wet i.i jj VOL. VI tLBANY, OIUGOIS, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, x89S. NO 113 nil 1 r Mrs. J. II. HoitsxvbEi:, 155 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: "When a girl ut school, in Heading Ohio, I had a soveru uttni'k of brcin fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, nud, for a long time, I beared I should bo pcrmuueutly 80. Friends urged me to use Ayer's lluir Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of Itnir as one could wish for, being changed, bow ever, from blonde to dark browu." i- " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in coinbfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair Is over a yard long and veryf nil and heavy. I have recom smended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, lyjGO Itegiua St., llarrisburg, I'a. " I have tised Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made.' 3. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor riepared by Dr. J. C. A ycr & Co., Lowell, Mats. The Oregon JLand Co Witn it home office It) pAI .'Hlivr. - - - OEU&O. 3"- ( uie Gray Blocl;, corner Liberty an J State street, branch office tn Portlani MA.KES a specialty of Sunny sideruit tracts near Salem" Will sell o. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lore time on balance or particulars. - w Oregon State Normal School "THE LEADING NORMALSCHOOL i. of the Northwest. Strong proles slonal and academic courses, and well or ganized Model School lor Practical Train ing of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor mal, Husines,Muic and Art Departments. Beautiful and healthful Location. Llqhi expense no saloons. The Normal ha enjoyed a steady growth durlns; the past reacning an enioumeni 01 over uu, the largest In Its history. New members hare been added to tl.efacultr.new appar attis SUDDlied. and the course of stllilv re vised and strengthened. The grad iate ic in uemand to nil pond positions, j m diploma entitles the holder to teach In am county In the state without farther exm Addrm,, p. rAMI'HKI.I., Pits., Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar ""he very latest .'news is V aDWOHUS BAZA AH, for net cash, goods aa follow: irbuokle's Coflfee, Per Pound bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 iba. Magnolia Sujar White 1.00 (To. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, & gallcna 9b I Oallons Gold Plcklec.market firm 1.10 a Gallon No: 1 Syrup .. ', .40 in onritnnt a stole cash at ore. and all rnoila will b s.,ld for ret cash fp.in .S re nf Ipsa than reaoiar price. il doambla sylea orniabea, aa well a a -enri a"..rimnt or arooerles, erork Tv lam.send flxturea In eoniplels. I maka a s.p??i !ty of rina tA4s, oiffiw ami k r a powder, and always piano my eustomara, i as tcr arontibla Insurance ecnipnie. Jnllaa Grndwolit fiotL the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Rtntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cm-es habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remody ot its kicd ever pro duced, pleading to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities co.nmeud it to all and havo mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fcr sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. L not iKotpt any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAIt FRANCISCO. CAL. UOUISVILU. KV. - Hill) V0P.K. ".Y. II. M. MONK, A re'.: 1 tori and Contractor. a veoerdsrs with 'HuHturt Bro,. R lo acnis. iuatlons. Tuhlon, Normal. S0.2C. per term M to week;;; Suc-Norrr.al, S5100 per term nt 10 weeks; uuslness, .25 per term. Roard at Normal Dining Hall. $1.7 per week. Rooms from 50c per week (un furnished) to $t oo and $l.ac, furnished. Board and lodging In privnte families,$3 50 to $4.00 per week. Tultion.boardodcing and books less nan 51150 per year. tJon. ervatry ut Music. 1 norough courses ireofTercd in vocal and InVrumelVal rrtu- kic. Tultion,$io per term of 20 lessons. Monmouth Is cadly accessible from all parts of the State, twelve miles from the State Capltal.slxtv miles south of Portland ' atalozuts cheerfully sent on application. erf. ftllEDD, See of Faculty. that yon can buy at JULIUS My toek of Cbtnaware, faney iroodi, ana me revenue. 01 the Oovernment to fir , tint montl. hav. been only $3,890,000, anf Oo per cent of this ws turueil oyer 1 1(8 pensioner, while the Treasury balance hid! l if drawn on for other current expensiti II takes Unit and patience to stop up ill the worm-holes mide In the Treasury dur,' Ing toman; years of republican ex!ravaganeei vor.'- - ; ; ( '.- .' i.x-a ly ll.-Ji's '.-it: ... '". Itr.vj kna K. X I rr-j.V .;-tlM, - Vi-. .I.ni .. .. .. -;:tl).i,'J "rr '.i. ' " .rn:i:ir. n.?t- ' ,i -111 fie, fries iu ltrbo;;.v. ;it'; ;ui ilajiiiirt. Always Clvlng Snll.rarllon: Drar.drcth's pills have always g'vtn tisfacilon. In fifty years there has be-in "o complaint of them. That is about their life In the United States and millions of peisons have used them. There Is no doubt that they have established them, selves by merit alone. They cure rheu' matlsm, dyspepsia, piles, liver complaint, biliousness, and anv disease arising f mm an impure state of the blood. One or twQ at night on an empty stomach for a wrk or two. will keep you In eood form and. tone up the system. They are purel v-miu , HUBuimciy imrmiess, anU Kali T take nt anv time. 4 Sold in every drug or medicine utoreJ vuue-r nm m sugar coaieu, Wr Have to Evt anvwav. The bet, ter the groceries the more enjoyable life i, ttnu wmi- we ao noi hn live simpiv to eat, we certainly eat to live. If you get your groceries and bnked oods ot f-arrer iKointra y ou nrs bound to Jlv well If H Is only on n loafvOf re bread. They keep the bcht in evervthint?. and snli at prlcei that salifv rtf jardlcss of timet. Call on them. " . . j Wtuil Shall, I Take? Why Simmons Liver Reeulator.of course! It can', be beat in anv attack of ind In est ion. J biliousness, rIck headache or constipation.' u gives qui:x reuei, ana it continued tor awhile will completely cure thsse ailments. me Kegttiator comes tn liquid and pow er ioi in. i nc powuor . -i A-Ona?Uty4 v 0onvenlcnt for the vest pocket. A pinch f the powder and a swallow tf water leavfg no taste and works effectually A Tnlupbte Benteilr, 1 Hon Edmund L Pitts, th late president of the New York State Senate, writes: SrATE op Xrw Tork.Senaib Chambkr, Albany, marcn Ittll, iroo. I have used Allcock's Porous Plasters In my family fcr the past five years, and ran truthfully say they are a valuable remedy and t fleet great cures. I would not be without them. ( have In several instances given some to (rlnds suffering with weak and lame backs, and thev have Invariably afforded certain and speedy re lief. They cannot be loo highly com mended. New Git. un Ratks. The Oregon Pacific Railwivy has made the exceptionally low rate of 82.50 tier ton on wheivt and outs to San Francisco. Tlio company is standing by the farmers and have own led to mnke this reduction in view of the extremely low prices now vrevailinir in hones that it will advance very soon. Reduction takes effect spt 8th. Auk Your Friends V ho have taken Hood's iarRaDarl!la wliat they think of it, and the replies will be positive in Its f n or. One has been cured of Indigestion ani dyspepsia, another finds it Indispensable for sick headache, others repoit remarkable cue of scrofula, f.a't rheurn and other blooO diseues,f(till other m ill tell you that U overcomes "that tired fce'.lr,, and i o on. Truly, the best ad- vcr'UIn which Hoo.i's Sarsnparllls re ceives t the hearty endorfiement of the army of fih-nfU It has won by its positive 11 i c c'i o n r , Don't be tempted to tr.vetln ihenr. You j wltl gel into trouble every ti.ne and in tne i end poverty and dKgrpce. The genuine Unrle Sam's green Ktds are the only ones of value. They make you rich; especially wnen uen to purcae Mmrr.ons L.iver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dvs pepVa, constipaiton or bll!ouness.or drive awaymalarli. Don't he tempttd to take jnythtng else in place of the Regulator. i?kw I'noTOf.HArtiKn. 1 have opened a new gallery In tlw Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Allnny, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. I will take all sizps and styles of photos as irood aa the be?t and aa cheap ft the chenp- et. I am no traveling photo here today ami (rone tomorrow, but have come with wite and children to make a home in your glorious climate. I have come to stay. I lver.il. and spe rr.e and try my work, Very rcnoctfully youn, S. A. ITammei.u Late of Tomnto. Canada.' I Unrrlase a fall are Who haU decide !-? We haveconclud ed long agt. that t i a success every time with Simmons Liver Regulator In ihe hou. I. promotes harmony and eood nature ht preventing ny attack oi the wotm enemy ; Indigeslhrn and dpepIa, which matre dicord In the brightest home. You will find the ref;uItor a good reTe dy for bilhounpfs and sick htsdache. It the household friend. IPH WDADIITP !I?WJ IHjilUriiuIllU fllini). - A iery trail MrtU 0-skt Ray. Muss. Sont 17. Henry Ii Koulke, presidfnt of the Mahatmas of Thosopbists and Spiritualists in this place, announced today (hat be is the Messiah. lie says be has been reincarnated no ies than seven times, And that Mme 13 hi vat sky came to propate the way for his entrjr as t.ie Christ and to Ftraighten out the serious condition of things novy existing in the religious and uusinces worm, tie Bays ne in constant communication with 'Shades.' and that his announcement and actions are placed far beyond his personal control by the Shades of the Thibetan brotherhood. lie prophesies that war and bloodshed arc soon lo follow and that socialism is soon to come out on top. Everybody Plaappalutttl Kansas City. Mo. Scot 17. A biir exo dus of disappointed people from the Chero kee strip arrived today. The Santa Fe brought in three special trainloads this morning, and the Hock Island two. AH the recrular trains on both roads rrere crowded with men and Aomen who were glad enough to get back to civilization. A party of people from Illinois who had plan ned to establish a colony of their own in the strip came back on the Santa Fe. They were the most folorn looking party the ollieiala at the Union depot had ever seen. A Triple Lynelilnv New Om.EANR, Sept 17. There was a triple lynching almost withing the shadow of the citv ast nitiht. bit it was conducted so quietly that the account of the horrible affair pubusuad this morning was a sur prise to the community. The victims were three negra brothers namea Juunt, ana me crime which they expiaten in so summary a manner wis the shielding of a fourth brother, Koselius Julian, who Friday after noon shot Judge Victor Kstopinal t death. The EpldemlelD France Pauir, Sept 17. Cholera is epidemic in the department of the Fin is tore, which borders on the English Channel. At Cam- areta. a town of 1200 inhabitants, near Brest, there are 30 cafes. Acute capes have been also reported from Jaon. Plebven Triboula and Pouarnenez. Stronsr efforts are being made to suppress the Catholic pilgrimages to Jjourdes, in the department ot iiautcs i'yrennes. Indicted Fr Gatubllux " Nahunim.e. Tenn. Sent 17. The ernnd jury of the circuit court, acting under the instruction? of Judgs Moon, havo indicted several well known society people on the cnarge ot traraniintr. a numner ot ladies war incJiijled n - the. list. Even Kncber player are much alarmed at Judge Moon's attitude toward the popular parlor games. Yellow Fever Wasiiinoton. Sept 17. The yel'ow fever situation at Brunswick. Gn, is alarm ing. Late tonight Sunreon-General Wy man received the following dispatch from Dr Gutter an: t Eleven new cases reported and seen today. An epidemic is declared by 4he board of health " The True Laxative Principle Of th- plants used In mar.ufactuilng the pleasant remedy, Syrun of Figs, has a permanent lv beneficial effeci on the human hystem, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as med icines, are permanently Injurious, Being well Informed, you w;il use the true rem edy only. Manufacture. by the Cali fornia Klg Syrup Co. NEVER BOTHER yourse.f very much about ri.lnrt 'hiring the hot months tf yoi nl-h to keep cool: nor Must you gi. ii.io t!ie habit of ask lag A MAN f It Is hot enouj-h for him, wnen you can see very plainly that he is practlcwly roasted; but. Instead, advise 1dm to call on Parker R rot hers and get the best baked goods to be securtd, as well as warm wither groceries genornlty. WHEN HE IS HOT. By so doing you will aure'y tctcln his lriendsnlp. i --. .-o-- - - It thr hi' is f'H out itid tnr. .. yia hi l n i' of th? kin nnl atimul iiit.v aid o.-fn- d. an I il.t ljiit n riuily ,wi !nit'i Btats or onm, cm- op -iulsdq, r LUCAS C.UUXTV. 1 " . im Vm .1 f'MRiKV m ikp ofttb th-t he is t!ia Senior partner of the firm of P. J, ChrnbvAiCo.. doing biisinos in me tnr oi -luieuwtM'uniy and State e.torcMld, and that said firm will pay the sum of ON'B HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrb that cannot bet oared by the use of Hall's Cvtakrh Clrr. ' FRANK J.CHENKY. Rworn to before mo and snbcribed la my presence, this 6th day ot December, A.D. land. A. W. OLFAHOS , notary Public. Hall's Catarrh rare IstaVtn Internally and acta directly on tha blood &nd mucous sorlaosa of th. system. Bend for textfmonlrls, free. r Bvld by Drauista, 75c. One ft..::". ORe -n trrrr riart tnr a twli arH.u.'T-f ' ' iveru asc. iwr Imttio. The only Pure Cream oi Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report fE Povder Our ruidlc St-boo Is Are ihe main-stay of our republic. In ihem nre being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law makers and leaders In every walk of life. How essential It Is that these minds should be united in ctrong, healthy bodies, fio many children suffer from Impurities and poisons in the blood that It is a wonder that they ever giow up to be men and women. Many parents cannot And words strong enough to express their gratitude to Hood's ar saparllla for Its good effect upon their children. Scrofuia, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood are etf actually and permanently cured by tMs excellent medl cine.and the whole being is given strength to reflst attacks of disease. A Great Convenience, World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central sudon In Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located In the heart of the city, has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about -200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room t supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reason able, and parties can secure rooms In advance by railing upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the dUcomfort cf all transfer In that city, and ran also travel between the Grand Central station and World's fair p rounds by trains which run direct between the two poiuts. C G BURKHART, Agent at Albany. Caution. Imitations have been put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock's Porous Plasters in general eppea ranee as 10 P . well CAXJLUated 10 deceive, it ic, however. In general appearance only that they compare with Allcock's, fnr they are worne than worthless. Inasmuch as they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Remember that Allcock's are ihe only 'genuine poroi-s plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not onlv ask for hut see that you get A UcockU Porous Plasters. Down 00 the Kates. Hie Union Pa cific now lca-1 with reduced mtes to eastern points, and their through car arntngemmits, magnificently equipped Pullman and Tour ist sloepera, frcerecliningchiiircar and fast timft, make it the host line to travel. Two trains leive from Portland daily nt 8:45 a tn and 7:80 p m. Tne rates ore now within re.Kh of all, and every 1-ody should take ad vantage of them to visit the World's fair and their frienda in the east. Send for rates and ftrhedu.es of trains, and do not pur chase tickets until after consulting Curan & Monteith, Albany, Or. W II IlrRMlt'llT, Ars't Gen'l Pass. Agent. U. P. ' Portland, Or. ShiU'h's Cure, thu i;r-t cotmh im1 nroLp cnr, is fr 'e by us. Pocktt f'fce cn-sin ttvtiir.1 -liv iiri.ir(only C5o. Chita r-n 1 veil To Farmers. Tne atid-ir-i ed have lned the -rehm of David Smhh at Tl!iiian nt I ara now preparf1 tn n'ore grmn, Kiid ' t armors are r-qnitted 10 cill ano o thrill lef.ire mahtnit rr4ii(;ftmetit for ctura-e ewhere. ' Tri-st i ilAsiEt:n. IJveg of many men remin J us VV .1 ; t : 4 1 1 : t if . . 1 If I 1: M . 1 . 1 : i't : . 1 Twenty tear I xierlenee .C D Frrdt cks, the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, sas! MI h been using Allcock's Por ous Plaster tor jo yean, and found them one nf ihe l est of family inedicUles. Briefly sumn m up my experience, I say that when ph ei on the small of the back Allcock's PI.- ers fill the boJv with ner vous energy, nd thus cure fattie, brain exhaustion, o 'shty ami kidney dlfficul Ics. For wcneii and children I have oundthem h valuable. They never I ni ate the skin v caue the slihtert pain, but cure torc'i-rott, coughs, cold-, pain In the aide, bai or chest, IndlgLstton and w r.ic irpltii is." aking Powder: BCK HEBE Paiber Bros, grocers. P. M. French keops railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & lleDdricson't, Hew cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, Flino Block, does firat claaa work. Smoke tha celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Orejoa. Calls male la cit or country. 1 World' Fair Travelers Unve II The public demand through aervioe when traveling. It is old-fashioned to Change Cars." On the through, olid vrstibuled trains of the Chicago, Union Pac.fio North) Western Line from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate points thereisuo haofte. This is the finest and fastest fier ce bctweeo the points named. Sun, kr is often eouiva!ci:t' rrttincrill. f tM.;(- f fl.-'-.V, f j . o - - jen be arrested ;-;.v ..,- ' c use baffled the w, flJots"in the system .:t 1 crr.i'icaled. ' . 1 I Sesfl's EmBteiiss 5 is .an .absolute concct:- i .'mi.'dcr of wnmcui f.ti'i u 1 i.l... n..u J Sw Vuik. ttold l. trilvtiiMim.v.irv i ! r,efp- LOcts-and Cl.OOpor UottJO Ouo cent a. doso Tnra OnxAT Couon. miB nromntlv curtm wnere alt others xaii. Throat. Hoinentu. au, ougni, wroup, sore , whooplnff Coueh and lumptloo It has no rival: boa cured thousanda. and will curb too If taken In time, bold by Druggists on a fuar anteo. For n Lame Back or Chst, use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLAST1.R.250. H I LQ H'S lv r ATAH R H ikZR E M E DV. unvv juu tuiiui n i a mo rr im-uy in kuuibu teod to euro yuu. liioe.60cts. luJectorZreo, a Easily. Qulclcl,, rermantntl) Rtslorsd. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, nn! tvU Hit; treln or erlli tfimortys-irtiior later r!tfloDniciit and Iven lo every orBonand jvrtlnn ft ttio biMly. Sln)i)l".nn!nTnlmethtf. Im rticd lnt' I miimwnent rtTii FMlltire impoflMf. 3. vfcrfnert. h-xtk, explanation ami pruofs niulltitl (ooaled) free. tn1 KEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.v. FARMERS, ATTENTION IF I YOU V. ANT WACOM HACK. BUGGY. CART PLOW KARROW.DRILl SEED ER, FcEO CUTTER, or any kh-d of a farm Imp'etneM or Vt hlcle, catl onor address, t B. F. RAMP Opposite Post Ottrt Albany, Or. w i cri ii t ji r I VNOBNEN P- It, 1 : I 1