VOL VI ALBANY OREGON, WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 18, 189? NO OS i & WILL r?v BiOopf SLEE-P CLEAR S jj LONGS SKIN M 'yV LIFE J MENTALl W 5 STRONGB ENERGYJ NERVESB AVER'S fl Sarsaparilla AVER'S Sarsaparilla S. 1'. Smito, of Towancki, m.. whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's ftrsaparilla. Ho writes: " For tight years, I was, most of the lime, n great eullerT irom constipn tlon, kidney trouble, anil Indiges tion, so that my constitution scouied to he completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly sovon bottles, with such excellent results Hint my stomach, lioweU, and Uklneyrt nr in perfect con- i lit ion, and, in nil their functions, as regular ns clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only pounds; I now can l-raff of 159 pounds, nnd was never in so ;oofl health. If you could see mo be fore and after usii.?, you would want tie for a travellnj? advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla rto be the best in the market to-day." Wrcparcd by Dr. J. C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, Unit, irnrae v4hAi0 a.uilf amiieWAUarxii iyer's Sarsaparilla Both tlie method and results when bynip of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable, substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and liavo mado it the most popular remedy known. Kyrup of Figs is for sale in EOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any cno who wishes to try it- lo not accent ony substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, louisvus. ki. ma row. .y. REVERE HOUSE VLB ANY . OBEcr.i HA.S. PFiilFFFH rROIMJlEi'Jfi piR Oregon Land Co roi-ruit SCIENCE. Thj Rivpr je iia, , ai 0( ony 0. ches in looo miles. A ton cf sea wa'er lg supposed to contain about 14 grains of gold. t Sixteen ounces of gold aie sjlTicicnt to ;lld a wire that would encircl. the earth. Whenever there is friction there i beat. Hsmmering a nail rod until it is red hot or forging a nail without fire a-e feats oi the blacksmith. A frog cannot breathe with Its mouth 0,-zn, I s breathing apparatus Is so airanf. cu mat when its mouth Is opjn its nostrils are closed. To i fl jca'e a f rog !t li nee tssary only to prop Its pws so that they cannot be shut. Trcf Virchow reaffirm) hii belief that no trace of ' the misi'ngllnk" between man and Ihe lower animals has been discovered, either ia the human skulls which are be lieved to be most ancient, or in the phys ical structure of modern savages. Among the sclld., glass is apparently perfec ly .lasllc. A plate of glass bjnt under pressure and allowed to remain under stress for twenty five yean., when released nd caref te,tc(j for anv permanent set was found to have returned to exactly its original shape. The sponge Is an animal. It will .Vink from the hand that trl.s to seize it, a'ld If viewed under a lens may be seen constantly drawing In water through ..he innumerable canals which form Its digesilve orgam, and having consumed fie minute anlmalculae l.i the fluid, ejecting it again throueh .Dm o'.her channel. Ronta draw enormous quantities of rroia ture from the soil and by this means I, Is discharged Into the atmosphere. For ... ample, the common sunflower was found to exhale twelve ounces of water I s Iwclv. hours, and an oik tree win, an estimated number of 7o,ooo leave wcij j he same way give off somH'ii;ij like seven hundred t.wis of water dining the five months it carries its foliage. Wltn its home office it) STVti - - - 0E1!&0 1 me Gray Woch, corner Liberty and State street, X branch office In Portlanu Our Psshlle Schools Are the main-stav of nnr r.n..Kii. r- them are being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law makers and leaders in every walk of lite. How essential It is that these minds should h. nni...t .- strong, healthy bodies. So many children giowufi to w?"nriius and Do'sonsln the parents cannot find words strong enouB.. to exoress weir eramuuc iuiiwu ..- sapaiilla for Its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other dUnnae of the blood are effectually and permanently cured by this excellent medt- cine,ana tne wnoie Deing igicn ancng,,. to reiist attacks ot disease. 1 Urcff on State Normal School - ? - r-..: Unnto ilflOT IpITi'i AKES a specialty oi sunnysiue u ui. " ' ' win Bn S 10 or 2D acre 101s at r I ", "v. ' t lontr time on balance Ir'particulars. TELEGRAPHIC MS. i Mitchell Ta.ks. WAsiiihtaTOS Sept II. In the senate, Stewart's resolution for t committee to as certain whether any senator was financially interested tp any national hank went over till tomorrow. The repeal bill was taken up, and Mitchell ot Oregon addiessed the senate against the bill While Mitchell was speaking Stewart called attention to the ab serce of a quorum. Fifly-ihree senators responded.. Mitchell resumed his speech. He favored free coinage, nnd while he would be willing ag a last reoit, to change the ratio Id order to secuie free Coinage, be believed it should be decreased to iVi to I Mitchell dwelt on the iurpaisinf! Importance of tha question which confronted congress ana discussid the causes which prcduced the recent distressed condition of the counr try. f A.KIS Bond Kale. Sas f rascisco Sen 12 At noon todav the directors of the Southern Pacilti Heid- ed to issue bonds sliehtlv In excess of SJSo. uoo.ooo. Thrse bonds are to lie issued by ine soutnern i-acillc of California, and will be secured bv firsi mortcaee on the railroads property in tills slate. They are to be exchanged for old bonds, the exce.s to ne used tn the construction of new lines 1 ne original bonds bore linterest a to p-r ": 1 ne new ones win Dear 5 per cent and will be placed on the market at Lr.nrlcn and New York as soon as practical. Officers Cterled. Salem Seot 13 Thn Oreton Gtue An. ricultural Society held its 33 1 annual meet inir at the office of the society on the fair grounds tonight . The meeting was called to order by the President, Win Galloway, with Sscrctary A F Miller at the desk. Officer was elected for the ensuing year as follows: Wm Galloway, president: J G Wright, vice-president; A F Miller. Secre tary; A Bush treasurer. M Wilklns was re electad membr of the state'hoard of culture. agri- A Valsifbte Besnrdj, Hon Edmund L Phis, th" late president of the New York 8kate Ssenate, writes: Statu of New York.Senaii Ciiamukr, Albany, March nth, 18S0. I have used Allcock's Porous Plasters In my family for the past five years, nnd ran truu.tully say in-.j arc remedy and ifteot great, cures, not be without them. Mnde SarearilieJub. Kalama Sent i2. A Russian fi Sherman B Mattison, Hvinn in a ahantv one mile from here on the bank of the Columbia commitl ed suicide last night by hanging. During the nignt he left the shantv without awake ning the other occupants of the house and going to an out house near bd took a strap he had been using as a belt and after ad jnsting It around his neck, fattened it over iho window casing. By holding up his feet he succeeded In choklnc bims lf to death. He had a rtzor and pistol lying near by presumably to insure a giod job. That Hon.lciXul Babr. Washington Sept ia The interesting ceremony of weiguing the white House baby Irok place with all ll.e eclat attending todo;e1T.ttTVJAJe ahowed just 9 , i.n.i h.. ,WIHed to name ine new Naomi. Inituensc Italn Fa'l. W Ai.i-a Walla, Sept 12. -The heaviest rainfall ever observed at the United Slates .;i .i.imn in this ciiv since its cstab- lisbmer.t here cc.-uired durini the J8 hoora ot noon today, during wnicu iiius leches ties for a weeK or iu ouys, Highest of ell in Leavening Power. .Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE A Great CoxrtsieSCB. World' fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central station In Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located In the heart of the city, has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about 300 rooms hardsomely furnished and each room supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms In advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer In that city, and ran also travel between theUrand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two points. C G BURKHART, Agent at Albany. Catitlop. Imitations have been put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock's Porous Plasters in general eppearance as to be well calculated to deceive. It Is, however. In general appearance ,'only that they compare with Allcock's, for thev are worse than worthless, inasmuch as'they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Remember that Allcock's are the only genuine porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not only ask fur hut see that sou get Allcock's Porous Plasters. SEE DF.HE Pai kcr Hn s, groom. F. M. Krenoh keeps railroad ttme Uny your groceries of Parker Bros Fioe grocfrtes at Conn & Hehdrioson's. Hew ernarn nhpM, jm! teoeived at Conrad Meyers P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doe first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oens cigar at Julius Joseph's. I)r V II GUis, physician and surgeon Albany, ')rer m t;,ll ,na U In oit or oountry. ' , Ask Your Friends Who haye taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive In Its favor. One has been cured of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it Indispensable for sick headache, others rcpoit .remarkable curea of scrofula, salt rneurn and other blood dlseases,still others will tell you that it overcomes "that tired feeling,'' and so on. Truly, the best ad vertising v. hlch Hood's Sarsaparilla re ceives is the hearty endorsement of the army of friends It has won by its positive oare, nirrwsMi ..mi-five dcma.only 2oo."t;niiu... Fnahay ft Maann. We H veto Eat anyway. The bel ter the groceries the more enjoyable lite Is and while we do not ill live simply to eat. we certainly eai in ". i- VI or Id 'a Fair Travelers trill Bare II The public demand thronuh servioa when traveling. ?t ia old-fashionri to "Change Cars." On the through, olid veatibnled trains cf the Chicago, Union Pacific A North Western Line from nr to Cbioago. Cmihaand intermediate points thern'ia no ha one. Tliit ia tha finest and fastest Ber ce bttweeu the points named. Pofct Baty teltii " ought to irran glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the y ej a r s to cohic. When we see in children" tendencies to weakness, we l:now VifV are missing Hie life vf Jood tuM'i. This loss is overcome by Seeft's Eioolsfefl-' of Cod Liver Oil, with Hvpo- hos pliitcs, a fat-food that b'u.'.ds up armciils. and produces f.ati at a n today, during which time . 37 1 . d' .ked good, of mfell. It is feared tint large mianti-, We"". you r bound to live of s'aed grain are darrared. Ihp. - refr '.Tn'vSn. loaf of ne bread and cutting, it is feared, are arrested 0-bert ln everything, and sell The Tiae Laxative Principle at pricea that aitisfy regardless of limes. Call on them. valuable I would I hare in several I Of 1 Ik plants used In mar.ufactuitng me pleasant remedy, Svruo of Figs, has a 1.. 1 L(t:al aftp on the human instances given some to hlnds suffering P' wnile the cheap vegetable cxt.acts with weak and lame backs, and thev have 'J"1.' 10iuV,,n,.u.uaMv so'd n. med- Invarlably afforded certain and speedy re lief. They I mended. cannot be loo highly com- Iclnes. are permanently Injurlou.. Being well informed, yon w.i uv , .... edy only. Manufacture- oy ine Vaii fornia r ig ajmp s.u. MONMOUTH, OBEGON. rpiIE LEADING NORMALSCUOOL ll of the Northwest. Strong proles oual and academic courses, and well or- anized Model School for Practical Train- gof teachers. Normal. Advanced ."sor al.BusineMulr and Art Departments eautllul and h.sl.hdil l.icatinn. Llghi tpense no saloons. The isormainas nioyed a steady growth during ine pasi ear. reaching at. .n. nllmenc of oyer 400, he larrest In Its history. New members ave Deen addpd to Ihe facuuv.ncw myy- tns supplied, and the course of study re tted ami Ktr.nir.h.nri The Siraa iac re in demand to fill srood positions. The ijoma entitles the holder 10 icacn -iu ounty In the state without fatlber exam inatlons. Tuition. Normal, $6.35 per term nl 10 weeka; Sub-Norrr.al, S.c.oo per lerrr w.eks: Business. b.2(. per term Board at Normal Ulnlng nail, lfi.75 per t. Dnnm. ffmm COC tXT WC" K Un r..,llh.dl tnsioo and Si.it furnished. Board and lodging in pnvi.c iai.niic.,J .t .1. T.tltlnn lfin,d 'ndifinir in I (HI oer urt.i , - r. and books less than $isoper year. C"n- servatiry of Music, inorougn Inre offered In vocal and insirumen'ai mu le. Tultlon,$io per lerm 01 Hiir PnoTonnAniEit. I have opened a ,tlrv In th Y. M. C. A. block. 2nd tM.t Alirnnv. and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage, yourself I will hike nil sizes and styles of photos as th hot months H yor good as the best and as cheap ns tne cnean est. I am no traveling photo here toduv and gone tomorrow, but hnv.i come with wile ana cnuureu iu wiinc n wmc i .' irlorioiis climate. I have conic to stay. Please cull nnd s nio and try my work. Very resywftfully youn, Kite of Toronto. Canada. New Gn.vis I! ate. -The Oregon Pacific n;Kvnv he mnde the exceptionally low rata n! ' ..hi iipr ton on wheat nnd oats to San r roncisco. ino coiupiiny is numiuuik by the fanners nnd have been led to make n; rodnrtinn in view of the extremely low Monmouth is easily accessible from all I price, now prevailing in hopes that it will irts of th State, twelve miles from the I j.lvance very soon. IJeiluction takes effa-t Sept ftn. NEVER BOTHER ..... -nnrh shout husiness during th hot mon'hs It voe wln 10 aerp nor r.iusi you get tnlo the habh of asking A MAN a 1. . . .n....h for 1.1m. w.ien vmi ran see verv plainly uia n- r.-.--.- roasted; but, instead, aJvlse mm 100 Parker Brothers and get tin k oods to be secured, as wen as warm weether gncer.s general!. , WHEN HE IS pur. Bv so doing you will surely -ciam ... friendship. vrnat kliall I Taker Why Simmons Liver Reg.ilator.of course. It can't be beat in anv atbick of Indigestion, biliousness, sic. headache or cns-lpallon. It gives qui: rellel. a..d II continued for .while will completely cure th:se .Hmems. -T-1 mmN in 11UU1U .IIU I"' " liierscKi.i.w . 11.. der foim. Tne powder is wonnc. ...... ...n...nlcnt for I he vest pocaci. n p."-" ... A..r nnd a swallow tt waier leavis no taste and worksjffectua'.ly To Farmkih. -Tne undur-igned have l..ed lh.i w.reiu.u.e of David S.oi.h-t Tallmao snd ' now prepared 11. s're . ; .11 i. iiirra iri requested 'n ell and them hef -re making arraniennte fnratora e'ewl.ere. ain Live ot many men remind us IV (. 1 t -i . . 1 1 ;: ' . ' ; ' 1 , , l . : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t . ) 1 1 MVATfl Cl OHIO. CITY OI- 1ULSDC, f ... Lucas Cooirrv. ,. .J. . . ,. enlor r"nu, , V, Toledo. County ll 1 h k o-o n 1 doini ana baslneas in i..ov.'i.r' -U 'wlll oV t. .roressia. ana in : . . . Artd'e.., p. CATII-IIF.I.L, rn.i or S , 1 n iKf Portland alalogutf cnceriuuy sen " i'r' v.. . 1REDD, See of Faculty. 5 Julius GradwoM's Bazaar -he ve latestnews is ttat you can buy at JULIUS 1 V aT5WOHI.'3 BAZA AR, for net cash, goods as follows: I rbuokle's Coflfce, Per Pound ' $1 00 bs. Granulated Sugar. j 00 its. Magnolia Sujar White... 2fJ No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 9Q Tans refilled, 8 gallons 110 5 Gallons Gojd Pickles.njarket firm ";y" .46 a Gallon no. x syrup. Dowx no tiik Rates. Tlie Inion Pa- ,.ifi now Ipad with reduced rates to eastern , nt ond t hair thrnuirh car arraniremenis. mnimihlWII r poiiinnei. ruiiiiii.i. UIIU i ,1 1 ... a Minora, rrpprpcuninircniiir cr iuiu time, make it the lot line to travel. Two trains le we from ronianu uany ai o:; h hi 1 T.'tA n n, ThA t-.ltoS nffl nOW witblh ttVIIU 1..,..... ... -- , . k r.i nil am .von-iiCMiv annum tiuii. uii- vantage ot tneintovisiiinc orm uuii ll,.ie frionds in Ilie easl. fN!nil iur r.u" and schedules of trains, and do not pur chase tu kots nntil nttcrconuuing Luran o Monteith, AlUiny, f. vt 11 urRi.nrnT. &.'! Uon'l Puss. Aiennt. U. I Portland, Or. .M.ryo. c'.rarrh ... a M Mfra tne nnd unMcribcd J.i my nMl. this 6th day ol December, A.u. uao. rm- I 8KAL. ( H'V..C..rTl!Cnr..kenle .a Sild by Druggists, 75c. A.W.0LFARON , ii"'i i i i.it,, . nllt md tiir-d js itra i r thn KM need s'lmulaliusl aid .fn-.il. nl lb - beat rr.md and atimu- , H id's Hail Kii"r la .in iViU T.vaflw. .nrl NnVS TOICTCl Bold by Oruavlsta or aent by mall. 2&0-, Wo, and $1.00 per package- Bamploa free. Vfafaa VIA The Favorite TOOTH KJWI11 JrU aUUforUielcetiiudSnsHo. Cssptaln Ssreeney, CJ4.A-.Ban Wetro,Cal -m. u,ioh'a nntArrh Ttemfwlr ta the flrst medicine 1 have ever found that would do mo bat good." A'rtcooucta. poiq oj ajrun. SHILOH'3 CURE; ' Tmt Great Co can Ctm pnmptly twret whereallotticrBfail. For Consumption It ba HO rival; baa cured thousands, and wlUcrma Ton, It tal-entntlme. aMosatcts.McUu.tl.Ct V1B0R MEN nwmh ireca. inc. wr ts.ttl Tnruly t cars' I xierlenee, C D Fndricks, ihe well Known pho tographer, 770 L.oadway, new i, says- "1 nave oc h - ous Plasters for J., seal s, and found them one of Ihe test ..I MPir . Briefly summing up my experience, I say k.t -ih.n nlaced . .. ;he small ol Ihe back Allcock's Plaster, nil me uouv win. ..:.. rous energy, and ihus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, deltli and kidney dlllicul- ies. For OTei. and cnunren a not oundlliem lnvaln.ole. They never Ir.l ate 'he skin or cau-e the slightert pal... but cure orethrot, toughs, colds, pain In Ihe side, back or chest, Indigestion and w el complaints." " "t-.- Eatilt. Qulcklr. Perraansntl) Restored. WEAKNtSS, IIERV3USKESS. DEBil ITY, and all t! e train cT .- !' from 1 nrly rrnnair nur c sci ah. I'm- rvhi.:.a or o.rr.iuia, ili ki.i worrv.clc. rulHtn. rMi, tlcTclKpiiieiit and li.it. slven loavery ortan mill R.-.tl-m f ! L.'ly. Ilnl'l". tlalnriilmellio.'S. Imvii1l:ii.liii.i-"rr .-! focn. F..1.I.T. Irr.pi.-ll.'e. 2.i. . I rrrirrnn-s. ll" k. bmlUil taualrdi fre.. ER n'EDlCAL C3. OUrFALO- n. ". .s .- -n' lean than regular price. ;il. .1' connnr-t a frtrlrt cash more, md all goo. will b -,ld for net eiwh frcm I Vv stock of Chinaware, faney Eocda, ana 1, i a-nersl as-rt.n.nt of groeerl-a, crord.. o.ffflas and ..and flxtnrea is ton.niMs. 1 mk3 a speois. Julia Urtwlwohl. I ' .,i.r. and always Dla my customer. la Tlarrlase a failure V.'na shall decide ! We have concliid .d kins? siri, that H i a success every time I with Simmons L.tver Keaulaior in mv 1 Kniii. I: nromo.es hirmonv and good .a, nr. hr .ireventiniT BST R.'ack of the I sort enemy ; Indigestion and dvspepsie. rhlch nOe dtco.d In the nrigntrsi nomc Vo. will find tl,. reoiiliioT a stood rere dv for biliouness and sick headache. lt ' is Ihe household friend. , 0RFR!CE bauing iPovder. afaOm The only Pare Crtam of Tartar Posrdcr. No Ammonia; No .Mam. itv? MJUicni of Homes 41 vw the Staruor FAUMEI.S. ATTKNTIOX ir.; VOL" ..AN 'A , WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART PlCW HARROW.DRIll SEEO ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind ol Farm Irnri'ement or Ve hicle, call onNir address, ; B. F. RAMP Oppctlti Post Oftr a itany.CH at .. . or tnnsrles. sronainie 1 11