heart of the city, has betn fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about ioo rooms handsomely furnished and each room s supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. 'I he charge for accommoda tions are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms In advance by railing upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort cf all transfer In that city, and can also travel between the u rand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two poluts. C G BURKHART, Agent at Albany. Caution. I nidations have been put upon the market so closely resembling Ailcock's Porous Plaster in general appearance as tone well calculated to deceive. It 1c, however, in general appearance only that they compare with Ailcock's, for they are wome than worthless, inasmuch as'they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to caue serious injury. Remember that Ailcock's are the only trenulne porous plasters the beitt external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not onlv ask for hut see that you get Allcock' Porous Plasters. . 1own go Tim Rates, The Union Pa cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern points.und their tl trough ear arrangement, magnificently equipped Pullman and Tour ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it the bent line to travel. Two trains leivc from Portland daily at 8:4t am and 7:U0 p m. Tho rates are now within m.ifh nf nil nnd pvervlwlr fthnnlil fnlrn nri- I vantage of them to vUit the World's fairand their friends in the east. Nmd tor rates nnd schedules of trains, nnd do not pur chase tickets nntil nfter consulting Curan & Montcith, Albany, r. Wr II ni;it!.mT, Ass't Oen'l 1W. Ag;nt, U. P. Portlund, Or. Shdoh's Cne. the sreit cootth and en-tip care, in for ftl t(y ns. Pockt ' crntain twent.-Hv rtneouty C3c. Child rrn lave it P. .sha ft Ms'-b. To Farmkr.--The undtfrigned , liva Uaed the wircSuuse of Dvid S ni:h ft Tillman md now prepared 're gram, and all t mnia re rrqueited o c ii no rt-thfin' fire mkios arranem 'i.t for utofsn" oImv- here. FROr k f AMJF.RH. Uvcff of many men remin-1 us We i j- i . m '' m -1 i lit- , i i ; 1 I i : i ; I i ' . . I I ' i 1 Twenty Irarn rxperleee, C D Fredrick. Ihe well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says "I havel""" u?lng "Ailcock's Poi ous Planer for mm eats, nnd found them one of the bev f familr medlclde. Briefly summln up my experience, I say that when place ' .n ihe small of the back Ailcock's Plastv fill the boJv with ncr. roue energy, aim thua cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, debt y and Kidney dlfficul lea. For wom and chtUlren I have oundlhem inva! isble. They never Inl ate the skin ot r-te the allghtert pain, but cure aorelhrt..tt coughs, cold, pain In the side, back chest, Indigestion and elconplaints. akin Powder: BEB HEBE Paiker Brcs giccer, P. M. French keeps railroad time Buy yonr groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendriosoo's. Hew cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers, I P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doe Srat claaa work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M H Bills, nhyaioiau and surgeon Albany, Orejij. CH m& lo oit nr ' country . ' World's Fair Travrlera Will Have It The public demand through servics when travel: off. It ia old-fashioned to Change Cars." On the Ihrough, olid vest ibs led trains cf the Chicago, Union Pacific ft North Western Line from or to Chicago. Otmha and intermediate points thorn 'is no ha uce. This ia the finest .and fastest, fier ce between the points named. 1 . I hm 7. I :.5 often cctuiva!-.::-;: getting If !.:-; ' J c-n la arrcsU-J : 1 1 -:.; c bsfflcd t.'.o Ii .- ..... , l' ; Ol " WKi't :r '(.');:. ' ; , ; r x . Ht SOTroft a case it will-not-cubTta bold bTDrumlsta or wnt by malL SGo, Ma. andtUO per package. Bamplee tne. r TTfVTh Fjrorlta TO0I KWtn AV llUlcr the Joetb and itreatti,aio. Captain Bwennej, C.ABan SleM,CaU r.y: "Bhllnh'. Catarrh Ilemedr la tha first medicine I bare ever found th at would do me nrcood." Price so eta. Bold by PruggHtg. SHILOH'S core; Trrrg OmH Cotron Cuna promptly mm irhcreallotbcrefHil. ForCooaunipuonltbaa Bo rival; baa cured thou.anda.itDa will crma Too.ll ttkcamtlms. rrlJ4int:ti.,U.0. Cat!!, tifckly. Porsianjnlly Restored. WEAKNCS8, HERVOUSKCS3, 0E3i( tTY, nml all it.tMralnr.: iri;it vui.'j t nvidi r inu-r rxft isVH, tlie ri-x.lt 3 vt vofrww'.t, flfkii', worn, tii- r:ili.-trvi.il-, I'.fvt-lcpiiioM ana ino tfvrn iu try i Lan and lfltiTI if II l IxilV. f ltttit-.T1tttttn l!lCtiHfV. InMrfl1u:"liniirvrrfrrtt rti-rt. J-':it!iiif fmpik' Hi).'1. If.tVl ri-r.'rcncfrt, f'4M)k, rttaiiHtlon anr) priofs cnulktl iicakd) free. ERIE u'ED'CAL C3. BUTfALO. N.v. FARMEl.'S.- ATT KM ION if : you v. ant WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART PlOW KARROW.ORILl SEEO EB, ft ED CUTTEB, or any kind i.f a parrn finnVrr.rn! or Ve bcle, ra't on tr adtlress. B, F. RAKP Onpcilt post Off CI. A :lnjr, vieoeoFB : !i 1,1 n a I. 5. ;i 1 i S'l I i!