Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, September 16, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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Washtaglon, .Sept 11, 1S9,
At lat a real, genuine, lona file White
JIo-usc La'.j ; No wonder her arrival in
Washington, on Sjturdaj aftirnocD. cn.'at
el a sensation, causing conros an--! its
doings to 1 for the time forgotten or ig
nored. It was an l1Utoric.1l event that will
lje rd of with Interest by yet unborn
K?nerutkms, aa t!ie age at which most men
bwome president makes it impossible that
it will become a frequent, cxuirence. This
is the first in the-history of the White
House, although there Lave been three
other births in the Whits House, tro of
them grandchildren of President Tjler
both now living in Washington and the
other to the wife of Col Kred droit.
Slotuer and (laughter a'e in good condition
aid both doing well, and al hough IVi -i-
dent Cleveland is attending to bushe
usual It is probable that his thoughts ofbn
involuntarily wander to bis wife and baby,
however impciiant Hie other matters may
be which he has unJer consideration. The
Clevclands have had two very unusual
honors in connection with the White Hou'C.
No other president was ever nni'i ied in the
White House and no other president s wife
ever gave birth to a child in the Whii:
house. Long life and great happineaa to
Uaby Ruth's sister, the While House baby!
There is to be no compromise iu tho
senatorial light over silver. It is to be
fought to a finish. President Cleveland
having declared that Le would accept
nothing but the repeat of the purchasing
clause of the Sherman silver law without
condition. This is a great disappointment
te those who hare hoped that some satis
factory orrangotrient would be made that
would get the solid suppott of the demo
cratic senators and bring the rank and file
of t"ie paiiy closer togiiher than they have
been since the extra session met. The end
of the debate is not yet in sight, although
some senators believe that a vote can lie
reached in two weeks. That is the doubt
ful thing. The vote is no longer doubtrul.
When it is taken the Yoorhcei bill will be
passed, but when that will be depends upo.,
the endurance and disposition of the tena
tir.i opposed to it.
A very important step was taken by
Fresident Cleveland when, nf'cr a full dis
cission of the matter by the cabinet, he
decided that this government should pro
ceed, without waiting lor congress to take
further action, to rigii'ly enforce the lleury
anti -Chinese law. This slop would have
been tikcn liefore, hut it was deemed ad
visable, undo.' the circumstances, to wait
a reasonable time to set if congress desiied
to tuke any action on the law, and nl-oto
give the new C'hin'-sc miointer an op;or
tmiity to submit any meBs. go he m.iy havo
b-jen charged with by his govei iiment,
linking toward tho nogot'jli in of a new
and more sutisfactoiy treaty. Kuither than
the introduction of a bill by Hen. 'tor I o'j h
appropriating ?C3.C30to cny out the
provision of the lav,-, congi-ess has taken no
ntice of it, and the Chinese minister has
dono nothing, theieforc the nece.-is.i?y orders
hive been isucd by the treasury department
to put the law to work. The amount ot
injney available is suu,,l. but congress is
in session. Noti'ouhle is cp'-ctel wilti
China, although precautions Lave been
taken to have ft tu'hcicut naval force in
Chinese waters to pro e -t American intcr
teres's. The world's fair .houvenir half
djll.irs are coming iiitj tn. l.e.imry for
ademption in suou ciunntitic that Senator
Morgan has at the reqr.c-t of .Scjieti'ry
Cirlisle, iutrc inced a bill to teppal so much
of the law nf H7'.t as mokes it compulsory
uon the se?re';,ry of tho treasury to re
deem subsidiaiy silver coin in treasury
mtc, which i the s.-.mti in lairpmiiiir
tinm in gold. Tne t' bank- with
which the greater jHirti(a of thcl'clumliiun
half-doll.irs wrro plcd;:ti tn c-curc ailvnu
cm made lo the cio--iliiMi niiinngers are
now sending these coins to Washington for
relemption, it having Wn found impo -4-b'e
to disKW3 of tneni at the cx,ccled pre
mium. Secretary Carlisle thinks I .icy w ould
juit as well be put in general ns
piled tin in the treasury; h.'iu " the bill to
top their redemption. I
Democratic members of the hoifo ways'
an means committee will not he sorry
when the public tariff hearings close, on
Wednesday of this wjak. Tliey have pro
duced no information that was not nlro.tdy
possessed by the committee, and have only
erved to keep the committee from more
important Jwork tho preparation of the
reform buiff bill. As soon as the hearings
close, the democrats of the committee will
push the work without further interruption
until It is completed, as they do not pro
pose to allow eOsr Heed and his repub
lican colleagues on the committee to delay
siatte's by their ''funny business."
Treasury receipts show n-ry encourag
ing increase within the last few days, in
dicating that the country is veiy rapid'
recovering from its financial f.-ight.
Senator Tel'er's sensational at'lik upon
the press of the counlt f, in the temde on
Sati'nlay, b being talked about eveiheje.
and the general i 11 predion, without regj-d
to pontic.:! crnion. ii that he made a
seiious mibke. Tb:re s e, unfortura! :ly,
dia!ionest new-papers, but th"y a'e com
paratively few in number.
T!ie senste commiUee on ln.'.iun afiairj
his crdered ao adverse report cn ll.e nomi-
n&tiotl of a man ficm ill-s lp;d as Indian
agfnt at Whi'e Eailli, Minn., snl a man
from Illinois is Indian rgtnt at Yank'on.
S. D. The committee al.o voted 0 to 2 thit
It would reject ill uoniinali'its vil.e:e ap
oalniees weie sent from one sute or terri
tory into another, unices tatUf. clory to the
lepre cnutlvcs of t'-e t-le cr teiri cry
where sent.
The welghin of o!d bullion i.i one cf
the re-eive vaulii of the mint at Philadel
phia shows a b'lO' I it nf &1O5.O0O wo-ih.
The vault was scaled In l8S7. Ths seal
shows ttie door was not opened. If there
bus been an abs'raclion it n,u-t have been
thiougli a breach in the walls. The mint
officials 'e'uae o talk.
aaTc, Uutck a4 allecllte.
The valuable curf.ive properties of All
cotk's i'orous Plasters are due to the em
ployment of the highest medical and
chemical skill. They are purely vegeta
ble, and In ingredien's and method have
never been equalled; safe, quick and
effc lve iirjheir action; they do not burn
or blister, but sootne and relieve while
curing, and cn be worn without causing
pain or inconvenience.
Do not be deceived by misrepresenta
tion. All oth-r S3 called Poouj Plasters
a-e imitations, made to sell on the reputa
tion cf Alicock's.
Ask for Allccc'i's ar.d let no solicitation
or explanation induce jou lo accept a
TiiE Concert lo be given Friday, Sept
?2, will unquestionably be the tineet yet
i;ven in Albany. The entertainment
ro.umittee of the Voung Men's Christian
Association were fortunate in securing
for the fir it number ol the course eucti
an arrny i,i talent fron home and abroad,
inclcdins I'-e noted contralto, Miss Sel
ki.k, of tan Francisco.
i ", -
Tfis iVnntylvanii protected i.iduattlcn
arc protclini a chjn- ia the
tujiff. The I'cnnsvlvania beneficiaries of
monopoly larjea were heard on this point
last November, and it wit! te recalled that
thty were not in touch with the majority of
the country. f
Catarrh Cannot be Cared
wtth LOCAL APPLICATION'S, u they eftnnot
reach the feat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood
or constitutional disease, and in order to cure
H you mast take internal remedies. Hall'
Catarrh Cora ia takeu internally, and act
directly on the blood end mncous eurfacei.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the oest physicians in
this country for years, and is a regular pre
script ion. It ia composed of the best tonics
Known, comoinea wun mo oesi di punutrn,
actinic directly on the mucous surfaces. Th
nerfect combination of the two i marred ients ia
what produces such wonderful results in curing
K. J. CHKNEY & CO., Props,, Toledo,
Bold by Uiusuists, price 75c.
Wedding Ixvitavioss.
Wootlen, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Numerous Boils
And Catarrh in tho Head
Shit hs Vjtai-rr :a what oa need for
dypepiifc, t- -r :J Uver, yellow skin or k'd
nt.v tioai'lfc. !t is euarsnts-ed to give yno
flatij-iictioD, Jr;ce dq. F'Jthay 6i
3Tr. TT. X. Tuclcev
Iloscburt:, Oregon.
' I feel that It Is Impossible for mo to any too
much In favor of Hood's Sarsaparllla. I was
a treat sufferer from Loipuro blood and Catarrh
In my head. Job's comforters failed to comfort
mv and I suffered from numerous bIla
Agony Beyond Description.
When I bepan to tako flood's SarsaparlUa I had
six ot them, only four of which cams to head,
and since then, thanks to this good medicine, I
haro been free from this preat affliction. I
f Mined 1 1 pounds In threw weeks. Tho Catarrh
ri my head whkh ha troutlrd me for years has
also been cured by Hood's braapariiia and I
am fnjojrlnir (too.! p-norat hi-alth. I earnsstlr
ri'i-nniint'ial Hood's ariiparilla to all who ar.
aillic'.cJ." y. L. Tuikeii, Koscburg, Oregon.
Hoodo Pills euro all Liver Ills, ISillous
ncn, Jauuilics, luUiestloa, Sick Ileadacha,
Star ilakerj
nr.!r adntblis anil t'irwl Ml
I auiit-a rratla, Caaneit Jle.
Ulaussjstarv, inrrnwar.
Irlrd Fraltis. K4ablrii,
TobHrro, t'lgara
Nnajar, Mpirpai.
'. Ta.,, etc.,
he "ntl,.,. thai la sept In a awier
faricly ami amwry atoro, UiKdeat
u&racl phc id for
Stationery, Toilet Artij'ej, Musics
ir.strumcn'3, Etc.
HodGS 4 MM,
hs JO'i r O-uj S.'-'t-e,". A'.Im.v, )i
rp cn.M-KGY. M.n.,
riiTlcin anil S'lryron, offit-e I'patAirs ortr tie
KMidvntf, corner tOlh ami t'.Ur-'lj i:.
rf 1. irro-V. '
Albany Market.
run, ai,..
1 'our, 1 00. v
' uuer, 'J5o.
Kci4, So.
Ijir.J. 12 lo 153.
Porte - hams 12 to 15n shoal .!er 9 to lOo,
lt. II to 13c
Hay. baled, f 7
uo atoeis, 60o.
Apple,l 00 .
Hopa. 10i. '
jJrieJ f.-ult pluum, Oi, app'.ei, t)o
C'blckens. $101 oer 0za.
Keef, on foot, lo.
Uos, dreMe.1. Oi,
at Allunj-, Sent. -'; b, lllb, Ssib auil itb
TL'EhDAV, SPT. 26.
Running, y mile Purse, $150
3:00 Trot ,........ Purse, $150
Free (or all pace Purse, $550
Running y2 mile and repeat. .Purse, $150
a:Jo trot Purse, $250
3 -ear old trot for special counties. Lane,
i-lnn. Uenton. Marion. Yamh ill and
Polk Purse, $200
tiilrsdaybept. 2S.
Running Si mile Purse, $100
2:40 trot Purse, $200
2 year old trot for special co.inlles. Lane
Unn Uenton, Marlon, amUilland
1'olk Purse, $150
fridav, sept. 29. ...
Running 1 mile Purse. $150
Trot, free for all Purse, $250
Trot. 2 year old for Linn Co. .Purse, $100
At the toie formerly owned by
Allen Bros.,
for which I will pay the best cash price
comos, no matter
bow dark tho
c'ouJs arc, when
the woman who
is Ijorne duwii ly
ivomaii'ti trtiubiea
t'iriis to Doctor
i urce's Favorite
' ptikl'! rn-sc-riptioa. If
fciil- '' i h..T life ii made
V, it floomy by the
chronic weak
nesses, delicate de
renpemcnts, and
painful disorders
that afliict her
sex, they are com
pletely cured. If she'3 overworked,
nervous, or " r;:n - down," eho has
new life aiid r'rtnirt's.
" Favorite I'icsi riiition " fa a
powerful, ii.v'L'oratin tonic and a
soothing ar.d ativnirtiicning nervine,
purely vcj;otiUe, i.rfectly harmless.
It reguhtcj ami promotes all the
proper function of womanhood,
improves digostio:-, enriches the
blood, dispels aciics r.nd pains,
brings refreshing sleep, ar.d restores
heaitii and vigor. Kor every "fe
malj complaint" and disturbance, it
is tho only remedy so sure and un
failing that it can be guaranteed.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
Can he counted on to cure Catarrh
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's
nothing new. For 25 years it has
been doing that very thing. It
gives prompt and complete relief.
The proprietors offer 500 for an
incurable case of Catarrh.
m. Dr. rtlcron U ullaro
The Noted Clairvoyant a-d Life Rder. Is now
here, and can be fnunJ at her residence, iiext donr
ti d jouktu . n teiin aiout ail uijeotfi pat
preent and future; love troubles, abwnt 1 ichds and
business. You can bear from your dcaddteLis.
J F. FORD, Eraimlist,
Of Dei Moioea, Iowa, H-ritfa utvler lte (
B, Mkd. MFft. Co..
Dufur, Orefion.
Op arrivioa h me last wek, I found a!
wel ami anxiously a-iaitinjz. Oar little
ifirl, tttit and occ-hilf years old, who had
stated away to pound tt ia n.iw well,
lUfnitf umi vi.roa, and welt fletheU up.
. B. O utjh Cure has dice iti wuric well.
S'tiicf'.r.o c!.iMren like it. Your S K.
Cot''h Cure ha cured and kept away aM
htufeeoet-s Irom me. So give tt to every
ore. with gre-iiDCG for all. Wishing you
.roueii y. we ar
Vcurf, M r & ii J F Yor:.
If yon wish to (eel iieun and cheerful. ai.l reailv
f -r theSurinS worlc, vltMiiw your sai.-in with the
Htwi-Aheanil I.ivjr Ciru, b takm; tw.i r tbree
50 cents por bottlo by oil tlru!,'i,iu,
i 8 I lutitlcr a positive (ruarajlvtt L
Fall Term Begins
September 13.
Send for
Address, KKV. K X. COXDIT,
Albany, Orison.
To Farmers
Mill wart home and will have it ia pcod
order for receiving the present crop. 'I he
warehouse is drat class and conveniently
Ir.cated. Contains iwo good cleaners. No
nelay ia uoloamoB. Sacks, will bnoa band
for delivery iu due tiu e. Give me a call
before making arrangements to s'oro vour
crop. . I, SIMPSON,
Albauy, Or,, July 15:h, 1893.
McMinnviUe. Oregtn,
This Collefre is one of the oldest and best
wiuijipca colleges m the Xorthwesu
advantages not found elsewhere in this state,
Kxpenses Light; a hoarding hail in the College
iiuinung on rr.e ciuo plan, i resment JJrownson
steward, thus guaranteeing good boiird lit tlr
least possible cost to the student. Board can ills
be hud in private families at 2.50 to &i.U0 pc
week, incluiling lodging.
Tho fine Telescope recently mounted in tin
Xew Observatory and the extensive Library
to which students have freo access, offen
Beautiful Location,
biiital)l liiiililiiiK,
trfiuent Teatliers,
Thirty Acre Cainjuis, ,
Healthy Surrnnmlings,
Thorough Work.
Five Courses Of stlldv Classical. SVirntific. Xornuil. I.itr:irv on.! lln.iiuMi :(!.
siieeial advantaires in Vocal and lnstnnnnnt:il Music. ItuKincuii ititrn nf f. v
(iraduates of the Xonnal course are entitled to a State iJiploma, and arc in demand to
fill high positions. Jlcllinnvillc is ncees-iUe In- mil from nil parts of the Stale, on the
main trunk of the Southern Pacific It. K. West Side; lifty miles south of Portland
Pall Tern Begins September 19th.
Send i'ort ntalugnc.
Address; T. . IIROWKSO.Y, I'resldeiil.
Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent.
To know that a single applica
tion of the Cuticura Remedies will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy
and economical cure of torturing,
disfiguring, itching, burning and
scaly humors, and not to use
them without a moment's delay
is to fail In your duty. Cures
made in childhood are speedy,
economical and permanent.
PoM tlimiclwnt the worM. Pittem tRro Alro
C lirw. Ct'Kr.. .olr prt'prtclor.. Htin. S)A AU
AboutthrUlood.e'liio.calpau I IUir,"auuld trf,
aFilriiil ltlrmth., fllin; hnlr and flmpl
bat- ratia prvtatca bj 1'uliruni Soup,
If 11ml, atrhlnic, Mtnsi moth.
rrt korw thcronifort, strrncih. ana
Tltalltr tn Catlmra rutr, thT
msiW nrrrr t srirlinui thrm. In
errnr war tho turrs:. iiiirtMt mA
Portland's Great
Industrial Exposition
Opens September 27 1893 Closes October :S.
The Special Feaiukes Will Eclipsx Those op axy Pnrvincs Yn
ComUuctcd at a cist ot 610,000 tliTowing a t lonsanil jsttof watorln all colors of the
rainbow will beautify Music Hall.
Cootaining tih of all varietits fouod in Oiegoa waters, have beeu coastruutod at great
win contain a coi.ection o psiotinaa selected f.-ooi the World s Fair. Amm thsm
Ellsburg a celebrated piiktin. Caster's Last "ight. To visit this great Exposition and
iew ita wordtri io every drpntmeot of Ait and Science, will be the next thing to a
visit to the World's Fair at Chuago.
Reduced rateson ail Transportation Linos.
For farther information addreii. E. W. ALLEN,
Superintendent and Secretary,
of bed room sets, chsira, lounges, etc., which I will sell at
TIios. Brink.
Aiii:xTS VAXTi:non Salary uiiJCoiiimi.-iun
Biopaplij of JAMES Ct. BLAINE,
uy oail Hamilton, nis literary executor
with the co-operation of r.ia faoiily, and for
Mr. HJatnt's Complete Wotki, Twknty
Yr.Alts or Cosnutss," aod hii later born,
"Political Disi-ussioxs." Ooe proapectui
for these 3 rE-T sti.i.ixi; boolis in the mar
ket. A K 1' Jordan of Mo., took 1L' orders
from lirst 110 calls; agent'a profit ijlllii 5u.
Mrs Ballard r.fO. took 15 orders, 1,1 Seal
Russia, in 1 day: prolit S2fi.25. E N Ilice
of Mass. took "7 orders in 2 davs; prolit
S47.23 J l'atrldge of Mo. took 43 orders
from SO calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer
of N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 days; profit
$'JS.25. Exclusive Tekkitory eiven. If
Vnll n.i.1. Inn..!.. r &li"il? ItnVL'l'
" uiaau uuiiw lilV.Cl Write
immediately for terms to
The Henry Bill Tub. CoJ'oi wiili.Conn
Oi-LS Monday, September 18th .
Just closed the most prosperous year in
its historv. Wide range of studies. " Thor
ough instruction. Business course f tided.
' inn fro Knlr-inu fna C . - 1 J
ajiiueuivs. n-s. . viu. uua u
and lodging at reasunahle rates I.i the
elegant new dormitory and boarding htll
on the earn pus, where students willreceivt
personal supervision.
' John- V. Johnso:;,
r si
Portland. Ontios. A. P. A rust boko, Pkicitau v
Open all the yw. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue tree.
Cabinet photos from $1.50 to (4.00
per dozen. Enlatglng pictures a
;neclaltr. irT2o cravon: framed
for $10.00. We rarrr a large stock
5S and steresccpic rlews of Or-
iir. i.v.aiix rnoTOGRtpiir.R, em-
Under the management of the State Board
of Agriculture, on the State Fair Grounds
nfar Salem, commenciog September ltth.
l&j.i, ana coniinuine one week.
More than $15,000 in cash will be raid as
premiums for stock, p&u'try, swine, agricul
tural prodncts,t(uiti,uative woods, mineral?,
worka of art and farcy woik, and for tiial
of peed . -m
Reduced rates of fare aou freisrhs on all
transportation lines. Faviliii n olro four
eveninga during f he week, with good music
in aneooance. ine cew granu btantl and
tho ntw reculatioo track are conceded tob
among the ain't cemfcrtable and the best o
tho Pacific Coast. Splendid contests
spied each day. There ia eutered for the
enntcata the beat field of horses this y
that has been on the c rounds for man
seasons. Valuable and handsome improve
menu have been made oo the grounds and
Premium list his been revUcd and im
proved to the bfneh't of exhibitor. Ei t ies
for premiums clot at 3 p m on tho first day
of the fair, and exhibits mutt be In plate by
v i iu ui si iu aay.
Men's Season Tickets $2.5
Women's Sejaoo Tickets 1.00
Men may Tickets 23
Women's Day ticket ,,', .25
rfcace Track Tickets, daily 25
Women to the race course,free. Children
under 12 jeira, free to all.
Send to tho secretary at Portland for a
IVminm Uat J APPEKf.ON.
J T UKECCi. Secretary. Presitent.
Notice of Assignment.
NCTICF ia hereby Riven that Isaac Beam
of Albany. Ores on, hasdaly assigned to the
onderstgned assignee ill his property and
eif'Cti for tho benefit of his creditor a, under
and by virtue of the general assignment
laws r,f the state of Oregon, and the under
signed has heretofore to-wit on thn 2oth day
of August, 1S93, duly qnalitied ar snch
All penons having claim against raid
insolvent and the estate thereof are hereby
required to present the same to the under
signed at the store house building of Isaac
Beam, in the city of Albany. Oregon, under
oath within three months from this date.
Dated tnis 2nd day of September. A D,
AfS:gnee of Isaao insolvent.
Best : in : k : Met,
Fortmiller 4 Mug's.
best of plasters.
-alhaa; Orrceai